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Why is mecha such a small niche? Why won't other people

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Why is mecha such a small niche?
Why won't other people realise how cool giant robots are?
people find it hard to take dramatic plotlines seriously when there are comically big cartoon robots flying around. Hell, even seeing heads, arms, and legs is too much for people.
Because anime itself can be considered niche and then the people that do watch anime are mostly in it for the moe slice of life. Also considering that a lot of the better mecha shows are relatively old and people don't want to bother with older shows. That's why Gurren Lagann is popular because it's modern.
this, people basically cut off their anime watching at Eva, anything older is too outdated.
Same for books and other media as well.

Wonder when that started happening. People used to read back centuries.
because people want action but then complain about not being realistic, and vice versa. and then the people who are satisfied with one or the other are one in a million.
>Why is mecha such a small niche?

What? Isn't Gundam one of the most successful franchises in Japan? How the fuck is it a niche?
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Japan is pretty niche though
Think the two propositions you have here for a moment. How many people you know recognize Star Wars? Okay, now how many have seen it? How many of actively seek out more material in the same vein?
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Their loss.
Too soon
Kill yourself.
Now that's just uncalled for. What'd I do?
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Power armor is cooler and more feasible.


Anything larger and the general consensus is it's for kids.
The robots themselves were an acquired taste for me. I got into /m/ just cause it was "war stories" and sci fi and stuff.
Maybe these days that's true, but anime fandom in the west used to be all about that sweet, sweet, sci-fi.
As it stands now, it's produced by niche people aimed for niche people.

If hollywood went more for mecha scripts, it would enter mainstream easily. Pacific Rim made a headway in that direction, but as is the way of hollywood, a net profit of "only" 200 million is unable to trigger a landslide.

If there was a Star Wars for mecha, then we'd be up to our ears in... well, shit mecha.
Don't know what mean. Mecha is a sub-genre of anime and sci-fi. It can only be a slice of an already small pie.

In relation to other sub-genre of anime, I tend to disagree especially given the fact that /m/ is its own board on 4chan.
Because it's not practical or something.
Doesn't help that Gundam, the flagship of mecha, has some pretty retarded plots.
Basically. There are large swaths of people who will never get into UC Gundam because they refuse to watch Mobile Suit Gundam, if not for animation quality then for age alone.
>more feasible.
Who gives a fuck?
>Using Fallout as an example of power armor design
You're not helping your case here bud
western nerds who can only get off to practical dirty machines and scoff at anything that doesn't seem viable in the least.
I read back centuries
But seriously, it's because marketing, story writing, and original ideas have been circle jerked into oblivion.
Probably around the time getting media from all around the world on the internet became piss easy. I know I have a hard time keeping up with modern shows not because I don't like them but because I'm watching so many older shows that there's hardly any time for me to fit currently airing stuff in as well.
>more feasible
Why should I care about that again? I'm not here because I want to fap over how realistic giant robots are.
this. i might like some semi realistic stuff like mechanical detailing and technobabble but a good big dumb robot satisfies my fetishes way more.
>People used to read back centuries.

Because they only had a handful of books available and they just happened to be old.
It really isn't. It's not the most popular thing in the world, but there's still plenty of it out there.
go to any anime community and ask if they like mecha
People like "realism", and giant robots aren't realistic.
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I am so not bothered by this.

>Most people I know that watch anime only watch shit about Japanese boarding schools, loli shit or haram type things.

I like comic books too.

>Most people I know don't read them at all or pretend to because they like the Disney movies.

But its ok when anime characters slice giant rocks in half with katanas, survive death wounds and have characters that fight at speed of light amarite?
except when they're western because western designs are so much more realistic.
Mecha is big in Japan.

And who cares about people outside Japan, really?
Social media and marketing hype.

You have to watch what everyone else is watching.

I wonder if ten years from now one-punch-faggot will be remembered.

Personally I like to dig through the anime archives and watch old/obscure stuff.
For me, the fact tha mecha anime tends to be military anime is what used to turn me away.

G Gundam is what brought me in.
Tojo eats Spam.
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How does it feel to be such a massive faggot?
Haram indeed
Because everyone thinks that mecha genre is like shonen fighting series with mechs fighting each other like DBz.

Recently I was reading a blog of some "geek's" 2016 watch list. What struck me was the his comment on Active Raid . He specifically says that he never understood the appeal behind mecha and would watch one if it is like Code Geass only.

There was also a time when someone in some animu facebook group asked if Gundam is like transformers ? No, I am not making this up.
As usual he says he is going to pick code geass as it is now a perpetual thing perpetuated by normies in animu fandoms for anyone trying mecha anime.

So I tell him what actually Gundam is like. I also say that how technological progression in s2 of code geass is so fast in the show that every mech now can fly and he was like " lol how come it is mecha if it flies " so I tell him that since he seems to know "too much" about mecha in 1st place I don't think there is any need for me to say.

And this was the last time I interacted with anyone on facebook.
>inb4 using facebook

I know that was mys mistake and deserved anything that came toward me but I had no idea what kind of shit I will encounter there.
Because it's not only a niche, it's a niche that's closing in on itself. Kids are getting bored of mechs these days, and thus instead of them the industry caters to their other demographic : otakus. And they have specific, time-proven taste, which easy to aim for but stifles any attempt at creativity (as while kids are content with simply cool stuff happening and you can do whatever you want besides that, catering to neckbeards influences plot, characters, and even choice in voice actors)
And the problem with pandering precisely to a certain demographic is, you're driving out everyone else.
mecha isn't exclusive to Sci-Fi though
Most people aren't willing to go out and download fansubbed anime which removes a huge chunk of the good stuff in the mecha genre for them.
As someone who started seeking anime when it was still called Japanimation I know mecha has always been a niche but more people associated it with anime in general. Nowadays anime is all about slice of life, harem and waifus. There use to be a lot more variety in the past, even the early 2000s.

Pretty much what everyone said about "muh realism" is spot on. People tend to use that as an excuse to not want to get into mecha yet they will love One Piece or something. Its really annoying to hear anime "nerds" rip apart mecha shows like its funny only to make a top 10 favorites list ever full of nothing but slice of life.

One of the worst things I ever made myself read was this review of Gaogaigar where the reviewer, someone who thought Haruhi was the pinnacle of anime, completely rip into it. Called it the worst thing ever and expressed happiness that anime had evolved so much since the 90s.

I have a group of people I talk to online, all younger than me, the oldest one I have about 6 years on. One time we were talking and he sees me talking about mecha so he says "Yeah, I'm a mecha fan too." and then he starts going on about how I needed to see more titles like Seed Destiny because I was an "old fag :P". These people consider NGE to be very old.

so tl;dr mecha was always a niche but its much smaller now because modern anime fans in the west are colossal waifu fags who only care about shows with school girls. literally.

anime always had that shit but now its 99% of it
>all late night otaku anime is now the same
>therefore all modern anime is the same
I like this meme.

And Haruhi actually is better than Gaogaigar. GGG is overrated to fuck and bad by /m/. It's not even the second best Yuusha.
but all modern anime isn't the same.

The fans just suck ass even more now.
Anime is a lot like teen fiction really. Probably why shipping is so popular, no one can figure out more mature interaction
It's not niche at all, people just don't care about your old shows.
But weren't the Transformers and Edge of Tomorrow movies EXTREMELY popular? What makes them different?

I think the real question you want to ask is "why don't people love m-muh gendums ;_;" You gunota are predictable as fuck.

Actually right now anime is pretty popular, in no small part due to companies like Crunchyroll and Aniplex making it easy to find it.
Where I live anime is very nichè. You pretty much have to discover it on accident. And no anime is ever licensed or sold in any (web)store.

And no official streaming either. Region locku!
People still remember YYH despite even the US airing ending a decade ago and no attempts to revive the franchise.
In TF the machines themselves are characters with their own personalities and lives. Mecha doesn't do that much these days.
Yeah. Things that look sort of realistic are kind of cool, but at the end of the day if you tell me that this seventy meter tall robot can fly despite its only visible thrust being a very tiny backpack, can shoot its arm off, has eye beams which are somehow capable of slicing through things despite being comparatively tiny to the scale of everything, and spits fire from a face on its chest? I'd roll with it.
That's sad, too, because giant robots with AI or sentience are my favorite kind.

Of course, it's even better if it treats the concept creatively or with some weight, which said movies don't really do at all.
>and then the people that do watch anime are mostly in it for the moe slice of life.
Most popular anime are based on shitty LNs or comics for kids and dorky teenagers.
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Because they neutered the hell out of the Jackets and removed what made the plot extremely interesting, with both sides learning from the time looping.
Yeah, I remember reading All You Need is Kill shortly before the movie was even advertised. What a disappointment that turned out to be.
Would a Brave series be more popular with today's market?

Also, I think you're forgetting that Bayformers was a gritty reboot of a kids cartoon that simply would not sell these days. I know Transformers is still popular with kids, but each new series follows the current generation of cheese, as opposed to the old one. Braves as they were in the 80s and 90s wouldn't sell in manimerica without serious reworking.
Nowhere is that more exemplified then in Car Robots, a Brave series disguised as a Transformers series, which wasn't particularly popular with TF obsessed or casual watcher.
>One of the worst things I ever made myself read was this review of Gaogaigar where the reviewer, someone who thought Haruhi was the pinnacle of anime, completely rip into it. Called it the worst thing ever and expressed happiness that anime had evolved so much since the 90s.

Oh man, I think I know exactly what you're talking about. Was the reviewer's name Rossman?

And most popular anime in the 90s was based on popular manga, it hasn't changed much.

In fact before EVA showed that yes, a show without any original source material to pull from is still profitable, the only studio in the 90s that was really pushing original anime was Sunrise, and they did it to push models. Everything else out there was adaptations.
original tv anime, I meant. Generally pre-eva, original stuff in the 90s was relegated to OVAs and movies.
>the Eva meme again

You only have to look at shows that came out before and after it in that decade and see how many were adaptations vs how many weren't.
i liked it better when it was truly niche. back when /a/ and /v/ didn't shitpost constantly here in every thread.
I already know how wrong and uninformed you are, yes.
Good old crossboarding boogeyman.
>tfw all new powerarmour fags are neo fallout fans
power armour in that method is just as infesable senpai. heat is a thing.
that looks like shit.
they aren't practical and certainly not anymore than mecha. its like the people on /o/ that shill rwd even though fwd is more versatile and gets better grip. my point is both power armour and mecha are infeasable and both are practical in their own elements if the setting makes them out to be. how do so many people not get this
It's the same reason why sci-fi is niche.

People be dumb yo
I don't think it's the feasible thing, I think a lot of westerns just hate mech that aren't "tanks with legs" and see anything humanoid as weeaboo shit
it wasent always that way. but thats what sells.
movies are turning into this to, your either like a YA/VN/LN or you are actually based off something.
well it wasn't really claiming to be a true adaption, thus the reason its only"inspired by" all you need is kill. but yeah they could have done more with it.
you know its true though. most of 4chan cross boards. how do you stay pure?
a lot of scifi does dumb shit but its about suspension of disbelief same goes for fantasy settings too.
yeah, i can see that.
i personally think some people are getting tired of the serious gritty realistic stuff and something that just goes full tilt corny/out there with the plot and setting might capture peoples attention.

The problem is very little goes full corny, and when it does, people are generally embarassed to admit they like it because they think it makes them seem childish.
i know, i felt the same way watching tf beast wars at my friends house. he likes more serious war drama mecha stuff, and i like the silly super robot stuff. just power through the embarrassment.

>Beast Wars

That doesn't make sense BW was both serious war drama and silly super robot stuff

Like I remember Rhinox managed to beat Megatron by farting

>Rat Trap

When you got shit like Dinobot and Megatrons speech at the arc.
I want to rape those faggots who keep bringing up "mecha is not possible in real life or not realistic " with a bard wire wounded wooden pole.

Why is that other speculative fiction(
fantasy , sci-fi and animu apart from mecha) never get that kind of shit whereas everyone else think that mecha anime is something that offends their intellect while enjoying other dumb shit (by their standard ) ?

Of-course we know that real life technology are way different than what mankind imagined it many years ago. That dosen't mean you can discard someone's creations and imagnation with shit like "realism" when the point of the genre was never meant to be some sort of "simulation of feasible thing we can sell to military industrial complex"

Then they bring that "why need mecha then " argument which could be applied to most of fiction , making the aim of the medium redundant.
Seriously realist-fags, people enjoy things and those who try to show "realist" things are appreciated too but that dosen;t mean I wil watch "real world" everytime time during my escapist escapdes ! Otherwise I would rather film myself goung to grocery store or going to job ( if I have any ) for ultra realism than watching fiction on any medium !

I don't what make people get-off from pointing fictional thing in a fiction is fiction .

We will get our mechs and bots in future , except it would be a lot different than what we imagine , just like planes, heliocopters and tanks Da Vinci imagined.
>>>13631653 (OP)
What you've got to understand is that moving buildings are so stupid that people who don't realize how improbable surviving getting stabbed through in the chest is still understand that it's dumb.
I mean, there are some REALLY dumb people out there. All those tropes that anime has; there are people that honestly believe them. I've met three separate 20-somethings that think building muscle will slow them down in a fight, and that they will beat up people bigger than them because their arms are skinnier and therefore much faster. Those people are real, they are not being ironic, and they are out there; getting their asses kicked.
Even people that retarded know that giant-robots don't work.
he just likes more "tacticool" designs and dislikes super robot designs. he disliked gaogaigar design and watches more military mecha anime. thank god my roommate didn't have those apprehensions.
What's popular now in the west?
Edgy gory shit for edgy teens.
Moe slice of life or perpetual romance that goes nowhere.

Robots are too nerdy for the masses who watch recent anime.
The best of the genre is old, and a lot of them are spoiled and don't want to look at it because it looks old, not taking into account how good the old animation and art can be, because it's not a "smooth" as modern digital coloring.

Most of them don't even watch Eva, and if they do, it's Rebuild, because they heard it's a remake.
And if they watch NGE do they complain that Shinji is a pussy, when he's 3 times the man of any self insert generic anime protagonist; and about the scenes with talking are too stiff, when most of them are stiff in anime they watch as well.

Their loss. They can have their Tokyo Ghoul, and i'll have my Gunbuster, and Turn A.
>That's why Gurren Lagann is popular because it's modern.

We are closer to create practical robots which previous generation dreamed of.

And it had to this era where interest in robots is waning.

>And if they watch NGE do they complain that Shinji is a pussy, when he's 3 times the man of any self insert generic anime protagonist; and about the scenes with talking are too stiff, when most of them are stiff in anime they watch as well.

Except NGE is popular enough to have it's attractors outnumber the fringe detractors who keep shouting "2deep4u" ironically.
Which leds to obnoxious fanboys thinking they have seen what matters and they also happened to be the most apthetic pricks,thus defeating the message NGE was trying to pass to the audience.
When it comes to popular mecha, why is mini mecha underrated?
>We are closer to create practical robots which previous generation dreamed of.
We're like 10 years from VOTOMS and it's amazing.
Personally, I think a lot of it is probably social stigma at this point, as others have mentioned, but there's also the "toy commercial" meme to consider. Being pedantic, we could argue about most anime being LN/manga/game commercials as well, but normalfags usually shrug that shit off. They'll dismiss mecha as having every episode be samey because they want to show off how cool the title robot is to get you to buy something (nevermind how samey other anime is). It's ironic how they can say this stuff and then claim to enjoy Transformers.

For a lot of shows, though, this can be a legit argument. It just demonstrates a lack of full understanding.
>QT Japanese grill finds out I like giant robots
>literally says "I think less of you now"

t-thanks, /m/.
Wha a cunt you should gas her home colony
>she also said I looked like Shoko Asahara


/m/ pls

Could be worse.
A Japanese woman where I work said I would be a cute tranny if I tried.
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>Edgy gory shit for edgy teens.


I want the days of characters like Haseo and the Attitude Era to come back, but people simply won't do it anymore like the 90s-early 2000s because there's been such a backlash against edgy.
>obnoxious fanboys thinking they have seen what matters and they also happened to be the most apthetic pricks,thus defeating the message NGE was trying to pass to the audience.
This, damn it, i don't even read Eva threads anymore, i just download the pics.
Haseo was fun.
Mecha isn't retarded enough to appeal to the average anime fan

There isn't enough loli slice of life high school battle idol bullshit
We got SKL is that 90's enough?
Mecha is shit though
maybe if we push a asteroid to earth maybe they will understand
Because everyone has shit taste except for the people who agree with me.
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