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The /lit/nik Generation

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Thread replies: 202
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So why don't a few members of /lit/ move to some city and create a small intellectual community? Sharing the expenses and rent means less time working and more time writing/reading. Plus there's the possibility of real literary discussion without the memes of 4chan. Maybe I haven't been looking in the right places in the past but it seems like /lit/ is one of the last large and open groups that talks about literature. So why not take it to the next level like the Beatniks did?
>next level

How's high school going?
What are some /lit/ approved cities? Seems like the only cool places in the world are insanely expensive
>Sharing the expenses and rent means less time working
I see absolutely no problems with this it's infallible
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>without the memes of 4chan

The Horror !
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Austin tx anyone?
>tourist: the city
>Le keep Austin weird xD super liberal crowd
Bruh it's way past that, the city's degenerated into stratified groups of overweight "free spirit" sjw's, Bro-dude California transplants, actually healthy people in their early-mid 30's, and homeless black people. Somehow it still beats every other major TX city.
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if you were going to start a real literary community it would need to be in some insanely rural area. Cheaper, nice naturey scenes, romantic shit

plus cities arent like they were; cities are awful, awful places where only Mark Z Danielewski-tier artists and writers are bred

like Michigan's upper-peninsula. Does it get more comfy than that?
>How's high school going?

It's a pretty lonely time.

>I see absolutely no problems with this it's infallible

Can you explain some of the pitfalls that might come with this? I'm quite ignorant about what the logistics would be because of my age but it seems like it's been done before with some success.

>The Horror !

Not saying memes are the worst thing in the world but they can prevent actual discussion from time to time.
Sounds fucking awful
Beunos Aires
It is, and it still manages to beat the rest of the state
Have you ever been to Texas?
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I like the idea but would the cutoff from the rest of world that may come from living in an ultra rural area be bad or good for intellectual efforts? It seems like some connection with modern society would be necessary to feed creative efforts but perhaps a more isolated approach would be better.
My uncle lived in ftw. Only went like once.
Bad. That poster is an idiot. The reason that artistic types in general move to city centers is because it helps with the free flow of information.
The problem is that I end up taking care of manchildren. maybe I'm overly wary because it's happened to me before, but there's a common breed of people that instinctively take the low road.

I would actually be willing to move to this sort of thing, but I'd want to live alone.
If you spend this much time worrying about where you should write you're never going to write anything.
>there's a common breed of people that instinctively take the low road.

Agreed, I'm not really sure how a group would overcome this problem. This is what brought the hippie and beat movements down (/lit/ probably hates both of those but they're good examples).

>If you spend this much time worrying about where you should write you're never going to write anything

Agreed, you can write anywhere. However it might be a good idea to take some time and find a place that satisfies your needs.

the "free flow of information" in 2016 is what? Pokemon Go?

i'm sure that'd make a real fascinating novel-- probably even top the new york times bestseller list!

no i'm joking obviously-- the zeitgeist right now is retreat from hyper-everything civilization

it's all too fast, people want to slow down
Why did I say agreed twice...
Hasn't Steve Roggenbuck started a commune in Tuscon? I'm convinced there's no way I could have dreamed that.

Other places: Seattle, Detroit, Bristol, Dublin - cheaper than top tier cities, but still reasonably developed.
Only innawoods, retarded, alt-right, /pol/acks. Now is the best time to be alive. Stop fighting progress.

You're just as bad as the most retarded/pol/ack if you think what's happening now is "progress".

The modern world is overwhelming to many people true enough. Being in a city or medium sized town would mean you have the option to participate in society or shut yourself away in an isolated community within the city. Rural life means you don't have the option.

i'm not fighting progress-- i'm saying that cities have grown sterile and ephemeral

The modernist expatriate crew did not live in a Paris with four Starbucks and McDonalds on every block (the reality in every city you can think of)

it's ugly and bad and produces shitbooks like Ready Player One that are about nothing at all

or like Infinite Jest
>four Starbucks and McDonald's on every block
You've never actually lived in a city have you?
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/x/ tried to do the same thing once, don't think it worked out as planned
>Technology advancing quickly
>New healthcare advances saving more lives
>Art shared quicker and to wider audiences
>More equality than any point in history
You're right. Totally backwards
This. Anti-city people are retarded when it actually comes to what cities are really like.
No thanks. You're all plebs.
Don't you want to help others learn how not to be a pleb anon? Spread learning throughout the world.
Buenos Aires is actually more expensive than a lot of top-tier european cities. Get recked, nigger, and good luck paying your utility bills this month.
lol I think every board is planning on doing this. I saw a thread about this on /v/ yesterday, and our retarded cousins at /pol/ wanted to buy a huge chunk of land in Namibia, close it off and build their aryan supremacist colony.
>Not subverting and accelerating the trends of contemporary life in your art to the point where it approaches an avant garde scream against it.
>aryan supremacist colony

I see nothing with this plan
Because let's be real none of us want to meet each other, you're probably all a bunch of weirdos
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I work in a record store and whenever I meet some /mu/ memelords I cringe hard.

I imagine /lit/icens are even worse.
Nah, people don't listen.
/lit/ is already the next level of a beatnick commune, you have it backwards OP.
hi lads just popping in to do a cheeky shill of a writing ring im trying to make
You do realise that by bumping this thread from page 5, or whatever it was on, you knocked your own one down and almost off the front page?
nobody uses the index view anymore silly
The catalogue view is the index view. People use both. Nobody was posting in this thread, there's nobody for you to advertise your thread to who wouldn't have seen both.
Texas seems pretty cool, and this is coming from a Canadian.
how many progressive trannies y'all got
No because /mu/tants actively want to be a part of their shitty culture in the name of authenticity.
See? Since you bumped this thread a bunch of people have replied to it whereas your thread is now on page three. Obviously they're mostly looking at page 1 and replying to what's there. Try bumping your own thread with something that people will engage with and want to respond to.
Bout tree fiddy
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com to braziel
tbqfh if I won the lottery, I would open a small apartment in my city for working artists, musicians, and writers. I love the idea of being a patron to some hard working and brilliant person.
Besides running out of money, why in god's name would anyone from California move to Texas?
horses and barbecue
Because they run out of money. Also, if I were born in California I'd want to leave because it's a cesspit. I wouldn't want to go to Texas either but I'd certainly want to get the hell out of California.
god help us no.

San Antonio is cheap and has a lot more to offer. Also, mexican food is better.
>some hard working and brilliant person.

good luck finding someone like that. Most 'artists' these days are nothing but fucking leeches.
>not becoming a Benedictine monk
>not realizing that you only need ora et labora
>commiefornia turned to shithole thanks to democrat voters
>texas is full of republicans and conservatives and thus has a strong economy
>commiefornians want this, move to texas, Oregon, Colorado,
>vote dem and ruin red states
I share an apartment with a variety of artists and things. A sculptor and a performance artist are here semi-permanently, there's an illustrator staying here at the moment for a holiday... last time we had a party there were at least five other artists, a writer and a theatre director of some sort. There are usually professional dancers around too. We drink mushroom tea and absinthe and listen to old records. Sometimes I try to explain what vaporwave is to them. It's chill.
The best part is they don't understand why it happens. That said politics are a spook and should be ignored.
/lit/ is already perfect,it's shortcomings that you seemed to be bothered with are the vital essence of this generation/s and time .Now stop romanticizing with the past memes and dwell with the present..
I honestly don't get how dems and libs can be so stupid. Blacks abd other minorities too
>gibs me dat *votes dem for 50 years*
>situation hasn't improved
You'd think they'd learn
>underestimating identity politics
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Because we all know what happened the last time when a group of autists from 4chan had a meet up don't we?
Wish we'd just get rid of all the non whites/Asians desu
>dat neck
Every time
is this a legit /lit/ meet up ??
Obviously thats /fa/
>wanting to live with shitskins
How about no
Oh, shut the fuck up. I have been in Vancouver, BC, for the last decade, and the people here are soulless jackasses with little to no self awareness, where the yuppies shop at whole foods and the wannabe bohemians shop at a place a lot like whole foods, but isn't a franchise. There is at least one starbucks on every city block leading to suburbia and 4 different universities you can waste tuition on an arts degree. Most of the staff I have hired have a degree, but are without the work ethic or mental clarity to actually make use of it. If you're from a city and you think criticism like this is baseless, you are part of the problem
Those are the lads from /fa/
Because I would hate to be around 90% of people on /lit/
Yet everything you say is still through the lens of an outsider. You didn't actually interact with any of those 'soulless jackasses,' otherwise you'd have realized that they simply have different interests than yourself. This is all besides the fact that you continue to push this idea that there are corporate coffee shops on every corner, which simply isn't true.
I spent the first 24 years of my life outside of the city only having spent a total of two weekends in my entire life prior in a large city. Once I moved to a more urban environment I immediately picked up on the fact that there were more small independent shops on a single street near my new living place than I had ever seen. In fact, from my seat at this computer I can see, two independent coffee shops, and independent used bookstore, and at least seven restaurants most of which also individually owned.
I can personally say that I've met interesting and unique people in each of these places. I visit them all often because they're so close to my apartment. They've all had different experiences and all have different ideas and most can expound on a bevy of topics.
On the flip side when I lived in the suburbs I found far more people exhibiting the characters you point out as negative: lack of work ethic, lack of mental clarity, lack of self-awareness. This is even more apparent when I go further out into the country such as in central Pennsylvania. I have often stopped for food or gas in towns such as Cresson or Hancock in Maryland and gotten far worse service than I've ever received in any of the shops run by 'soulless jackasses.' This is all besides the fact and empirical evidence that suggests that those in rural areas of a lower level and quality of education and have far more stifled and simplistic viewpoints. This is all, again, besides the subjective analysis that these viewpoints are completely backwards in regards to social progress, on many levels.
If you want to continue to push your ideas I suggest you do a better job.
/lit/ is our city

Don't you understand that?

"Real-world" physical location is irrelevant now.
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Culture as you wish it were to be is irrelevant and perhaps dead entirely.

Mass population, industry, and a culture fed on popular media like TV, movies, the internet, it's killed whatever culture of humanity that was capable of creating great works of art.

"Art" is irrelevant. We no longer have the space and time to create true works of art. Now is the time for action, your actions and words need to be blades against the ropes which hold the world down. Forget our wars of idealism and fix the inherent problems of the system that runs the entire world and owns you.

Humanity had it's artistic fun for a while but now it's starting get bigger and bigger, and the world is going to no longer support it's weight. I believe we are on the cusp of massive change to the entire human population. We are heading towards it as our technology is rapidly expanding. Everything is going to change and the works of art you love so much from the past isn't going to even be comprehensible to create in the future.

While I agree that action is better than intellectual masturbation art will never die.

Art can and will die if it no longer becomes necessary.

Theoretically you could completely eliminate the concept of art and artistic creation in a human society. Anything is possible in the collective human mind with enough time, power, and organization.

Why will art never die? It's instinctual? We have already proven that old instincts can die, especially when you don't need them anymore.

I believe society is going through a transition period, we are slowly losing the essences of the past in order to fit into our technologically and industrially dominated tightly packed and over-populated world.

Just at least be glad we still have the liberty to grab a book from history, or listen to a piece of music that was composed before you were born, or look at a piece of art from a goldenage. All these things have the potential of being lost in the future.
Me and my boy Lukey are headed to Chengdu for 15 months where we're going to mix the East and the West in the worst way possible--by sending two private schoolers with no knowledge of the language or culture deep in the heart of the second-tier city. We do have a friend that speaks Chengdu Chinese, and together we're going to write and smoke opium.
No it's great to have our culture and morals disrupted and meaningless materialism put in its place.
The patriarchy sure has done a lot of good things from a tech point of view, but honestly I think that equality was a bad move. Women tend to vote for socialism and refugees that then come and murder and rape them.
>But don't say anything bad about that, because that would be racist and islamaphobic. Tee hee...
Art is as malleable as the human mind.

If man can overcome his own nature so can art.
>le art and culture are dead maymay
Uh huh, keep telling yourself that.
I live in Budapest, how do I find out if it's /lit/ approved?
Oh, so you're just an idiot from /pol/. I gotcha.


There you go. Should make it easier to go back to retard land.
Great argument. I suggest you follow that link so you see what is currently going on in Europe. Oh look another day and another Muslim shooter, lets just bury our heads in the sand and hope they don't see us. facepalm.jpg
why would anyone willingly move to where it is numbingly cold, rainy, and grey skies for substantially more than half the year? that's your entire list.
More time to write. Seattle and Dublin in particular are supposed to be great for writers. Not to mention both have good coffee and alcohol cultures for when you need to rush a deadline then ultimately fail. Seattle is #3 on my list of places to move once I'm done school after NYC and Boston.
Oh, almost forgot. Seattle doesn't get that cold.
And this is why literature is dying. Rather than trying to be something new, everyone wants to be some flavor of reactionary. Whether it be the messiah neo-Christ types like DFW or the vanguards of the old ways who are selfish enough to wish for the death of the literature to coincide with their own death. It's all fucking trash. Embrace the fucking the crazy and do something new. Something relevant.
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>And this is why literature is dying.
Stopped reading right there.
Which I am sure you have done so many times when the books just get a bit too hard. Amirite?
what kerulet you live in? Some are /lit/, others are trash.
I'm moving to Dublin tbqh
IJ isn't about nothing? Neither is RP1 as far as I understand, it's just shit.
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Tell me where all this art is then. In the colleges? In LA?

"Art" as we perceive it today is nothing more than trends. Fads. We are so influenced by an industrially and corporately led society that nothing we do has any real values.

The reason for it being this way is because we are right at the point of the beginning of the slope, we aren't heading straight down yet, but every decade you see it going down more and more.

But hey, you see, I like posting memes and stuff with these posts tinged with serious stuff. Just don't take any of it too seriously.
>Women tend to vote for socialism
liberal democracy isn't socialism dumbass

also who the fuck are you quoting
>Rather than trying to be something new, everyone wants to be some flavor of reactionary.
>Embrace the fucking the crazy and do something new.
postmodernism: pick two

(god we need a new movement in art)
>hard working and brilliant person
Hate to break it to you, m80.
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>He doesn't get personal invites to art shows or book releases
You're actually just a plebeian
Canada will become to this generation what France was to the Lost Generation. Just you wait and see.
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>Art shows

>Book releases

wow guy
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California is one of the least dependent states in the union and has one of the largest GDPs in the world. Texas along with Florida and New York are powerhouses with California, none of them have shit economies.

Go back to your hills and enjoy my tax dollars supporting you
posts like this need to get people banned for underage
My tax dollars support you though... Cali takes in more than it puts out from the rest of the country.
That's not true at all. California pays more in federal taxes than it receives in federal aid.
Good grief, so people shouldn't spend more than a few seconds deciding where they want to live? A decision as crucial as that shouldn't matter? Do you really not understand how much where you live impacts your life? As if there we more evidence that people these days suffer from ludicrously shortened attention spans.
XIX. I used to live in the XII, that was pretty /lit/ imo.
vancouver is a lot of fun, and there are a lot of people making great art here. you're just so socially retarded you can't make friends or even colleagues in art/literature
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I lived in BP for almost 2 years, awesome city, not just /lit/ approved but all /arts/ approved. For the size of the city, there's an unbelieveable ammount of things to do.

Music: you have the main Opera house on Andrassy u., then you have the new Muveszetek Palotaja, which is not only awesome and in a great location, but super cheap as well (I saw Phillip Glass for about 5 euros there), tons of places to listen to jazz, and concerts everywhere, all the time. In the summer there's always street performers in the castle, tango sessions (on cobble-stone streets, not the best), etc.

Movies/Theatre: Pushkin theatre, Pesti theatre, the comedy theatre close to the Margit Bridge, so many cool underground cinemas playing all kinds of cinema (there used to be a big cinema-cafe by Oktogon that would do 'random country week' and play tons of films for no money at all).

Literature: It sucks that your language is so hard to learn, otherwise all the expats in the city would be a lot more integrated into the local lit scene. But still, I remember there were a bunch of expat groups doing writing/crit groups here and there, everyone I met was always reading interesting stuff, and there's a couple of really nice bookshops for us non-magyar-speaking. There used to be a great french bookshop maybe a block away from the synagogue, but I think it's gone now. You have AMAZING libraries, specially the one near Kalvin Ter, super comfy.

Your coffehouses are amazing, from Gerbaud to the New York to the one on Andrassy on top of the Alexandria bookshop. Then there's the small indie-hipster cafes, also really nice to explore.

And then the atmosphere in general. Everyone in Budapest was really into art in some way. The city is chock-full of statues of poets, from national to international (there's a really great Shevchenko one across the river from the Parliament), all the concerts and plays get tons of publicity and are always full, you have this national holiday where highschool students go around the city reading poetry to random people on the streets.

And it's so fucking cheap to live there, perfect for the expats. I'm saving some money right now, but hope to move there again by the end of the year.
it's always interesting how foreigners see our city, I'm glad you enjoyed being here.

>a really great Shevchenko one
there is a fine artisan brewery in that park

>so fucking cheap to live there
so untrue, but I have my own flat now

I know a guy who's an editor in his university's literature journal
Because you're going to get LITERALLY* invaded by Redditors

*literally is in this sentence used in its LITERAL definition. Literally literally means literally.
>>so fucking cheap to live there
I know prices are going up now, but in 2012-2013 I was living in a flat one block away from the West End, paying 100 euros for my own (pretty big) room, with 2 other guys in the house. And local salaries suck, I know, but from the perspective of an expat, you either come with some savings, or you get a nice job doing some office work in english, good salary guaranteed. I don't know if you agree, but I think Budapest is growing as an expat hub. It will never be what Prague is (and we should be thankful for that), but it's making a lot of progress.

Did you know, for example, that BP had one of the biggest brazillian student communities in Europe? Now that their currency is goind to the shitter and their govt. is cutting back on costs it's not as big, but when I was there you couldn't walk out on the streets without meeting a group of loud, sexy huehuehues.

There's some things I didn't like about the city, sure, but the pros far outweigh the cons.
what job did you have?

>BP had one of the biggest brazillian student communities
I used to see a lot of brazilians at my university
They tax the shit out of everyone, so they have are less dependent, but who really cares. Cali is also already a huge state with a massive coast, so there's going to be a lot of money from that alone.
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I was actually not working at all that time, just living off of my savings. But tons of my friends started working in call centers, speaking english-spanish-french-italian. One of the big ones that was always hiring was WizzAir, payed about 800 euros for an entry job, not bad. Some were doing translations and just general boring office paperwork in english for IBM and big financial companies, those payed just a bit more.

I met some guys who were teaching english in Austria, sweet gig. They all lived in BP and their company would arrange a car or just train tickets sometimes, and about 10-15 teachers would be sent to whatever small town in Austria, do an intensive workshop Mon-Fri for middle and highschoolers. It payed about 400 euros/week, acommodation and transportation payed for by the company. That's 1600 euros/month just for being able to speak english.

Thursday night was karaoke night at Morrison's 2. Shitty place, shitty music, but so many fine brazillian girls.
If you want cheap and thrilling, I think artistic capitals will need to be set up in the Middle East and India.
But post-modernism only feeds this insanity.

We need to go back to literature with artistic morality.
you can't kill it, just take both at the same time.

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this man knows
>megacorporations control the internet
>rioting, police shot dead in the streets, constant terrorist attacks
>flourishing military industrial complex
>robots are now killing machines
>reactionary racists growing in strength because of the rise of radical liberalism
>unchecked capitalism
>pollution destroying the fucking planet
>clickbait journalism and entrenched academics brainwashing the intellectual elite

truly this is utopia
Krakus pls
Project Namibia is actually a serious effort, unlike all those other ones that don't last any longer than their single thread does. It's not only pol, they're also recruiting from a few other chans and stormfront I think. They had $500,000 pledged last time I checked a couple months back, which can go far in Namibia
The problems will come decades from settlement, when they try to declare autonomy
Hi Dave.
Detroit, no joke. I know there will be a lot of nigger memes, but it's turning into quite the artistic hub because of the cheap rent. It's fairly cheap to live somewhere safe, and stupid cheap to buy a house in an empty suburb, but for that you would have to invite /k/ along.
Another big problem with it in my experience is the issue of moving in with strangers. Personalities and lifestyles clash. Imagine if a couple Christfags who consider drug use to be degenerate end up with some of the acidfags. Or even just with any of the numerous alcoholics that browse the board. Even among alcoholics, a belligerent drunk and a happy drunk won't get along.
Why the fuck would a bunch of pol and stormfrontfags want to move to Namibia? Hahahahah
That fucking neck.
St. Petersburg
It's like Paris before 2000. More tourist farts than air, but no blacks just yet.
north-rhine westphalia in germany is really good.
its the biggest urban centre in europe. you can enlist in university for free and thereby get a train ticket that takes you everywhere int the state. cologne and düsseldorf are amazing cities with huge art scences. you can live in duisburg for 200€ rent in a double room apartment. criminality is way lower than in the us and living standard is way better
see you the senpal!11! XD
Denton Texas.
you fucks better stay the fuck out of my city. I'm not even telling you where it is. Get lost. I don't want you around me.
I'm going to be honest with you, the taxes are worth it. I lived in three red states before moving here, and you couldn't pay me enough to move back to any of them. People are very positive out here too, which is a nice plus.
Obviously there would be someone managing those finer details. It doesn't have to be a loose commune, it could be organized.
port credit
B/c I live there
/lit/ will be remembered le
Nobody's mentioned Asheville yet?
I don't know who "Lukey" is, but why Chengdu?Yunnan province is the place to be. Go to Kunming.
The point of my post was the exact opposite of what you just said.

Chances are California supports your state

We are less dependent because we have the third largest GDP in the world. Our economy is amazing. That is why we are less dependent on the feds, not our taxes.

>Art shared quicker and to wider audiences
>to wider audiences

For a techno-phile, you sure seem ignorant of the preponderance of narrowcasting and market fragmentation.
Who here /Boston intelligentsia/?
>It's a pretty lonely time.
>He admits it
I didn't actually read Howl, Dharma Bums, or On the Road till college and I got over it pretty quickly, I'm sure you'll get over the Shitniks soon.
This is it
We all buy a home in an empty suburb.
We get along with some /k/ommandos, they teach us the ways of the mosin, we teach them the ways of the words. Before you know it a whole suburb is 4chan autists
We wall it up then set a giant DFW flag
I saw a gay porno filmed there once, that's all I know
Imagine the possibilities
Invite /g/ for some CCTV vigilance
The requirements could be +110 of IQ
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Remember the time /brit/ attempted a meet up
What if we buy a house to specifically store the books we want to share
You have +3 infinite jests? Share them!
Don't want to share? That's fine too!

What do you like so much about Kunming?
From my month in Yunnan/Sichuan, I thought Chengdu was pretty cool and cosmopolitan, as far as Chinese cities go. Kunming was a bit nicer and more liveable (nice gardens and buddhist temples) but the locals were less receptive to foreigners - catching a taxi was a nightmare, for example. Chengdu was a lot easier to live in for me in that respect, and the subway system is top tier aside from the xray machines at every station.

I admit I wasn't there too long but I didn't get much of a whiff in regards to culture in either city though - some of the expat bars in Chengdu advertised open mic nights but that doesn't really count. Though there is a great bookstore/restaurant in Chengdu called the BookWorm or something like that, great books and great food.
>megacorporations control the internet
Not true
>rioting, police shot dead in the streets, constant terrorist attacks
Definitely not the fault of the terrorists
>flourishing military industrial complex
Literally has been around for hundreds of years
>robots are now killing machines
You mean like since they were invented I assume?
>reactionary racists growing in strength because of the rise of radical liberalism
You need to get off /pol/. In no way is this the real world.
>unchecked capitalism
Not true, there's loads of regulation in most first world countries. Besides that, capitalism has definitely benefited humanity more than any other market system.
>pollution destroying the fucking planet
>clickbait journalism and entrenched academics brainwashing the intellectual elite
Again, this represents a small minority. You need to leave /pol/ once in awhile and go out into the real world and interact with real people.
That's a meme pick. If it comes up in ever googled "best literary cities" list it's shit.
GDP doesn't mean shit if you're super deep in debt, which you are.
IRL shit is romanticizing

All you'd need is someone that is both genius and connected to post a literary manifesto to kick it off. Unlikely but more likely than NEETs circle jerking in poverty
Just move to San Francisco, Portland, or Ithaca if you wanna hang out with a bunch of pretentious faggots.
And here, gentlemen and lady of /lit/, is why you need to ensure that you get your healthy dosage of the physical world and of people in that. Hell, not even the 'physical world', just areas of the cybernetic world that aren't filled to the brim with disenfranchised, unassertive introverts who aren't aware of the abusrd fanfiction they're creating. Endorphin releases are nice and moving your vocal chords is also nice
certainly not in the us. unless you are uptight and backward.
>I have literally never been to New York, LA, Miami, Austin, San Francisco, Oakland, Seattle, Portland, Austin, Chicago, Boston, Providence, Asheville, Atlanta, Savannah, San Diego...
Have you been to Asheville?
Many times. I'm actually about to move there.
Zurich is great if you're into theater and art. It's like little London.
We can't all make good life choices, I suppose
/lit/ is just people who want the writing lifestyle more than what being a writer actually entails (writing). nobody here has anything to say.
>nobody here has anything to say
actually that made me think that at least someone on here has to have something relevant or profound to say
how many people post here?
>actually that made me think that at least someone on here has to have something relevant or profound to say

that person has likely been scared off by shitposting
No. I love the shitposting. It keeps me grounded.
91 of us motherfuckers just in this thread. And that is posters alone. I imagine with lurkers, we're over 2000 unique people a day, probably a lot more. One of them surely has something interesting to say.
Am I the only person who thinks they're pretty good looking? Except 7
Perhaps, a resurgence of Tangier.
I could imagine a /lit/-city turning into a romantic dystopia haunted by depression, endless procrastination, little to no economical producitivity and an inevitable collective suicide at the end.
I was visiting Tangier, met up with a friend living there. All the expats agreed that rent wasn't really that cheap, because all the locals charged the foreigners a lot more than the normal asking price. Unless you want to live in the slums, but I don't think you do.
exactly, and all you need is one guy to survive and write about it. Boom, instant best seller.
As far as I can tell from my brief visit a few years ago, that's Arcosanti in a nutshell, except I'm not sure there is sufficient motivation for mass an hero.
thanks for the name of the city
didnt read your post hes right tho stay mad
Not sure why you think I'd be mad. But OK.
How is Petersburg nowadays?
Haven't been there since it was Leningrad

t. finn
lol how old are you? Serious question, nice to know there's /lit/ards here older than 18
I'm 43, not really something to boast about on chinese cartoon boards
Please calm down, buddy. Stop replying and just walk away
are you patrician or pleb? Post some of your fave authors.
>implying this wouldn't inevitably degenerate into a legit cult, with one guy trying to fuck everyone's girlfriend
File: Actually.jpg (18KB, 500x359px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 500x359px
nice meme, pic related

I'm pretty much a pleb, some of my favorite authors are Dostojevski, Hyry, Paasilinna and Kafka, though my all-time favorite book is Lord of the Flies
>Implying anyone would have a girlfriend
Underrated post.
Is it though? The internet may be great for connecting writers but it still isn't the same as face to face meeting.
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