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Could a Gundam with all its Newtype and GN Particle bullshit

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Could a Gundam with all its Newtype and GN Particle bullshit beat an Eva with its 3rd Impact/Instrumentality nonsense?
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Jesus christ that image.

>GN particles
>All Gundams have GN particles
>Gundams are only piloted by Newtypes

The only hope in hell is Amuro and Banana piloting Unicorn-based MSs, creating a Psycho-field that would hopefully render the Eva's AT field inert.
No. /thread
>no giant sazabi next to the nu
>Gundam picks up lance.
>Gundam stabs Eva
>Gundam wins

Yes. /thread.
>/threading you're own post while being wrong.
>no Psycho Gundam, Destroy Gundam, or Colony Devil.

Nice try, Evafag.
I didn't make the chart, and I'm more of a gundamfag, and the chart's purpose was just the point out the innaccuracy of the image, given that the Strike is roughly the size of the RX-78-2.
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Gundam just needs to cut the umbilical cable.

KO in 5min every time.

> Gundam cuts Eva's energy plug, flies away and waits.

Even if it has an S2 engine you have units like the Dynames that can snipe from miles away, or presumably out in space, the 00 with a quantum field burst, Turn-a that can consume it's armor and accoutrements, God that can just make 30 copies of itself and beat it around the place and so on.
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Isn't Eva supposed to be around 200m tall?
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haha, amazing
Not at all.
I don't see what's too out of place here, the ball looks roughly the same size in both.
Of you've ever seen CCA the two are roughly the same size when they actually fight.

Char unlocked Gundams shape-shifting tech I guess
The spherical cockpit fits inside the Sazabi's head with room to spare. The Sazabi's head is supposed to be around the same size as the Nu's. So for the cockpit to then look larger than the Nu's head is off scale.
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Could their combined forces hope to challenge a Mortar Headd?
Without the impact god of orange juice invincible AT field bullshit, a couple op gendums can do the job.

When the god/AT/S2 hax kicks in you can only fight it with stronger newtype hax, physical attacks just don't work at that point.

Generally speaking, not a chance. There are a couple of exceptions, with the vast majority of contenders being from G Gundam which operates on kung fu magic, but most mobile suits simply don't carry around the firepower to deal with an AT Field.

If you have trouble reconciling the difference in power scale, think of it this way. Gundams are built to fight against mobile suits, what are effectively walking tanks with a fancy power source and occasionally some beam weapons. With a couple of gimmicky exceptions, all mobile suits work pretty much the same, the only real progression is in speed or firepower. Gundams do pretty well in the role for which they were built.

Evangelions are built to fight against Angels, which are giant eldritch monsters whose powers and tactics vary wildly from beast to beast. Angels regularly survive direct hits from weapons of mass destruction shown to be capable of vaporizing mountains into craters, can effortlessly tank hundreds of explosive shells firing at them in waves of fire without ever even noticing them, and their power ranges from 'hyper megaparticle cannon you can fire a couple of times a second' to 'is a universe'.
Evangelions do reasonably well in the role for which they were built.

I'm not trying to give Gundam the short end of the stick here, but Evas are simply built to tangle with a much more dangerous class of enemy. There isn't much that a Gundam can bring to the field that an Angel hasn't already done. Teleporting? Done it. Shapeshifting? Done it. Nanomachines? Been there. Regenerates back to full health unless you destroy a single specific part of it? Thats every Angel.

Any Gundam without a special gimmick is just fucked by default, by the way. AT Fields don't have anything to fear from the vast majority of handheld beam weaponry that Gundam can field, and most of the Evas defenses are designed under the assumption that the AT Field will be too busy neutralizing the enemy to offer defense anyway
You can blast through an AT field with a laser like they did in the show. Would the gundams beam rifle be powerful enough? If not, what about the megaparticle cannon?
>> Gundam cuts Eva's energy plug, flies away and waits.
I was going on OP's parameters, so it wouldn't have the power cord.


It's sort of like how every 'Gundam vs Valkyrie' thread tends to be stacked by default, given the latter has a huge technological leg-up care of reverse engineering alien equipment.

It's a VS that usually isn't that well thought out and just goes for two fairly well known robots regardless of if they'd actually be on equal footing or not.
Dynames' beam reflects off AT Field.Turn A`s machines as well.

This is what I really want to know. I need to get into this shit.
With a positron weapon.That is an antimatter weapon.That probably works,by simply anihilating the air particles in the place the enemy AT Field is.And it barely worked.
Isn't that what some of the SEED MS have?
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I think the Eva AT field cancellation was a bit at work too.
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So then where does the image of the giant sazabi come from?
Fucking watch CCA
Nevermind I'm retarded
Green Unicorn yeah
Yeah, Lohengrin is a positron weapon, and there are several others.
>Gundam vs Valkyrie
The strongest Gundam can't beat the weakest Valkyrie.
Really only a psycoframe suit with a decent newtype in the seat could do it. Space wizard magic the AT field away.

Then pretty much any UC era weapon could rip apart an Eva.

It should be worth mentioning that not all positron weapons are created equal. Even in Eva, the Operation Yashima Positron Cannon was especially large and overcharged in order to be the one hit kill weapon it was. Nerv had other positron weapons that proved nowhere near as effective, and even the big gun failed to kill Arael (presumably because it was too far away and the beam lost too much power reaching it to be effective).

So even within the realm of Positron weapons, its far from a sure thing.
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There's only a single Seed MS that carries a positron cannon, and it was special equipment. No other MS has positron based weapons.

Eh... I REALLY don't think you want to bring a Newtype into the fight against an Eva.

The AT Field is a tangible manifestation of the soul and will of the Eva/Angels. Even an especially powerful Newtype simply doesn't have a soul big enough to compare to that sort of raw power. I can only imagine a newtype trying to make contact with an Eva, or the pilot inside of it, is going to be like a drop of water throwing itself into the ocean... or a kid grabbing a downed power line.

AT BEST, nothing happens. At worse, the psychic connection blows the newtype's brain out of their nostrils so hard the air bag goes off. The Eva is still a type of Angel, and mental contact with the Angels in the show never ended well.
Several Gundams would put up a fight, but the evas are too powerful. I haven't read any manga though. But the robot is your mom thing pretty much means auto win in anime and the only one with that kind of devotion is Setsuna
They don't have to try and connect, and if multiple psycho frame units worked together to create a psychofield, they could probably change the laws of physics in that area and disrupt the AT field.
I'd bet that Dynames, 00 Raiser, Quan[T], Turn A, Double X, or Unicorn could do it.

I haven't seen G-Reco yet but I hear the G-Self gets some kind of fucked up op weapon at some point, thought I'm not sure on the details so I can't really guess how an AT Field would do.

Also, maybe I'm just forgetful, but do we ever get to gauge how strong an Eva's AT Field is, compared to an Angel's? The only time I can think of where an Eva uses its AT Field as a shield is Asuka in EoE. And then there are Angels like Ramiel and Zeurel who have stupidly strong AT Fields, while other Angels like Matariel don't seem to have much of a field at all, and the Evas themselves getting their limbs blown off all the time with no AT Field defense. So I don't know why people in these threads always automatically assume every Eva's AT Field is just as strong as Ramiel's.
>not all positron weapons are created equal
This. The fact that it was a positron-based weapon doesn't matter in the slightest. The field could have been pierced with any weapon capable of focusing that amount of power onto a small area. The reason they used the positron cannon in Eva is because it was the only weapon they could find with that kind of power output, not because there's some kind of special interaction between AT fields and positrons.
>I haven't seen G-Reco yet but I hear the G-Self gets some kind of fucked up op weapon at some point, thought I'm not sure on the details so I can't really guess how an AT Field would do.

The G-Self's final upgrade is Photon Torpedoes that burn away anything they touch. I'm not sure how that would factor in with an AT Field though. Also I don't think the Turn A's Moonlight Butterfly can harm an angel either, since they aren't necessarily technological based.
Only thing that could stand a chance is full-powered God Gundam I'd imagine
It could render and Eva unusable if it wasn't berserk though.
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Perfect G-Self's photon bombs are i-field catalyzed annihilation or something according to some staff member's twitter notes.

Devil Gundam's colony form would put up a decent fight.

Maybe UC considering how inconsistent the tech level gets
I could see it replicating Shinji's mom just to fuck with his head.
You mean:

Unless it's Kira Fucking Immortal Plot Armor Guy Yamato, no one will stand a chance.
Is this post from 2008
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Kira is forever
What if it was Kira in a Gundam vs Kira in an Eva?
Light gets through at fields

Lasers are light

Almost every Gundam can beat an Eva

Turn a, g self, devil, Quanta, awakened Unicorn , and neo Zeong could each school a squadron of evas without effort
Turn A-s Nanomachines can do the trick, it doesnt need to eat the organic component, it can cocoon it outright. a self sustaining cocoon that will just fix itself if EVA tries to break out
Fight for five minutes, then they team up to take down the villian, like in every cross over. Sunrise execs and Annos wallet are the true victors.
The blast strike has a positron cannon
From this far?I doubt it.
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>implying Turn-A wouldn't thrash an EVA
I always thought that antimatter was just capable of destabilizing an AT field.
Its' nanomachines eating an Eva armor would just make it angrier.
Or it could just unplug it? Turn-A doesn't even need to use the nano machines. It can teleport for fuck's sake. Its weapons could easily drain the A-T field with its beam canons or nuclear warheads. Not only that, it could just run up and slap the eva up its face if it wanted to, that barrier only blocks like 4500 damage.
>srw stats
>bringing up nukes and physical attacks
>bringing up the powercord at all
not sure if retarded gendumfag or bait, EVAs can literally activate god mode
>not enjoying fun banter
kill yourself my friend.
>Could a Gundam with all its Newtype and GN Particle bullshit beat an Eva with its 3rd Impact/Instrumentality nonsense?

Eva can't even beat Gogg, what makes you think it can beat a gundam?

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>EVAs can literally activate god mode
Could an AT field withstand a Love Love Sekiha Tenkyoken?
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The power of Rabu Rabu can break that shit.
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>EVAs can literally activate god mode

Gundam IS God mode.
What about the Ideon filled with infants versus a Third Impact mode Eva?

I'd bet on the Ideon.
The whole point of the cannon was that they needed brute force to make up for being unable to get close enough to neutralize the field.
Devil Gundam > Eva
But BF showed us that Jegan > Devil Gundam.

Soooooo... Jegan > Eva?
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I assume it has an S2 Organ so the fight is fair.And as much as I love the Turn A,I will say that one hit from an Eva`s mere fist will raep it to oblivion.It`s a very fragile machine.And besides if you allow it teleportation,you need to realize that you need to allow the Eva infinite power.And yes I specifically took this picture of my Gunpla for this post.
Not all AT Fields are created equal, either; they made a point of telling us that Pyramid Head's field that they rolled the positron gun out for was stupidly strong.

And we're talking about gendums vs evas, not gendums vs angels; if this AT Field crap is really 'the light of the soul' and all I don't see the eva pilots' as being on the same class as giant space monsters'.
Based Gogg
God Gundam can't even beat a Valkyrie, what makes you think it can beat an Evangelion?
Sound logic.
Zeta could take an Eva unit depending on how many women have died.
>Eva with its 3rd Impact/Instrumentality nonsense
Means it already has an S2 Engine, which means it will run as long as the pilot is able to.
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>God Gundam can't even beat a Valkyrie

Eva AT Field strength fluctuates wildly in relation to the Synch Ratio of the pilot.

The AT Field isn't generated by the pilot or their will, its a natural ability o f the Eva because it is an Angel. However, the pilot can only access a limited portion of that power. The more in synch with the Eva they are, the more of its AT Field they can use as if it were their own.

Against other beings with AT Fields, the AT Field of the Evas doesn't seem very impressive. The Evas are often in the weaker position, sometimes needing to use multiple Evas just to neutralize the AT field of a single powerful Angel. Even when they are on equal ground, the net result is that the Eva uses up its field cancelling the AT field of the Angel, so basically neither of them have any special defense and the fight turns into rocket tag.

The only time we ever saw an Eva have an AT field so strong that they could negate an enemy AT Field and still be well defended themselves was Berserk Unit 01 at 400% synch ratio. Berserk unit 01 has power to spare, because its using 100% of its AT Field, not just whatever portion of it that Shinji can manage.

So I would say that a fully awakened Eva is actually more powerful than an Angel (which makes since, because they are directly based on Adam/Lilith) but due to imperfect control systems the pilots often are only running on a fraction of that power.

Which is enough to still be effective against other beings with equal or sometimes greater AT Fields. Against enemies like Gundam that have no AT Field at all, they are functionally invulnerable barring some very powerful, very specialized weaponry that Gundam has had no reason to ever develop.
> Maybe UC considering how inconsistent the tech level gets

You can say that again.

The mountain melting scene from 8th MS team always rankles me because the power source of the Apsalas is just a pair of perfectly normal fucking DOM reactors. We have seen those reactors explode and release not even 1/10th of the power needed to do that sort of harm. So the real special power of the Apsalas was, apparently, to take a power source and then multiple its electrical output by 1000000x using only the magic of space aids.

Why would you even need the Big Zam if any chucklefuck can take two mobile suits, cram them together, and get a weapon that can shoot a hole into one side of the moon and out the other like shoving a toothpick through an olive?
See >>14302635
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>Video games
>AT field is the physical representation of separating yourself from other people
>GN particles are the physical representation of naked bonding
Yeah, Gundam wins
But it's going to be really, really gay
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> quoting that many people just to post old shitty SRW memes

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the maymays, they are truly ebin amiriteguise
The big zam's only problem was the I-field. It literally had 28 battleship-class guns and a massive main cannon that was more than wide enough to cover an entire space port (when it vaporized dozens of GMs and balls in one shot).
And one of the SRW autismos strikes again.

Thanks for the (You)s.
Arguably yes. Newtype powers is all about bridging the gap between people while Eva AT fields come from the isolation people feel.

Moving on, a gundam could easily sever the umbilical of an Eva but if it ever gets into direct combat the Eva is just going to stomp it flat.

You know, I wonder something...

When not in space, can Gundam's actually outrun an Eva? It feels like the span of distance that an Eva crosses during battle are much larger than two mobilesuits fighting.

The mobilesuits usually have thrusters, but given the height difference an Eva covers a lot more ground in a single step and we have even seen them run at supersonic speeds when they need to.

The mobilesuit obviously has a longer operation time, and can cross more total distance that way, but I'm not sure that they could actually escape an Eva chasing after them without a large head start.

And before you mention flying, we know the Evas can be equipped with weapons that can target enemies in low orbit. Trying to fly away from the Eva sacrifices cover, which would be their best defense against anything with that kind of range.
I don't think a gundam could even penetrate an AT field.
I legitimately wish you would die.
Depends on what Gundam you're talking about
Zeta could probably just fly away.
Zeta doesn't even have to move.
The souls of the dead will hold Eva in place.
People forget Unicorn gave us this.
Source please.
AT fields are "the walls of the heart", physical barriers manifested from psychology ones.

Setsuna's understanding particles would probably disable them entirely.
This isn't a judgement of what series is better or what giant robot is cooler, but-
You're asking if the mostly realistic giant robot could beat the much bigger organic god-machine.
No. No it could not.
The eva units are practically magic.
It's like asking if an apache helicopter could take out the monolith from 2001.
>The eva units are practically magic.

If you are making that assumption, then you have to surrender that Gundams are magic too.
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I'm guessing AT fields would block assimilation so that big Fafner advantage is out.

Weapons and armor tech would be comparable factoring in a bit of NERV superscience

Powerful Fafners can fly and don't need external power, though Evas going full impact modo can do the same.

Evas are bigger.
Unicorn literally makes wishes come true you retarded newfaggot.
It literally doesn't you braindead whorespawn
wrong, retard
Nope. It reacts to the user's will using psycommu but it isn't all-powerful.
>The souls of the dead will hold Eva in place.
EVA Impact shit doesn't affect souls or AIs right? Couldn't we literally just ramp up an Ex-S or Blue Destiny? Although we'd still have to get past the AT Field.
>Although we'd still have to get past the AT Field.
We REALLY piss Judau off.

What Gundams have laser weapons?

Not particle beams. Laser weapons specifically.
While they aren't Gundams, Tauruses can have Laser Rifles, which ironically were used because normal beam weapons couldn't pierce the Virgo II barriers.

Oz even put them on a plane, since Noin used one quite effectively in a sequence that made me wonder why mobile suits are even s thing in AC considering they appear to have no Minovsky analogue.
More surprising is that Nu gundam is shoulder by shoulder with Devestator.

Thats an absurdly powerful I field... but its still an I field.

I Fields work on beam weapons because they are both minovsky based tech. One repels the other. You can fire literally any other weapon through an I field and the I field wont matter in the slightist.

Since none of the Eva tech is minovsky based, that trick doesn't really matter, as impressive as it is.

Turn-A had i-fields that worked on stuff besides Minovsky tech. I don't remember if it happened in the show, but it only uses the i-field once or twice so it shouldn't be hard to check. It's in the manuals at the very least, though whether you take that as gospel is up to yourself, if it is manual only.
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Youtubers with 30 second-intros need to die
There are ridiculous gundam way above what Eva units can do

>b-b-but muh AT field

That's fucking bullshit, they can be shitted on by a strong enough attack.

You demonstrate a fundamental lack of understanding as to how AT Fields work.

This isn't SRW where there is a magic number that if your attack does more damage then the AT field just poofs away.

In series, the only reliable way to get past an AT field is to bring it down with another, stronger, AT field.

Even the grand positron cannon prototype didn't work because it was 'stronger', it worked because it was focusing as much power as possible into a very, very small point all at once. You could multiple that same offensive power by 10x in a thicker beam, and the fact that its a thicker beam means it would fail.

This is a weapon design that nothing in Gundam meets. Gundam makes more powerful weapons by making them delivery more plasma over a larger area to hit as many targets at once. This will be 0% effective against an AT field, because no matter how much beam plasma it brings to the table its playing fundamentally the wrong game.

This is why dropping nukes on Angels does jack shit, but the positron weapon can punch through, even though the energy released during the bomb drops is far greater.
The G-arcane, G-self perfect pack, and a few others have lasers
In the UC they have laser-proof paint or something that was around from before the one year war which is why they mostly use particle beams or really big lasers

There is actually a weapon in Gundam that does that: the VSBR, which can strength and weaken the strength or size of it's beam, including making a narrow beam with higher power to penetrate shields.
>this is why dropping nukes on angels does jack shit
Did you not watch the first episode? Or the other episode where Rei uses a nuke to attempt to destroy an angel
And also, if you read the op, you would notice the fight is between a gundam and an evangelion unit, not a gundam and an angel
>Or the other episode where Rei uses a nuke to attempt to destroy an angel
The angel quickly recovers from the 1st episode N2 mine, and in your second example it does no damage at all.

I did read the OP. Its just that we more often see what an AT Field is capable of when the Angels are using it, because the nature of the Evangelions is to expend their field as soon as possible to try and neutralize the enemy AT field, not giving them much opportunity to show what they are able to do.

For example, we see multiple times that an Evangelion can survive being at the center of massive explosive blasts unharmed, like the massive explosions caused by Angels blowing up which don't seem to hurt the Evas much or at all (see the end of the Sachiel, Israfel and Sahaquiel fights) and Misato even says that if a nuke gets dropped on the base the pilots in their Evas are the safest out of all of them.

Sahaquiel didn't take any damage to speak of from the nuke, though it did grow a new head in response. The only time an N2 mine was remotely effective against an Angel was Israfel, which bombing the shit out of it reduced its mass by 30% but still failed to kill it, and THAT was a special case because the Angel had to spread its AT field between 2 bodies.

Rei got fucked up by the N2 mine she was carrying because she spent her AT Field getting the bomb past Zeruel's AT Field. She was basically unprotected from the blast as a result, and even then her armor and the Eva's biology was enough that Unit 00 wasn't totally obliterated, just rendered nonfunctional.
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>Rei uses a nuke

Those weren't nukes. They were N2 mines. N2 standing for "Non-Nuclear" with the idea being that they can make a big explosion almost as powerful as a low-yield nuke with none of the fallout. They were basically just big-ass conventional bombs.
It should go w ithout saying N2s aren't nukes. Even Fat Man and Little Boy had bigger blast radiuses than N2s
Even Xabungle could beat an Eva.

Antimatter bombs, actually. stored antimatter generated using the same tech as the positron cannon.

So a smaller blast radius, and no fallout, but anything that is at the center of the blast gets hit much, much harder than a nuke. N2 mines focus on power on a small area rather than spreading it out over a city.
I know they arent actually nukes, but they are functionally the same
And if say, an operation british zaku brought its nuclear bazooka to fight the first angel, they wouldnt have needed the evas
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