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I'm starting to believe that meme about how almost if not

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I'm starting to believe that meme about how almost if not all chasers are repressed trans people. I'm going to actually start counting the number of chasers that have admitted feeling this way to me. Every single time I have put in the effort to make a chaser feel comfortable enough to open up to me, they always say the same thing. A lot of them would look like scary ass hons and thankfully, a lot of them recognize that and don't transition.
MY EX BF!!!!
>A lot of them would look like scary ass hons and thankfully, a lot of them recognize that and don't transition.
That's really sad.
Lol people actually have a fetish for mentally ill crossdressers?
That only applies to heterosexual chasers. Bisexuals just want to fuck and cuddle with a cute girl (male).
This always make me laugh XD and surprise. How much widespread is GD then :O
Heterosexual chasers? Heterosexuals men don't like trans women (men who think they're female)
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go back to /pol/
Hetero: opposite
Sex: biological sex

What's wrong with you people?
Heterosexuality is not the same as homo or bisexuality. Why do you people think it can be?
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Cis straight women are the only ones who keep advocating that being attracted to trans women isn't straight.
I'm a straight cis man. I don't think relationships with the same sex (even if they do act/look like a woman) are heterosexual. If I liked a transgender women, that would make me bisexual.
They're not. It's a meme that influences people without much of a life due to peer pressure from the community. They're not really trans but they might become convinced that they are. At least half of the /mtfg/ trans are those kind of people now.
Not if you date them asexually and romantically.
Asexually and romantically? Lmao, what?
A life of mental gymnastics often leads someone to become a mental contortionist.
Lol please explain to me how I can date someone of the same sex, but not be gay
I've had bi guys admit it to me too. In fact, a bi guy I talked to today is the reason why I even made this thread.
It must be really depressing when some of these people eventually realize that they got meme'd into transitioning.
It's the other way around. Bisexual chasers are all closet AGP and heterosexual chasers are perverted "striaght" men.
Yeah all the people I haven't met are just virgin losers! btw reminder i'm more real trans then u ;))))))

>people pretend there's any reason but this as to why everyone wants to throttle MtFs
I don't think a guy just getting an AGP fantasy once in a while makes him a repressed trans, to them it just a fetish same as if they had incest fantasy, I don't think in most cases they actually want or would have sex with their little sister, same as with transitioning. It has to be a consistent feeling, not a mere once every so often thing.
Occasional gay/bi fantasies don't stop a man being straight?
People who actually talk later like that should be thrown into the tranny slave labor camps with the rest of the putrid trendhons.
There are plenty of people out there who transitioned because they let a fetish overrun their live. It's usually the people who stumble upon that sissy hypnosis garbage and it consumes them until they're like "lol guess I'm trans now. Yep." It can start off as a feeling that occurs once in awhile but eventually that will be all they can think about. I've talked to someone that experienced this and it's incredibly pathetic and sad. I really wish people could actually realize what is going on before they make these life altering decisions.
>later like that

Later like what? Later like fucking your whore of a rotten skank mother?

People like you are the real reason people get disgusted at MtFs. The mass dismissal of endless people you've never met, the vainglorious attitude, and self-absorbed narcissism generate a cavalcade of urges to throttle the tranny.
do you think those people will eventually regret transitioning or will they learn to live with it?
Think the people spouting off about trenders are the ones who will regret it more. Autism never leads to a good fate.
I'm bisexual, would be interested in dating a transgirl, and want to be dressed like a girl and fucked by a dude so that's a data point against you.
My phone auto corrects 1 word and you go off the deep end.
You sound like a cutie, tbhon.
Most will eventually detransition or commit suicide but I'm sure there will be plenty who just kinda roll with it.
why the shitty attitude though? they have the right to decide how their lives should be? why do you know better than they do what's best for them?
There's always excuses that people use but it has a lot of similarities to the way people become politically and religiously radicalized for anything. It relates to a whole class of ways that people can do or believe things that aren't real or normal. Boards on 4chan that had regular memes about misogyny and neonazi movements are a perfect case study for this.
Certain personality types and people that through circumstances are more dependent on their online communities are the most vulnerable.
There's no reason to exclude the transgender belief system from any other that is available for these people to latch on to.
The defense of their belief is also a necessary part of it because if it was easy to bring someone back from these things they would accept reasonable arguments and cease their conduct. Instead of evaluating information they double down on the defensive. This is characteristic of all these groups and there aren't any standard method to bring them back to reality.
Instead of realizing their mistake and becoming depressed it's far more certain they will persist in their behavior and lead unfulfilling lives with ever exaggerated alternative explanations for reality.
Next time you read a tranny thread replace their regular slurs with racial slurs and then see how similar it is in many ways to a white supremacist rant.
>I know better than anybody what's best for them no matter what they say
Uh. What shitty attitude? All I have done is talked about observations I have made and the consequences of certain actions. I've talked to quite a few people who have regretted transitioning and a few of these people have even contemplated suicide.
So what you're saying is...blame the jews? Curse their cruel meme science.
>she thinks I gave a fuck about her typo because I mocked it


Nice job dodging any form of insight, as I would expect from someone suffering from severe personality disorder. Add the egotism from your following post and I would say you're a-shoeing for NPD.

It's okay, anon. Narcissists only learn when society beats them down through hard realities.
>What shitty attitude?

>should be thrown into the tranny slave labor camps with the rest of the putrid trendhons

>let a fetish overrun their live

>and it's incredibly pathetic and sad

Narcissists cannot comprehend their own morality, so I expect you to blank at this post or pretend it was all just a "joke".
oh ok. you didn't really say you'd observed it, you just said you assumed that anyone who (in your opinion) transitioned only because of their fetish would suicide or detransition
Please fuck my boipussy, daddy. Ravage my hole until you cum deep inside of me and then bash my head in with a brick and toss my cold lifeless body in a ditch on the side of the road~ xD xD xD
OP you're so wrong.
>sissy hypnosis garbage
What are your girls thoughts on this?
Bi male here, and that shit is creepy and weird and seems to be everywhere suddenly.
For some people it's a fetish, for some it's a way to manage their dysphoria
The fact that this is your response is proof positive of narcissism. Enjoy the toxic worldview as it serves you life punishment after life punishment, you're fucked more than any AGP on Earth.
No, that's not what I meant.
I meant these specific "hypno" videos.
It seems quite sinister to me desu.

Also, where do you draw the line in saying this person transitioned due to a radicalised fetish but this person didn't. I reckon a lot of you got played like that.

t. /polgbt/
You're just committed to defending against critical ideas because you can't help yourself.
You joke but what you have to realize is that a double digit percentage of American voters don't even believe in science. Many of them very sincerely hold alternate reality belief systems. The potential for vast amounts of people to do crazy shit and fully believe in fantasy is always underestimated.
At least you took off the mask of sanity for a little while so we could see how rotten you are underneath the jives.
>let me psychoanalyze you

Eat lead, tranny. Logic is logic no matter how hard it makes you cry about da evil clique that isn't you.
Are you going to come play with my conetits or not?..like come on now. Don't play games with me.
tbqhon i want to play with your cone tits
I'm not at all questioning my gender literally never had
I'm not some turbo man either super comfortable doing whatever i want without my masculinity being quashed, I'm just a free dude.
it's why i can't be bothered with them anymore trans or bi-cis girls only
I'm just pointing out that these videos are sinister as hell, and playing on the /pol/ thing to explain my tinfoil hat, is all. Good night anyway.
You seem very confused by what's going on and all over the place. So I'll respond in kind.

Eat a thousand dicks, chewbacca shot first no matter how many tears you cry about mainstream media.
b-be careful anon..they are really sore right now..
Jk, fucking hit them and tug on my nipple piercings.
If you're so comfortable with yourself, you should try on a dress..
-commence psyop-
Oh, and I'm not the type to go "hurr durr muh dilation" or come here to troll. I'm bi FFS.
Even cis lesbians/bi women love to rag on men who are attracted to trans women and call them "gay" and try to emasculate them over them over it.

They don't understand the different castes and types of trans women, and project the straight male dynamic that transbians try to force on them onto cis straight male/straight trans woman relationships. Which obviously isn't the case at all.
All I wanna know is, when are you going to write a book that goes into detail about all of this? I want a signed copy please and thank you.
>GAMP men also scored higher than both heterosexual and homosexual men on a measure of autogynephilia.
>Results provide clear evidence that GAMP men are not homosexual. They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.
>you should try on a dress..
no reason too maybe if it was a cosplay but they are not made for my body type I said i'm ok with doing what i want to do not what other people think i should do
oh i feel you there but i have met a lot of understanding bi/queer/pan women on this subject usually ones who they themselves are attracted to trans women/men
Yeah yeah, like every /pol/tard inserting his shitty beliefs where they don't belong, you're just a "concerned citizen not affiliated with any nauugghttiiee" except when the time comes to talk about Jews.

The LARPing and concern trolling from you disgusting cretins makes me sick to my stomach more then any opinion or jest you could hurl.
I am also a chaser who has repressed AGP/trans feelings. I would also look like a scary ass hon.

Do you get mad when chasers admit to transness and never see them again? I've heard that some trannies are AGPphobic and get grossed out cuz their man is not a "real" man.
Yes, it's true, there was a study on it actually:
>They also indicate that GAMP men are especially likely to eroticize the idea of being a woman.
I think it certainly would change things. Talking about it with someone is one thing, but chasing after someone sexually, getting into relationships, etc and then revealing that would be really weird.
I like talking with people about trans stuff, even weird agp stuff, but what you're doing isn't really like that.
As a fellow repressed AGP, I know I want a man and I know I'm not one.
I'm a bit pseudo bi but i'm strongly gynephilic. Being with a man is a silly fap fantasy, but my attraction to women(and trannies) is intense.

I don't really consider myself a man either, but its much easier to live as one.
Uh, straight guy here, it is gay to like trans women. If I liked one i'd be bisexual.
I'm kinda what you're describing. I think it's just what you get with a strong libido+early onset agp (i started crossdressing at 10 years old) and a lot of loneliness. Although I've always had atleast minor dysphoria, and now it's still mid level, like I remember being distressed about beard growth even back to when I was 16. There's something really sad when your only source of sexual pleasure (myself crossdressed, in this case) starts getting uglier and uglier, to the point of eventually resembling a literal monster or a caricature.
It is easier to live as a man but I can still improve my pseudo attraction instead of wanting a woman.
From what I can remember I first felt AGP from seeing lesbians in porno mags at 11. I had a strong desire to crossdress soon after. But I was trying so hard to repress that I developed some degree of male identity. I was ok with my beard and wanted to get swole in my late teens. The dysphoria gradually crept up on me over the years.
>talking out of one's ass: the post
Balderdash. As a transgendered girl, most chasers in my experience don't have any AGP-leanings or are repressing any desire to transition. Chasers are kind, caring, intelligent, handsome, well-endowed, fiscally-responsible people who are blessed with a high degree of introspection and self-awareness, so it's ridiculous to proclaim that they're secretly repressors and either lying or unaware of it.

We should be nice to chasers. Love them. Kiss them. Breed with them.
>As a transgendered girl
Only true part of your entire post, Miss Chaser.
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Me, a chaser? You've got the wrong idea, buddy.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take my spyro and astrofem, goodbye.
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But gay cis men considering dating trans women to be straight.
Yeah, no. Literally the only thing I said that could possibly see being misconstrued as offensive is:
>Also, where do you draw the line in saying this person transitioned due to a radicalised fetish but this person didn't. I reckon a lot of you got played like that.
And what I was actually trying to point out with that is that I'm not in a position to make that judgement call, and I don't see how being trans suddenly gives people (not sure if you) the license to decide who is real trans, and who it's just a fetish for.. See a lot of disparaging posts ITT and others. Anyway, not sure why I'm replying since you're clearly beyond reasoning, but I don't come here to post nasty things. I'm queer myself. /rant
Shut up chaser.
I'm pretty fucking autistic but even I can see through this bullshit.
After talking to countless trans girls over the years prior to transitioning and after, I would have to say that I'm decently qualified because I have a pretty good sense of who is in it for legit reasons and who just wants to get off simply because I've spoken to so many people who all share characteristic "red flags" so at this point, it's hard not to place people in categories.
All chasers end up becoming transbians.
Very rarely transition also happens to fix their brains and they get a bit less crazy and rapey.

The worst kind though is the one that is married and happens to chase around young MtF boipucci out there only to one day break down and tell their wife they not only have been having sex with prostitutes for the past decade but he's also a tranny.
I think they get even more crazy and rapey when they transition. Now there is a whole new layer of doublespeak and manipulation so they can assert authority.
It's not wrong because those people actually do exist. There's cults, Jesus Camp, and the Nazi interviews done recently too.
Well of course, if cis women were attracted to trans women they'd be gay, not straight.
Yeah, I definitely think that most would just get crazier and act rapey. Especially the ultra late transitioning ones like those 60 year old men you see using Susan's place. They have had little to no female socialization so they just come off as degenerate, predatory men.
They actually would be straight. It'd be a heterosexual relationship.
>I'm pretty fucking autistic but even I can see through this bullshit.
I dunno, I think she makes some very valid points.
Transbian relationships are hetero, yes.
It sounds like a chaser pretending to be a tranny. They speak so highly of chasers like they are trying to influence more trannies to go for them.
The only person I know who talks like that is my 40 year old uncle.
I have nothing against chasers and I've slept with a few, but come on. So many of them do manipulative stuff like that and it's pretty annoying.
>It sounds like a chaser pretending to be a tranny
Poppycock. As a transgender girl, I actually find their post to be insightful and agree with them on virtually everything they've said about chasers.

I'm aware I have but a single person's experience, but I have to bear witness to these supposed "manipulative tactics" I've seen spoken about on this board, and have had nothing but pleasant experiences with chasers in the past.
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Stop pretending to be a tranny
Stop pretending to be a women
I'm not though :^)

Oh c'mon, there's gotta be some men for MtFs to date who don't want to turn into women
>Kiss them. Breed with them.
That's tempting.
The only type of chaser I like is a dominant guy who would make me his personal onahole for the night. The rest is repressed/closeted trash I want to avoid.

>I've heard that some trannies are AGPphobic

I'm not.

>get grossed out cuz their man is not a "real" man.

You're not. That's why we get pissed at you wasting our time. The fact you want to be a woman means you're not actually masculine body, mind, and soul, making you inherently unattractive to any trans woman looking for a man. This is not difficult to understand.
cute trans girls (with dicc) should be cuddled and worshiped, the disgusting beasts that cut their cocks off should be driven to suicide tho
know what I mean?
im a chazah and have dated more than a dozen mtfs just to self insert as them, good time
It sucks desu, society doesn't like masc hons and we scare most women away. So it's easier to larp as a dude. In a way AGPs are a form of a reverse trap. Women/trannies think they're getting a man but they're really getting a woman.

Post ops have mutilated their body and are beyond redemption. SRS gatekeeping when?

What about the ones who have only had an orchidectomy instead of srs?
that's not as bad
nothing is as bad as a never healing rotting open wound
>never healing rotting open wound
Maybe I'm into that kind of thing though
>open wound
Whoops, looks like you got memed by /pol/
What? The chasers here just want a hole to blow their load in. They dont care what you are.

They won't touch your dick either half of them don't even talk just grunt while railing you.
no, I got memed by my own eyes

I just want to fuck a boy who looks like a girl, sorry, no convoluted pop-psychology here.
Would it be hetero for the trans woman too since they identify as a woman? Or would it just be hetero to people on the outside of the relationship who dont agree with their way of thinking
Most of them do care about touching feminine penis. I've even had one that I met from here give me the whole speech about how he's a top only and blah blah blah. Couple of weeks later he's sucking my fucking dick and telling me to drop my dose of spiro down so can stay harder for him. It really seems like the ones who don't want to touch it are rare and most who are that way are just worried about feeling too gay or something.
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>most who are that way are just worried about feeling too gay or something.

The question then is, do they start sucking dick because they have accepted that they're gay, or is it not gay to suck a feminine penis?

If they wouldn't eat neo pussy, it's gay, in my opinion.
I swear every board has someone telling someone else to go back to /pol/
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