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>How to get into KR and where to start?
>List of subbed series:
>Download Links
>ETC Links

>Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Preview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfFZrcV0NP0 [Embed]
>Ghost Episode 49 Preview
The Bugsters took it!

>Kamen Rider Ex-Aid in TGS! Kamen Rider stream (2:10pm~2:50pm JST)

All this wizards spoilers actually want me to finish wizard as soon as possible so i don't have to suffer anymore.
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Good call, OP. I approve.
I think it's worth finishing. It still has cool fights and Beast is still fun.
>Ghost Episode 49 Preview
why was the original one taken down
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Well Wizard is only good for Beast and cool fight scenes
so it's just the suit and not Emu right?

are we gonna see Level 1 too?
So Takeru will kill the giant Evangelion angel and everything will be hunky dory. Good to know and good riddance.
>First time I've watched Ghost since I dropped it at episode 25
>It's all for GENM

I'm ready for the bugsters to take over.
The old one wasn't the original. That's a subbed version that I don't normally use since those tend to b prone the takedowns. I normally just post LunaticC40's previews for the OP.
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My sports are shakariking on their own.
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Threadly dose!

No, I'll get sick.
Ex-Aid's fight scenes are gonna be so good with the same main director on board.
I for one want a kamen rider with a normal family mom, dad, sister, brother , aunts and uncles that know he is a kamen rider.

All this dead parents/no family is getting a tad old.
No. Kamen Riders are made to suffer.
But families that aren't dead can't carry their wishes to the future generation. Well, at least not in Japan.

What does Shakariki translate to anyway? Is it just Extreme Sports?


Lies and slander made by competitors.
But that isn't Kamen Rider thematically.
Still better than No Man's Sky

That's a common setup in any heroic narrative, not just Rider series. It's like asking why don't they write a story where Batman's parents are alive.

BUT what if they died half way through, or one at a time?
Then what? More family drama?
> It's like asking why don't they write a story where Batman's parents are alive.

But that actually happened
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>The story of Wizard is just another "man conducts strange elaborate ritual to revive his daughter" plot
That's how it was for Terui at least.

Even then he neglects the very vision of his daughter.


Nah, he became a rider after that. He still fits the mold.
... What? They died before he became Accel, HE appeared halfway.
It's late sorry. My mind's a bit wonky.
OOO's parents were alive, weren't they?
Yep. Tho i don't actually remember the mom being ever mentioned.
Yeah but they didn't care for him and he didn't care in return, basically they were dead.
Wait what, GENM will appear in the new Ghost episode?
Fucking why?
Shinji Kido?
To fuck around with Specter and Necrom for shits and giggles.

I'm only watching this for Genm rolling up on a fucking bicycle like he owns the place and schooling some fools.
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>tfw riders don't debut in their predecessor movie anymore
It was fun, what happened
Same reason Ghost is in Drive.
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>have always wanted a Rider that fuses with his bike to achieve new forms
>finally happens
>with a fucking bicycle

>Houdini Specter
A neon green and purple BMX bike at that.
>with a fucking car

Houdini Specter beat him to it.
But Ex-Aid did debut in his predecessor movie. He appears in the Ghost movie.
Happened last year too, and the year before that but with a car.
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Is the movie subbed yet?
totally forgot about Houdini, that was some nice shit
and it was used a lot of... 3 times?
Check again 6 months later.
It only came out in theaters 5 weeks ago, bro.
Yeah but GENM isn't even the main character
What makes you think this year will be any different?
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3 episodes by Specter, 1 by Ghost.

Like twice by Specter and once by Boost.

Of course, the form/equip mechanic is, as always, dropped as soon as all of the Riders gain their final forms. It probably won't be much different for Ex-Aid.

>They thought Houdini wasn't important enough to capitalize
>Dai kaigan and omega drive were
Bravo, TVN

Specter was too busy risking his life for no reason to actually use his cool powers. Nobunaga and Houdini are the best eyecons.

His dad was an asshole who used his son's PTSD for political sympathy points, and his mom is never mentioned.

They might as well be dead.

What is it with Riders having asshole dads and missing/dead moms?
Alright I'll check again in 6 months.
Same reason they have dead parents
How'd you guys feel about the two episode crossover thing Wizard has at it's end? Feels so unneeded IMO, probably only saved because it had a sneak peak of Gaim.
Pretty sure their lousy font's capital H just looks lowercase. I remember being confused about that when I saw some shitty TVN clip in the past.
>They might as well be dead
So... basically like the parents of every adult.
that's quite some nitpicking. literally who cares if anything is capitalized.
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Unnecessary, yes, but it was a fun bonus thing to watch.
>preview of gaim
>saved the crossover
>not top-tier decade
wot m8? u madd.
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fuck off takenoko
>It just seems like they're trying to be edgy and shocking for its own sake
Remember Takenoko's justification for putting in gratuitous cursing in subs?

I love it, does a good job of showing off a lot of Riders and I love any excuse to bring back Decade.
>saying this while o-t has been adding "fuck" to scripts since OOO
Top Kek

Remember how neither Japanese nor English are takenoko's first language and nothing he says regarding either should be taken seriously?
>takenoko plays Kingdom of Loathing

Fuck me. I haven't touched that game since high school like 8 years ago.
Thank God I'm not an EOP who needs fansubbers, then. :^)

Don't worry Takenoko, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy.
I've only ever seen them use "fuck" once in their entire time subbing since W-Time, and that was in OOO when Ankh was legitimately furious.

TV-N, on the other hand, slips in that kind of shit into every episode and try to handwave it with "MUH MATURE JAPANESE CHILDREN'S SHOW"
>Just a couple more hours until GENM saves us from Ghost

Praise be upon him.
I dont know about T-N, dude, but i watch O-T and they cuss all the time.
the edgelord will be the one who sets us free
I basically watch TV-N all the time and I can't remember any cussing other than "damn" and "bastard", both of which, from my understanding of japanese, are properly used there.
I'm guessing you grew up in a southern household then. The worst I see in most of their subs is "Hell." Amazons and Garo are a bit of a different circumstance.
but that's not sniper
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I'm actually kinda interested in seeing how that 16-on-1 fight is going to go down.
>I basically watch TV-N all the time
No you don't.

They themselves have acknowledged their abundance in swearing.

Who keeps making these Shitty OP?
I'd rather have Fedora or Nihon make them then this shit
They said "fuck" during Fourze as well. Youve clearly just got so used to "shit" etc being in the subs that youve probably forgotten that the original text had been written for 8ish year olds.
Like fuck I don't. I've been watching them since Den-O. If something is wrong, it's my memory.
>Rider is aimed at teens
Yeah, teenagers in japan sure have the time to watch Kamen Rider at 8 AM with their mothers in their Ex-Aid tighty-whities
who fucking cares?
>in their Ex-Aid tighty-whities
Those lucky kids, I wish I had Kamen Rider underwear.
Well even if that's wrong, can we agree that battride war is aimed at teens? All this fucking kanji and no furigana, god damn.
>I've been watching them since Den-O
Why the fuck would you do that to yourself? Especially given the fucking awful translation Den-O offered, it'd be a horrible first impression.
Its the shit-non, the one thats not nihon, bitching about it. He even bitches to nihon, worse yet, he wants to control the board as his own blogspace.

I liked Den-O back in the day, but looking back now, I don't know how I managed to stand it considering the subs are so wrong.

Banana fucking new shoe.
All I can do is shrug to that. It's not like I knew any better. I'm learning japanese now so I find myself needing subs less and less, other than the technical conversations.
Jesus, you mustve been that kid that gave other kids shit about not choosing chocolate ice cream.
Hey, some people like vanilla, some people like strawberry.
>inb4 taste/opinion concept goes over his head and he mentions "shit flavored ice cream"
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What's the Rider version of these characters?
Dude, ignore that one dummy. He probably not only doesnt know the difference between translation and localization, but actually thinks localization is an insult.
Do you, watch the subs with a higher chance of teaching you a little japanese.
There's a matter of preference, sure, but "shit-flavored ice cream" does sound kind of irhgt when we're talking old TV-N. They encode via Takenoko's laptop and even that's done terribly, to the point pretty much every show before OOO they've done has terribly washed out colors, corrupts itself, and is generally ugly as fuck. Takenoko is near deaf, mishears words constantly, doesn't have Japanese or English as a first language, and doesn't use captions when he translates. There is pretty much no reason to watch a TV-N subbed version of a show unless your only other options are Cruel Angel or Order of Zeronos.

If you somehow have to protest that point, then all you're doing is proving you probably actually are Takenoko.
I watch the subs because I'm a huge tokufag and can't wait to finish learning japanese to watch more.
You had a decent argument up until you threw the ad hominem about ANYONE WHO DISAGREES IS TAKENOKO. Please try again.
>You're right but you hurt my feelings so it doesn't count
Yeah, i'm not reading all that. Theres been people intolerant of other peoples' taste for a while, so i get the jist of the bullshit in there.
I watch overtime, but i don't bitch at people who don't.
Joseph = Den-O Except instead of getting older he gets younger.
No, I was commenting on your argument style. I'm actually outside this conversation. Don't go to the trouble of answering legimitately and then discrediting yourself with ad hominem. One or the other, my friend.
Good for you, dude.
>It's just taste bro! They just like different translations!
>Who cares if the dialogue is flat out wrong
>Who cares if Takenoko thinks he hears "Aku" they must be talking about devils, and has only been right about that ONCE
>Who cares the video quality looks like ass and they still haven't figured out genuine 720p yet
>Who cares if the actual group is full of self-fellating faggots who hardsub because Takenoko is paranoid their subs will get "stolen"
>Who cares that this is hypocritical because they've stolen translations from Icepath
>Who cares that Takenoko's one effort to try and move on from being a low-grade Commie was pretty much completely hidden and as a result he had no encouragement to continue
>Who cares TV-N's had a history of bullying other, smaller subgroups for attempting to translate shows, including W-Time at one point
>Who cares that they take years to translate shows
>Who cares that they make constant errors when they have 20+ QA constantly
>Who cares Takenoko is a blatant liar
>It's all just PREFERENCES bro! If you don't like TV-N, you probably just don't know the difference between translation and localization!
>all dat butthurt
>all dat butthurt wall of text
Saying "butthurt" doesn't change the truth, anon-chan-tachi
>wah! you aren't allowed to like things I don't like! wah!
Can anyone with BW3 confirm or deny the existance of minute long loading screens that were in BW1 and 2?
>who hardsub because Takenoko is paranoid their subs will get "stolen"
I thought they did hardsubs because of the "kewl effects"
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I loved it. As much as I actually really like Ghost, even I gotta admit that they've dragged the endgame like fuck. Honestly, if I had my way I'd have made this month into one big 45th anniversary bonanza arc closing off Ghost and bringing in the guys from Ex-Aid. It'd of course bring the Rider Eyecons back, adding in Ex-Aid's Eyecon this time, instead of randomly wasting those faggots from the net movies.

And of course this fucker would be standing outside the studio doors so I'd bring Decade back and have him use the Rider Cards from W to Drive that we have sounds for now, which would make some good poetry alongside the Gokaigers using new Ranger Keys for Zyuohger's 40th special. I guess I know how /ssg/ felt six months ago.
I have it on PS4. Longest one I had was around 25 seconds, which is long, but short compared to 1 and 2.

No clue whatsoever as to what it's like on Vita or PS3.
>>Who cares if Takenoko thinks he hears "Aku" they must be talking about devils, and has only been right about that ONCE
Explain this one.
Glad to see you taking turns to try and invalidate my argument with nothing of actual substance.

You can actually do special effects in softsub. Nothing spectacular, but TV-N's aren't anything difficult.

Kamen Rider W's infamous "Devil Dino Three." This was one of those situations (of very many) where any other translator would've tried to hear something else, especially the real localization-heavy ones like Heat and Magenta. Takenoko had it figured out that it basically meant "Would you ride with the devil with me?" or something along those lines, whereas HeatMetal avoided it for the longest time until he finally went with "Will you ride to hell with me?"

Most other times, due to not using captions, he fucks up and you get that Gaim scene. The lack of caption usage, by the way, is what fucked up Blade's TV-N translation for the first half of the show.
I think he's talking about a typo in their PV for W that never made it over to any actual episode.
>Kamen Rider W's infamous "Devil Dino Three."

You mean the thing from one of the previews at the end of a Decade episode?
Oh goodie. My main problem is that the long ass load times are for the main menu. Like the fuck are you loading? As a game developer myself, I can't fathom just what takes so long to load given the nature of those graphics on the menus in BW1 and 2.
It was actually in both the promo in both the TN and NTN versions, and the beginning of W.

Yep, it's what Phillip says to Shotaro before they first transform.
go2bed, heat. your hateboner will still be there in the morning.
>tfw krdl is back

Looks like it's last orders, lads. I guess it's time for me to cave in and take the last stuff from the 2000s that TVN did now.
Nope. It was PV.
I like how you've yet to disprove anything I've pointed out and just keep going "muh Heat!" even though Heat's a fucking moron too who can't tell the difference between Mansion/Manshon.
No, no, I mean Phillip does say the line in the show. It was just properly translated then, the "Devil Dino Three" was just in the PV.
lol, trying to convince people that subjective bs is objective bs is too retarded to "disprove". Hahaha.
What's subjective about being unable to actually do true 720p? What's subjective about not using captions to translate for shows where people slur and fuck up their words constantly? What's subjective about them literally stealing translations? What's subjective about them having only finished their Kamen Rider Agito subs YEARS after starting before GomenRider, who finished long before them? What's subjective about washed out, low-saturation encodes? What's subjective about hiding your non-flashy subs that attempt to fully translate instead of leaving random Japanese everywhere?

Seems like you're just as bad at reading English as you are at reading Japanese, Take-kun.
I really liked it. Almost all Riders got lines, unlike in the movies, and they all got some decent to good action, in addition to all the Decade stuff in the 2nd episode.

Really, I don't know why they don't do it more often. It's better than just teasing the next Rider by themselves.
Dude, i told you before i'm not gonna read your wall of propaganda text. An anon said he likes tv-n, and that's what you've been attacking, so don't pretend otherwise because you added strawmen to your list.
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>le propaganda

Truth hurts.
Is the GENM episode out yet?
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Okay, if TV-N is fine then you can justify this.
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I think they do it a lot to give kids who lost their parents/never had parents someone to look up to
>keeps saying 'truth'
>doesn't realize 'truth' is subjective
>doesn't realize the word he's too stupid to use is 'fact'
it's like you want us to know you're full of shit
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Can you post banana new shoe?

Personally I'm more amused by that than anything. I like watching HK subs though.
>What's subjective about being unable to actually do true 720p?
That's probably the most unforgivable.
I'm not that guy, as it turns out others know TVN is full of bullshit too.
I'm not defending T-N, i don't wach it. I'm defending an anon and his freedom of choice, freedom of opinion. Fuck this thought policing bullshit.
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He's not me, friend.
C'mon, justify these fonts. This ain't propaganda, this ain't made up. This is the actual fucking font in their hard-subbed video they chose to use. If they at least used soft-subs, I could ignore it and just change it. But I can't, because Takenoko doesn't like the idea of soft-subs.
Also to avoid dumb shit like
>being a hero is dangerous, you must quit it
>no but
Then you're claiming you just borrowed his buzzword? Ok, that's fine then.
The only thought-policing done here was the guy who tried to insult and belittle someone for pointing out that TV-N's a fucking mess. I can't stop you from using them, but I can point out why you're not gonna really understand what the fuck's going on in it.

>"Truth' is a buzzword
Now THIS is thought policing.
>a buzzword

Fuck off back to Tumblr if you don't want to be oppressed by evil facts then.
Aesthetics is pretty much #1 on the subjective shit list. It's like saying only the paintings you like are good.
>fedora double posting with his phone again
>Jonathan = Black RX
both fight using the power of the sun more or less
>Joseph = Kabuto
relies more on his cunning and inteligence
>Jotaro = Ichigo
they punch really hard and are both the flagships of their series
>Josuke = Gentaro
they're both highschool delinquents with shitty hair
>Giorno = Kiva
vampires i guess
>Jolyne = fuck i dunno, anyfemale rider
>Johnny = are there any wheelchair bound Rider?
>Jo2uke = Agito
Amnesia is a really overused main character trait
It'd be subjective if, again, you could just change the fonts like you can in with any softsub's .ass file. The issue is, they hardsub it and make it nearly unreadable.

Then there's the blatant misinformation they use.
>Devil Dino 3
Jonathan- Eiji
Joseph- Shotaro
Jotaro- Tendou
Josuke- Gentarou (obviously)
Giorno- Haruto
Jolynn- Next Years Rider
Johnny- Shinji
Jojolion- Kenzaki
>Takenoko samefagging from the Philippines again
It's really like I'm back in 2010!
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>Doesn't like TVN anymore
>There Den-O subs was still my first rider
Now I feel conflicted...
>tfw Takenoko got it right
I don't watch T-N, i said it a dozen times already. These strawman bullshits are getting too obvious.
If you need an excuse to say stuff you wanna say, just say it, stop continuously linking it to my posts.
Don't disguise your blog posts as some kinda conversation.

Did anyone explain what this fucking means yet?
You don't need to watch them unless you literally have no other option, which is usually just circumstances like OoZ/Cruel Angel/Pikamaster being the only other translations available.

>Blog posts
I'm just posting their errors, man. How is this a strawman, though? I'm literally just posting excerpts from their subs, some of them even being in their v2s-v3s.
fuck off fedora, stop trying to divert attention to yourself
Because you've been shoehorning that bullshit in a completely different psuedo-related conversation. The other guy likes T-V, I just think everyone is free to choice and decide what they like for themsleves. Changing to subject to video-resolution etc makes little sense when that's never been what I've been talking about.
At the time it was during Den-O airing so times were different.

>been mumbling this to myself for the past two days
I tried to look it up, no luck.
>I use TV-N
>Why would you use TV-N? They're awful
>Shut up dummy they're just fine it's all up to preference
>Actually there's a lot wrong with them, translation quality, god-awful video quality, shitty group in general, etc.
>Stop strawmanning me- Takenoko!

Again, if you're not defending TV-N, then why do you keep responding? I'm just posting highlights of TV-N's various fuck-ups by this point, if you still wanna use them I can't stop you. But I sure as shit will remind you of how badly they fuck up most of the time. If I were really trying to stop his choices, I'd somehow be physically stopping him from watching TV-N. I'm just as much allowed to shittalk them as you are allowed to defend them.
I'm just gonna say i hate that police national security guy from wizard and I hope he dies.
He looks and acts like an utter cunt.
I hope you haven't watched Agito then
>they've stolen translations from Icepath
>bullying other, smaller subgroups for attempting to translate shows, including W-Time at one point

Has there ever been definitive proof of this in particular?
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You mean Kizaki aka Long off Gekiranger? He gets better. Then he gets rekt but survives. And if he's you idea of an utter cunt then I'll guess you haven't seen Drive.
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Yeah, that dude's great at playing pricks.
Icepath bitched about it on his blog that their translation for some song, might've been in Ryuki, was his and they never contacted nor credited him.

In their defense, they've worked with him since.

As for the bullying smaller groups, I think it was Heat who mentioned on /m/ getting some threat from Takenoko. Also, quite a few of their projects that aren't recent shows used to crop up around the same time other groups were just beginning theirs. The usual subninja bullshit. They've chilled out on this, but I wouldn't be shocked if it's been tried again within the past year or so, given Takenoko has nothing else to do.

SHT starts at 6pm EST (7am Japan time) if I remember right, and the episodes aren't on Dailymotion until about an hour later.
Fuck you for making me remember him.
I could say the same to you. You've been replying to me since you replied to my post to another anon. Initially, I wasn't even talking to you, but you segwayed your propaganda into two other people's conversation.
>inb4 he continues to pretend I watch tv-n (yet again) because he just cares about the propaganda
I like Nira, he was an asshole but damn if he wasn't fun. I was rooting for him to be good honestly.
I'm the anon that uses TV-Nihon religiously, not that guy. Both of you need to shut up and quit shitting up the thread.

I've never actually seen subninja-ing happen first hand. Can someone describe it a bit?
It's actually just a joke. Subninjas aren't real.
Most recent example of it happened either earlier this year, or very late last year.

NDA started resubbing Blade. They got to episode 7, then disappeared. Turn-Up Scrubs decided to scrub Blade as it hadn't been worked on for over a year at this point IIRC. They got to around episode 4 or 5, then out of nowhere, NDA came back and released up to episode 10 in one day. Turn-Up stopped after that as it looked like NDA were back, but then NDA dropped off the face of the earth again.

Thankfully, Turn-Up came back a month or two later and finished scrubbing Blade.
>Propaganda is information, especially of a biased nature, used to promote or publicise a particular political cause or point of view.

What's biased about literally just showing their translations?

One last one, then, mainly because this one makes me chuckle.

Most recent example was NDA, the guy who was doing his own translation of Blade. Originally he stopped at about episode like, 7. Just before a really big error TV-N made that made the plot of the show all fucked up. Turn-Up appears, does up to episode 10, then suddenly NDA appears with translations of episodes 8-10 and Turn-Up quits for a bit, thinking NDA's finally back. NDA never returns.

Basically, NDA is a scumbag. Turn-Up came back at least, so now we have 60 FPS, high quality videos of Blade for the entire show. I think he still needs to do Missing Ace, though.
Missing Ace got done

Oh shit, thanks.

Missing Ace is done.

All that needs to happen now is a batch.
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Is there no limit to Kuuga's upgrades?
Fuck off.
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Turn-Up got sub-ninja'd twice, actually.

Given the lack of activity from him at all in the past year or so, I think we can say it's not happening.
>Super Imaginative Chogokin Masked Rider Kuuga Super Rising Ultimate
>Big Nova and G.O.D.

Oh that guy who released one episode on Christmas Day than dropped off the face of the Earth and literally who. Here's hoping the current project is the one, they've scrubbed up to episode 10 iirc
The current project isn't a scrub, it's an actual attempt to translate the show, but they started from episode 7 or 8.
>What's biased about literally just showing their translations?
The walls of text. You know, it's actually rare for people to misuse both "literally" and "just" in the same sentence.
Didn't someone clean-up the first six episodes that Order of Zeronos did though?
They're screenshots of the translations. I'm not editing them or altering them. Am I not allowed to post a picture and comment at the same time? Hell, I didn't know four sentences was a "wall of text."
They might have, I have no idea.
>shakatto rikitto
Its basically:
>buddha-tto (-to could mean sword)
>power-tto (-to could " " )
Shakariki literally means buddha-power, but is actually used as something like "struggling through".
Theres a bicycle racing movie called shakariki.
>Am I not allowed
You dumb fuck. You just said you "literally" didn't do anything but "just" post their subs. Your dumbass was the one saying you didn't write bias bullshit.
Dude, just post to the group, this new backpedalling thing you're doing now is worse than the stuff you were doing before.
You're the one who keeps trying to argue about "propaganda" when the images I'm posting are literally just screenshots from the subs. Disprove me on that. Prove they are not screenshots, and then maybe you have a point about them being "propaganda."

God, with retards like you actually defending TV-N I think we might finally be getting an Eternal September.
Thats all you, dumb-fuck. Opinions aren't a zero sum game. Calling some faggot out for using decade old propaganda doesn't equate defending shit.
You're literally having a bitch fit over me posting screenshots of TV-N's godawful subs as though it's somehow a personal offense to you. You might as well be defending it. And quit using "Propaganda," you've already successfully made it into a buzzword.
You're a moron. Your existence and failure to present your opinions in a non-cunt way actually hurts your viewpoint. Go ahead and have the last word, i'm sure it'll be filled with failed bait dependant on the erroneously idea that I like TV-N (which youve kept doing even after I called you out on it a long time ago; predictably so)
Nice backtracking. Good job giving up on spamming that buzzword though. I'm certain no one in later threads will be able to point you out now just by your faggoty writing style.
Oh thats pretty cool, it's been stuck in my head since I first saw the video.

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HvS Joker Henshin.webm
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Amazons Fatality.webm
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Fire Upper.webm
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>Nothing posted for over twenty minutes until this post

You could just post webms. You don't need to make it out like you're doing some grand gesture for the thread.
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1MB, 640x360px
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Titan Form.webm
3MB, 624x364px

Well shit I actually didn't see the timestamp, I just stepped out to grab some groceries and came back to see that stupid fucking argument up to the end of the thread.

Well I'm still dumping webms, feel free to contribute.
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3MB, 852x480px
Well if he's posting webms, so am I.
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Mahha activates his Stand.webm
3MB, 604x340px
Who is the secondary in Kamen Rider Amazonz?
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Type Special Rider Punch.webm
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kek date please
>Jo2uke not Shouichi-kun

Haruka is ostensibly the main character, so I guess it would be Jin.
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The perks of P2W.webm
2MB, 640x480px
Doras is the best
Haruka. Jin is the one saving humanity so I'm guessing that makes the main rider.
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Birth Henshin.webm
3MB, 640x360px

Sorry, no Date. Have some Birth though.
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3MB, 702x452px

ZO just has fucking fantastic design in general.
Ah... I was just laughing at Date's OOO sound interpretation.
I'll take the Happy Birthday tho, that scene and music were on point
Its a joke about Kenzaki's dick shoot.

But Jin's arguably the main antagonist/protagonist depending on who you think is right

I've been having a hankering to rewatch a couple series recently. OOO is one of them, even though I've seen it like three times over already.

Yeah I was debating that as I was writing it. I consider Jin to be closer to the traditional Rider character archetype, even though he's kind of culpable for the whole shitstorm he finds himself in, rather than it entirely being the fault of the Nozama company.
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Rider 1 kicking ass.webm
3MB, 720x480px
> Depending who you think is right
>Haruka - possible human extinction
>Jin - world stay the way it is with its goods and bads
Uhhh...is not really matter of who you "think" is right, one is wrong the other isn't.
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Jin is kind of insane though, but he's the only one with his priorities straight, so I rooted for him all the way through.

I understand why Haruka ultimately sides with the Amazons rather than with humanity, but really runs so counter to themes you find in every other Rider series that it's a little jarring to make him the main character.

Not really. This is more or less Amazing Ultimate. Agito on the other hand, infinite evolution.


>Fucks are in the negative

Sieg is best Imagin.
>tfw GENM isn't dark Ex-aid
Full autist: Jin, since he doesn't have as many toys as Haruka

But seriously, it'd probably be Sigma. Jin and Haruka both share a protagonistic role.
I can try throwing a batch together but mega speeds are terrible so downloading will take a while.
damn ZOs actor was pretty cute
Who's this?
>them slaps
>that preposterously pompous and proper posture
That's fucking amazing.
We need a Rider/form whose finisher is just slaps.
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Black RX Henshin.webm
3MB, 640x480px

I think Ragnarock had promised V2 versions with typos fixed but that ain't happening anytime soon.
>Kamen Rider Epilepsy

Sagittarius vs. Advent Form Den-O
I want Nurse-chan to treat my penis with her mouth.

No fucking shit. He's Proto-Ex-Aid.
Den-O Wing form
File: We saved the world.webm (1MB, 720x404px) Image search: [Google]
We saved the world.webm
1MB, 720x404px
You mean wing form.

I did indeed. Whoops.

I also was trying to find another webm for it and realized I don't have hardly any Den-O webms saved. Help an anon out?
Sigma was pretty cool imo
having an enemy that literally feels no pain is pretty intimidating
I'm just the battride war anon. I don't really have too much in the way of series webms.
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Rider Taisen GP Black.webm
3MB, 640x360px
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it's time to style.jpg
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Give me an hour. Then I'll show you some edge.
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HEGOTAWAY(no audio).webm
1MB, 720x480px
Showa da best

He was interesting for what was set up as something of an "evil" Rider. It wasn't just that he didn't feel pain, he didn't feel ANYTHING, and was so clinical about fighting that it was pretty creepy.
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>that ending though
I'm ready for games.


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>edgelord meme
>dark rider
You can't read kana, can you?
Greetings /krg/ a few months ago we held one of the greatest battles in Rider history in this very general! Where we decided who is the greatest Heisei Rider!

As some of you may not know it was a One on One Double Elimation popularity contest where Kamen Rider Kuuga who came out on top with Decade at a close second and Blade taking the Bronze.

For those of you who wish to see the results of the main tournament http://challonge.com/Best_Kamen_Rider
And here are the Finals

Shortly after we decided to see who is the greatest heisei secondary but due to the fact that there were only 15 at the time of the contest, we decided on a round robin starring the 8 most popular secondaries starring

But sadly this competition was never finished as I may be Unbiased but I am lazy.

I have come here to ask a simple question: "Would you like to continue the original tournament or have a double elimination starring all the secondaries this time around?"
1-30 = rewatch ZO
31-60 = start V3
61-99 = watch Ultraman instead
It was definitely a very fun, short plot. Dude was just a smug fuck who couldn't feel anything but artificial arrogance and took advantage of his inability to feel pain or stresso n his body to tank everything.
>edgy recolor of MC
>not an edgelord
lol k

Holy shit, Fruit Jesus ain't fucking around.
Ryuga wasn't really edgy. He was just Karate Bugman Brock Lesnar.
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2MB, 1280x720px
Showa at its finest.

I try to play as entertainingly as possible. Fruit Jesus CUHRAAAAAZY edition seemed like a good idea.
I just realized a fateful error within the strawpoll my apologies. Use this one instead
You're basically calling Proto-Drive an edgelord.
GENM's main is called ProtoMightyActionX, do the math.
I miss Gen so much
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safety first, Mr. Space God.webm
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I thought he was gonna stick it in the bread...
Yuki please you are too cute to think of you that way
Citing V3 as an example of Showa at its finest is like citing Ghost as an example of Heisei at its finest

Full Throttle was fun as fuck. We need more crossover movies like it.
It's a joke, cool your tits. Jesus.
...They really wouldn't just do Chase again, would the-

>The Bugvisor call-out is "WE ARE BUGSTER"

V3 has good parts even if overall I think it drags a lot.

Stronger is best Showa
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1MB, 640x2160px
>Kuuga won over Decade

Why's everyone got bad taste?
me too, man, me too
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Kuuga Rider Kick 2.webm
3MB, 640x360px

Kuuga's a great main Rider. Tsukasa is personally my favorite, but there's no shame in losing to Godai.
We had a more unbiased poll not too long ago. Far different results, this shit he's orchestrated smells fishy.
Everything said, I could still be wrong, but it won't be because of the suit, it'll be because of the character.
Excuse me?

Full Throttle is an example of how all Rider crossover movies should be. It helps that Shinnosuke and Kouta's characters played off of each other so well.
As a literal waste of air who literally does nothing but stare at this thread all day, I can say right now that's complete bullshit

What he's doing is probably bullshit too because it's strawpoll, but what you're also blabbering is bullshit

Only have a couple complaints about it, Drive's half of the story is kind of boring but that's more because it takes place early in the show where a lot of the characters haven't developed in interesting ways yet. And the final crossover bit feels really rushed because it's shoved into the last 15-20 minutes, I wish they let it stretch out a little more.
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3MB, 852x480px
Converting webms to not have audio for 4chan purposes takes forever.
Not really. It was more unbiased because it was just linked, explained, and no flame wars appeared... Maybe "more unbiased" isn't the right word for a poll that goes up when all the shitposters aren't looking, but it's definitely a little more honest... I mean, fuck, my favorite wasn't even top 5 and I didn't feel it was unfair.
Top spot went to Blade.
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King Form.webm
3MB, 320x200px
>Top spot went to Blade

Huh. Blade's in my top five favorite Riders, but I wouldn't put it first.
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2MB, 1280x720px
I think you're thinking of "Favorite show,' not "Favorite protagonist." Because al ot of people like Godai, but I doubt all of them also like the slow clipshow he's in.

I don't know what the best part of this is: Yuji dodging the hug, Kaido being nice and offering one, or the fact that Smart Lady's costume's skirt is so short that the simple act of raising her arms and slightly leaning forward exposes so much of her underwear.
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2MB, 852x480px
Welp I'm done posting webms. Back to grinding my ass off in battride war.
Is there a better option to strawpoll? I just use it cause everyone else does.
Me neither, it was Agito with a lead of 1 over Blade for the majority of it, Blade only pulled forward at the last votes. I was surprised too, but I guess "dat ending" trumps "dat memes" to the majority of gentle/m/en.
I like the show, but hate Godai. Such a waste of talent. Odagiri was legit punk rock as fuck back then, some of that should've come through.
There's a .de version which is slightly more trustworthy, but otherwise people are still gonna call rigging because it's an online poll and those are all insanely easy to rig.
>Odagiri was legit punk rock as fuck back then
Not really. Personality-wise and out of acting sure, but his only other role at the time was Platonic Sex, which wasn't particularly Punky. Personally, I liked the idea of just a straightforward and good-hearted, if kinda dumb person. Kamen Rider didn't really have such a protagonist, so it was a good change of pace.

I love Blade equally for its ridiculous memes and the god-tier second half.
I really enjoyed this movie, might rewatch it later
btw have Heart and Mach saga been subbed yet?
I try to keep things as fair as possible and the only instance of cheating of know of last time was the man who voted for Hibiki 30 times.

If the numbers don't add up to the amount of thread posters I discount the poll.
It's not out yet. How can it be subbed?
Not sure you can call Godai a waste of Odagiri's talent when Kuuga comes off as one of the most down to earth and character focused seasons. An over the top portrayal or a flat portrayal wouldn't have made him as endearing and would have killed his interactions with the people around him. Most Riders flip their personality depending on the plot but Godai is a consistent character who knows who he is and embraces it. It's a shame he refuses to touch the role again.
/krg/, will you make the American Pledge? Will you solemnly swear to never give in to the temptations of tacos and Kamen Rider Black? Will you promise to never become a retarded Black watching Zika baby?
>Odagiri was legit punk rock as fuck back then
Being an uppity brat who didn't enjoy superhero shows but listens to directors and producers to the number is not punk rock as fuck. This was also his first actual acting role and he had no such history before then. He never even really developed the "Punk' style he's known for now until a few years after, which he always strictly keeps out of roles, because, again he listens to directors and producers to the number.
>we haven't had a bug themed Rider in years
>haven't had a cyborg Rider in basically forever
>yet the spider/bat motif appears in every show in one form or another
Well, that ties into the plot. If he was any different, he'd have become Ultimate Darkness.
He's pretty much got Frye's 1 in a million brainwaves from futurama.
>We're getting a bug rider this year with GENM
>A staple of the franchise continues to be a thing
I don't know what Zika means but I watched Black and enjoyed it
I prefer RX tho
shit nigga i was going to watch black after i finished all the Heisei period before jumping into the original showa.
Get the fuck out spic
He trashed an establishment after losing a part in GoGoV, anon.
I tried watching Black and RX last year but I just couldn't get into it. I watched Stronger instead for a showa fix and I loved that.
Will you please stop stirring shit?
>No cyborg rider
By the end of it, Drive was a Cyborg
Omori is flushing those in the toilet
No more cyborg for you.
No more buy themed for you.
No more
No more
Rider 3
Chase was a robot
No he didn't, he disproved that on Takatera's radio show. He admitted he was being angry and unhappy about it, but he didn't trash anything. He also didn't even really want the part.

And again, whenever a director told him to do something, he did it as best he could, because that's literally who he is. That's not punk. Hell, he's most famous for being incredibly respectful to the production staff of whatever he's working on. Again, not really punk.
Does it actually say danish?

I thought it said dash
Will you please stop shitting up my threads, Pedro?
It's pretty obviously saying "Finish" but due to Engrish it sounds like "Danish"
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see you guys, Nozomi can smile stop bullying her.
I remember this footage being used in the opening sequence(?) of Saban's Masked Rider

>oh god it's all coming back
I want Amemiya-san to come back and design shit for Rider again
Amazonz pogs?

Is he doing anything else besides Garo right now?
means the same as
in what world, anon?
I still haven't forgiven him for ruining SMTIV but I'll be damned if his work in Rider hasn't been glorious
He actually says something along the lines of "I remember reading a rumor that I trashed a room after losing my audition, but that never made any sense because you [Takatera] were actually talking to me about the Kamen Rider role around the same time as that."

Remember Haruka? Well he's back! In pog form!
>we still haven't gotten a spider themed Rider
and no Leangle doesn't count
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baby ex-aid gets inflated.jpg
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Noooo fighting everyone, it's time to get hype for Baby Ex-Aid's debut! Every thread until baby Ex-Aid's debut! She's the best girl!
Great, looks like all the kiddies on the Discord server are up
motherfucker you are like 6 hours late.
>>y no spider rider?
>n no, spider rider no count
>Spider themed
>doesn't count because I say so.

You could've just said "still haven't gotten a main Rider that's spider-themed".
My only guarantee is every thread, I have made no guarantees regarding a specific time frame!
We better get some fucking webms of Genm
Idiot, you said "until" the debut. That's already happened.
His bike stunts are fantastic.
Baby Ex-Aid's true debut is Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 1 on October 2nd!
>doesn't look like a spider
>doesn't have any spider like powers
how is he spider themed?
>true debut
Oh, so it was always your plan is go back on your word. I see...
My plan was always to wait for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Episode 1 because Ghost sucks!
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These are the Amazons ones so far

I think they're buttons/pins?
Where is the raw for 49 posted?
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>doesn't look like a spider
What are you even talking about?

It won't be up for another hour or two.
The episode isn't even over yet faggot.
moar liek episode 69 if u no wut I'm sayin'
Taking the results from the poll and the fact that new allies of Justice have joined our ranks since the last contest, it has been decided that we shall start from scratch and include all secondary riders this time around!

Who is the greatest wing man? The rider who shines brighter in the back than in the spotlight? He who fights for a set of values sometimes more important than the headliner.

But before we can begin, there are some things we must make sure:


Please keep in mind we are only taking into account main series riders as to keep things even and due to the obscure nature of Amazons.

Voting ends in 20 minutes. Please remember to keep the spirit of justice within your hearts!
Arcade game. Instead of ganba-cards.
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They're small discs for Buttobasoul, a gashapon game where you smack the shocker combatmen as far as you can
>OOO secondary

Date and Gotou's character arcs tie very closely in with each other, I think it's fair to consider them jointly when voting.
I was just messing around, anon. I wasnt even that first anon that called you out.
>Blade's "true" secondary

Fuck that's hard to determine. When we discuss Blade I usually call them both Secondaries.
>Gotou vs Date
they are both true secondaries.
Having a poll only for people on in a 20m window seems very deliberately fixed. It's like you specifically want to omit people by geographic location.
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Neon Ghost Evangelion
Did anything ever come from that Kamen Rider fangame?
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Ghost x Ex-Aid.jpg
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Crossover next week?
You mean the one that had threads on /m/ that were nothing other than 300+ posts that only said "bump"?

No, nothing came of it.
Why do we still do this poll shit when every time it happens it triggers some conspiracy nonsense when someone gets mad that their favorite rider didn't win?
File: BMX Bandit and Angel Summoner.webm (3MB, 496x280px) Image search: [Google]
BMX Bandit and Angel Summoner.webm
3MB, 496x280px

We've already had that crossover, anon. It was called Full Throttle.
GENM was this week
Actual crossover next week
Then we're free from Ghost until movie wars.
>conspiracy nonsense
You know just as well as anyone else in these threads that nobody legitimately likes a show as boring as fucking Kuuga
Hah, that's good. Havent seen MnW Look in a long while.
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Toei CG circa 1998
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High Impact Smile Protection.webm
3MB, 640x400px

You can go fuck yourself, you awful shitposter.
That was done last time around but you must also consider that people may far enjoy one more and absolutely despise the other.

If it ends in a tie I will place both riders together but remember this is a popularity contest.

Only around 40 people use this general, half of which will probably not vote anyway. Also if their is cheating this will limit the severity.

This is just a small technicality. The time for the actual contests will be about an hour to an hour and a half each and we are in the prime time when most people post to /krg/.
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>lmao Takeru is hungry xD
What a fucking trash ending.
>It's like you specifically want to omit people by geographic location.
The fuck are you even on about? It's up, you've got a 20 minute time limit to vote. You aren't there at the time, oh fucking well. If you just left them open all day that's even more susceptible to rigging.
File: ghost kick.webm (787KB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
ghost kick.webm
787KB, 480x270px
Reminder 6 minutes left to vote

Wow that eye looks great. What's it called?


>Gotou losing
RIP him, i enjoyed Date and Gotou equally
thought as much
Everything is trash to you unless Nishime actually die.
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This is relevant to Kamen Rider
>Garren losing
/krg/ has changed
>Hey, remember that stunt crane we have?
>We sure do!
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Saying "half wouldn't vote anyway" and "unfair voting limits cheating" makes no sense when you're describing how your poll is designed to silence people's voices. We deserve to be heard, deserve to be counted, what are you so afraid of, anon?
It's not surprising, they spent so much time building him up only to become a jobber when he finally got to use the Birth driver.
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834KB, 1280x1707px
Garrenfag BTFO
I hope your karada goes boroboro da
May I ask how, good sir?
Yurusen was a cat all along
Well I did the other poll and only about 14 people max ever actually voted across 24 hour periods.
In the roughly 6 hours this thread has been alive, 43 unique IPs have been in the thread. Of those, that doesn't account for phones, dynamic IPs, proxies, all that bullshit. That means, at most, 43 people can vote.

If you don't like the method in which he sets up the poll, why not suggest an alternative instead of shouting down any ideas in fear of "bias?"
>at most, 43 people can vote
Not everyone who reads the threads posts. If it were wildly above the number of posters then you might have something.
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Hironobu Kageyama confirmed as Gashat voice actor
Because he only wants to shitpost. Like who in their right minds would legitimately take a fan poll this seriously?
If all you do is read, can you really say you're a part of it? It's like saying you've been in the newspaper because you read it.
Just remember that you can't say /krg/ voted for it or that it's what /krg/ thinks. The only truth is that it was voted for only by the /krg/ in an extremely tiny window of time.
All we need is Rica Matsumoto voicing the Secondary belt and ex-aid would be perfect.
No, but not every person posts in every thread. A better analogy would be that there are still people with opinions even if they aren't writing opinion letters every week.
Well fuck, that guy who rumored Kageyama singing the OP was half-right. Maybe they couldn't get a song deal and instead offered to do a VA role for the Gashats.
Well if they're reading right now and didn't vote when they saw the opportunity, that's their fault.
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Ex-Aid wasting no on killing other riders
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They really like bringing back toku singers for belts lately. Last time they did it was Kushida with OOO years ago now.

They seriously need to get Mizuki to do a belt before he dies.
Sure but that's not my point. My point is that there can be more than 43 people here. If a poll had 5 more votes than we had posters for instance that doesn't mean people were necessarily proxying it.
>Look there on screen together now people will have to believe he's a Kamen Rider.
Let us begin the tournament:

First up we the two bike themed secondaries: The man who likes no questions vs. The man who likes no Roidmudesexcept one!

Kamen Rider ACCEL vs. Kamen Rider MACH!

Will Accel bring the law down on this lawless youth or will Mach destroy Accel at Mach Speed? You decide!
And that's reasonable. We've seen what foul play in the polls look like, and that's some guy putting in 60+ votes over the span of a minute.
>All those HITs popping up
>Those sweet as fuck BMX tricks
>That cool fighting style

I'm ready for the GENM master race
Forgot the poll http://www.strawpoll.me/11247064
>Last time they did it was Kushida with OOO years ago now.

you mean Ghost right? m.c.A.T literally made an insert for rider years ago
No, I mean before the current duo. Should've worded that better, sorry.
I thought the same thing when I read his post.
>All those people thinking it would be something important like Takeru's mum
>It's just a fucking cat

can i vote both?
Kageyama is voicing Ex-Aid's belt, Imma post a bunch of his songs
I'm just going to pretend that Jo scored with that pizza girl from Liveman
Punch Hopper?
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Reminder that shocker has now learned how to vibrate through walls. Protect yourselves!
>GENM just fucking walks out of nowhere and beats the shit out of everything with no context
That's fucking great
m.c.A.T is in no way a notable anisong singer nor is he comparable to Kageyama or Kushida.
Is GENM the new Who's That Guy?
>Shows up out of nowhere
>Kicks everyone's assess
>Rings his bike's bell as he leaves
>Ghost riders don't even question it

GENM may be the greatest dark rider we've ever got.
No because Rider 3 never just scootled the fuck out on a bicycle

What else has he done that I'd recognize him from?
Dragon Ball Z and Jetman ops
>adds a new parameter
>yfw GENM isn't a dark rider
>yfw he's a Bugster-Gashat combination program gone rogue and isn't really evil or good, he just thinks from the perspective of the game
>yfw that's why he just attacks whatever enemies are in front of him and rides off to find his next fight without any communication
>yfw he only attacks Brave and Snipe when they try to get in the way of him
If you're accusing him of being me, I already apologized and said I worded it poorly in >>14743769

I dunno what the fuck he's on about.
>being a pleb who knows nothing about anisong culture

Fuck you're starting off with a tough one.
>The belt has an electronic holster
This just blew the whole case wide open! We now have three slots!
Hmm... I know he's using the Proto-ExAid gashat, but I... shit, maybe they'd pull that shit again.
Four, technically. Two in the driver, two in the side-holster.

I'm calling it now, Ex-Aid's gonna use four different Rider's Gashats at once for a super attack.
No, no, not like Proto-Drive. I mean as in he literally is just a Bugster with a Gamer Driver strapped to him and due to some fuck-up in the system, he sincerely thinks he's in Mighty Action X and is following the premise of "fight enemies and get to the end of the level" without really realizing what he's doing.
While we wait, what method would you prefer I do the voting in: One by one match ups or all match ups in the bracket at the same time?
That's fair.
Oh shit, like that episode of Misfits.
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They couldn't fucking use Ghost Striker one last time? Seriously? Would it of been that hard?

One by one, double elimination.
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>Yurusen isn't thick!
>Yurusen isn't fat!
>Thickness has nothing to do with /krg/!
Guess what? You were wrong. All of you were wrong.
C'mon, anon. They used it in 1 out of 50 episodes, and you still want more? Greedy.
He's part of JAM Project, so there's a fuckton there.
Nah, it got the exact same number of uses as Faiz Blaster: 3

And it somehow managed to be less useful
How many main riders have ALSO been the secondary rider? Only Agito comes to mind.
Well one is a final form.
>Toei found a way to get JAM project into a new Rider series

God bless them
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Even outside of Jam Project he's done a metric fuckton of music, dude is a legend

We're all tied up at the moment and the tension is reaching its climax! Don't forget to vote in the battle of

Lets Henshin!

Oh fuck I didn't realize. I feel silly now.

Yes, I'm a filthy casual.
OOO too.
Well, Toei and Bandai, to correct myself there.
Shinji's been Knight
Eiji's been Birth
Kouta's worn Banana Arms

And that's about it

>Comparing a final form to a bike
Shouichi wore the G3-X once.
Well I'd compare him to the living bike in Faiz but AutoVajin got used way more!
No. He was Delta but not Kaixa.
Who's that?
Wut when? Has it really been that long since I saw ryuki?
I don't remember that either.
>Kouta wearing Banana Arms
... Does that count? If so, wouldn't Ghost apply as well?
>I don't remember that either.

One of the movies.
Yusuke Onodera ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you counting movies?
Episode Final or some other special.
In OOO movie.
u wot m8
13 Riders special. THe original Ryuki wearer lives, gets the Ryuki buckle from Shinji. Shinji takes over as Knight for it.
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>tfw you have to avoid this thread because everybody is spoiling ghost like a motherfucker

We don't care enough about Ghost to worry about spoilers.
Kuuga doesn't have a secondary rider though.
Raws are already out. You only have yourself to blame.
Oh, you're talking about the "choose-your-own-adventure" ending of that Ryuuki. Does that even count? There's a whole other ending to choose where he doesn't ever get knight.
SPOILERS: The show ended exactly as you'd think it would
Kuuga is the secondary rider in Decade
eh, there really isn't anything worth spoiling, it's about what one would expect
Or at least how that game-card said it would.

We were talking about main Riders that use the secondary's suit somehow.
That's not what I meant by that though. I meant that the secondary rider within the same show/movie universe was A. multiple users and B. one of those users was the main rider.
>good guy win
Now you don't have to watch 90% of rider anymore.
Oh right
That episode was hilarious
>See even this helpless civilian can use the G3-X to it's full potential!
Hold up, the holder is actually another slot?! Holy shit.
He becomes Knight in both endings. The difference is in one ending, he destroys the Mirror World, in the other he just fights the other Riders.
>Ozawa figures out that Shoichi's Agito right off the bat
>it takes Hikawa literally the entire rest of the series to catch on
We've been going on for long enough. Next few votes are the tie breaker.

that fucking Happy Meal tho
Yeah, like W belt.
How come they doesn't do this joke anymore on a current rider series?
So every time Decade turned into Kuuga does that count?

Decade doesn't count because he can transform into every Rider already.
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And with that Go "Away" Shijima is thrown down into the losers bracket. This is one bike he couldn't ride.

Accel boosts forward into the next round, the Kamen Father prevails.
>Ghost Episode Final Preview
>Masaka... Kamen Rider?
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>people payed $150 for Mighty Action X dark edition
Shinnosuke used a Mach Driver in Drive's movie and the Drive/Ghost movie
Takumi used Delta Gear
Kazuma had a thing with Leangle
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You sure? Looks like its the same as the W driver where its just a button and all the sounds are from the memory.
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Next up are the two biggest shit stirrers in all of Kamen Rider.

The multiverses greatest treasure hunter and summoner of Riders, Diend vs. The Rider with his own holiday and summoner of misunderstandings, Kaixa.

Both of them have only one friend and both of them do whatever they like so lets see who likes winning more.

Do i have to watch Ryuki to like Burger Knight?
Not going to lie, the scene with Takeru fighting with all of the Eyecons before Rider Kicking the final boss in the face is actually really good.

Too bad the rest of the finale is trash.
Describing KR endings from Decade on
No, but it will let you recognize re-used footage vs original footage
That last kill is part of Great Eye's plan.
From introducing the Eyecon system, to killing Takeru, and playing bad guy at the end is really part of Great Eye's plan. That last conversation between Freya and Takeru says it all.
Speaking of which, I know /krg/ loves Kaixa. Is he worth watching Faiz for?
Whatever it makes more sounds!!
You should know that most Kaixa love is an ironic thing
Oh hey, Takeru's punching and Makoto's receiving this time around. That's cute
But is he worse than Diend is the question? Mr. LETS KILL EVERYONE CAUSE YOU HURT MY FEELINGS but it's not like I actually care about you.
Do you think Ex Aid will have a designated secondary?
They're both really shitty but for different reasons. People are fond of Kaixa because his nonsense is least funny in a macabre way.
>Amazing musician
>Super nice guy
>Leader of Jam Project
>Does a great job of voicing Zaruba in Garo despite not being a VA, and is now voicing the Gamer Driver
How is one man so based?

Bullshit, Kaixa should be crushing this.


Kaixa is one of those characters you love to hate and really he's the source of most of the MISUNDERSTANDING shit that drags the show down. I would recommend watching Faiz still, but for Kiba and Takumi rather than Kusaka.
UNDERSTANDINGS ranges from gross overstatement to blatant lie. Now FALLING IN RIVER is real and actually sounds like an understatement.

There are several points in the show where their problems could've been solved with a two-minute conversation, but Kusaka cultivates the kind of distrust that prevents the characters from doing that and no one speaks up to correct it until it's too late.
JAM Project is literally a band of cool guys founded by a cool guy (Ichiro Mizuki).
Are you satisfied?
It's not misunderstandings as much as it is LIES, SUBTERFUGE, AND DELIBERATE MISLEADINGS, but apparently that's not as catchy.
He voiced Zaruba? I guess I didn't notice because of the voice distortion, but wow.

I didn't know hardly anything about JAM Project before I started visiting /m/. I'm sorry I was missing out.
While I really want to believe this and am excited by just the possibility, can I get a source?
He's the source of music and the voice of Zaruba.

Yeah I didn't know either.

Getting close to the last limit, gonna close off soon. Don't forget to vote.
I've just rewatched the show with a friend, we're on 30. There's never been a "2min conversation" opportunity thus far, and Kiba and Takumi just found out the other is Orph/Faiz at the end of 29.
IIRC, there's one more betrayal in store for Kiba before Kusaka's bullshit falls apart, so maybe there'll be an oppurtunity there, but I'm obviously incredulous until that happens.

It's been awhile since I've seen it, but that's what I remember of it.
What? Where? There is only one functioning slot, the other two are just for holding.
It's the only VA work he does, apparently Amemiya personally asked after realising he'd be a perfect fit
Second driver with Silva's voice when?
Do you guys wish they made Kamen Rider Ghost toilet paper so you can wipe your ass all over Takeru's face?
When did you watch it? The meme is from like... 2007-8 or around then. SharkRaptor was the only one forcing that meme, which people called bs on even back then. The dude just had this gigantic hate-boner for Inoue. I think a lot of people get tainted by this memes that only still exist because he created an image for it.
Now the RIVERS thing is legit. 5 times, so far, has a person been insta-KO'd by simply falling in the river.
Yeah but I'll just cum into it.
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And in this battle of misuderstandings the king has been crowned as Kaixa takes the cake and several lives in the process.

A great belated Kaixa day present. Maybe this love/hate relationship with his fans will carry him to victory.

Diend moves into the loser bracket but his brother still thinks he's swell.
anybody playing storm heroes? how far do i have to get in the musashi event to get him? i got sound edition gaim like 3 or 4 missions in

Just about a year ago.
You can it make one yourself anon
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>there isn't a full version of this
why, its so fun.
>Powers And Abilities
>4th Wall Awareness
During his debut, he could comically see and interact with Shinnosuke's imaginations, which are supposed to be seen by the viewers only. He is also currently the only one to do so.

I'd even take a gif
>still playing storm heroes
>not playing legend wars
....Lucky, you didn't have to watch fucked video quality. Not as bad as Cruel Angel Agito though.
I'm not saying those elements aren't there, and I'm not saying it's only over-statements, but there's a probability that you'd have felt different w/o the known memes on your mind.
>worth watching Faiz for
Sometimes I think you guys don't even like Rider
Bruh, I'm not even that anon and I know Storm Heroes is top tier.
what? Go has 4th wall awareness, probably lost it after a while tho.
They're referring to when Shinnosuke is suggesting how the thief was the Gunman Roidmude, which Go not only disproves, he does so while beating down the mental images Shinnosuke had made to connect the two.

With a big, wooden mallet. Gou was on some real Looney Tunes shit for the first two episodes.
that would've been fun if they continued doing it
They shoved all of his fun into the first few episodes so he could spend the rest of the season brooding.
Assuming he even knew those were in the open air he was swinging through.
>the rest of the season

You mean like, seven episodes at most?
Next up we have the super natural vs. the super natural hunter.

Kamen Rider Spectre, the man abandoned by humanity as a young boy forced to be raised in the Ganma world vs. Kamen Rider IXA the man who believes in humanity's ultimate potential. One's friends with a Ghost, the other's friends with a Vampire.

Both are secondaries in two of /krg/'s most disliked series but we're looking at the riders here.

He literally beat them out of the air, picked them up, and threw them away.

That's some good fucking gesticulation if he didn't see it.
>they actually have a very short stage play for Ex-Aid later, like GENM using TGS as a platform for their new game announcement and then Bugsters taking over the stage
More like 27
The Judge episode was really his gag stuff and then he's upset until the show ends.
>until the show ends

Hahaha, were's THIS webm? About to head go, with my luck, it'll get released here without me noticing.
The episode after that Gold Drive shows up and he yells at everything until Banno is dead.
Forgot pic but honestly I don't know what put
It's literally the episode after Mach's first fight, it's when Shinnosuke confronts the thief. Shouldn't be hard to find.
Yeah, and Mach gets a pretty valiant moment where he absolutely rocks Gold Drive's shit near the end.
That isn't brooding.
Only watched a bit of Kiva but didn't meet Ixa. What's he like?
Do you not know what brooding means
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webm of Go 4th wall picture hitting
Was was the first rider you watched that was airing currently at the time you watched through it?
in his first scene he beats up a fat german guy
he's a bounty hunter rocking a paladin motif
also this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpmdxO8NPnE
Isn't Otoya technically the secondary?
Bump in the night. Don't forget to vote.

The one after Decade, I believe. I can't remember which one that was, but what drew me into kamen rider was GIANT ENEMY CRAB, but I watched Kabuto instead.

Possibly. But I have a low tolerance for that shit in stories to begin with.

I'm relatively new to toku in general, I got into it with watching Drive last year around February-ish, and binged through just about everything that has subs in the meantime. Faiz was one of the first series I watched.
W is right after Decade
If he was the contest would already be over.
Oh, then definitely W. But W was at least halfway over before I started, and I finished Kabuto first. I finished Kabuto in like 3 days though, I practically breathed it.
That Genm scene was totally radical

The belt actually is far less obtrusively noisy than I expected. The effects with the bike attacks are 90's as fuck, but I love the painted look of it.

I hope the main series keep up that sort of crazy ass colorful design for its fights.
This page from Toei, says it at the bottom. Using Google translate isn't the best but his name *is* there

>GENM having a sweet as fuck appearance in a bland finale
>Just over three hours until Bamco get Ex-Aid on stage to talk about Kamen Rider games at TGS
>It's now 3am and I've been drinking rum since 6pm last night

I want to die right now but I will make it. If only for the possibility of more gashat sounds.
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It lights up, holy
...Is it seriously Proto-Drive again?
No, you fucking retard.
Same producer
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Thanks Toei
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The Spectre has been slain and Ixa is victorious. He moves forward taking a simple memento of his bounty.

Spectre is once again defeated but if he collects the Heroic eyescons within 99 he will be granted one wish (or beats everyone in the loser bracket).

That's the last match up for today. Tune in tomorrow for more amazing battles and Match ups.

For a hint the next battle will feature two riders who's names begin with the letter B
>Prototype technology
>Promo shots of GENM in the rain
It's Proto-Drive
Except it's not Proto-Drive all over again, as it's a different Rider and user and will also get his own upgrade in the first 12 or so episodes which doubles as a belt.
Proto-Drive got upgrades too, first into Mashin Chaser then into Kamen Rider Chaser
What are you stupid nigger
What happens when Gou grabs Chase's Signal Bike and it into his Mach Driver?
Yelling petty insults doesn't make you right
Proto-Drive only got one upgrade, and that was into the Drive system Tomari used.

Mashin Chaser was a villain and KR Chaser was a villain turned good using a new belt.

He gets that weird looking fusion form.
why does this sound strangely homoerotic?
You probably also believe that G3-X was a G3 update
fuckin tard
>Ghost the fucking supernatural undead Rider didn't have a single night battle
What makes it worse is the fucking glow in the dark cock tease we got during his introduction.
Ghost had like three night battles, actually. Other than the Goemon one, though, it sucked.
There was one night battle in Ghost
Felt betrayed? kek
Takeru is mai waifu.
The Truth of Eyecons
Terebi-kun special preview
After story of Ghost
>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
Holy shit I realized the bugsters are dancing like some idle stance. Kinda like Mario and Luigi in the Mario&Luigi RPG games
Saionji returns
new da Vinci Eyecon
Kanon martial arts
explains why they develops eyecon and the use of eiyu
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Praise be to based Genm and his neon colored bicycle
Why did toei start doing that shit?

>new da Vinci Eyecon
Fucking finally!
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>Kageyama actually confirmed as the Gashat voice

That one Japanese youtube comment ages ago turned out to be true. Who knew.
>3 figures left on BW2
I'm gonna do it but goddamn the grind is wearing and tearing on me.
You mean that random 4chan post ages before that

And the one before that that made us even think about Kageyama
was there one?
That was when he was rumored to be doing the OP. There was a Japanese comment on a Youtube video of the leaked Ghost movie Ex-Aid reveal before it was made private where a guy just said "That sure sounds like Hironobu Kageyama"
>it doesn't matter it's not like you have a boyfriend
>commissioner that counts as sexual harassment -random police girl- and includes me to
>they take him away
Kek what the fuck was that. Wizard pls wtf
It's just a comedy bit. You know how Wizard's like.
Those damn clock and cuckoo noises when comedy bits happen in the antique shop has stuck with me pretty well.
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>The Virtruvian Man
Fucking called it.
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can someone upload a copy elsewhere?
Where in the episode does GENM appear? I just wanna see that.
The first three minutes or so.
>all those new Jojo fans that will never experience the glory of DUWANG
truly sad
Holy shit, the effects on his attacks and his final attack look fucking gorgeous. I hope they always look like that in Ex-Aid itself.
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Nice Drive.webm
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Just finished Suprise Future. Krim's the best, the absolute best.

Never Stop Milking, Ghost. It's what you're best at.
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Surprise Future was a good movie.

Only two relevant Eyecons left. After that all that's left is Ganbarizing. In short, Ghost used EVERY sound in the driver. I love that.
I'm crying. Because it's so beautiful but also because I have to spend more money.
The Christmas episode of Wizard is alright. I liked it.
>His persona has a mustache because of the Vitruvian Man's legs
I will never not unsee that
And neither will you
It's the best Christmas episode we've got.
Only the Drive one has come close to it, but still too far away to get the best spot.

I just like that the vitruvian man manages to make the vague outline of eyes.
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yurusen hates onari
Unification was announced?
I just realized
that guy with the glasses had a two parter for himself but we literally don't know anything about that other guy
Yurusen was a cat the whole time. Makes sense.
It's touching and isn't a two parter. What's not to love.

Oh my fucking god, this is beautiful.Out of all this explinations I'm glad they went with this.
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She was in the pod with him
Because the other guy didn't play deaged Den-O in all those movies.
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The only problem I had with it was Chase exiting out of the second half. I mean, I know he didn't have his belt, but at least have him stand somewhere in the epilogue.
Even ones that made zero sense (Ore-Specter). You have to respect that hustle.
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My god damn heart.
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Okay, that is kinda cute.
Strange, but cute.

Ore Specter could have been done so much better. Like being Zero Specter's Eyecon.
I wish i could understand
When does Shinsengumi come out?
How many unused sounds did Drive/Mach have between them, like 40?
It's from the final stage show so early October people will have them.
Did Takeru ever use that odamadan or whatever thing?

I remember it being used once, but my memory is terrible.
He used it once.
It like, made a big clear Eyecon or something I forgot what it actually did.

It sealed a Ganma portal.
did it really need to be this complicated
If you're counting the Super variants,~60.
If not, around 15-20 maybe.
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Love Continues
I'll be forever salty that they didn't use American Dream in any Drive media.

>The sassy yokai that was full of sarcasm is a cat
That makes sense, to be honest.
because American has no dream
>Yurusen is a cat

Hamburgers are dreams sometimes if you're hungry enough.

The biggest plot twist in Ghost.
The raw has been out for hours. It's always been fair game once the raw is out.
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Speaking of extra eyecons, are there pictures out there of the winning movie designs?
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>Yurusen is a cat
Yeah, Ghost Trick was a great game. Nice originality Toei.
>Imagining Y.AOI naked with cat ears headband and cat tail plug

sorry I feel extremely dirty at this moment
And to think, people were coming up with all these theories about Yurusen, thinking she was Takeru's mother or some evil spirit in hiding some shit. But nope, just cat.
I was expecting her to just be a generic familiar
I thought I had the pictures but I can't seem to find them. Sorry anon.
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Don't sexualize
>implying ghost trick pioneered cat ghosts
Perhaps you need to look more at japanese mythology.
She legal senpai?
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She's 24
She's like mid 40s
dunno whats more surprising about her:

> the fact that she has under her belt all of those diverse characters with all kind of different personality quirks and style...

>the fact that the most upstanding of her charas are a sassy plushie ghost and a 3dcg cartoony conspiracy nut badger girl.
She's just been in the acting/VA game basically her entire life. She's a veteran and knows how to play to crowds and such.
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Shit, i'm going through the ending episode of every neo heisei rider and even fucking wizard was better than ghost. Fucking shunpei had more impact than DUDE TAKOYAKI lmao and that other secondary rider.
I'm getting to the point where I actually think Ghost has had the weakest finale of basically any Heisei rider series.
>I'm gonna believe this phantom lady who has all the reasons in the world to lie and not the other wizard who helps people
Is mayonnaise guy a total fucking retard?
He's not the smartest, but he has heart.
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>Ex-Aid on stage at TGS in about 30 minutes

Get hype.
typical template material
He only knows 3 things, mayonnaise, archaeology and how to be good family
Ghost is the worst Heisei rider and the worst neo-Heisei. Ghost is so bad that it goes back in time and also becomes the worst Showa rider.
Who hype here?
Oh wait mayonnaise doesn't know the gate dies if the phantom gets out.
Goddammit Mayo-man.
how long until Ex-Aid tgs
He doesn't care.
Chimera's just hungry, he doesn't know anything at first.
Takes a bit of prodding about to know what's actually going on.

I didn't say Ghost was the worst, I just said it has one of the weakest endings. Don't twist my words.
25 min...
>I didn't say Ghost was the worst
Well then you're wrong, because it is the worst.
22 minutes
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>Well then you're wrong, because it is the worst.
Look at the filename in his original post. You should know better than to reply to shitposters, idolanon.
It will be replaced by Exaid. I Guarantee It.
Ghost can't be the worst Kamen Rider series, something has to be worse.
It's an eternal loop of arguments.
Too bad anon-chan, ghost is the worst rider ever.
Use Nico
Even Kiva is better because of Sugita
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>ghost is the worst rider ever
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What's wrong with the filename? It's the anti-Maurice, his older brother with good taste.
There's absolutely nothing worse. Wizard and Kiva had many more redeeming aspects to them than Ghost did, Ghost was a failure through and through and I told you guys from the very start but you called everyone a butthurt Drivefag.
Ex-Aid will be at least decent, if not good. Kiva was followed up by Decade, Wizard was followed up by Gaim, they've never made two bad series in a row.
>Nico's face when Ghost is finally over
>old and busted idorus
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>Ghost was a failure through and through
Hyped for Yurusen Eyecon
No comfies will be allowed at my KRG!!
why no comfy?
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>being a Ghostcuck
Don't say the C word
No, I'd rather have IF
I guess this is my punishment for saying something about Ghost's finale. People think it's like a waving of a flag to get the shitposting engines running. Sorry thread.
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>Being a Drivefag
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official page
Fuck off /a/
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Ghost has the best fireworks
music just started up on the stream
Do I need to refer you to the kamen rider epilepsy webm above?
Who animated this countdown, goddamn
Well Mayo-man sided with the good guys that is nice.

Also it took 19 episodes but now I care enough to finish wizard without feeling like a chore.

For comparison it took W like 4 episodes(the Double rider and mind sharing had me hooked) , OOO like 8 or 9 and Fourze around 7.
Watching. Get hype for Ex-Aid boys.

some fancy countdown we got here
who is this dubbing over
Is that MJ?
Platinum developed Kamen Rider action game when?

Nice Shotaro cosplay.
>Bamco man cosplaying as Shotaro

He has good taste
I was kinda hoping it was shotaro
>These gaijin commentators
I've only ever seen this guy in ToQger.
I already hate this commentator, I would have preferred a translator
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Ghost Imagin.

I thought it was Bravo
I don't like him either. He doesn't know anything about Kamen Rider either.
Oh thank god. Thank you.
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found a Japanese stream for those that don't want to listen to the English commentary.
Where ?
we're watching this on http://taima.tv/r/tokunmecha if you want to chat along
I'm actually liking the design the more I see it
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Let's settle this once and for all
What's with the back face?
Level 1's parts
That helmet is so fucking unexpressive it's amazing. He's just glaring 24/7.

The hair also looks way better than I initially thought.
I love you
Battle Rush seems pretty simple but might be worth playing occasionally
>mobile game
Ex-aid confirmed as casual pleb.
what's so special about the seven legendary riders
Rider Syndrome used to form a giant energy Rider, weird
They were the first seven riders
Ex-aid will save kamen rider
Not as cool as DRIVE, but it gets close
They're the original seven. There were no breaks, reboots, or anything separating them, unlike the rest of the Showa era where Skyrider was originally a reboot after a small break, Black was an attempt to be standalone, and the three movie Riders were only just in movies with years apart from each other.
so what were the gaijins talking about
Why is Gorgeous even here
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What about Super-1? He wasn't a reboot or post break.
Just being clueless about Kamen Rider mostly,
Skyrider was the reboot
Are they going to just keep shilling existing games
He was after Skyrider, which was after an intended break and was initially a reboot. It's typically seen like this:

Rider 1, 2, V3, X, Amazon, Stronger

Skyrider, Super-1, ZX

Black, Black RX

Shin, ZO, J
why are kamen rider games really just

Everything was mobile.
Mobile games are likely to draw in casual fans
Dedicated fans will try the game regardless of being mobile
Faiz was too early for his time.
Did he really not know Kuuga
3DS now
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This is a guy I trust to talk about Kamen Rider
>that shirt

do want
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I want that shirt
is this the real game?
>The Brazilian doing English commentary freaks out when Black shows up

Fucking kek
Yeah this one actually looks good
isn't it hilariously predictable
so, they're going to sell that shirt right?
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This art is great
Looks like it took all of 5 seconds to make.

>I can be your angle or your devil
And he's back
...tell me somebody capped that perfect audio just now before ex-aid hit the stage
I've been here too long that I forgot it wasn't just a joke we post a lot.
And that's all, everyone can go home
What's next?
Actually seeing it like that, I quite like the Ex-Aid suit. I just don't understand why he has thigh highs on.
>I just don't understand why he has thigh highs on
Because he is a Super Hero
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That was fun. No real hiccups in the presentation either. Rider Generations 3 looks cool. Ex-Aid being on stage with the clear audio transforming calls was really cool. All round good stuff.
>he is a Super Hero
No, dude, he's a kamen rider.
No, I'm a Kamen Rider.
No, I'M a Kamen Rider.
It is. Detailed, but cartoony. I like all their chibi forms as well.
No, you're EDISON.
Kamen Rider Curse when
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I am Masked Rider Warrior Leader at your service.
Have we heard a preview of the Ex-Aid theme yet?
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Gourd drive?
There was a small preview of it after Ghost 48 ended.
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I am...ZX
Preview with theme song EXCITE
Damn it's the same part of the song that was in the other preview.
>Name of Rider is in the theme song
I may be mishearing "ikuze" but PLEASE
SO i haven't been paying attention.
Was today the last episode of Ghost, is next week Ex-Aid?
It's the finale for Ghost's story. Next week is a crossover special with Ex-Aid and the week after is Ex-Aid for real.
It's the finale for Ghost "TV series".
Story continues in Hyper Video >>14744401
and Original Video
oh ok cool!
i've never seen an ongoing before so i'm exciting to watch one.
/sgg/ is the other way, anon.
Ghost or gaim are the worst heisei
I thought Ghost striker can only be used when Takeru becomes Ghost?
Which that skull underneath, it seems more like a Ghost Joker.
wonder why Amazons wasn't included
even Shin and J were there
They're spin-offs just like The First/Next. Showa may have had anything goes with its sporadic runs, but with Heisei basically if you're not leading your own show on TV Asahi at 8AM Sunday morning then you're not part of the protag family.
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