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/gg/ - Godzilla General #fuckit All-Time Favorites Edition

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Thread replies: 107
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>Suit Design:
>Mecha/War machine:
>>Suit Design: Millenium
>>Era: Heisei
>>Movie: Destroy All Monsters
>>Fight: vs Orga
>>Kaiju: Gorosaurus
>>Mecha/War machine: Mechagodzilla 2
>>Comic: Rulers of Earth
>>Cartoon: the one with Zilla
>whatever's newest
>the one with the snazzy music (mechagodzilla)
>mechagodzilla learning against King Caesar
>Take a wild Guess
>the only one I read (with Charles Broccoli)
>Never watched one
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>> Suit Design
FinaroGoji / MireGoji

>> Era

>> Movie
Godzilla 2000 for personal favorite
GMK for quality (need to watch Shin again tho)

Any of the quick fights from Final Wars Godzilla vs Baragon in GMK
Godzilla vs Ghidorah (1991)
Anything in vs Mechagodzilla (1974)
Final fight in DAM

>> Kaiju
I can't pick a favorite. So many fucking good ones. Destoroyah, Gigan, Space Godzilla, to name a few.

>> Mecha
Mechagodzilla 1993 by far

>> Comic
Rulers of Earth and Legends Issue #1
(anything drawn by Matt Frank really)

Only ever watched Godzilla the Series, anyone know if I can buy the Hanna Barbara show on DVD or Bluray?
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>Suit Design:
Showa then millennium
Godzilla x Mechagodzilla
Godzilla and king Seasar vs Mechagodzilla
>Mecha/War machine:
Idk the manga Godzilla 1984

Anyone got any fan art of ann Patterson?
>Suit Design:
Kaiju Daisenso
Gojia tai Biorante
Kingu Gidora
>Mecha/War machine:
Showa Mekagojira
Never read any
Never watched any
showa has better day and melee fights, heisei has better night and beam fights, shinsei doesn't have an advantage on either
Final War's fights were good. They were just so commonly used in the whole film that they were diluted with everything else. I also thought The Kiryu movies had good fights. But yeah. Showa is still the best.
Beam fights get really fucking tedious after awhile

The last great Heisei fight was Biollante because they did some really cool stuff like have the vines be used. Mg2 and SpaceG had some cool combiner moments, but a lot of them are really fucked by the fact that the suits are so big and chunky that most of them are stuck to just flailing their arms around while they stand close to eachother

GMK, GXMG, and tokyo SOS had better fights
> Kiryu movies had good fights
Maybe Tokyo SOS, GxM had "Godzilla walks forward, Kiryu decides to hit him" not fights.
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>I'm a fan of Godzilla
>there are only 2 kinda, ones where he fights another monster and ones where he's alone

Anyone swear get annoyed when people try to fake like they know this shit?
When did Godzilla met Ultraman?
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lol I had to check if it was the Bullshit Godzilla on Ultraman or the Bullshit Ultraman that hung out with Godzilla

That's "Zone Fighter" from Ryusei Ningen Zone. He's a very original spaceman hero who kung fus monsters in a very original way. He's made by Toho so Godzilla monsters including the main man himself show up periodically.
Of course, it should be noted that the show got its plug pulled so hard that the staff didn't even have time to know it would even be pulled (thanks to an energy crisis).
Was there some engrossing plot in Zone that didn't get resolved? I've only watched a few of the Main Event Monster episodes raw ages ago so I really don't know.
Nah, the show ended after what was a regular episode. Imagine tuning in to find out that the show doesn't air anymore.
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>tfw you tune in a couple of weeks more just to make sure it wasn't a scheduling error
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>aha, my fave is the most recent one
>Oh, so what did you think of it? I'm a little biased, but I think it's great we have one in 2014
>Oh what? No, the most recent one was in 1994
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Who here watches these films looking for a legitimately good overall cinematic experience and who watches them simply for the monster action?
I do a little of both honestly. I mean, I have enough sense to avoid Showa era if I want a good movie, but I also love them for the dumb monster fights
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>I have enough sense to avoid Showa era if I want a good movie
But most of the best films are in the Showa Era, anon
You think so? I've always felt the Heisei movies were a little more impressive, at least from an aesthetic perspective. I've always liked the Heisei kaiju a little better, too
Cinematic experience.

I like the films with human stories that i can really get into that can compliment the monster side of things. The human stories tend to be the deciding factor on which I like more.

I also can appreciate a film like godzilla vs Mechagodzilla(1974), one that doesn't nessesarily have some deep human story, but is a well crafted and well paced action film
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Four of the best entries in the franchise are Showa films: Gojira (1954), Mothra vs Godzilla, Ghidrah, and Monster Zero. Godzilla vs Hedorah belongs somewhere in the Top Ten.

Five Heisei monsters (Mothra, MechaGodzilla, King Ghidorah, Baby Godzilla and Rodan) are lifted from the previous era and, with the exception of Baby Godzilla, were all handled and designed better there. Less said about SpaceGodzilla the better. So that leaves Battra, Destoroyah, and Biollante. Which were all great additions to the franchise.

The Heisei films have some the weakest human characters and drama in the franchise. And most of the battles are either 1) overweight beasts bumping into each other or 2) beam spamming.

I give the Heisei Era credit for music and poster art.
I feel that way too.

Heisei used to be my first and Showa used to be my third favorite era, but as I got older I appreciated films like Hondas and Fukuda's more, even the wierdest ones like sea monster and monster zero (not King Kong vs godzilla tho, def not) and films like destroyah fell really out of favor with me.

Now Showa is my favorite among the 3 main series and Heisei is my last
The Showa era was lit, moreso than Hesei. You can say Hesei is more enjoyable, but it will never, ever be as lit.
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>You can say Hesei is more enjoyable
I mean, it isn't, but if it is for someone, they still can't say it's as lit as the showa.
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How do we feel about him?
Sweet ride, went out with a bang.
What's with the shitfest down on the other Godzilla thread?
I thought /m/ liked Goji.
Cool idea, meh execution on part of the suit. I hated how the bulk of his fighting was just swinging his massive arms with immobile fingers.

One of the reasons G2K Is rather meh for me
I think he made a pretty cool enemy. Could've used a little more fleshing out in his backstory, and maybe ACTUALLY using his name in the movie would have been nice, but overall I think he was pretty unique and fun to watch.

>tfw they never mentioned Orga's name, so I spent five years calling him "Garooki" until the guy at the comics store corrected me
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Sounds like how Scooby fucking Doo would say "Godzuki".

Funny cause they were both done by Don Messick.
Pretty cool design, fun movie.

I blame that last scene with Orga trying to become one with Goji for implanting a vore fetish into my impressionable young brain.
Anyone ever read the G2K manga?

I've only seen scans of some of the differences but it looks better than the Film desu
Just took a peek at it, Goji looks like a character from You are Umasou
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Holy shit this looks intense
Are either of these good films? Not good for monster films. Good in general. And which is better?
They are great. Cinematically they are fantastic. They are good films, and they're a treat to watch.

Watch them.

The best godzilla/gamera films can be considered good films, I would call both those good films.

Shin I like more than 3, but I think gamera 1 and maybe 2 are better than shin
>meh execution on part of the suit
better than the cgi of the first form
>ayy lmao
Honestly I thought that cgi worked for that form because he's supposed to be some shapeless amorphous blob without form

Better than cgi godziller at least
Great concept, meh execution.
The idea that he can assimilate monster dna into his being has great story telling potemtial, if only they'd do something with it.
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> Gamera II better than Shin Godzilla
Gonna have to disagree pretty strongly there. I found Advent of Legion to be the weakest of the Heisei Gamera Trilogy. It by far had the least compelling story and human characters. On the other hand, Shin Godzilla has a great cast and interesting story.
Better than what it turned into tbqh.
>Can't decide here
>Tie between Shin & Mechagodzilla (74)
>MechaG vs. Godzilla in the refinery
>Mechagodzilla (74) and, you know, Godzilla himself
>Hundred Year War
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With the submission of two more positive reviews from top critics, Shin Godzilla will be certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.
>Suit Design

Don't have a favorite


Godzilla vs Kiryu


>Mecha/War machine

Don't really like Godzilla comics

Same, probably will be next year's anime project
I agree with these. More could be done with him, and his design with those exaggerated proportions would work better without the limitations of suitmation. As it is, he's one of the more forgettable monsters in the franchise.
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>Godzilla? Godzilla! Why is he running, Dad?
>Because we have to chase him.
>He didn't do anything wrong.
>Because he's the hero Tokyo deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A King of Monsters.
>Suit Design:
90s Heisei in general
Can't decide
Can't decide
>Mecha/War machine:
Showa Mechagodzilla
Haven't read them, only checked out a few random ones.
I have a fondness for the HB one, though it's a shit cartoon. The 98 is miles better but I never cared for it that much.
Anyone know a seeded torrent of the Mothra trilogy subbed? Best I have found is the dubbed version or dead seeds.
>Suit Design: vs Destoroyah
>Era: vs series
>Movie: 85
>Fight: Mechagodzilla and Rodan
>Kaiju: The big man himself
>Mecha/War machine: Kiryu
>Comic: Not read
>Cartoon: Only one I have seen is one Zilla cartoon as a kid, might actually rematch some episodes
>A movie focusing on why he he's called the King of the Monsters after he's battered, but victorious against King Ghidorahmaybe.
Might be cool.
>Godzilla: King of Monsters, Pacific Rim: Uprising
now nobody has to click
I'm actually more intrigued by the background of the films, the work and ideas that went into (or got left out of) them. Also the history of the franchise and genre in general. That's why I got into it in the first place.

I'm not a big movie watcher anyway and honestly there weren't many Godzilla films I legit enjoyed, so if I "rewatch" them, I usually just skip to the monster stuff. But I love learning things about even the shittiest entries.
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> Godzilla: King of Monsters
Of all the things it could have be named... Why not an original title?
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Idc what they call it just so long as we get a Mechagodzilla and Anguirus out of one of the sequels
The fuck is that mechagoji with the wings?
It's the Mechagodzilla from the painted Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla II poster that looked nothing like the final film's version.
I enjoy Gvs Monster Zero as a saucerman movie just as much as a monster wrassle movie.
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Hesei is incredibly boring and usually directionless in terms of its plot.
I guess people like them because they're the "dark" series of Godzilla movies.
>Hesei is incredibly boring and usually directionless in terms of its plot.
Agree. Even though it has my favorite design for Godzilla and some neat themes, I don't care much for Heisei. The continuity adds very little especially with how underdeveloped most of the recurring humans are, I hate the whole psychic element, the effects are often subpar compared to films made 30 years before, it's all just too half-baked for me. Like, it's almost good, but it isn't.
That's the Proto Heisei Mecha Godzilla used in the poster. Originally, it was supposed to be composed of multiple vehicles, but it prove to be too costly for them produce and rig. That concept was used for Mogera in Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla, when it's a 2 part mech.
>guess people like them because they're the "dark" series of Godzilla movies.

are they really the "dark and serious" movies? I bought that for 84 and Biollante, but the next movie had time travel (far more out there than the "goofy" Showa films) and they threw that all out the window with Mothra. Even destroyah isn't dark, they touch on the end of the world thing for a bit but it gets lost in the dull human parts, probably the dullest human story in the series
Someone post a gif of Gorosaurus' signature move, or the tailslide kick from vs Megalon
Still less out there than time travel
Are there any decent torrents of Shin Godzilla floating around yet? All the ones i've found have like 20 mins of footage missing
The cam that popped up here wasn't too bad
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>Suit Design:
Godzilla vs Biollante


Godzilla (1954)

Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla (1974)


>Mecha/War machine:
Mechagodzilla (1974)

Godzilla in Hell (issue #1)

Whens Shin Godzilla BDs?
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who else FUCKING LOVES 84's soundtrack

>mfw Super X appears on screen
Shin Godzilla rip out yet?
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>Suit Design:
Maguma vs VTOL
>Mecha/War machine:
I dunno man, maybe I just like the Heisei kaiju too much, but I just really enjoyed 'em. Sure, they lack the goofy, light-hearted nature of the Showa era. But I still think they did a better job of making a giant pteranodon out of Rodan, MechaG 2 was an awesome mech, and the original kaiju were pretty creative, or in Spacegodzilla's case, at least pretty interesting in terms of what they present to Godzilla as a challenge.

Also love the JSDF theme
So I decided to watch some kaiju films. Until now, I have watched: The fist Godzilla movie, Raids Again and Mothra vs Godzilla.

I'm thinking in watch Mothra and Ghidorah movie, but couldn't find any good link for download. All the torrents that I found had one or any seed.

Could you guys give me some help, where did you get it?
Search "Godzilla Collection" on piratebay and you can get a couple there with a lot of seeders.

Thing is it's english dubs. I wish I could find these movies in nipponese with subs.
>tfw no one seeding biollante

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How did it feel watching Zilla for the first time?
>the one with Matthew Broderick
Pretty good m8, I was a snotty kid and that was my first Godzilla movie.
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>Suit Design: Shin
>Era: Showa
>Movie: Biollante
>Fight: Gidrah the Three Headed Monster climax
>Kaiju: Anguirus
>Mecha/War machine: Jet Jaguar
>Comic: Half Century War
>Cartoon: Shin-Chan
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>Suit Design: Daisenso(65/66)Goji
>Era: Showa
>Movie: Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah
>Fight: King Ghidorah vs. et al. (Destroy All Monsters)
>Kaiju: Gorosaurus
>Mecha/War machine: Kiryu
>Comic: Dark Horse Color Special
>Cartoon: Godzilla: The Series
Just watch it on kissasian, unless you're autistic about streaming like /a/.
I was 8 so I literally thought it was the best move ever.
>Just watch it on kissasian
KissAsian is still down, like KissAnime and KissCartoon, but it'll be back up soon-ish(ReadComicOnline already is, and KissAnime will be back under a new domain name)
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>Suit Design: '54
>Era: Showa
>Movie: '54
>Fight: Godzilla against MechaG2 and Titanosaurus
>Kaiju: Anguirus
>Mecha/War machine: Mecha-Ghidorah
>Comic: N/A
>Cartoon: Gojiland
>Four of the best entries in the franchise are Showa films: Gojira (1954), Mothra vs Godzilla, Ghidrah, and Monster Zero. Godzilla vs Hedorah belongs somewhere in the Top Ten.
Sounds more like your opinion m8.

Granted I can see the first, and Mothra vs godzilla, and I like monster zero, and don't care much for the Heisei series as a whole, particularly Mothra and destroyah

Muh nigga
So nobody's got links to anything subbed? Damn.
Seconding this. I can't imagine people are watching the dubs if they have a choice.

file name
I wasn't too keen on it, even when I was younger. I remember thinking it must have been a rip-off or something, because even though I was around for its release I had never heard of it.

I was pretty disappointed with the Zilla design overall, it just didn't feel as iconic as the original.
This. Only thing that rally irked me as a kid was that they killed him with missiles. Even as a a kid I thought that was wrong. Also pretty much every film I had seen before it was a 'savior of the earth' film so I was disappointed he was the villain, something I have 180ed on since then and now think Godzilla should always be an antagonist unless Ghidorah is about.
The Hanna Barbara was on dvd in volumes.
Here's a link to volume one on Amazon.
Only covered Season 1.
Same bro. Though I would still rank Heisei above Millennium. The path to Showa enlightenment was a long one.
>Godzilla X Mechagodzilla
>Tie: Gojira, vs. Mechagodziilla, vs. Hedorah, Destroy All Monsters, GMK
>Godzilla and Anguirus vs. Gigan and King Ghidorah or Godzilla and King Caesar vs. Mechagodzilla
>Honestly can't say
>Jet Jaguar
>Dark Horse run
>The Series
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