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When and how did you become a literaturefag?

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When and how did you become a literaturefag?
>movies no longer keep my attention
>videogames no longer keep my attention
>porn no longer excites me
And thus, books became my escapism go-to
I used to skip school and had nothing to do in the time so I ended up reading. Quite ironical.
Like a year ago, used to go on /mu/ a lot and drifted here somehow
I started lurking here when I was 19 and read books that were frequently recommended.
developed a love for fantasy series in my early teens. after growing up and taking high school lit classes, my tastes drifted towards literature.
Shut in with no friends. Came here and was told to read the Greeks.
We did an analysis on a Neruda's poem about books. It was the first time in my life that I experienced passion about something school related so I started reading tons of poetry and ended up developing a love for literature in general.
As to /lit/ I was an average /b/ user for the memes and the lols and the porn so logically I ended up here thinking I was gonna get to talk about Machado, Cervantes and Lovecraft. How silly of me.
Randomly picked out a free book from a Library book fair in Elementary School, loved it, kept reading.
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Reading Dune on the bus through the bush from school to home
I am literally autistic
Similar to me except i would go to lecture hall courses in college and read books that were interesting to me while the prof rambled on

So glad i dropped out of college fuck "higher ed"
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like 8, i read every one of these.
I had been reading since i was a kid but never considered reading a hobby til college at 18. >>9475021 was me as well

Almost 22 and will finish IJ this week
This happened to me as well. I hope I don't get bored of books or I don't know where else I will turn
when i was a little kid i had a star wars action figure from jabba the huts crew and he had long hair and a spear weapon and was named "queegueg" and i always thought that was just some alien shit some nerd made up but now i'm like u sneaky bastards putting a moby dick reference in there, maybe thats why my mom bought it she wanted to whale pill me on dick (just wait till some natural language processing algorithm tries to parse that in the future)
I lost a kid and started reading books to distract myself. Eventually I got into books that were more than just a distraction, found more meaning in them, started reading and collecting books excessively, etc.
It started as an innocent affectation to impress qt hipster girls in my late teens
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Grew up reading as a kid. First series of books that got me hooked were "A to Z Mysteries" and "Junie B. Jones". Never read the Harry Potter books though, too meme. I loved spending long times browsing books all alone during the book fair. Then in middle school I read "Redwall" and "Swiss Family Robinson" and some other great books that I've unfortunately forgotten about.

But the one book that truly solidified me as a bookworm was "The Giver". Truly amazing book. I felt a well of emotions after I finished it, and some sense of religioisity. At the end, I wanted the story to continue, I wanted to stay with these characters and learn what happens after they reach the city. But another part of me felt I was just fine leaving it as is. I distinctly remember the warmth of my feet while I was in the passenger's seat and my Dad was driving the family somewhere I done remember. It was pitch black outside, the darkness enhanced by the car light that allowed me to finish reading "The Giver". I remember how I just closed the book and felt mesmerized.

I should give it a reread some time.
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