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>Be me >straight male >attracted to females >But

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>Be me
>straight male
>attracted to females
>But you're a bottom
>have no desire to penetrate
>only want to be penetrated
>Only attracted to people taller and/or stronger than me

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kys, faggot
Two questions: 1) Have you crossdressed? 2) Have you fantasized about being a woman?
Find a femboy top, there are some of them: >>>/lgbt/femgen.
Occasionally but who hasn't at some point or another?

Nigga that's gay as hell
closet trans lesbian
You've got options, OP.
You could try to find an AAP top that isn't going to transition. Maybe try yaoi forums/communities?
You could try to find an mtf top too.
Not sure if the bi version of a butch lesbian is a thing, but if there is there's probably a top for you there as well.
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>but who hasn't at some point or another
That's yes multiple times to both?
>You could try to find an AAP top that isn't going to transition.
That's much easier said than done.

>Maybe try yaoi forums/communities?
But those girls are always scrawny betas.

>You could try to find an mtf top too.
Don't they not like using the penor though? We'd just be in the same boat, there would be no sex going on.

>Not sure if the bi version of a butch lesbian is a thing, but if there is there's probably a top for you there as well.
ironically this is the only one that seems plausible to me... How would I even go about looking for such a girl?
>Not sure if the bi version of a butch lesbian is a thing
transbian here. this was my gf before i came out...she was really wonderful
>How would I even go about looking for such a girl?
go to college
Well yes but you're reading into it too much was the point that I was trying to make.
Ok then let's hear about times you've crossdressed and times you've got off imagining you were a girl.
Op, I'm sure there's a girl out there for you, I'm a tranny, but my gf was into me pre-transition and she's a switch but mostly a top.
But I already have a job.

What is there even to say about it? It just happens some times. What can you do?

Hmm I see well, I guess that's reassuring.
>Don't they not like using the penor though? We'd just be in the same boat, there would be no sex going on.

That's true in most cases but not all, mtf tops exist
It is not anymore gay than you are. They look like girls and they have dicks still, and with the HRT they typically use in that thread, their dicks still work.
>What is there even to say about it? It just happens some times. What can you do?
I mean, it's definitely a sign that you're gender dysphoric. Doesn't mean you should trans but you should try to understand what's going on there more
Wouldn't an AAP top be a biological females, who identifies as male, who still has a vagina and everything? I think that would be the exact opposite of what OP wants.
She isn't a transbian.

>What is there even to say about it? It just happens some times. What can you do?
Describe the circumstances of both.
>I guess that's reassuring
Yep hope I helped. Also pro-tip: my gf is sorta butchy and is really into faggy dudes and that's part of why she liked me before I transitioned. So try and be a faggy straight guy and make friends with butchy girls I guess.
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Closeted bisexual, deep down inside you want to be dominated by either a tall male or an amazon with a strap-on.

You need a Jonah Falcon treatment.
Go back to university for electrical engineering and/or computer science. That is how you get the good ones.
A biological female that's into the idea of being a guy may not necessarily transition. Strapons are a thing
Sorry, I though OP wanted a dick in him, not just pegging.
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They're men though...
What do you even mean by that?
And they look like girls, and are often on cross-sex HRT like the MtF.
>describe the circumstances of both.

sometimes when I was younger I would steal my sister's clothes or my mom's makeup, nail polish etc and put them on when they weren't home. But you can more attribute that to just being raised in a house of all girls.
What age did you start and stop? What clothes?

Now describe the getting off imagining you're a girl. What percentage of the times you masturbate is that what you think of?
You are an autogyneandromorphphile, GAMP. You should transition.
I don't really remember when I started but I had stopped by high school.

And I wasn't getting off to being a girl or fapping or anything like that. Everyone has times where they wonder what it would be like to be the other gender. It doesn't mean you're being degenerate about it.
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wtf is this alphabet soup?
you are getting memed to death
AGPs shouldn't necessarily transition.
They should, even Blachard said so. Also, the OP has AGAMP, not AGP.
What the hell is that even?
What clothes?

How many times have you imagined you were a girl while masturbating?

How do you feel about the thought of being romantic with a man while being a woman?
Femdom, mate. Have you heard of it?
>even Blachard said so
He didn't say they all should as a matter of course.
It is the trendy acronym of the day, obviously
>if you're not confused then you're not keeping track!
Attraction to idea of oneself as a trap.
Pro-tip straight cis boys don't lurk on /lgbt/ long enough to know what a transbian is.
>What clothes?
Just normal stuff. Tops blouses, skirts etc.

>How many times have you imagined you were a girl while masturbating?
I'm not really sure. I don't even really fap often so it can't be that many.

>How do you feel about the thought of being romantic with a man while being a woman?
Well I mean it's not gay. How do you expect me to feel about that? I have no strong feelings about heterosexual relationships on principle.
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Underwear or not?

Why don't you fap often?

>How do you expect me to feel about that?
Does it feel more appealing than a relationship with a woman?
"No" what?
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Listen I'm not a tranny! Quit trying to play tricks on me.
Im not attracted to idea of myself being a trap.
Just answer the questions. There are no right or wrong answers and no answer makes you more or less a tranny.

And how long ago did you save that image?
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Found a pic of OP
>There are no right or wrong answers
You're leading the witness friendo. This is not solid legal practice.

>when did you save that picture
I can't remember, why does it matter?
Fine, autogynephile + gyneandromorphphile.
What does this mean?
It looks like it's close to hatching!
What does this mean as well?
>You're leading the witness friendo.
I'm leading her in two different ways with the different questions.

>why does it matter?
If you've been on /lgbt/ a long time then that tells us something. If you didn't get it from /lgbt/ at all...
So what's ruling out you finding a tall/buff girl and getting her to peg you?
An egg is the new symbol for AGP fetishism.
It is just another way of saying you aren't TruTransâ„¢
There are like 3 girls like that on earth who are into pegging. In any case I've never met one. In fact I don't think I ever met a girl that I was attracted to who was also interested in me. And they're few and far in between on both criteria as it is.
AGP is the only true trans. AGP have a fetish that will exist regardless of society, while HSTS only transition because of homophobia, so their transition is dependent upon society being homophobic.
Look, we all know the reason you won't answer the questions is because you know you're trans.
I thought it meant a tranny who hasn't realized it yet.
But I'm not though. I'm a guy. I like girls. Open and shut case friend.
That's not what it means, you massive retard
I am married to a woman who loves to top. They exist. I did not meet her on 4chan. I met her actually being out of the house with other people.

Stop whining and go meet people.
There are many biological males that are trans and like females, they are AGP.
??? ???
>But I'm not though.
Then answer them and your answers will prove it.

But you won't because you know they wouldn't.
What do you not understand?
Fine then. There should be some end all be all question right. Just one that you can ask to say definitively one way or another. Ask that one.
See >>8170651
There are four end-all questions: >>8177684 and when/where you got that pic >>8177748

After those I will definitively say.
>Underwear or not?
I'm pretty sure I did at least once even though I can't think of any time in specific.

>Why don't you fap often?
It's more energy than it's worth. It's an ordeal and usually I'm too tired to even consider it. I'm usually not turned on enough.

>Does it feel more appealing than a relationship with a woman?
If I was a girl it would be more appealing but since I'm not it's not. It would certainly be easier.
You're not a mental professional who can diagnose anyone, just a kook on an image board who harasses random posters to deal with some deep seated mental/emotional issue within yourself that you refuse to address. Fuck off and stop harassing people/trying to play-pretend therapist psychoanalize other people, the only person who needs any of your personal insight is yourself.
You're AGP trans and probably a little ace.

>It would certainly be easier.
This question is just for my personal curiosity, easier how?

>the only person who needs any of your personal insight is yourself.
I've already applied it to myself though.
See now why do you say that? Isn't a prerequisite for being trans wanting ro become a girl? Doesn't AGP mean that you want to fuck yourself or something? That doesn't allign at all!
Let's be honest here: OP wants to be convinced she's trans. If she was a cis guy with a fetish for dominate tall/muscle girls she'd be on /soc/ or something not /lgbt/. Her comming here is a cry for help and a way of venting off steam.
/soc/ is a terrible board.
Man, being attracted to women and wanting to bottom as a guy is a terrible combination. I feel ya, op.
What does AGAMP stand for?
Ah God Ahh My Penis.
yeah, mental illness is a bitch!
AGP is where your sexuality involves you being feminine. It can be physical like wanting breasts or more about the role, like your attraction to men.

How would you prefer to be a girl dating a guy?
>your attraction to men

attraction to men is HSTS not AGP, mongoloid
Im mostly indifferent to the idea.
Then AGP is Ah God Penis?
It's what gays cry out during sex. You're AGP if you like dicks which most trannies are.
Try finding some bi girl you can talk into pegging you in the butt
>all these people trying to convince OP he's trans
Pseudobisexuality, attraction to men becomes parts of the fantasy.
Her attraction to men, not attraction to men in general.
>If I was a girl it would be more appealing but since I'm not it's not. It would certainly be easier.
explain further.
Same here OP. You just have to find a gf who likes to top. They do exist.
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She isn't attracted to men directly like a straight girl or gay guy, or like the way she's attracted to women. She's attracted to men out of her desire for a heterosexual relationship as the girl. Because the man is almost an "extra" she may well not picture him in her fantasies the way she would a girl, or herself as a girl, instead just imagining his presence. This is pseudobisexuality, like >>8178915 said.
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>They do exist.

but you usually have to pay them
OP, did you ever try bisexual relationships, MWM sex?
Hmm. Interesting theory. Tell me more. Specifically how you derived it. Also

Wouldn't that be trisexual?
It's known from researchers on AGP.

Are AGP female is probably a good question to ask? Moreover the specific research in question would be nice as well. Also this necessitates an inquiry into whether AGP were chosen to be studied before hand or were discoverd in the course of the studies. In the case that they were chosen boefore hand, it's somewhat dubious to say that a subset of the population fits within a category, if the category is ill defined. A social study that fails to take into consoderation the lack of social rigidity (as many do) is worth a read but more for insight into the researchers than the subject material. In the case that the classification was made through study of random or semi random samples, then it stands to reason that AGP are either a significantly large portion of persons of interest to the original subset to be examined or were predisposed to be over represented because of some artifact of the study. If in that case such a category was defimed after the fact, it seems somewhat hasty to begin drawing lines and borders of classification when such a sample is clearly showing similarity in a way that mimicks the effects of inadvertent bias.
>Are AGP female is probably a good question to ask?
You can be!

>Moreover the specific research in question would be nice as well.
LOTS of information, with studies for reference, here and on the rest of her blog
Yeah... I know that feeling, I was exactly the same a few years ago.
T. MtF

Have fun with HRT and your future BF
Hey OP I'm in the same boat.
I crossdress a lot and mostly fuck 3rd wave feminists who are into femme looking guys. Made friends in the kink scene who like dildoing me. (Just got fucked monday. Shit was SO cash). 28 and still no desire to take hormones. I'm terrified they'd fuck up my cute girly body
>no desire to take hormones
>they'd fuck up my cute girly body

Do you have any idea what you're saying?
I'm super paranoid about pharmaceuticals in general. I've seen people get all bloated and fat and shit after starting HRT. Also I don't want my dick to work any worse than it already does (thanks zoloft!)
iktf but then you'll age into a man
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So what you're saying is that I should just kill myself.
WTF no! How did I say anything like that?!
not that you explicitly said that. more that my reaction to identifying with the content of your link makes me want to kill myself as soon as possible.
Please don't overreact OP! It shouldn't feel bad! It doesn't even mean you have to transition!

I'm proud I got it right. Help hone my tranny sense for next time, tell me what you identified with?
Im sorry vut I dont want to have a discussion about it. Im going to go lie down for a while.
Okay OP, take it easy. You're going to be fine. But then come back and tell me which parts spoke to you.
Back yet OP?
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OP, do you like giving and receiving oral? If so, you'd be perfect for me. Do you have any contact info?
You drove someone to suicide. gj unironically.
>gj unironically
Have you been in a relationship yet?

I used to be the exact same way until I met this one girl. I tried being a bottom and it was okay, but not as good as submissive sex, but even then I still fantasized about it.

Anyway I thought I was this special guy who was straight but just happened to have better equipment for getting penetrated than penetrating. I've had two blowjobs, one of which was assured to me by the girl's boyfriend to be the best you could possibly get, and I went floppy. I can only orgasm when I'm on the bottom and even then it doesn't feel good.

Honestly the whole culture surrounding penetration is just bogus. It doesn't matter who's penetrating who and with what, gay bottoms are just mentally retarded idiots who try to make everyone else parrot their delusions back to them.

Getting penetrated just hurts. There is no 'submitting to the pleasure', or 'deeper level of physical intimacy' there is nothing but pain. That's why it it's in BDSM culture. Because pegging is just another way to hurt someone. The only pleasure comes from the fantasy and even then you have to be out of your mind on drugs to enjoy it.

Go do it, have fun and experiment, it's actually not that hard to find a girl to do it with but he honest with yourself.
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Is that really a sign of gender dysphoria?
Because i've been doing it since i was 14 and i don't really mind being a man
T. Bi male
Describe the circumstances. Do you get off to it, wish you were a girl, or fap to being a girl?
Both kinda, but i get turned on at the thought of being a girl mostly
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No. I was high as fuck when I posted that, sorry. It's not lmao
Nope, it is not. Don't get memed.
Try dick
Sounds like your a sub.
Find a Dom mistress to pound your boipussi and per in your mouth and quit whining
That just means you're ultra-bottom, also known as far-bottom or alt-bottom.
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