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How to gain weight?

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How do I gain weight so that my horrible lanky dadbod or whatever gets covered in a layer of fat so I don't feel like shit whenever I take a shower? I've tried a number of times over the years, but I never had enough money to keep it up, and I feel like there must be some kind of way to cheat your body. Like some kind of pill or supplement or eating regimen, idk.
Energy bars and those nutritional shakes they give to seniors.
Just cram in a ton of them every day, but do it at the end of the day so it doesn't interrupt your normal eating habits.
If they are genetically lanky and not because they don't like the process of eating (texture/taste/jaw movement) then there is no way for sustained weight gain. They'll just feel more hot all over their body and move more without even thinking about it.

OP: Embrace it. Skeletons are also hot. Most clothes look great on you.
What if OP (not OP here) exactly described me back in high school when I was still on meds that suppressed my appetite and now 9 years later I am a depressed alcoholic who has a dadbod torso complete with rescue ring around his waist.
I work out and get sort of strong but I can't control my calorie intake. Ever. I always eventually come back to liquid breakfasts or lunches and binge eating.
Is there a way to get lean without quitting drinking?
you need to find reasonably high calorie foods that you can tolerate eating a lot of, then religiously track your calories and eat a surplus
>> lean without quitting drinking

Count calories. Starve yourself throughout the day to afford those beers and become a drunkorexic.

By "liquid breakfast, lunch" it sounds like you have a legitimate drinking problem... food addiction and alcohol addiction are pretty linked, aren't they? So you may be fucked in terms of "the easy way".
Ugh this is bothering me now
Who's in ops pic?
I wanna say matt damon
Matt damon and winona ryder
I don't eat very much at all. I don't feel that I deserve to eat, and sometimes it's physically hard for me. The only high-calorie food that's easy for me to eat are these smoothies that cost like $5.25.
Is there a good way to seek help for this? I don't really want to quit drinking altogether, but if there's a way to manage it, I'd like that.
I lived most of my life in the US but live in Germany atm. I tried to seek treatment for depression and got a prescription. But desu I need a support group if anything's ever going to work. I'm extremely lonely here and it's only made worse by the fact that my German's still pretty basic.
AA in general is less than ideal because I'm a hardcore skeptic agnostic.
>inb4 kill urself
Lol, so you're actually anorexic?

Go seek therapy.
I wouldn't say that, I was told that I have a "dadbod" after all. If I were actually anorexic in the cis girl way, then my body would probably look a bit better, with an 0.5 WHR and a 24 inch ribcage. But I don't think it's healthy for me lose any more weight, I've reached my limit as a trans woman. I feel better when I'm covering up my flaws with blankets and baggy clothes, so I think I should gain weight to hide everything now.
switch to injections, gain 20kg in 1.5years (i was 5'7 50kg auschwitz tier while eating fastfood daily for 4 years) now I am 73kg while barely eating and feel like a sad fat mess.
First of all make sure you consume more cals then you spend (duh)

Are you on HRT? you'll have slower metabolism and without T your muscles degenerate while all surplus cals get stored as fat so that helps tremendously.

Other factors can be thyroid activity (faster matabolism, higher body temp etc - you can have it tasted and take drugs like merkazolilum if needed) Or poor digestion, which can be many things like starch intolerance or simply poor food habits/wrong diet. Or some infection or parasites.
So I would have been chubby and cute this whole time if I had gone to a real endo who prescribed injections? But because that endo rejected me and I had to go on pills, I've been "auschwitz tier" for years now? Nice, that's cool, that's awesome.
Go on hrt.
I replaced 2kg to 4kg of muscle with fat in 4 months.
i'd gladly switch with you.
160 pounds at 5'7'' sounds cute tho....
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