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What five books did you enjoy most this year?

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I'll start, in no particular order :
The Brothers Karamazov- Dostovjevski
War and Peace- Toltstoj
Crime and Punishment- Dostoevski
Notes from the Underground- Dostoevski
Waiting for the Barbarians - Coetzee

And out of curiousity: how old are you ?

I just turned 20.
yeah i can tell you just turned 20
Blood Meridian, American Psycho, Matterhorn, The Forever War, Notes From Underground.

Usually I think lists like this are silly and pointless because nobody will read them or care, but it's a nice conceit to order your thoughts and reflect a little bit

Midnight's Children-Rushdie
V.-Thomas Pynchon
The Pendragon Legend-Szerb
Wise Blood
Lyrical Ballads
Complete Shakespeare
In Dubious Battle
Islands in the Stream
If audio books count too
Crime and Punishment
All Quiet on the Western Front
Pathfinder book 1-2
American Phycho
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
Mistborn series
Time out of Joint
Circle of Reign
The Martian
Belated happy birthday.

The King James Bible
The Count of Monte Cristo - Dumas
Collected Poems - Coleridge
Agnes Grey - Brontë
Lucia Joyce: To Dance in The Wake - Shloss
>said the rough 21 year old, who has seen shit in his life, as he lit a cigarette and banished into the shadows.
1. The stranger
2. For whom the bell tolls
3. The old man and the sea
4. The plague
5. The process
It was not until recently (couple of months ago) that I developed an interest in reading, so I haven't read that many books yet, but I'm currently reading brothers karamazov and it's pretty good.

18 years old.
Op here, i read every single one of these as well this year. Not bragging, just noticing the coincidence. I like the plague way better than the stranger though. And i like the myth of sysiphus better than both of those.

The Iliad
The Stranger
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Fear and Trembling


Hamlet - Shakespeare
Othello - Shakespeare
Dead Souls - Gogol
Catch-22 - Heller
Hell's Angels - Thompson

I didn't even read it as patronizing, though it probably was, but Dostoevsky is pretty popular among young adults who aren't breathing through the mouth.
>implying i dont know the transliteration for Dostoevski is a choice in English since the 'e' there is pronounced as 'ye' in Russian. Which makes Turgenev sound as Turgenjev, Dostoevski as.... oh wait, i'm typing this and only now noticing i made a BAD typo. Ok. Uh. Yeah.
The Trial
Alice in Wonderland
Voice of the Fire
Castle to Castle
Atemschaukel- Herta Mlüler
Lucky Jim- Knigsly Amiss
The Castle- Frnaz Kfaka
Candide ou l'Optimisme- Volitare
Eugene Onegin- Alisandre Pshukin
The Death of Ivan Ilyich- Loe Tlotstoy
Tarnsman of Gor- Jhon Nroman
i rarely have time to read. in my entire life i read the following:

a song of ice and fire
enders game
antigone (sophocles)
music of chance
the miser
a doll's house
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Heh, you're a funny guy Tommy.
full house
Notes from Underground
The Sorrows of Young Werther
Faust, Pt 2
Hegel, by Frederick Beiser
The Swan King - Ludwig II of Bavaria, by Christopher McIntosh
The Karamazov Brothers and Crime and Punishment
The Death of Ivan Ilych and Anna Karenina
Fathers and Sons

Been reading Russian /lit/ as of late
The Corrections - Franzen
How to Be Alone - Also Franzen
BUtterfield 8 - O'Hara
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
The Joke and Its Relation to the Unconscious - Freud

Turned 23 in July.
Oh, i also think the plague was a magnificent book, but the stranger really opened my eyes to literature and made me interested in reading, because up until that point, I'd never read anything like it. I guess you could say it was the first really good book I read, in contrast to the books i read when I was 15/16 which was basically Bukowksi.
Even though I myself had already turned 23 and am extremely keen on reading good literature, this and previous year passed me by in vain on forcing myself to start reading anything. To wit, I was living such depression that did not even want to live any more. However notwithstanding my earlier mental condition I'm in the process of reading 'Anna Karenina' by Tolstoy, and having finished volume one I've got to say that I'm unexpectedly stunned by this novel and do long to read it further till the very end. In short recommend to read it for everyone!
The condition of postmodernity- Harvey
Mein Name sei Gantenbein- Frisch
Lunar Park- Ellis
Life on the Mississippi- Twain
And my favourite book/series of books this year was Higurashi. The art is absolutely disgusting, but the characters are really strong and the writing is damn compelling. I never thought highly of animu bullshit, but reading Higurashi made me realize that visual novels are a pretty interesting medium. With it you can bring a world to life with sound and visuals and words in a way where everything compliments everything else. You can combine different narrative devices with eachother and create a hybrid between novel and play, and it blends together seemlessly. You can write a story with emergent interactive storytelling, which is something even videogames struggle with. Too bad the japs don't generally seem to be interested in doing anything with it.
>czeching a full house
>gets a full house

Show me your ways, senpai
How did you like fathers and sons? I read it last month and wasnt too impresses by the story arch but damnit, the scenes that pass by inside the frame of that story are beautifull. Its almost as if Turgenev didnt need 'a strong story' or even a long book to portray amazing characters.
>the father walking outside to gaze over his lands in contemplation. Mfw.
read We by Zamyatin if you haven't.
disgrace - coetzee
nostomo - conrad
making of the english working class - thompson
runaway horses - mishima
revolution from above - david kotz

are you me? I read all those this year except Coetzee. All amazing, i can't decide whether i liked Brothers or W&P more
-El extranjero por Albert Camus
-El tunel por Juan Carlos Onetti
-El jugador por Dostoievski
-Fantomas contra los vampiros multinacionales de Julio Cortazar
- El principito por Saint-Exupèry

I'm 21 from Venezuela
Those are good books Anonymous, best writters were russians, it is worldwide known so good for you and keep reading it
Moby Dick
The Virgin Suicides
To the Lighthouse
Blood Meridian

Pюзгe в тpeдe?
Whatever - Michel Houellebecq
The elementary particles - Michel Houellebecq
studies in pessimism - schopy
Hp lovecraft, the collected fiction
The Trial - Kafka
im 20 and feel as if I am 40, thanks /lit/.
>Hp lovecraft, the collected fiction
>The Trial - Kafka

you should feel 17
1.) readme.docx
2.) reloaded.NFO
3.) How To Open Nfo Files.txt
4.) Deep in the African Congo: Barrack Obama's Head In A Jar - Gabrielle Chana
5.) The Seven Military Classics of Ancient China: Including The Art of War - translated with commentary by Ralph D. Sawyer

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>reading readmes
.Soumission - Michel Houellebecq
.Solaris - Stanisław Lem
.The Golden Bough - Frazer
.Naked Lunch - Burroughs (reread that along with all of his writings)
.a TON of art history and design books, i can't choose only one
Us older folks prefer RAZOR1911.nfo
The Magnificent Ambersons - Booth Tarkington
The Turmoil - Booth Tarkington
The Postman Always Rings Twice - James Caine
The Way of All Flesh - Samuel Butler
The Iron King - Maurice Druon
I don't even know if I've read five books this year, but I enjoyed The Science of Interstellar, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and A Dance of Dragons, and I'm 23.

Also I've read most Dostoyevsky, but the only one I actually enjoyed was Notes from Underground. I found Crime and Punishment incredibly boring.
No particular order.

Brief interviews with hideous men - DWF
Wuthering Heights - Emily Brontë
Totality and Infinity - Levinas
Doctor Faustus - Thomas Mann
Portrait of an Artist as a Young Mam - Joyce

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