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GRIEVANCE GENERAL >Trying to introduce a friend to a couple

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>Trying to introduce a friend to a couple new authors.
>Pynchon comes up
>Friend reads first page of GR remarks that it's "hard to read"
>ok, that's fair.
>I suggest a guide to assist him if he's really focused on reading the whole book
>exclaims, "I feel like a truly good author shouldn't need a guide to help the reader understand their book"
>don't answer his text
>there is no hope

What has you aggravated today /lit/?
>I feel like a truly good author shouldn't need a guide to help the reader understand their book
Well he's not wrong
> ex-friend claims i just read the same books everyone else into literature does, the same gaggle of classics
> says i'll never develop a distinct taste and spirit of my own, that i will be like a 'cultured machine'
> he mostly reads weird french comic books and mangas by taiyo matsumoto
> im so furious i almost scream at him
>walk downstairs after reading in my room for 3 hours this morning
>mom says, "have you been looking for a job?"
>I tell her she has some nerve bringing up such a subject- i'm visibly shaking in anger
>"if all you do is read you will never leave the house"
>im becoming more angry and ignore her
>"plus all those books are changing you into a person I don't like"
>cant hold back anger any more
>"fuck off mom, you dont understand how much of a fucking pleb you sound like"
>threatens to kick me out
>scurry over to the fridge, grab 2 of my little sisters lunchables
>mom- "dont eat those they are for your sisters school lunches
>ignore her, rush up to my room, lock the door
>continue reading
The desire of individuality for the sake of indivituality is just silly.
>I feel like a good mathematician shouldn't need a guide to help the reader understand their book
Do you see why this is ridiculous? Where does this assumption that literature is for everyone come from
It really seems he's in the right here.
Life of NEET
A truly good author or a truly good mathematician would be able to express their ideas or stories to the broadest group of audience. i.e. not needing a guide to enjoy a book
you wouldnt expect to be able to read and understand a book on advanced theoretical physics. so why should an inexperienced reader expect to understand advanced literature
They shouldn't, you should be able to understand their proofs from the way they are given. If you can't, they're a worse mathematician than someone who can do the same and be clear
But they're not public communicators. They're mathematicians and authors, their goals are to create math and literature, not explain it to the most people possible. That isn't even the same skillset
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you forget to post a frog

here you go pal
Good pastiche, to be desu.
Why would an inexperienced reader just jump straight into advanced literature? You work your way up from algebra to physics like a normal person.
Guides are pointless. If you have no understanding of a text, you should read something less dense and work your way up.
>friend smokes too much weed
>so much so that he had a paranoia-related incident that resulted in him being on medication (still is)
>since i've known him he's become clearly less intelligent
>his only hobbies are smoking weed and skateboarding
>i loan him my harddrive with all my films/tv shows on it
>he never uses it because he thinks he'll get a virus by using an external harddrive
>i suggest reading to him
>"reading is too hard"
>"why do you say that?"
>he started reading the idiot and found it too dense and complicated
>well no shit
>suggest books of mine that he might enjoy
>he literally only shows interest in the book "stoner" by john williams because of the title
>tfw friend is a total jackass
>it's a shitty friendship, but i feel like i'm probably his best option in terms of talking to about personal shit, and he has a car and is often willing to hang out
>usually carry a book around with me
>happen to be carrying Stoner with me that week
>friends notice
>everyone making DUDE WEED LMAO jokes
>eventually stop explaining and laugh along with them
>suffer in silence
>See guy on train reading Infinite Jest
>I'm reading The Recognitions
>We exchange glances, I look at what he's reading, he looks at what I'm reading and he gives me the dirtiest look
>>>>>>>>>>>>New Sincerity
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