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I don't come on this board at all but I just finished Oedipus

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I don't come on this board at all but I just finished Oedipus Rex now I'm Crime and Punishment. Then I've got The Trial and Metamorphosis by Kafka to read. But what should I get after I finish Kafka? I have no idea.
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Thanks guys.
max stirner
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Thanks based anon.
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You really shouldn't jump around from era to era of texts without appreciating their historical context, origin, and references to past ones or contemporaries. Crime and Punishment for example draws heavily from Dosto's previous book Notes From Underground which is a text of it's age as well as the Bible which is a central part of understanding Orthodox Russian books in the 1800's. For you I would recc Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf and if you liked Oedipus's presentation Goethe's Faust so we don't have a modernism party in ere
Throw all those books in the trash
Start with the Greeks
Unironically the Iliad. Maybe dabble into some postmodern stuff (Pynchon, Gaddis, DFW)
Is this Let It Die cosplay?



Ready the stickied wiki you lazy cunt

But also read Homer's Iliad and The Odyssey (only pleb cunts give up)

Read Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky (once you begin with one of his works, and like it, it is your duty to finish his works until you reach The Brothers Karamazov which will then become your life eternal)

Get into Yukio Mishima, Sound of Waves and The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea are perfect starting places. You should read his tetralogy too.

Get into plays. Shakespeare and Arthur Miller are good. Aristophanes if you like ancient dick jokes.

Don't make threads here saying "i'm new, give me books" because there's a fucking sticky at the top of the board, motherfucker. Read some books and then come back to discuss them. You'll find recommendations pretty quickly based on your developing tastes.

Also fuck off back to /mu/, I know that's where you motherfuckers come from.
>what should I get after?
A gf
Who is this goddess?
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