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Summarise your novel/novella/short story/flash fiction's

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Summarise your novel/novella/short story/flash fiction's plot, /lit/

>A group of teens try to see what the afterlife holds by creating Romeo and Juliet serums; the Romeo serum kills them for 30 seconds and the Juliet revives them.
This is a movie called flatliners
Goddamn it. Ok I've got another one in the pipeline:

>A rogue cop investigates himself after files documenting suspicious group activity in the woods disaster from the precinct
>investigates himself

Apology for poor English. Obviously I meant he investigates by himself.
>I watched Ashura celebration with my cousin. At first I was kinda fascinated with those ill motherfuckers but then I was just like "hahaha they so mad lets eat something"
>investigates himself
>"Jim, I think I did it."
That's a good twist.
Maybe I should abandon my work
Man with amnesia wakes up in the middle of nowhere and, surprisingly, doesn't care about finding more about himself.

Totally original, guys
>Ashura celebration
I think it's neat enough. But what does he do?
Tries to forge a new identity and live as a different person until his past comes knocking at his door.

Cliché, I know.
Don't be so browbeaten by /lit/s supercilious negativity that you attack everything you write before someone else does. I think that, properly executed, it is a good idea.
It's a party, mate! :D
Thanks fren, I'll work hard
Ashura as in commemorating Husayn b. Ali's martyrdom?
i'm just teasing anon.

there are few new premises to work from. as long as you do it differently from flatliners, you're fine. the afterlife stuff they saw were childhood traumas that they had to make amends for. read the plot summary at wikipedo.
Yeah, that's it.
Maybe "celebration" wasn't the best word, ok.
>A sheltered girl ventures out into the world c. 9015 after her parents, the last two humans, die; eventually, she discovers she wasn't a human at all, but the last of a race of vampiric humanoids that kept humans as cattle and settled the whole of the solar system before an alien race wiped them out. Armed with the knowledge of her parents' archives and the advanced biology of her late race, she becomes a messianic figure among the remnants of mankind, who are too devolved to be called human.
Erotic novel about a twenty-something college graduate that starts work At a bar as a waitress with a bunch of other sexy twenty-something year olds. At first she's all stuffy and look down at her coworkers because they always seem to be fucking someone new.

She is really attracte to the bartender even though she won't admit it, and she's really jelly that he's fucking the other bartender, because she thinks the lady bartender is a stupid hoe.

Basically it's about her learning to stop being so stuffy and judgemental as she's force to deal with all the sexy shenanigans happeneding at et place of work. A lot of voyerism and threesomes and shit. She ends up having a one night stand with the bartender and it's the best sex she's ever had. The novel will be aimed at twenty-something year olds.
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sounds like it could sell if it's written non pretentiously
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>A r9k tier petty government adminstrator ends up travelling with a deserter after his city is sacked. The story then follows their journey though the war torn wasteland, contrasting their respective responses to their harrowing travels and the divergence of their morality to a bleak conclusion.
That's what I'm hoping. I figure I won't have the main character actually fuck anyone but the bartender at the end, but she witnesses a few of her coworkers having sex and she secretly rubs a few out. Over the course of the novel, I would like her to learn that casual sex doesn't necessarily lower someone's worth as a person, so long as they're smart about it. She will also learn that just because she has a degree, she's not better than her coworkers.
guys jack off in a locker
the locker belonged to a genie
he begins killing them one by one
protagonist didn't want to do it
genie doesn't care
after a chase they end up on a rooftop on christmas eve
protag masturbates
genie masturbates
streams cross
jizz lands in cameraman's eye
breaks the fourth wall
female audience is impregnant
give birth to protagonist
the cycle begins anew

Sounds like it could be a good black comedy.


What's your end game? Does she conquer the solar system with the aid of a bunch of retarded humans? Sounds like she should just kill herself, imho
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I'm working on a semi-factual autobiography of my abhorrent diarrhea. The major theme is how my struggle with irritable bowel syndrome can be applied to my work as an engineer, and in a larger sense how the United Nations can be represented by the repetitive squeezes of my anal sphincter as I attempt to expel waste.
First, she learns how to keep herself alive, then she meets colonies of what's left of the humans, and then, on virtue of her knowledge and her biology, she winds up becoming a sort of god among devolved troglodytes. It goes without saying that conquest has no factor, but if she herself does anything, she gives the world a little hope, since she's the last semi-sapient thing alive.
not exactly the same, but I think you'd enjoy the short film "Tub" (I believe it's still on youtube)
>A man forced to be the servant of a woman he thought he loved realizes that despite herself he still loves her

Sounds depressing as fuck. Does she meet anyone else on her intellectual level? Is there at least a sexy troglodyte that she has sex with? How stupid are the human colonies exactly? Why doesn't she just turn them all into vampires?
how is he privy to the fact that despite her own intentions, he is in love with her?
...wait, is that how it works?
A couple kids, unatended and lonely, are attacked by a homeless dude and one of them kills him. So they bury him and decide to keep the secret. Later they start to fight and descend into madness, seeing things that can't be possible until one of them hangs himself.
I like it but only if the hobo is a 1920s hobo and only if his spirit returns to taunt them.

Sounds kind of cliched. Can be redeemed with strong characters and sensitivity to story length (don't let your shit overstay its welcome).

What were you planning for the two characters?

A group of rural kids are influenced by urbanism, black twitter, expensive clothing and fashion, and various other 4chan culture such as /fa/ and /mu/. They all slowly decline into drugs or other poor decisions and tragically meet their deaths. The main character tries to escape just before its too late for him.

Theres also monsters and shit that represent their struggles that hide in the shadows but nonetheless are always there somewhere.

Not at the magnitude of something like Clockwork Orange, but it's written using various slang that me and my friends used. The novella's inspired by things that happened to me and my friends when we were teenagers.

Would like to hear your guys' very insightful opinions
Yes, since devolution isn't the only effect thousands of years have had upon humans. Though the majority will indeed be stupid/deformed, there will be numerous exceptions, many of which will have an important role in the story; they just won't be biologically or mentally "human" as we define it. Not entirely. She'll also have a companion in what she initially perceives to be an imaginary friend in her youth, who later turns out to be the ghost of an ancestor, who will serve as her sole constant companion in her travels. Other characters on her intellectual level will include the ghost of a tall, gaunt murderer with an ear-to-ear grin and the clever, largely silent plant-thing that serves as the story's primary antagonist. The reason she won't be able to turn them into vampires is because, in her case, vampirism is congenital; she can only drink blood, not spread the disease, same as her ancestors.

Though anything can change now, since I'm only two (rough) chapters in, I'm mainly debating on how backwards the remnant humans should be; I did say she would be the last semi-sapient thing alive, but honestly, I'm trying to find a happy medium between the backwards and the intelligent. All I can say is that they won't be "unga unga" gibberish language-tier, but they won't be of our level, either; somewhere in between would be best for me, since it would balance a decent post-apocalyptic scenario for mankind with potential for interesting characters. I'm planning on making this a long one, so I'll certainly need to make it interesting.

Sorry about that, it's not a train hobo who writes symbols.

The first part is just about them living their normal life. Building sand cities, playing an RPG called Arabian nights and a card game called Duel of mages. After the murder their relationship goes wrong, two of them are brothers and they even get to a fist fight. The other one is a girl who likes to play all of the previous with them but also takes care of some birds and likes to draw what she sees in the clouds.

The supernatural part comes hazy. For example the killer starts hearing in the nights some foot steps in his room. Then he realizes that there is someone inside his mirror, just looking at him.

Sounds like it's trying to do a lot of things at once. Are the montes real or imagined? The result of extensive drug use? Are they really necessary for the story or a gimmick? Why the song? Another gimmick? I dunno mang, sounds like it could turn into something tonally-confused, confusing, and heavy-handed if you're not careful.
Sounds like somethin mandatory to read in highschool but set in modern times. Hope the details of your story make it unique.

Alright, it sounds like it could be fun in a camp sort of way. I feel like it woul have to pretty balls-out over-the-top to work though, imho. You can make it thoughtful and philosophical in places by this is not a story that can take itself too seriously.

Like I said, it's a pretty solid, tried and true premise (murderers going nuts is always fun), but the characters have to be well-written enough to grab the reader because the premise itself isn't super original. This is not a critism, it is just a fact.

*meant to writer "monsters," not "montes" and "slang," not "song".

Damn iphone
Mostly the monsters add to the atmosphere and setting of the book. Not super important, but they do come into play at some parts of the story
>A story about everyday life in the Dachau concentration camp. The novella depicts the interactions of groups within the camp, but doesn't explore the Nazi's very much.

I was always fascinated how the people in these camps lived. I want to explore how the concentration camps formed societies with hierarchies and social functions.
Why have them then? Is this a horror story or a commentary on today's youth culture? The way I see it, either the youth culture in the book is the backdrop and the monsters are the real threat or the monsters are imagined and the book is really about the struggles that the kids face.

If the former, then God speed. Just don't be too ham fisyed (Dah dark monster with the horns is depression and dah gold monster that looks like an Oscar stands for lust for fame, ya guys! Get it?!?)

If the lattet, make sure that you don't let the monsters suck up too much of the spotlight. It will weaken your story and its point. Your audience will be so focused on them and why the duck they are there that they'll forget about what your book is trying to say.
Alright, I'm the fucker that wrote about the sexy twenty-something year olds in this post. >>7452375
I've also written like 90% of the critism in this thread. Time to pay up faggots. Help me write my smut.

I have to go do a thing so I'll check back on this thread later. Do not disappoint me.
I actually intended for it to be a somewhat serious work, though not all the way through; she'd tackle the typical and contemporary human maladies and her own shortcomings as a vampiric being (such as being unable to stand the sun), and the whole thing would wind up going on for years and years, showing how she'd grow up from the uncertain, inexperienced, virginal 17-year-old into a wise and focused adult. There'd be comedy and all (because I'm not 10 anymore, so I don't think tragedy and pathos and heavy shit all day every day can work), which I think would help keep the thing interesting and give her more humanity/relatability, but it wouldn't be the main point.

Thanks for the feedback, though; it could be because tired, after work me could've done a better job of explaining it, but if it comes off as something that would primarily be campy fun, I may need to reevaluate it and take a look at what's making it that way. I don't dislike that kind of stuff, but that's not what I'm shooting for at all. I may just be reaching for the stars and trying to make something really, really great as someone who just doesn't have the experience (I've started at least 50 things over the couple of years or so that I've been writing seriously, but I've only finished a few, and I was never satisfied with them), but the idea of a sheltered girl growing into a post-apocalyptic messiah and giving hope to a devastated world has stuck with me, so I can at least keep trying and smooth out the rough spots.

If nothing else, it'll be a learning experience that could teach me that big human themes don't mesh easily with what boils down to a melding of sci-fi and supernatural shit. I hope it'll be more than that, but I guess the only way it will be is if I dedicate myself to it.
Read Man's Search for Meaning, by Victor Frankl
I honestly only had time to read the first few lines of your post. Imho, you can't have a story about aliens and vampires and ghosts and not have t be at least Underworld level camp. I don't believe it can work as a serious, brooding piece. You will not get 1984 level dystopia out of this.
Thanks anon, I am still researching for it. I just read the official report on Dachau written for the Nuremberg trials.
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A girl finds herself in the woods. Remembers she came here to see the moon in its natural, uninterrupted prose. She's far away from the city which she lives in. She decides to travel around until the moon comes up.
She's tired and thirsthy. She runs towards a river she sees. Loses balance and falls into it. Manages to get out of the river. (It's Autmn) Lies shivering. Falls asleep without noticing. Sees a weird dream involving a snake.
Wakes in a small boat. Some middle aged guy saved her, it seems. He takes her to his house. His wife prepares a meal for them. She feels nice here. She tells them she shouldn't miss the night time to see the moon. They inkksist that she must stay and get well first. She can get well in time for the moon. She sleeps near the stove(picture). She doesn't see anything in her dream. Just hears screams and cries of joy.
She wakes with sweat all over. She notices no one in the house. Goes outside and sees them near the river. They are feeding crocodiles meat while argue loudly. They're arguing about their dead child. And when there's no more meat left crocodiles still look at the couple with a sinister joy. Woman accuses her husband then jumps at him, bashing his body into the mud. Man slaps her twice and starts beating her. Crocodiles look at the girl before they disappear in the dark water. She runs away. Goes upon a high hill to see the moon.
She falls on her knees as she gazes the moon. A knife comes out of her purse. She now remembers she came here to kill herself and failed the night before. Again she can't do it. She goes back home and leaves the knife in the kitchen. She then comes near the river, around unseen predators. She lets herself go in the cold water.

I gues I can't summarize. Also sorry because of the bad English.
A twenty three year old man sets his sharehouse on fire, and kills one of his housemates in the process. The novel is written as a letter to the guy's lawyer, explaining the year that led up to it/the events that turned him into the kind of person to do such a thing.
> her parents, the last two humans, die
>messianic figure among the remnants of mankind
Wat. Otherwise the first somehow appealing idea so far.

Not too bad.

The new postmodern masterpiece.


Not very original but can be interesting.

>I gues I can't summarize
Quite an understatement.

Not bad.
I really enjoyed this post
A young hipster artist fascinated aesthetically with Oosama Bean LaDean (gotta think about the name) gets kidnapped by a fanatical group close to al-Kaeedo (gotta think about the name). They start discussing about their relationship to the myth of Bean LaDean. Later an intelectual member of the terrorist group, maybd the one who takes the propaganda section, joins the conversation.
war widow is visited by the ghost of her husbands mother. everybody confuses the widow for the husband, including the ghost

I don't know how it should end yet
there are only three people left on earth -- a black man, a white man, and a white woman
Something like groundhog day time loop shenanigans.

1. A complete idiot's lover is shot by a police sniper in an absurd mix-up, resulting in an adventure where he joins an anarchist club, crashes her funeral, falls out with the anarchist club, meets a man who invented an AI, steals it, and winds up on a pilotless plane to Somalia recounting his story to a Domino's Pizza employee over the phone.

2. A failed Scythian Enaree gets pissed at her family and leaves, kills a dragon who is nice to her and drinks her blood gaining magical powers, then goes on an interdimensional journey accidentally killing quintillions of people before getting trapped on some weird metaplane where she's forced by psychic link to watch other people's adventure, which is part of a recurrent cycle she disrupts just by being there. She winds up as a homeless person in our world, devoid of magic.

3. A memoir from the perspective of a transsexual psychotic who thinks they have a dragon in their head. Mostly just embarrassing and incriminating memories.

4. Socrates meets the Grand Inquisitor and argues with him. Later, John from Brave New World, Oppenheimer, St. Margaret, Nidhogg, and the aforementioned Scythian show up as increasingly absurd and timely arguments that cause the Grand Inquisitor to have a BSOD. After they're gone, Mustafa Mond shows up and the Grand Inquisitor begs for his instruction

That's it, that's everything I've ever written pretty much.
This is just stupid. What is this? Some kind of stupid-ass tryhard fantasy that's just dying to be quirky and different? God, this is why new writers fail: I can smell how overwrought it is from here.

You'd be better off writing poetry to that girl who ignores you in school, since this concept tells me you're in your late teens at the oldest. Maybe you could stick it on a fanon wiki and find fans, but otherwise, you're just trying to push underageb& shit into something great.

Oh, and you must be 18 or older to post here.
Alright, but no-one steal it.

A sick bastard has been adopting kids in order to spank them legally under the pretense of corporal punishment. A private investigator, Arthur "Lame Smoky" Lavinsky, who got his nickname after failing to save a girl from burning in a fire, meets one of the kids and determines to catch the crook out and redeem himself. However, he discovers something far more sinister...
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