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Time to shatter some egos

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Thread replies: 116
Thread images: 49

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Time to shatter some egos
I'll take it

>has to specify not to use tweets

H p lovecraft, and no racial epithets, either.
"Check which famous writer you write like with this statistical analysis tool, which analyzes your word choice and writing style and compares them with those of the famous writers.

Any text in English will do: your latest blog post, journal entry, comment, chapter of your unfinished book, etc. For reliable results paste at least a few paragraphs (not tweets).

Paste your text here:"

H. P. Lovecraft
James Joyce, David Foster Wallace, and Vladimir Nabokov
Mary Shelley, though I've never read any of her work, I must protest.
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I-If you say so.
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"Our apps: Journalite - diary software for Windows, Mémoires - journal software for Mac, Video Mémoires - video diary app for Mac.

Handcrafted by Coding Robots · Version 10 · November 2010 (Updated in 2015)
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The owner of this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon properties including, but not limited to, amazon.com, endless.com, myhabit.com, smallparts.com, or amazonwireless.com."
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god fucking dammit
Yeah, bitches.
let's see it, anon.
stop the self-promotion of your website you cock
kek, I literally copy-pasted a Shakespearean sonnet and it said I write like Joyce.
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It's a dud website, anon. I got both JRR Tolkien and Dan Brown from 2 excerpts of the same novel I'm working on. End this thread, and yourself, promptly.
Here's that second one, for proof.
I put in Chaucer and got Joyce as well

I think the key here is that all writing is Joyce because Joyce is the totality of literature
I just put in a Russian text, in cyrillic, and got Shakespeare
I posted the opening few paragraphs of The Sun Also Rises and I got Kurt Vonnegut
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Good or bad?

I'm not usually on /lit/, so I dunno who this is.
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Ego boosted really
>I write like
>David Foster Wallace


I just pasted what I wrote at russianprivilege.tk

I've never even heard of Wallace
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put another space between all the me's and you would be writing like a woman
No you didn't
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fucking lol
H.P. Lovecraft and Cory Doctorow, though I'm not a native speaker. Are they considered /lit/?
this text gave me David foster Wallace
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>Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

That's what I wrote btw. That isn't my reaction.
"Turning up the pages up the book made him hesitant.What if there is blood on it for a reason?And the Duct tape?
Surely nobody would do such things for no reason.As the first page rolled before his eyes,hesitation became crazyness.He was no longer.He lost his mind in the world of these weird simbols that were written before man walked on the earth."

I got Dan Brown.
>William Shakespeare
>ghtw ewh wndskjek .The th en w a. FTH the way that they diffbieql is n the months of maye rh the sun es hine dlone the lawn. The spextacule spectisdl was nevwer onece the way the way it once was rhr ethe sun in the sigbe rhwe or qay. Ikle jei the wre if the soarrw uh tis fall, only the Great can predict thed death. So waht it to die as worrow? Beat hius bew, the yong men do befored the bre sink deep doqn when the mind in Fest feal beguns to shake its fdounations.
When I put in my actual writing I got Harry Harrison, but I don't know who that is.
I typed in a bunch of gory nonsense and got Steven king so I'm not sure how accurate or anything this site is really worth lol, style itself doesn't seem to matter just the words used

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I actually like her stuff read it when I was younger although I prefer irvine welsh now .

I'm writing a book based on my life during the last ten years . I am using myself at present as a character and myself 10 years ago as a character . I pasted what ive got so far and got David Foster Wallace

I too want to know if he is any good in 4chans opinion?
I put in a row of THIS IS VIOLENCE NOW and got Edgar Allan Poe.
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I write like Edgar Allan Poe. I've checked several texts and always got him.
do you own a trenchcoat?
And several old timey hats?
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Copy and paste quote from A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>You write like H. P. Lovecraft

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Just tried it.

Apparently the Ithaca chapter of Ulysses is most like Dan Brown.
ITT: le my subversive metaironist pasticheal first instinct is to try and discredit the website rather than to paste some of my actual work into it, because I don't have any

top kek.

It's funny how everyone here is jerking off their egos through this bullshit website which probably just picks a random name from a list of authors that it has.
Holy shit it works!
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i write like.png
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>high school valediction speech
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what's the link? I want to inflate my ego.
Joyce might be the only real literary polystylist
I did two separate essays I've previously written, and apparently I write like James Fenimore Cooper, or Daniel Defoe.
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I posted a random snippet of GR and got this
I just got Anne Rice (vampire chronicles) and Shakespeare from the same story.
> obvs this is dumb but it is actually dumb
I just got Joyce for
> Dog eats cello tape, I say.
It just identified Carver as Stephanie Meyer.
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My ego has only been stroked
>on lit
>isn't infinitely jesting
what are you even here for
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Alliances appeared, but against each other now. Rebukes, reproaches began. They knew shame, and shame was made into a virtue. The notion of honor was born, and each alliance raised its own banner. They began tormenting animals, and the animals withdrew from them into the forests and became their enemies. There began the struggle for separation, for isolation, for the personal, for mine and yours. They started speaking different languages. They knew sorrow and came to love sorrow, they thirsted for suffering and said that truth is attained only through suffering. Then science appeared among them. When they became wicked, they began to talk of brotherhood and humaneness and understood these ideas. When they became criminal, they invented justice and prescribed whole codices for themselves in order to maintain it, and to ensure the codices they set up the guillotine. They just barely remembered what they had lost, and did not even want to believe that they had once been innocent and happy. They even laughed at the possibility of the former happiness and called it a dream. They couldn’t even imagine it in forms and images, but - strange and wonderful thing - having lost all belief in their former happiness, having called it a fairy tale, they wised so much to be innocent and happy again, once more, that they fell down before their hearts’ desires like children, they denied their desire, they built temples and started praying to their own idea, their own desire,“ all the while fully believing in its unrealizability and unfeasibility, but adoring it in tears and worshipping it. And yet, if it had so happened that they could have returned to that innocent and happy condition which they had lost, or if someone had suddenly shown it to them again and asked them: did they want to go back to it? - they would certainly have refused. They used to answer me: “Granted we’re deceitful, wicked and unjust, we know that and weep for it, and we torment ourselves over it, and torture and punish ourselves perhaps even more than that merciful judge who will judge us and whose name we do not know. But we have science, and through it we shall again find the truth, but we shall now accept it consciously, knowledge is higher than feelings, the consciousness of life is higher than life. Science will give us wisdom, wisdom will discover laws, and knowledge of the laws of happiness is higher than happiness.”
Damn Straight
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Completely fine with this
Yup. I don't even write shit. Apparently I'm Stephen King.

Actually, I'm wrong. It feels like an airplane. It looks like an airplane. The wallpaper reminds me of the walls of an airplane. It looks dated with some newer things, but since everything still functions, there's no incentive to change it. I was zoned out when I felt it. It felt like I was traveling. Like I was going somewhere.
I also got lovecraft, he's a bit peripheral but is well known for his odd, anachronistic word choice and talent for thinking outside of the box on horror pulp.
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is Joyce /pol/?
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I've never even read Infinite Jest, nor do I have any desire to.
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how did i do?
It's a joke either way as evidenced by the fact that it can't identify excerpts from the actual authors it gives as results.
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I got Palahniuk. How should I kill myself /lit/?
pasted some Murakami and it gave me Tolstoy

pasted in some of my own writing and got Lovecraft.
I literally only started reading David Foster Wallace because I pasted my writing into this site six years ago and his name came up.

>tfw a poorly scripted meme changed your life
I got Anne Rice from copy/pasting Niggers tongue my anus a bunch of times. DFW from a few paragraphs of a book I'm writing.
My screenplay got J. D. Salinger.

>dodging all the memeys
>feels good man
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shut the fuck up
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Pasted some text from Notes from the Underground and got this...
I input the opening bit from our very own Hypersphere.
Not surprising since they were translated by the same people
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I just put some more stuff from the middle of it and got this.
Now what?
Not bad
>Raymond Chandler
>have had The Big Sleep laying around forever
time to actually read it I guess
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Allahu Ackbar
Rudyard Kipling
I got arthur clarke
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A meme is a meme is a meme.png
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can't make this shit up.png
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I got wallace and then HP lovecraft. Did anyone else get lovecraft?
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how fucked am i?
Hello, /mu/
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Close enough I suppose
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You can't make this stuff up.
Here's what I used as input.
Here's the result.
Got David Foster Wallace...
Not sure how to feel...
Kill myself?
Kill myself now?
I'll put in a different passage.
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I KNEW he was a genius. Make way for the 21st century's greatest writer.
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>copy paste Lovecraft paragraph
>Arthur clarke
huck finn and tom sawyer are racist tbqh
Kek'd hard
It is like that Myers-Briggs test.
>We're all going to be successful published authors guys.
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iono about all det
I barely know who this bro is? What does this mean??

I also got DFW on another piece of text

Nabokov, Joyce...Dan Brown.
I got L, Frank Baum. I haven't read any of his material but at least I didn't get one of the same 5 meme authors as you faggots.
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>And but so it was REALLY banal and there's something sincere about that.
Thread posts: 116
Thread images: 49

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