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Wolfe and Ellison thread edition Previous thread >>854

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Wolfe and Ellison thread edition
Previous thread

>Selected: http://i.imgur.com/r688cPe.jpg/
>General: http://i.imgur.com/igBYngL.jpg/
>Flowchart: http://i.imgur.com/uykqKJn.jpg/
>Science Fiction
>Selected: http://i.imgur.com/A96mTQX.jpg/
>General: http://i.imgur.com/r55ODlL.jpg/ http://i.imgur.com/gNTrDmc.jpg/
>no pleb edition
I am Legend was a legitimately awful piece of scifi. It read like an Arts Major had suddenly realised that science existed.
I liked it. Or just rather thought it was decent. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that didn't want to read post apocalypse after reading everything else, from Miller to Wolfe.
The final twist was dank and. Can't comment on the prose, read it shortly after finishing high school when I didn't pay much attention to that. The characters were not memorable.
>doesn't put sffg in the subject field
>people will not be able to find the thread

sffg needs to die
It gets worse and worse in here and outer /lit/ talks about sff now anyway
We still don't want to see any threads about your jordans and sandpersons
Neither do most of us in the thread, but these 10 fags don't want to move to reddit
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>"Well," Shallan said to the captain, blushing but still eager to speak, "I was just thinking this: You say that my beauty coaxed the winds to deliver us to Kharbranth with haste. But wouldn't that imply that on other trips, my lack of beauty was to blame for us arriving late?"
>"So in reality," Shallan said, "you're telling me I'm beautiful precisely one-sixth of the time."
>"Nonsense! Young miss, you're like a morning sunrise, you are!"
>"Like a sunrise? By that you mean entirely too crimson"-she pulled at her long red hair-"and prone to making men grouchy when they see me?"
>He laughed, and several of the sailors nearby joined in. "All right then," Captain Tozbek said, "you're like a flower."
>She grimaced. "I'm allergic to flowers."
>He raised an eyebrow.
>"No, really," she admitted. "I think they're quite captivating. But if you were to give me a bouquet, you'd soon find me in a fit so energetic that it would have you searching the walls for stray freckles I might have blown free with the force of my sneezes."
>"Well, be that true, I still say you're as pretty as a flower."
>"If I am, then young men my age must be afflicted with the same allergy-for they keep their distance from me noticeably." She winced. "Now, see, I told you this wasn't polite. Young women should not act in such an irritable way."

>The man pulling the machine was short and dark-skinned, with a wide smile and full lips. He gestured for Shallan to sit, and she did so with the modest grace her nurses had drilled into her. The driver asked her a question in a clipped, terse-sounding language she didn't recognize.
>"What was that?" she asked Yalb.
>"He wants to know if you'd like to be pulled the long way or the short way." Yalb scratched his head.
>"I'm not right sure what the difference is."
>"I suspect one takes longer," Shallan said.
>"Oh, you are a clever one." Yalb said something to the porter in that same clipped language, and the man responded.
>"The long way gives a good view of the city," Yalb said. "The short way goes straight up to the Conclave. Not many good views, he says. I guess he noticed you were new to the city."
>"Do I stand out that much?" Shallan asked, flushing.
>"Eh, no, of course not, Brightness."
>"And by that you mean that I'm as obvious as a wart on a queen's nose."
>Yalb laughed.

can't believe i fell for the meme. two chapters of fighting with no characterization worth a damn, then this autist

fucking DROPPED with the force of a thousand suns
>Reading anything by Sanderson for the characterization
>Reading anything by Sanderson
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fuck off sandperson
sexts confirm

sandersonfags pls go
The first mistake
How do people even enjoy that dry, drawn out prose and shit characters?
Same reason people enjoy old sci-fi with all the same vices

muh ideas
Old scifi is understandable because it's short. He is writing series longer than War and Peace.
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Sanderson is light reading with fun world building. It's not meant to be thought provoking, it's the literary equivalent of Eight Legged Freaks.
hey guys, what's some really comfy scifi? something I can really chill out too?
You have to give a person more than that.

What do you like?

The last two Dune novels, Heretics and Chapterhouse, are among the comfiest sci fi reads I have ever had. They get a bad rep, but it's undeserved.
>mfw /sffg/ told me reading the entirety of The Wheel Of Time would fuck with my mental sanity
>I did not listen
>finish the series
>pick up Moby Dick which I left off six months ago to begin WoT
>the same book that I loved not half a year ago now seems utterly boring

It's like WoT has made me noticeably stupider and plebber.
Reading does affect you after all, and subjecting yourself to 13000 pages of drivel will do you no good.

Recommend me some high tier SFF to get back into fighting shape.
I loved Dying Earth. It's beautifully written and has a haunting atmosphere, with surprisingly well defined characters.
>82 normal posters
>out of that only 10 read Sanderson and Jordan
>only 10 likes Sanderson
>everyone else likes classic sff

Just because we aren't vocal doesn't mean agree with you. I like Sanderson but I don't discuss or recommend him, I'm sure there are others like me.

Redshitor plz, stop pretending like you are a native e/lit/ist, when in fact you migrated from that cesspool of filth.
>I like Sanderson but I don't discuss or recommend him
same here
I mean, there's no way this is distinguishable from someone samefagging.

But I also like Sanderson.
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>magical assholes with reality bending powers keep fucking your shit up
>just want to win so you can finally kill yourself and achieve oblivion

being aurang is suffering
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>Spain sells cuba to the [U.S.].

I imagine Cuba would have been Hawaii West had not the sugar beet intervened. Although beets were even more deleterious to the Hawaiian sugar cane market, Cuba lacked the generations of New England missionary spawn to drive a new diversified economy (and appeal to Congress).
It was a russian political plot to cause unrest.
Germany jumps to protect spain's interest and to estabilish germanic dominance in the US congress,keeping them occupied,so the russians can rush the Austro-Hungarians who have no other allies.
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I was remarking more on how whoever wrote it did a pretty good job predicting the future. Russia fell and Spain did cede interests to the U.S. The Germanocentric view would certainly have been valid in 1872 as Bismarck was at the height of his power. Were it not for Habsburgs, Budapest or Berlin might still have been directing Europe in 1950.

>*Hawaii East
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Wayne is great. Fight me.
I just finished reading Blindsight after it was recommended in the last thread, and I gotta say, It was one of the most confusing things I've ever read.
Not so much the concept, but the storytelling, having multiple characters in one body who speak independently, often with no indication as to which one is speaking is confusing as fuck. Plus none of the characters are given even the smallest amount of description except Sarasti. I spent half the time trying to figure out who was who.

Not terrible but somebody needs to tell the author that exposition isn't always a bad thing, that's for sure.
Can we please just split a sci-fi thread out of this trainwreck and leave the Sanderson etc. memers to fight among themselves?

I have no problem with the "meme" of Gene Wolfe (which attracts very little shitposting compared to Sanderson), and I'm more than happy to put up with the "classic" fags if it means having a thread where 90% of the posts aren't completely off topic shitposts.
I'm really not trying to say this as a criticism, but do you maybe have Asperger's?
I don't see what you're getting at.
>Can we please just split a sci-fi thread out of this trainwreck and leave the Sanderson etc. memers to fight among themselves?
Yes. There was once a split for one thread and the results were great.
>Reading does affect you after all
Does that mean browsing this website affects me to? Because that would be pretty bad
It even predicted the cold war.
Part one is called "The eternal war"
While part two is called "The eternal peace"
The inventeon of the plane (it's a giant flying metal bird that no gun cam hurt in the book) results in warfare becoming obsolete.
You seem to be hung up on not having concrete distinctions, finding the more emotionally-based content of the novel "confusing."

It's fine to prefer one over the other, but I guess I'm just trying to say that some people found the storytelling of Blindsight to be quite artful.

In the realm of sci-fi specifically, there are a lot of books that focus on images and concepts over exploration of character, heightening of prose, subtext, and so on. More rarely a work can achieve both.
No, you're projecting. One of the multiple personalities is introduced out of nowhere having not been mentioned at all previously. It's perfectly normal to be confused in an instance like that.
>>magical assholes with reality bending powers keep fucking your shit up
>>just want to win so you can finally kill yourself and achieve oblivion

That is literally Ishamael/Moridin from WoT. Poor fucking guy couldn't catch a break.
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Why does science fiction and fantasy have to be in the same thread anyways? I understand why publishing lumped the two together but not why /lit/ continues to comply with this.

>mfw Vance and Wolfe anons can still post in both threads
It does and it's bad unless you are careful about spergs and autism in front of others.
I have racist inclinations from shitposting, it's strange
>One of the multiple personalities is introduced out of nowhere having not been mentioned at all previously. It's perfectly normal to be confused in an instance like that.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>you're projecting.
I'm really not trying to make this a criticism of your (or any one else's) literary values. I'm just saying "there's another way that some people look at it" and giving a few reasons why they do so. I'm sorry that comes across as "my opinion vs your opinion in combat."
>Why does science fiction and fantasy have to be in the same thread anyways?

Because -and I can't believe a Wolfe reader has somehow managed not to realize this- they are really the same thing.
You could almost make a stronger argument that sci-fi and westerns are the same thing.

To put it plainly, I understand where you are coming from, but sci-fi and fantasy aren't the only genres that share what they have in common.
So Moridin really was Ishamael resurrected or some shit? I know they kept hinting that's who he was but I thought it was going to be a bait and switch.

Or say, poetry and rap.

Anyhoo, there are clearly two groups in these threads who have next to no mutual interest in each other. Why not split along the obvious line? Two generals to talk about two genres in isn't unreasonable when outer /lit/ averages half a dozen threads on Pynchon or Wallace at any given moment in time.
And where did you get that statistic from? I like both, and I think most do.

>So Moridin really was Ishamael resurrected or some shit?

Yes he was. Jordan and Sanderson aren't exactly masters of subtlety.

Like both? Sure. Want to discuss both in the same thread at the same time? No.
I do. It's not exactly like the thread is moving fast, there's no problems at all with multiple discussions at once and much better than two dead threads (and having two tabs is also a pain).
>There aren't enough of us
Last time this came up the Sci-Fi thread died on the vine.
>It will antagonize outer /lit/
They whine enough as it is, do you really want to go there?
>I'm a lazy tool
Having everything in one thread is just comfy. It's not like things move at all quickly.
Who the fuck are you quoting?
I started with number headings. Halfway through I switched to meme arrows without thinking. I didn't even notice how much of an abomination it was until you posted...
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Well, I'm not going to agitate for a split but I don't see a compelling argument against it. /lit/ isn't a fast board so both threads would survive easily. I disagree that reading Sanderson/Jordan posts is interesting or convenient to someone reading science fiction. If I were still actively reading Jordan, I wouldn't want to read endless one-liner posts about Asimov.


>>It will antagonize outer /lit/

Outer /lit/, bless their hearts, are young pseudointellectuals. I could not care less about their opinions as they haven't formed any of their own yet.

>Last time this came up the Sci-Fi thread died on the vine.

Well, that at least is a valid argument.

I always wondered if his mental illness impaired his ability to write or was rather its source in the first place.
the latter I suspect
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Fresh Aram posting

we need sanderson sundays or something. a weekday might be better but I'm a sucker for alliteration
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>mfw people are still using my OC
Who made the Wolfe pepe? Because that man is a person whose artistic achievement surpassed Wolfe himself.

Not me, I only made the Absolutely Aram.

Also I have half a mind of beginning Long Sun. Should I do it?
If only to get to the Short Sun which was superb. New Sun was not bad and better retrospectively.
>One of the multiple personalities is introduced out of nowhere having not been mentioned at all previously.
Do you mean when the personality introduced by the aliens takes over and starts smashing stuff? Because that's meant to be a surprise.
>We are the race of lovers
What did he mean by this?
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means he /d/indu nuffin
There is nothing wrong about genetically engineering monstrous shapeshifting dickgirls who are driven to orgasm merely by serving you.

If that earns you damnation the it's the gods who are wrong.
>There is nothing wrong about genetically engineering monstrous shapeshifting dickgirls
Well, it's gay
Not if they have feminine penises.
New thread:

Just stop. This is a nightmare. You linked this thread from that one ten minutes ago, and now you are linking back. Something horrible must happen to tripfags' brains.
I uploaded my Gene Wolfe ebook collection: https://my.mixtape.moe/rlmgmt.zip

It contains the following books:

A Borrowed Man
An Evil Guest
Castle of Days
Endangered Species
Epiphany of the Long Sun
Free Live Free
Home Fires
In Green's Jungles
Innocents Aboard: New Fantasy Stories
Litany of the Long Sun
On Blue's Waters
Pandora by Holly Hollander
Pirate Freedom
Return to the Whorl
Shadow & Claw
Soldier of Arete
Soldier of Sidon
Soldier of the Mist
Starwater Strains
Storeys from the Old Hotel
Strange Travelers: New Selected Stories
Sword & Citadel
The Best of Gene Wolfe: A Definitive Retrospective of His Finest Short Fiction
The Devil in a Forest
The Fifth Head of Cerberus: Three Novellas
The Island of Dr. Death and Other Stories and Other Stories
The Knight
The Land Across
The Sorcerer's House
The Urth of the New Sun
The Wizard
There Are Doors

Don't be upset, OP. Just put /sffg/ in the title next time and you won't get cucked by someone with basic posting skills.

>I'm just the messenger
ty based anon
>Audiobookbay says 40 seeds for some old ass book
>0 (1)

e p i c
A few months ago some idiot split it.
Fantasy lived till 300 posts, sf died at 80.

In the end they started to post sf in the fantasy thread... we told them to scram but they stayed.
When a new thread was made it was sffg.

Yall sci-fi(only) fags are the most to complain. You are a minority in the general, yet you make the most noise.

90% of the time anyone complaining tirelessly about Sanderson, bakker, or any book for that matter it's always a sci-fi fag.
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"Well first off, you should know that I don’t write fantasy – only hacks write fantasy. My books are about the triumph of the human spirit which just happen to have everything you would find in The Wheel of Time."
>I spent 10 minutes looking for the digits
>I revive this dead thread
How long must we wait until Peace Talks?
>90% of the time anyone complaining tirelessly about Sanderson, bakker, or any book for that matter it's always a sci-fi fag.
I'm one of your "sci-fi(only) fags" and I don't really see how that could be possible. Since I don't read that kind of stuff, I don't actually know anything about those authors outside of the fact that they are memes in this thread.

This thread has mostly been general purpose meta-complaining, which anyone can do regardless of what one reads, but even in the more on-topic incarnations of the general, I usually feel like the authors I read a lot of are mostly absent from the discussion, while it focuses on fantasy series I've never read and Gene Wolfe.
But maybe that is just the nature of a "general" thread that covers so much. Do fantasy-reading fags also tend to feel like their interests make up a minority of the thread?

Maybe the problem is just that we don't read enough or don't have enough to say about what we do read. I try to make a high quality post about any book I finish, but that usually amounts to about one good post per week, which is a tiny drop in the bucket considering we have a new thread pretty much every day. Even if the other few dozen regular posters here are doing that, we'd have a pretty low "signal to noise ratio," so maybe I'm just expecting too much.
>"And so what that I smoke pot?"

Please, please, let /sffg/ dies.
lmao nerd with pent up manlet rage having a sperg rant about some board on the interweb xD
Fantasy is more popular in SFFG, as you say. I wonder if it is an indication of a wider trend, where Game Of Thrones has increased readership.

It might also be the case that more SF books occupy outer /lit because a lot of its classics are widely accepted among the general readership. Bakker and Sanderson are rarely seen outside of SFFG.

Or are fantasy posters here just more vocal?

As an aside, the lack of horror content on the board is more interesting.

Did you see the lit confessions thread? I already had a hunch, cemented by that topic, that most people here barely read books. But my biggest bugbear RE posting quality is the number of frogposters and asinine questions. Do the mods bother, or are they unable? At any rate, an informed post, written well, is its own reward.
Scifi discussion is slower because there are fewer releases. Much like how farting into a tuba will get you rave reviews from Pitchfork, any idiot can go dictate a bunch of purple prose about sex ninjas or demon seed and get heralded as the next Tolkien, but scifi generally requires greater effort to write something worth reading (eg, natural, organic worldbuilding instead of the author showing off their STEM degree) and to understand it. (I'm of course referring to actual scifi ant not "fantasy with lasers")
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Do you like Gene Wolfe?

delete this
He's one of those authors like Atwood who uses fantasy as a vehicle for a literary tale.
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Horror is for kids.
No grown man indulges in horror. You must still be living out your childhood into your 30's.

Also, what has pepe done to you?
Horror and fantasy have an equal capacity for being juvenile or literary, as you well know mr baitposter. The only thing I could think is all their readers are on /x.
I read quite a bit actually but I make one post and leave it at that. No need to try and force discussion about something that literally nobody else has read.

As for frogposters, it's a very old meme by now (that only cross siters would use). I know that on /a/ it's a reportable offence but let's just say that reportable offences are less stringently administered on other boards and in any case these boards are so slow that low quality and off topic posts barely make any difference.

You should be able to report them and get them removed.

>we have a new thread pretty much every day.
>Even if the other few dozen regular posters here are doing that, we'd have a pretty low "signal to noise ratio," so maybe I'm just expecting too much.

You might be right but maybe it's worth a shot. Hell, this aborted thread and the /sffg/ are both alive with barely anything posted over there that would register on an EEG.


Please no Cthulu.
>read the first book of corum
>4 dollar at used book store
>literally was one of my favorite reads this year
>finished it in two short sessions

Jesus fucking christ Fantasy novels are fine if they're short. What the fuck do I even do now? Kill myself? That was my first moorcock and it blew my mind.
>Do fantasy-reading fags also tend to feel like their interests make up a minority of the thread?


Everyone is constantly talking about authors I haven't read or won't read since they don't interest me, like the memes Bakker and Wolfe. Nobody hardly talks about books or series that feature a lot of magic that is often used except when asked to or when someone is memeing (barring Sanderson of course).
Everyone also has an obsession over
>muh patrician non pleb authors
and everyone not in that specific list is ridiculed, this is fucking fantasy for fucks sake, not some ancient book that would broader your horizons or enhance your world view, fantasy is read for pleasure, as an escapism to some extent, so I don't understand the dichotomy between super serioes and fun series or books
>tfw you will never be happy as a pupper again after reading pet cematary
>fantasy is read for pleasure
Speak for yourself
People think that reading for pleasure is somehow excuse from reading decent books.
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What did he mean by this ?
People think that reading only the best written books can give you pleasure or be fun and engaging
The Wolfester is reminding is that a "youthful voice," or any voice other than your own as a writer, is a meme.
Short SFF is really great in general. All of the big three Golden Age SF authors wrote better short fiction than novels.
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>any Golden Age sf
>better than Citizen of the Galaxy
It's very important to realise why they made better writers than the 3+ 600 page tome authors of modern equivalent of pulp, they didn't draw their stories out and didn't pretend that they have something relevant to say after 250 pages. Of course they could have been much better, but that's why it works.

>be Corum
>go from fag elf prince to badass God-killing warrior

I like moorcock too.
>old shit is the same as new shit
>nothing has changed
>old geezers say old fermented shit is better than the new fermented shit
>they both genre shit at the end of the day

Nice. You can fuck off back to outer lit at your earliest convenience.
Moorcock, unlike his contemporary equivalents wrote short stories which makes him much more digestible. His prose is often cringy because his adverb usage is repetitive, but is decent. Elric has an aura of intentional edge so its entertaining. He also writes characters and dialogue to the point where you don't have to commit cognitive suicide to enjoy.
But of course, it's not great literature and shouldn't even be attempted to be read as such.
Corum is also relatively new.
Voice is the sounds-like-it-was-said-by quality of prose or dialogue.

He's saying that an old man writing in a young man's voice is not challenging since he can reconstruct a young man's voice from the memory of having been one, or imitate one by listening to the young people in his neighborhood.
>Corum is also relatively new.

>Written in the 70s
>Relatively new

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>they think I was joking when I called them dinosaurs
>these people were alive when the Iliad was first being translated into English and still think it was the best sff book of all time.
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Daily Reminder if you like this hack fuck now despite our years of mocking him, you are the cancer killing /lit/
>till think it was the best sff book of all time
No, that would be the Divine Comedy.

One thing I've learned in several years of 4chan -and Internet in general- is that the harder you hate on something or someone, the harder the backlash. So if you don't care for JCW, just don't read him.

Because posting like you're doing will do nothing but summon his Defence Force and shit up the thread.
He doesn't even have a defence force not is there any JCW shitposting, outside of that faggot posting that picture with the same comment every thread.
You should change the Canticle for Leibowitz cover to an older one. That modern cover looks really out of place in your collage.
>Because posting like you're doing will do nothing but summon his Defence Force and shit up the thread.

Let them come
I did it once, first of all. Second of all, people shat all over him in the past but you forgot (probably because you weren't here.)
To do what? Say he writes great schlock?
It's probably the best cover I've ever seen in SFF.
>people shat all over him in the past but you forgot
He was never even talked about in the past, he became a meme when I found those Orphans of Chaos reviews.
One of the best modern writers, really enjoyable books.
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>He was never even talked about in the past
Yeah, the first time he was mentioned outside the Crashing These Hugos With No Survivors was around 8 months ago.
I don't remember seeing the Golden Age before that.
Best would be streched, but I haven't read many decent contemporary SFF authors, assuming they didn't start writing 2-3 decades ago.
In any case, super space libretarians versus space communism nihilism is the best scholock I've read in a while.
>advertise an author for years
>upset when people you've turned on to him come to like him
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>I don't remember seeing the Golden Age before that.

Last time I saw him mentioned was March of 2015, and he was non stop shat upon. Mostly for being cardboard genre fiction, cringe as hell interviews he gave about men's rights and race, and tipping his fedora in his author photo.

But it was really nonstop.
But anyone who lasted on old /lit/ (not nu-/lit/) hated him. So, if you like him, well we can assume you're fairly new.
It's not a terrible cover, it just clashes with the theme.

who are these fat fucks and why are they so fat
I didn't know he was this fat.
In any case, it wasn't really a discussion on his novels so I guess it makes sense I filtered that out.
I actually largely helped create Wolfe into the meme he is today, fuck off with your everyone's a newfag. Wright writes honest schlock and he's good at it. There's nothing more to it. For the thread in which people unironically enjoy Sanderson, Wright is the smallest problem.
>muh hivemind
And I was constantly shilling him even then.
Genre fiction authors who masturbate over the golden age of science fiction through an overly nostalgic lens

>I actually largely helped create Wolfe into the meme he is today,
I really doubt it.

>Wright writes honest schlock and he's good at it.

"Honest", does not mean good. "Schlock", also, does not mean good

>There's nothing more to it.
Just awful

Scalzi pls get off the internet. We know it's you.
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Why are you so angry that other people do not share your opinions? You are aware that your memory is biased, aren't you? Of course there was a golden age of Wrightposting when you were in charge, in your memory it was all laughing and dancing and maybe tiny pro-Wright posts off in the corner, but that's just in your head.
>I really doubt it.
You do that son. But I've been in these threads for so long, that fuckhead even started the dinosaur meme because of me.
>"Honest", does not mean good. "Schlock", also, does not mean good
And hence no one pretends that it's anything more. Someone wants a fun space opera? I recommend Wright. Someone wants something good? There are plenty of other choices.
Let me guess, we also shared brilliant insights into PKD and Clarke and nobody talked about Sanderson either, right?
ITT: Stop liking what I don't like.
>Why are you so angry that other people do not share your opinions?

Because he's shit and this used to be consensus. It should still be consensus.

>You do that son.

I will.

>And hence no one pretends that it's anything more

They will.

>Someone wants a fun space opera? I recommend Wright

I wouldn't recommend even my least favorite person hemorrhoids
>And hence no one pretends that it's anything more.
But it is, Wright is classically educated and in dialogue with pre-Campbellian SF authors as well.

Wright publicly repudiates his new editor's views on race. Constantly. His blog post TODAY was on how stupid racism is.
I never suggested anything related to that. Why do you need to defend Wright? Is it because of his politics?
>this used to be consensus.
>this is how atheists actually think
>makes fun of anon's halcyon days when everyone agreed with him
>"y-you're just a right-winger!"
How am I an atheist when I'm not an atheist
How are you "making fun" of "halcyon days", and how is your defense of him above other authors you usually see shat on not politically motivated.
aaaaand the thread has gone to shit. Just as predicted. >>8559550
How did I crap on Wright back then when I didn't crap on Wright back then?

It's not a defense of Wright, you can hate him if you want. It's you declaring the existence of an absolute consensus of anons ragging on him for his fedora and, apparently, his... racism? But if I don't see the same delusion I'm obviously politically motivated.
Good dialogue is essential to anything being readable. That's why his space opera is so fun, the banter and prose in general carry the plot twist heavily plot.
But, if anything, we now have a reason to spam him to trigger autists.
Of course. This will mark the surge in JCW's popularity.
Sometimes I think I'm kind of dumb, but then I realize there are people who endlessly argue about my taste > your taste on internet boards for hours and legitimately get triggered over others liking different things.
>But, if anything, we now have a reason to spam him to trigger autists.
This, Orphans of Chaos is our third-finest meme.
>>How did I crap on Wright back then when I didn't crap on Wright back then?

Where did I suggest everyone who ever posted on /lit/ at that time did? I said he was shat upon, you didn't participate because you were salty.

>It's not a defense of Wright, you can hate him if you want. It's you declaring the existence of an absolute consensus of anons ragging on him for his fedora and, apparently, his... racism?

It was the racism, combined his comments on gay rights, women, and his hyper-fedora tipping power.

/lit/ was far more leftist in the past, which is why you probably didn't comment on it.
I mostly post here to kill time. Waiting for 7 pm to go grab a beer with my mates and then listen to a class on some bible historiography.
When you realize how far above it all you stand, do you become euphoric?
>bible historiography


I personally don't like Wright but I hope you realize that ironically, your insistence on bringing back an idealized "old /lit/" that probably exists only in your dreams makes you as much a nostalgic conservative as he himself is.
The most fedora person in the thread.
Protip, his views on those subjects are identical to those of Wolfe, Lewis, Tolkien, Dunsany, Miller and R. A. Laffery.
And yes, /lit/ used to be more leftist, but thankfully it is no longer an echo chamber.
No, I remember mentioning Wright and some anons never heard of him and one of them, probably you, said something silly about his spanking fantasies.

And seriously, what racism? He's not racist. He goes after Vox Day for being racist. I'll agree with you on women, though.
>I only read stuff written by guys, like C.L. Moore, Andre Norton, and Leigh Brackett, Tanith Lee, and James Tiptree, Jr. I wish I had met C.L. Moore! I love his Northwest Smith stories. He really captures the brooding manliness of the real brawny spaceman hero! None of that girly stuff for an author like him!
>an idealized "old /lit/" that probably exists only in your dreams makes you as much a nostalgic conservative as he himself is.

How? How is remembering something idealizing something

Also it's very easy to idealize something when half our threads now are "Women can't write"

>The most fedora person in the thread.

How is it not the people defending the person who tips his fedora.

If Corn Cobs McCarthy can be mocked. So can John C Wright. You just have to sit and understand this, and get used to it.

>And yes, /lit/ used to be more leftist, but thankfully it is no longer an echo chamber.

Don't worry I plan on making it an echo chamber again.

>No, I remember mentioning Wright and some anons never heard of him and one of them, probably you, said something silly about his spanking fantasies.

That's not what happened at all
Alright, calm down everyone. Take a deep breath and read a nice relaxing book about misandrist space lions.
There's lots to mock JCW about, but that doesn't mean there's nothing not to mock him about. And of course you're idealizing the past, you're even idealizing five minutes ago before you were BTFO about your racism accusation.
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Okay, at this point I'm pretty sure you actually like Wright, and are roleplaying an obnoxious anti-Wright shitposter to try and exploit /sffg/'s contrarian nature and generate a surge of popularity for him.
>And of course you're idealizing the past

Compared to now? Yes I am. There were hardly as many high schoolers who type as if they migrated from /v/.

>and are roleplaying an obnoxious anti-Wright shitposter to try and exploit /sffg/'s contrarian nature and generate a surge of popularity for him.

I am actually just doing this entirely to prove a point about the migrated population.

Look man. Maybe there weren't people who liked him before. But now, there are. And you're not gonna change their minds no matter how much you post. Your labor is pointless and you're literally tilting against windmills. Just stop.

And this is coming from someone who never read a single line of Wright's aside from his asinine and pompous-sounding comments on GRRM's blog.
>when half our threads now are "Women can't write"


Better go write a 1 star review on goodreads because his books contain rape and disrespect woman kek
>Your labor is pointless and you're literally tilting against windmills

So my posts are more literary based than his entire body of work

Don't type out laughter when you are actually not laughing but angry someone is critizing fat hat man.


"If you don't enjoy the same thread every day, you must be a feminist"

But I am a feminist, yes.

>Better go write a 1 star review on goodreads because his books contain rape and disrespect woman kek

Seems like a waste of time.
>leftists who can't take another opinion
>not /v/
But you have proven your point, you people did infest the thread.
Half of threads on lit were always women can't write. There's actually nothing new with that, I mean the Schoppy posting is almost as old as lit.
Wright is an ass, but his books don't betray that as much as you'd expect.
>wishing there weren't so many shitposts means you agree with the opposite of their contents
>le typing "ha ha ha" instead of an argument meme
>But I am a feminist, yes.
That's all we needed to know. Just say that upfront next time so we know we're talking to an insane person.
>I'm a feminist
Why didn't you just say so?
>leftists who can't take another opinion
>not /v/

Yes. Not /v//. Besides my point about /v/ wasn't whether or not it was "leftist".

>But you have proven your point, you people did infest the thread.
I plan on infesting more.

>Half of threads on lit were always women can't write. There's actually nothing new with that, I mean the Schoppy posting is almost as old as lit.
People can lie on the internet?

>Wright is an ass, but his books don't betray that as much as you'd expect.

No they usually do.

>That's all we needed to know. Just say that upfront next time so we know we're talking to an insane person.

Anon you're in the thread dedicated to genre fiction, I don't think you have the right to call anyone insane.

>Why didn't you just say so?
You didn't ask.
What was it you were saying about not being able to take another opinion?
Lads, how meme are Orphans of Chaos and should I read them?
The series is a meme because feminists hate it, but it's actually pretty good fun. Way better than Mistborn (I only compare them because both have female protags). So yeah give it a shot.
>The series is a meme because feminists hate it
Because the female MC likes bondage? Similar things happen in chicklit all the time and they don't bat an eye at that.
But if you write that and you're not a feminist, you're referring to all women and not just your MC.
I saw criticism like "that's not how a women thinks at all!!!" and "you really think all women have rape fantasies huh?" etc. Pretty silly stuff tbqh
So why did absolutely no one give Jordan shit when women in WoT are more or less constantly spanked, punished, slapped, poisoned, killed and whatnot?
Different era, same as John Norman and his endless Gor sequels
Because he's a leftist. Leftists get a pass from other leftists. The rest don't care about trivial stuff like spanking and braid tugging.
I would have loved to see you during the Bush years when you weren't growing up
I'm not American.
And I was growing up then. I remember by birthday on 9/11 it was pretty fun.
>Leftists get a pass from other leftists.

Say that to Trockij.
#real communism was never tried
Then shut the fuck up
Presumably because Jordan didn't go around going "this should happen to women in the real world!"
How did this general get so shitty in a couple of months?

I'm not a Communist dipshit, I was just saying that leftist disagree/argue/kill other leftists all the fucking time.
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Just started reading this, seems pretty cool. First chapter is a generic "babby protagonist gets orphaned" but the second has vikings using a shoggoth to attack a city.
it was always shit
is bakker actually good or just a meme

A meme.
And Wright did when?
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How am I doing, /sffg/? Currently reading Lem's Cyberiad.
>that Harry Potter play
I went in with no expectations and I was still disappointed
I went in expecting a trainwreck and I was still amazed at the extent of the trainwreck.
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I don't think The Man In The High Castle is as good as his other books. Many begin with it due to the Hugo award, understandably, but it isn't representative of his style. If you were lukewarm about it, bear that in mind. I'd rate it least of the five I have read, with Martian Time-slip being the best.

This is assuming High Castle is your introduction.
What made it bad? If someone described the premise to me, I'd think it was a fanfiction.
My first was Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? since I love Blade Runner. I didn't enjoy The Man in the High Castle as much, but I still liked it, especially since I already got an introduction to the I Ching in Stephenson's Baroque Cycle which I read earlier this year. Did some divination on my own just for fun too.
Not only is the plot a complete mess, it's also terribly written, including such gems as "It's almost a Spartacus moment" in the stage directions.
These two aren't mutually exclusive. Joyce is a meme and he's pretty good.
But Bakker isn't.
good AND a meme
Does anyone remember the old Golden Age short where there's a Brazilian ex-dictator hiding out in the Amazon with his cronies, and one of those people who eat metal and buildings and things comes to find him because there's something bizarre he wants to eat, and almost everybody turns into slime molds? I may be mixing stories but I don't think I am.
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Oh, it's you.

Guys leave him. He ignorant as fug. Doesn't listen and likes his own way... kinda childish.

He likes old books only, and is a pseudo in every sense of the word, and if I recall correctly he is only 21...
I have a decently sized ebook collection, including a lot of science fiction and fantasy, listed here: http://pastebin.com/trXuiSjt

Let me know if there are any books you'd like me to upload (or find and upload).

I'm curious if anyone has any suggestions for me based on the kinds of ebooks I've collected (there are a lot of books there I haven't read).
>top review on goodreads is complaining about how the book is full of powerful female characters raping men, cannibalism and polygamy

So going buy that one shitposter's metric, this book must be pretty good.
How do I write short stories when every idea I have is a grandiose brainfuck of a series?
I guess if you like proverbial shit Wright is a good author.
Write a side story. Every extraneous detail gets cut off and pasted back into your universe bible, until it's self-contained and sleek, not necessarily introducing the entire setting but giving one angle on it.

Enough of them and you compile them into a fix-up a la Dying Earth. You know he had a million pages of notes for that. Or you just let the deep background poke through and leave it at that, like Dragon Masters. Basically what I'm saying is read Vance.
This may be a weird question, but would anyone here know how to get a fairy tale published? Not a novel or anything, just a short one that isn't intended as a children's book
A number of these accept fantasy stories. No harm in asking them.

Also you could sell it on Kindle for a buck.
>suggestions for me based on the kinds of ebooks I've collected
How about Iain M Banks and David Zindell? (for on topic sf/f)

Somewhat less on topic, if you are going to read Ada, you should know about the (still ongoing) annotation project here: http://www.ada.auckland.ac.nz/

Actually, I guess Ada kind of qualifies as science fiction. It's sort of incestuous steam punk alternate history literary fiction.
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Post sffg memes
Just started Book of the New Sun and wow is it different from the other fantasy that I've read
Is it your first time reading decent prose?
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There aren't enough.
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Someone needs to shop Wolfe in here.
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Have this on me
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Why? What is the context?
Wolfe and PKD are raising a glass to good prose as they refuse surrender offered by Bakker (long yellow hair), Sanderson (wearing the autism cape), Woman Author, Cosmerefag (right of image, ordinary guy), dino-hater anon (child on the left), JCW (MP uniform) and Tao Lin (seated).
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>dino-hater anon (child on the left)
I'm a child now?
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>ordinary guy
Why am I even in this
Not my fault nobody else wants to discuss the other shit I read :-(
Cosmerefag! Thought you were dead! Did you just stop avatarfagging?

And no worries, I was just trying to think of more /sffg/ personalities to apply to the Imperials and none of them were fat enough. Thought of making Scalzi the one in womens' clothes but we don't even talk about him much.
what did you think of the Eyes of the Overworld and Cugel's Saga?

Rowan Atkinson should play Cugel if they ever make a film of them.
How long is the story?
I've only read the first volume and if those characters were there I don't remember them by name.

Braid tugging?

You don't want to know.
*tuggs braid
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just started reading Speaker for the Dead desu
I want to ask LDS anons, is there a specific reason Mormons have decided to shit up sff en masse or is just happenstance with no master plan behind it?

And why did it have to be us, why not Dan Brown style 'thrillers" or even romantic lit?
>Wolfe and Ellison

I think this is Wolfes only television appearance
he was responding to people asking if he'd be able to write a kids perspective for The Wizard Knight
nobody likes wright or the rest of the puppies
thats the whole reason why they're mad
Wright and Vox aren't LDS
its just Merikans being Merikans

frankly I'm surprised Scientology hasn't tried to take a crack at science fiction, they do fund that Writers of the Future Award and make up a lot of shit about Hub being so great - why not try to push a few new authors too?
>Spews feminist bullshit in all of his books

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I'm still so confused. I'm not even fat. What is your point with all of this?
Who is the fucker that suggested black and gold empire a few months ago?

It's meh. I near to finishing it, people are insects, and the fatty just got MOTH'D (and that other guy cucked and friendzone i suppose).

I really that that because the author's name looked Russian, the book would have been good(metro 2033, and roadside picnic were great).

Was it translated? It doesn't read too smoothly.
Also fuck you.
>he hasn't read the Protocols of the Elders of Deseret
...well, that you are not fat, that was the point, and that everyone else involved with SFF is, and so it is hard to put someone on the picture. It was a moment's joke, anon.
>everyone else involved with SFF is
I'm not fat, I'm even semi /fit/ pull ups every night before bed.
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le sigh, amirite guiz :^(
Probably has to do with Mormonism promising it's followers their own planets in the afterlife. And likely as a way for people to mentally free themselves from the rigidity of Mormon society.

I suspect Scientology doesn't promote scifi writers because it would contradict their existing canon.
I like that video, I've seen it a couple of times. I read Harlan had assaulted a journalist or publisher or somebody before coming into the studio. I haven't found anything else with Wolfe from the 80's.

I like how their personalities couldn't be more different

>Ellison dominating the room, always on the offensive, steering the discussion

>Wolfe spilling spaghetti from his pockets "I'm a c-catholic writer..."

>Asimov looking and speaking like an autistic math professor
What's the problem? Are they pushing poor downtrodden GRI authors into poverty? And it's not like Card doesn't write plenty of GRI either.
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They live in a comfy town for writing.
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Go to a gym, broseidon.
>tfw been doing SS for four weeks and already stalling
>If I put a bunch of philosophical terms and seemingly philosophical metaphors in my prose maybe people will think it's good
What are the best short story collections (both single-author and multi-author) that you know of?
Stop getting upset by feminism
i've read 4 books of the new sun

what now?
I used to lift 2, 12 pounds dumbbells at home, and use this pull spring thing my pops had to work on pecs.

I don't have the will to do all that shit anymore, pull ups every night stops me from going flubber, but it won't give me mirin quality. I'm okay with that.
Pic related >>8558217. THIS EXACT VERSION
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This is a chronologically arranged collection of most of Dick's well known short stories I've been reading http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/816494.Human_Is_

In Golden Age SF, Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles is a book of linked short stories. I liked Asimov's I, Robot less so, but it is well regarded by others.
he has assaulted several authors and writers throughout his career
he got kicked out of college for punching a professor who told him he would never be a writer, he then spent years and years sending the man a copy of everything he wrote
he broke the submarine model of the ship from fantastic voyage when he punched or shoved a producer and he fell back onto it
he has had confrontations with a couple writers at conventions
he groped connie willis a few years ago
so promote authors doing shit space opera - all they'd need to do is buy out baen books
Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other Stories
Man Who was Thursday
Dying Earth
Summa Contra Gentiles
Science fiction hall of fame is pretty good.
which was the best Bakker book? I'm on Great Ordeal now but I still think Darkness That Comes Before was the best of the lot.
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Thanks for the link. I found it interesting but mostly because it appears to validate what Jack Vance felt about self-promoting your work--it indelibly ties your foibles and personality to the reader's experience of your work.

Gene Wolfe is nearly incoherent in this segment. I don't know if he's anxious but he certainly appears to be trying very hard to seem intellectual. He makes a point of stating and then restating that his best friend is a nuclear physicist. His answers, if they could be deciphered as such, are bewildering chains of metaphors and analogies.

The first half of the interview is devoted to the tiresome question of whether science fiction is a misnomer or if it is literature of the pinky-raising variety. Asimov and Ellison are more than willing to aggrandize themselves answering this question while ironically Wolfe makes the most sense, despite his odd wire rack metaphor, in that he's saying it doesn't matter except with regards to how it sells. Admittedly, I'm guessing here as his answers truly are baffling.

The second half is more interesting although the gentleman with the argent pate is clearly intoxicated and keeps interjecting with fawning comments. A bit earlier, Asimov had made a comment where he explained that the science in science fiction need not be rigorous and gave the example of time travel. Later, Ellison goes on a tirade against Hollywood using explosions in space and Asimov doesn't even twitch. I don't see the difference; movies have the same right to an impossible effect as a writer. Perhaps Asimov simply didn't want to tangle with an energetic Ellison.
>His answers, if they could be deciphered as such, are bewildering chains of metaphors and analogies.
Just like his writing.

I haven't read enough of The Book of the New Sun yet to have an informed opinion but what I have read so far is baroque, not byzantine.
Rarely will the author ever live up to the image created of them by their books. They're people first.
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>what I have read so far is baroque, not byzantine.
Fascinating analysis, I could not have put it better myself! Oh here comes the waitress... Excuse me? I'll have a low-fat decaff latte with just a whisper of cinnamon. What about you, brother?
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I think that the definition of intellectual depends on your field.

For example, scientists like to be simple and straight to the point. No double meanings. No allusions. Everything facilitates this, especially jargon that can simplify a twenty word sentence down into one word. Dot points, word limited summaries and diagrams rather than huge blocks of text are valued.

Technically Sanderson is the most scientific of authors. For every work he writes, there is a table/quick reference at the back which sets out all the important information in a very easy to read form and which is regularly updated.

Other authors write the public perception of science or maybe how a very specific research field/speciality looks from the outside (a huge collection of words with no clearly definition put in an illogical mishmash). Science fiction isn't really proper science and is just language for enjoyment. For example, this from Watts' work:

>We'd seen Rorschach's walls move, slow lazy waves of peristalsis rippling along its gut.

The words 'slow lazy waves rippling' are already implied by the word 'peristalsis'. A scientist should write, 'We observed Roscharch's walls make intestinal peristaltic movements' to keep it concise.

It's amusing how many scifi authors go for 'as many confusing allusions, allegories and metaphors as I can fit in' when verbosity is a sin in our field. (The rare written assignment is often summarise this in <300 words and most tests are MCQs/SAQs). Maybe writing is their way of being contrarian.
I know it's a meme to shit on Steampunk because 99% of it has produced tripe, but do any of you here have an idea for a potential decent one? Personally I haven't but I feel there could be something there
Finch by Vandermeer maybe
Iron Dragons Daughter my friend
A few years back I wanted to write a story about an orphan miscreant living in Whitechapel, who steals a pocket watch from some passing Nobleman, and the area of Whitechapel slowly devolves into this militarized quarantine zone shut off from the outside world, as British military hunt for the boy and the watch.

I had a clear idea for portraying the area; focusing less on the idea of steampowered technology and more on the smog of Industrial London mixed with locomotive driven war machine of the British army and its ruthless subjugation of the area, sort of a victorian-flavoured dystopian story centered around a rebellious protagonist (hence the punk).

Then the video game Dishonored came out and it had a similar vibe, so it sort of killed my enthusiasm. And I really don't know if I'd try it now as I feel it would come across as immature.
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What does /sffg/ think of the Culture series by Banks?
thank you based anon
Not nearly as interesting as it should be.

This is quality sniping, for the venue.
Are the Amber cycles badly written?
No. They can be described as Asoiaf that isn't crap.

Roger Zelazny's Amber?
Tried to finish it but gave up somewhere in book 4 or 5, they're just so annoyingly repetitive, nothing moves forward, nothing changes, it's just 'let's dismantle fantasy tropes until we run out of tropes' for 10 books

Lord Of Light is much better
The first 5 aren't repetitive and have a very well constructed plot. It can't be said that they don't move forward.
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I just finished the book.

You can make an argument about the romance focus being unnecessary, but i definitely liked this movie more than the book.
come to /plg/ senpai
British occultists figure out how to make golems with the sacrifice of a human, effectively giving the Victorians a source of cold fusion.

They quickly exhaust the local supply of criminals (even buoyed by the social upheaval caused by this) and turn their eyes towards Africa and India to supply the empire with golems.

So there's a Steampunk horror story for you. If you want to add more supernatural elements I suppose you could have some angels show up pissed off that the souls aren't going to the kingdom of god.
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>99% of [steampunk] has produced tripe

I think I found the 1%.
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What the heck, the thread is slow right now anyways.
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...and I'm spent.
This one is the prettiest.
They certainly aren't well-written.

Why do you say that? Can you give an example of what you mean?
At first it reads like a pulp detective novel:
>He opened a drawer, put his hand inside, and I was wary.
>I knocked it down before he had the safety catch off: a .32 automatic, very neat; Colt. I snapped the catch myself when I retrieved it from the desk top; and I pointed it and said: "You will answer my questions. Obviously you consider me dangerous. You may be right."
>He smiled weakly, lit a cigarette himself, which was a mistake, if he intended to indicate aplomb. His hands shook.

You may argue, given the situation in the opening, that this is intentional, but later on when he's in Amber, the writing quality stays the same, and the style only shifts in terms of affectations:
>“I find it strange,” Benedict interrupted, “that two rivals such as yourselves should elect to hunt together under such circumstances.”
>I took a sip of wine and smiled.
>“Perhaps it was a trifle more contrived than I made it sound,” I said. "Perhaps we both welcomed the opportunity to hunt together. Just the two of us.”
>“I see,” he said. “So it is possible that your situations could have been reversed?”
>“Well,” I said, “that is difficult to say. I do not believe I would have gone that far. I am talking as of now, of course. People do change, you know. Back then . . . ? Yes, I might have done the same thing to him. I cannot say for certain, but it is possible.” He nodded again, and I felt a flash of anger which passed quickly into amusement.

That's not what I'd consider well-written. If you disagree, post a passage you think is.
This is my first time on /lit/ and maybe it makes me a pleb but i really like that severian spurdo
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thanks anon. very heartening to see wolfe and gormenghast and shit in your memes here
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/lit/ is the place for true meme connoisseurs.
Anyone here read the Memory, Sorrow, Thorn trilogy by Tad Williams? Never seen it mentioned here but Williams seems to be a big enough name in fantasy.
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I see the first point but not the second. The first passage is, as you know, while Corwin is amnesic so Zelazny is focusing on details as presumably his character would, due to a lack of reference. True, that is generally how detective pulp novels are written but is it out of place from that perspective?

I'm not sure what you're finding objectionable from the second passage unless it's the occasional Mary Worth* flavor of Corwin's repartee with his siblings. Again, I think that fits because none of them trust each other but are wary of openly antagonizing someone else with the power to walk shadow. I agree it's a bit dispiriting but he usually has Corwin form an opinion of the other character and afterwards the dialogue goes more smoothly.

>That's not what I'd consider well-written. If you disagree, post a passage you think is.

I thought the style of the book worked reasonably well. Zelazny writes colloquially, as if Corwin is relating this casually (which he is, to Merlin). I recall some Seventies slang and such but that would be expected, as he was writing from his present day (1970+).

I was curious if you were referring to the much weaker Merlin books later in the Chronicles of Amber, which I think are written poorly although mostly because the protagonist is poorly plotted rather than a different style altogether.

>*Mary Worth: a comic strip that often depicted proper but dull conversations while the cartoonist showed what the characters were really thinking in thought bubbles
Go to http://www.acapela-group.com/
Choose English (USA): WillBadGuy
Copy and Paste:
Would read both of these. In general I wish there was more steampunk about working-class, street-level characters - most of them have plenty of "steam", but fall short on "punk" since their main characters are all monocled noblemen.

There's always Dickens' "Oliver Twist" or Crichton's "The Great Train Robbery" if you want to trade the steam-powered magic gadgets for a better description of the Victorian underworld.
Yeah, new Time Machine was great.
>the magazine guy from Office Space
>the bead shirt
>that manly pulp action fisticuffs denouement
>that surreptitious Sexual Personae front and center on the library bookshelf
>shifting the focus from Marxist prophecy to acceptance of grief and bowler hat hate
Come to think of it, it makes a better Night Land prequel than a Time Machine adaptation.
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Dickens is great, of course - it's his willingness to delve into themes of poverty, greed, power and injustice that steampunk writers could make something of, rather than this superficial obsession with putting brass gears on everything.

Would The Great Train Robbery be worthwhile if I've found Crichton a very mixed bag (liked Jurassic Park and Sphere well enough, totally bored by Timeline and Pirate Latitudes)?

>Would The Great Train Robbery be worthwhile if I've found Crichton a very mixed bag (liked Jurassic Park and Sphere well enough, totally bored by Timeline and Pirate Latitudes)?

Yes. The 1855 train robbery was a real event that he researched and wrote about so it's almost like a documentary drawn from testimony. I would rate it easily the best of his works that I've read, which contains quite a few.
IIRC there was a book that came out last month that was basically a steampunk althist novel about the Belgian Congo you might find interesting.
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Let's do this.
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