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ITT your favorite Books and why you hate women. My favorite

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ITT your favorite Books and why you hate women.

My favorite book is Lord of the Flies and I hate women because of their shameless exploitation of the sexual revolution, which they blew out of proportion thanks to their many beta providers and inherently degenerate nature. It has been over 50 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to be controlling whores ALL THE TIME: the insane manipulation of media, the casual sex, the atrocities you're committing against mankind with the rights men GAVE you thanks to your beta "friends" in the Western world.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a sexist, a virgin, you'd be be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a male whore being excused because 90 years ago a woman attempted to hurt his whore feelings after making a poor decision? It would be inexcusable, but then again sluts have their friends in the West who love to increase their infinitesimally tiny chances at having sex by tugging at whore's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, sluts?
i chuckled
My favorite book is Mason and Dixon.

I don't hate women in particular but I do hate poor people and roughly half of all poor people are women.
my favorite book is lolita. its easily the most emotional, passionate book ive ever read. i also love the great gatsby, even though a lot of people call it a pleb book. just because a book can be accessible to plebs doesn't mean it isnt patrician. gatsby has a lot of depth, but plebs manage to enjoy the book without noticing that depth

i dont hate women, but i am desperately alone, and at times that makes me resent women
my favorite book is atlas shrugged.

i do not hate women as your strawman suggests; rather, i recognize that they are inferior to men in every way. i love women, just like i love kids.
now that's a proper chauvinist. Take note, everyone.
>my favorite book is atlas shrugged
my favorite book is the waves

i despise women and think they are only good as child factories and i believe that as soon as men won't need their work for the economy to be stable (which is the primary reason of their temporary emancipation), scientists should invent a way to make all women into literal animals without intellect (for instance by growing them without communication as feral children, it's proven that those can never achieve the full intellect past certain age) or to extinguish them all and to breed humans with artificial wombs (or in cow wombs as frederik pohl suggested), men can use sexbots or something for fucking
We just need to enslave all women back like in old good times.
Mislims do it right
My favorite book is [widely accepted title by /lit/].

I don't hate women but I also recognize that none of them will ever want to be with me so I obsess over one day meeting a tranny with a pretty face that wants to settle down.
My favourite book is a tie between Blood Meridian and Go Down Moses.

I don't hate women, I hate myself
My favorite book is Women and Men but the first third was kinda shitty desu
My favorite book is A School for Fools and I'm mildly annoyed by the anti-women maymay.
My favorite book is The Sound and fhe Fury.

I don't hate most women. There are very few women that I hate. I dislike a few more. There are a few that I love, a few that I like but the overwhelming majority(99.9 % of all women) I really don't give a shit about one way or another.
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This Side of Paradise.

And I don't hate women, actually--in fact, I generally like them more than men. Women are far less likely to shitpost, in my experience.
true, they rather shitpost irl
The red and the black

I don't hate women in particular. I'm not concerned about them that I'd write paragraph after paragraph in /r9k/ speak about how virginal I am.
my favourite book is to the lighthouse and i hate women because they can't write
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Who hurt you OP?
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wimmin! :3
since men are superior isn't it wiser to be gay
My favourite book is a collection of Emerson's essays and I hate women because they are a philosophical anomaly. Men's existence in the world is this pure, and purely anthropological, philosophical, theosophical, problem of life. It can be formulated in a bunch of ways: man as sojourner in world, man against world, man surmounting world, man adrift in world, etc., etc. Different people look at it and see different things, like individuals suffering indignities, or the beauty of collectivities, or the necessity of suffering and sacrifice. They see immanent virtues and transcendent values, inalienable rights and darwinian struggles of self-justification. The loftiest philosophy of sterile duty is best juxtaposed with the poetry of the most libertine everyman. All of these ways of seeing things in art and thought have been tried, and all of them recursively loop back to better inform us about ourselves and the world. With each great formulation, with each generation, we get a little closer to total understanding. And then over in a corner, there's women. Totally fucking pointless, not doing anything at all, fundamentally parasitic. No agency, non-creating zilches, existing only secondarily and by proxy. It just totally fucks up the poetic symmetry of the whole system. It's like if Hamlet had Jar Jar Binks in it for no reason. Women existing is like if Aristotle had said "therefore, I deduce that the nature of God is pure thought-thinking-itself, and next to it is a moist bag of dog shit." It's not even the smelliness of the bag that's offensive, it's the total unnecessariness of it. Women are fucking pointless.
>I hate women because they are a philosophical anomaly

*tips fedora*

Have you ever said this to a woman in real life?
They might have some lower form of technical consciousness, but definitely not self-consciousness.

This is also why I hate women. Everything about them can be reduced to the "social." Every great man in history probably had some nagging retard cunt woman in his life going
>but Kaaant, you never take me anywhere anymore!

It's never about ideas or eternal values for them. Their only instincts on hearing something are to ask "is this socially acceptable?" (herdthink, incapacity for original thought, secondary existence) and then "does this materially benefit me?" (selfish unconscious animals).
>Their only instincts on hearing something are to ask "is this socially acceptable?" (herdthink, incapacity for original thought, secondary existence) and then "does this materially benefit me?" (selfish unconscious animals).

>is this patrician?
>can i make money off this degree?
you didn't answer the question. Are you afraid to?
Lolita and I love women. I used to hate women but then I stopped being a 19 year old pretentious cunt who talk mad shit while never having seen a vagina.
I tell it to women all the time. Of the three FWBs I currently have who put out, the most recent I told it to got mad and blocked me for a day or two, but we're getting Cinnabons tomorrow, so she doesn't care. My on-off girlfriend knows and doesn't care. My first girlfriend was bothered by it, but still dated me for two years. Other exes cared to varying degrees, but even the SJW genderqueer Tumblr ones didn't really care all that much.

The only ones I don't tell are the really hardcore Tumblr types who are behaviorally conditioned to stop letting you fuck them in parks if you say verboten words.

I made the original post as a joke, but I just wanted you to know I've gotten more pussy since January than you will in your life and I'm a belligerent misogynist.
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>fucking bottom of the barrel fugly weebs with daddy problems

This is apparently /lit/ now. When did the r9k crossposting begin?
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>Lolita and I love women.
together? :3
maybe they can see through your unfalsifiable nonsense and know you're totally harmless

Are they logical positivist throwbacks travelling through time to let me diddle them? Here is one finger; here is another.
>having to lie on the internet about not being a virgin
hella freaking epic
Thank you

I think women are fundamentally nihilistic. They recognize no real value in life, particularly not transcendent ones. They can appreciate a man for having these values, but can not embrace a life revolving around one's personal moral code/value.

Without an innate driving force, they look to people and items to give life and themselves value.

And it's not as if women aren't aware it's foolish to live life simply to achieve status and hoard material goods. However, on an emotional-instinctual level, it's very painful to be rejected by your peers. Do women feel existential dread? Sure. But the plain fact is that it hurts a woman more to be judged as worthless by others, than to consider one's value in the universe.

And I say this as a lady.
>I think women are fundamentally nihilistic*

*except for the ones who aren't
House of Leaves
Cask of Amontillado
this Perfect Day

women are petty, a waste of flesh that squabbles and is generally not as useful as a man. argues over trivial things, lazy, entitled, loud, expensive, does not have a dick.

Just basing it off my experiences, I guess. It just seems like a lot of female-dominated beliefs operate on the assumption that value is assigned by the group, rather than something inherent. This implies the belief that everything is fundamentally worthless if society (mainly high-status men) don't recognize it as having value.

Yeah I agree. I usually tell myself that it's either cultural, and the result of ten thousand years of accretion of shitty pathological self-objectifying forms of subjectivity since the Mesolithic, or that it's some built-in aspect of femininity, but one that they just haven't been able to temper.

Men have shitty built-in traits too, like egotism and aggression. Guys in tribal societies are horrible bullies and thugs. But we've had ten thousand years of individuation to temper that and explore it and use it as a cornerstone for other things, without simply denying or repressing it. Women need to do the same thing with their own traits, but they've been prevented from it because of social economy (men are already buzzing around doing everything, which incidentally individuates them, so why bother doing anything yourself?).

Ironically, kneejerk defending women like a white knight is exactly why feminism failed. It didn't get down to the deep presuppositions of gender relations, so it was eventually subverted into yet another chivalrous ritual, where men do everything and women whine like children.
>kneejerk defending women like a white knight
Where, IRL, do you see this?
Hi, my name is Anon, and my favourite book has been 'Brave New World' since I had first read it for high school English.

I suppose my hatred towards women stems from my envy for their freedom from responsibility and fairweather gender roles. I say 'fairweather gender roles' because the home and kitchen is appropriated as a prison when life is good and a sanctuary when life gets difficult.
Being a man, I am reminded that under any and all circumstances that I must be 'the man'. If times are hard, I must be 'the man' and provide for my wife and children or be shamed by my peers. Women get to feel validated by staying at home and calling it 'domesticity', and they get to feel empowered if they find employment. Men do not get to feel that. If men work, it is expected of them. If men stay at home, they are a failure.
Why do you hate women? It's society who is fucked up in your story. Both men and women will look down on you if you stay at home. Go shoot up a school anon.
jesus are you going to reply to every single post
shut the fuck up I want to hear the cuck speak
My favorite book is Hamlet.

I don't hate women and never have, not to get laid but more because I don't have a strong desire for a real relationship and mostly have no feelings for them.
You expect me 2 read all this shit???
This is one of the best posts on /lit/
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My favourite book is For Whom the Bell Tolls

I hate women because the vast majority of them are mentally immature due to being coddled their whole life. I also hate their disproportionate sexual market value.
My favorite book is GoT

I hate women because they are dumb all the time and don't understand the Internet places like 4chan I showed a girl 4chan she made fun of me like all of them in their little groups laughing at me everyday in our highschool and they are inferior beings. I have a fedora and they all try to take it off me and throw it around, it's just comfortable ffs!!
My favorite book is the God Delusion

I hate women because they don't know what they want, they always go after assholes and then get confused when they end up getting hurt instead of just getting with a nice guy like me in the first place.
fuck, this chick looks exactly like an ex gf of mine
In Search of Lost Time and I don't hate women. I don't know any intimately so I'm mostly indifferent towards them. If I do think about them, it's on a more abstract level. They just don't inspire any strong emotions in me outside of films and novels. I'm sure if I had more experience with them I'd have a stronger opinion.
dude I think you're ignoring the massive role that women have in inspiring and fostering male ingenuity. like even if we ignore the massive amounts of art directly dealing with things like unrequited love, why do you thing man landed on the moon? to impress a girl, that's why.
my favourite book is the sorrows of young werther and I'm hopelessly in love with a woman that despises me, but the rest are normie roastie sluts that can get fucked.
Yes, this is why greek philosophers often fucked little 13 year old boys in exchange of knowledge, but seeing that the practice of doing so has become tainted by those who suppose their sexuality is a trait of their personality, it is out of fashion to do so.
My favorite book is Do Andorids Dream of Electric Sheep and I hate women because my mom died on me when I was a small kid and my stepmom beated me up and humiliated horribly me for 17 years and every attempt to connect with the other gender ended in rejection. But I don't really hate women for that and make stupid generalizations and I hope to find a loving gf one day.
>disproportionate sexual market value.
Wait til you're in your 20s and this changes
You mean 30s?

>he fell for the shit-test
My favourite book is Master and Margherita and I hate women because the only people putting them down is other women.

None of them play by their own rules and they will constantly find ways to put other women down. Not even in a competitive manner like men would but just for the sake of putting somebody they are in direct contact with below themselves. Whether it be friend or foe, it doesn't matter to the subject at hand.

>It's like if Hamlet had Jar Jar Binks in it for no reason.
fucking gold
My favourite book is Anatomy of An Epidemic by Robert Whitaker. I don't hate women, but I hate myself as a woman. I always admired the girls who aren't unapologeticcally dumb, carry themselves with grace and read something soft like Jane Austen's work.

It's a shame that such graceful femininity doesn't come around that often anymore. All I see are fat, unkempt single mothers or insufferably stupid girls who unironically call themselves "princess". Everybody cringes when I bring about the subject of mortality, most prefer to believe they have free will and god forbid that I ever speak favourably of Trump.

this post is post-ironic
>favourite book by an incredibly feminist author
>hates women
the first thing that comes to mind is Absalom, Absalom!, although I also wanna say that collection of Delany's three early scifi novels (Jewels..., Ballad..., and They Fly at Ciron) but I'm not sure if that counts. I'm not sure I like any of them enough to pick as a favorite, but combined they pretty much are all I've ever wanted out of science fiction.

And I really mostly only hate men, what can ya do? I'm male, and there are certainly women I hate, but nowhere near the same amount as men, who always seem to harbor some bigotry or violence that they make conditional to knowing or loving them. It's just not worth the effort to ignore it even.
My favourite book is Catcher in the Rye
I hate women because they won't have sex with me.
don quick oates

I don't hate women. men who hate women are either openly gay or are repressed homosexuals.
ITT: betas who have never been in a meaningful relationship.

Sure, there are plenty of dumb women, just as there are plenty of men who watch anime, eat junk food all day, and masturbate to God knows what at this point. In fact, I see more of the latter; at least a good woman can be tamed and, if she's right, motivate you to be better. But I wouldn't expect most of you to know what I'm talking about.
you are not really this dumb right

i wouldn't call woolf 'incredibly feminist', she sometimes wrote some tongue in check things though:

>They swooped suddenly from the lilac bough or the fence. They spied a snail and tapped the shell against a stone. They tapped furiously, methodically, until the shell broke and something slimy oozed from the crack.
>We who have been separated by our youth (the oldest is not yet twenty-five), who have sung like eager birds each his own song and tapped with the remorseless and savage egotism of the young our own snail-shell till it cracked (I am engaged)
Try 40s.

>be 40
>upper-middle management in major company I've been working at since my 20s
>80K salary (AUD, but still)
>own nice car
>own nice house
>mortgage paid
>loans paid
>no debts
>no kids
>no ex wives
>no serious relationships because women 25 and up will rip off their panties for a 4/10 man who drinks only from the top shelf, has a nice car, and owns a nice house

I know they're using me, but it is a mutually parasitic arrangement.
My favourite book: A Farewell to Arms.
Around the time /his/ started up for whatever reason.
My favorite book is Lord of the Flies too. I've read it seven times. I've read other books and I know they teach it to high schoolers but I really love that book.

I recognize that women are inherently inferior to men. They are physically weaker and they are less inclined to any sort of meaningful thought. However it is the concept of femininity being elevated in our society that I despise the most. Femininity is inherently submissive and collectivist. Women are the enemy of self-reliance and they seek to undermine men to further their own collectivist aims. Women are a hinderance. I wish I was gay.
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