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So are they a boy band/soldiers?

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So are they a boy band/soldiers?

Be patient and wait to find out.
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Ready for kpop group the macross series /m/
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Anyone here read moon
It's not that I wasn't expecting Idols, I just wasn't them to be the only pilots. Are there any soldiers?
We're going to have this every thread aren't we? It was confirmed in a press release that the idols will NOT be the pilots.

well the poster is very misleading
they all look like faggots
i feel sad for macross fans
What are you talking about?
The SV-262 doesn't look like a faggot.
You say that but the latest Gundam is pandering hard to the fujo crowd.
Wait what. That character design is really weird by Macross standards; it looks like a uniform out of Code Geass or something. I'm assuming they're basically the Blue Angels who also sing?
This implies that the idols will be the pilots. And that it takes on a world long colonized by humans.
nice opinion, those boys still have muscle and are shooting people in the face.
this piece of garbage on the other hand...
Except it doesn't. The blue haired boy is the main character, not the idols.
This "garbage" just has some promo art and one trailer. Take your bait and fuck off.
Is he? He only shows up in one scene in the trailer and most of the trailer shows off the girls.
He shows up twice.
Its called bait MCs.

They are baiting the aidorufags into watching, like how they made the early Symphogear posters.
That and the event they showed the posters at was also for announcing the idol contest winner so they wanted to show off the character she'll be voicing and singing for.
they are the new diamond force jobbers
look at this macrossfag's anal pain
Here's your reply. Go back to your containment threads now.
>"I wish Ishiguro was here to hold my retarded ideas back"
>"Sincerely yours, Kawamori the Hack"

Here no need to thank me.
Why is my dick getting hard at hoping the idols will fly the planes?

Is it as phallic of imagery as a girl on a bikini riding a horse?
You might not be gay.
The Aerial Knights of the Kingdom of Wind are well Knights not a boy band.

Looks like Kawamori took his concept of the Air Calvary Chronicles for Macross Delta. Air Calvary Chronicles had three kingdoms which had sword wielding VFs. The concept was reworked to become Escaflowne.

Because you want to see them do motion control with those planes.

What's more Kawamori than five VFs mimicking the dance moves of an idol group? Very little.
>sword wielding VFs
It would be nice too see some melee weaponry that isn't a knife for once although it seems kinda pointless when they are GO FAST incarnate
Give tomahawks to VFs

Space Honkers is the MC. Site confirmed it.

Of course guy is going to be one of the main trio as always.

I really hope they are the pilots.
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Because the main male pilots in F were not looking like otome bait right?
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Notice the hair thingys We may be dealing with another Protoculture seeded race.

My feeling it was a UNG uplift gone wrong. Now they want to expand. But Humans, Zentradi and Zolans have already colonized the nearby planet.

Grace's galaxy wide invasion by space bugs didn't endear Humans and their associated races to them.
Delta is obviously their band name
Adding to that, look at Purple's hair >>13433530
That's hair decoration dude. She is the same green hair looking over the Wulkure video. They have the same hair decoration.

Maybe they're crossdressers. Now I have planted that image into your mind, it will never leave.
>in superior 1000 times folded Japanese animation
So progressive Kawamori
>Japanese animation
have of that shit is probably outsourced to Korea or China anyway
Not seeing it, they might be fucbois, but it isn't "draw a girl, call it a boy" level yet.
Besides, the lead girl is already half-Nordic, half-French anyway, so why not toss in K-Pop too.
I want to put my dick in all of them. BOTH teams.

I don't think they sing.

And most of them don't look gayer than F dudes did.
>see credits of KOS
>nothing but kim kongs
Japanese animation my ass.
the twist is the the idols are the jets
those are men?
Why does /m/ give Alto so much shit when he's the most bloodthirsty pilot to date?
>My boyfriend is my pilot.
I like the idea of a post-Frontier Macross where the love triangle is between a meltrandi, a human pilot and his plane's AI. The plane sacrifices itself at the end to save the pilot, the show ends with him in the hands of the meltrandi crying his eyes out.
This is cute
So Yukikaze, except less gay?

They are basically knights who pilot VFs.
>They are basically knights who pilot VFs.

[Spanish guitar intensifies]
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Yay. More CGI Valks and light novel-style shitty character designs that may as well be from Deviantart.
I gave up on Macross after the first few eps of Frontier.
Miyazaki has lost his touch. His shit is boring now except if you follow chinese cartoons for fap purposes only.
I mean Kawamori.
I didn't notice the mistake at all.
I don't understand how anyone can be excited about a new Macross after the massive turd that was Frontier.
lel so edgy and original XD
Kawamori never had a "touch" to begin with. Anything good that came out of Macross as a story was the handiwork of others.
Kawamori was a great ideas man and like every great ideas man, he needed people by his side to call him for his bullshit. Kawamori doesn't have that kind of people anymore. See the dog fiasco on Evol
I found Frontier mediocre. Still not interested in Delta though.
Whatever people's feelings on Delta, it's still pretty awful to have gone from this...
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To this.
Unpopular opinion, but I think in this current generation, transforming robots are better left in CG since there are barely anyone in the industry who can animate complex transformations. Especially Kawamori's designs.
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2D is gone forever.
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fuck you nigger
Then they should learn instead of degenerating further
It's hard to believe that's a TV episode.
It looks like an OVA.
Be the change you wish to see. Learn to animate transformations via 2D animation.
Some of those buildings made me think of cardboard boxes though.
Dont you worry, they make up for that amazing Max vs Milia fight with another one with terrible animation
Still better than ANY CG.
I wonder if the guy in the red car survived.
That shot near the end with the VF sliding to the left looks a bit odd, like it's one of those miniature sets used in toku rather than a full-size town. Even though it's animated. Maybe it's the lack of detail on the buildings.
My moon is terrible. But this basically says

In 2067, in a godforsaken part of the universe, some disease (Varu?) is running rampant.

To counter this, an idol group was formed (Warukure?) and they do battle along with the Valkyrie unit.

Somewhere else, in the Kingdom of Wind. A unit called the Sky Knights which is a mysterious Valkyrie Unit, has begun operations.

Then some bullshit about protoculture, and how there will be fiery passion and friendships in this story.
He should be fine unless the propulsion flame killed him
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This barely counts as animation so you cant use it as an argument
No, not really. It's pretty nicely animated but nowhere near OVA levels.
That's just wabi-sabi.
This just needs more in between frames and its better than any cgi
>Be the change you wish to see. Learn to animate transformations via 2D animation.

Name a plane and I'll have a go at quickly animating a robot transformation.
It's either that or binge on Freelancer again.
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>Paul 'OtaKing' Johnson !!UtFBAkwWhRI
AKB0048 x Macross
What can go wrong?
The boys' planes are ugly desu.
>Posts an opening animation gif
>From a show that used stock footage like it was on sale at the dollar store
Spruce Goose
No, not you, it'll look like shit.
Someone other than this shitty 80sfag do it please.
Flying Pancake.
He was?

He was about as bloodthirsty as a pet chihuahua.
>Spruce Goose

That's the huge-ass prototype that was too expensive for even Zeon, yeah? I'll give it a try.
As if you weren't amazing already, if you can pull off even a primitive looking animation of thisyou'll be tripfig of the year!
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Please, anon. I'm British and don't know how to handle compliments.
Heavy complicated stopgap measure designed by a fleet with limited production capability to prevent the VF-1 from being completely outclassed.

Sleek modern design which integrates all the important systems into the airframe without sacrificing mobility.

Frontier was still better than everything Gundam ever did.

So Sheryl is a Christmas cake?

Yeah, I sure miss all those reused 2D animations.

And you are comparing a movie to some pre-release streaming quality video.
Sheryl is a MILF and MC's mom.
The whole franchise is J-pop+phantoms anyway.

MC sure looks 8 years old.
Don't bother trying to argue with a G-Reco fag, anon. You know how retarded and close-minded they are.
>they do battle along with the Valkyrie unit.
Assuming it's not just what amounts to cheerleading, one would hope.
The VF-31 seem to be one seaters so probably they just sing out of harms way.

I hope they are pilots. But probably not.
>Air Calvary Chronicles had three kingdoms which had sword wielding VFs. The concept was reworked to become Escaflowne.

Oh, that's nifty. I'm actually looking forward to this now, it might be cool to see what Kawamori's original ideas for Escaflowne look like in the Macross universe.
So they're curing disease by singing?
fuck the guy that predicted the idol shit in macross
get the fuck back into your delorean and never come around here again
I really hope that at least one of the VFs uses a proper sword, and perhaps is mainly a melee unit, particularly one of the VF-31s, like the blue one. Of course, it would have guns too because it may not always get to be close enough to use the sword.
Maybe? It's unclear and the trailer doesn't even show any singing. Maybe it's another Macross 7 case with singing saving victims of spiritia drain.
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Who could possibly predict idols in Macross.
Yeah, that would be pretty cool.
Would even fit with the Knight theme going on.

Melee makes no sense when your enemy is just as fast as you. And where every fighter has the kind of firepower Macross ones have.
I thought of that kinda thing already, but I can imagine that Kawamori will find a way to pull it off. Like the sword doesn't always have to be used. Maybe sometimes used as a finisher or something, or in a situation where the enemy is open and wouldn't have a chance to dodge.
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Macross has been slowly implementing melee weapons into their variable fighters. Starting with the bayonet on the VF-11B models, pinpoint barrier punches on the 19 and current models and finally the assault knives on the 25 models. Close combat isn't that common in Macross but it does happen and it helps to have some kind of melee attack to fall back on.
Gunswords, anon.

The gunpod may double as a sword as well.
Well we see that the blue VF-31 Siegfried has two integrated gunpods or something under each arm. Looks like it might be going for integrated weapons rather than seperate weapons it holds onto. So maybe it would have a sword that flips out or is stored in a sheath. That would be cool
it actually has a gunpod in the trailer.
>it looks like a uniform out of Code Geass or something.

Nah, it doesn't look neo-medieval or neo-17th century style. It's more like UtaPri.
It even happened early on in the original Macross--does anyone have that webm of the really QUALITY animation where one of the mechs is trying to bash a Zentraedi with a gun?
I think >>13446230 was being sarcastic here anon.
That was it, thanks!
Why is it called delta exactly?
I haven't watched any Macross, but have any of them had a stunt Valkyrie squadron? I seems like something that would fit nicely considering the focus Valks get.
Well the delta letter looks like a triangle, and you know how it isn't Macross wothout a love traingle
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There's the Angel Birds and the opening animation for one of the PSP games.
Kawamori actually went with a Delta because he's planning to have this series not focus on love triangles for once.
If this was kpop, wouldn't all the girls have bare legs?
>focus on love triangles for once
Come on Kawamori even Tomino's ruses are better than this

Looking at the recent anime trends we should expect a lesbian romance this time.
Oh fuck me that was all sorts of hype.
Isn't the intro this?

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>Kawamori pointed out that the delta symbol in the logo is made of triangular symbols, to symbolize the three main thematic elements of Macross: music, a love triangle, and transforming fighter planes. However, he noted that the two symbols are split, and explained that this is indicative that the three elements will not come together as expected in the new story.

These new Valkyries seem to be based on Berkut.
>Wars Fiercely
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>He doesn't wars fiercely
What are you, some kind of faggot?
So which of the main elements are broken fampai?
Kawamori himself this will the Eva of Macross
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Ugh, I must sleep now but VARIABLE GOOSE is coming along well.
I'll finish it and upload tomorrow if this thread's still around.
Fitting arms and legs onto this thing is almost impossible so I've done a bit of Getter here and there.
Even if it was autosaging or twice as many new threads were made in the usual timespan of overnight, it'd still be alive. Come on dude, you know this is how /m/ is.
>cheating by using getter transforming
One of the rumors I heard from those who attended that Macross Delta panel is that the Drakens use something akin to gunblades.
Where did you hear this? I haven't heard anyone mention this on the Macross forum.
>Kingdom of Wind
Surprising that NUNS is letting someone have their own monarchy on one of their colonies.
Each planet and colony fleet is given the authority to govern themselves.
If the people wants a monarchy and it ain't fucking with other people's stuff, I see no reason for NUNS to step in.
It may not be a human colony if the hair spears are a racial trait.

Humans are not the only Protoculture seeded race. In Macross Dynamite 7 we got the Zolans, a marsupial race evolved into humanoids due to the Protoculture. A more technological primitive culture that joined the UNG and got an uplift.

We may be seeing the same thing here. UNG gave a tech uplift package but only to blow up in their faces as these guys went Zeon on them.

Interesting there are a Delta War 1 and Delta War 2 in Isamu Dyson's record in a span of a couple of years. Probably stomped hard but not hard enough by Spacy.

These guys probably went militant again after Grace had her galaxy wide invasion fail 8 years earlier.
I only hope dont see yuri and yaoi bait

Never in macross
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But some delicious shotacon bait would be welcome again.

Dat blush, dem shorts, dem high socks, dat everything.
>Never in macross
Macross 7 had almost yuri rape though.
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And she got away with it, too. With only a broken wall to dissuade her from trying again with the next pure idol.
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Keep posting your awesome OC, anon. I'm sure someone other than yourself will find it funny.
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WHAT IN THE FUCK?! WHAT IS HE DOING TO MY MACROSS?! i took Fucking Alto and Ranka but i hated the characters and now 2 fucking "BANDS" of pre-teens?! Where the fuck is the gritty war from the original? What the fuck is this moe shit fujoshi bait? its over.. macross is dead. i felt cheated with Frontier but this is just a cruel joke
Thanks, i will
>Where the fuck is the gritty war from the original?
>winning enemy soldiers with the power of idols
>flying tuna head in space
>VF-1 wearing zentradi clothes
>batshit insane computer idol brain washing people
>floating rocks with singing
>guitar VF controls
>singing while piloting a VF
Macross has never been gritty.
>now 2 fucking "BANDS" of pre-teens?!
There's only one group of idols, not two.
Oh yeah there is an implication she already did that with one of the Jamming Bird girls.
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>Close combat isn't that common in Macross but it does happen and it helps to have some kind of melee attack to fall back on.

Id argue that if you're already THAT close to the enemy then you're fucked then and there
left most red head idol was shown with grizzled man red head in trailer. Father daughter duo?

Purple hair supports MC

Orange head supports red head Meltrandi pilot
they better have a sexy dance number

is oppai red going nopan?
What if they're all going nopan
>fujoshi don't like bishounen muscle and violent angst
Get a load of this newfag.
Zeta Gundam is a dorito, not a plane.

That's exactly what happened most of the time.

They used blades successfully like 3 times in entire Frontier. And one of those times Ohma almost died.

They are fine except for those two sitting turbo homos. Those two look so gay it's ridiculous.
Pretty much every work has had valks getting into hand-to-hand, usually in city streets where there's no room to fly or use missiles.
Ranka would be 24 in Delta. I want see if she's as pretty as her mom. Also Ranka in the peak of her career having perpetual Vajra bodyguards/audience/background stage effects.

Literally scariest concerts ever
>perpetual Vajra bodyguards
Bonus points if there's a squad of Vajra styled like VFs dedicated to protecting her.

>5 Vajra just sitting in the hangar while every mechanic is scared shitless

if ranka gets a cameo when fucking basara got nothing i will
I dunno, judging by Ai-kun, the Vajra are pretty cute until they grow up.
Did a bunch of posts get deleted at some point?
Zentradi personnel riding on Vajra Warriors
Will they be painted?
They got a different color scheme, its all natural.
They grew from young with that color scheme.
>gritty war from the origina
>implying that Macross was ever a gritty war
The closest it got was the opening to Frontier, too bad the rest of the series was shit.
If Zentradi can integrate then Vajra can be domesticated.
A proper Su-27 Flanker. No Sv-51, no VF-25.

Once you shrink them, Zentradi are Star Trek aliens. Vajra are alien aliens.
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I hadn't thought of it that way... Consider me a convert.
The girls are the planes
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