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The Kamen Rider Black manga is now completely translated!!

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The Kamen Rider Black manga is now completely translated!!



The place that will endlessly bitch if you don't release something, but as soon as you do - they don't give a fuck.

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awesome.... aaaweeesooomee.....!

Too good to be true... It must be Golgon!
Thats because were too busy watching/reading to still be bitching like you.
Words can’t express how much I love you guys.
Keep up the good work!
This manga made me cry so much as a kid. Not sure if I want to revive that pain.
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...and now I need to remember what volume I stopped at.
Wealth and Glory to the OP!

Just read everything again.
So is this like a sequel, prequel or the original storyline?
Awesome, I've been meaning to give this a read. Thanks OP.

Does this mean Spirits will be translated soon too?
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Why he does look like the SIC? I just read the first chapter and beyond some little things like the main guy being named Kotaro Minami, there's no too much in common with Black. It's good, a bit creepy, but I don't get why it's called Kamen Rider Black in the first place.
>Does this mean Spirits will be translated soon too?

I hope so.
Because it's the original story and concept that Ishinomori created. The TV version was altered specifically to be more child friendly, just like every manga version of Kamen Rider since the original series. In this case, the manga version came first, the TV version second.

Also because it's about Kotaro Minami transforming into Kamen Rider Black to defeat Shadow Moon and the Golgom forces around the globe.
Because the SIC was based on this manga design.
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Damn dude, now I can relive the china arc again
and never have a china qt try to convert me to golgom ;_:

Oh, that explains it. I just finished chapter 2. They actually introduced Golgon in this chapter. I wonder how Ishinomori will handle Shadow Moon in this version.
Gen Urobuchi (writer of Kamen Rider Gaim) said that this is his favorite rendition of Kamen Rider:

"HH: How do you feel about tokusatsu in general?
Gen: I love the Space Sheriff series, especially Gavan. There’s also Kamen Rider Black that I used to watch in high school.Especially the Kamen Rider Black manga by Shotaro Ishinomori himself. It wasn’t exactly targeted towards kids and that final scene was so amazing."

I cannot wait.
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More like RX.

I'm watching an episode of kamen rider black which has breakdancing fights, I feel like it's the precursor to Gaim. So funky.

He change into something like that in the very first episode.

Fucking finally!
Ladies and gentlemen,
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First RX and now this. Everything Kamen Rider Black related is fully translated by now. Great.
Wait RX is done? This is great! I had no idea.
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Let me guess... Indonesian?
>The TV version was altered specifically to be more child friendly
There's also Black's main writer leaving after the first few episodes, which likely further differentiated both.
Yeah I remember the first episodes of Black having a much darker feel to it.
RX has manga? Or is it the TV series?
TV. Stone finished subbing it.

>Misteri Asal-Usul

Is that how Indonesians spell Shotaro Ishinomori?
Amazing job. Hopefully, this mean Spirits will be finished too, one day.

Yeah, sure. They took just 3 years to do 6 volumes.
Yeah but they didn't do a good job. It's like slightly above HK tier but nothing to go out recommending.
One day.
Really? I thought it was considered good.

Am i better with BR subs, then?

That doesn't matter that much. RX is very simple to understand even in RAW.

The wording is stiff and some word choices questionable (like using expletives even though it's a kid's show), but I don't think anyone has pointed out actual translation mistakes.
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Why BR subs when you can watch it with the glorious BR dub?


Also, same VA (in Brazil).
I mean dubs, indeed. Fuck me.
I will miss this series.

Well, Spirits, it's your time now.

But it affects men so it isn't important or relevant.

Oh, pretty good news.
This was a very underwhelming read.

Says you.
Fuck Black, time for Spirits!

I'm noticing a pattern here? I'm kinda wanting them to just say "fuck off" to Spirits. I don't care for it, it just gets worse and worse after ZX debut. Generic shonen shit. Those Hayato's chapters on Shin Spirits were neat, though.

I enjoyed it. Urobuchi as well. And he wrote the best Rider series in years.
>And he wrote the best Rider series in years
That isn't hard to accomplish though. Even a fucking kindergarten kid could do better than modern Toei

Awwwww shit nigger!

Thanks anon!

Please, this is trolling at its worst.
>checks manga folder
>only had vol 1 of Black before

Time to correct this mistake!
Cheers to the team for finishing this one!
may your life be an easy one OP!
Is it me or Ishinomori's art got a lot rougher than his previous works? Also, there's not even one sameface in the entire story. I kinda liked the new style. What else he did in the late 80s?
>Because it's the original story and concept that Ishinomori created.

Ishinomori was crazy. The kind of thing he does in his manga would never be approved for TV. Also, Black was published on Shonen Sunday which today is considered a safe magazine for the whole family. But again, Devilman and Henshin Ninja Arashi were published on Shonen Magazine. Neither of those were targeted at mature readers, so my guess is that he was writing this story for the kids. You know, the same target audience of the TV show, just slightly older.

Well, that escalated quickly. I wish the series had a better excuse to bring Black back after he was killed by Shadow Moon.
At the Kyoto chapter right now. It's getting more similar to the show by now. Lots of characters show up in this chapter, including show regulars like Kyoko and Katsumi. And finally, Nobuhiko was mentioned and also appeared on flashbacks. I'm really digging it so far. It's different, but still good.
Well, why don't you write one then. I am sure you are better than kindergarten or Toei.
>RX gets complete subs
>Black Manga finished soon after
The only thing that would make this better is if it were February. Thanks so much.
>Kotaro says "I came back as fast as I could" twice on page 5
What did he actually say?
In the second bubble I mean.

What volume?

"You want to see the device?" is also said twice on page 69.
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>that ending
Uhh, what.

Huh, I have the japanese original here. But I didn't get into volume 6 yet.
No seriously, what.

I was just pointing out typesetting errors. It's strange how there's so many errors with this release when the previous volumes were pretty clean.

Oh and he also says "Demon Kong" instead of "Demon King" on one page, which made me giggle.

I warned Happyscans about this. I hope they will release a v2.

About the ending, I think it was made to be left ambiguous (I read it in japanese for the first time, so I'm not sure. I didn't get to that part yet), but It's unclear if the Demon King was Nobuhiko or if he was Kotaro all along at least from what I remember.
oh boy backseat editors everyone loves those
where were you when the group was asking for help?

He was just pointing that out. It's different from bitching.
They called the Demon King Shadowmoon earlier though. And how will it be ambiguous is Kotaro fucking killed Nobuhiko at the end?

I will confirm that after reading it myself. I don't recall he being called Shadow Moon in the original, though.
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Just got done reading. It was a really fun ride and I'm thankful it got translated. It had a lot of cool ideas that I wish got into the show. Like the training and the far reach of Golgom. The organic design is really cool. Though I do prefer the show designs of Black and Shadowmoon.
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Fun fact: If you pay attention to the first episode, you know that Black and Shadow Moon were supposed to be the same from the very beginning. Also, the transformation sequence is a reference to the green form from the manga.

The complete redesign of Shadow Moon was brought late into the game. But it turned out quite nice.

Anyone here have those toys? How are they?
Fragile and unposeable.
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Man, THAT ending of the China arc...

God, I was not prepared for that.
Is the TV Series worth watching? I'm not that much of a toku guy, but it sounds interesting for the premise alone.
I personally love it. I'd say give it a shot, though it is much different than the manga. The music is great . LONG LONG AGO 20TH CENTURY

Is he... crying over his bike's shoulders?
Kind of...but it makes sense in context! Battle Hopper is awesome.
Also, does anybody else see a simularity?
He wasn't fucking kidding. I was translating it as I go along and when I got to that scene I was like...holy fuck Ishinomori you crazy son of a bitch.
Just wanted to point out the copy of Vol. 6 that OP uploaded is a first draft. We're applying the tweeks. We'll upload the official volume on the MCS site.
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Also I'm waiting for my copy of Spirits 9. Shit's getting real, although they could've drawn Shigeru more like a dick on the cover.
I would love to see an animated adaptation of this.

Oh good. I will wait until then.
So, can anyone explain that ending to me? It took me a while to figure out what happened at the end of Arashi, but I'm totally lost in this one.

It's way too silly for its own good. The first few episodes are great, though.
The manga needs like 3 or 4 volumes to developed volumen 6's ideas.
The ending was rushed as fuck, I prefer the TV ending

The whole Whale Monster storyline killed that ending for me. Oh, and Battle Hopper... you know what. Also, Shadow Moon was never the threat he was meant to be. I actually prefer RX ending over this.
Shadow Moon died like a bitch in the manga.
I guess he's so goddamn popular because Japan loves evil counterpart
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Seriously, Shadow Moon is really overrated. He was never that memorable as a character. He pales in comparison to other toku villains like Hakaider or General Shadow. But again, he has a great design and I think that is what appeals the most to the general audience.

Also, the show strongly implies that Nobuhiko's transformation was more complete than Kotaro's, so he should at least be stronger than him. But in the climax of their battle, he was almost killed and needed the help of the Century King to defeat Black. Now that was underwhelming.

Well, they're pretty much equal in the manga version from what I have read. But I still have to work on that.

According to japanese wikipedia. it was not revealed if the Demon King that Kotaro saw in the future was truly Nobuhiko. It could be that Nobuhiko indeed died and Kotaro was destined to become THAT same Demon King that he met before. That was the deal from the very beginning.

Unlike the TV Series, Kotaro and Nobuhiko are the same. It doesn't matter if the Demon King was called Shadow Moon, it could still be Kotaro.

Hey, look on the bright side.

At least she lives.
But... evil rider so badass XD
>But again, he has a great design and I think that is what appeals the most to the general audience.

Yep, you nailed it.
Wow, I had no idea Battle Hopper would make into this.
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That isn't really fair. I think Shadow Moon's appeal come from being a dark and gritty reimagining of the double riders. What if Ichimonji never become a good guy? what if he became Hongo's BFF before a battle to death? Japan loves tragedy, Japan loves friends becoming enemies, Japan loves "poetry" and Shadow Moon has them all. Even if the character didn't give his full potential, the concept is so attractive that Shadow Moon is inseperable of Kamen rider Black. Arguably, Black wouldn't be so well-received if it wasn't for Shadow Moon.

What bothers me the most is how easily most of the evil Riders are defeated. Like the Shocker Riders before Shadow Moon. Yeah, in the manga the Kamen Rider himself was not so invincible as he was in the series and Hongo was actually killed by them. And Ichimonji had the element of surprise in his favor. But in the series, it's stated that they're exactly the same from the original Riders, but they're easily defeated even so.

It's the curse of the evil Riders. It was never meant to be.
>But in the series, it's stated that they're exactly the same from the original Riders, but they're easily defeated even so.

To be fair, Rider 1 gets beaten twice by one Shocker Rider + one monster.

It's just in the final battle of the arc where they all just blow up at once thanks to Rider 1 and 2's new attack. I thought it was a cheap victory, but before that they had done a good job showing that they were really dangerous.

There's also a Malaysian dub for almost all the Kamen Rider series. Don't know how anyone who's not from Malaysia would think about it but I like it mainly cause it gave me lots of nostalgia from muh childhood, watching RX malay dub when I was 10.

But it's really hard to find any online.
No, it means Mystery(misteri) of Origin (Asal-usul)
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Anyone has link to the translated RX manga?
Also anyone has the complete list of all the translated KR manga?
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There's no translated Black RX manga, people were talking about the tv show up there. None of the RX manga are by Ishinomori anyway, so they have nothing to do with the Black manga.
I see. Are there any other KR manga by Ishinomori that has been translated?
The original Kamen Rider manga (at least the Ishinomori chapters - in that case, there are actually continuations by other authors that use manga elements and designs).
What about this Kamen Rider Spirits people up there is talking about? What it is about and was it made by Ishimori?

Nope, it's not that old and still ongoing.
is it good?
It's an alternative take on ZX (who only received one TV special). The basic premise is like Kamen Rider Decade, but switch out the heisei riders with showa ones, and discard the dimensional warping shenanigans.

For the action and fan service alone, it's worth a read. Also, the art is great.

They're not really sequels to the original. For example, Tobei looks exactly like his manga counterpart, but he's the owner of Tachibana Racing Club. Also, no mention about Hongo having a robot body.

Kazuhiko Shimamoto's Kamen Rider Black manga also has some similarities to the manga version, but takes place into the series continuity. It's kinda weird.
Volume 4 ends with a very, very big cliffhanger. i like that
You're awesome
My God, I can see it perfectly. That's great.
I'm reminded how much I hate Japanese endings.

What's the difference between a japanese ending and a not-japanese one?

Like there's no bleak endings in the rest of the world.
>bleak ending
More like just putting THE END and go home. I love bleak endings but Black just ended and everything became too rushed at the last volume after spending 2/3 of the manga with MOTWs

Not really what I felt, but ok
That was incredible! but i can't help but feel that the ending was rushed, it was good regardless.
Happy Scans just posted a revised version of Volume 6:

Thanks for the reminder.
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I wish
I think you meant Ishinomori endings.

>everything became too rushed at the last volume
Yep, that's Ishinomori alright.

Maybe it's because the manga is scheduled to run alongside the series. I have not noticied this on his non-TV projects.
Did you even think about the words you just strung together? That doesn't even make sense. If it was scheduled to run alongside the TV series, he would have known exactly how long it was before he ever even started thus making it easier to end the story concisely.

Well, the standard is the one year run. Approximately 50 episodes. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with the rushed endings, but as a matter of fact, Kikaider and Inazuman were published on the same magazine at the same time. Inazuman actually took part of the magazine slot for Kikaider and both suffered in the process.

Have you ever read anything by Tezuka, Nagai or Matsumoto? The ending usually come out of nowhere. When it's not a cliffhanger, of course.
The Japanese love ambiguous endings. You learn to deal with it.
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>he Kamen Rider Black manga is now completely translated!!


They released a v2 for volume 6


Get that instead.
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I never thought the idea of a isectoid monster Rider could be appealing, but this is surprisingly good.

But Shin is great
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batta yummy
If any of you want to see what the pre-concepts for Black and Black RX were, go here.


Some of them are pretty crazy
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I don't know, I kind of like echidna-Black in the top left.
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These are the original sketches by Ishinomori for Kamen Rider Zero. It was his planned reboot to the Kamen Rider franchise that eventually evolved into Black. You can see stuff from both manga and TV series in these pages.
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>Kamen Rider Jiban
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>shotaro ishinomori's mounting desperation to make a character that just mutates into a gross grasshopper man, god damn it
>shotaro ishinomori meets with the founder of /tg/
this fucking rocks!
I want to see more o dis shit!!!
>shotaro ishinomori's mounting desperation to make a character that just mutates into a gross grasshopper man, god damn it

He was just trying to differentiate it from Cyborg 009. The idea was to give Kamen Rider its own identity other than the cyborg warrior who fights against the same evil that created him. It was meant to be the definitive take on Kamen Rider.

He kinda looks like Tetsuo Kurata there. It's the same clothes he wore in Black.

Is it me or they're saying that RX design was based on comic Black in that draft? Weird.
Am I required to watch the series or could I just jump in?

It has nothing to do with series except for characters names and the basic premise. But be sure to download the v2 release for volume 6.

Where do I find v2?
Ishinomor chose Kurata


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Oh, that explains it. Fujioka Hiroshi looks nothing like Hongo.
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And that was the same design from both Skull Man and Cross Fire. So it was already decided before Fujioka casting.
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Kamen Rider V3 manga
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It's actually better when you have nothing to compare it to. I love the manga version, but never managed to finish the series. It gets old pretty fast.
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Y'all tokufags have terrible taste, this ending was FANTASTIC!!

Oh god, I loved this manga.
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kamen ridah burack

Is that a representation of the final scene? Cool.
The part with the bat kaijin on the airliner reminded me of the William Shatner and John Lithgow Twilight Zone segments from the original series and the movie.

It was probably a reference. That episode is really popular. And this manga has references to Jack the Ripper. The Philadelphia Experiment, Star Trek and others.
Finished it today. Now I can totally see what Urobuchi liked so much about this manga. There's even a Helheim Forest in the last volume.
I fucking love Crisis' mothership, back then when I was a kid, I was terrified of it. Flying about being menacing like that.


Then in 3rd Rock From the Sun, Shatner and Lithgow both reminisce about that terrifying gremlin they saw outside the plane.
You don't know about that skeletal mothership those villains always fly about in? Poor you.
I think Demon King is Kotaro all along. He just snapped after Kyoko and most of humanity died.

Yeah, there's also the possibility that he had just absorbed Nobuhiko's philosophical stone and turned into the Demon King. So, doesn't matter which one won the fight, one of them would become the Demon King regardless.

Is this from the TV Series? I have not watched it yet.

It would be frustrating to have to buy 2 of these so you could reproduce the showdown between Kotaro and Nobuhiko. And maybe a green version of Black.

Call me crazy, but I think the Kamen Rider Black manga was a lot better than Spirits.

You're not alone. Spirits is ok, but other than being a Kamen Rider manga, it's a pretty mediocre battle shonen.
So much timetravel at the end
Really enjoying this manga, I have one chapter to go
Whelp thats an ending.
I'm not totally sure who I think would win
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