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Trans men and women, having experiences being treated as a male

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Trans men and women, having experiences being treated as a male and as a female, what differences have you noticed between how the sexes get treated by others?
mtf. it's pretty much what you'd expect. people are weirdly nice to you, but you have to put up with creepy af dudes. 8/10 would transition again.
I don't totally know because I never really conformed to a male role. There was a huge amount of pressure to conform - to be tough and masculine - with a threat of violence if I didn't. Once I transitioned I could be my feminine self and blend in without pressure.

Dealing with creeps is definitely an issue and I was in a scary situation where a chikan was groping me. On the other hand I feel I get more positive attention and people are more helpful now. Crying can get sympathy rather than scorn. While people are more willing to help me, they are less likely to want my help and my opinion.
>There was a huge amount of pressure to conform - to be tough and masculine - with a threat of violence if I didn't.
What behavior exactly did they want and what were the threats, physical and otherwise?
The pressures were kind of stereotypical - I grew up in the 70s and 80s so the expected behavior was more traditional than is probably the case now. It was things like being pushed to play with boys instead of girls, stay out of mom's closet and away from her jewelry, no dolls, don't cry so much, go outside and do rough and tumble stuff, get into sports, etc. Nonverbal behaviors like the way I sat, walked, talked were always criticized as being effeminate.

With my family the threats were getting yelled at and being treated as a black sheep, and everything wrong was my fault. That was mostly from the men - especially my father and his father. With boys it was constant taunting, bullying, beating me up. Once puberty hit and it was clear that I wasn't attracted to girls the way I was supposed to be the bullying got even worse, since I was pegged as a faggot. Gym class was a special kind of hell, and things were bad enough that one year I came within one day of being flunked for missing too many days of school.

I did repress somewhat for the sake of survival while in school, but once I got into college I started dropping the repression and was able to get some counseling that set me on the transition path. The college environment was more relaxed and I didn't feel threatened the way I did in public school. I didn't get bullied or anything. It's sad that I didn't get the same tolerance in school that I got in college.

My family was upset when I told them about my transition, especially my father, but at least I didn't get disowned. It's not like it was a total surpise. They still don't totally accept who I am after all this time but it's gotten better.
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>casual misogyny everyday
>being weak
>being seen as an object
>the cost of bras, makeup, hair care
>not being able to travel overseas alone
>people don't give a shit about your opinions

yeah any MtF who says "its easier being a girl hehe" is clearly unpassable and hasn't lost male privilege, yes im 200% happier as female and i always knew i was one, but there are downsides.

I don't give a shit what neckbeard faggots say, being a girl is hard and most men who preach how easier being a girl is wouldn't last a week as me.
That's a good list. I would say that personally it's easier being a girl only because it is something I can do and the hassles have been manageable. Being a guy was simply not doable for me. Life has been far from easy since my transition, though.

One example of frustration was when I was working as a low-end research assistant, and men were hired into higher level jobs that I was totally capable of doing without me even getting consideration. They would actually be working on research while I'd end up doing clerical stuff like running off copies.

Another example - the "help" I get can be patronizing, as in underestimating my capabilities and offering help with things I don't need help with.
Give me the sex now
maybe you just dont have an assertive personality

theres tons of succesful women out there in posiitons of power or prestige, maybe you have to be cuntier idk
being a womyn is easy

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>casual misogyny everyday
men get shit too for no reason this has pretty much leveled out in the west
>being weak
i can't remember the last time my strength helped me in life
>being seen as an object
men are basically seen as drones. sent off to war, sucked dry for alimony, noone gives a shit about the suicide rate or homelessness, it's somewhat automatically assumed it's their responsibility alone. don't see how that is preferrable
>the cost of bras, makeup, hair care
that really depends entirely on personal choices and what you spend on it. hair care is a valid point, but men have to groom too, like shaving every day if you have a job where it's inappropriate to come in scruffy af. if it's a problem for you, there's women galore who have practical short hair cuts or cut their own hair / cut it for their friends and vice versa. it's not fucking impossible to live frugally if you have a vagina [or feminine benis, whatever]
>not being able to travel overseas alone
i know plenty of chicks who traveled overseas alone, to the US, to china, even to india, backpacking.

nice bait

>people don't give a shit about your opinions
>most men who preach how easier being a girl is wouldn't last a week as me.
that's prolly because you don't pass and because you fling shit at men in general due to your rampant fucking victim complex
not bait, ur just a triggered neckbeard faggot
That's a big victim complex you've got there
>saying men have problems is banned
>therefore men don't have problems

That's nice misandry you've got going there.
if you don't pass and especially if you have an attitude people will probably treat you like shit and you'll have a target on your back. if you seem like a normal woman you'll basically be invisible and whatever casual misogyny you get thrown at you probably won't be any worse than the casual misandry guys have to deal with

idk maybe you don't pass as well as you think you do. like another anon said women can travel unaccompanied as long as they're smart and especially if they're trained in self defense or carry a weapon. outwitting and evading dangerous creeps isn't hard if you aren't completely naive. also if someone is keeping you down or condescending you, you can politely tell them to fuck off. if someone is exploiting or discriminating against you, report them. if that doesn't work, get revenge, and don't get caught
>gives a well-reasoned argument why you are wrong
>you're just a triggered neckbeard faggot!!!1!
Not an argument.
Mtf here, it's better in some social situations. Evens out in the end.
>people are nice for no reason
>easier to find work
>less expected of you at work
>creepy guys
>getting ready takes way longer
>higher expectations for how you dress/act
>beauty products are expensive
>your opinions are ignored at work
>>easier to find work
>>less expected of you at work
How significant are these factors?
Significant. But they're heavily related to how attractive you are. Pretty people find work much easier, have better salaries and are treated better by both coworkers and bosses. And the opposite for ugly people. .
Can you give examples of how attractiveness and sex both impact finding work and work expectations?
>write my paper for hate class plz
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>getting ready takes way longer
Kek, fucking this. Used to just stand up from bed, put pants on and walk out the door as a boy.
Now I need like fifteen minutes minimum to dress, apply makeup and fix hair, and that's just doing the core essentials with what little time I have on weekday mornings.
God forbid I have to go somewhere on the weekend, I keep being late when meeting friends or family because I spend like two hours for shower, shaving, drying, skin care, hair care, dressing fancy and doing makeup.
>jealousy of cis people class
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>fell for the female privilege meme

>Gynocide when?
i'm a misogynist mtf, do i get to live?
can it be mutual?
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to sum it all up. Most humans don't actually know what it means to be human because the way they were raised has an extremely limiting perspective to ones side. When you experience both sides of the coin you become more introspective over the years especially when and after you pass. It's sad that most humans in this existence will never understand other perspectives except their one and only experience.
but the men at least have to look after me in return?
as long as they do in return for me making them happy.
That's why OP's asking for our perspectives.
fuck dude that's like asking me to write a fucking novel about my life.
Just give me the wikipedia plot summary.
As a trans female I learned men call women 'faggot' alot
That's funny, I'm trans female and I've learned lesbians call each other men a lot.
When I was a boy other boys feared and rezpectedme cuz I was tall black and didn't care about life. It was fun!! :3 Now they think I'm stupid on want them to fuck me all the time and talk down to me ... It's werid
No wonder they think you are stupid if you write like that.
literally the subject of the thread
This. FTM here.

I've been scorned and. It taken seriously, treated as retarded/childish for being a butch woman when I presented as such.

As a man, yes, you're expected to do more. But at least you can be ugly and have worth because of what you do. Being a woman, you're expected to make men feel strong and be pretty for them. If you do neither of these things you have serious problems socially and in your career.

t. ftm 5 years in
Examples? I'm ftm but never participated in gay female culture.
>and men were hired into higher level jobs that I was totally capable of doing without me even getting consideration.
Did you say you could do those jobs or ask to do them? No.
Since transitioning from male to female I've experienced quite a lot, still worth it though.

>been sexually harassed many times
>been a victim of domestic battery
>cat-called, ogled and hit on (not particularly a bad thing imo)
>guys hold doors open for me
>guys let me cut in line at the register/check out
>guys offer to help me with stuff
>totally random guy one day saw me struggling to lift a tipped over motorcycle, stopped his car, got out and helped me
>Been talked down to by male friends like I'm some stupid whore in a bar (ironically they used to respect my opinions when I was a man)
>Often treated as a sex object
>Guys buy me free shit from my Amazon wishlist all the time (kinda weird honestly, strangers buying people they'll never meet free stuff just to be nice)
>takes me way longer to get myself together before going out for the day
>make up, hygiene products and clothes are far more expensive
>Have to have an increased level of preparedness, situational awareness and concerns for my safety than I used to
>Been talked down to by male friends like I'm some stupid whore in a bar
What kind of talking down?

>Often treated as a sex object
In what way?

>Guys buy me free shit from my Amazon wishlist all the time (kinda weird honestly, strangers buying people they'll never meet free stuff just to be nice)
Which guys and how did they find your wishlist?
>What kind of talking down?
With this one guy for example, we'll be just chatting about a particular topic and he will act like anything I say is stupid. It can be any topic (politics, video games, movies, current events, etc) and he'll talk over me, cut me off mid sentence, disregard my opinions, has no interest in my views on anything. Before I transitioned he showed genuine respect and interest, we could talk and have actual conversations. Now I feel like he doesn't give a shit what I have to say just because I'm a chick.

>In what way?
Nearly every guy I meet is just looking for sex. It is not possible to get a normal relationship. Its not really that they are chasers either but it's as if it's the only thing going through men's heads. Most of the guys I've known seemed to always be looking for sex, nothing else from me.

>Which guys and how did they find your wishlist?
Mostly random strangers on social media. I have it listed on some of my profiles. Its interesting seeing how many random dudes online will buy me stuff and not even ask or want anything in return.
>Before I transitioned he showed genuine respect and interest, we could talk and have actual conversations. Now I feel like he doesn't give a shit what I have to say just because I'm a chick.
A shame. Find better friends I guess.

>Its interesting seeing how many random dudes online will buy me stuff and not even ask or want anything in return.
Do they talk to you or tell you they bought you something, so they get the social reward of knowing you appreciate it? Which social media sites does it happen on and which doesn't it?
Some will send me a message that they bought me something, and I thank them. But often I'll get stuff in the mail with no idea who sent it, no messages, nothing. Kinda odd, but I don't complain, it's free stuff. Any site I have it listed on. FetLife, Twitter, tube sites, etc. You'd think its just horny dudes looking for my attention, but most of them don't want anything in return or don't say anything at all. The internet is weird like that.
I don't really understand. Gay men usually just want sex too. I don't understand what changed from you going from male to female unless you liked girls before you transitioned.
I'm bi and was a virgin until after transition.
Most of the issues I ever had are when I didn't pass and was visibly trans or at least very gay to people not aware of trans people, one I started passing I became much more invisible to other people.
The only sexual harassment I've ever received was from men when I was an impassable mtf.
I feel pretty jealous tbhon. Do you look pretty or have cute profile pics? Are you openly trans in your profiles?

I have no idea about the ones who don't send a message. Maybe they just get satisfaction knowing a cute girl is getting a gift? Perhaps they hope you'll tweet your thanks anyway without knowing who they are?
unpassable transsexuals get treated like shit and are physically weak
FtM here.

I feel a lot of women think that the grass is greener. But for all the talk of male entitlement, society is kind of blind to men's needs and it's easier to raise needs as a woman.

If you're a man who needs any kind of support, you'd be better off as a woman, in my experience. My particular social issue that I care most about is male victims of female perpetrator abuse, as abused men get fucked over twice.
Me thinks it's just them acting out of instinct. Nothing rational.
>Are you openly trans in your profiles?
its probably this desu, i know attractive cis girls and they dont just get free shit for having dating profiles and social media profiles
Do they put their amazon wishlists in their profiles?
i hate being male
We all do hon.
Passing gives you less sexual harassment?

is correct
>being this delusional
start passing, go outside, and stop watching blaire white

hons like u are half the reason im borderline terf
I've been treated exactly the same as both genders. I even still get the "you're a very logical thinker" comments. The only difference I've noticed is that guys give me friendly hugs now, while that was too gay when I was male.

People who get treated very differently are very attractive as their new sex I think.
oh look its this thread again
Maybe your social circle respects your personality over your body more than many social circles?
diff anon
My experience too. My friends are mostly liberal very high IQ people.
It's really easy to be a freeloader now and that's about it.
i just hate it when men use the word 'misogyny' unironically
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>the cost of bras, makeup, hair care
kek baka kys tbqh fampai desu
I don't pass (still get misgendered every day) but everyone treats me like a retard/underage now.
You're visibly identifiable as trans. People probably treat you that way because they believe treating you normally risks provoking you into causing a big dramatic scene, or even making you kill yourself. That is pretty much the public perception of trans.
>You're visibly identifiable as trans
But how could that be? I am careful not to wear anything that could be seen as "girly", no makeup, just oversized men's clothes.

I should be "blending in" with my boymode successfully but instead men are extremely passive aggressive towards me.
When you said you were being misgendered I just assumed you had socially transitioned

You know, being in boymode, you are not *really* being misgendered when people see you as a boy, since you are presenting as a boy deliberately...

Anyway in that case when did you notice people started treating you like a retard?
>I just assumed you had socially transitioned
Oh, right. Sorry.
>when did you notice people started treating you like a retard?
Just about 7 months in.
>about 7 months in
Maybe the whoremoans started to make you think more like a woman, so you naturally became more self-conscious and suspicious of others? :^)
>i just hate it when people use the word 'misogyny' unironically
yeah, way to ruin a joke dude
the post >>8260198 was hinting that MtF = men

which they are

mate-to-female gays are men

mark these words
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This whole thread is making me hate being trans
As much as I hate having a male body, I don't want to lose my male social role, I've always been loud and kind of a "group leader", I don't really like accepting help of people for no reason and I like to feel in charge.

There's multiple girls at my uni which are fit that bill pretty well, but transitioning is probably going to kill my social confidence.

These thoughts stopped me from transitioning a few months ago, but then dysphoria comes back and I'm reminded that I don't have a choice.
Why do you like that male role? Are you lesbian?
why do you hate your male body? is that just part of dysphoria, or is it because of specific features or experiences?
I'm bi but I'm lean towards men, I don't really women for some reason.

Why do I like it? I feel as if that's when my personality comes out best, that's when I "flow", I can get everyone to laugh and have a good time then. I don't like accepting help or feeling unimportant because I want to be seen as capable and impressive. I don't know why I want to be viewed that way, my therapist thinks it's probably something to do with my dad constantly shouted at me for not being that way as a kid.

Hmm, it's difficult to describe, but imaging myself as a hairy beefcake, or even just an average dude makes me feel sick, seeing my wide hands makes me sad and seeing my long, bony face in the mirror makes me feel hopeless. Imaging myself as a passing makes me feel happy.

However, sometimes I look at an old picture of myself and think that if I give up on all trans shit, take care of myself and dress nicely, I'd make for a more handsome man than I would a woman, and then I feel a slight longing, I'm not sure what that means.
I don't get as much pussy as I used to unless it's some girl trying to experiment with a vagina gentleman like me.
In what way are your feelings towards women less?

Would you want to be the one in charge like that in a relationship with a man?

Strangers in public give me significantly more respect, and apparently I'm seen as funnier too. My sense of humor hasn't changed at all. I also feel infinitely safer when walking around alone at night, meanwhile I also see women cross to the other side of the road so that they don't have to walk past me. Mixed feelings at that last part, since apparently now I'm seen as a potential threat.
>Mixed feelings at that last part, since apparently now I'm seen as a potential threat.
Enjoying that male privilege I see!
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Of course, why wouldn't I?
>In what way are your feelings towards women less?
Only romantically, I have plenty of female friends that I enjoy talking to, but I've never developed a crush on one for some reason.

>Would you want to be the one in charge like that in a relationship with a man?
I don't really want to be controlled in a relationship, I mean, maybe in bed, but aside from that I just want to be in a relationship with someone as assertive and as a forceful as I am, I'm a pretty lazy person so it would be nice having an adventurous person to bring me out of my routine stupor, and I'm a bit of a people pleaser too, maybe if I wasn't constantly around people who I felt I needed to impress I wouldn't feel the need to be in charge all of the time.
>apparently now I'm seen as a potential threat.
>being scared of a manlet
wew lad
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I'm 5'9"
You don't crush on women but are you attracted to them physically as much as to men?
You sound cute in a weird way.
Pls be my bf, doggo poster.
I always wanted a bf shorter than me.
Pretty much.
lol this level of delusion
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Hons are gross to me, sorry.
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I understand that.
How feminine were you as a kid? When did you start wanting to be a girl?
>tfw neet retarded shut-in pre transition
>tfw still retarded shut-in

idk, I don't have much experience with people but everyone has always been nice to me, probably because of my diminutive size and mannerisms I always gave vibes that garnered protective feels

or not, idk
At least you aren't a NEET any more!
Not very. I mean, I was kind of shy, kind and not aggressive at all like the rest of my family, but I wasn't feminine, I always acted kind of "plain".

I started thinking about wanting to be a girl when I was 8 years old, I kind of remember my first thoughts about it. I began thinking I was trans when I was 12 and I saw news article on someone who had transitioned and was immensely fascinated with it.
Implying I get treated as female post transition
What were your thoughts and fascination? The very first and the later ones?

>>8219686 BTFO
Why didn't you?
This whole thread is giving me a giggle, lass
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When I was a male I was invisible, people expected me to do manual labor and be strong. Women treated me like virus. I could only get hired for shitty wage slave jobs because society just assumed since I was man I would do work any job.

I always knew I was a women tho, People always would say I was feminine. 2 years HRT
When I became a woman I had a whole new set of problems.
I got hired for a sweet desk job which is nice, it's a very progressive company. All the awesome clothes are fun and the ladies restroom is so comforting. I love doing my make up talking about guys with the other girls. We go shopping together, that part is nice.
is the constant attention from guys.
They just look at me like some object, they hit on me constantly. They are just so horny, they always try to come up to me.
Like I was the gym killing my workout gurrrllll I was doing the bad girl leg exercise in my yoga pants and this dude just comes up and and trys to give me advice, I said
>Thanks, but I know what i'm doing
Then he asked me for my number. I was like excuse me i'm just trying to work out leave me alone.
This is the worst part. Guys suck, I hope one of my new girlfriends is a lesbian tho..
I find girls so much better
I can dream
if that pic is you then i doubt guys are coming up to you at the gym.
just sayin'.
>I love doing my make up talking about guys with the other girls. We go shopping together, that part is nice.
>Guys suck, I hope one of my new girlfriends is a lesbian tho..
uhhh wrong, they come on to me all the time.. They tell me I look like JLAW.
Sorry if you can't pass.
Maybe you just dont give off a true females energy.
I was passable before HRT and tits.
That was just icing on the cake
you wouldn't understand
>can no longer be casually friendly with women
>in some neighborhood and / or at night, women avoid me or look at me like I'm a potential threat
>no longer able to check women out in all impunity
>no longer able to act cute and flirt my way out of problems
>expected to pay for female friends, even in casual encounters
>no longer gets anything free
>expected to look after the safety of female friends, including being pushed into fights which I am clearly going to lose
>been homeless as both genders, male homelessness is much, much harder, can't emphasize that enough
>shitty feminism is a pain in my ass (promotions get to female colleagues first, same for job opportunities, etc)
>shitty feminists are a pain in my ass- complimenting a woman is sexual harassment now that I'm a guy apparently
>"if you don't want to fuck any woman who's into you then you're not a real man"
>lost access to a support group for victims of sexual exploitation, since those groups are gender separate and there aren't any male groups really except in the capital

>people stopped pestering me with "maternal instinct" and how I should have kids
>women no longer fuck with me over how slutty I dress
>I'm no longer a lesbian so I'm no longer a walking fetish
>no longer get comments like "you're chill for a girl" and other similar things, although personally I never gave much of a shit
I'm BI your fuckin Fascist.
I was built for sex, attraction is a spectrum
and just happen to love and get alot of sex
I have a question
Can you make a better sandwich now?
I can see where you're going with this, lol
Nobody fucks bisexuals.
Women don't fuck bisexuals because they don't want to get AIDS from a fag.
Fags don't fuck bisexuals because they don't want to get girl-cooties from a breeder.
Nice fantasy meme tho.
If you're bi why do you act like an HSTS?
Hello all

I'm a moderate, white, straight, privileged male who is fascist, sexist, somewhat racist, well read and in the mood for a discussion that would help me understand and hopefully bridge our differences

Why would you want to do this? Do you think your decision was influenced by your environment/friends/upbringing or general norms, and, if so, then why so? Also, after experiencing the repercussions, do you regret your decisions?

BTW, this is not bait, I am genuinely curious
Better make your own thread. I'm not the kind of person who ignores polite questions though.

>Why would you want to do this?
My sexed body parts feel so alien to me that it's comparable to the feeling of someone else touching me. It's as intrusive as being touched intimately by someone else. It's been like that since forever. I'd have done anything to relieve that feeling. Transitioning fixed it.

If you want to have a conversation, make a new thread. I'm not going to answer you here in a thread that's clearly not about the questions you bring up.
Will do so, thanks. I just don't like hogging an already crowded catalog....the more threads there are the less viewing time each one gets
>>been homeless as both genders, male homelessness is much, much harder, can't emphasize that enough
How is it so much worse for men?

>>shitty feminism is a pain in my ass (promotions get to female colleagues first, same for job opportunities, etc)
How is that legal in your country?
Sounds like you are salty because she passes and you don't, hon.
>How is it so much worse for men?
Homeless shelters are full and women have priority for beds, showers, and medication. As a woman I slept on the streets very rarely, as a man I never got access to any shelter, except once or twice for showers.

>How is that legal in your country?
There are positive discrimination laws in a lot of countries' legal systems. It's not that different from rewarding employers who hire disabled people, or rewarding those who hire non-white people. It's only more obnoxious to me because while I see clearly how non-whites and disabled people are kept in poverty by the system, I don't see the same happening to women, except the trans ones.
MtF, specially the one starting out their transition will suffer the same issues as males do when searching for shelter.

Nowadays I'm doing ok and I can pay for my own house but when I was kicked out of home I tried searching for a shelter and they didn't accept me, didn't really matter when I told them the entire story about being trans.

The ones that don't pass I reckon would also be in a perpetual position where they are treated as men or even worse.
This kind of discrimination sickens me.

How do they choose which times sex is more important than qualifications?
How did they justify not accepting you?

If you'd passed or had your documents changed would they have?
Yeah, at least I don't get assaulted for looking feminine if I sleep under a bridge. There's less stigma on trans men and more invisibility.
If qualifications are equal, then the woman has to get the job. The law doesn't privilege underqualified women over qualified men, thank god.
Some schools and businesses do that though, so they can brag about having a 50/50 gender ratio in traditionally male fields. Politicians and elite schools are the ones doing it the most.
It makes me really, really bitter to hear about.
>How did they justify not accepting you?
They didn't had enough vacancies for homeless men and I should look elsewhere.
Then I tried to explain my entire life story while sobbing, showing them my meds and explaining I got kicked out because I told my parents I was trans.
Didn't really help and I had to go.

>If you'd passed or had your documents changed would they have?
Well the documentation I had didn't work but if I passed I think maybe it would have worked, it's not like the woman wold have asked to see my genitals, I hope at least.

I think you guys have to endure a lot of shit too, like you said yourself, people kinda give freebies for women and you guys kinda lose that when transitioning.
Nowadays I'm doing pretty ok so I think I get the female ride most of the time if not always.
So they just kicked you onto the street as a kid, despite seeing your meds?

What documentation did you have?
Transitioning makes you realize just how deep the social differences based on gender run. Gender equality movements could learn from that, actually. Or sociology in general. We have insight into what it's like to switch social categories, that's got to be interesting from a scientific point of view.
>So they just kicked you onto the street as a kid, despite seeing your meds?
Pretty much, It was in 2012.
After that I went through a lot of stuff, was lucky to get a friend which let me stay there for a while and so on. Then I moved to where I live now and I work at a bar.

>What documentation did you have?
Therapist appointment, recipes at the pharmacy, blood tests. That was about at the time. Still had boy ID if that's what you're asking.

Would be interested if we ever had a trans man or woman doing proper research in that area.
Though I also tend to believe people would try to discredit them due to inherent transphobia in some of those sociology circles, since nowadays degrees in that area are oppression olympics specializations instead of proper study.
This is why I always read threads like this even though I don't have much to contribute.
I just can't imagine what they could have said to turn you away or how they could have felt it was ok.

How old were you at the time?
>I just can't imagine what they could have said to turn you away or how they could have felt it was ok.
It was pretty much how I said but in a more bored tone, the social worker lady seemed to hate her job or she was having a really bad day.

I was 17 at the time so I didn't really start transitioning that early.
It makes me bitter how men and mtfs are treated.
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