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I think I might be a transbian and I'm not really sure how

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I think I might be a transbian and I'm not really sure how to deal with it. My attraction to females causes nothing but self loathing and I can't help feeling that I shouldn't exist. It makes me want to end my life. How do other people deal with this? Is there a way to just become asexual?
Date another MtF.
That's not going to make me feel any better about being a transbian.
>My attraction to females causes nothing but self loathing
Not op, but I feel the same way. I m bi but don't trust men.

It's the growing meme we are predators who invade. I don't want to be viewed that way to the point that I want to deny myself rather that hurt others.

I feel gross and broken.
learn to like dick
Literally this. I just feel like I'm bothering everyone by existing. And they have a point. I shouldn't exist in the first place.
>It's the growing meme we are predators who invade.
So debunk the meme?
I do but men are just too much and I don't feel like I can trust a man not to hurt me physically or emotionally.
thats part of the fun though
Oh, so you're actually a bisexual then, and you just have trust issues about men that make you consider becoming a "political lesbian". That's pretty TruTrans of you. my dude.
Same, OP. MTF and into girls. Feelsbadman
>being attracted to girls in the first place
She's AGP.
Maybe you should stop memeing about men in the exact way TERFs are memeing about transbians? Especially since you're bisexual.
What happens if you can't fuck a lesbian? Are you going to rape one?
I am not strong enough.

I feel this exact way. I am afraid of men. I am also afraid to be someone people point at and say see they are gross and only transition to out of a gross desire to rape.

It hurts me to think I make people afraid or that I would hurt other trans women by existing.
Yet another tranny who doesn't see the irony in gleefully demonizing cis males while whining about being demonized as a tranner...
>I am also afraid to be someone people point at and say see they are gross and only transition to out of a gross desire to rape.
Methinks the 'lady' doth protest too much!
I am not trying to meme. I am can't help I get scared. I have been hurt. It is that I get being afraid is horrible that I don't want to make others afraid.

I still try with men. I want to trust
of course not. I don't even want to have sex. It'd be too difficult and painful trying to avoid everyone's sensitivities. Even if I did have a partner I'd be fine just cuddling forever. But I don't think anyone would anyone would ever want to spend time with me. And that's fair. I don't want to bother anyone. But I think I might bother people no matter what I do. So it might be best to just disappear.
If you fear men simply for being men, you are the same as people fearing trannies simply for being trannies. You must judge every one person as an individual, Anonymous.
>I don't even want to have sex. It'd be too difficult and painful
Well, you certainly won't ever need to worry about having any lesbian sex if that is your attitude, hon... Maybe you're being just a little pessimistic? You might really enjoy sex.

>it might be best to just disappear.
No, do not do that. Listen, if I were a cute lesbian, I would cuddle you.
I really like you btw. Thank you for inserting fairness and sense into the thread.
Yes I understand that rationally. Rationality doesn't take my fear away.
We need to unpack it. Why does it bother you?
on a personal level: legitimacy. I feel illegitimate for being attracted to women. I already understand that gender != attraction but I can't stop questioning myself over it.

on an interpersonal level: I feel like my existence bothers basically everyone but particularly cis women. I don't want to bother anyone.

It's a genuine problem that people immediately mention lesbians in issues like this.

Transbians can fuck each other or bisexual women. Leave lesbians alone. It's not complicated.


>I don't want to bother anyone.

Stop calling yourself a woman then.
I'd like to stop calling myself anything at all. I'd like to just stop.
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So you have internalized homophobia, and it sounds like a lot of it stems from the bad rap transbians have.

It's true the concept of trans lesbians does bother people immensely. Yesterday I made a thread about it in an attempt to learn more about where this stigma comes from >>8538011. What I learned is that the stigma derives from the despicable actions of a few. Just from your posts I can already tell you're nothing like the creepy trans lesbians that cause a lot of trouble. Anon, what's important is that you live by your values with the knowledge that YOU know you're not a bad person, so just try to be a good person that respects boundaries.

But realistically? Even then, we're still gonna be disliked by many, but it's not because we're trans lesbians, it's because we're trans period. the people that hate us are gonna hate us regardless of our sexuality. I know that doesn't particularly sound any better, but it's the truth. Just look at >>8544119, they take issue with us identifying as women period. The reason they try to paint us all as creepy 40+ year old predatory hons is because the trans women like that are the easiest targets.

You shouldn't reject yourself, that'll only lead to more pain. There is nothing wrong with a trans woman being attracted to women. You seem like a great person anon, and you're not hurting anybody by existing.
>Stop calling yourself a woman then.
so her existence does bother you then
I am so glad you started this thread. I thought I was alone feeling this way. I think you are a good person and that has helped me feel a little less bad.
Spoiler alert! Both of you aren't. You are delusional, seek help and stop pretending to be women.
Wow how badass do you have to be to kick people already down in life
People who are obviously dicks don't bother me at all. It's the people I know I would like that I think hate me that hurts.
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>I think I might be a transbian and I'm not really sure how to deal with it. My attraction to females causes nothing but self loathing

I have that problem. I actually tried amatuer electric shock therapy on myself because I couldnt really take the idea of being a transwoman and a lesbian. Needless to say, it didnt fucking work.
I just kind of deal with it now. I dont think about it and manage to distract myself fairly well.
I might even be close to accepting it after a few years.
I just keep telling myself that no one would want me for other reasons so worrying about people giving me shit for being a transbian is pointless.
Dont follow my negative example. Ive seen threads even here about chicks who will date a transwoman so cheer up op. Im sure you will meet a nice lady that loves you for you.
>debunk the meme
By doing what, autistic screaming under a sign that says THERE'S LITERALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRANS WOMEN AND CIS WOMEN? The exact shit that the meme is already about calling gross male invasion and loud entitlement? I'm sure that will work to a fuckingly big extent.

>Especially since you're a man.

>It's a genuine problem that people immediately mention lesbians in issues like this.
>Transbians can fuck each other or bisexual women. Leave lesbians alone. It's not complicated.
All of this TBHfampai
>stop being who you are because of your genital preference
I used to struggle with this back when I was single tbhon. After getting a girlfriend though I realized it actually hurt her feelings and sorta invalidated her identity as les whenever I'd go off on a tangent about how I'm not trutrans or reelgurl because I like girls, or how I felt like a gross man who was a threat to girls, and that helped me to see that I was just being silly and self-loathing over ideas that logically I should have known were dumb. The idea that transbians are particularly bad or creepy or dangerous is about as valid as the idea that black people are dangerous or violent and thuggish, which is not at all. Put some work into accepting yourself anon, I still hate myself but even accepting little things like this has given me more self-worth and happiness.
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