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/ssg/ - Super Sentai General #413

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Thread replies: 348
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Previous Thread >>13926283

Links for beginners
http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=search&cats=5_19&term =Sentai&offset=1

>List of subbed series:

>Super Hero Time OSTs:

I'm looking forward to Sela and Leo's solo focus episodes, but this combined one coming up will be enough for now.
Do we know who the actor for 「The World」 is yet?
I hope this thing features updated artwork for the mecha, although I'm not really banking on that too much.
>poster by Tsuyoshi Nonaka
Oh boy howdy.
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My dad works at nintendo, he says that "The World" will come about from a crossover with Kamen Rider Ghost. "The World" will be a result of Steve Irwin's heroic eyecon possessing Kusaka Masato's corpse.
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Tanoshimi tiger.
Amu's never tiger'ed
Tusk needs to get that stick out of his tail hole
>both of the latter
The latter is the last in a list of at least two. So, you basically just said "both of Flashman's 30th anniversaries."

I think you mean "both of the aforementioned."

But I wouldn't expect a retard PR fag to be able to write above a 3rd grade level.

Not true. Sixth doesn't use the cube phones, so there's a possibility other future mechs won't either.
I knew I would have slipped up that sentence somehow (originally I would have said "both of their 30th anniversaries", when GUIS didn't even last that long), but thanks for the correction. I know French as a first language, nobody's perfect.
Don't bring PR into everything. I don't like it either and it just leads to shitposting so don't bring it up randomly
This isn't new. No need to post it
>Zyuoh King, Wild, and Tousai need three mechs to be made
>Anything to the power of three is 'cubed'
Was this intentional?
3^3 is 27. Will we get a mech made out of 27 cubes?

We've got 12 mechs and a possible one coming for movies. So no.
Sentai and Rider fucking love puns. So it was probably intentional. Like how Zyuoh can also mean "height and width"
We need a scene of Amu in her tiger tail and tiger ear being dragged around by Yamato (or Sera) on a leash.
Go back to Tumblr.
there's literally nothing tumblr about that post

Actually, I'm surprised they didn't have Amu or Leo have cat ears and tails out at once.

I like how not everyone is buddy-buddy with each other out of the gate.
But they are/aren't
My favorite Masked Rider is Ultraseven
Leo thinks Tusk is a stuck up douche

Even at the end of this week's episode, Amu is still half-apathetic about searching for something the group has no solid leads on

Sela sees Leo as a loud asshole and they're about to get into an actual fight next episode

Tusk cooled down a bit when he realized Yamato wasn't a bad guy but he still isn't quite comfortable with the rest of the team yet
It's like I said, they really are/aren't.
I'm really interested in seeing how next week is going to go. I hope he get more info on what their lives were back in Zyuland, because it seems the Zyuman members weren't quite that close to each other back then.
Holy shit this show is fantastic. I love how different it is from other seasons, the characters are also so god-damn good holy shit this is such a step up from Gosieger.
>Not using the BDs
Too bad Japanese kids hate it so you ain't seeing anything like it anytime soon.
Toei's fault for having the Gokai toyline bleed into the next year
>Toei is in charge of the toyline
It's best not to speak on things you don't know of
Bandai should have given it a collectable gimmick then



Sorry, I keep defaulting to them, I'll be more careful.

My point still stands though. Bandai was still pushing new Gokai shit while Go-Bus had a very modest toyline by comparison
It didn't help that kids weren't digging GoBusters that much anyways.
And Akiba was apparently also turning some heads away even though that show wasn't for kids

There's many factors as to why Go-Buster failed than just putting all the blame on Gokaiger

>Naomi Takebe who didn't have much experience being a producer in sentai
>Toei taking a gamble by making changes to a formula that had worked for 30+ years
>Japan was still recovering over the Tsunami and Earthquake disaster and some of the themes in Go-Busters like the death of the teams parents probably didn't go over well with the kids
I haven't seen this yet, post it please.
akibaranger's op1 is the shit and op2 is shit


Gobusters was literally about protecting power plants, RIGHT after the Fukushima disaster. You'd think after Ohranger they would have learned. They had enough time to change things before Gobus started.
So cuuuute! The suit actress was KyoryuViolet right?
How's Jyuohger?
People seem to like it well enough, despite the negative initial reception back in December.
>hating Yamagata x MoJo duo
It's alright so far. Decent Sentai fare, nothing great/mindblowing.
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>Previous Thread

For fuck's sake OP.
Ça Va? Anyone have the standby sounds from Go-busters?
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>That smug Ultra

toppa kekken style
top top
kekken style
whether I have seen it before or not is undetermined. I am indifferent to the fact that you have posted it.
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Already posted. Lurk more
how many did that deathgalien kill in episode 3?
At least 6 or 7
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Zyuohger dance lesson part one.
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Zyuohger dance lesson part two.
>Commander in After V was Makino in Boukenger

Holy shit, why am I so blind ?
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Zyuohger dance lesson part three final.
Now put it all together and "wow" your friends with these "dope" moves!
So just finished Ninninger. What they did with Kyuuemon at the end was really stupid. Other then that I enjoyed it.
>"wow" your "friends" with these "dope" moves!
In the words of Archer.

Not enough whiskey in the world.
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Dance lesson? What is that, Precure for boys?
Will you ever stop being a perpetual newfag?
Does anyone have that YT channel that edited Sentai mecha battles to make it look like mecha from different series were fighting eachother? I saw it a few years ago but don't remember the name.
It's probably gone
So, I know that various rangers return for certain episodes in Ninninger. Does this happen in Kyoryuger too?

I wanna avoid stuff like that so I can lose my shit when I recognize them. ( since I only watched everything post-boukenger to go-bus excluding gokaiger.)
Yes, but they are not reprising their previous roles but instead are new characters.
Only in a movie, cause Kyoryu didn't need to try and pump life into itself to keep it from failing like Ninnin did.
What do you mean? Can you give me examples?
Two rangers from previous seasons play new characters in Kyoryu, not their original characters from their original season.
Wait wait wait WHAT
Oh, thats it? I guess I can watch Kyoryuger then.

Although I'm planning to jump back to a previous sentai. Should I go to the earliest show subbed, Jetman for sentais supposed "Golden Era" or Gaoranger?
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My friend said he's gonna try a drawing with her using cube anal beads next

>cube anal beads next
That sounds fucking painful.
It's a drawing not a real person
> I'd love to see how you'd handle such a situation.
I'm not the hero of a Sunday morning kids show anon.

I'd usually agree with you, but this is not an acceptable slipup, pretty much anything else is, but not this.
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>PR out of nowhere

I know, but still. That sounds like a terrible idea no matter what.
Pretty much, yeah
I like it so far. Most of the cast is entertaining and villains are shameless cunts
yeah, at least round the edges
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I made a thing.
>didn't need

They probably should have, maybe then they wouldn't be, what, the 2nd or 1st lowest rated Sentai show?
Everything from Jetman to Gingaman (which will soon be joined by GoGoFive) has complete subs and it is a fine era of Sentai so yeah that would be a good place to start if you're thinking of going back.
That's a nice thing you have made.
6 gorillion
thank you, I may make the other members too.

Does anyone know if Sentai have an equivalent of Details of Hero photobooks that Rider has? And if so, where I can acquire said books?
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I've been watching Sentai long enough to be used to past and future actors making guest appearances in other shows being commonplace but I can't help but find the sight of pic related surreal since I'm watching Carranger and Gingaman side-by-side. Not to mention he really didn't wait, I mean this must have been barely over six months after Mega vs Car. Anyone else know this feel?
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I'm really enjoying it. I was only planning on watching the 1st episode and then watching the whole thing next year but its really good. The acting is decent (apart from Tusk but he's a cute), character dynamics are interesting and the direction of the 3 episodes have been pretty great (especially the long shots in fight scenes).

I was one of the people that shat on the trailer
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You think that's weird? I watched Mebius right after Faiz.

How can I trust this man
I like this Red. He's optimistic and kind without being a complete idiot.
I liked how he did that motion of dragging his fingers through his hair, despite wearing a helmet.
>the opening has everyone smiling
>tusk is straight faced
>look at him by the tree and hes smiling

I wonder why they didn't put him smiling as his little cube picture in the opening.
>and kind

Its the great thing about him. He's someone the others can get behind when the time calls for leadership (he's just been the guy that stands in the middle so far).
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>TFW your friends will never dress like this.
To me, it feels less like he's the groups fearless leader leading them in their fight against evil, and more like he's everybody's mom. And I love that. I'm totally buying that this character would do all that work to help creatures from another dimension get home, and that he worries about collateral damage.
Always remember to bring your stealth ascot and extra huge sneaking collar on a mission.
Those fingerless brown gloves, though.
I'm not dissing their outfits, they look cool as hell.
Oh, okay. Good! These guys look based as hell.
C-could you make one for Tusk-chan?
sure, I'll probably make one today or tomorrow and I'll post it on here
Do you think we will ever get a Knight-based Sentai? Honestly I think it's the only original theme they have left.

>worries about collateral damage

Don't give the trolls ammo to use when they decide to shit on this show; they'll use these words to call Yamato a "faggot."
"You accidentally grabbed the toy instead of the prop!"
>and that he worries about collateral damage.
Did you even watch the last episode?
What is the best clear full body shot of human Amu with the tail visible?

There's the OP, but I'm trying to find a better one.
what about a robot based sentai and then they pilot humans
then the humans combine
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I'm still trying to work out the kinks in my Cowboy Sentai.
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That's what makes him a cool hero to me, though.
Yes, the one where he starts worrying about fighting giant monsters in forested areas.
I thought it was the one where he let drivers die.
tusk is shitty actor
No shit.

>Tusk has a shitty actor
He's very wooden. Hopefully over the course of the show he'll get better. His best moment was when he almost fainted over the smell of the natto.
He'll get better, it wasn't as bad but Yakumo was sorta the same in the beginning of Ninninger, and he became one of the better parts of the show as it went on.
Later in the show I feel he'll be able to do some pretty good tsundere style comedy.
Thanks a bunch, anon!
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>He's very wooden
No shit. Of course he's wooden because he has a trunk.
I don't think Yakumo got much better at all
Fuck off Nossan.
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Nossan you cheeky bugger
>Jetman for sentais supposed "Golden Era"
That's not sentai's golden era. The golden age for Sentai is the soda era
Jetman isn't part of any era. It's entirely it's own thing.
Man, that would be fucking awesome. We already had a cowboy member in Ninninger. It's about fucking time for a full team.
Considering that they already repeated two themes from the previous decade (dinosaurs and ninjas), what are the bets of next year's Sentai being cops or mages again?

They won't do Shinken Sentai Samuraiger until 2019-2020 at least.
I don't think they'll do mages again because of Maho Girls Precure.
I'd be very happy for either, honestly.
I think they'd do cars again before either of those.
Bugs. We badly need bugs again.
He's supposed to be the hardass of the group
This. It's not really like any of the shows that directly surround it
Wrong Toei-produced tokusatsu.
Kek. Oh /vp/ memes.
that meme outdates /vp/ by at least a decade

I thought this year was space bugs.

when do the space bugs show up
Those brown gloves make me hard. Fuck.
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What did being a penis with a vagina with penises in it have to do with being invisible

If you looked like that wouldn't you want to be invisible too?
I think we'll get cars first, and maaaaaybe cops. I genuinely can't see them doing mages anytime soon.

>We'll never get another series that's explicitly rescue-themed.
Didn't really mean to greentext, ah well.
The thing is though, it won't be as good as GoGoV.
post YFW The Final Boss gets so hyped by the Zyuohger's Battles that he gives them a continue, which gives them super modes.
At least you can watch Winspector subs to fill in the void
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It wouldn't be as good as Tomica or GoGoV so why bother
Why did this series have to die?
>tfw the only other rescue-themed toku I know is Solbrain
Winspector, Solbrain and Exceedraft are the Rescue Police trilogy. I hope WeeabooShogun does them all at some point, he's almost finished with Winspector.
Don't forget Exceedraft
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The CGI cost too much and they weren't making enough money.
Other then the mechs looking cool and detailed as fuck, Tomica Hero's actors were most of the time incredibly wooden.
>tfw being a rescue hero doesn't appeal to today's kids
This kills me a bit inside.
>too obscure for anybody besides TV-N to sub
>Rescue Fire was a further reminder that JAM Project will never do a Sentai OP
A real shame. There being a trilogy of Rescue Police Metal Heroes shows was because of how popular Winspector was during it's airing.
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Not all of them and that mostly applies to Tomica Fire
I just want to see a toku where you can save people ala PJs, Corpsmen or Smokejumpers
Is that too much to ask for?
>the theme I want is the only original theme left
Knit your socks
It's part of the 90s Sentai. That can be considered an era in its own right.
>I listen to duke mon andfaggots on ranger board
Anyone else a bit sad that they don't use explosives anymore?
I bet the actors are glad.
Jetman's the dividing post between the Soda era and the era which encapsulates Zyuranger to Ohranger.
Okay. That has nothing to do with what I said. There are many ways to divide Sentai in different eras because there aren't clear sets of eras in Sentai like there are in Rider
I'm watching Dekaranger and just watched the episode 9-10 two parter. In case you don't remember, is when a woman is on Earth hiding from her boyfriend who gave her a stuffed animal that had a capsule inside and he came to take her and the capsule for his new weapon.
I really liked this episode, but there a few questions I have about it:
>Why did she gave the stuffed animal to that girl in the first place?
>How the girl never found out that capsule was inside if it was so easy to remove?
>And finally, and probably most important of them all, of all the places the girl could have put her toy while she's out, why did she put it in the fridge?
Sentai is usually divided by main writers and producers instead of Showa/Heisei
Yeah some eras can be divided like that but there are plenty of series with one off writers and series where writers/producers didn't work on successive shows so that doesn't really work. And the First two series in the "Uehara era" are usually considered the ishinomori era for obvious reasons. So there are many different ways to divide Sentai eras. One very common way among Sentai fans, at least English speaking ones, is to group all the 90s Sentai into one era because they all aired in the 90s.
>Always remember to bring your stealth ascot
Never underestimate the power of the ascot.
Man, what the fuck happened to Scooby Doo when I wasn't paying attention?
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Since when did Scooby get the Captain Planet tratment?
It had a pretty interesting reboot that ends with leading into the original series. Then they rebooted it again it's all whacky and comedic now. WB really like rebooting Scooby Doo.
>"Ohhh, SHIT!"

i'm fucking dying.
Man, he really improved his acting by the time he got to be in Go-Busters, didn't he?
He was fine in Magiranger though
Naaah he was kinda dorky in magiranger

I think he's just better suited for the young senile old man role.
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It got awesome.
I had an idea ages ago for a D&D Fantasy based Sentai, but unfortunately I don't have a copy of said idea on hand, and it appears to have been inside of a period that Desustorage currently doesn't cover, although I think I can remember a couple details like such;

core team is composed as such(this part I remember pretty clearly, Red getting extra stuff is new though);

Red Fighter(later unlocks two extra forms, Crimson Knight, and Scarlet Sword-Mage)
Blue Wizard
Yellow Thief
Pink Cleric
Green Barbarian

and the following Extra Members(this was at least two or three years before Kyoryuger, so the idea of a very large team was still pretty unique, also I think I added a couple extra from when I first thought this up, the last one is certainly new);

White Paladin
Cyan Druid
Orange Ranger
Violet Bard
Navy Illusionist
Grey Monk
Gold Warlock
Silver Sorcerer
Black Assassin/Ninja(starts off as an enemy in Assassin form, eventually is purified and joins the team as Ninja)
Magenta Psion(Mentor character's Ranger form, incredibly powerful, but also incredibly unstable)

still need to try and remember what I was going for in regards towards their mecha, and the antagonists though(the bad guys are probably led by an expy of Tiamat though, with expies of other notable D&D villains as her lieutenants)

I think I have a copy of someone's idea for a Cowboy themed Kamen Rider, there's probably some stuff you could borrow from that

it is kinda surprising we have yet to get a full team based on Arthropods(although we've had secondary members be based on such twice now)
Do Janperson (which is steadily being done by MBE) and Blue SWAT count? At least they do fit the police part.
>I hope WeeabooShogun does them all at some point, he's almost finished with Winspector.
Given his incredible consistency, he most likely will, though I wonder if he'll do Jiban and Cybercop too (even if the latter has hilarious use of chroma key).
I think he's doing Winspector in the first place because he likes Ryoma as a character? I remember reading that somewhere. He might do Solbrain then because it's basically a direct sequel series to Winspector. Also Janperson is basically just Winspector but instead of one dude and two robots it's just a robot. I heard Blue Swat is mega dry, like it's the most down-to-earth and realistic MH police show.
>I think I have a copy of someone's idea for a Cowboy themed Kamen Rider, there's probably some stuff you could borrow from that
No thanks. I don't ant to steal shit.


they're going backward, next year will be Time Sentai Miraiger
>I think he's doing Winspector in the first place because he likes Ryoma as a character? I remember reading that somewhere. He might do Solbrain then because it's basically a direct sequel series to Winspector.
That's all correct. It's also partly why he recently did the KR ZO movie.
>Also Janperson is basically just Winspector but instead of one dude and two robots it's just a robot.
Pretty cool then. Plus, it does also mix Robot Detective and Eight Man into its DNA.
>I heard Blue Swat is mega dry, like it's the most down-to-earth and realistic MH police show.
Right until they retool it into a much more obvious sci-fi one, to the point that they included a Deus Ex Machina alien ally that sticks out like a sore thumb.
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Which sentai has the worst mecha control system?
>Jiggling swords in a hole makes it move to their will.
Yeah probably something tech-based
Jiggling my sword in your mom's hole makes her move to my will.
Kids didn't like the dryness then I take it? Must've thought turning it into a more atypical Metal Heroes show would've upped ratings. I bet Toei constantly hoped that their next shows after Winspector would be just as much as a hit as it was.
That'd be nice to have, though I have no idea if they'd be willing to have a serious tone again.

Seems that way. The latter era MH shows seem to give off the impression that Toei didn't know what to do anymore (Juuko B-Fighter's use of a wacky Space Sheriff-esque dimension getting dropped after a while, for one).
Heeeeeey that's not nice, the machine was built by a senior citizen and now he's dead
Nigga he was always dead
No, that nifty inventor dude's grandfather or whatever. The grandfather of the kid that Lion HaOh was always fucking with.
Oh, alright then. You got me.
Should Arisha be called fetus?
>Zooger lead up
>Not interested in anything
>Show starts
>Buy the changer because I fell in love with it
>Now watch ep. 3
>An urge to buy the cube mechs is rising

Fucking god damnit. It's one of the worst toy themes in a while, yet I really like it.
I love the changer, but I'm iffy on the overly cubey robot. The ZyuohBuster and the EagRiser also both look like knock off dollar store toys.
The toys look like shit though.
Buy the Minipla if you really care about better articulation
Then they just decide to turn it into a childish mess (Kabutack etc.) that wasn't even trying to also be for the grown-ups. Then it just died peacefully after that failed.
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Well, this is totally not good.
jesus christ even in promotional materials tusk can't even TRY looking interested
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The slope isn't slippery if it's a straight drop.

>stupid cube joke
I'm starting to like the cube mech. I just want the bulky thing standing on my shelf now, or just the cubes sitting around.

If you told me a month back that I would like the toys I would have called you crazy.
That's exactly what I want it for, just so I can have the big dumb cubes on my desk.

Bandai finds a way.
Happens all the time with those bums.
I just noticed that too

Paging Virushopper or Bunnyhat
>Bandai finds a way.
They must be stopped.
B-but they're the key to fun
You will not deceive me, face of Bandai. Even if you have a loli body and the voice of Rie Kugimiya
That's even more worrying, now they must truly be stopped.
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>tfw ZyuohKing is a brick and such a shit design but you still want it for some reason
Kill me.
There's always the candy toy version that's very pose-able.
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But the candy toy's cube mode is not cube enough.
Guess we can't have everything
I highly doubt they'll do another tech-based Sentai after Go-Busters.
With a good collectable gimmick they would.
Also Takebe isn't allowed anywhere near it. She burns every Sentai she touches.
Aside from him being a newer actor, Tusk's character is basically "serious frowny no fun" isn't it?
>From the taiga...tiger
Japs are the pun-isher
Don't worry mate. Our good friend Ohmori will be back for next year's sentai
God bless that man. I hope he gets another go around.
Nah, the two guys were in Rescue Force were a lot of fun and sold the idea of being friends. The one that was wooden in Rescue Fire was the female and the black guy.
Wait, they have more than 3 black guys in Japan?
>OOO's guy
>Cat Sidth
>Gunman Roidmude
>Cat Sidth
>Gunman Roidmude
Those are the same guy.
But Cat Sidth was so laid back and Gunman was so GRRRR!

Oh I forgot the baseball guy from Abaranger
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Except that one year
Ohmori is shit mate. And he wot be able to get Sanjo and Sakamoto bail him out again
GUIS forgets their domain renewal date almost every year, that's nothing new
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Just felt like sharing.

You're not allowed here anymore. Hand over your trip.
As long as they put stuff on Nyaa, it should be fine.

Technically, they put it on hiatus to revive it by the time of Agito, but then KR did too well, turned the concept they had into Ryuki, and, well, you know the rest. The funny thing is that Kabutack and Robotack still aren't fully out on DVD at all, either.

Have fun with the DDOS.
That stopped happening for several days now, but I can see one alternative: put Mega links to the episodes on here.
Oh fuck it's happening!
KinjxFuuka confirmed
How come Sentai gets 10YA movies when Kamen Rider doesn't
No Rider actors have wanted to do one
I want to watch StarNinger do some down home cooking.
>kinji goin muddin
How do you know? I'm sure at least the Blade riders would have
>Blade's Riders and maybe one or two supporting characters
>Ryotaro's actor
>fucking Masahiro Inoue
I still want an Urobuchi written Sentai. At the minimum it would be an interest experiment. Hey, if you don't like it, there's always the next year's Sentai.
How does Sentai (and toku shows in general) even get cast? Most of the cast this year are models.
Pageants and Prince of Tennis musicals.
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>Tomica was basically the tokusatsu version of Burning Rangers
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Oh fuck, now I have to listen to that song again
I think it's supposed to look like a cross between those platforms the Japanese carry during festivals and a palanquin.
馬戦隊プラーンシンジャー (Uma Sentai Prancinger)

2017 will save Sentai. Get ready.
Inoue and Ren absolutely love being riders, it's a shame Ren's agency doesn't always let him come back when he wants to.

It always shows when an actor loves their role, and I love seeing veteran toku actors come back or even reminisce about their time as heroes.
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>How does Sentai (and toku shows in general) even get cast?

IIRC casting for Sentai aren't open to the public and goes through the agencies

>Most of the cast this year are models.

That's because some have started out as modes for magazines and print. Most of the recent sentai casts have either been Idols, done Prince of Tennis, participated in the Junon Super Boy Contest or have been in the D-Boys group.
That game was sick
How do they know what dances and stuff to do?

Like, Yamato's a human. You can handwave the Zhyumans away as "It's part of their culture/genetic memory."

But Yamato's never been a part of that, and near as we can tell, he's not a Zhyuman hybrid... Unless he is!
>Unless he is!

I mean, did you not watch the latest episode?
Did you watch the last episode? By influence of the ZyuohChanger he's gaining eagle sight.
The collective spirit of sentai is stored in each of the suits. You can be a rookie loser with no idea how to do anything, and you'll go from that to posing and shouting out your proper sentai name during roll-calls, as well as fighting and instinctively knowing about your weapons and mech.
I always liked the seasons where the team doesn't know what they fuck they're doing at first.
Those are fun, too, but I do think there's something special about being unskilled but determined, then managing to transform and busting out some badassery right out of the gate like Yamato did in the opening episode of Zyuoh.
There aren't enough games about being a hero. I mean there are superhero games, like Avengers or whatever, but they're usually more about blowing shit up than actually being heroic. Burning Rangers was pretty cool because it was about actually saving people first. I dunno, but I like that kind of idea.
Well saving people in emergency situations is always rewarding in games. It's why GoGoV feels so good to watch because they literally are saving hundreds of people daily.
Shit, man. I feel like there aren't enough stories about being a hero any more. Say what you want about comic book movies, but it's one of the big things that keeps me rooting for Captain America, he's always trying to save people.

Then you've got shit like Man of Steel and the upcoming Batman Vs. Superman movie and it's like come the fuck on. A lot of people would rather have dark, edgy faggotry than someone being genuinely selfless and heroic.
If it gets more people to buy Batman tea towels and mugs then WB says go ahead with the edgy faggotry.
>Rewatch Go-Bus for the first time since it aired
>Use the BDs
>Everything looks pretty
>Show is better than I remembered it
>Want to buy the changer
>1000 yen unopened

I love this feeling
Well I guess if you want the Go-Busters toys they would be totally dirt cheap.
I absolutely agree. I've heard some people describe Marvel movies as being too cheery and that those kinds of heroics are childish, but I think what's wrong with a little childish optimism once in a while? Feeling good about seeing people get rescued and not die seems like a good sentiment to me.

Plus Captain America has that same kind of underlying theme that I see in a lot of toku, blatantly evil bad guys get beat by good hearted good guys. Good vs evil, good wins evil loses. There's a screencap about something like that but I can't find it right now.
The Wonderful 101 is a damn good heroic game.

And even though it isn't a traditional "superhero" game, I consider Elite Beat Agents a heroic game, I feel awesome whenever I play it.
Oh hell yeah, the Ouendan/EBA games are cool as fuck. Shame there isn't any more official ones, but I guess Osu! continues it's legacy.

I'm glad I own EBA and both Ouendan games. Everyone with a DS or 3DS should own them.
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Oh, man. Elite Beat Agents and the Japanese games they spin off from are great! I'd give the Japanese games the edge in music, but the Agents had a bigger, cooler scope. Some of the premises are just as silly, but those last stages where the aliens invade and all the people you helped turn around and fight back to help the agents are just pure awesome.

pic unrelated Captain America greatness
The Wonderful 101 is a really cool superhero game if you somehow didn't already know about it. Wild Arms 2 isn't a superhero game or anything but most of the game's themes revolve around the concept of heroism and the main character is a Kamen Rider.
I once helped a little girl with a copy of EBA back in the day.

I was working at a video game store when EBA released, and this lady comes in one day saying her daughter really wanted to play video games, but couldn't because she suffered from a really severe form of dyslexia and couldn't follow along with any games. After asking her about her daughter's interests a bit, I recommended EBA as a game that she might enjoy, since the animated prompts are easy to follow, and that they could play it together, her reading the intros then her daughter playing the music. She came back a few weeks later to tell me her daughter loved it, and that it was helping her train her hand/eye coordination and therefore helping overcome her dyslexia a little bit. She gave me a hug and I just felt awesome about it.
I guess because of the sillyness of the games that in the 2nd Japanese game that one stage with the ice skater hits even harder. I was not expecting feels in a silly rhythm game about people doing cheers.
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>I was not expecting feels in a silly rhythm game about people doing cheers
Neither was I.
Mighty Switch Force 2 has the saving part down pat, if that counts.
I never really liked the game part of MSF, but the music was awesome.
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Fuck. Wasn't planning on playing this tonight. ARE YOU ALL HAPPY, YOU BASTARDS?!
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>Elite beat agents last level
All this talk of Elite Beat Agents makes me want a sentai team that wears matching business suits as part of their uniforms.

>by influence of the zyuohchanger

They never said that. More likely they'll reveal he's the birdman's son by episode 40.
so is the fag who always retorts to "you PRfag" a shitposter in /ssg/ or just a retard?
I can't play EBA because of that level. I lost my father around Christmas a few years ago.
Everything I've heard about this show is a damn lie. It's not the best but nowhere near an abomination. It's plenty dark all the way to where I am (mid 40's) with most of the flaws being a bland cast, too many kids, not enough thunder wings and some other shit But I thought it was supposed to turn goofy somewhere along the line.
People blow it out of proportion. There were changes made to the show, but I don't think it suffers that much for it either.
Started watching Gingaman recently, only up to episode 6 so far, but i'm LOVING it. Please tell me it doesn't go to shit somewhere halfway through and stays this good

also that kid actor is surprisingly good comparing to some of the ones that were in the preceding '90s sentai series
It gets even better when the show's 6th appears.
>all this 80's
I just finished episode 2, please tell me it's this good or gets even BETTER
Megaranger's pretty good.
I am looking forward to the entire series with what I've seen. I love the mech design too.
Gingaman basically wrote the rubric for how to make a fantasy-themed Sentai.
Oh, it gets better alright.
This is Kobayashi's first tenure as a head writer, so you'll certainly enjoy the ride.
>also that kid actor is surprisingly good comparing to some of the ones that were in the preceding '90s sentai series
It helps that he showed some rather goofy expressions at times. Between this and J-Decker, it must have been a great time for any kid called Yuuta.
That was a bit painful.
>Zyuoh changer arrives
>It's as fun as the show makes it out to be

Fucking cubes man
>what is this cube trash
>i fucking love cubes

within the space of a couple weeks

i love you guys
Zyuohger's already cemented itself as something I can't wait for every week. I haven't stopped listening to the full OP.
I was expecting the show to be bad, but man, it's actually quite good.
Dumbest themes have the best shows.
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Almost finished here, you're in for a fucking ride m8.
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here's something nobody asked for, more dragon sentai dogmager!

i did some sketches and roughly (very roughly) splashed some color on it. thoughts?


>what it is
super sentai oc (donut steal) that mixes western RPG classes with toku suits. they could raid dungeons, explore old crypts, fight dragons, find treasure, or just relax at the tavern. the evil forces could be some cursed mummy mumm-ra type of thing that sends classic RPG monsters at them.

red fighter => upgrade => red warrior (sword and shield => broadsword)
blue mage => upgrade => blue sorcerer (magic wand => staff)
yellow strider => upgrade => yellow ranger (daggers and bows)

the gimmick would be that two rangers could combine their powers kamen rider W style into one entity.

red+blue = purple mystic knight (hammer and shield, creates a ball of energy that shoots bolts of energy when struck)
red+yellow = orange assassin (master at combat and infiltration)
blue+yellow = green mystic archer (infuses arrows with magic)
final form is red+blue+yellow = white

You took my color mixing concept. Fuck.
i just have a bunch of sketches, i don't have any claim over that gimmick.

your idea came first and is probably better!

Well I just made the basic idea. I didn't really do anything with it.
Looks sick, dude. I like the idea.
thanks man! i'll keep at it.

Now make mechs.

I tried to use the DnD thing with multi classing for a rider once. It started off as a fan rider for Wizard though...
i thought about each ranger having their own mech that could combine in different configurations. it would always be 1 upper body, 1 lower body, and 1 weapon, sort of like...what was it. transformers go? or getters. then all three mechs combined together to make one 1.5 times taller than normal, for those tougher fights.

if you want, i'd be interested in seeing anything you wrote down.

>if you want, i'd be interested in seeing anything you wrote down.
All I had was the classes and their combinations.
>W+R = Assassin
>R+M = Arcane Archer
>M+W = Spell blade
>W+M+R = Lore Master?

I didn't even make a belt or a secondary.
oh okay. i like spell blade and lore master, those are good choices for the combo names
...i just sketched some cheesecake of dogmager blue.

it's terribly drawn and not that sexy but if anyone wants i'll post it.

this thread's heading for death anyway so i don't feel too bad
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Why not?

Looks like Gritta.
What's wrong with jugs of sand?
Why are people so in love with Zyuohger already? It's nothing great yet, just decent sentai fare so far. But the way people talk about it is like it's the best thing ever. In my opinion, the only thing it has over Ninninger upto this point is a much better red.
I think it's wonderful. I like it much more then how much I liked Ninninger by episode 3.
Yeah but I'm curious on the why.

Thanks to the cube motif everyone's expectations were lowered, and now everything looks fantastic.

It's also bringing out some closet furries with a cat waifu and MILFu shark.
good red
interesting zyuman ranger concept
cubes are divisive, cause extreme like or dislike
flashy battles
people are eager to be impressed following ninninger's lukewarm series run
Because so far it's actually been an impressive show. Compared to the bland Ninninger and initial kick the bucket reveals, people have been pleasantly surprised.
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All three of the episodes released so far have been good. It's making a nice splash, especially since I thought ToQ and Ninnin were bland.

4/5ths of the team being animals offers a dynamic that's fresh to Sentai and there's a lot of room for nice and funny character interactions since they have to get used to a new world.

Red has a good actor and isn't the "lovable hotblooded moron" that they've done for the last three years.

I've said this earlier but I like how the Zyuman don't get along with each other that much right now, will make moments where the learn to care for other and cooperate later on even better.

The Deathgaliens are heavily reminding me of one of my most favorite villainous groups in toku, The Grongi.
Takatori does the OP. That means it's a good show.

>Red isn't the "lovable hotblooded moron"
Could have fooled me.
They're basically like if the Grongi were clowns/circus performers.
He sung the OP to Hurricaneger so this is wrong.
He hasn't done anything particularly idiotic so far and has a nice assertive side to him
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>I haven't seen Hurricanger
New Thread

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yes I have
Says a lot about the Zyuohger fanbase
Why we can't have both?
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