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I'm 5 episodes in and why is everyone in this show autistic

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I'm 5 episodes in and why is everyone in this show autistic
You'll see but it's also just a stressful job and they're not really role models by any means. In fact, they're negative role models in most situations. Don't worry, the show is worth it just for the mecha battles.
Mecha anime tradition.
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Does that mean we start to get them more than every other episode?

Also, favorite character by far at this point
Wow, another misatofag joins the fray. Maybe you'll turn over to the correct side soon enough. Mecha battles are one after another for a while iirc. Slows down at the end but you'll make it because the plot is going full ANNO at that point.

Because only autistic people care about hedgehogs as much as they do.
>I'm 5 episodes in and why is everyone in this show autistic

It's a 1990s show, Anno wanted to criticise the youth of Japan's lost decade. That is how you get a Shinji.
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Misato is just like beer. Perhaps basic, but essential to survive.
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No one ever said anime writers were good at what they do.

At the same time, though, NGE was shounen show so the characters and plot had to be kept somewhat simple. Anno tried, however futile his attempt was. The end product was a confusing mess because it tried to have one-dimensional characters try to articulate complex themes and interpret plot points. It relies a lot simultaneously on the audience's gullibility in being able to swallow the nonsense that's being played out and on their intelligence to be able to connect the dots themselves to pick up on the deeper subject matter and lore.
>one-dimensional characters
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>implying the cast isn't locked into behaving with the same mannerisms for 95-100% of their screen time or subject to displays of major swings in their attitudes without explanation as needed for plot convenience.
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Because that makes it DEEP.
I want that Asuka daki.
>No one ever said anime writers were good at what they do.
I've seen this exact phrase posted in like 10 threads

are you on a rampage, my son
>implying real humans aren't the same way
Faggot pls.
They aren't. Real humans have weaker personalities. They don't act the same way all the time; they tend to change their behavior depending on who they're around for the sake of getting along
>y is everyone in this show autistic

That's the point, anon.
No, it's actually a common trope.
What mecha battles?
>>implying real humans aren't the same way

Unless they are bipolar, no. Even for normal people, a drastic change in mood, behavioral patterns, or logic comprehension doesn't typically happen without reason.
>caring about opinions of internet 'celebrities'
Old pasta
Literally who?
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>internet 'celebrities'

Should I know who that person is?
Anno tried to out-Tomino the Tomino.
Why do you have such a poor vocabulary?
All the adults lived through an event that killed half the planet and all the kids grew up in a world with half the planet dead.
Without overpopulation, shouldn't they be happier and more well adjusted?
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It's a tough job.
>politically powerful, well-connected father gives you a robot and three women for your birthday
>can literally walk around like hot shit
>bragging about being an ace pilot and earth's savior
>decide to cry about it instead
>for an entire series
>a special
>and a handful of movies

Tough job indeed.
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4/10, put more effort in next time.
You're right, I forgot about Mari.

That makes four women.

Oh, and the immortality.

Four women and immortality, plus political immunity.

And a cute gay immortal alien friend who'll do literally anything to make you happy.

Yeah, Shinji has the toughest job in the world.

It must be outright terrible to have literally the best, most awesome luck an anime character ever had.
>nuclear world war
>all coasts submerged
>ghost city ruins everywhere
>seasons gone
>mass extinction of plant and animal species

Not so much.
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>And a cute gay immortal alien friend who'll do literally anything to make you happy.

I would a Kaworu and I ain't even gay.
>cute gay immortal alien friend who'll do literally anything to make you happy
Who has a habit of doing that by dying, oddly enough.
Kaworu never died to anyone's benefit, he checks out after he loses interest.
Doesn't matter who. He's right, Eva is no less shallow and merchandised than Gundam or any other mecha.
Tokyo 3 or w/e is like the only urban center left in Japan. Everyone's dead man.
Ignoring the Ableism in the OP, Evangelion is really really shitty and problematic, but not as much as Gainax's crowning acheivement of bullshit: TTGL.

The problem with EVA is you have a femenine male lead who is denied being himself because he's constantly told he's worthless for not being able to live up to masculine norms or rising up to be the hero the city needs or even do what his abusive father orders him.

It's a loathsome treatment of a feminine male lead's existance, and it closely mirrors the struggls and challenges of real life LGBT people or boys who don't fit into masculine power structure.

The fact that EVA is as prolific and "important" as it is is disgusting.

Thankfully GaoGaiGar showed us what a positive representation of a feminine male lead looks like a few years later.
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Holy shit this guy is the real deal isn't he.

Never thought I'd see the day where I'd see a tripfag spoken about only in legends start posting again.
I just sat here in shock for a minute when I saw that. I wonder if the board is prepared for the intense autism that will soon be unleashed.
aside from that first sentence this is true.
It's almost like he doesn't realize that Shinji is never hated for being "unmasculine" but for being non-committal when he needs to be.
No, you cumguzzling faggot. The entire point was "everyone in this base is a dysfunctional assholes on just as if not a greater level than he is, nobody fucking tells anybody else anything, and nobodys problems ever get solved until it's way too the fuck late." Shinji isn't feminine. He's meek because he doesn't know what the hell is going on, nobody is telling him anything, and any time the robot gets hit he is subjected to extreme pain. He has no motivation to rise up to his responsibilities as LITERALLY Plan Z. And after all that, even with everyone else shitting on him, being totally useless, dysfunctional, noncooperative fuck wits, he STILL could have made up for all that if he had just not fucking hesitated and waited until there was nothing else he could possibly do and just DID HIS JOB WHEN ASKED.

This is completely without even touching on the whole thing about Asuka being even more of a doll than Rei was by the end of the series with R3i actually acting of her own free with and Asuka never rising beyond the life laid out before her but that'll just fly over your autistic head anyway. PLEASE just leave and go back wherever you went when you were banned.
People should be allowed to be scared without being treated like they're worthless.
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Well, lets be fair, he was plan Y. Plan Z was an intensive care patient that had to be wheeled into the hangar on a gurney.
being scared, being indecisive, and not being able to do things you're ordered to is not something to be dehumanized over.

This is the shit that leads tons of introverted people, including LGBT people and neurodivergent people, to be abused.
Humanity is fucked and there's a giant monster invasion every other week, sure is a healthy environment to grow up in.
Nico is that you?
>Humanity is facing extinction and you can do something about it, but instead whine about it and choose to do nothing.
Really man? It's not trying to dehumanize him but to show he's running away from responsibility so that he can grow as a character.
Because its creator is (or at least, he self-diagnoses as such) and that's the form of human interaction that he understands.
>Kaworu never died to anyone's benefit

He kinda died to the benefit of all humanity, because if he's alive then he's driven to kill us all.

No, it's needed.

When /m/ is in crisis, the grand unifier of our hate appears.
>This is the shit that leads tons of introverted people

Introverted people is not the same as maladjusted/socially inept people.

Introverts possess all capability of socializing normally and living a "normal" life, but choose not to because they prefer the solitude. The socially inept are simply incapable of acting normally in a social situation.
boiling everything down to the tram problem is shit and never helped anyone.
So, in other words, acting like how Shinji does makes you subhuman?
But we already have Snapfag, this is like an autism eclipse. Looking at it could permanently damage you.
Why, because I bring some of the dreaded political correctness into a neckbeard haven?
Wait, is Clawshrimpy taking a turn for the SJW? This could be more interesting than I thought.

No, because you're not supposed to hate Shinji. You're supposed to relate to him, or at least pity him. He's in a shitty situation, but at the same time he deals with it poorly.
But he's not dealing with it poorly, only the people around him abusing him saying he's handling it poorly to victim blame him.
literally not an argument at all
Because they act more like real people than anime characters. Same reason why a lot of characters in Tomino shows come off as batshit autists, real people are actually pretty fucked up a lot of the time and it comes out more prominently in high-stress environments.

Well, he's fresh off of sequestering himself off in Twitter and Tumblr and drinking in the opinions of radical feminists and SJWs, so he's even worse than he usually was.
>But he's not dealing with it poorly

Except he is.

When it comes to actually doing his job, he does it well. In fact there's multiple times where he just rushes into the situation to save people without even being asked. When it comes to being a pilot, he's fantastic at his job.

Yet outside of that, he deals with his life poorly. Not on purpose, but because he suffers from...something. Anno is not a doctor and can't really accurately diagnose people, so he puts in things that clearly were affecting him into Shinji. Shinji's issues aren't vague to be up to viewer interpretation, it's just that Anno himself doesn't know but tried to get it across as best he can. And no one else in the show acts normal either, EVERYONE has some kind of mental issue.
Look at his list of twitter followers, so many of them are crazy SJW trannies. He's even twitter friends with batshit ones like Sarah Nyberg.
But Shinji gets disproportionately mistreated over just simply not doing or acting like he's told, or not doing it well enough for other people, ESPECIALLY his dad.
Well he does actually fuck up a few times where he shouldn't have but for the most part he's decent. His mother saved his ass plenty of times though.

he is tasked with literally savig mankind, every minor fuckup is potentially apocalyptic in repercussions
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was that the pedo or the dog fucker
>that pic
Holy shit, being Admiral Rozhestvensky is fucking SUFFERING. That guy legitimately must have been cursed or something.
The same could be said of Mamoru and Guy in GGG, but they were not shat over for failing, if anything, they were shown compassion.

Anno is just an edgelord hack. Not content with his shitty problematic mecha show, he had to ruin Godzilla too...
You haven't even seen Shin, have you? You've also reminded me how much I hate the adjective problematic. It's so vague and generic that it has no meaning. At least clarify and call the shows trans-hating or anti-feminine or whatever your deal is.
I read the story synopsis and it sounds like Anno to a t.
>I read the story synopsis
_now_ I'm convinced it's really shrimpy
Then your opinion is irrelevant. At least clarify what you don't like about it.
You know, even though my reply was mostly as a joke, I now realise Rozhestvensky and Shinji had quite a lot in common.
Both where involuntary positioned in a very grim situation with vague orders and out of necesity.
Their missions where both last resort, all or nothing, suicide type missions and their superiors relied entirely on them, if it went bad it would be all their fault.
Everyone around them hated them or had mixed feelings, also everyone around them was fucked up one way or the other(Rozhestvensky dealt with literal criminals)
But finaly each dealt with their situation diferently. While Shinji cried all the way through up until the end when he finally sort of saved everyone(by killing them all first) and finally began to change, Rozhestvensky tried his best even in the face of death, he knew the plan was stupid and they had no chances of winning, but he would do his best even in disaster, yet by the end he wasn't isane, no he was past that, he was depressed, when the Japs crossed his T he knew there was nothing to be done, if he advanced his fleet would be anihilated, if he turned around to fight the Japs superior range would annihilate them. At the end he charged full steam ahead, and they got annihilated, but he survived, only to be acused of fucking it up. But for some reason I think he handled his situation better than Shinji, Because even if by the end he gave up, Shinji gave up from the start, even if he had the most advanced technology at his disposition and the fame to become a world hero/pussy destroyer. Rozhestvensky had nothing, absolutely nothing in his favor yet he tried, he tried...
>Being merchandised is somehow a bad thing

Only commies think this way.
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Going to need better bait than that
What else did you learn in psych 101?
Yet people will use the "toy commercial" excuse to shit over GGG and deny the progressive stuff it did.
People will use the toy commercial excuse when ever they don't have a real argument. It's like saying "it's just anime". Also, being "progressive" is a negative not a positive you wannabe tranny. GGG IS shit though for other reasons. It's still not as shit as you are tripfaggot. Go do the board a tremendous favor and kill yourself already faggot.
[citation needed]
>This is the shit that leads tons of introverted people, including LGBT people and neurodivergent people, to be abused.

Good riddance
>wanna be t-slur
I think I finally got a bigotry bingo. Been called the r-slur, f-slur, n-slur on this board, but I made it, I finally got called the t-slr by insecure bigots!

How is being progressive a negative? Oh yheah because you think everything should be for you and inclusivity is bad, like the people who metabombed Undertale for being "sjw ppropaganda" because apparently marginalized people aren't allowed to enjoy things.

Alaos, are you really going to be immature enough to suicide bait someone who's suicidal, grow up. I tell suicidal shit enough to myself, I don't need to hear it from you.

So, you're admitting that you jst hate marginalized people and think only people like you are allowed to live and feel happiness?
Dude, I'm Spanish, I don't need Spanish people to be in something to enjoy it. I mean you like a Japanese kid and identify with him despite not being Japanese right?
That's different from personality-defining identities, yeah there is racial and cultural differences, but if everyone was the same race in media... that'd be racist wouldn't it?

but I'm talking about gender representation, idetifying outside of gender norms in terms of personality and identity, etc.
Jesus Christ just stop giving him attention you fucking idiots. He's just baiting you.
He's not, go google who clawshrimpy is.
No he's not. Black_Knight baits. Clawshrimpy actually has a mental disease and hebelievehe 100% of this.
I'd rather believe it's an elaborate multi-year ruse than believe he's actually serious.
No, why would I do that?
I would too but there can only be one truth.
It's better than believing you can have such a shitty and dumb opinions.
Please die or go back to tumblr.
Just because it doesn't match up with your perception of things does not make it shitty and dumb.

You know it doesn't make you guys look like the winners here when you resort to wishing I'd die.
It does when nobody here is going to judge winner or loser because anyone could easily and instantly disregard your trip when they see the content of your posts. You're head-first in a snake pit complaining about getting bitten. Go back to your safe space, please.

His father was exactly like him. In fact that was the point of Gendo's character, he's Shinji if Shinji grew up but never improved as a person.
I win if you leave, so if saying I want you to kill yourself will make you leave then I'll keep doing it.
>His father was exactly like him. In fact that was the point of Gendo's character, he's Shinji if Shinji grew up but never improved as a person.

Gendo was nothing like his son. Shinji is an apathetic shitty character because he is the embodiement of 1990s Japan's youth as seen through the eyes of Anno. Gendo is an adult, he's an older generation, and he knows what he wants to achieve and does it consequences be damned. Totally the opposite of stupid-shinji who can't even take a dump without Misato guiding him. Seriously, there is chasm between the adult characters in Evangelion and the children. It's the children that are dysfunctional on all levels, not the adults. The adults are conniving, backstabbers, scheming etc... but they're not lethargic. Now you fucking tell me if that's a description of stupid-shinji.
GaoGaiGar is not high brow science fiction. I'm not going to put it on the same shelf I have my Frank Herbert or Harlan Ellison books on.

For fuck's sake, it's not even high-brow for the standards of robot cartoons. Nor is it a the progressive-minded show you've convinced yourself that it is. Japan isn't exactly known for its tolerance for LGBT causes, and it was even less so in the '90s.

It's a bog-standard robot cartoon with a simple moral about bravery, and simplistic characters. It's fine if you like it, just stop being a jackass about shows you don't like. You've been here for almost a decade- how the hell haven't you learned this yet?

You get so much shit because you're a cunt to everyone who disagrees with you. Hell, you more or less single-handedly killed any goodwill GGG used to have o this board because of it.

If you want "highbrow" mecha anime, watch RahXephon or Imagawa's Tetsujin 28 or some shit.

And yet you wonder why the "SJW politically correct orwellian cabal" wants to change everything you hold dear.

SHinji was an abuse victim, he struggled and was shit on for having struggles because he wasn't the hero everyone expected of him. Misato, the rest of NERV, the other pilots, and especially his father were incredibly cruel to him.
penpen shoved a fish up his ass in one of the comics
>And yet you wonder why the "SJW politically correct orwellian cabal" wants to change everything you hold dear.
I didn't even imply any of that you autistic shiteating faggot. I just want you to go the fuck away. So just do that or die. Thise are the only two ways you'll stay the fuck away from me and /m/.
He lived somewhere before Tokyo-3 and was active long enough to cooperate in production of the dummy plugs without pursuing an Impact. He wasn't driven into Terminal Dogma any more than Rei was, he could have stopped if he wanted, and him being dead wasn't any inconvenience to Seele.
Holy shit, this guy has to be baiting all of /m/, he's shitposting everywhere.
I've heard he was an autistic shitposter but there is no way a human being can be this unaware.

This man is one of the few Anons on the chan who has truly reached the depths of shitposting.
It's like he receded to tumblr to learn the ways they think and study their culture just so that he can shitpost.
I do not believe a human being typed this out with the intention of constructive discussion.
>using a reaction image from a garbage anime
Cool mouth, does it talk with dialogue?
fucking kek

sorry newfriend but it's legit
honto no koto sa
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Oh come on /m/, I'm hated here more than shrimp-meister
>And a cute gay
Taby wasn't gay, anon
>and I say hey
>what a wonderful time of day
>to learn to work and play
>and get along with each other

Evangelion wasn't that dark, it's only slightly less bright than Arthur
Clawshrimpy vs. Toho Kingdom forums
Please. You don't even have a 1/3 of shrimpy's autism.
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Aquarion Logos Genesis can beat Genesic GaoGaiGar and the Planetary Masters and Z-Mastr at once
Black_Knight is actually the superior shitposter because we don't know how serios he is after all these years. He's older than /m/, hell, I think he was trolling long before moot started this chilean autistic spectrum disorder self-help book.
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Yeah, I've never really understood why EVA's considered to be so dark. It's actually pretty idealistic, message-wise

Only one person is more hated than Clawshrimpy. Pic related.
I am the reason the board split in 2013 and headed the not-rape side in those VVV rape debates, you really wanna test that?
in the grim derp future there is only AVP comics
>I wanted the angels to win because humans really are that awful
Angels should have left this planet with the rise of Beargguy macros
Yes, and you also admitted you didn't actually give a shit about the debate, and only did it for trolling. Shrimpy sincerely believes his own delusions.
I'm just happy the awful Nightly Show is finally being cancelled, no more Bill Cosby jokes!
>you also admitted you didn't actually give a shit about the debate, and only did it for trolling.
You're thinking of MJPfag, I was serious and didn't troll.
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Clawbro is the hero /m/ needs
I feel bad for the shitos because most don't have fingers to properly pick their noses
Do you want to fuck him like you want to fuck your avatar?
>Adam's angels would have saved us from a Donald Trump presidency
>Japan is very conservative

Like poetry
I don't want to fuck anything, I'm asexual and you are a spaghetti noodle on a pancake juggling the world's smallest hash browns
The GeoFront is like a ballroom blitz since Suicide Squad is still in theaters
What is it with you and the delusion the poster wants to bang Beargguy?
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Clawshrimpy seems like a cool guy, is he a ghost or electronic celebrity?
I really don't get this comic, but I do know what I do get: Bacon on chicken sub sandwiches
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If Mikono replaced Misato before second impact this whole thing would have been averted
>once petitguy has been mass produced....
>Clawshrimpy goes to Evageeks and blows their minds
>using Google
Yahoo master race for the win!
isn't that one of the ANN mods?
Hey now, I ignored him for months. And then he hijacked the banner contest. Shitposting is back on the menu. Besides don't you think it's adorable how he starts dropping spagetti every time he's called out on it?
>all them mustaches
>How is being progressive a negative?
Because it's cultural marxism, and is designed to break down societies?
you didn't answer my question, are you on the Trump campaign?
that was a joke pic
>Hey now, I ignored him for months.
I ignored it before it was cool, check yo privilege, mate
>you didn't answer my question
Yes I did.

>are you on the Trump campaign?
That wasn't your question.
>Yes I did.
No you didn't
>You're right, I forgot about Mari.
Maaya Sakamoto is the most /m/ female seiryu, HOW COULD YOU!?
chaos daemons possessing shitos! what would happen, /m/?
Author's note: Shito means angel in Japanese because TV-Nihon parody
>4.0 never
Shinji should have just jammed to Van Halen
>look at this photograph
>every time I see it it makes me laugh

Shinji is an AU version of Nickelback
Somewhere there is a SRW crossover where Armisael stops fusing to Unit 00 because someone brought him a gunpla kit and peace was made
I will take NGE Shinji over the one in the Fate/ franchise which was glorified trash that needs to be booted from anime
Could you imagine Godzilla with an AT Field?
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Give the man a prize.
>we need to build a wall between us and them, some angels, I assume, are good people
>Rick Santorum became a democrat after that
Pen Pen is the ideal pal: Soft and cuddly like mashed potatoes
Double X Gundam woulda nuked them angels, man
there should be fan art of Sandalphon with pet graboids
QUICK! Post pics of Unit 04! It is the best!
Unit Alpha deserved an OVA
I wonder if Gainax is selling NGE curtains
Mana best girl.
I can imagine Gaghiel trying to maneuver on land now
why was Lilith willing to let her kids nail her to a cross?
>why was Lilith willing to let her kids nail her to a cross?
Because that's mostly just her body and not her soul. Her soul is in Rei.
I mean yeah I would be down to do all of that and especially pilot my dead mom and all but like

it's not super cool that you get to have pain feedback from your cool mecha that will go beyond the limits of what a normal human could survive

and you'll just need to keep hopping in without any prior training for this shit just because your dad wants to see what happens if you mindbreak while inside
>LGBT are introvert
What a fucking load of bullshit
They are the most loud and obnoxious people I have ever met
Sure I did.
It's like right there. Third sentence. First word. Same reason you brought up Trump for no reason. It's just empty shitposting. I got sick of his spamming some random threads, and apparently no body really gave a shit since every time someone criticizes the beargguy spammer you get three or four posts going "there is nothing wrong with Beargguy spamming! He's funny! We like it when he spams random threads or makes meta thread!" The mods don't really do anything about it, so I figure he isn't breaking any rules, or is too minor for them to care about. So I just decided to go along with it and just shit post when he shows up. It's just banter at this point. I accuse him of having a fetish, he accuses me of being raped by spaghetti. The three or four beargguy defense force posts show up. And then the whole thing just gets forgotten till the next time spams. It's all harmless
>Tfw newfag to /m/ and don't know who clawshrimpy is

>See twitter account mentioned in thread, decide to look it up for myself

>You are blocked from following @Clawshrimpy and viewing @Clawshrimpy's Tweets. Learn more

I now know all I need to know
If he's using the blocklist, that adds extra layers of hilarity.
He is. I never interacted with him before and didn't even know he existed until about 20-30 minutes ago. Why anyone so autistic that they would use a twitter blocklist would even step foot on 4chan boggles my mind.
Little detail is provided as to how or when Rei was made, but Lilith was presumably still complete when they carved Eva-01 off of her living crucified body and Longinus at the time was still submerged where Antarctica used to be.
took me a couple hours to realise what ableism was, for some reason my mind couldn't process the capital A and it looked like a foreign word. I guess I'm just an autistic retarded faggot.
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It's not that bad, not everywhere looks like the Old Tokyo exclusion zone. They're even in better shape than they realistically should be since that school trip didn't sound like an expedition to the sunken ruins of Okinawa.
>Missed Clawshrimpy


I wanted him to take the Fafnerfags down a peg. They're far too smug.
If you were as entertained by this thread as I was, you would do well to pick up here >>14621227
I've gotten a lot of harassment on twitter, be it from gators, ED, and people from this board stalking me. It made sense to use it.
>implying it isn't the global reptiloid jewlluminati after you and Ryulong because you know too much
I don't even know much about Fafner. It looks like just another Gundam-a-like edgy war show with unlikable characters.
Why are you doing this? This is like repeatedly putting your hand on a hot stove.
File: 1409987012965.jpg (57KB, 720x480px) Image search: [Google]
57KB, 720x480px
I fucking hate that.
I don't know what you mean.
Coming here, having panic attacks, and then coming back.
>unlikable characters.

So they're not young, single-digit boys you can fantasize being, or being inside, I understand.
No, I mean they're probably Gundam-style hatemongers who get angry and bully each other for no reason.
why do you keep giving false witness
that's a sin against jesus
please dont go to hell clawshrpimy
please dont make things up and assume your right


You in a nutshell, really. You're so fucking lazy that you can't even be bothered to see things for yourself if they don't have prepubescent children in starring roles and just scroll through a plot synopsis and listen to word of mouth.

Pick your ass up, you slothful shit.
his brother makes him do stuff too
a bloo bloo bloo

Well I'm sure he does, doesn't mean he can't find time.
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