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Sidonia Thread

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What does /m/ think about sidonia no kishi? I'm not very familiar with the genre but I've read a lot of sci fi manga and conisider sidonia one of the best.

I'm curious what you think about both the manga and the anime. A lot of people on /a/ hated the anime for muh 3DCG, so there's that.
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The tsugumori looks kind of generic I guess but all the mechas go through some drastic changes so it gets better later on.
The only good thing about the anime is the opening theme. Based angela.

Would you believe the Guardians were designed by slapping random gunpla parts together until they formed a roughly humanoid shape?
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>reading the first few chapters

>humanity has seem to lose all of it's value and purpose and does nothing but imitate it's older culture
>humans themselves have lost all meaning as it's just endless cloning or intersexed people
>some people have shit-tier living quarters and share rooms with several stories of bunk beds
>constantly fighting a enemy they can't win against as they just drift through space

Maybe not the authors intention, but I am feeling bummed just thinking about it.
Of course it's the author's intention
>being imprisoned in a fragile container that drifts through endless nothingness
>the feeling of being one of the last of your kind in the entire universe
>having to let go of all ethics for the purpose of sheer survival for the human race

The main theme of the manga is the human condition
The main theme of the manga is all the hot chicks I wish I could bang.
What i love is the fact the author draws the gauna by picturing something that repulses him.

I really love all his organic to semi-organic designs throughout his work. His blending of mechanical and organic are done sometimes in way that seems the opposite of seamless but pulls it off great visually. Same as when its seamless as well.
It seems like more of a parody of that IMHO. All the girls are not what you would normally find as attractive. And the tropes of a harem are kind of thrown on its head sometimes. I love it but at the same time i think he compromised in his story telling so he could sell more volumes and get an anime. Im not complaining. I think whatever the author puts out it will have his style enough that i will like it.

Not that any of the girls aren't my thing, Quite the opposite.
That is the secondary theme.
>hot alien girl clone
>hot human-alien-hybrid giantess
>hot instant clone harem
>hot 15 fingered cyborg third gender boy/girl

Nihei is surely going all out with this one.
>I love it but at the same time i think he compromised in his story telling

I'm pretty sure it's his editor who did this. They are always after the shekels, trying to talk authors into making more generic stuff or continuing their serialization even when it's lon past expiration date.
I was really sceptical in the beginning but Nihei handles it in a tasteful manner so it's fine.

I would love if he would aspire for something truly great like Blame again after he finishes sidonia though.
Izana was never a boy
>hot XO/interim captain
>hot ace pilot
>hot robot girl

And don't forget:
>hot captain

>decide to muster up and want to read more

>next chapter involves the failed team and talk about "We held the Gravity Festival a second time that year.."
>it using it's engines killed it's population and people splattered up against the walls of Sidonia

I am done.

This is pessimistic as fuck.
A friend of mine saw him in person at a signing. He asked in the most polite way possible, something along the lines of "What made you decide to try this new direction of story telling you present in Sidonia, in comparison to your previous works." And yes, he seemed to imply a lot of it was him meeting expectations of editors and the like.
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And yet we only get one kit. Where are my Type 18's?

Testing the image I made.
lost the Translation book mark, does anyone have it?

>The Pathos, Ethos, and Hubris of Nihei's body of work.

Funny how you can turn ennui into fantastic creativity.
As long as it does not ruin the story, it's fine.

>We held the Gravity Festival a second time that year

Yeah, that was worrying.
Have you read BLAME!?
>I am feeling bummed just thinking about it.
The weird thing is, this is one of the more upbeat pieces this author's done.
Let's hope it continues to be one of Nihei's "more upbeat" works.
I want a good end.
I've read in a interview that back in the day when BLAME! just got accepted as new serialization, he was worried how his editor would take it. And he ended up with a sci-fi freak as editor. I don't really remember much about the interview but just two sentences, "We (Nihei and editor) didn't care about popularity at all. We were just doing what we wanted to." However, I can't remember where the hell I read it and I can't find it now.
Not that I don't enjoy Sidonia, but it's sad that he got pressured into making more acceptable for the mass manga.
This show/manga is great. highly recommended
I love the author "omake" segments. The whole calling the editors with "ITS FINISHED" only for them to show up to him with a full kitbash of a prototype for his manga. Not actually any manga done. Also he always draws himself as a beetle. Dat self insert.
Cry harder.
>I am done
>This is pessimistic as fuck

What, you want your entertainment to be a hugbox? You want it to scratch all those little babby itches of loneliness and make out that you're not a total waste of space and organs?

baww much?
Not everybody consumes media for the same reasons. Most sci-fi is geared towards those who want to be entertained and challenged, but some people just want to be comforted in a more purely escapist fashion.
the fuck are you on about?
Less than two weeks till the next chapter and the first episodes of S2.
yes. psyched. this now my favorite anime.

so, as you mentioned, i know they're going to play s2e1 and s2e2 at some event (and they'll hopefully be uploaded pronto). but does anyone know the official release timeline for the rest of s2?
No news of S2 on Winter 2015 yet, so let's say Spring 2015.
What sort of schedule are anime usually made on? I don't see why they'd preview the first two episodes this month if they weren't going to start airing it for another 5 months or so.
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Unlike American cartoons, Anime is made literally the week it airs, not all in one go.

Sidonia is 3DCG though so I'm assuming they do it all in advance since unlike with traditional animation, if they run into render issues they'll be super fucked in terms of their release schedule since renders for full length shows take a long time and they won't be able to have it out in time.

So they probably have most of the episodes finished by now, it all depends on how complex the renders are, but it's not a stretch to say it would take them until spring to get all 12 episodes out and rendered.

Wouldn't surprise me, I've been trying for days to get these models to look like in the show and I just can't do it.

I can't wait to see Teruru's model.
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The helmets look a fair bit more Gundam in the anime, don't they?
Somebody has already imported those free models into MMD already.


The editors were right though. One of the major flaws of Nihei's old works have often been that the characters aren't very easy to relate to, so when those horrors show up and murders everyone you don't really care.

But if these fuckers dare lay a hand on the best girls I swear to god I will hurt something.

Basically, the antics makes the characters more human. Because they are more human, we care more about them. Because we care about them, we become afraid for them.
There are just more custom-made helmets in manga that the anime hasn't really cared about yet.
I agree with that, but there are better antics to put characters in than "oh no MC saw everyone naked again and then got punched in the face!"
I'd rather fear for a character's fate because of their reliability than their waifu points.
Yes, but even the early manga helmets didn't come out at the top anywhere near that dramatically.
Despite what the media you ingest may lead you to believe, not all stories are intended to contain characters you can relate to on a significant level. Many stories are supposed to make you feel like a fish out of water, and that it is your job as the reader to adapt to the environment and characters presented to you. This is not a flaw as you say it is.
Nihei barely writes characters. Killy, Zouichi and Denjou or whatever are all nearly identical emotionless badasses. I guess that made the one bit where Zouichi punched the ground a bit more surprising but I couldn't tell you anything about them other than "they shoot guns and appear to have some sort of facial paralysis". I love old-Nihei but the appeal of that was entirely in "holy shit that cyborg just sniped someone through 5 buildings" and zero percent in the characters.
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There will be a 3-months-after talk show and encore screenings with the two usual suspects Aya (Hoshijiro) & Ayane (Mozuku) and Oyama Sayaka (Kobayashi) appearances and signings tomorrow.

Probably another hype before the next week's S2 premier screenings.
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A week to go.

I agree with both of these. The fish out of water comment is true, particularly with regards to cyberpunk or sci-fi shows. Cyberpunk in particular works best when all the characters are well versed with the city and the only outsider is the reader.

I love Nihei but all his characters have been emotionally sparse. You're not there to understand them, only observe them. This is especially true when you look at BLAME! There's no need for endless dialogue, there's no need to get to know Killy better. It's all about inducing massive culture shock and illustrating a strange world.

Sidonia was one of the better anime I've seen in a while, I think it was socially relevant to an extent too with the whole copy-culture downward spiral.

Also Sidonia feels like one of the first pure sci-fi anime in a long time. Something that's actually just sci-fi: not cute girls with sci-fi tacked on, not robot battles with sci-fi tacked on, just pure sci-fi.
you don't feel the harem was tacked on?
Sidonia's always felt like Nihei's best attempt at something resembling shonen. His style seeps through though, which makes me think he's never too far from Blame/Biomega even with KoS.
I think he's referring to how the harem functions as opposed to its existence. See: Tsumugi and Izana. They're "cute girls", sure, but they have legitimate story reasons for looking as they do in a sci-fi universe.
I'd really like to see him just give genres the Nihei treatment. Nihei sports manga. Nihei shoujo. Blame Gakuen! but a new setting.

models are being sold at sidonia-3dmodel.com , although some of them are free you still need to register, -in japanese- , someone figured out how to download them?
Any chance to find some accurate 3D models to use in game making tools or sandbox such as Garry's Mod ?
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The theme is delicious.

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I've registered and downloaded the free Nagate, Hoshi, and Izana. has anyone found a source for the others other than paying the 70,000 moonbucks each?

I printed out the Hoshijiro in the default pose as a test, and now I'm working on adding joints for full articulation.

the registration is very easy
It gets better as they start developing weapons and technologies that might give them a fighting chance. They also find a solar system which, while it gets infected with Gauna, could provide a nice new home for the portion of the population that wants to stay, just as soon as it gets cleaned out of space bug things.

BTW, anyone know when the next chapter gets translated? I'm a couple of chapters behind but I thought I'd be more than that. Latest I found was c67.
I think you might run into some poly count issues if you just slap in the asset, not to mention the immense work in making it actually look like the series.
It gets translated once it comes out, mate. Since just before season 1 of the adaption ended we've been running on nip time thanks to the efforts of /m/.
Okay, I just wanted to make sure I had the latest chapter. I am eternally grateful to the translators and editors bringing us free manga in a timely manner.
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Less than a week to go.
I agree, but the environment is a character unto itself for nihei.

Wasn't he trained as an architect?
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Nothing is all smiles and roses.
Of course.
It worked, thank you, I got the three free models to my hdd, and it seems they're made of maya meshes. Does someone know an effective way to port it to Source engine ? Unfortunately I'm new to modeling and only use blender at the moment.
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Sidonia is over a thousand years old, right?

Do we know how far it's gotten from Earth in that time? I mean, I know it at least left the Solar System a few centuries ago, but considering it's been moving almost completely on inertial drift in a straight line bar the one or two times they had to dodge something, it can't have gone too far (relative to space distances, anyway)

It's unclear at best, Nihei is intentionally being pretty wishy-washy about specifics of just about anything to do with Sidonia's cruse speed. The fact that it's been able to pull in at a star system without spending the last 500 years in a breaking maneuver raises some interesting questions.
I wonder what's the deal with Gauna, what do they want from people and why they are attacking. Some of them try to take a shape of human, so one could assume they are trying to be friendly? But then again, they are clearly intend to kill people. I don't understand their motives at all.
Well prepare for a long waiting and hibernation, because it came to my attention after all these years, through Blame, Biomega, Noise, and KoS, that Nihei's narrative does not exactly line up with hard sci-fi standards.

was for

Simple. Consume, assimilate, and grow.

Gauna seem to act solely on instinct. My guess is that they were some kind of bioweapon developed by an ancient, long-dead race that died out many thousands of years ago that grew out of control and spread across the galaxy, consuming other life as they went.

Who's to say those huge bigger-than-Sidonia Gauna aren't several thousand, if not million, years old and composed of the collective bio-mass of hundreds of extinct sentient species?
>Gauna seem to act solely on instinct
It seems right, but it's too simple, I'll be disappointed if there is nothing more to them.
> My guess is that they were some kind of bioweapon developed by an ancient, long-dead race that died out many thousands of years ago that grew out of control and spread across the galaxy, consuming other life as they went
That's an interesting theory. But if Gauna is just a weapon why do they try to imitate humans, moreover there was a very peculiar episode when Gauna imitated one of Honoka sisters and she didn't realize at all that she was no longer a human. And on a second thought she retained her personality so we can't say that it wasn't herself right? It wasn't just a body or character imitation, it was more like a transfer of her ego into the body of Gauna.

The Gauna get smarter with every human they consume, so perhaps when they absorb someone, they also absorb their consciousness and add it to the Gauna hivemind?

There's a theory that the same thing is going on with the Hawkmoth Hoshijiro. Some people believe that thing -is- Hoshijiro (evidenced by remembering Nagate, etc.), but since it was cut off from the collective, it isn't completely her.
I've seen the anime I want to check out the manga. How far are we?
But if it did, the hivemind could have produced many more Guardian knockoffs. It just stopped after the 490 was finally killed and its Hoshijiro placenta was captured.

In that case, according to ch67 cliffhanger, is it about to capture Tsumugi thus being able to make Chimera clones?
>but it's too simple, I'll be disappointed if there is nothing more to them
I don't understand people like you. Why do you want to complex things up? Gauna is the enemy, nothing more nothing less. Do you want the UNDERSTANDING ending or something, you bastard?
The gauna aren't Gunbuster space monsters. They do too much weird shit to not have some motivation, not that I expect Nihei to tell us shit about them.
Like Solaris, Gauna are too alien too alien and any attempts to understand each other end in futility.
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The way I like to think about it is that, when a gauna eats something, it can replicate all of it's properties and communicate the more useful parts to any other Gauna it comes in contact with. When a gauna absorbs a human or anything else with an ego, that gauna alone completely replicates that human's ego but transfers useful fragments of information such as Guardian structure and battle strategies to other Gauna. Hawkmoth Hoshijiro and the giant Honoka are the individual gauna that originally absorbed Hoshijiro and Honoka respectively.
As for why the Hoshijiro Gauna was not a perfect copy and cooperated with other Gauna maybe it's because it had already absorbed another ego before, or developed it's own, so when it replicated Hoshijiro, her ego was just thrown into the mix rather than completely taking over. On the other hand, the gauna that absorbed the Honoka was a part of a large conglomerate and likely had never absorbed anything on it's own before or developed it's own identity, so Honoka's ego completely over rode it's instincts.
As to why ego-less gauna are even trying to absorb humans when it won't benefit them, maybe they're sacrificing themselves. Each gauna that gets overwritten by a human ego transfers useful information to the hivemind before being disposed of.
They're pretty hilarious though. A human and a robot are basically the same size, right?
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I wish there was a more affordable Tsugumori/Garde model or figure out there. I'm not too keen on paying over $100 for the Kotobukiya model or almost $200 for the Riobot.
Dude where the hell are you getting those prices? The Kotobukiya is around $50 at full price. Riobot is around $85.

Probably Amazon, which has a penchant for overcharging shit.

Amazon is the one place you -don't- go for imported merch.
Why would anyone say "Sidonia no kishi" instead of just typing the fucking English name printed right there above the moon?
Because hipster faggotery.
Anyone here manage to snag the custom sidonia fonts before they were taken down by dmca?
Is there English too?
It was just one unfinished font with barely any characters in it. I think I had it somewhere, but I'll have to look through all the garbage I have on HDD to find it.
Even with only a few characters, it'd be very useful in printing custom decals.
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[Citation Needed]
See >>11698481
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Well, that was honestly even less surprising than I expected. Based Tsumugi, gathering up all the death flags for her friends and proudly flying them as a decoy.
What concerns me more is the chunk of Guardian floating before it. Did she just die saving Izana during the operation? If she did I called that at least six months ago.
Can you imagine if both of them died? Tanikaze would go insane, this is what I fear actually, since he started in that relationship with Tsumugi her death will be devastating or really the death of any of his close friends like Izana, Midorikawa or even the tsundroid
I'm of the opinion that Izana's death would likely hit him harder than Tsumugi's, even with the apparent relationship. Either way, you're right, he'd be completely fucked if both of them went down. If that wasn't enough, he'd also be stuck without anybody to pull him back into reality like last time.
So is this dead dead or just 'she needs to grow back and it's a pain in the ass' dead?
Its a cliffhanger ending, it can go either way
Her heart is her weakpoint and it would appear to be AWOL, there's a very real chance she's dead. We also have a Guardian cockpit which I would assume belongs to Izana floating there, that is also cause for concern.
So this harem rom-com shit that happens in between fighting the horrifying flesh-penis monsters... it's a parody, right? Like, it's hard to take everything seriously when like five-and-a-half girls are hungry for Mr. White Bread Protagonist's dick.
I bet it is the same shit as Hoshijiro happening again.
>Nagate about to win a girl
>Gauna takes her away, turning into an archenemy
Honestly it's hard to say.
With the penis monster winning the MCbowl one would think it was parody, but it could also be a concession between doing harem straight for popularity and doing whatever the fuck because artistic vision.

Well, Nihei's a little... unhinged, right? Not anywhere as bad as Toshiki Inoue, but still kind of "off?"
There is nothing strange about a /m/an liking a 50 feet tall yamato nadeshiko.
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Izana wasn't even in the same fleet as Tsumugi, unlike a certain recurring background character.
Is there any particular reason volume 12 is the only one I can't seem to find anywhere?
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God, the whole setting is kind of disheartening once you think about it.

You've got a mile long tube that's just been drifting in a straight line through empty space for over a thousand years, almost completely filled with people who were grown in vats. Those who weren't are almost as old as the ship itself and just sit around stewing in their own immortality.

Everyone is either a soldier or an engineer, always on call to fight a seemingly endless war against an enemy they know almost nothing about, even after hundreds of years.

The people are conditioned to treat death like they do breathing, since hundreds, if not thousands, die over the course of the story due to various events so far, and everyone moves on like it's nothing. People seem to be regularly chosen to be sacrifices to become fuel for the ship's power supply.

The ship has no destination in mind, and it just keeps on drifting, since it seems that every time they find a planet suitable for colonization, they're overrun.
The dead are the only people to be used for power.
There are jobs besides soldier and engineer, someone has to grow food and shit remember.
Lastly they only recently have found a planet(s) for colonization.
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>fuel for the ship's power supply
It is every citizen's final duty to go into the tanks and become one with all the people.
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