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Can we get a 40k thread going?

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Thread replies: 277
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Can we get a 40k thread going?
Keep your britbong garbage in your own board /tg/
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Guess not.
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In sillier times.
Could Angron beat the Gundam?
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Hey, if this thing can, I bet he could.
Creed could outmaneuver them tactically.
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That makes the Knights look pretty badass. Granted it's just the Tau he's fighting.
The unspoken truth of the 40k universe is that it is so unspeakably vast, with billions upon billions of worlds...

That 99.99% of Imperial citizens will go about their daily lives in relatice peace. They rise, have breakfast, go to work, go home, have their eveing meal and on weekends enjoya hobby and give thanks to the emperor.

They may live on a hive world, a 'civilised world' an agri-world - a forge world even - but they'll still be fundamentally the same as ourselves, having the same ups and downs, much the same extremes.

For the vast majority of the emperors subject, life is staggeringly normal. It's only grim and dark in the distilled big-picture.....
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The Tau are crafty devils

Necrons need more love.

give em back their humanity!
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I thought the Necron lords were given quirky personalities, and they retconned their badass spaceships and replaced them with hijacking the the webways.
>give em back their humanity!
>liking newcons
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One of my favorite ones
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Liked it. I hope someday the Silent King finds a cure to their condition... then gets annihilated by the Imperium shortly afterwards.
I like newcrons too, actually, but with a few exceptions, they kinda suck eggs compared to the space skeleton terminators.

Ward did nothing wrong.
>not ward against chaos
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New game is pretty O-K. Very good looking
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Always did like the cathedral ship designs.
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Game uses Unreal 4. Since there really aren't any many loading on any given map, ships retain a lot of detail at a distance. Great lighting too.
Warhammer 40k is powerwank the setting, so obviously yes to like 70% of all fictional settings.

40k is good Western mecha design.
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aren't many assets loading*







Post some eldar titans,fampie
The fuck outta here with that shit and fuck off to your basement with your pewter miniatures.
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Got two questions, what is the main difference between oldcrons and newcrons? Is that newcrons have more feelings or something?

Also, why don't the Eldar breed more so their race can repopulate? As long as they stay away from massive orgy parties they should be fine.

Also, chaos robots and Khorne Orkz back when?
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Fluff wise
>Old race that "finished science" got into a fight with the old race that created the Orks, Eldar, etc. When they were losing, they made a deal with C'tan, a race of Lovecraft-esque monster gods that feed off of death. They were told they were going to be immortals, and instead got turned into a race of unfeeling robots, who seek to murder all live in the universe so their c'tan masters can feed.

>Mostly the same origin, but all the high ranking Necorn lords kept their free will and personality after being turned into killer robots. They rebelled against the C'tan and turned them into pokemon or something. Now there are tons of different Necron factions, each one fighting for something different (to put themselves back in flesh bodies, to stop the tyranids, to fight for glory, to fight to collect shit, etc.)

Basically Oldcrons = Skynet's judgement day army in space. Newcrons = Fantasy Warhammer's Tombking faction in space. Also in the new fluff the Necrons lost their cool FTL spaceships for reasons I can't understand. No more pariahs, and I think they are no longer doing that "necron threat sleeping under mars" stuff they had going on before.
>necron threat sleeping under mars

They are, its just a shard sleeping down there.

And lets face it, if it was a fully formed c'tan, the Imperium wouldn't stand a chance if it woke up, so its probably for the better.
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>They are, its just a shard sleeping down there.
And now I know.

>And lets face it, if it was a fully formed c'tan, the Imperium wouldn't stand a chance if it woke up, so its probably for the better.
This is true. Despite all their neat old toys they don't understand, the Imperium is actually kind of weak and their strength is manpower and logitics.
All factions use Powered Armor and have giant robots used in war, so yeah 40K is /m/.
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I like stuff from both crons, it is kinda odd only necron lords keep their personality though. But the Flayer Virus was in oldcron lore too(I think),despite the fact they have no sentience they have enough sentience to cast out flayed ones.
>I like stuff from both crons
Me too, though I'm a bit partial to Oldcrons thanks to Dawn of War.
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There's a whole lot of heresy in this thread
The purges will continue till moral improves.
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Anon, you posted a bunch of heretic thieves though
Before I get lasblasted: how're Blood Angels heretics?
Although it usually isn't outright stated, the Blood Angels seem to have many relics "gifted" to them which just so happen to belong to other chapters, to the point where other chapters don't like them in the belief that they'll take anything that isn't hammered down as "gifts" anyway.

Also their chapter seems to have not only multiple instances of individual marines turning traitor, but it has also been suggested that they are loyalist descendants of a Traitor Legion, with some believing them to be descendants of the Thousand Sons or other Legions which had loyalist survivors who disappeared.
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They may or may not be descendants of a traitor legion.

Also they play fast the parts of the Codex that cover not stealing other people's shit.
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Except /t/ was created so you faggots would have a place to call home and not keep your bullshit here
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Should we have a Battlefleet Gothic thread, or just talk about it here?

I really fucking hate Data Recovery missions.
I'm cool with discussion of it here.
Warhammer fans are so fucking pretentious. Space Hulk is okay in my book, though.
Think we will ever see more Dawn of War, or a Space Marine sequel now that Games Workshop has to switched to a strategy of pumping out lower budget games as fast as possible?
Part of me believes they do not want to make a 40k game that is too good that might distract the playerbase from buying models.
With Games Workshop, that theory is entirely plausible.

>Shitty phone game huh? Don't worry, this thousand dollar miniature won't let you down!
>>Autocannon rounds.
Thats not true, since in the grim darkness of the future there is only war. I read it in a book once.
They can't us the warp or webways. They just go at Sublight speed everywhere, since that makes sense.
>that tiny crotch gun

To be fair, if there could be games with color pickers like DoW, I can see why they'd think that.

From then it's a few steps away from modding in more fringe army colors or even a subprogram that allows players to enter their own army colors. If they can add new playable races in, they can do anything.
>They can't us the warp or webways.
Not anymore.


They basically hijack the webways now, instead of having ships. Don't you just love retcons?

I don't know how this even works since Necron ships used to be a huge part of the lore, like a space marine chapter sacrificing themselves to take out Necron ship, or Necron ships buzzing Mars, and then leaving (which is a huge deal in 40k since the solar system is basically one huge fortress.
fuck off with your bullshit

/v/ has anime game threads
/a/ has mecha anime threads
/m/ does mecha vidya threads

stop acting like this matters faggot
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The eldars were pretty bad watchdogs, how do you fucking lose a map that has exact location of every Necron tomb? That should be the number one thing you try not to lose.
Eldar are bad at a lot of things.

Yeah. It's like playing a rousing mind game of "don't hit the assault boats button."
And they have the gal to call us humans smaller beings. Eldar are only good for rape and killing.
Even their gods job.
I just got the game recently, though I haven't had time to sit down and play it. Can you name ships? I've seen screencaps in /v/ of ships labeled "Bittenfeld"
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Yes, you can name your ships.

Most of the game's fun comes from getting your ships to do cool tricks in battle, though.
>Imperial Knight
>slowly sauntering across Tau no man's land
>ever engaging in hand to hand combat
>the Imperium keeps challenging us to hand-to-hand contests
>so we replaced all our hands with plasma railguns and fusion blasters
Data recovery can get very easy. The trick is to distribute your fleet with maybe one of your highest tier ships, and sneak in 1/2 light cruisers to feign the getaway. Good chance it'll be caught before you can warp, but you can usually force the enemy through your group to instantly board the enemy interceptor. Don't be afraid to use assault actions very early in the round, cooldowns should refresh before warp is available.
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I mainly save assault actions for when a line ship tries to fucking run and I want to finish it off. Any advice on boarding?
Why would I need to discuss 40k on the torrent board? Unless you got some sick rulebooks and pdfs to drop on me
>Using the side thrusters and then hitting the boost at the right time to ram a ship in the side.
Its immensely satisfying each time I do it.

Ramming is so satisfying. Unless you're Eldar, then it's outright fucking hilarious.
I love how one of the loading screen tips is something like "ramming is an acceptable tactic"
Who is this semen demon?
Tiny head is tiny.
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Dawn of War with the Ultimate Apocalypse mod can get pretty /m/. My blue and white IG army are the 85th Deloyer. The titans come out looking pretty cool and the scale of the game is awesome. Hundreds of conscripts running around getting wiped out by single shots of artillery while titans stomp past everything untouched is all I've ever wanted from a 40k game.
yeah, I really like the part where I desync from a 30minute game for the nth time today
That hasn't happened to me in a while now. Had a forty minute game today that went fine, aside from Necrons teleporting rape-pyramids into my base.
or what about the broken Nid AI, which is guess is actually a fantastic simulator of actually fighting Nids
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I had played a lot of Imperial Navy and Chaos. Boarding should be utilized early before warping can even happen, then banked once warp capability is unlocked. But don't triple board the first ships you're melting down. The first few ships you encounter should be easy pickings for a focus fire and/or ram from a higher class ship and lay down one or two boards. But you will commonly still be fighting a ship of the line by the time AI begin to file in the rest of their fleet. ALWAYS use the targeting priorities on ship systems. Typically generators or engines should go first. Generators control shield recharge rate and increase the warp timer when destroyed. Figure you know engine crippling just leaves them dead.

The important thing to know: use Lightning Strikes instead of the Assault Actions. Lightning strikes require the enemy shields are down, have much better range and don't depend on your ship's orientation to hit. Lightning Strikes can also be upgraded for an additional roll for crit damage. Chaos and Imperial Navy also have Favor upgrades that give an additional roll: Khorne for Chaos and Adeptus Astartes for Navy. That's a possible three rolls when you Lightning Strike a ship. A Lightning Strike can still succeed and not stop a warp out, it seems.

Favor upgrades are somewhat subjective to your playstyle, but I found these to be the most useful. I only tend to put Favors on a single Light Cruiser, prioritizing large ships, and not wasting boarding upgrades on the top tier. Ship on the left is a little toughie meant to swim around with larger ships in high point battle with hull and shield upgrades, and nimble. Pretty clutch for catching up to a runner or getting away with data.
>Ram ship on the side
>Clear ship, high energy 180 turn
>Full speed, ram enemy again
>Short-jump, triple ram
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why does 40k have the most cancerous fan base
>Blood Angels
Yeeeah I realized my mistake... days ago.
>Imperial Knights
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>NEVER play pirated cogitator games!
> GW legal prosecution team
Now that's bullying at that point. Unless you're playing orks, then it's just an everyday thing.
As much as I enjoy UA matches, they lose interest for me after a while. I like how Titanium wars managed to make the mod compatible with the DC and SS campaign so each skirmish takes an hour while I ready like 10 different kinds of Tau battlesuits and they throw a million troops at me. Is UA still not compatible with the campaign?
Both captions work.
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Thats missing the Warlord titan.
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>Not sicing nine brute rams on one ship
ment to type siccing, sent 9 brutes to ram a single ship.
Jebus, that'd be on one enemy battlecruiser? I can see multi-ram on a small or mid ship, I'm the anon that likes occasional micro-warps into a ram; but you'll bend your iconography.
I've always been amused by that Guardian being all "Don't be a tosser, can't even glance it"
Those aren't Blood Angels, they're Blood Ravens. For all intents and purposes they're Thousand Sons descendants, although there's no written proof of it. Word of God I think. What people are saying is true, names are getting mixed up, but quite apart from conjecture and speculation they had their own Chapter Master fall to Chaos and gain Daemonhood. Not to mention he'd been the Chapter Master for a reasonable amount of time before he was found out. That alone is grounds to purge the whole chapter, just to be safe.
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I know canon in 40K is vague (GW seems to enjoy the scale means most headcanon can be canon), but is Dawn of War's story cemented? Their Librarian fell far, fast.
I believe its story is canon enough that it's referred to outside of DoW. Not to mention Blood Ravens show up in Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine, and they were created specifically for DoW.
>they were created specifically for DoW
That's probably why I called 'em Blood Angels. Slip.
aww so sweet, a last gift before killing her for her blood.
Civilised and agri-worlds wouldn't be so bad by our standards, but Hive worlds, aside from the wealthiest citizens, are bad enough that they had another wargame--Necromunda--set in a hive world.
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Ugggh wear your helmet you dirty blueberry xeno.
Helmets lower your cool factor though.
>vagina forehead face

Pick one.
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Question, do tyranids have factions? if so, why?
yes, they have hivefleets, that sometimes fight each other solely to check which one has the most badass evolutionary traits. Since they can reabsorb all the biomass, infighting only makes them grow stronger.
As >>14160109 said those are Blood Ravens not Blood Angels. Blood Angels are space vampires who suffer The Red Thirst and go on fits of rage that make them be some of the Imperium's best melee combatants.

Blood Ravens are space kleptos and are only canon in so far as DoW is concerned. Marines Codex and fluff don't explicitly mention them save for pictures of their color scheme in the painting guides in the codex.
That moment when Tau got scared shitless by Imperium Titans
It is kinda funny that tau are the ugliest faction out of them.
So shit at close combat they forget to remove the blade from the scabbard
I don't mind the knightified Mars pattern Warlord, but to me the one the OP is the real deal.
How big are the various type of titan? I never quite figure out what kind of size they are in comparison to other mecha.
Warhounds are roughly 14 meters tall, but are pretty bulky so weigh around 400 tons.
How do you misplace Primarchs?
I thought it was Word Bearers, not Thousand Sons

Blood Ravens gene stock is known for its high incidence of psyker ability manifestation. I don't think any Legion other than the Thousand Sons were known for their psykers, though there are exceptional Librarians in other space marine chapters/legions (like Varro Tigurius, who managed to get into the Tyranid Hive Mind's head without going insane).
Warlord Titans are between 33 meters and 200 fucking meters.
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Here's the average height.
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Emperor class heights are all over the place. The biggest one to date is a 140 meters.
There is just something endearingly retarded about the castlebots.
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I always find them amusing, I really don't take exact measurements for units and estimated unit strength that seriously in the long run.
Best attitude. Especially since games workshop plays fast and loose with those details.
Fuck data recovery
Worst game mode
You know, most western mechs are pretty impractical but at least have some clear advantage to being used.

What on earth is the purpose of a titan, though? In the 40k setting there is so much shit that will annihilate anything regardless of the armor it's packing. That's nothing but a humongous, slow-moving and cumbersome target.
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pick none, that is what is fun about it
Void shields. From what I recall, the bigger titans have those, plus they're necessary to fight some of the big beasties the Tyranids can roll out.
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I think that with some submodding it can be made campaign compatible, and they're also planning on adding proper campaign support in the future if they ever stop adding a dozen new units every update and then having to balance them all again.
Maybe I missed a post, but since this is the 40k thread I thought I'd leave this here:


That's looking mighty cool.

>in before L4D clone
>40k game by the EYE devs

This could be amazing, or a mess, or a complicated combination of both. Can't wait.
Looks awesome.I liked how everything doesn't looks like small corridor for once.
That's more End Times: Vermitide. Not /m/ enough to go on.
Every time I see this, I'm reminded of Star Wars.
In Battlefleet Gothic I just had four light cruisers completely destroy my battlecruiser is about 3~ seconds with pulsar spam. They took it from 100 to 0 in less than the time to warp, is that normal for eldar?
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Oh shit, guys. These two just snuck into your Emperor class Titan. They have a rifle, a backpack full of explosives and a maintenance manual for the Titan. How fucked are you?
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Are there any good Squat mech pictures?
Just think of them as SD Imperial Guard / Marines.
What Battlecruiser, IN? IIRC Battlecruisers aren't much tougher than Crusiers, defensively.
Titans have actual factual garrisons, so it depends on how good they are at fighting spess mehreens or robotic monstrosities.
No spees mahreen will garrison a Titan.
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>subhuman mutants

Yes, that's to be expected of the knife-ears. Especially if the faggot who quad-pulsared you to death had the 300% lance crit upgrade on all his pulsar-equipped cruisers.

If you see that shit coming, it helps to have overloaded void shields.
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>not knowing the glorious definite 1st edition aka the rouge trader space dwarves
That reminds me, were there ever Chaos Squats to go with fantasy's Chaos Dwarves?
may be
not much
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Wow, I was kinda joking but it seems they actually did it. God bless 80s/90s GW, the absolute madmen!
Almost as cool as Khorne Orkz and Tyranid Orkz put together!
>Tyranid Orkz

Inquisitor Kryptmann, is that you?

Anyways, I've been playing a little more of Battlefleet Gothic. It's pretty fun, though it's taking me a bit to wrap my head around the mechanics...still, you know, I was thinking, Battlefleet Gothic does a pretty similar space combat thing as Infinite Space did, where you command a fleet of ships and each has its own captain, gunnery officer, and even close combat/boarding specialist. But the actual fighting between ships is a lot faster and more entertaining. It'll never happen, but I wonder if an Infinite Space 2 with writing from the original creators and a (maybe simplified) battle system from the Gothic guys would be pretty cool.
If there is something worse than jeanstealers, it's ork jeanstealers.
Two pairs of Lewis in a single day! By the Emperor, we need to bring end to this!
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Itz aleddy beegun u hummie

Please be good
So much more fun back then.
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Oh shit, hopefully this one is back to RTS instead of a pre-MOBA explosion hybrid.

Used to write segments for GW in the 00's. They used to be highly receptive to fan material, but all the goofy shit was trashed. Pop references were trashed. You had to hide your inspiration well so they can never get into hot water. There's a reason Necrons used to be Terminator meets Stargate.

>I'll never see a Space Hulk end in a dance off again

The funny thing is that you could trace the evolution of British pop culture through 40k. The 80s and 90s had a pretty strong Heavy Metal/Judge Dredd theme running through the setting. From what I understand, the Orks were more or less based on British soccer hooligans. Then you had everything ranging from Laurence of Arabia (Tallarn IG regiments) to Rambo (Catachan Jungle Fighters) to Alien (the Genestealers) mixing it up. I guess the Tau were pretty much them saying "We want the Gundam Wing audience."
Yep, 40K's survival as an IP is their willingness to change over spans of time. The scope of the fiction makes it work well. People who still cling to an army feature from 10 years ago aren't fully outmoded, and are mostly encouraged. Since their uh... inspiration is usually within a couple years of pop item X, it manages to stay fresh and within a safe border. Tyranids used to be lizards, then shifted to Alien xenos, then more Star Ship Troopers / Zergy. But along the way the grim darkness of the 80's/90's comicshop shilling scene with antiheros and less happy endings bled into it into more and more.

Luckily Orkz never let up
>he Ork Warlord Grigutz, a noted kleptomaniac, launched his WAAAGH! into the Morloq System in 978.M41. Whilst using Warp travel to reach their quarry, Grigutz and his warband unwittingly travelled through time and emerged from the shifting chaos of the Empyrean shortly before they had set off. Grigutz hunted down and killed his temporal doppleganger, reasoning that only in this way could he obtain a spare of his favourite gun. The resultant confusion stops the WAAAGH! in its tracks.
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Holy cow I just read Xenology, holy shit it was a great read. Slightly disappointed that a lot of Sasham "learned" was fake. Seeing Sasham doubt the Conservati and then being captured by a Necron( also implies that the Imperium has been infiltrated by Necrons

It goes to show why the Inquisition normally shoots all things xeno instead of keeping them alive and studying them.

On the rating scale of one as not heresy and ten is heresy. I give this 'thing' a twelve out of ten, holy shit exterminatus asap. May the Emperor preserve us

>he says without a hint of irony on a board meant to contain Gundam trash
Well, to be fair, I guess modern GW hasn't entirely lost all of its crazy.
10/10 would die in glory

>The three main factions are Space Marines, Eldar, and Orks

>Apparently the Blood Ravens survived having the Heresy fucked out of them.

>There will be an imperial Knight titan

>It's an RTS again

>Bases are back as are large armies

>Still has a cover system

It's a teaser trailer alright.
>Imperial Knight
>Trailer features a Wraithknight blowing the fuck out of one then immediately getting blown the fuck out
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That's pretty much what happens on the tabletop
Well he took out a Warhound Titan so I don't see why not
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Dawn of War III just got announced
Yeah, my pessimism was way too premature.

The art is kind of shit, but there is time to fix it, I hope.
>space marines dying like Guardsmen
Good to see tradition never changes.
Goddamn those knights looked cool.

So seeing as how Dawn of War I and II are on sale on Steam, what differences are there besides who you can play as? The "It's an RTS again" and "Bases are back" bit, suggests those things aren't true of II.
>Dawn of war 1
Basically typical RTS

>Dawn of war 2
You know those missions in Warcraft three where you control a few heroes, and some grunts, and make it through the levels RPG like, with no RTS elements? That's the single player for DOW 2. A bit more rts elements for the multiplayer, but certain elements are still missing.
DoW I was a bit unique for it's time by having bases with the no real resource gathering. You made generators for power anywhere, the secondary resource. The main resource was requisition: which was gained by owning spots on the map (usually a few near your base) and most spread across the map. So your worker bees were mostly base builders, not hordes of farmers. Map control was your main resource. The different factions play off that main style. Turrets are usually capped at six for most races(none for Tau), so less turtling. The gatherer-less economy made for more action, while bases themselves are at the same importance as other games.

Plus most units spawn in squads are bulked up in nice little menus in the field. So you don't make one Space Marine at a time, you get a squad with four, max 10. Right out the gate you can add more marines to the squad in their own private queue, give them special weapons, and/or buffing sergeant. Gonna fight Orks? Give marines flamers. Gonna fight at a distance? Heavy bolters to mow down light infantry. Or balance between threats. Marines got a lot more polish for micromanaging as the versitile race, but each faction has their boons. Like Necrons have almost no squad weapon upgrades or seargents, but make up for it in slow, short range power and durability. Guardsmen drown you in corpses and heavy artillery. It's well done.

DoW II came out right as the MOBA genre was getting it's legs. DOTA mod had been big for years, LoL was months away. DoW I already had hero units that could make or break the tide of battle. DoW II was just your hero, and a few "hero squads" with no bases clearing the map and taking points. It's not a bad game, but it doesn't inspire replay when you're trying to level several of these hero squads and have to micromanage wargear loot, upgrades and the combat for every game phase. (Prep, fight, micromanage every fight, level and inventory managment, repeat)
At least get the DoW I master edition. It's universally loved.
To add to this, DoW 2 went much further as a competitive multiplayer game. It was really well done. The single player really felt like an afterthought; it was pretty ugly, short and boring. The core game was meant to be multiplayer.

DoW 1 had much better single player, especially for the time it was released, and it was ripe for modding too.
>Macha, Gorgutz, and Gabriel Angelos are all back for 3

Well that's weird
to dominate a battlefield look up voidshields aswell 1 void shield generator is enough protection usually emperor class could hold more than 20
You'd think Gabriel is too busy doing chapter master shit to get involved in battles. I could see bringing Macha and Gabriel back to tie up their story, but that story was pretty much (sloppily) tied up in the last DOW2 expansion, when it was revealed that the demon Gabe released was used by the last chapter master to do his evil whatever thing.

The the Space Marines 'big' unit is going to be Knight Titans, the Eldar are getting Wraithknights. I wonder what the Orkz are getting. A stompa? A mega dread?
I wouldn't call them knightified. The boxy warlord was only one of the two designs; the other was the smoother and rounder Mars Pattern.
hey, it's slightly better than the Dread 40ktard
My experience with the tabletop crowd when I go watch a bud play was pretty nice. Where's the cancerous crowd at
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looks like a lame Starcraft ripoff.
I was going to run a game where the players are Knight pilots, if not for exam season being right around the corner for my players.

>tfw you had a semi-complete setting doc written up.
>Implying Starcraft didn't rip off Starcraft II
Get with it.
>implying SCII is any more than a shitty WoW remake in space
>Implying WoW isn't just Diablo with orcs and shit
online, mostly

I imagine the actual tabletop people are by and large accepting and kind people

I mean you'd have to be to play what is essentially a social game
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I like pictures of Daemon corrupted worlds
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Must be DoWII tetriaries, and /v/ermin in general.

I know that both are around from well since the days of Epic 40.000, but guess I just prefer the walking fortress over the papa knight.
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Where my Daemon Engines at?

See, the thing I like about 40k when it comes to the parts of it that are actually /m/, it covers a variety of shit. You have mech mechs (Sentinels, most things Tau), automated mechs, you have mechs with people wired up to them (Titans, Dreadnoughts), you have mechs driven by literal fucking ghosts (most Eldar things), and then you have mechs that are DAEMONS!
And then you have Ork mechs which are basically looted scrap held together by duct tape.
oh shit dooooood FOR THE EMPORAR!!!!!

too bad there are no chaos marines at launch
Yeah. Probably inevitable DLC since they are pretty much a Space Marine palette swap with a few extra models.
So I just beat Battlefleet Gothic last night...did anyone else really enjoy it? Some of the missions could get a little frustrating, like the planetary assault ones where the orbital strike points could appear either right on top of your ship or half the map away, but the actual ship combat was fun once you got the hang of it and the voice acting and cutscenes were just hammy enough to keep me entertained. Are there any other 'space battle' type games like it?

Yeah, I enjoyed it.

What difficulty were you playing at? At higher difficulties, alliance missions become an even bigger pain in the ass, and you can lose as many as 60% of the planets in the sector by Chapter 4.
I was playing on Hard; Impossible was too much for me.
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>applying the holy adhesive
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Manly Imperial Knights giving vile xeno witch knights the D should be relevant
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They did WHAT

No, seriously, their ships where terrifying in BFG given how advanced they were when compared to -Everything- else on the board. So advanced that, for example, their FTL Inertialess Drives had their own rules to denote how important they were, both in tactics and in the fluff.

Because of reasons I have been away from 40k stuff from quite a long time (4th to 5th Ed transition with the IG getting Valkyries - What a bad time to leave...) but they leaving the Necrons without their fleets is way too much of a change. What on Earth did they do with the not-so-well-established Titans?

>The remaining Dolmen Gates only grant access to a small portion of the Webway, with much of the network being sealed by the Eldar to prevent further contamination. Despite this being the case, the immeasurable length of the sundered Webway does allow the Necrons to outpace the modes of travel used by the younger races. As they are bereft of Psykers, the Necrons rely on this method of transportation as they are incapable of Warp travel. Thus, if they were denied the use of the Webway, the Necrons would be forced to make use of slow moving stasis-ships that would doom their civilization to isolation

It. Makes. No. Sense.

They still have Inertialess drives, though. One of the Imperial Armour books published during 6th Ed has the Necrons participate in a space battle in which they are able to kick the local Imperial Navy fleet in the teeth before most of the Imperial ships get geared up for battle.
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That sounds like really bad fanfiction mixed with a very forced campaign scenario plot device that was meant to be used only once.


Yea but it looks like they are no longer FTL-capable which is a far cry from the fluff I knew. Seriously, that engine was scary, Imperium forces that somehow survived a Necron encounter reported how they first detected them outside a system moving at -Incredible- speeds... And they only detected them because they were clearly -Decelerating- at that point. Any projection on what their original speed was quickly resulted in a FTL speed. Sure. the Tech-Adepts commented on how it was evident that the Necrons needed to go into sub-light speeds as even they could have problems fighting with their Inertialess Drives on max output but it was still an impressive demonstration of technology.


Yeah, we call those 'minis' alright. Funny because I remember a time when Plastic Baneblades were an impossible dream.


Battles are still kinda low-point level when compared to BFG.
Something for everybody
Yeeeeah. I think it's a limitation due to player attention spans in the multiplayer micromanagement. It'll slow burnout rate when your RTS game lacks on actions-per-minute, and twitch reaction isn't the name of the game. Though I'd love some high point battles to do some fleet wings, or split the flotillas into a more defined vanguard & flank roles. Currently you just have to appreciate battery types for distance, if your ship had a carrier bay, or put your torpedo boats on the outer grouping.
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