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When are we going to do another survey?

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When are we going to do another survey?
File: top2016.jpg (3MB, 1820x4352px) Image search: [Google]
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End of 2017 tee bee aitch. But I find it to be more guidelines for beginners that anything. Books are on there that are obvious memes like Bottom's Dream and Jerusalem in place of more deserving books or poems or nonfiction.
At the end of the year like this anon said. Otherwise the results would be far too similar. Gotta at least wait for some new memes to pop up.
Why is there no Brave New World in that chart?
Because it's a shit novel
Your mom's a shit, bitch.
I'm surprised 14 people have read Finnegans Wake
They haven't. They just like to claim they have. It's like the Tolstoy ratings, AK being ranked lower than W&P when AK is so much better than W&P.
bro it's like a 1 vote difference, chill
AK is not better than W&P
It's going to be higher next chart, since a W&P reading group just ended many more people have read it, or at least attempted it than last year.
boys, boys. they both suck equally.
No its not. I finished W&P last month and will finish reading AK tonight. AK has really good characters (moreso than W&P), but it isn't as good. The middle of AK is such a drag to get through.

If you want an example of a book with 10/10 realistic characters, you choose Anna Karenina, but the better overall book is W&P.

Never ever ever ever. The plebbit influx of late 2015 - early 2016 due to this shitty chart reaching more than a million views on imgur made /lit/ absolutely atrocious for weeks on end.

The charts serve absolutely no good purpose whatsoever. Any information from them could just as well be gleaned by reading the sticky. It's nothing but guidelines for middlebrow plebs who are so fucking retarded they can't even navigate the wiki.

Please, for the love of god, if you like these charts, kys.
Tolstoy's strength is his characters. You cannot with any sense say AK has better characters then turn around and go, W&P is better. The only people that try and argue that W&P isn't completely overblown when compared to the masterpiece that is AK are idiots that try to be contrarian.
We are wondering why haven't you killed yourself yet, son.
Oh I t-think it's a fun thing to do
>People who disagree with me or what I think is the consensus are being contrarian.
War and Peace is more entertaining and has characters almost as good as AK. Only pseud idiots judge books purely by what makes them technically good. I enjoyed W&P more, so IN MY OPINION I think its better. Both are very good books though.
Hopefully never. All it does is drive undesirable traffic here.
>muh secret club
>the stranger

ayy lmao
how did white noise get so low

it was like #14 in 2015
Why is IJ number one when everyone here seems to hate it?

This only applies to /lit/, but the people who hate it haven't read it and assume that because some people are pretentious when discussing the book it must be shit
>top 100 fiction novels

make another for actual literature
Needs more Fahrenheit 451

Were you here during the plebbit plague? Being apprehensive about inviting r/books over again is quite different from wanting this to be a super-secret club. Don't be a giant faggot. There are literally no benefits for making another chart, except to satisfy the autism and middlebrow sensibilities of faggots who should be spending their time reading. The potential drawback is another period of atrocious board culture.
I've read seven of these. I'm surprised it's that many.
I'd like to see how The Pale King does over the next couple of years. It's actually a really good piece of lit, and people outside of DFW fangays are starting to realize that more
What the fuck do you people have against Hemingway
Jerusalem is great you pleb.
I hope many like minded fellows join this board. I do not want to further discussion of catch-22, ender's game, and dune
What do you have against those three books?
This list is so fucking pretentious a fedora spontaneously appeared on my head just from looking at it
Each time a new survey is done the books from the previous list should be banned to at least make the list marginally more interesting. As it stands it's just a list of classics that most people would have heard of anyway.
Why did The Stranger drop back so much
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