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Hey legbutts. Just found out that I'm indisputably agp.

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Hey legbutts. Just found out that I'm indisputably agp. What even is the point of such a thing existing? Is there really even anything legitimate about this mode of being? Why shouldn't I just blow my brains out right here and now.

>Why shouldn't I just blow my brains out right here and now.

If you can pass, you'll enjoy your life and not even be bothered by AGP anymore. If you can't pass, yeah, you might as well.
It doesn't matter whether I can pass or not. There's nothing ok about this. It's not a good feeling to have.
How do you know?

>There's nothing ok about this.
Why not?
find someone who shares your kink??? there are people out there would would love having you be a sissy girl in in the sheets and a strong man on the streets.

even if it's a dude, are you really going to tell us "i dress up as a woman to get off, but the presence of someone else's dick would ruin it"?
>how do you know
actually took the time to read up on it for once instead of just dismissing it. It's somewhat spooky when you read something that fits you in ways you don't want it to.

>why not
I don't want to feel this way. Isn't that enough?
I'd rather not have this kink at all.
AGPs are superior to HSTS in my experience, dealing with HSTS is just like dealing with a regular female. I mean the kind that spends her day gossipping about the Kardashians or updating hourly statuses on Facebook, literal fucking airhead.
It's not a kink, silly. It's your sexual orientation!
It doesn't matter what you call it. It's pathetic.
>It's pathetic.

I don't even understand what you're talking about. If you want to transition, then do it, it doesn't matter why. It's your life
Airheads are cute
OP didn't realize she was a tranny but now she knows she's an AGP.
They're maybe cute to masturbate to but try living with one and you'll blow your (or her) brains out, it's an insufferable rollercoaster of pure subhumanity. I dated exclusively women and it almost drove me insane before I decided to switch to trannies.
Airhead trannies are cute. Airhead women should burn.

Airhead trannies just want to play vidya with you
High IQ, masculine brained people will play vidya with you. Airheads will spend the night posting 70 dog filtered selfies on normiebook before blowing your cock for five minutes and drifting off to sleep. You might as well just get a blowup doll if that's what you want.
>High IQ, masculine brained people will play vidya with you.
what the fuck am i reading lol
Is it common for females in your family or social circles to spend their time playing vidya? If you want a 'bro' in a girl's body you always go AGP, never HSTS.
>Is it common for females in your family or social circles to spend their time playing vidya?
honestly yeah, I have two female cousins who play vidya with me all the time and they are very much cis straight

Also I'm HSTS and I'm addicted to competitive vidya
>I'm HSTS and I love bullshitting people
Fixed. Typical woman.
>AGPs are superior to HSTS in my experience,
greentext about how great agps are pls
general things or specific stories
>t-there's no way I can be wrong... they... they must be lying to me
Lol whatever lets you sleep at night
Uh, HSTS FTM, right? Because that doesn't work the same way.

If not... are you SURE you're really HSTS?
Not arsed to make walls of greentext, it's just that I lived with real women for quite some time and it was awful, tried dating HSTS trannies before I even knew what HSTS was and it turned out to be just as awful. Vapid, semi-retarded, incompetent, treacherous and always after your money. With AGP I actually found someone I can fully function in a relationship without my head exploding in rage.

Fuck off already.
AGP + dysphoria is a lesbian brain that got fucked by male body. Just keep taking estrogen and meditating/changing your brain and you will become more naturally womanly. The brain is plastic and can be molded in this way.

After long enough on hrt and if you regulate behavior and neurology enough you will just be a weird lesbian girl basically. Relax and love yourself, this is something you can change
I have no AGP fantasies at all, and I'm only attracted to men.

>I'm a chaser and I love bullshitting people
See? I can do that too.

How do you know your girlfriend is AGP, anyway?
>lesbian brain
That's a cheeky white lie, lesbians have male brains.

>AGP = lesbian
Forgetting meta-attraction there!
What's your history of crossdressing? How GNC were you as a kid and when did you transition?
>I'm a chaser and I love bullshitting people
The difference is I'm not interesting in debating your faggot ass while you keep pestering me and shilling agenda about how supposedly awesome a relationship with your kind would be.
Because she's a narcissist who's obsessed with her girly image, actual women don't function like that.
>while you keep pestering me and shilling agenda about how supposedly awesome a relationship with your kind would be.
You are doing exactly the same shilling AGP, lol

First crossdress was at 7 because I never stopped crying about it. By 10 everyone already knew I wanted to be a girl but my parents were still trying to stop me.
At 15 they sort of accepted me and I started hormones in my 17th birthday, but I already openly crossdressed since late 15/early 16
More like giving advice while you're actually self-promoting.
How did you get along with boys and with girls? Did you act feminine? Did you crossdress in private at all?
>HSTS don't play videogames
>but I'm one and I play

You need some sleep anon
I mean shit like this >>8181360 >>8181387

Huh. I have no experience with women or transitioned AGP trannies. What are normal women like?
Aren't AGPs hons?
>How did you get along with boys and with girls?
Always had a mostly female friend group and a male friend group, I had interests in common with both sides so yeah
But also always had a main circle of friends who I was closest with, consisted on both girls and guys
>Did you act feminine?
Very much so. But I never got bullied, nobody was bothered by it.
>Did you crossdress in private at all?
Not really, I didn't need to because I'd rather fight to be able to crossdress openly than doing it in private. I just wanted my parents to accept it.

But I'm not an airhead
No, but hons are AGPs.

Retarded and scummy.
Honestly? That sounds pretty typical cis woman/HSTS to me.

Not the anon who's asking you the other questions. I'm just wondering, why did you come to the thread?


Aren't cis women and HSTS both concerned with looking their best?
Woo, you check out as HSTS. HSTS tend towards the typical cis female side, but just like with cis girls they can be cool regardless. Like how AGPs can be as bitchy and useless as some men are.

>But I never got bullied, nobody was bothered by it.
That's nice. How come?
Why not? I read random threads when I'm bored
>That's nice. How come?
I honestly don't know. I didn't exactly pass as a girl obviously because I wasn't even transitioned, so people gave me really weird looks when they didn't know me, but making friends after they got to know me was really easy. I was always fooling around big groups of friends so I guess it was pretty pointless to bully me.
Trying to look the best isn't the same as having narcissistic sexual obsession about your image.
>narcissistic sexual obsession about your image
You're making AGPs sound worse here.
That's literally what they have.
Then how is it better than trying to look her best like other trannies or real women do?
I'm not arguing whether it's better or worse, in fact it doesn't bother me in the slightest if she gets horny to being a girl. I was saying that HSTS have female typical interests and mindset while AGPs are male typical, and the latter is perfectly suited for me.

Does it concern you that you might be nothing more than a prop in her female fantasy?
Obsession over image isn't male typical though?
Honestly? No.

Look up narcissistic sexuality.
actually HSTS are the ones who are hons, because they, for example, are the only trannies who will decide to go "full time" before even taking a single estrogen pill and then demand their pronouns anyway
drag queens are HSTS right? and AGP are more likely to be perma boymode despite HRT?
>Look up narcissistic sexuality.
Drag queens are HS, not sure if TS.
yes, precisely.

So how did you find out about AGP vs HSTS? Not from field observations, but reading about the typology. Could you see yourself being with her for the rest of your life (or some other AGP)?
Yeah I could easily.
Not every AGP gets meta attraction? And meta attraction as a concept is weird, lots of cis women are only attracted to men if they are manly and make them feel like a woman.
>lesbians have male brains
>cis women who identify as cis women and don't have dysphoria have male brains
Alright, that's it, this meme has gone too far.

To the gas chamber Blanchardians. ALL of you.
I'm gonna post this here since this seems to be the freshest, hottest A*P shitpost arena.

I'm wondering how I would be classified under Blanchardianism, only expert Blanchard researchers respond, please.

>no detectable gender dysphoria until 18, no strong personality at all other than escapist video gaming
>by age 18 I start desiring to be and acting more feminine, want to be a submissive partner with a woman. this is all largely subconscious
>girlfriend breaks up with me for a guy with a big dick
>apparently latent cuck fetish activates, fetishize the thought of him with her
>find out about transitioning at 20 and pretty much immediately go off the deep end with hrt due to rapidly expanding dysphoria
>fall in love with a guy, move to live with him
>his beard is so nice, he's so nice to cuddle with, his dick is big and lewd, kissing him feels nice, everything is nice
>men become more attractive. not just as a bottom... they look appealing, their bodies are kinda lewd, I wanna top them a bit
>anal is painful but I enjoy it sometimes. I kinda have a thing for thinking of myself as a faggot boy when I'm sucking his dick, it's lewd. also get a fetish for him cumming on me. on my junk, to be specific. frotting is nice.
>break up after a while because I want to be with women and I've lost attraction to him, he's like a sibling now
>its more passionate with girls
>topping is okay but makes me feel greasy and traumatized sometimes
>friend says I seem to have strong female traits like nurturing instincts, emotional sensitivity, empathy; but also strong guy traits, like being territorial/defensive and bad emotional reading
Why, what's wrong anon?
Accelerated Graphics Port?
That's AGP alright. In your escapist video games did you like female characters? Do you find crossdressing hot? Is being a girl a hot thought to you?

What did you find hot about the thought of your ex with her new bf? Was it the idea of her enjoying being fucked? Was it the fact he was cucking you?

In what way are you more passionate with girls? What's the difference between your attraction to guys and to girls?
I used to crossdress in panties as a teen, yes. The thought of being a girl isn't hot on its own. I can enjoy fantasies more if I'm just a normal female in them but that's not really fetishistic, it's just more comfortable because dysphoria. But like I said I totally get off to the idea of being a submissive faggot, it's HOT. That's definitely fetish fuel

I don't know, like a guy with a big dick pleasuring her, implicitly that I couldn't pleasure her as much, something about that was hot.

Difference between guys and girls... with girls, it's just more. I'm more turned on and more drawn to their bodies. But I'm definitely drawn to guys bodies, like muscles make my mouth part visually

I know I definitely class as AGP but I genuinely am attracted to men. I mean I lost my virginity to another boy. Meta-attraction doesn't sound right to me at all.
I think meta-attraction can become direct/normal attraction or exist alongside it for some bi AGPs.
Ah okay.

I just wanna be trutrans, baws.
what the fuck are you even on. AGP has nothing to do with being trans, weather you are or are not AGP has nothing to do with being trans. Being trans has to do with being trans. the question you should ask before blowing your brains out is "am I trans" if the answer is yes, consider suicide unless you find a life of being uncomfortable in your own skin and wanting to tear it off to be an acceptable hell until you can maybe afford numbing effects of hrt and surgery
op you can't be AGP trans because AGP has nothing to do with trans.
>implying AGP isn't trutrans

Did you crossdress in private as well as for parties? Did you identify with girls in books and movies, or porn?
I didn't go to parties, l was friendless. All in private, yeah...

>identify with girls in books and movies
Whoa, I did identify with Hermione. Uhh... Elektra in that awful old Daredevil movie. Revy. Probably more that I can't think of, now that you mention it. Wow, what the fuck, I didn't even realize I was doing that...

>in porn
Idk, I mostly just wanted to bang the girls.
more importantly, are parts of your body something that gives you a physical if faded sense of stress or discomfort? like wanting to crush or rip or pull or mold them back into proper shape? features like facial hair, brow ridges, adams apple, voice, or genitals?

does the idea of growing older and developing more obvious sexual dimorphism such as balding, deeper voice, etc fill you with intense dread or horror?
Yes to all of that. The last part was what drove me to hormones in the first place. Aging male sounded like a slowly worsening hell
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then you are trans. see >>8183281
AGP has nothing to do with being trans. the stuff in these two posts do

Theres only one rational way to think about this. When attempting to transition, does HRT, surgery, vocal practice, and other things improve and reduce the symptoms we discussed? If so, it litterally doesn't matter how much you don't look like a woman. Obviously looking more passable is the desired result but the only impetuous to continue transition is reducing your symptoms. If they are being reduced, it's always worth it as it extends your quality of life. stressing about how you look in the mirror or what you fap to is irrelevant. AGP and other memes are not worth attention. GID is a medical condition, and evaluating the value of therapy involves understanding the role it plays in improving your every day life
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I'm worried about the memes because I don't want to come across as a dude...
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then optimize for appearing as a girl by mastering the art of social deception, but either way, it's irrelevant to the treatment. Every human wants to fit in, especially as their chosen or assigned gender, but transition is a step further than that. Motivated by manifestations of physical discomfort and distress. Because of the risk of lack of sexual sensation during surgery, it's useful to consider this in the context of AGP and health. If you would give up the ability to feel sexual pleasure at all to look like the perfect cutie while doing boring shit like washing dishes or mowing the fucking lawn, odds are HRT and surgery will pay off for you.
I don't want to be socially deceptive to come across as a girl..
Not that guy but I wish that I didn't have any sexual attraction at all. No matter what it is that I'm attracted to it always seems to find a way to make my life worse and fill me with shame and regret. I just want to stoo being attracted period. And if I can't do that then I want to just die.
>tfw AGP MtF but also have AAP and jill off to gay AAP fanfic and stories on the reggo, and got turned on because I looked like a boy in a sweater
What did I do in a past life to deserve being a double degenerate?
then you can't come across as a girl because theyre all socially deceptive. (badumptish)
but no seriously everyone is socially deceptive.

Also I'm already on HRT

>everyone is socially deceptive
Okay... but I think some stuff that makes you come across as a girl isn't part of deception.

A lot of girly behavior has come natural to me like walking swinging hips and the way I look at people sometimes, but I've also had meth heads tell me I have male energy

It's very frustrating... I want to have female energy...
>meth heads
why are you even talking to them?
Eh they were a cool enough couple. Intelligent. Not obviously strung out. And cute too.
Just because you are intelligent doesn't mean you don't believe in bullshit.
>AGP and other memes are not worth attention.
>GID is a medical condition,
AGP is the reason for GID.

>AGP is the reason for GID

Is there anything to actually back that up?
Just bloviation and bluster
That you are AGP does not mean that you are not trans. You can be legitimately trans and AGP. AGP often goes away post-transition anyhow.
AGP is not a thing.
Stop trying to make AGP a thing.
>Because of the risk of lack of sexual sensation during surgery, it's useful to consider this in the context of AGP and health.
whats the risk
>giving a shit

don't let a shitty board like /lgbt/ validate or invalidate your feelings, you're you and from the outside it doesn't matter if you're agp or not. /lgbt/ just likes to gatekeep so its members can feel validated
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