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Does anyone else feel like they have wasted their life because

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Does anyone else feel like they have wasted their life because of the social pressure you have faced?

I never got to grow up as a girl, and play princesses and learn how to do makeup.

Never got to go to sleepovers and do girl things.

Never got to experience what it was like to date as a teenager, or go shopping for a prom dress.

Now starting to transition, my entire family abandoned me.

Anyone else feel like shit over everything they've missed?
I would have if i would still live in the past.. 'what if' s arent going to happen in our life. What if i had been born in a sucessfull family? What if the world had magic?
It's just stuff you can dream about. You can still do sleepovers, look for cute dresses. You can still date someone even if the 'innocence' is gone.

So yes and no. Thought about it but accepted it's not possible to repeat the past
I honestly don't know how to get over this shit tbqh.
I'm pretty sure that people like >>8840128 are just pretending like it's possible to just suck it up.
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I had girlfriends and did most of that stuff.
Most of us did, but almost none of us were truly accepted as one of the girls.
Transition has no long-term proven benefits.
Don't trap yourself.

If you want to get real, transition is just as much of a BS dream as the rest of this stuff.

You can do sleepovers and look for cute dresses as a guy.

You never will.
Transition doesn't work.
Even if you 100% pass, you will always be a man.
Not pretending at all, im more hurt by the present and more scared about thoughts of the future..kinda dont have time to think about many 'what ifs' when i try to get my Life together and think about how to get money without whoring myself out *shrugs*
Dude, do you ever sleep? Is there even one thread you dont answer to?
I don't reply to many threads in all honesty.
I post a lot less than I used to, but I keep everyone updated, and dispense the truth.
>You never will.
>Transition doesn't work.
Don't you see how harmful of an idea this is to put in someone's head? Repression does not work for everyone and you are effectively telling them they are permanently broken, while styling yourself as the sole truth-teller in this shithole. It's been pointed out again and again and again that you have no proof for your claims, and yet you keep repeating them as fact, as if it makes them true.
>Subjective truth =/= objective truth

But some things you said are true, others? Nah
I'm simply saying the truth, nothing more.
In cases of transition or suicide, transition is worth a try as an experimental palliative care method, but it still doesn't fucking work.

There is no scientific basis for transition having long-term proven benefits, and I have debunked all citations given so far.

I never mentioned repression.
But transition doesn't work and that's the facts.

It's not an "idea I am putting in people's heads", bitterhon. It's the truth, backed up by fact.

I'm not saying they're broken. Strawman.
[citation still needed], bitterhon.

Prove me wrong.

What have I said that is wrong?
Please explain.
You could have been a girl and never done any of those things (I didn't). No need to focus on an idealised stereotype of female childhood.
I was even affraid to ask myself about my feelings till 24
>she doesn't just roleplay teen dates and sleepovers and everything else online
Never got to play patty cake. Never got to have a Little Mermaid birthday party. Never got to be a witch for Halloween. Never got cute clothes for Christmas.
>Most of us did,
We did?!
All the girls in my family and social circle had all that, and I wanted the same.
What did you do in your girl childhood?
OP here, same.

I don't understand the patty cake one? But everything else I understand.
Also me, except for me it was 22-23 around that time.
That game where you clap hands in weird patterns. The girls would always play that during recess.
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I played that with my mom and sister.
Consider to stop living in the past and idealize this fanciful daydream about some kind of joyous lost girlhood and try to live your life for today.

Plenty young girls had miserable childhoods but weren't trans, and are able to grow up and cope.
I don't give a flying shit about childhood and high school years I lost. But real youth, college years and early twenties. fml
That's a very broad question. But responding to anon's points specifically, I hated princesses and make-up as a little girl and mostly just read books instead. I learnt how to do make-up through YouTube videos in my mid-late teens but I never had any friends to show me how (my mum didn't really wear make-up unless she was going to a wedding or something so she didn't teach me either). I had religious conservative parents who were worried about letting me sleep over at the houses of people with more liberal parents, so I've only ever been to like two sleepovers, both of which were with just one other girl (I pretty much don't know anyone that's had a big sleepover with like 4 girls like in the movies, nobody I know had parents willing to take responsibility for that many other kids at once). I was single all through my teens, as were (I estimate) about half my female classmates - of course some dated a lot or lost their virginity at 14 or w/e but a lot never had a serious (or any) relationship until college. And I hung out with the alternative kids who thought they were too cool for prom so I never went.

Lots of cis girls never did these things either because their parents weren't into pushing gender stereotypes on them, because they didn't actually enjoy girly things, or because they were too quiet and unpopular to experience the social aspects. Most of them don't "feel like shit" about it, they just move on and enjoy adulthood.
I've missed over 40 years. It hurts occasionally, but at least I'm still alive to live. I almost wasn't, several times over. So ~for me~, no, I usually don't think much of it.
Most boys don't get to be included like that.
>ignoring that bad shit can happen regardless of gender and anon still missed out on the positive aspects of being a girl
What gender stereotypes did you get pushed into and which did you notice other girls got that you avoided?

>That's a very broad question.
I know. What I don't know about being a cis girl is very broad.

>they just move on and enjoy adulthood.
Enjoy adulthood?
I don't feel like I wasted my life, I basically grew up hanging out with girls doing what they do, it wasn't until late middle school when I started hitting puberty and girls started wanting to date me that I got pushed out of my space and became a repressed loner. I wish I could have transitioned when I came out as trans though, unsupportive parents suck
>What gender stereotypes did you get pushed into and which did you notice other girls got that you avoided?
My parents were very like...let kids be kids, I guess? Despite being homophobic they raised me in a pretty gender-nonconforming way because they wanted me to focus on "more important things" (school, religion, etc) and thought things like Disney princesses and Barbie taught girls just to be useless decorative objects. Plus they were both pretty outdoorsy (and not that well-off) so they didn't mind doing things like buying some clothes from the boys section to save money and get tougher fabrics. I hated a lot of girly stuff anyway so I didn't really mind - I wasn't sporty but I didn't care about the same sort of interpersonal relationship stuff as other girls, or stereotypical girl hobbies. When I got to my teens and still didn't grow out of my "tomboy phase" (because I was an undiagnosed turbo autismo struggling to fit in with social norms) my parents got concerned. I guess they wondered if they'd raised me wrong, and they started pushing me to bit a bit more girly (there was this weird dichtomy of telling me to keep away from boys and w/e but then being concerned when I said I didn't want to get married). When my two younger sisters reached their teens and peer pressure and puberty made them normal straight girls they realised it was just me, not the way I was raised.

I know quite a lot of other girls whose parents were similar (except not religious). In the UK in the 90s the popular brand of feminism wasn't the "femininity is valid too! being soft isn't weak!" thing that's all over Buzzfeed and Tumblr nowadays, it was more about encouraging girls to do the same things as boys and go into traditionally male fields (and encouraging them away from "useless" girly hobbies), so I think avoiding pink, princesses and so on was very mainstream for middle-class parents that had aspirations for their children to go to university. sage for blog
Thanks for explaining. I was raised with that sort of let kids me kids attitude, which I'm glad of because being pushed into gender stereotypes is horrible, but it also means I don't even have the "what I missed out on" knowledge of being a girl that gets posted a lot in threads like this.
I know that not all girls fit into those categories, but I for one would have liked to do them. Even at the time I wanted to but wasn't able to because of the way people forced me into a gender I wasn't comfortable with.

I had other things that made my childhood pretty bad, Abuse and rape, just would have been nice to observe some things that were good too.
yeah, it sounds like you would have been happier in a warm and accepting home regardless of whether you were a girl or not. Being forced into a gender you weren't comfortable with absolutely sucks and I'm sorry that happened to you - the fact it's shitty is exactly why it rubs me up the wrong way when MtFs idealise the fact AFABs are forced into gender stereotypes when not all girls are happy that way, even cis ones. I empathise that it's often easier to idealise a past you never had as escapism than to move forward into the future. It would have been nice for things to have been different for you growing up but you can't change the past, so just try to enjoy girly stuff now you can.
>Does anyone else feel like they have wasted their life because of the social pressure you have faced?
Yes, but in a way that goes past sexuality. If I showed an interest in anything at all in front of my parents then they would make fun of me for it and then threaten to take it away as soon as I didn't do chores or my grades slipped. So in response I spent my entire childhood sitting in my room alone playing pirated video games on my computer.
I'm mtf and tomboy
>the fact it's shitty is exactly why it rubs me up the wrong way when MtFs idealise the fact AFABs are forced into gender stereotypes when not all girls are happy that way, even cis ones.
I'm mtf and I think gender roles are terrible and shouldn't be forced on boys and girls. Gender neutrality and freedom all the way. That said being forced into the female gender role is something I have idealistic fantasies of for myself personally. In reality I'd probably still have not been happy though.
no because im agp and i got to do everything i wanted, always played sports etc etc
>and i got to do everything i wanted
dress up as a schoolgirl and flirt with guys and change in front of other girls?
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Is it possible transitioning didnt work for you because your a hon?
There's one thing I can agree on.

Gender roles are fucking retarded.

You won't be happy if you trap yourself.
The solution is to detransition, and start living.
Better your life without trapping yourself, and you'll be on the way to success and self-actualization.

I'm not a hon.

I've never attempted transition nor would I ever, because transition simply doesn't work for anyone.

There is no long-term proven benefits of transition, and that's that.

The science speaks for itself.

I have a mental illness known as Gender Dysphoria, and that's that.

I'm not a "tranny" or an "egg" or a "hon" or any other meme term you come up with.

Don't identify with your mental illness.
I might be able to help you.

Hermaphrodites. Look into them, you will find out some interesting things

About half of them grow up feeling like they should be the opposite gender that was chosen for them at birth (By doctors). This is consistent with the random chance the doctor gives them. Those who feel wrong in their body end up switching to the other gender when the truth comes out. Keep in mind these were babies when their sex was assigned and that for most of them their parents never told them what happened at their birth. I infact was convinced when I was growing up that I was a hermaphrodite and my parents were lying to me because of the way I felt.

Why is this important? It shows us that gender is something in your head. It's the way your brain is structured.

If you don't want to transition that's fine, but you're wrong if you think that this is some psychological disorder, and also the studies show you are wrong about transitioning not working as it does work for many trans people.
Hermaphrodites are an interesting case.
It is quite true that a large amount of them end up transitioning, but this is caused by doctors mutilating genitals for the most part.

I can agree gender is something "in your head", but this doesn't mean the best option is for people to transition, which in the end has no long-term proven benefits.

In regards to hermaphrodites, they were actually transitioned falsely essentially at birth, based on a doctor's mutilation.

Them transitioning is just detransition, more than anything else. Transition has no long-term proven benefits, but this doesn't apply to hermaphrodites.

There is absolutely no evidence that transgender people are actually intersexed in the brain. This is a mental illness.

There is no evidence this is a brain structural difference, nor that these brain structural differences are

And correlation does not = causation, here.
The brain studies that you see are bullshit.

And no, BS studies aren't evidence.
Correlation=causation, low quality evidence, no controls, self-reported, and many other flaws with these studies make them not evidence.
Appealing to authority does not count here, there is no evidence proving any of this.

There is nowhere you can point to in the brain and be like "this causes gender dysphoria". Correlation does not = causation.

If there was, we would have tests for it and it wouldn't even be an issue that you could argue.
>There is no evidence this is a brain structural difference, nor that these brain structural differences in the BS studies are related to dysphoria in any way.*

Sorry, 4chan cut off my message there.
>but this is caused by doctors mutilating genitals for the most part.
[citation needed]
> blaming society for your problems.

Man up you fucking faggot. Your entire destiny depends on yourself and what actions you take. Stop whining and take your responsibility for your life.
>Correlation=causation, low quality evidence, no controls, self-reported, and many other flaws with these studies make them not evidence.
>Appealing to authority does not count here, there is no evidence proving any of this.

The thing is the studies that you are referring to that state that people who transition are not better off are bullshit studies because they are comparing transgender people to the average population instead of transgender people to other people. There are numerous other studies which are performed that support the conclusion that it is better for trans people to transition.

Eh, fuck off. Had enough of you edge-children in my life.
[citation not needed]
It's a known fact doctors mutilate the genitals of hermaphrodites and gender them one way or another so the baby is "normal".
Ignoring the man up part, this is completely true.
You need to take responsibility for your life.
>The thing is the studies that you are referring to that state that people who transition are not better off are bullshit studies because they are comparing transgender people to the average population instead of transgender people to other people. There are numerous other studies which are performed that support the conclusion that it is better for trans people to transition.

The claim I make is that transition has no long-term *proven* benefits.

There is absolutely no evidence from the "transition has benefits" side that is valid.

That is the claim I make, and it is backed up by the lack of evidence from the "transition has benefits" side.

Transition is experimental palliative care with no real actual non-BS research done about it.
>but this is caused by
[citation not needed]
It makes logical sense that when you transition someone the wrong way, that it causes dysphoria.

We have no evidence on what causes gender dysphoria, but this is logical deduction here.

If you have evidence to the contrary, I'd love to see it.
Well, sorry for the man up part. It's a sexist way to say be strong... But the idea is there, blaming others for something that is your responsibility is lame.


> Transition is experimental palliative care with no real actual non-BS research done about it.



>just because it doesn't validate my victim card I will try to ridicule it.

You know it 's true.
So your wild claim is just a "logical deduction" with no real evidence?

Nice hypocrisy Curehon.
It's perfectly fine, understandable why you said it that way. I can agree with that .

Trans or cis, being a victim is the wrong way to be.

I don't have a "wild claim". That was only in regards to hermaphrodies, that's far from a wild claim to say that hermaphrodites transition because they were misgendered at birth.
I just happen to hate people playing the victim card.
>my wild claims don't count as wild because... reasons!
Alright dear and obviously it's 100% impossible for the same misgendering to apply to trans people... because reasons!

In addition to all of that, I never got a quinceaƱera, famalam.

If I get married, I'm going to make sure it's big and makes up for everything I missed.
that's sweet, hispanicanon.
i hope you hire a mariachi band and everything!
I just happen to hate people who hate people playing the victim card.
Because hermaphrodites are literally falsely transitioned at birth, while trans people claim they're the wrong gender when there is no indicator of such, and no BS brain studies don't count.

Hermaphrodites = Detransitioners from a "transition" forced on them by a doctor(that obviously didn't work.)

Their sex is indeterminate, but they obviously still have one.

Trans people = Transitioners that are delusional, and will almost all detransition, or not truly be happy and have to lie to themselves and others forever.

>encouraging people to literally be a victim rather than trying their best to get out of their situation

It's not about whether AGP/Trans/Dysphoric people are victims or not. But you can be a victim, and not play the victim. Playing the victim is where instead of trying to better yourself, you simply sit there and whine.

That's not going to change anything, and is illogical. It sucks, but it is how it is.

We need to find the cure, it's that simple.
It's not going to happen sitting and bitching about it.
You're making rather some assumptions there! Trans people are less likely to detransition that intersex people are. So being trans is a better sign of being the other gender than the random decision of the doctor!
Because intersex people get confused because they're not mentally ill, they just don't actually know what their gender is.

Trans people are mentally ill, and suffer from delusion.
If that was true there'd be more detransitioning trans people compared to intersex people and in any case, you're assuming the conclusion to justify your shoddy logic.
My logic is not "shoddy".
Please explain where my logic is "shoddy"?

Trans people feed their mental illness to the point of transitioning. They're so delusional it becomes an ideaology, and detransitioners are rare in trans people for the simple fact that they're dedicated to their bullshit traditional narrative.
>assuming all cis girls have experienced all this

dude like, stop watching hollywood films. puberty isnt all fucking pink flowers and makeup.
This is also true.
Most bitterhons are delusional as to what a woman really is.

To put it short, women, just like men, are very diverse people - you don't need to follow bullshit stereotypes.

I mean fuck, if you're going to trap yourself, at bare minimum don't become a fake person and make yourself feel even worse.

Bitterhons wouldn't even be that much of an issue if they weren't so fucking obsessed with their bullshit.
>Please explain where my logic is "shoddy"?
"Trans people are delusional because trans people detransition more. Trans people detransition more because trans people are delusional."

It's pure circular logic and a comparison to intersex people proves it wrong anyway.
True but its not even that, there is this persuasive idea that girls have these perfect childhoods where they get to choose what they experience or that the world is easier on girls. Its fucking not. There was a post on the net about how girls as young as 8 were getting catcalled by fucking old men. As a teen I never did a lot of the stuff OP complains about missing out on because guess what-not all girls get to do that.
There's plenty of girls whining about not getting catcalls too.
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Why would you trap yourself when there are no proven long term benefits to transition?
kek trannies dont count anon, congrats on outing yourself as one of the delusional ones.
>one of

Anyway I meant real girls!
>There are 8yr olds upset creepy old men are not hitting on them

You know posts like this give ammunition that transgenderism really is just agp.
Don't put words in my mouth please!
I never claimed that.

My claim is that transition has no long-term proven benefits for trans people, which it doesn't.

This is also true. Girls go through just as much bullshit as men do.

You don't want to trap yourself.
However if someone is going to trap themselves, the best approach is harm reduction.
>Anyway I meant real girls!
yeah sure you did anon, because this is just how real children act. Again you keep making yourself just sound like a sick pedo roleplayers like that stefonknee
I'm not doing that, but you seem to want old man cock on your mouth. But hey, you do you.

Indeed, again its easier to romantasize things you've never experienced. Grass is greener and all that.
Op here. I wasn't saying every girl got to experience those things, nor was a saying girls have the "Perfect childhood". I was saying that a lot of the things I wanted to experience my sister experienced and even though I have a girl brain I was treated like a boy and was treated badly because of it.

I was raped growing up and abused, and even if those two things remained constant I would rather have experienced it as a girl. Not because I wanted those things to happen, but because then I wouldn't have to also deal with being someone I'm not. My entire life was ruined because of what was between my legs and the fact people focused on that instead of what was between my shoulders.
>Indeed, again its easier to romantasize things you've never experienced. Grass is greener and all that.
Then why are there more MTFs than FTMs?
Can you put on a trip already so I can filter you
You've ranted about "muh ideas" before but you just post the same thing over and over
She refused "because muh 4chan anonymity" despite having no problem making herself very identifiable. It doesn't make sense.
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