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Chart thread post your charts

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Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 140

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Chart thread post your charts
what about that hipster asian guy who posts here?
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essential /lit/core
That's the worst chart I've ever seen
Good and varied, even if you consider many of these books to be overrated or just memebooks any seasoned reader should be able decide for himself
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the "hipster asian guy's" novel is on that chart dipshit
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I assume that shit tier is still just a level of must-reads.
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Pretty much
Honestly, the stats are fake as fuck.
>Top of Chart

Yet Chicago, LA, Northern New Jersey, and Queensbridge/Brownsville/Jamaica are fucking warzones.

Yet then we have NH with no major urban centers, and the only shootings are from blacks up from boston to sell junk in Manchester
What about it?
Do those stats include suicides with guns? Because they don't look like official FBI statistics, and I'm wondering how they hell they got those statistics
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>Hemingway is in the "high-tier"

Yeah no.
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Actually, this is taking too long.
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imgur album coming up.
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If anyone needs a certain chart, don't hesitate to ask.
when are we gonna get charts for continental philosophy
fight me, you homo.
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There we go.
cheers bud
Anyone got a chart for medieval lit? If not, someone should really make one.
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schedule drugs.jpg
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I don't know what the sticky is thread, post proof that you're redditor
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essential funcore.png
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German lit pls
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bait but what a flat out wrong infographic

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Why is Less Than Zero included on that list? My understanding is that it's an okay book - I've never read it but it seemed inspired and interesting, possibly though-provoking in a way that Hogg is.
They're all good, faggot. That's why it's funcore.
>and Irish too

I missed that at first and my autism levels were off the chart when I saw what books were there.
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>Conan the Barbarian

skeletorfag detected
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You almost had me.
rip quentin

more adroit than what i normally see here
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>less than zero
typo 30 pages in the book, "konw". kill it
dank af

Is the joke that every tier has one book that shouldn't be there?
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Peter's Palpable Disdain.gif
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>Tolkien is on that list
>GRRM isn't
Holy shit this was going well up to the contemporary tier.

Still, that Mingus book seems dope, so thanks for that
This and one for contemporary (continental) philosophy are probably the most urgent ones
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Is this Buckley serious.jpg
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>African Lit
>Contradiction in terms

>Muh slavery
>Muh gawd
>Muh oppreshun

And nothing of value was lost...
This is a quasi-subtle troll, 7/10
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Best Guide.png
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This is my favourite.
Los Angeles is not a warzone. Parts of the city and surrounding cities can be dangerous but they're nowhere near Chicago levels of gun violence.
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Requesting any guides relating to books about music, music theory, etc
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travel lit.jpg
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Meant for >>8132671
Mein Neger, this is exactly what I was looking for.
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>Unsuitable for Ladies
Just the kind of book I was looking for.
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Sorry senpai, couldn't find a chart.
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Bottom right you fucking dingus.
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Man, as a fairly new reader I'm always cautious of these charts because I can never tell when you fucks are just memeing
Which one is your favorite?
Same but the one OP posted is actually pretty good with a few exceptions
Does anyone have an essential Jungian reading list?
I'm the anon who made it, my favorite from modern is the Young Girl's Handbook of Good Manners (though it's more humorous), favorite from classic is Jin Ping Mei. David Tod Roy just died the other week; for a few years, years ago, I was scared he wouldn't complete his translation.
Thanks, I'll give those a look.
Venus in Furs looks interesting, mostly because it's referenced in one of my favorite films.
Well, if you're looking for suggestions on where to start, I wouldn't necessarily suggest my favorites. Venus in Furs and Story of the Eye are two of the most often read ones on it, and would be good to start with.
As someone who is /biz/lit/
>50% is shit
>30% is entry level college textbook tier
>20% great
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Memes coming up.
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Could someone post the newest /lit/ top 100 and the fixed "Resume with the Romans"charts? Thanks.
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More later.
No problem. You've put up enough other charts to keep me busy.
Would anyone have that preparation to Ulysses chart?
how bout that
someone on here posted something interesting
nice one anon
/lit/ is a Continental philosophy chart incarnate.
You can't be fucking serious.

Muh b a s e d Aphra Behn
>atlas shrugged
What the actual fuck?

it's bait.
Is How to Read Film a good book?
Exactly what I've been looking for, you based motherfucker
Doubt there is one, but I won't hesitate: brazil's literature
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is pic related decent to follow?
Why do we need lists of obvious books?
Are you all just incapable of searching the wiki?
are you incapable of not being a dick?
Danke danke
Anyone have a nautical themed chart? Just finished Old Man and the Sea and want to follow on with both a nautical setting and also similar themes.

Moby Dick will probably be what i read next, but i dunno. There's got to be more.

other than that you're spot on.
>no Apocryphal Tales
Capek's best desu
It's in the same cat as Hypersphere, and Clifford the big red dog is one rung below it. You tell me.
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Can't find one. I don't think anyone made it yet.

Found these three on wiki :
The Devil to Pay in the Backlands by João Guimarães Rosa
The Posthumous Memoirs of Bras Cubas by Machado de Assis
Dom Casmurro by Machado de Assis

>Pic not related
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patrick o'brian matey
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>searching the wiki
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This is a shitty chart btw.
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Thank you, friend.
>no Maimonides
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Could anyone post the more recent top100?
Tryna get /biz/ here. What are the good ones on this list?
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There you go.
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That's about it. Still have some philosophy-charts, but they can all be found on the wiki.
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>no Dave Ramsey
It's like you don't even want to live like no one else.
Tolkien is great, fucking /tg/fags and hackson ruined his image.
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>Brave New World
thanks mate, i do know those three, they are great
>Please note that some of the listed items can be read as both a dystopian or utopian work.

Though I kinda agree with you.
Thank you
Reading Brave New World as utopian makes very little sense considering all of the protagonists loathed the society, and John's speech at the end obviously served as Huxley's own manifesto.
Is there a Latin America chart?
Posting DFW, Pynchon and all those forced meme tier authors should be subject to ban.
Just return to Reddit, plebs.
>best to start shakespeare
I strongly disagree.

Romeo and Juliet is the best choice.
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Anybody have one like >>8136698 for Faulkner?
The character seemed like a hedonistic, less autistic mersault.
tfw your english teacher, in the first lesson, says The Road by McCarthy is her fave book
ohhh goody, a lit chart I can actually get behind.
Though many of the entry level poets like Kipling Johnson and Frost are absolute masters of the craft.

I'd also add Richard Wilbur and Philip Larkin but they may be too contemporary.

PS: I only recently discovered Andrew Marvell and The Definition of Love is one of the greatest poems ever written.
>Richard Flanagan
>No Gerald Murnane

Man we really need to update this.
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3MB, 1820x4348px
This is the top 100 for 2015.
any sci fi charts?
Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym by Poe
This list looks interesting, thanks anon. We should have a thread with suggestions/lists that go country by country.
none of these books are from 2015
That's what we made the wiki for. If you go to it, select the "By Country" page.
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Thank you for taking the time to post these.
Might I recommend posting these en masse somewhere else for direct download.
DownThemAll! is a great add-on for Firefox to download all the images on a webpage.
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Esoteric Books.jpg
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More hermetic-focused one
Pls respond.
it's already in the thread dipshit. >>8136640
Blasphemous. Please delete
>The Law Center for Stopping Gun Violence
>Staff reports

This isn't biased at all...
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Tripfag Sound and the Fury made this one.
thank you, now i can perform my evil plans ha! ha! ha!
I don't save fantasy/sci-fi charts, but the wiki has a great deal of recommendations:

Anyone know where I can download The Crusades: The War for the Holy Land for free?
Don't need a chart for it anyway, we've got the /OMG/ library https://mega.nz/#F!AE5yjIqB!y7Vdxdb5pbNsi2O3zyq9KQ

Thought that was just Spain.
It's the Latin-American chart, although I do understand your confusion.
Wasn't spitting hot fire. I accidentally replied to >>8140181 instead of >>8139807.
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Thanks, bro.

Do you know if there is another chart. I remember a buddhism/easter philosophy graphic with a stone buddha as the background image, though I could be mistaken.
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There is at least one other buddhism-chart going around, but this is the only one I have atm.
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Absolutely degenerate.jpg
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Too degenerate, didn't read.
>but they can all be found on the wiki
So can that chart, and most of the other ones on this thread FYI.
Thanks for the clarification.

>having Sir J.R.R.Tolien on this

Cant even tell if this is supposed to be b8 or not.
the only viking book you need is vinland saga
how do you make a travel lit chart and not include Alan Booth
Northern New Jersey is not a war zone, friend. I lived their for twenty years and it's cozy as fuck.
Most useful chart in the thread. Thanks.
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I'd say that instead
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>LA and Northern New Jersey are warzones
would you mind picking the good ones and creating a new one?
>gun related deaths
>that includes: homicides, justifiable homicides, manslaughter, suicide, and accidents
Stay unarmed, slave.
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Dante Guide.jpg
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New album : https://imgur.com/a/PvSzo
War & War and Seibo are stylistically linked. Wish I could read more french so that I could read those untranslated works.
From /k/ to you:

This is bullshit. Stop being retarded.
Are there any poetry charts that are little bit more in-depth when it comes to movements?
Is there a chart for Korean literature?
i liked it
i'm so glad the leopard has made it on to many of these crappy lists.
i just finished reading the cloud of unknowing, really nice
Is there a chart for feminism/gender studies?

>inb4 sjw et other funny memes
>LOTR shit tier
Fucking contrarians I swear
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Children's /lit/ teacher here, please give me a guide. Finished Holes.
What level of children's literature? Holes is more on the young adult level.

I've been thinking of one based on lexile measures.
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John Hawkes.jpg
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This would be great.
> the only important Latin lit is classical
I'm stand by my opinion when I say It's literary worth is underappreciated. Only "good" book by SK.
Is there polish lit chart?
You're wrong about Tolkien and Conan.

I agree on Dark Thorn tho. I have actually communicated time to time with the author of that book via Terry Brooks forums, even used to be FB friends, and he's a genuinely cool dude. I actually bought Dark Thorn to help with his cancer fund.

But goddamn is he a shitty writer.
Is there a Jack London chart?
Really? So how is your love-life?
The Brits just aren't that literate on their own.
Add So Long, See You Tomorrow by William Maxwell to this list, pham.
Utopia is usually a euphemism for dystopia.
No, it is not. At all. A utopia is the exact opposite of a dystopia.
i know it says incomplete … but that utopia side isn't even trying. better off with google
I'm talking when it comes to fiction, you dumbshit.
Utopia is a literary concept. It only exists in fiction. Just because it got unpopular in the nineteenhundreds when dystopia became more popular doesn't mean that the terms are synonymous.

No one really writes utopic literature anymore these days. Doesn't mean you can misuse the name.
Anyone got a chart for the Beats?
Maybe I'm not phrasing it correctly, which is my fault.

In the narrative itself (not as a literary device), utopian societies are virtually dystopian in disguise. Fahrenheit 451, 1984, even Infinite Jest, and the films Equilibrium and Metropolis are set in futures where society has "cleansed" itself of some itself of some evil (determined by whom, usually a new political order whose intentions are probably good in nature). In these cases, the societies appear superficially ideal, but it is (whether or not it is aware) is internally empty, lonely.

There's always some "resistance" or working class that rises against the powers that be, or there's the one guy who notices what's really wrong and tries to change it. Think how these kinds of tropes are also entities existing outside of fiction, which not only says we might be headed one of these suggests but also that our own present can be seen as dystopian; tl;dr whether it's dystopia or utopia is subjective.

I'm just saying, man. Think about it.
>utopian societies are virtually dystopian in disguise.
>There's always some "resistance" or working class that rises against the powers that be

The reason there is a resistance is that the utopiae in fiction are lacking in some way, causing unhappiness and friction for some. If a society is lacking in any way, no matter how miniscule, it's not an ideal society, thus not a "true" utopia.

Those lacking "utopian" societies can indeed be seen (by some) as dystopian in disguise, but they're not the real thing.
do you even Tommaso Campanella?

The idea is that no matter where you look and no matter how much you know about literature you're likely to be baited into disagreeing with the image

Surface level casual readers will scroll around without noticing much amiss until they get to shit tier and then complain about tolkein being there for instance, it's the same with all other tiers



I get what you are saying, but your phrasing is pretty bad. Yeah, utopian and dystopian literature is always a matter of the angle you are looking at it from, but they are still very much distinct. The thing is, utopian literature was written in a time when individuality and stuff like that wasn't that much of an elaborated concept, and people really just tried to write about what they thought would be the perfect society. The individual within utopian novels was mostly an outsider who was introduced into the utopian world so that it could be explained to him (and thus the reader), while the utopian society itself didn't really care about individuals, it cared about how well society as a whole worked. This might seem scary to us today, just as it seemed scary to the romantics around 1800, which is about the time when utopian literature fell out of style and were replaced by the style of, for example, the bildungsroman, which is about the individual itself growing and getting educated. This is the time heavily shaped by events like the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, when concepts like the individual were first really explored.

Then during the industrialisation people seemed to have that outlook of a bright future ahead with all the machines making life better, until the two world wars and the atom bomb crushed people's trust in technology and progress, which then turned into the dystopia being the much more prefered form instead of the utopia. Here we combine the theoretical utopia with the now educated and self-aware individual that rebels against this society.
He was a terrible writer, by the way, but an interesting read if you care about the idea of an utopia.

I'd say, if we want a Utopia start, it should start with Plato's narration of Atlantis (it was in the Politeia, right?), then Morus' Utopia, then Campanella's Sun State, the Bacon's New Atlantis.
>You must read the entire Summa Theologiae before reading Ulysses

How stupid are you people? No one needs to read the entire Summa who isn't a student of medieval philosophy or theology. Reading selections or a good secondary source on the Scholastics more than suffices.
How the fuck are you supposed to read this chart. Who designed this?
Yeah, that summary of Cicero's life is just terrible.
Surprisingly, Holes caught on with kids from grades 1 to 3 and even 4 packed in one class. I also did a Canadian classic called the Hatchet. A digestible /lit/ list-like graphic would work on an age or grade level.
Fuck I have a good collection of music theory books, sheet music and a few music related /lit/ books, Ina try to make a chart later tonight
Suggestions for this:

A modern method to guitar Berklee vol 1,2 and 3.

This is your brain on music

How to write songs on guitar - rikky rooksby

All of Ted Greene's books.

Music in theory vol. 1,2. - benward. these were my music theory textbooks.
>muh deaths
>muh violence is bad
>much all life is precious

Fuck off. I'd rather be dead than held hostage by government.
The government has jets, tanks and atom bombs. The guns you are allowed to own wouldn't really help you against that.
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I need to talk to you about Thomas Equinas
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Red coats had ships and cannons. Revolutionaries had pea shooters in comparison.

Defectors take shit with them, people aren't gonna A-10 Brrrrrrtt their home town.
And an atom bomb would be utterly useless in a civil war
literally the sjw's of the right
Anyone got science (not sci-fi, the real deal) charts? Preferably physics or chemistry.
/Sci/... Obviously
>Defectors take shit with them, people aren't gonna A-10 Brrrrrrtt their home town.
>implying that, in a massive uprising, the gov wouldn't just deploy the west coast forces on the east coast and vice versa.
Thanks you massive bellend, I happen to have visited /sci/ already and want a step by step /lit/ chart rather than the massive list on their wiki.
Thank you. Is there any "start here" edt. of this?
Psychology and Business please
>plato: complete works
>plato: five dialogs
>the dialogs are in the complete works

solid charts tho
Psychology is too broad.

I think you are either asking for psychiatry/psychanalysis/cbt/theory of développement or about human psychology literature like hamlet/Dostoïevski/camus and all that stuff
yall got a jung chart?
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Anybody have a chart for Scandinavian literature?
That's missing House of Sleeping Beauties, the book Marquez based Melancholy Whores off of.
also interested
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