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Which edition of Siddhartha to get?

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Which edition of Siddhartha to get?
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The Tunnel
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it does not really matter much it is an enjoyable but short and inconsequential read, you should just skip the fan-fiction and read actual Buddhist/Daoist/Hindu/etc primary texts if you are interested in eastern philosophy/religion
Don't skip it. It's a good read. Any new translation is good. I read Rika Lesser's most recently and it was good.
>he thought siddhartha was about buddhism/daoism/hinduism

pleb detected

1. I didn't say that
2. Its obviously about eastern philo/religion
>plebbing this hard
>guaranteed hasnt read any hesse besides siddhartha, and didn't even understand siddhartha

maybe /reddit/ is more your speed

>anyone who disagrees with me should go to reddit!

Its literally a novel about someone who pursues enlightenment and inner peace through following different practices found in eastern religion until they just follow their own. There are references to eastern religion or philosophy on every single page.

If you have your own personal interpretation of what he was "really" trying to say then whatever but you can't fucking say the book wasn't about eastern philosophy/religion. Hesse isn't even that great of an author but you don't even need to have read anything else by him to get what Siddhartha is about.
Hesse is undergrad-tier. Get over yourself.
>people on /lit/ actually believe this

kill this board, it's fucking over
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>getting upset over mediocre author

fuck off you pleb
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>implying i'm upset
>implying it's not just pic related
Confirmed for not having read anything besides Siddhartha and maybe Steppenwolf.
Its literally imppossibe to discuss anything on this board. Every fucking thread just goes in circles about pleb this pleb that

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Well then if think Siddhartha isn't about eastern philosophy/religion then why don't you explain what you think its about and provide evidence that supports your interpretation then.
Yeah, as someone who read Siddartha when they were like 13, I am interested in what you think it was about. Might invoke a reread.
>he used a meme generator to generate a reddit meme to win an argument on a mongolian throat singing forum

Man I haven't even read Siddhartha and I know you're probably the pleb here in this shit flinging fest
What a plebeian understanding of our glorious board culture.

None. It's a book for teenagers to skim through so they get to feel enlightened.

Also, it's like Bambi, but with humans.
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actually I just saw it posted earlier and saved it

the point still stands, if he is just going to complain without explaining what he thinks the book is about and why then thats pretty lame, at least I explained why I thought it was about what I thought it was about here >>7579005
Only a pleb would burn a bridge like this instead of extending the olive branch
only a pleb thinks I burned a bridge. that anon is here forever. we will have many glorious discussions in future threads.
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If you try to maintain that Siddhartha is not about eastern philosophy but then fail to explain why you're correct its reveals you to be the pleb here anon.
This is unironically correct.
I read it in German when I was 13, really liked it, but could anybody tell me how the subject of this isn't eastern religion and individualistic religion?
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