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How would you explain this book to your parents/normalfags in

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How would you explain this book to your parents/normalfags in a way that doesn't paint you as a budding child molester.
>Hey anon, what are you reading?
>Oh, what's it about?
>It's a complicated love story
>That's cool, see you later
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A well-written book about a middle aged man who falls in love with a 12 year old and slowly goes insane.
I hate how every cover is essentially just a young looking body

its not even enticing just insulting to my sensibilites and what the book is really about
My book cover for Lolita has a still life painting of fruit in a bowl.
One of the most well regarded and famous books of the 20th century? I'm pretty sure if my parents don't know what Lolita they'd be actual uncultured swine
>Hey anon, what are you reading?
>That's a good one.

My parents aren't illiterate fucking plebs.

But if they for some reason didn't know about it I'd say it's a book from the prospective of an educated pedophile that , through unreliable narration, attempts to get the reader to sympathize with him.

Also, I'm not a murderer because I read crime and punishment. I'm not a piliot/soldier because I read catch 22. I'm not a 19th century whaler because I read moby-Dick.
People that are insecure about reading Lolita probably harbor pedophilic tendencies t b q h
Lolita is an extremely well known book read by many "normalfags" you imbecilic clown.
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>I'm not a murderer because I read crime and punishment.

Have you even read the book?
Tell them it's about a sick fuck who kidnaps a innocent young child and takes her on a sex ride across the country
>not a 19th century whaler
wow this board has gone to shit
I'm an 18th century fisherman is that good enough?
Don't forget him constantly trying to justify himself
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It's a classic, one of the most well known novels of the 20th century and you shouldn't have to explain it to anyone: if they don't know what it is they are fucking stupid and have been living under a rock or are totally culturally ignorant.

The pic doesn't even look like a young girl. That's the figure of a girl who's 17 or older. I don't think that would appeal to Hum Hum at all and that's what offends me, I quite like the old Penguin covers with photos of girls or Balthus paintings or whatever.
OP here. I have unironically searched for, downloaded, and masturbated to loli hentai before, but always deleted it afterward due to feelings of guilt. Not the reason I ordered this book though.

C O N F I R M E D 4 pedo
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Why is Lolita the only classic of hebephilic literature? There needs to be more of this stuff.
We were taught in school it was regarded as a classic book.
And our English teacher was a typical British prude.
>not a 19th century whaler because I read Moby Dick
Are there any good bookstuff from the point of view of a little girl? I enjoyed the innocent adolescent voice that Alice in Wonderland was told in
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>I'm not a 19th century whaler
Thanks for reminding me.
I enjoyed Netochka Nezvanova, the Wizard of Oz and the Ice Palace. That's about all I can think of right now.
Frances Hodges Burnett's work
avoid people who have never heard of this book, they are hopelessly pleb
I had a one month stint in an Air Force base (lumbar lordosis separation) and I once went around asking every person in the dorm whether they had even heard of Lolita, let alone whether they had liked: not one, not even just one person, out of the 50 or so people there, had even heard the name before, that combination of syllables was simply not at any point in their lives ever spoken to them, and many confessed of not really reading in their free time, not enjoying it, at all, even those who had come from university, who thought of themselves as actually quite smart people, all turning out of course to be stem, and then upon arriving to med-hold (the temp dorm for those injured/sick/leaving), it still was the case that most had not heard of it (one lanky bespectacled Asian kid had, and read it, and actually quite liked it, but was kindof unnerved by it, and squinted at me a little when I told him it was one of my favorites and thought it was so bizarre that it was so rare to find someone here who had heard of it), and but yet so those leaving seemed to be much more interesting and just all around better people to interact with, than those staying in, for whatever reason.
You say this like it is supposed to offend me.

People hit puberty at like 10-12ish. Biology doesn't know it's not acceptable anymore. Can anyone honestly say they have never been turned on by a young girl at one point in their lives?
When people ask you what it's about, respond with themes instead of a plot summary.
The only copy in the house belongs to my parents.

I will probably never read it because neither the concept, nor the delivery titillate me.

I mean, if I wanted to read some unreliable narrator's highly literate pederasty confession roll I'd just lurk r9k for a while.
Gay men, straight women, asexuals, people solely attracted to objects, people solely attracted to animals... I'm sure we can think of other examples if we try.
>highly literate

Also I don't think you know what pederasty means.
The noncey ones are always bookish.

Maybe that says something about "bibliophiles".

And the difference between a pederast and a pedophile is preferred age range.

A twelve year old is a Pubescent, so I'd place that under "Pederasty" as a technical matter, but I'm also not going to play silly beggars with you arguing that one is more *value judgement* than the other because I categorically don't care.
It doesn't matter, he is using the word wrong. If Lolita was a boy it would be the proper word.
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I was going to write "straight men" but then I though "nah, they you guys won't be that pedantic."

What the fuck was I thinking.
You're thinking of ephebophile not pederast.
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There's a distinction between pedophilic tendencies and hebephilic (which you're describing and which most men have), but it's not a very important one - they're more or less morally on the same level which is why I think anyone who feels the need to point out the distinction is really revealing more about them-self than anything else. Maybe most men harbor some pedophilic attraction, I don't really know, but in any case this post is just an excuse to post the little girl. Can anyone straight honestly say they are not turned on by this?

i would just kill myself if my parents didnt know who fucking nabokov was
You've confirmed that you don't know what pederasty is (it's gay stuff with teenage boys btw), if you honestly care so little then at least you could do everyone the favor of not sharing your idiot opinions.
Sounds like just another synonym for Nonce to me lad.

What was it Arnaud Amalric said?

Ah ; "Kill them all, God will know his own"

Top fella that Arnaud, knew how to solve problems.
Ephebephile = normal. I don't even know why they have a word for this shit.
Yep, pardon me, I'm not a licensed Paedophilogist, so I have been known to occasionally use one word for nonce where another might have been more apt.

This is clearly a great and terrible crime, and I understand that I am hereafter banished from /lit/ because I am the only person to ever make an error on a post that was neither rehearsed nor revised.

Except not really.
What does reading Infinite Jest make you? a jester?
"It's about a crazy man abducting a girl."
write it anon, make us proud, you already have the background
Because it's not normal to be sexually attracted to 15 year olds as an adult. Healthy, well-adjusted men feel a sense of protection towards younger women, not a desire to take advantage of them to try and make up for their own arrested development.
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I am actually working on it right now. Keep an eye out.
It's normal to be sexually attracted to girls who are pubescent. It's also normal to repress that sexual attraction or to deny it, which is what you're doing; I choose not to, which is also healthy and normal. Fuck off.

To convention?
Justin by Sade

for gay men and women you could ask the same question but about a young boy, asexual people by definition are not attracted to anything so you're a retard for adding it to the list, people attracted to animals could be asked the same question; maybe people that are attracted to objects would a have a more difficult time answering but it also depends on what's the subject of their attraction(think if someone likes dolls. you could ask them if they have ever been attracted to the children version). The other anon's point stands, your brain doesn't naturally think about attraction in terms of age but in physical traits instead. They're related but not equals, it doesn't matter how old a girl is, if she's got hips/tits and seems fit to bear children then you'd normally find her attractive.
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At least you're honest. Kudos for that.

Turned on? I'm not turned on by that picture

She's a cute little girl and I'm sure in person my heart swells with affection when I see her, but that's a very different response from what I feel when I see an adult woman
Ah yes the old biology sperg-out, as though we're just animals without sociological norms. That autistic line in the sand marking off the magical first period blood. Probably another one of your sick fantasies.
What you choose to do is highly immoral, unhealthy both for you and whatever girls you are turning into totem objects, and probably illegal. Fuck you and your nasty choice and please consider killing yourself so that our children have a better society in which to grow up.
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But what if ı harbor pedophilic tendencies and am secure about reading Dolores?
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>so that our children have a better society in which to grow up.
You were doing so good!
I know right! I miss whalechan.

Nope. Back to your containment board.
>what is facetiousness
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Only ironically dead.
don't be stupid, that's all conditioning...truth is that if the girl looks like an adult regardless of her age then attraction can happen; so many girls are women physically by around 16.
You call it conditioning, I call it having morals - we have to repress our baser desires for the good of ourselves and others, that's just how this civilization thing works y'know.
Exactly, the desire exists even if you repress it, that's my point, not saying it's ok to fugg kids.
When was the last time you were around 16 year olds? They clearly aren't adults.
Also if it's just biology then why does it only really surface in pathetic, stunted males?
What is the evidence that every guy is jonesing to sleep with 8th graders other than "biology" handwaving?
Even if it were legal most men wouldn't do it.
You can go back to the 16th century and even then the average age of marriage was early to mid 20s.
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I've rarely met a woman who was much more than mentally a child, anyway.
You have reading comprehension issues
do you understand what this means?
>if the girl looks like an adult regardless of her age then attraction can happen
I don't really go around asking people's age, anyway, I'm saying that girls as young as 16 can usually look like an adult with enough make up and good style and that in those cases attraction can happen. What is so hard to understand about it? The desire exists and it's a biological one. Now, for those pathetic stunted males it seems to me it's a bit different, they seem to be mostly attracted to a childish body or the idea of it.
You're so stupidly hung up about the legality and morals that you don't understand shit. What does that example about marriage even have to do with this, just further proof of how much you misunderstand the discussion.
>Also if it's just biology then why does it only really surface in pathetic, stunted males?
It doesn't actually. Child molesters are seemingly normal with extremes as in any group. However, I agree with your point that even if it was legal most people would not do it.
>You can go back to the 16th century and even then the average age of marriage was early to mid 20s.
No, you couldn't actually. A lot of women were married to men when they were "ripe" which was around 12-15.
>When was the last time you were around 16 year olds? They clearly aren't adults.
I've met many women and I can soundly say that only a small handful of them were adults. Most women act on childish emotion and it gets worse with age.
>implying emotions are inherently childish and not the worthwhile foundation of the human species
Okay buddy I'm sure the world would be a better place if we were all INTJ or whatever it's called.

Why do all of the girls in this thread look so clearly childish then?
I guess most people here fall in the latter categoria m88, are you forgetting on which website are you on?
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>Why do all of the girls in this thread look so clearly childish then?

Because nearly 100% of them are posted by me, a massive pedophile.
>Can anyone straight honestly say they are not turned on by this?

I can. I don't know why—I'm trying to see what you're seeing. But I don't see it.

To my mind, women become attractive at or around the age that they begin to develop breasts and a womanly shape, but not sooner. The attraction comes with the signs that they are approaching womanhood and reaching the age where they can conceive a child.

Of course, we in the west tend to make a distinction between when children are reaching that age physically and when they are strong enough mentally to be released to the dangers and bad intentions of the world. A girl of fifteen may be surpassingly beautiful and arouse the dirtiest imagination in a man, but we have decided that she is not really ready to be thrown to the dogs just yet. It really is a sad thing the way a handsome but selfish man will use and dispose of a young and naive lover. It is an evil to which nobody would willingly expose a girl of only sixteen.
"See, the pages aren't stuck together!"
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More importantly how would you explain Monobeno -happy end-?

I mean, ultimately it paints a heartwarming story about brother saving his sister from a terrible disease, describes their relationship going from siblings to lovers throughout several years up to them having a child and immerses the reader very well in the atmosphere of rural Japan with mythological elements.

But the accompanying dozens of sex scenes with various lolis, especially said sister, probably make it less innocent.
Keep going, they're qts
Have I seen you on /tv/?
I would cry because translation never and i don't speak moon
>morally opposing art
mark of the pleb right there
>implying being emotional is better than cold hard analytical stoicism

Holy shit this board is infested with betas. Go have your mother give you a hug.
a memelord
>my friend lied to me and said nothing happened between Humbert and Dolores
true story actually
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Perhaps you'll be happy to know that Maitetsu, the next title by the same writer and company that made Monobeno, will be released in English by Sekai Project. Maitetsu is a game about trains and railways, mostly. Some economic stuff too.

Maitetsu also uses e-mote animation system for its character portraits, sprites and HCGs, so you can enjoy delectable lolis in motion.

But then again, Sekai Project is know for terrible English translations and putting out censored games to Steam to sell to clueless people, so you can't really be too happy.

Learning Japanese is best.
Is this a meme or do parents and normalfags actually asked those kind of questions? The only question Ive ever been asked is "are you reading that for school/uni"
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>describing Lolita as a love story
OP said DOESN'T paint you as a budding child molester

there are plenty of 14yo girls that look like that but it still ignores the point because it implies that hummy found lolita so intoxicating for the same reason any man does any woman

i want to read this.

will edit 4 free

oh... boy...

there's a word for near everything, what with English having a million some words total or something
I mean, it isn't a pure sexual attraction-- it might be there, a carnal pull, but it won't be untainted by say some condescension, some squinting superciliousness at their whole being
Any one know what book that is?
I would say it's good to see from all perspectives, even from a child molester. If they still think you're a budding child molester that's their problem. That's like thinking that if you read a book about a gay person you're for sure going to be or are gay.

Doesn't make sense, anon.
Use words like 'doomed' and 'tragedy'.
Tell them its a book about narration, which it is. You could also mention that it has lovely prose, and excellent psychological portraits.
Tell them it's a metaphor for WW2 Russia.

It isn't. But some people say it was.
I got my fondness for books from my dad, so he was the one who told me to read Lolita if I could find it. I looked up the synopsis, didn't like it, and read Bend Sinister instead. My dad's also more fond of the more classical Russian novelists, so he also led me to read Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

Until now, I still haven't read Lolita. Maybe I will someday, but I'd probably prefer Pnin and Pale Fire first.
It's a book that tries to make you emphasize and trick you into agreeing with a pedo's point a view with prose. It's a book that tests your bullshit detector.
You clearly do not possess reading comprehension.
>childish emotion and mature emotion are the same thing
Emotion which leads to clear thoughts and a means of guiding others and caring for others as though they were your family or caring for yourself above others while not neglecting the harm you can cause to others is a matter of mature emotion. Emotion which is inherently selfish for the sake of selfishness, cheating because you couldn't control yourself or because the opportunity to cheat offered you a moment of excitement,drama, or pleasure, causing drama where there is no drama to be found or wanted, crying because you know it will elicit feelings of sympathy or empathy not because you are remorseful, and lying like your life depends on it are all childish emotions.
so you are a licensed paedophilologist?
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