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my boyfriend did something really horrible to me last night...

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my boyfriend did something really horrible to me last night... we were having sex and i was bottoming as usual when he started fucking me too hard that it started to hurt. i told him to stop but he didn't listen and kept on going at it. i tried to get up but he pushed me down and starting going in and out at sharp angles which made me scream out loud. i begged him to stop but he just wouldn't... he just kept fucking until he came and the he slapped me in the face. usually he only only slaps me when i mouth off to him and sometimes he's rough with sex but this time was different. i feel violated and now i'm really freaking out inside. what do i do about this!?
Well, you have a few options.

You can move on, you can call the police, you can talk to him.

Moving on means saying "This guy doesn't respect me, doesn't respect my boundaries, and seems to care about his own pleasure more than anything else"
Police means saying all of the above, in addition to you wanting him to face legal consequences.
Talking to him means saying "Hey, what the fuck was that? I asked you to stop and you didn't. That isn't cool, and it's hurting me that you don't seem to care about me". That can be done in person or over the phone, over the phone if you feel like things might turn violent.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Be well.
>what do i do about this!?
Accept that you're now his bitch, and learn to live with it.
I would have beat the shit out of him.
But I'm actually a dude.
Gee, just tell him you'll dump him if anything like that happens again.
nigga you were literally raped. you withdrew consent and he kept fucking going. that is not okay. get the fuck outta there, because this will just get worse
>usually he only only slaps me when i mouth off to him
that's domestic abuse, this is not a safe relationship for you, for the love of god, get out of there
Welp you're being raped and abused, gtfo of that relationship before things get worse
>lick my willy and call me billy
You were raped, sorry about that, also you need to leave that relationship because it's not going to get better
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>usually he only only slaps me when i mouth off to him

da fak
Wow anon, I'd get your local fag group together and beat his ass

But seriously, you got raped. Call the police, and get the fuck out of there.
>usually he only only slaps me when i mouth off to him
Your abusing boyfriend just raped you. Get away from him. Call the cops and get a restraining order. And buy a gun and learn how to shoot it.
Let's not go over the top. Yes it was rape this time but slapping a bitch is hardly abuse.
>Assaulting your significant other isn't abuse

I mean, sure. If one time there's an argument so severe that results in a slap, that's not a huge deal, but if a dude literally smacks his boyfriend every time he "backtalk" him, that's very clearly abuse.
More like the other way around. If it's how their relationship works, it's not abuse. A random slap on the other hand, spells problems.
Fucking THIS.
One of these needs to happen immediately OP, otherwise hes going to think he can get away with doing this again.
Get off your ass.
Are you retarded? Constant hitting of someone being the norm IS ABUSE.
Nice LARP story and thanks for the fap material
Personaly I'd talk to him.
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>its a mentally ill tranny realizes that the only people that date them are also mentally ill thread
How do you know they aren't gay? Retard
>sex hurts
>this is natural
There's something you're not telling us OP. Didn't you tell your boyfriend you didn't want him to stop even if you said 'stop'?
Dump him
>Dump him
Dump him
>Dump him
Dump him
>Dump him
Dump him
>Dump him
Dump him
>Dump him
They said, "if that's how their relationship works." I took that to mean some kind of D/s relationship where face-slapping was agreed upon before. In that case, I would agree that face-slapping on a relatively regular basis is not necessarily abuse - but a slap out of the blue that was not pre-agreed to is a bad sign.

Otherwise, yes, you are right.
Talk to him! Sometimes people just get carried away while having sex.

If he's your boyfriend you should know him as a person. If this is out of character for him something might be wrong.

Let him know how you feel and see if he's willing to restrain himself in future.

If you really love someone then you'll understand when they slip up. But you also need to be rational and know when the love in your relationship is gone and when its time to move on.
>not having bit off his cock first
you slept with someone that you wern't married to.
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