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whats some of the shit you read in highschool? and dont lie

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whats some of the shit you read in highschool?

and dont lie - its called highschool-tier for a reason.
Scott Sigler, Palahniuk, King. Started reading Herodotus in first year of college & haven't looked back since.
I read nothing but genre fic (Pratchett, other stuff I can't remember) in lower years levels of HS because that's what my friends read, I realised I didn't like it and gave up on reading, read random shit between then and Year 11.

Then, I read Blood Meridian on a whim and realised what I'd been missing out on. After that, in my last 2 years I read more McCarthy, Faulkner, Kafka and Borges' short stories, Pynchon's and Joyce's easier stuff, and lots of Hesse.
Highschool was the most pretentious time in life. I was really influenced by the elitists on here. Dostoevsky, Sartre, Tolstoy, Kafka.

Five years ago.

First time I read C&P was at Saturday school.
Catcher and the rye, great gatsby, 1984, I dabbled in existentialism as well
Crime and Punishment
100 YoS
The Stranger
The Odyssey
Old Man and the Sea
Lots of Sophocles
Aristotle's Poetics
The Crucible
Death of a Salesman
Streetcar Named Desire
Chronicle of a Death Foretold
Catcher in the Rye
Pride and Prejudice
The Awakening
Madame Bovary
Of Mice and Men
Grapes of Wrath

And probably a few more that I'm forgetting. Come to think of it, the IB program was patrician as fuck.
For class,

Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451, To Kill a Mockingbird, Hamlet, A Farewell to Manzanar, Night, A Midsummer's Night Dream, The Great Gatsby. This was all for freshmen thru sophomore years

For Ap lit in my senior year, this was the required reading:
Brave New World
Hamlet, again
Wuthering Heights

We also had to read a couple of other books from a list. In hindsight, it was pretty lit core. I chose:
Lot 49
Pale Fire
A Clockwork Orange
Dubliners + A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Paradise Lost

I really liked that ap lit teacher in hs, though he did kinda skimp us on poetry.
Things fall apart, raisin in the sun, absolutely true diary of a part time Indian, short stories like the yellow wall paper. Basically prose-less mission oriented fiction, for some reason they try to teach social determinism and modern ethics in high school English classes now.
For reading outside of class, I read Picture of Dorian Gray, Dune, The Brothers Karamazov. I think I started The Crying of Lot 49.

I owe a lot to /lit/ for inspiring me to read. I hate this place but in my budding years, this board was immensely helpful in pointing me in the right direction. Given, that was about four years ago.
I read much more in high school than I do now, but most of it wasn't great. Excluding things read for assignments, I read:

>The Hunger Games trilogy
>The Last Apprentice series
>A handful of Pratchett
>The Tunnels books
>Skullduggery Pleasant
>Septimus Heap
>Maze Runner series
>The Giver and its sequels
>City of Ember and its sequels
>The Thief series
>The Alchemyst series
>Maximum Ride series

And a tiny bit of Steinbeck. I generally avoided books from before 1990, due to ignorance and isolation. Very few of the books I read were standalone. I generally read for subject matter rather than anything else.

I'm kind of ashamed that I spent so many thousands of dollars and thousands of hours reading books that really didn't do anything other than entertain me
the long walk
cats cradle
>and dont lie - its called highschool-tier for a reason

Because they are classic works of literature?
Unironically Nietzsche.
lots of poetry

i was a pretentious little shit but i had a good time
The Great Gatsby
The Scarlet Letter
The Old Man and the Sea
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye
Brave New World
Romeo and Juliet
The Odyssey
Huckleberry Finn
Speak for summer reading
To Kill a Mockingbird
Of Mice and Men
The Oddyssey
Romeo and Juliet

>Sophomore year by far the worst
The Hunger Games for Summer reading. (I Shit you not.)
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
A Separate piece
Lord of the Flies
lots of sci-fi short stories. Harrison Bergeron, the pedestrian, and the like.
I don't remember the rest.

>Junior year
Three Cups of Tea (refused to read)
Huckleberry Finn
The Awakening (rreeeeeee)
The Catcher in the Rye.
Death of A salesman

>senior year
Summer reading: The day the world came to town. (kek didn't read)
The Sirens of Titan
Oedipus Rex
Don't remember the other one
Three cups of tea was summer reading

The great Gatsby was the last senior year one
Senior year AP Lit syllabus:

Black Boy
Waiting For Godot
Robinson Crusoe
Bless Me, Ultima
Brave New World
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Heart of Darkness
I didnt read shit in high school. Bad teachers and no interest in books. Became obsessed with reading in college after I read a few Vonnegut books, so then I felt like I needed to catch up. Took a whole summer and read all the usual suspects: CITR, Gatsby, To kill a mockingbird, Huck Finn. Etc. Late starts really suck but it's better than never starting.
I had really bad teachers until my Senior year.
That year we read:
Heart of Darkness
Waiting for Godot
Waiting by Ha Jin
Invisible Man
Return of the Native
Hamlet (My friend who sat next to me in class shot himself the weekend before we had to discuss "To Be or Not To Be" so that was an odd reading experience (and also the saddest event of my life to that point.))
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Slaughterhouse-Five (I picked that one for an independent reading project.)
A Doll's House
Some Poetry (Only Remember "The Cathedral Is" by John Ashbery)

This class was what got me interested in Literature and got me started reading. Before, I truly just didn't know what I was supposed to be reading for. That year I independently started reading some Vonnegut and Hemingway and then it took off.
>reads in high school
>i didn't
>mfw no guidance
>ten years behind my potential potential
>mfw that's why i fucked up so much
I started browsing /lit/ and lurking its related goodreads groups sophomore year, so, by my senior year, I had read a lot of the books /lit/ likes. Here's a rundown of my favorite books that I read then:

The Recognitions
Gravity's Rainbow
Mason & Dixon
Against the Day
Infinite Jest
The Pale King
The Lime Twig
The Cannibal
Ya I didn't read in high school cause I wasn't a fucking nerd
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Brave new world
Animal farm
On the road
The death of ivan Illich
Some edgar allan poe stories

Plus required reading:
Dom casmurro
Vidas secas
O cortiço
A Cidade e as serras
Capitães da areia
Memórias póstumas de Brás cubas
And mayve some other shit I dont remember.
Finalmente anon brasileiro.
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Not many of us on /lit/? Too bad, there are plenty on r9k[\spoiler]. Not really a surprise either given how illiterate everyone here is, including uni students.
Catcher in The Rye
Jane Eyre
Lord of The Flies
To Kill a Mockingbird
Dorian Gray
The Odyssey
Death of a Salesman
The Crucible

So yeah, typical classic stuff. Pretty decent list.
Romeo and Juliet
White nights
The stranger
100 years of solitude
The metamorphosis
The Illiad
Parts of Don Quijote

Basically what I had to read for school, I was quite lazy.
Crime and Punishment
Collected Stories of Edgar Allan Poe
John Macnab
Of Mice and Men
The Old Man and the Sea
The Catcher in the Rye

To be quite fair, for a science high school, my lit teacher's taste was patrician.
Don quijote
Edipo Rey
I dont know if it counts but we translated a lot of texts from propercio, horacio, you know classical latin/greek writers
In class:
>Huck Finn
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>Their Eyes Were Watching God
>The Kite Runner
>Wuthering Heights
>The Great Gatsby
>Catcher in the Rye
>Waiting for Godot
>a million fucking books about slavery and how evil whitey is

On my own:
>Old Man and the Sea
>A Farewell to Arms
>Things Fall Apart
>The Red Badge of Courage
>Slaughterhouse Five
>The Grapes of Wrath
>Of Mice and Men
>Heart of Darkness
>pretty much every Ian Fleming 007 novel
come to think of it, no, it wasn't

also, pls stop unironically using the word patrician, you fucking newfag
"the idea of being here for 4 years is horrible. god, you sad fuck. get a life"

~your mom
>the world is responsible for my shitty decisions
shut your macaco mouth, favela-dweller. just because there's no books in the jungle doesn't mean books don't exist
I was very pretentious about politics because I had read 1984 and The Prince before everyone else did in highschool.
Bill Shakespeare of course. Extensive Dickens before bed, a personal favourite of mine to this day. Milton, Wyatt, and the usual English poets taught to advanced young adults.

Tenth year I secretly flirted with Augustinian thought, much to the horror of the school head, but eventually I returned to Bonaventure, as always.
You know the literacy rate in your country is shamefully low, correct? 10% of your country doesn't know how to read.
John Green, David Levithan (still good), Stephen King
now I read big boy literature, Kafka, Camus, DFW, the list goes on
technically i'm still young enough to be in high school but i got my GED so hey
Bunches of lovecraft
George RR Martin (pls no bully)
Barrels of pagan metaphysical mumbo jumbo such as Bucklands blue book, kabbalah, and several zen books
Parts of biographies
Jrr Tolkien
Some mythology (mainly just encyclopedia stuff)
I also read large chunks from my encyclopedia collection.
>Bill shakespeare
why are you the way you are? and can you stop? I want you to stop.
Better to start now than after another ten years.

Other than 1984 and the Fountainhead in High School I didn't read a single book until I finished college. Now I read about 4 hours a day despite a full-time job.

A lot of the people in these threads pass off guys like the existentialists because they were immature themselves when they first read them. Seeing the books for the first time with adult eyes leaves an entirely different impression.
I read tons of YA in high school because the school at some reading list where if you read so many books on the list you got to get out of class for a pizza party at the end of the year.

Otherwise, I read Chucky Palaheimlich, Erik Larsen, Stephen Ambrose, John Krakauer, Michael Chabon, and Jay McInerny (though I really just reread Bright Lights, Big City four times).
Later in high school I discovered /lit/ and began reading more difficult stuff. Fitzgerald other than Gatsby, Steinbeck, Hemingway, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Nabokov. I really fell hard for Wilde as a senior, I read tons of his work and tried to write shitty aphorisms.
Lots of fantasy, Palahniuk, Hermann Hesse, Nabokov, entry level cape comics, Kafka, lots of Vonnegut, Orwell

Basically high school stuff
Assigned (which I remember):
Ender's Game
Julius Caesar
Into The Wild
A Scanner Darkly
A Tale Of Two Cities
All The Pretty Horses
The Chosen
Silas Marner
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Old School
The Chekhov that matters
Light in August
Dat Bible

Various Other Shit I Just Did:
The Big Sleep
The Maltese Falcon
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
Buncha Raymond Carver
The Once and Future King
Anansi Boys
American Gods
Atlas Shrugged
The Crying of Lot 49
All the Stephen King
All The Chuck Palahniuk
All the Preston-Child Pendergast books
All the Edgar Allan Poe
All the HP Lovecraft
Pale Fire
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Bell Jar
Sartre's plays
The Sound and the Fury
The Reavers
As I Lay Dying
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Jacob's Room
Dune thru Children of Dune
Real Talk with Thomas Paine
Some screenplays
The Sirens of Titan
Slaughterhouse Five
All the Hitchhikers books
All the Hunter S. Thompson that matters
Lots of Pauline Kael

I'm spent, there's more but that was when I actively gave a fuck and it's several years gone now
lol u just mad cuz ur a Chris and not a Bill
>elementary school
Harry Potter
Tom Sawyer
>middle school
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Odyssey (only summarized the Iliad)
True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
some Robert Frost poems
some edgar allen poe poems
Diary of Anne Frank
Romeo & Juliet
The Crucible
>high school
Of Mice and Men
Things Fall Apart
A Separate Peace
Wuthering Heights
Power of Myth
Picture of Dorian Gray
Chronicles of a Death Foretold
All Quiet on the Western Front
I read Karl Marx when I was 12, pretending to have a clue what he's talking about.
>big boy literature
kys lad
My I'm-12 years-old-and-in-over-my-head book was Marquis De Sade's 120 days of Sodom. I found it after googling 'murder', following several links, and eventually arriving at a shitty Geocities hosting a translation.

I remember joking about it with my friends the next day at school, dismissing it as boring and ridiculous, especially over this part where the author spends like two pages describing an old dude's unwashed dick, but honestly I was pretty spooked.
Showing my age now...high school was over 15 years ago. I mostly read Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Kafka and other turn of the century writers.
It was good to get those writers in my system when I was 16-17. It provides an interesting reference point approaching them after 30 --compounded by experience and a greater appreciation for irony.
Read catcher in the rye at 14, contemplated going to the city to find a prostitute after reading it. Don't think I really appreciated it at the time.
Are you me? Basically read King and genre shit in highschool. Stopped reading. Read blood meridian, and never turned back.
I was talking about my country in that post you fucking subhumans, what did you think "here" referred to?
hard remembering 15 years ago

Johnny Got his Gun
Joyce Carol Oates short stories
To Kill a Mockingbird
Catcher in the Rye
The Pearl
The Crucible
Death of a Salesman
The Scarlet Letter
The Last of the Mohicans
Animal Farm
Great Expectations, Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, David Copperfield
Silas Marner
Ethan Frome
Madame Bovary and Lady Chatterly

Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, A Midsummer Nights Dream

On my own:
RA Salvatore and associated junk
True Crime stuff
pop history nonfic
i prolly read 5 books in high school

best of em was paper towns

fucked me up for a week

and killed my oneitis for a time

s/o grade 9 me
Read for classes:

- Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet and The Tempest
- Hardy's The Withered Arm
- Eliot's Silas Marner
- WW1 poetry written by surviving and lost soldiers
- Steinbeck's Of Mice & Men

Things I read outside of class during my time in school:

- Burgess' A Clockwork Orange
- Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Thompson's Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas
- Ryu Murakami's Audition
- Palahniuk's Haunted
- General Lovecraft

I was kind of into edge-lord /lit/ when I was 15.
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