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Rare Pynchon Thread

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Thread replies: 60
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So who's getting The C Section when it comes out?
boul you already no !!!!!!
I don't want to watch the 19 second video right now but what is it, exactly? A new book or some sort of repackaged version of his old stuff?
Impossible to find stuff he wrote in high school, letters between him and his editor, short stories that can't be found anywhere else

And there are only going to be 15 made.
is it going to have his posts from 4chan? if so i'm preordering right now, assuming they accept paypal
Oh. Definitely not then. There's bound to be a copy that ends up online at some point anyway.
How much does it cost?
Website doesn't say.

How did this book binder get ahold of the rare material?

you have to inquire to find out the price

Emailed the guy.
Seems pretty silly to make people inquire when he could have nestled it between the type of paper it's printed on and what kind of goatskin the cover's made of.
A small payment of $350
I've emailed too. I generally dislike this kinda way of selling but I suppose it is a niche item. Will post with info when/if I get a reply (only after I've bought it though).
I just read what it has in it on their blog

>Mortality and Mercy in Vienna

Ugh... Have any of you actually read that garbage? It's online.


If the rest of this stuff is like that it's definitely not worth whatever ridiculous price they obvious plan on charging for it.
Oh well scratch buying it then. Would have went up to about $150 but that's far too high.
>>7702637 here.
Can confirm what >>7702677 said.
It's $350.
Thinking about it.
I'd definitely scan it for /lit/ if I got it.
Not sure.
take one for the team
youll be remembered forever
That Watts story is on that site too. So really, all you'd be getting that you can't find anywhere else are those letters between him and his editor and his high school stuff.
the price is reasonable, that's so much work, i'm really impressed with his work. hope someone gets it so we can all get scans of it.
you'd go down forever in /lit/ history.
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>And there are only going to be 15 made.
That's fucking insane.

If you do end up buying, for the love of Zeus do scan and share, big boy
Ehh. Before he emailed me back, I pretty much capped myself at $200 for it.

I'll think about it overnight, but that means that they might all be gone by then. Perhaps some more well-off Anon will pick up and be the hero that I couldn't be.
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That you even thought of it is good enough, friend.
Just bought it. he's finishing the binding within the next two weeks and will get an update when shipped. I'll let you guys in on the fun once I get it
Does anyone actually have the screen caps of what he posted on /tv/?
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solid anon, SOLID
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You have a beautiful soul.
Or a beautiful bank account.
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Someone say rare pynchons?
how do I get to work for ClickHole?

It's basically paid shitposting regulated only by a minimal wit requirement.
Maybe submit a resume of compiled 4chan posts that you made.
is this real or not? I am not sure which site is satire and what isn't anymore
did you guys actually read what it is?

it's NOT a Pynchon book.

it's a random guy taking pirated Pynchon short stories, along with some other NON Pynchon writing, and compiling it into one book.

the guy makes hand made copies of Ulysses for fun and sells them, this is no different than taking Project Gutenberg works, printing them, and binding them by hand.
I wanted one too so I sent him an email. Hope there is one left.
The main draw of this is that a couple of the bootlegs he's using are extremely rare to the point that they're not online, unlike Ulysses or most Gutenberg books
really? i thought they were online...how is that possible?
What, I have actually thought about doing this myself.

Someguy posted his letters here once, so that's a matter of going to the archives, and I already have a physical Death and Mortality, what else is there that's so impossible to find?
>the archive is offline


do any of you autists frequent Austin uni? The letters are there?
Clickhole is, for the most part, the last mainstream bastion of actual news satire. Not 100% the case, but enough of the time that shitposts like the above pic are in no way out of place.
>'pre-orders have been very high for this volume'
>only 15 made
thank you anon!
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i got you bro

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thank you famiglia
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np family member
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>how is that possible?
This is old stuff. It shouldn't surprise you that already very limited bootlegs from the 70-80s haven't all made it to the internet.
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and finished.

remember to be nice to each other senpaitachi, and do a good deed for a stranger for no reason once in a while, you'll feel good inside.
Just got a reply from him. There are still a few left and the price is 350USD and free shipping within the states. But I'm not really sure if I want to spend that kind of money on letters and early short stories. I would rather spend that kind of money on a limited hardcover of Gravity's Rainbow from FS or something similar.
I thought he was only willing to release letters he wrote once he died… If there's only 15 being made of this collection, how much is it gonna cost? I assume about $500 or something…

Being serious here, he's not posted on here before… has he?
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>Being serious here, he's not posted on here before… has he?

>Pynchon spends every Monday night from 9 PM to 10 PM lurking on /lit/ and only once in a blue moon posts something, usually a well thought out post with the intention of receiving no replies, which succeeds, prompting him to continue lurking and working on his next no-(You)s post
Clickhole is my dream job too, anon.
what a fucking sellout
what exactly is it?
The letters and his high school stuff mostly. Death and Mortality, and the Watts thing are online. Someone did post letters here before but they seemed fragmentary and incomplete.
Pynchon's not involved, dumbass
reading sure is hard, isn't it?
Your mom got the C section when you came out!
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