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Jazz for your Soul episode 3

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So the preview said march and we are already in march.How long until more cripple killing action?
is there a webm of the zaku running through through the field of flowers from from the last episode? that was great
That whole scene in general actually made me shed a tear.
those fucking feddies
4 of march is for the gundam fan club release and 18 is the official release
>being a zeek
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ep2 subs where
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>tfw guncannon confirmed animated from series, gm cannon may follow to, neither may get a kit.
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i couldnt help but laugh though when they started to show that childhood memory later on where he reaching for stuff and i realised what was about to happen
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does his suffering ever end?
Seconding this. You would think that Gundam, of all franchises, would have at least one group willing to sub it any time there are no official subs. Yet all we have now are some shitty guess-subs and a slightly cleaned up version of those guess-subs.
fuck zeeks
actual translation groups died off years ago

all that's left are people who rip subtitles from official sources, and there are no official english subtitles to rip right now
Still cant find a decent sub of episode 2
The most recent sub on nyaa is fine. That's the one I watched. Dialogue was more than fine.

Fluent enough as far as I'm concerned. If you can't put together a good interpretation with those subs and the VA's, then no amount of good subbing will do it anyways
Thanks, nice to finally see episode 2. Lets hope Thunderbolt gets an OST, sweet jazz.
Someone clear things up for me. What are the ranks for Io and Daryl? At first they are Warrant Officers that somehow rank below Ensigns, then they are Ensigns, then Daryl gets a two rank promotion for cutting off his two arm but is still an Ensign. What's going on?
Why could the Seiren fleet not recover the Psycho Zaku? It was right there slowly floating away, it didn't explode did it? Cause it was apparently salvaged by the monks.

The Psycho Zaku was fucked. Besides, they didn't SALVAGE it. They built a new one. Remember, they had the data from the cowardly scientist. They even show the Bishop going through it and being like "Whoah, mind blown."

Technically speaking, it's an awfully specific machine. You'd wonder what would happen if they refitted the device to work with, I dunno, a Gelgoog or something.
gm cannon already has a kit
cowardly scientist gets scooped by the monks after they recover his escape pod so his data is with them. the remaining zeon forces prioritized recovering the gundam over the zaku
He means thunderbolt versions of the kits. The Dom hasn't been gotten a HGTB either

Yeah, because they already had the female scientist (They didn't know she was crazy yet) and they never captured a Gundam before.

But really, I don't think capturing a Gundam would help them that much. Like, the Gundam was simply a very powerful, very expensive Mobile Suit. The main draw was that - Like the GM - it was better than most of Zeon's shit.
Fuck you
>ends up being the rebound for the doctor that was banging the cocky zeek
>has his good arm chopped off to pilot an experimental unit
>arms risk breaking when he pushes mobile suits without stump sockets (i.e. anything that isn't the Psycho Zaku)
>still gets praised for being a badass and gets his own unique insignia
You are not alone brother. SIEG ZEON!
Enjoy losing every war, Zeonigger.
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Never Fget
Im imagining the salvaged FA Gundam gonna show up sometimes later after it got Frankensteined with the Reuse p device or the remains of the psyco zaku, and i got a feeling that darryl has a distaste of the device after he got BTFO in the argument of with Io during his interogattion, im imagining the south sea alliance gonna be the final boss battle and either Io and darryl teams up or something or darryl got beaten by io and ask him to destroy the psyco device, cos if anything right now the earth arc really shown how brainwashed the monks and i think them and the professor is the main antagonist here cos if anything the payco zaku is the the mcguffin everyone looking for.
it makes me sad to. But I don't let that cloud my view, soldiers get hurt in war. Can hardly blame the "feddies" who just soldiers on the other side. You should probably damn those Zabis for taking advantage of the earnest desire for freedom.

At the end of Volume 7, we see the Bishop standing next to the Psycho Zaku, though.
>The Federation hosts their propaganda on MANGAFOX.COM
There's Jewish, and then there's 'REMEMBER THE 6 BILLION', NOW GIB MONIZ.

No raws yet?

It's out for that 'fanclub', right?
>episode 2
Well, that was fucked up. More like X-Gundam: Enemy Within.
That blond asshole better fucking die in the end or I'm gonna be really pissed off.
Any links ? or is it a physical copy ?
Hahaha, shit taste gets you shit results
Every time I think of this show I think of how bad the music is.


It's fucking AU based on the OYW because bandai, at this point, can't come up with anything original to surpass or even compete with what Tomino has made. Just another nail in the coffin.
Keep it up Snapfit-kun! Make /m/ great again!
So who was the girl in the preview for ep 3? Didn't look like Claudia

Also Zeon is crazy

yah! we need more incomprehensible trash like greco, friend.
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This asshole ?
Darryl has a cute sister, I hope Io fucks her.
Found the retard
So not only does he live but he becomes super rich because he gets the contract to rebuild the destroyed colonies ?
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Sounds like being a Fed is more rewarding.
He was the leaders son, of course he was rich
>Super friggin rich
>Good taste in music
>Good taste in women
>Ace pilot
>Survived ball torture
>Shit on Cripple
>Ordered his own Gundam
>Hero of side 4

How can one man be so based /m/
because he's not a zeek

simple as that. actually, it's a common sense.
don't forget he escaped from captivity killing 5 zeeks with just a pistol, and he did all this naked.

Io Flemming 4 /m/ President
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True free jazz patrician
Is the song from the beginning of episode 2 (Io's montage) original, or licensed? Does anyone know its name?
It's original, the ost better come quick
I'm so sorry but i laughed each time he saw his newly amputated arm
I hope they included Giant steps when atlas show up
>Giant steps

that would be a nice touch
So, why'd we end up with (counting on Nyaa, here) 7 subs for ep 1 in good time?

Honestly, my main complaint is that there's no consistency because none of the subs for ep1 have an sub for ep2. Here's to hoping that we'll end up with a quality sub job done after the final episode goes live.
That doesn't look like an early UC gundam looks like its from the 120s.
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It looks Victory as fuck. Until you get to the back, then it's basically an Astray.
That's the point. Ohtagaki clearly felt like doing whatever the hell he wanted, regardless of if it fits the era or not.
>Ohtagaki clearly felt like doing whatever the hell he wanted
I hate it
>>being a zeek
That's THE time to be a Zeonist. Every other Zeon Remnant movement after 0080 is posers and increasingly pathetic, finally culminating in the insult that's Mars Zeon.
This is a "gritty" story of Gundam.
BOTH Io and Darryl are probably going to die once they finally come to terms with each other and themselves in a giant bloody giant robot slugfest that leaves them increasingly exhausted and bodily broken until they finally both explode.
The mangaka is going to make at least SOMETHING tragic and senseless in someone's death. That's his schtick.
Odds are that Guncannon pilot girlfriend will be the only survivor and pregnant, to boot.
it's just been explained, all the ones for episode 1 were either ripped from the official stream or used the official stream's subs and edited them.

Fan subbing is dead. Crunchyroll bought out the market with simulcast streaming.

And Gundam english fans don't have enough with JP language proficiency or encoding experience. We have 1 guy deacon blues still doing random gundam scanlations at a fucking snail's pace, nozaku, and [EG[ who is retired. Everyone else is gone or doesn't give a fuck enough.
>it's just been explained, all the ones for episode 1 were either ripped from the official stream or used the official stream's subs and edited them.
Okay, then what happened to episode 2? Why'd the official stream not have any English subs? What does this mean for eps 3 & 4?
Sunrise hasn't released an episode 2 stream with subs. That either means they are going to just batch it when all the episodes are released or Rightstuff is probably just going to straight DVD release it.

What happened is that a ton of JP peeps got pissed off that that Sunrise released episode 1 for free outside japan when JP had to pay the subscription service for B-Channel or the 1 episode rental fee. Not many people realize that everyone outside japan got to see the episode for free officially.
Okay, fair enough. I actually had no idea. I tend not to follow developmental stuff and just look for the shows after the fact.

>That either means they are going to just batch it when all the episodes are released or Rightstuff is probably just going to straight DVD release it.
Well, at least this isn't Unicorn - we'll have all the content soon enough.
The Atlas won't show up

[EG]'s an encoder. Not a fansubber. The subs used were either taken from the official versions when available or based on previously made fansubs (some of which, for the record, were scrubbed from HKs.)
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I hope they make a Thunderbolt 2 anime. I want well animated high speed water chases and PARTNERSHIP
The Zabi's are actually posers mate. The most earnest leader is Char, he doesn't care for ruling the Earth, he actually want's spacenoid freedom.
Better investment than a seasons 2 of IBO
>And Gundam english fans don't have enough with JP language proficiency or encoding experience
>encoding experience

yeah [EG] is the only one right now and he's retiring. that was the point of that post.
partnerSHIP BEST SHIP, poor cornelius tho cos Io having the real thing means he wont be asking tissue anymore
he can tissue lo's cum
I wonder when are they gonna make thunderbolt Season 2 and priority of importance it is for them since they still have Re 0096, Ibo Season 2, and maybe origin series.
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Yes the federation is great
Sieg federation!
now lets all go to the federation base and have a party with all our able bodied federation friends!
but uh- we don't want anyone to feel left out so give me the locations of all secret federation locations so i can invite them and we can all have fun together. I especially would like to know where those wonderful people who are building gundam are so because they do such a wonderful job and I would very much like to plan a special surprise to congratulate them
Anyone know the name of the song that played in episode 2 when Daryl's CO went to visit him before they cut off his last arm?
La forza de destino - Miriam gauci
You posted the wrong picture, the Zanny is a suit that the Feds built for themselves out of salvaged Zaku wrecks. You want the GM Camouf.

You're both fucking faggots
>All this dick sucking of the rich elites.
When did /m/ get filled with republicans?
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Since this rich kid isnt a pacifist
Well you are looking at Yazan Gable's past before he takes up another name to permanently get away from his cold blooded sister.
Mecha is about freedom so a commie faggot like you wouldn't understand.
Faggot Zeek

>You die a hero, or live long enought to become the villian, or get brain damage just to have your "Happily ever after" with your girlfriend.

>Gundam in general

so i guess the Io girlfriend need to pull a nina purpleton stunt to at least save Io ?
Zeek detected watch out everybody
Oh my fucking god thank you! I've been trying to remember the name of that song for like a week now, all I knew was that I played it back in high school when I was in band but I just couldn't remember the name for the life of me.
Doesn't it appear in the credits?
Yeah I don't thing anyones going to deny Zabi's are the true sons of bitches.
Except for Garma. He's okay. RIP.
Do I want to know what the ball torture is implied to be?
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They put him in solitary confinement inside a broken ass Ball. Little do they know...
And Dozle, he doesn't really do anything explicitly evil, he's just a military chief.
It appears, but it's in japanese kanji. I got it by reading the katakana on the soprano's name (Miriam Gauci).
/r/ing all the Flemming Industry's logo be changed to Pizza Hut's logo.
Can't wait to see you faggots get blown out in the election. Or be thrown away as the disposable pawns you are to the elites.
>thinks he's an elite compared to zabis


your own rulers live in a castle you dumb fuck
Did they? I couldn't really tell in the manga, just seemed like a cell on the ship. Can someone point out to me where it is? I'm bad at finding Waldo.
Man, they did a REALLY effective job of showing that Io is an asshole.

I wonder if they're going to balance this out and paint Io in a better light or show Daryl royally fucking up Federation forces in a merciless kind of way with the Psycho Zaku next episode.

Weird that we didn't get to see it do anything, it seems like an obvious mirror of the FA Gundam's introduction in Ep 1.
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But with wooden club, he got his nose broken if you see the art at chapter 30
The manga practically tells you why Io acts the way he does. That chapter was skipped in the anime, only leaving the scene with his father.

I hope they manage to cram it in the next episode, but I doubt it.
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I think they made him a bit too sadistic. I liked his little human moments in the manga that show that he's not a complete inhuman killing machine. He's more of an adrenaline junkie.
I fucking love Fleming.
>He didn't have to do everything naked.
>But now he can't stop doing it naked.
Io is the exact sort of guy to get kicks from that.
Could anyone make that Side 4 Moore/ side 4 MOORE helmet emblem, i kinda like the 4 moar pun in it, also any News of volume 7 scanslation ?
What do you think will get released first? The next volume of Thunderbolt or Johnny Ridden?
deacky had a fair amount of Volume 7 done when he last posted here, so I'm going to go with that
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