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Religion of peace edition • Makeup tutorials : http://mas

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Religion of peace edition

• Makeup tutorials : http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
• Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
• Correct hormone levels:http://www.hemingways.org/GIDinfo/hrt_ref.htm
• Checking your levels:http://www.privatemdlabs.com/lp/Female_Hormone_Testing.php
• Reducing Muscle http://www.trans-health.com/2001/lose-muscle-gain-fat-dieting-for-mtfs/
• Size charts:http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
• Transition time lines:http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
• Voice Training:https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/1ske7b/mtf_voice_training_regimen/
• Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
• IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg

Previous: >>8326472
It actually is the religion of peace for trannies though. Not for gays sadly.
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political threads are always the highest quality right
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>It actually is the religion of peace for trannies though.
Thats 100% false. The only islamic country that is semi ok with being transgender is Iran and they will force pretty much every homosexual to transition to female.
im an alpha male!!!!

i am!
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Of course.
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goodnight, sweet princesses
Oh look angry muslims once again murder innocent people. Actually this time it was innocent children leaving a concert. Cant wait to see the apologists defend islam once again while at the same time bashing other religions.
Hey so how does it feel that I beat your estrogen record?
I can be liberal and hate muslims too.
im a lil peeved desu
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sass was already attempting
its almost as though liberals have no empathy
B-b-b-b-b-but muh religion of peace!
Kek, that's cause Islamic countries don't even consider transgender as real, if you have dysphoria they'll just put you as a woman, they'll force you to have surgery and hrt though. It's Govt. funded, a lot of gay men try and choose this option but end up getting executed since you need to apply for the option.

Even Pakistan has tranny rights anon. Fucking Pakistan.
>S u r g i c a l S t r i k e s
>C o l l a t e r a l D a m a g e

Lol, does the defense look like this?
we don't know who the attacker is yet it could be a protestant white guy :^)
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fucking ben garrison
You don't even know who it was.
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Hey, who wants to go to the Mediterranean and give out life jackets?
Isolated incident.
ugh fucking why terrorize children
ohhh pick me
>tfw your gf unironically says its too early to determine if the attacker was a muslim or not
Its a good thing shes so cute
But it's mostly white Christians that have shot up America.
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>Religion of peace edition
I can assure you all the media outlets are going to try their hardest and longest not to identify the attackers as muslim.
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*Technically* speaking it could be some other group or a lone wolf, but... statistically the odds just ain't there.
>Shakiras own country gets attacked by terrorists yet again
>All she can do is think about America
if /pol/ weren't autistic neckbeards they'd be doing the same shit kek

though i guess you could say a lot of the 'school shooters' fit the /pol/ failed male archetype
Good girls don't tell lies on the internet, Nim.
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How do you think they get their 72 virgins in heaven?
So I have a question: Who the fuck cares who's to blame? Childeren are dead and people are using this to push agendas without so much as a microgram of empathy or sympathy. It really is disgusting.
school shooters are /r9k/ types, not /pol/ types

they usually shoot up schools because they're turbo autismos who've gotten bullied, not because they're pushing a political or religious agenda
>t. Butthurt NRA faglord.
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Religion of peace just blew up a Manchester concert with several fatalities.
So peaceful.
>implying /pol/ types and /r9k/ types are not the same

They're both autistic
prove im lying!
nvm she had this to say after looking into it
/r9k/ and /pol/ have a fuckton of overlap though
>all the autists with hitler avatars who you can tell are the most autistic shut ins possible
A child is born every like few seconds, what's the issue?
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This desu what the fuck's wrong with y'all
tfw ur not autistic :^D
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why is it that when its a white person its a 'shooting'
but when its a black person its youth gang violence
when its a muslim its 'unidentified shooter'
the narrative is different in every way to get rid of weaponry and demonise whites

you are on the wrong side of history
quite literally
The truth hurts I know. Now go shoot up heroin and die of aids already.
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Because if you can successfully identify who's to blame you can find a solution quicker to prevent such things in the future. The 'who' is of course going to be tinted with an ideological lens.
Finding out who is to blame is part of preventing it from happening in the future.
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>amerifat shoots up a school
>he was just a crazy kid! nothing wrong with our society!
>kebab blows himself up
>wtf I hate muslims now! No way he was acting alone it's a systematic problem with Islam!
rlly maeks u think
>empower salafists, arm them
>act surprised when there's lots of salafists with guns now
western realpolitik truly shows its wisdom
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>Ignore the cause and the problem will go away!
post your feet.
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>tfw you go to /r/all and reddit is so cucked that something trump did is higher than the manchester bombing
>prove im lying!
I usually don't like to repost people's photos because I think it's rude, but just take a look at these arms of yours, Nim

These are not the arms of an alpha male.
this would've never been a problem if ya'll didn't kill my buddy saddam
>Dosnt want to prevent this from happening again because that would be problematic and ughhh racist!
my arms flexible which gives me an edge in fights with other alphas
Reddit does seem to have a hateboner for trump
>muslims consistently do something in the name of their religion
>it's not islam
You're right in that our society is to blame for school shootings, though.
Really it goes wayyyy further back than that.
your feet.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia literally only exists thanks to Great Britain :D
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>When a white person crashes a plane with no survivors he was "mentally ill"
I bet the homosexzuals are responseible fro this
And by virtue of it existing, so too did the proliferation of Wahhabism.
The "who" here is easy to see. But no one will do anything. Trump cuck just visited Saudi on a dick sucking tour. Do you know who Saudi Arabia is?
They behead people for witchcraft, drug smuggling, homosexuality, apostasy, insulting the King, etc.

They also Fund Isis, al-nusra and the Taliban. And the World knows it, yet refuses to do anything. Saudi is massacring children in Yemen RIGHT NOW, they're bombing Schools for the fucking blind, hospitals, mosques, and you know what the US did? They sent in ships to blockade Yemen and actively helped them in killing civilians via starvation. You cry and bitch about terrorism while you FUCKING FUND IT ACROSS THE WORLD.

You want this to stop? You kill their ideology, you know how you kill their ideology? You stop funding it. And doing shit like this


Electing a country that doesn't let women drive to the head of the women's rights council. I can smell the amount of Saudi semen you fucks are covered in.
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Very interesting that you think the most important thing is to be flexible in "fights" with other alphas.
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if you had linked me a thread with a bunch of trannies talking about how shitty islam is when i was like 16 it would've blown my mind
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I made this while y'all were arguing about hijabs.
forced conversion therapy for all until the bombings stop!
No shit nigger, did you think I like Trump and our 'alliance' with the Saudis or something?
oi you fokin cheeky one arent ya m8?
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what's wrong with being flexible?
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Jormy is back?!
Every single secular arab government has been sabotaged for being too close to the dirty gommunists. Like fuck's sake, even today America is promoting salafist terrorists over the much more religiously tolerant, if dictatorial, government of Assad.

This is the equivalent of giving guns to the fucking Lord's Resistance Army and the west won't fucking stop doing it. Progressive and more moderate forces within Islam were destroyed with western assistance and are still being destroyed with western assistance. if I killed every Christian but the fundamentalists in America the results would be very similar, I feel.
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Turn saudi arabia to glass imo
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we can't keep blaming britain for all of the world's problems

it is true that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but it's time for the KSA to take responsibility for the consequences of its own actions

also, as foreigners, we should be nice to the UK

How do you get that out of what I'm saying? What I'm saying is don't jump to conclusions that push your agendas when this stuff happens at show sympathy for the victims and their loved ones.
like in halo?
Yeah it still blows my mind every tranny is a far right psycho.
They're acting as middle men for the US to fund salafi terrorists though. So they will never do that.

Did you know Saudi took in 0 refugees? And when the refugees asked for help, they said "go to Europe, we'll build you mosques there" and now they're building salafi mosuqes in Europe, radicalising the refugees.
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>being this much of a cuck for islam
Go move to their countries and enjoy their hospitality.
this tbqhwyf
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I actually think it's disgusting how buddy buddy the west is with the saudis

All over fucking oil, it's a barbaric sharia dictatorship ffs
How's that bombing in Manchester working out for ya
You must have been busy when i was ranting about the same thing earlier lol. When he didnt add SA to the list of banned muslim countries, especially when most of the 9/11 hijackers are from there, i knew it was all over.
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Oh, there's nothing wrong with being flexible.

I think you're right - it'll come in handy when you get into close engagements with boys and girls.
>being this much of a cuck for /pol/
go hang out at one of their rallies and enjoy their hospitality
did you see trump dancin at the saudi royal palace
he did a white person dance
I am white so its okay to be racist tho
does that mean when oil stops being so important and we start switching over to things like electric cars, we can finally be free of this close connection?
I dont like Islam but to act as if its any different to Christianity is moronic. Try reading a book or the bible for once in your life, the only diference is Islam is stuck in right wing conservative mode this could change very quickly if the standard of living raised and people became more educated.

Of course the simple option is just to be an edgy pol tard and say lets murder anyones whos different rather than solving problems.
Of course. Oh well. Time to bring more Freedom and Democracy:tm: to the Middle East! That'll surely fix things!
That'd help but we're friendly with the Saudis because of... oil prices, I guess. Which is silly, because we get thrice as much oil from Canada than Arabia.
i think you mean if
tesla is cool and i want that elon musk dick but i think oil will still be important for a long while
Not just oil, it's Cold War 2.0 too. There might be a second CENTO (middle eastern NATO).

There's the Qatar turkey pipline through Syria that needs to be built.
dude why do historical and geopolitical analysis to explain why a significant region of the world is a breeding ground for extremism when you can just blame a complex phenomenon on the Inscrutable Ways of the Alien, Incomprehensible Brown Skinned Other, Which Are Totally Impossible To Understand To The Civilized Westerner
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That's because Trump is toothless he doesn't actually give a fuck about ending religious extremism.

He also doesn't seem to get that his shale oil has literally been under economic warfare from the saudis for the past few years they're haemorrhaging money to try and kill american oil production.

B-but they're our allies r-right? Fucking puh-leeze
>Try reading a book or the bible for once in your life, t
Ok let me ask you a question: have you read both bibles and the Quaran? Because i have and i can tell you that the Quaran is MUCH MUCH WORSE. It takes everything bad from the old and new testement and adds even worse shit. That wasn't me you were talking to but holy shit dude dont tell people to read a book if you havent read the islamic holy book you are trying to defend.

made me barf
Actually that's not true, the MRA/MGTOW community got a lot of media hate after Elliott Rodger.
nobody is arguing that
but the left and the MSM (as if they are even inseparable) are holding Islam to a standard way below christians, and most of them are self proclaimed athiests
its bizarre
The latter is much less time consuming and much easier to sell. My personal solution would use quite a bit of the rhetoric from the latter to justify a solution utilizing the former.
>He also doesn't seem to get that his shale oil has literally been under economic warfare from the saudis for the past few years they're haemorrhaging money to try and kill american oil production.
Yeah i wish he would start relying more on canadian oil and renewable energy but nope. I should have known never to get my hopes up. I thought maybe, just maybe, he will do something good.
I hate how neocon esque Trump has been
I blame Kushner
that requires too much thinking and hurts my head

and also because if you don't word your arguments well, it can sound like you're absolving murderers of blame or giving them undue sympathy
lol salafist theology very often directly contradicts the quran, a lot of salafist extremism is openly heretical and based on apocrypha, the quran is actually very much irrelevant for analysing islamic extremism much in the same way the bible often ends up being irrelevant for analysing christian extremist groups. The phenomenon is a lot more complicated than just "the book says kill people"
I havnt read the Quaran, I am also not defending it. I also wouldnt be surpised if it was worse.

Im just saying you have extremist statements in the bible but the majority of people dont read it literally because theres a much higher level of education in the western world.
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>Years of pro-Afghanistan War propaganda saying the Taliban are evil because they deny women education and freedom
>Saudis deny women education and freedom, they're our best friends
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>Yeah i wish he would start relying more on canadian oil
Are you nuts? He would sooner put an embargo on canadian crude. I'm actually shocked he hasn't put an embargo on saudi oil but washington is far too cucked by the saudis to ever do such a thing.

America wants domestic oil production. Actually scratch that, Trump wants domestic -coal- production (lmao)
>the quran is actually very much irrelevant for analysing islamic extremism
>the same quaran that tells muslims that jihad and martyrdom some of the highest honors in islam
>muslim apologists actually think this has nothing to do with people willing to kill themselves for their religion
Really made me think
i just want cool electric cars

i don't even know how you would replace the use of oil in other things either, like in the manufacturing of plastics - i'm not sure you can replace the oil with electricity there
>but the left and the MSM (as if they are even inseparable)
>muh liberal media
I'm much more concerned by Islam than Christianity, but this is fucking retarded.
>The latter is much less time consuming and much easier to sell.
You shouldn't be trying to "sell" anything to begin with. Don't use bullshit rhetoric to justify your "greater goal". Its dishonest.
>Are you nuts
I know its unlikely but i can hope right!
dude the old testament is fucking awful
have you even read it?
the new testament is technically okay since it overrides the OT, but
Eh, even keeping your hopes low wouldn't have been enough. I expected basically nothing and got even less than that.
The public at large does not and has no desire to understand global politics. They want nice, easy to swallow packages. Honesty has no real part in politics.
>renewable energy

I love it. I was scared we were going to get a non-interventionist president when he got the nomination.
It's not about holy books desu, it's a battle of sects in Islam, Sunni vs Shia, you must've heard of it.

But there's also, Sufi, Ahmadiya, mu'tazilites, Ismaili Shia, Ibadi, alevi etc.

Salafism and wahabism are fairly new, but they're inspired from the Islamic dark ages of an older form of salafism, the one that killed mutazilia. (I.e. Al ghazali said mathematics was of the devil)
'This illustration represents a signal moment when some old ideas slipped back into the contemporary political world, this time through the medium of salafi-jihadi ideology. They include the need to violently destroy the temporal world so as to delight the God that had taken the trouble to create that world. The temporal order is to be expunged so as
to will into being the desirable afterlife. If the sacred time of revelation might have ended many centuries ago, salafi-jihadi ideology reinstitutes contemporary time as sacred, a time in which suicide bombing can be written about as a cosmic act that harbours not simply a discourse of
resurrection but ‘immortality’. The ‘paradox’ is that this is a consequence of hadith literalism and dogmatism. This is the stultifying literalist orientation,
definitive of most self-styled salafi methods, towards selected elements from early medieval treatises on war, or from war hadith. One consequence of the domination of salafi jihadi ‘creed’ and ‘methodology’ over ‘theology’ is the diminution of the Quran and the customary hadith corpus (Brown, 2009: 256–7; Halverson, 2010).'
Switching to electric cars won't be freedom for the West because the lithium for the batteries comes from China.
You can recycle plastics, use bio-matter etc.
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>this is fucking retarded.
the msm are corporate entities
their narratives are controlled by people who can afford to control them
they do not do any journalism, just sensationalism while ignoring real news
*sprays my hot sticky bio-matter all over your face*
All religions are deplorable and caused people throughout history to do awful things. There can we please move on now?
>the new testament is technically okay since it overrides the OT,
No jesus says very specifically that the old testament still counts.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)

And yes, iv read the old testament. Its awful. The problem is that the quaran is basically the worst parts of the old testament as well as even more terrible stuff.
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I mean I actually hope he scraps NAFTA though it would actually probably hurt America far more than it would hurt Canada

-Personally- I would much rather see actual investment in Canadian upgraders and refineries rather than shipping our crude off to Texas but I notice the NDP hasn't mentioned dick about that since the election
>I was scared we were going to get a non-interventionist president when he got the nomination.
that is not a bad thing
unfortunately it didnt happen
no, the NT overrides the OT
christians don't have to follow jewish customs
so for christians, the OT really doesn't matter
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>it's another tranny's war on the moon religion episode
Guess I'll see you girls next thread.
copy pasting soeone elses thoughts because you lost an argument is kinda sad.

Go read the quaran, specifically the parts about martyrdom and jihad. Then tell me how that doesnt make them more likely to kill for their faith.

>I expected basically nothing and got even less than that.
I let the /pol/ memes get to me :/
Don't get it in my wig!
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bye I guess
>the NT overrides the OT
Jesus literally says in the NT that this is not true though. Only things that specifically contradict the OT are retconned.

Oh god dont get me started on the NDP. I cant believe they were elected here.
>(NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)
This is actually a really intensely debated passage. There are two main groups the "the old laws still apply" and the "by 'fulfill' he meant he was the capstone to the old law, completing it and beginning a new chapter, the New Testament". If we go by the Holy Tradition, it seems clear that the latter is the more authentic camp.
It happens to the best of us.
>it's sad to cite your sources
thank god you're not in academia
succin on my third liter of water for the day
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Why are people such shit?
>The public at large does not and has no desire to understand global politics. They want nice, easy to swallow packages. Honesty has no real part in politics.
So then its better to instill within them a hatred of the other that will only contribute to the current conflict? I thought in the west we were supposed to be better than that shit.
Remind me what cable news channel was the most watched in 2016?
>“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)
If I may, I believe Jesus meant he came to "fulfill" the prophecies of the Old Testament. That's why its so important that he be born in Bethlehem in the Christian tradition. Were he born in Nazareth (as he likely was) then he would not be the messiah that was prophesied. The OT is not to be completely disregarded, it is important for history and explains WHY Jesus was necessary, but the laws are basically useless because Jesus fulfilled the prophecy and formed a new covenant or whatever. I'm not an expert on theology, but this is my understanding.
Ignoring the problem doesn't solve it.
>>I was scared we were going to get a non-interventionist president when he got the nomination.
Which is what he ran on. Well...when he could keep his story straight. The fact that so many people were fooled by a charlatan is laughable.
why am i even arguing with cis tits. somebody who thinks citing a peer-reviewed academic source is "losing an argument" is impossible to convince of anything. sod it. i'll go back to studying.
>its sad to not be able to think for yourself and to just copy paste someone elses ideas
This is a shit thread tbqh. What does this have to do with being Trans?
We told you that's not good for you and yet you still do it.
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I actually voted for them
They got elected because they were basically the only electable party last election. The PCs were so horrifically corrupt and tone deaf that they simply couldn't win another election, and the wildrose had weak leadership.

That's all there is to it, I've been pretty underwhelmed by their term.
You seem pretty chill, got contact?
>dude just be an independent thinker decades of scholarship on specific topics are for sheeple dont do any research just reach every conclusion on your own
Personally, I'dve spun it as a crusade to bring them back into the light of civilization, a modern interpretation of the White Man's Burden, if you will. Less hate, more condescending pity.
If the ideas are good, who cares if they're not original?
Muslims hate trannies.
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Ahh so MRAs were banned from entering the country were they? Didn't know that. Wonder why it wasn't on the news
Or just read/watch Ayaan Hirsi Ali's stuff and you'll realize how fucked up the brainwashing in islam is.

I haven't checked your sources but a lot of the social study academia circlejerks their peer review process to the point where it can't stand third party scrutiny.

We're the first ones to be beheaded by religion of peace.
>I actually voted for them

jk i still love you.

I agree though, the PC's were extremely corrupt. My parents were on the wild rose hype train until they realizes that they were climate change deniars. I didnt get to vote beacuse i was in BC at the time. Idk who i would have voted for, maybe green just to say fuck it.
Citing a peer reviewed academic source is appealing to authority!1!!! xdgfdsfe

Srsly theres no way to win an argument if someone is stubborn enough, unless theres someone else to say what side was more convincing.

Just wasting your time otherwise.
>Eh, even keeping your hopes low wouldn't have been enough. I expected basically nothing and got even less than that.
>I let the /pol/ memes get to me :/
I am hoping that once this Russia probe is done and he is cleared that he goes beast mode and starts doing the job he was elected to do
I guess he will be a single term president
kinda sucks that ((((they)))) got to him so quick, he was the final hope really
but if i don't i feel bad
They hate gays, not trannies or lesbians.
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t-this is kind of turning me on
read the fucking new testament
paul or whoever says that christians don't have to follow any of the OT traditions save for not drinking blood & something else i can't remember
>Remind me what cable news channel was the most watched in 2016?

So does that mean the ten commandments are null too?
>muzzie hate brigading
>not focusing on what's actually important

new memes.

Next you claim they dont hate other muslims or infidels.
But it's dumb and you're needlessly flushing too much sodium out of your system.

I'm not happy with you right now.
>expecting someone online to admit they are wrong
>post clickbait article/meme infographic
>"hurr that's not a real source!"
>post academic source
>"hurr appeal to authority! circlejerk!"
And this is why Nicole should just give up.
u right i seen some hot muslim lesbo adult videos
>((((they)))) got to him so quick
Look at his son in law.

>peer reviewed academic source
i googled Brown, 2009: 256–7; Halverson, 2010).' and it didnt come up with anything related. Im not going to do her homework and find out how credible the source actually is
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The Spiritual Order of the Great Hummingbird Octopus Dragon is now accepting bitcoin donations, and muslim converts!

Also, where should I buy my bras so they don't hurt D;
>They hate gays, not trannies or lesbians.
They think trannies and gays are the same thing though, and lesbianism isn't even really a "thing" to a lot of them
>Look at his son in law.
yeah I know, Kushner
Kushner is literally fucking everything up
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Oh, and I should also add, I'm a card carrying member :^)

I dunno thought I'm pretty over them and basically all of the big 3 in Alberta and in BC. I voted Green this past election because fuck the BC NDP and fuck the BC Liberals (and BC conservatives are a joke)
Maybe im wrong then. Do you have the verse?
>i googled Brown, 2009: 256–7; Halverson, 2010).' and it didnt come up with anything related
How many trannies get executed over there vs gays/lesbians?

What would you say if I told you it was 0?
is that bad
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>when a close friend uses your transness as an insult for a totally different argument
I bet Elanna did this desu
>Less hate, more condescending pity.
Fair, I suppose. I won't act like cultural relativism is actually worth consideration.
>If the ideas are good, who cares if they're not original?
Not in response to me, but thankfully you're not as retarded as Cis Tits.
Don't old fucks vote for than millenials who are consuming the shitty liberal media?>>8329266
>So does that mean the ten commandments are null too?
Questions like these are difficult because it totally depends on your denominations/theology. Of course we can reason about it and come up with an answer, but people who are willing to spend so much time studying religious topics are bound to be either extremely zealous or skeptical and unable to put their feelings about the religion aside. Its hard for many of us to view Christianity under the same lens we would other theology, and even some of the most reasonable sects of Christianity (like catholicism) have nonsense like transubstantiation.
New fucking memes have arrived.
Yeah, most of their hatred for queers is directed toward a different subgroup of queers from the one we're in, so clearly we have nothing to worry about.
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No, they think trannies = women /concubines/eunuchs.

They get forced SRS
the youth voted for Trump
>Tfw Trump's dirty tricks won't stop russian investigation
>Implying England outside the EU matters.
It's like if terrorism happened in Bolivia
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Look at my face and tell if you think it's a good thing
ur bf seems pretty based senpai congrats
Isn't this the book collection that contradicts itself numerous times and in the end the only way to somehow live by its teachings is to cherrypick what you feel like doing? Not to mention the writings themselves were cherrypicked to fit the agenda of the curch at the time and the canon was revised multiple times.
>if it's not on google it doesn't exist!
Gee it's not like it could be in a book maybe?
>Human tells that you dont have to follow words of God.
Yeah... Paul was fucking heretic.
You're not queers though right? I thought you were women, are you saying you're not? Are you just a /pol/ tard pretending to be a tranny and push a narrative?
not on hand and i can't remember exactly how it was phrased
i think it was in acts or something
the council of the apostles or whoever decided that new christians shouldn't be burdened with most of the OT traditions, there was 'abstain from blood' and then something else i can't remember
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>im not going to give you the source or show you how well it was peer reviewed you just need to trust me it was credible.
And thus why i said i wasnt going to bother reading that wall of text.
You didn't try.
"Brown, 2009: 256-7" is A New Introduction to Islam, 2nd Edition by Daniel W. Brown, pages 256 and 257.
"Halverson, 2010" is Theology and Creed in Sunni Islam: The Muslim Brotherhood, Ash'arism, and Political Sunnism by J. Halverson(I think).
It's a useful tool.
Learn to Google correctly. Append key words of the topic at hand, I used Islam, to find shit.
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she can't keep getting away with it

this is definitely in the top 5 worst thing she's done so far this year

Just use olive oil on your skin if you want a nice skin.
>You didn't try.
I did try :/
i moisturize tyvm
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I'm going to give you a cyber-noogie
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Wait, as much as I think citing books is good form are they actually peer reviewed? I thought that was only journals?
That's not peer reviewed
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You were more eager to prove your ideological foe wrong than to be thorough. Remember, arguments are to get to the truth, that's the point of 'em. So try to be more exhaustive next time, okay?
>Tfw nobody actually voted for Trump and he lost by over 2 million votes
okay anon if i don't drink my fourth liter tonight will you not noogie me
Are you saying that being queer precludes one from being a woman or vice versa?
t. Naughty "Nim"
>the youth voted for Trump
Show me the carfax on that one.
>It's a useful tool.
Cultural relativism? Friend no pls
>Wait, as much as I think citing books is good form are they actually peer reviewed? I thought that was only journals?
No, Elanna, these people are PUBLISHED AUTHORS. Only the most thorough researchers can be named among the esteemed ranks of Joel Osteen.
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Why does everybody always have to argue!?
I think only journals, are, yeah.
Ohhhhh, so those sources in your post were the sources of the article you were sourcing.
or the majority of people voted for Trump and the Soros controlled machines were pumping up the Hillary numbers
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No, I'm going to do that anyway.

If you don't drink that fourth litre, I won't puncture your bicycle's tyres though.
Love the truck driver that rams you
Love the gunman that shoots you
Love the executioner that beheads you
Love the jihadist that bombs you

Love is the answer to all~

Then why are you drinking so much water? Your skin should be fine.

Being peer reviewed doesn't automatically make information correct, especially when your peers are biased to agree with you. Do the legwork yourself and cite data/statistics if you want to get to the bottom of things.

>tfw my 30 day free trial has expired
Denjiman's suits are shit.
Im sad
because i still wake up with dry skin every morning :(

gonna try putting aquaphor on my dry areas
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why the fuck did i have to ruin everything again
if you kill your enemies
they win
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it's very aggressive masculine behavior
Of course it is. We can justify friends and enemies with it.
no i won't let you noogie me >:(
justify deez nuts

Grow a pair, loser.

Then cut them off, I guess.
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How can your skin be dry if you have olive oil on it? Have you tried pawpaw ointment? Have you consulted a dermatologist? Maybe you have a skin condition?
the joke isn't even funny it's just being edgy for the sake of being edgy
I hate arguing and I avoid it like the plague :(
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>when your peers are biased to agree with you
I think you overestimate how much academics agree with each other/don't enjoy fucking each other over. Besides circlejerking is really only possible in the social sciences
seems legit
hi you
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>at the beach sitting on towel looking at water
>some cis girls who think they out of earshot point out how "that girl over there has such tiny breasts", and start laughing

who will help me destroy roasties?
Wash your face with sweet almond oil.
Do oil pulls
Google it
To which statement are you responding?

Not as bad as Changeman IMO
>Besides circlejerking is really only possible in the social sciences
That's exactly what I meant.

Eat their blood and bash their brains!
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>return to thread after a week away
>someone's reeeeing at roasties

alright then.
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Tough nuggets.

If you think it's okay to hurt yourself, then my logical extension of that is that you think it's okay for other people to hurt you too.
i will purge those whores for you
same. especially on the internet it actually makes me want to kill myself
If you fund your enemies, they lose

Jackass delivers speech on radical Islam to the founders of radical Islam.
Even in the social sciences I don't think sociologists can even find common ground between their two feet.
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>Implying Soros is more powerful than Putin's elite squad of H4xx0R5
ty anon <3
What did you actually do?
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Lets all forget about politics and social sciences for 1 hour and talk about other stuff!
What color of eyeshadow should I get. I got no idea
Conversely I don't think you can use statistics to determine objective truths in the social sciences either it's mostly about who can write words the hardest.
let's talk about how ur gay lol
>hi you
Got my eye on you, chump. Your days of spreading fear and terror and your legs are numbered.
i wish i could forget about the social sciences for 1 hour

i have some horrendous exam on quantitative methodologies on thursday and i truly wish i was dead
elanna even the concept of "causality" is controversial in this fucking field
*shrug* I dunno make up ain't my thing tbqh
Leg terror
im not hurting myself i take my multi-vitamins omg
Back to politics it is.
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That's controversial in any field that uses statistics even a tiny bit though, which is basically all of them
oh okay cool

i wish reality was so simple we could just explain phenomena through fucking linear regressions but ALAS
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Alright yo who's good with makeup???
I wanna get some eyeliner and shadow
I need recommendations
GOD jsut bullly and use me like that
wait no i wanna stop being horny makeup talk
all this talk about politics at least cleansed my mind of the absolute filth that was previously populating it

im trying to keep myself pure and my brain is NOT helping me
Is any explanation that isn't reproducible accurate though?
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nim did spicy invite you to her server yet
i can give you an invite if you readd me
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beach bitch.jpg
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do i look ok desu?
i got an invite from lauren :)
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>Days since last emotional abuse: 1̶5̶,̶ ̶1̶, 0
I wish I could afford to get out of this shithole :/
wait i didn't know my methodology exam was gonna be via /mtfg/

because i'm being specifically asked to reflect on things like "causality", "time", "explanation vs. description" and so on and so on in relation to a series of quantitative methods
haha LOOK at those TINY breasts
<3 valq is best.
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Why put on makeup when we're gonna end up smearing it anyway?
nobody determines objective truths
>Being pure
Hiw did you fall for this right wing christian patriarchal meme?

That cross looks like a tiny cock and balls.
tell me how to grow tiddies like that
>completely abnormal sleeping patterns, fucked up even further by highly irregular studying methods
>gf has 100% normie tier sleep patterns
being awake at 3 AM is lonely
nude palette or something similar
Depends on what colors do you usually wear? Don't go for light blue it's tacky, either match dark tones like deep purples or grey/blacks to your hair or if you're lighter you can use skin tones or a bit of gold to make things stand out without being gaudy. Vibrant colors can work but only with experience.
im a paladin in real life
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face peel.jpg
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cut ur balls off lol

i guess
small bewb dyke
the sand on your face looks like beard shadow
B but I'm 168 pounds! ;~;
Did you see my stupid hormone test scores?
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I think HRT cured my depression. The cuter I get the happier I am on a day to day basis. I haven't been sad in a pretty long time now.
Ya. How
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>me last night, shortly before pulling the shit that led to this morning's drama
i hope i can get to this point!
I thought I was on /mtfg/, not /pol/.
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>tfw scheduling consultation for next week
I'm so excited
Do I pass?
>tfw the cypro hits you hard
U can't be paladin if you're chaotic neutral! >:(
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I mean I'm more reflecting on how you said not everything was simple enough to run a linear regression on but that data that you can run a linear regression on is by its nature reproducible and that in some ways the simpler relationships are easier to demonstrate and reproduce whereas it seems the grander the scale of the idea you're trying to demonstrate the harder it is to reproduce with a mathematical model. Idk I've been drinking and I'm just babbling.
Correct, the universe does, we just observe them
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Please no I've been wasting so much time masturbating today I wanna stop and get things done aaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
What's a good way to get rid of those stupid dark spots under your eyes?
all brits pass you fucking sissies
sleep well/cut out coffee/drink enough water

i heard witch hazel can help? vitamin c serum too
God damnit! What did u do?
you're on 4chan
it is long gone, dw

ye, all the boys think im a fag :(

no lol
I feel like I'd fuck it up and ruin my chances of srs but I might have to at this rate.

purples/blacks sound decent if i use them carefully, i just want a bit of a smoky eye look that i currently only achieve by sleeping with makeup on

80 bucks for a practice eyeshadow is a bit too steep for me thanks

You weren't here when the previous half a dozen muslim terrorist attacks happened?

Light makeup over them
look like like a lesbian friend of mine
well i ended up deleting almost everyone i knew from /mtfg/ and deleted my server
it was the best server i'd ever been in
i'd gotten a good crowd and it was fun
i should've known me modding a discord wouldn't go down well
that's why i asked alice to make the trans only server when we migrated away from kiwi's
Color correction makeup

B-but I need my morning coffee...its the only thing makes me actually wake up. And I sleep for like 10 hours
I want to _____ with _____!!
how long hrt?
Is it even confirmed to be a muslim attack? Wouldn't surprise me, just need confirmation.
the cut ur balls off thing was a meme, self orchi a pretty bad idea
Have you had dark spots?

i woke at midnight freaked out I hadn't taken my e and I sleeo took it but like 12 hour half life, no?
yeah i don't think you can get rid of them completely without makeup, it's more of a reduction than anything
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oh really
it would be a shame if someone posted some lewd thigns then
like 15 months

>gay shit

post stuff with boys plz
I want to cuddle with sheen !!
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can you NOT
oh god the HAND
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>post stuff with boys plz
I usually do and get accused of creeping on nim or trying to turn nim straight
Reeee I'm 12 months and I don't pass.
you need to DELETE THIS
kill myself with alcohol.
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I want to do lots of things to/with Gracie!
Right? I'm the one messaging you lewd things on Discord.

I'm a boy who listens to makeup asmr cause imagining I'm a girl comforts me
Am I trans
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sorry graceu
all the girls think you're a cutie lesb though
love you all
you too huh?
i used to do this too but id always inner monologue in my head going "haha im a boy and she's treating me like a girl, that's gay, but im only doing this to help me sleep so that's not gay"
nim's sexuality is a battleground where no side has claimed a clear victory yet

the battle rages on
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does getting more masculine with age upset you?
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im like the weirdest mix of horny and heartache rn this is great
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the side of purity has claimed me for their team
passing is too easy when you wear a bra i'm going back to no bra and crying muh gender rights and not passing
Ahhh I'm sorry! Sounds like u had a major meltdown. I witnessed 2 of these episodes and didn't think anything less if the girls. It's sort of sad because all.of the media, but....people have their ups and downs and we all do stuff we regret sooner or later

I'll join your server :3
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are you going to get a boyfriend in europe?
not even you believe this
Ree im 30 months nopaûss
i deleted it kek
and spicy remade it but i'm too jealous and depressed to want to join hers
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Purity was the first casualty in this war.
buying food is hard
I already know the answer. I just like it when it's said outloud

I know I'm trans. I started hormones a week ago. Thanks to your advice.
the part of me that's crazy does
you tricked us
This, but actual literal sleeping.

>tfw no one to wake up next to and roll over and give a good morning kiss to
U pass to me.
Ur dum

Reeeeee I shouldn't be needing make up for under eye dark spot thingies when I'm only 17! WHY DOES THE UNIVERSE HATE ME!? T____T
>tfw no boy to wake you up by poking you with his morning wood
it's a common problem i think

i don't think you see women with them because they cover it up
Its often a lack of nutrition, exercise, sunlight, and outdoor leisure activities that causes this
Lmao I showed a vid of yours to my mom and she couldn't even believe you were a guy.

I hope u don't get mad for showing off my bff to my family.

Lol, just ask for an invite dork
I like reliving coming out on mtfg ;-;
It felt so special and true admitting it for the first time
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what if you got a boy friend in europe
one who helps you exercise so you get a nice butt that the ladies can check out?
why is that girl crying
feel happy with my existence
Im no mad
But your mom is dum.
Which one?
I haven't uploaded in a while
It's your genes! :)
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she is just really happy that she is going to have a nice butt thanks to all the exercise she is getting
i dont want to leave my safe house and i dont know what to buy
Yo why aren't we talking about how Anaheim is about to get their asses reamed
Ah the last one u sent me b4 your teef.

She bought me anti wrinkle cream lol. She's sweet.
>safe house.
beep is in witness protection
sex isn't real
>Sports that aren't basketball or football
Christ im ugly
Your mom's a spook.
>worst two sports
i have an invite, i just don't want to join
prove it to me

Why don't you have it delivered with Instacart new friend


>outdoor leisure activities

Ooooooooh that explains it. Outside and sunlight are evil.
i wish she was desu
anon im taken
or she has a sofa fort in her regular house
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>watching sports
if you do this, please don't reply to my posts ever again

you're creeping me out right now
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I might not have another choice.

Gotta wait for that but the muslim side of twitter seems quite happy about it

What if its watching sports a family member plays?
men come here to pretend to not wanting to be girls
What do you want to eat? Doesn't like amazon bring you groceries to your house now or is it just like select markets?
Did something happen to you beepy? Why don't u want to leave your home.
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Hey beautiful I'm drinking and watching hockey wanna armwrestle?
What would happen if I take codeine and coke at the same time?
borderline acceptable, but only if you spend most of the time actually playing around with your phone and hanging on to your boyfriend's arm
wanting to be a girl..

is there no greater crime?
i just wanna be safe from the outside
the closest one is 50 miles away i dont think theyll do it
i cant buy xanax there but i can probably buy lots of robotussin
probably just for ppl in cities. the thing that happened is i realized im ugly
>women talking about sports
Baseball has been the same stagnant game for over a century, Association Football is a snooze fest that relies on "muh national pride and passion" when the records for loudest crowds belong to American Football stadiums, and hockey is just retarded soccer on ice with sticks. American football is the ultimate team sport that allows for continuous innovation.
Now if we could do something to stop players from getting injured all the time :thinking:
You should be studying.
>The most interesting sport
Grab me another beer sugar tits.
hopefully it kills you.
How long b4 you hear a response for your offer?

What if instead of that I spend most of the time asking what the big sports ball words mean?
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American football is mostly a bunch of burly dudes in tights huddling and talking and then taking blows to the head
Prove me wrong
When I was younger and repressing I tried to get into sports so I could fit in with guys better, but I just couldn't because 90% of sports matches are so fucking boring.
>Association Football is a snooze fest
Confirmed for never having watched soccer.
> hockey is just retarded soccer on ice with sticks
It's not retarded but
>implying the rest of that is a bad thing
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help, there's a creepy weirdo hitting on me
>the thing that happened is i realized im ugly
you arent btw

what happened to me almost three weeks ago has messed me up
I dont want to go outside and do what I have to do, I cancelled my therapist appointment for today
I dont want to do anything but die
everyone here is sick of me complaining tho so w/e
Experience the sweet release of death with Elanna



Also it has nothing to do with age, it's more likely your 20 hour shitpost sessions and complete lack of sunlight.
Isn't American football like half advertisements anyway? I've only ever seen clips of it before, but they stop playing like every 10 seconds for some reason

You're the same one who said the end bits of bread aren't the best, aren't you?
seek sunlight
Well sure, those burly dudes are generally some of the smartest players on the team. Linemen (usually tackles on both sides, much less so for defensive ends) maintain a rather high level of athleticism considering their relatively high body fat content and weight.
The non burly guys are usually pretty dumb and hits to the head are illegal cmon elanna :(
>Confirmed for never having watched soccer.
ME big man. Need harsh physical contact to be entertained.
i'm the same person who posted the pic saying the opposite actually
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What would it take for me to convince you I'm not a weirdo and just think you're cute and wanna buy you a drink
You're not ugly to me. :3

>Using mysogny to justify your love of a game that needs 75 referees, 20,000 rules and high tech body armor to be properly played but can still be cheated by having inproperly inflated handeggs
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>Need harsh physical contact to be entertained.
>Need harsh physical contact to be entertained.
Double confirmed for never watching soccer and confirmed for never watching hockey. Also, have you heard of rugby?
>tfw bro-lanna will never think I'm cute and wanna buy me a drink
i think i just saw lani slip something into that girl's drink
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>What would it take for me to convince you I'm not a weirdo
a complete do-over of everything i've ever seen you post
I missed u.

Are you drunk? You're literally beautiful dork

>shit talking Hockey

BIIIIIIIIIITCH! Don't you dis the only athletic thing I was ever any good at!

>Isn't American football like half advertisements anyway?
I'll agree that there are WAY too many commercial breaks for the length of the game.
>I've only ever seen clips of it before, but they stop playing like every 10 seconds for some reason
To set up the next play. Football players condition to give everything they have for a couple of seconds on each play. Its actually a strategy to run a "hurry up" offense to tire out the defense and gain an upperhand, as the flow of the game is dictated by the offense starting the play and the defense being unprepared is not an excuse (with the exception of time outs and injuries). Clock management is an important part of the game, and each play requires set up and perfect execution by each player. Its like a physical strategy game where you get to reset your pieces after every play.
issa joke
That comment was in reference to soccer. Its a necessary condition but not a sufficient one :^)
Rugby is boring. Again, necessary versus sufficient condition.
I like those breads thank you for standing up for them
dont be such a nark dude
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Ahahaha oh god I love hockey fights

Hi I'm elanna nice to meet you would you like a gin and tonic?
Don't let your dreams be memes
Shhhhhhhh bro this is gonna be sick
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reviewbrah commented on the terrorist attack
thank god he is safe
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Holy shit, this is epic
>Don't let your dreams be memes

brb, getting a plane ticket to canada
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>Hi I'm elanna nice to meet you would you like a gin and tonic?
i actually don't drink alcohol

i hope you had a plan B for that roofie
I think you were tricked into liking American football, honestly. It's boring as sin to watch, and yes, I've watched it.
Yeah its pretty gud
i do too until i remember it gives them brain damage sometimes T_T
Oh she's Canadian? It makes sense why she likes hockey.
Tbh I've never seen snow and ice scares me so I can't watch.
I didn't know how much I wanted this...
that's silly
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>everyone has you filtered
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Be sure to fly to YHZ :)

Hey I'd take a little brain damage if I made as much as an NHL player desu

Hah, I lied, this is actually a delicious and ice cool water
Had you fooled didn't I?
Same actually

Hi sheen
Never would I ever filter chen
It feels a little weird to think that there are people who have never seen snow and aren't from like africa or the middle east
I hate to pull this card but if you simply don't understand what's going on, yeah its boring lol
I personally love the specialization of positions, watching a well-played defense work as a unit, and even the individual matchups like WR1 vs CB1 on an island, RE on LT, MLB vs QB when it comes to presnap reads and adjustments. Its all very exciting and stimulating. If you watch the sport and see the two teams stopping and starting with no one going anywhere without understanding what goes into each play, yeah, its boring.
Also, on your hockey point, I don't think fights are very entertaining. Its just silly, and if you even try to compare the physicality in soccer and rugby to American Football you obviously have not watched very much. I won't say other stories don't have as much history, because I don't know, but the innovations and constant evolution of how the game of football is played really appeals to me. Though I can see why the consistency of a sport like baseball or soccer would appeal to someone. Or I suppose it could be the estrogen
>Hey I'd take a little brain damage if I made as much as an NHL player desu
I don't think you can really afford any more brain damage at this point
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Wednesday I possibly meet with the CMO about a job he's dreamed up, it's probably analytics based
Saying I've NEVER seen snow is a bit untrue. On Christmas day in 2005 it snowed a little and we all crashed our new bikes into each other because we were amazed.
When I went to Boston the first time it was snowing very little the first night and there was some sweeped off to the side, but not really an appreciable amount. Cold enough to keep the snow from melting, but no snowing
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>cute boy flirting with me
>equally cute girl flirting with me

eeeeeeeeee which choice do I make!?
What makes you say that my brain is just fine tyvm

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>Had you fooled didn't I?
if i went to somebody's house and they offered me water, i would be so offended that i would pour it onto their carpet

i hope you're more generous in bed than you are with refreshments

both duh
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Think of a reason beyond "cute" why you'd pick either of them.
If you can't for either, drop both.
NO anne
>Hey I'd take a little brain damage if I made as much as an NHL player desu
No :0
Sheen you need to stop being so hard on yourself.
Does "penis" count as a reason?
>if i went to somebody's house and they offered me water, i would be so offended that i would pour it onto their carpet
prepare to be thrown out of my house
lose weight
what is wrong with you
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are you looking to fuck or looking to love
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w o w
And I was gonna be a very generous lover but how should I know you wouldn't just turn over and fart in my face?
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give me dr pepper and i'll stay, ok
i have to see you in MY thread
Only reason I went to football games in hs was to watch my gfs, and bf.

>Hey I'd take a little brain damage if I made as much as an NHL player desu
not a good tradeoff.

Can't I have both?
nim fuck you
i'm about to be gone for like a week gimme a break
desu I'm not even that into girls I just want to feel desired :(
its too late
dr pepper is a degenerate drink
>me dr pepper
I thought i was the only person who liked doctor pepper
where are you going

im going to england tomorrow is that cool
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Then you need more than Dick and Cute to fill that Love bit.
i would never fart in the face of someone with two butt holes

that would be like a one-armed man swinging a punch at a two-armed man
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>tfw height fucks up any chance I have at dating
we literally have a trip that avatars makise kurisu
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i hate my bones
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I think I can help with that


l i t e r a l l y
dying rn

So....girl then?
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Dr Pepper's great.
Correct. <3
Stop making me have a crush on you anytime now.
many of us love it.
if people didn't like it they wouldn't waste money making it desu
i'm going to nashville to see hall and oates and also to take sexy fun pics w/my friend

ur trip is gonna be lame tho i bet
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If the girl can give you more, then yeah.
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>dr pepper is a degenerate drink
every day, the people who live here in /mtfg/ find new ways to disgust and disappoint me
At what point can I kill myself?
it's not going to be lame she is going to kiss one of those big fluffy hat red guys on the lips
no im going to see my sister for my birthday

hall and oates is for old people ur gonna be with a bunch of old people lol

I mean I've talked to her a lot and she's always been nice to me so I guess that counts right?
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>dr pepper
Might as well drink cough syrup desu
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Shit gets you high why wouldn't you
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might as well live on the surface of the sun with those bugs from starship troopers
she doesn't have the guts for that tbqh

who cares they're gonna play all the bangerz and we're gonna dance it's gonna be cool
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If you really have to say "i guess that counts" about someone you want to love..
dude WEED lmao
i finished your whole mix. It was pretty good. I think im slowly getting into psy
>she doesn't have the guts for that tbqh
do to

i just don't want to

im gonna take a bunch of pictures okay!
have you done one before
do it

show ur butt in public

throw rocks at things

be spontaneous

why not have fun?
Trip on sass
shes going to kiss him right on the lips with no warning and hes going to get all flustered because a cute girl is smooching him
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nice meme
Wtf! CMO of what? This sounds so awesome!
you are too chicken to kiss a guard on the lips
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dr pepper is like one of the three soft drinks actually worth drinking (the other two are root beer and sparkling sarsaparilla)

if you disagree with this, please flick your nose for me
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Drugs will never get you as high as God will
>enabling fayes delusions
*puts on a buckingham palace guard disguise*
i'll habeeb it when i see it
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I'm glad it grew on you :3
I still have your set sitting on my hard drive I wanna give it the proper treatment, I like to listen to sets cranked in the car like a massive douche
My priest said the same thing before he touched my naughty bits
okay i flicked it
anon I like the cut of your gib
>Enjoying other people's tragedies because you disagree with their politics.
never changez /pol/tard
mean froggy anon is going to take pics
im gonna have fun
>replying to sass
>forgetting ginger ale and cola

i mean, you better
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That's not all I'm going to take.
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How do I make all short people die?
ginger ale is nice
also i had pineapple fanta and liked it
mine is this friday!!
he is the anon who pretends to be mean but is actually really nice. he always posts pictures of pee pee the frog.
Didn't you filter me?

Omg! Emi is going to cut loose in Euroworld!

other people often have opinions that need to be corrected

ginger beer is okay too, but it's wayyyy too full of sugar, and also cola is shit (just like your beep-boop skooda-looda-doo music)
who said I am enjoying it
I am not the virtual signalling left who cant seem to admit what the problem is
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Missy with that attitude you're cruisin for a spanking
>cola is shit
coke made with cane sugar in a glass bottle served ice cold is almost divine
So mean ;~;

I'll win you back over and we'll be lewd posting like it's 2016 in no time soon.
yeah dude everybody who disagrees with you has ulterior motives
Don't blow my cover, I'm bullying people.
>I like to listen to sets cranked in the car like a massive douche
now im worried you wont like it T_T
Fuck this guy I swear.

still have no idea who they are. have they been here long?

patrician taste
Chill out.
You're only like 6 feet tall.
jones soda is top tier desu
if i find cola in your house, i'm going to pour it on top of that water i poured onto the carpet earlier
squish us
What's the real problem, according to you?
yeah i think so
bullying is wrong
no, bullying people is okay as long as they deserve it
Then stop bullying me :0
unfettered and unvetted mass islamic immigration
bullying is wrong and immoral and i WON'T STAND FOR IT
stop being bullyable then wtf
Stop being a nimrod.
joan :3
you're so mean nim
i was on r9k the other night and they were talking about cosmetic surgery. someone posted this link and i think it might be useful for everyone here. i wanna try it, although i think i already know my priority areas
Doxxed me lmao.
Hi nim; no bully.
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Don't worry I guarantee I will!
Besides isn't DnB best cranked?

Oooh this is getting kinda hot
anyone else cry in the shower? idk how to stop it
With a car crusher
there is one specifically for ffs

gimme ur lunch moni

hope your day went well!
>isn't DnB best cranked?
yus im lucky i have good speakers here but it would probably sound better in a car.
>make server
>delete it after 1.5 months because of autism
>gets remade by a close friend
>don't want to join because of either pride or cowardice
Tfw FFS out of my price range.
It sucks being an ugly hon.
will you sit for it instead?
hey emi, how was your pizza?
Liquor store chain

It's super swanky, they have a pretty amazing high tech supply chain with predictive analytics software, they're super lean, but also one of the largest liquor chains in America. Think like mixing Starbucks with target

I'm writing up things to talk to him about
if i don't pass in like a year ill probably get virtualffs just to see what i need done

i wanna get a trach shave before that tho
Just join it who cares.
It was fine! I got my allergy shots, ran some experiments, had good lunch and dinner; nothing really special but it was nice, I hope you had a nice day as well.
yummy but small

i burnt the roof of my mouth a lil tho :(
I wanna get nearly everything.
I can't live like this for much longer
im sure you probably need more than you really need
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>Oooh this is getting kinda hot
ooh my bones
idk maybe worth a try. ive been using faceapp too much lately and getting really sad
insurance? its my saving grace but i havent gotten a quote yet and dont know how much theyll cover. ill probably end up somewhere in 30k total and ill be v thankful if even 30% of it is covered. if not, just have to put in 12 hour days at work :/ ill probably end up there
I need all the FFS surgeries
But since I need more than I think
That means FFS won't work
Great guess my option is to fucking kill myself
getting your calories in is always goods, try to let it cool a lil more next time

I'm going to be drinking some juice for awhile then I think I'll sleep, showers seem to drain energy out of me...
i meant to say you probably need less than you think you do
>im sure you probably need more than you really need
stone cold, nim
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I have a wee lil corolla with stock speakers I imagine your speakers are better lol
>i meant to say you probably need less than you think you do
After seeing your face i can honestly say the same about you .
idk they wrote a thesis on what makes a face male or female, they seem to know their stuff

they're trans too and work with facial team in their initial assessment
i want a trach shave, chin/mandible recontouring, rhinoplasty and brow shave

and hair implants if my temples don't fill in all the way
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desu the trach shave is probably the only thing you need.
ooooooooh sounds like an awesome challenge!

I sort of don't understand analytics beyond the potential for corporation strategy and real time feedback on market strategies, but you've got to have down the standards like who their competitors are, market position, risk mitigation and growth.

focus on added value and what you can bring to the mix!

I'm so excited for u! lol if you get this job and ever need a call center just let me know. lol.
i think aesthetics are just as important as just shaving away to girl proportions. idk you just have to make your face work thats why im afraid of pure ffs surgeons. but i guess they study that too
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Thank you amazon I would love to buy that for $2.99
lmao, remember this moment if you ever doubt your transness
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idk i think the brow shave would just be done aesthetic reasons, i don't have much but ive heard getting rid of the little you have can open up your eyes a lot more

and i also heard that brow shaves are usually done in conjunction with rhinoplastys to keep the harmony of the face, and i have a p big nose so id get that done too

my orbital rims are p bad too and ive heard they shave those down with a brow shave so that's another reason to get it done

my chin is my worst feature after my adam's apple and i believe my jaw comes right after that
well yeah there's a artistry to cosmetic surgery
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nothing's really changed here
why buy it for 2.99 when you could pay me to write it for 29.99
oh and if we're being super picky id also get that surgery that makes your ears stick out less so i don't look like dumbo when i put my hair up
>futa soccer team
>rainbow thigh-highs on the front cover
stop making me look at weird things on amazon wtf im probably im a pervert watch list now
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>there's a whole series of them
You should see what it's done to my recommended list ;~;
>You should see what it's done to my recommended list ;~;
post it
Hey im pure
do you think i could get a sketchy south american surgeon to bash my head with a hammer until it's feminine
maeve no
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>tfw u kill the thread
*bops your head with a plastic toy hammer*
there you go
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TFW you think about how bad it would be to age as a guy and then the anxiety, depression, and dysphoria hit like a freight train
tfw no gorgeous athletic futa stepsisters
it'd probably be a pretty cheap operation compared to american surgery with with their fancy shmancy safety standards
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Hi everyone
Actually I was getting confused I was looking at the related list
Still, this is my recommended list
I think amazon thinks I'm a homo
Yeah this author is pretty hooked on futa ngl
>fake sass
why would u even?
lol, your nightmares are my existence.
I wouldn't trust a South American to run the hot tap, let alone run any kind of medical clinic.

Also you're already cute, there's nothing more we can do for you other than remove one of your dimensions.
>tfw already did 22 years of it
>masc body
>tfw no pass
>I think amazon thinks I'm a homo
Thats because you are
elanna stealth advertising her erotica writings here
>Image limit
New thread when
that's racist.gif
>You don't know it was Muhammad Jubar Ali Kareem Askaban
What are you even trying to say
Thread posts: 627
Thread images: 151

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