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Sometimes I feel like I should transition regardless of how I

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Sometimes I feel like I should transition regardless of how I turn out since I would much rather be a female. Other times I realize I'm pretty old(about to turn 24 in 2 months) and know that while I'm unhappy with life it could probably be a lot worse as an unpassing tranny. I honestly think all of my "friends" would hate me and I don't know how accepting my family would be. I'm mostly afraid of fucking up my life completely and still looking like a man.
Brah, just give up. Tbqh famifam.
Yeah you're probably right. Thing is I don't know if in a few years I will just kill myself or not. Then again if I tried and looked like a freak I would probably end it as well.
Even if you end up looking like something stuck in-between, is that any worse than hating your life and constantly wanting to die? I don't think so, but ymmv.

Source: a 25 y/o unpassing tranny
>Even if you end up looking like something stuck in-between, is that any worse than hating your life and constantly wanting to die? I don't think so, but ymmv.

It's just that I have a minimum wage job and live with a "friend". I haven't know the person a long time but I live with him and pay rent. If I decide to transition I could get kicked out and most of my friends are just not accepting of gay people let alone trans. That might force me to try to move back in with my parents and I have no clue how accepting they would be. Then telling them their only child is a tranny would make me feel horrible. Ending up looking like something in between after putting up with all the bullshit like that just seems horrible. Honestly though I do often feel like you said and maybe it is worth a shot to try to be happy.
>is that any worse than hating your life and constantly wanting to die?
She might not be that unhappy being male.
Oh she wasn't wrong at all with that line.
Please transition. It's so much better
-a non-passing trans girl.
<3 <3
What, how? Not passing is hell desu. To be so close to the goal, yet so far away. Forever forced to be either a miserable man or a freakish in-between monster while watching those luckier than you live the life you always wanted.
This is what I'm afraid of. Fuck up my life at least somewhat and end up worse off than before. 24 is like guaranteed not to pass age right?
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>I'm pretty old(about to turn 24

that's not old
some people transition much later and are still happier than had they not transitioned.
just do it now and your results will be even better.
At 24 you'll almost certainly need FFS, but with it passing is still possible, unlike if you wait a few more years.
>24 is like guaranteed not to pass age
It's definitely cutting it close. It's commonly accepted that 25+ (once puberty/growth hormones stop and aging sets in), you're very unlikely to pass.

This threshold isn't the same for everyone, though. Sometimes it happens earlier, other times later. But again, if you're trans, it's worth at least a try. It's reversible for the most part, as long as it's not too long. But you'll probably be happier due to the hormonal effects and female aging, even if you never socially transition.
Just take hormones without socially transitioning.
It doesn't go away.
I'm about to be 28 and wanna kill myself everyday I stopped at 23 from 18 for some girl.
>It's commonly accepted that 25+ (once puberty/growth hormones stop and aging sets in), you're very unlikely to pass.
kill me
just try and live as long as you can hoping that humanity will have a technological breakthrough and allow transference into cyborg bodies, thats what i do to try and distract myself from how much I want to kill myself what with being so broad shouldered and gross and turning 24 in a few months, still in the closet with religious parents, a complete NEET failure at life :^)))))))))))

haha jk we should just become an hero it would probably hurt less
why? how old did you start? how did you turn out/are turning out?
I mean I'm 24 in 2 months I'm basically there with you.

That sucks anon I'm not too far from where you're at. I was a NEET for a long time and I just played video games all day to try to keep myself from thinking about being trans. Parents forced me to get a job though which just made me hate life more. I think by my late 20's I will probably become an hero in all honesty.
It sucks to be almost in your mid 20s and not transitioning yet.
what do you mean, anon
>how old did you start?

>how did you turn out/are turning out?

>I'm basically there with you.
way behind me
Sucks to be something like 23 know you're trans but also know your transition isn't going to go as well as it could've if you accepted yourself a few years sooner. Hard to accept that if you transition at that age chances are you'll be what this board would call a hon.
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Why the fuck did you wait for so long?
Tried really really hard to repress. Did literally all I could do to repress for years.
How old are you now?

>if you accepted yourself a few years sooner
How so? Did you change significantly between now and a few years ago? And why aren't you transitioning?
Loads of really beautiful and passable girls got their HRT mid 20's. Some even later!
>hon wishful thinking
>How old are you now?
it doesn't matter. there's no transitioning for me anyway.
and how will being a woman make anything better?
When I was like 18 I looked pretty andro still it was nice and probably why my dysphoria wasn't as bad then. My friends sometimes would joke with me and say that I looked like a dyke when my hair was a certain way back in high school. I actually couldn't tell you exactly what changed but I definitely look more masc now. As for transitioning I'm 23 it sucks I regret not doing it earlier but I dislike my life enough already and I could imagine it getting a lot worse if I transitioned wasn't accepted by friends and family and on top of all that still looked like a man.
look at Natalie Mars! late 20's! and Jessica who is @Alabastia_ on twitter, she got hers mid 20's
Why? Do you regret it? Do you think you'd be more passable if you hadn't? What was the last age you thought you could've passed?

I'm just asking because I'm curious.
>I'm just asking because I'm curious.
I have dysphoria that's just how it is. It's illogical and I can't really explain it.

I'm pretty sure Natalie Mars started at 20 I could be wrong though I remember looking it up when someone mentioned this to me once.
she didn't get hormones until her late 20's. she may have done social stuff for years before but yeah
I just like to get to know and understand trans people a bit better, that's all.
She's asian so it doesn't count.
sorry. age is just really unpleasant for me.
She's White British...
I tried to be normal I tried to convince myself it was a phase and a bunch of other shit. I wanted to be normal no one wants to be trans. If I started at 18 I would've passed perfectly by now. I think at 20 my chances at passing started going down and are pretty low at the moment. Maybe I'm just depressed and pessimistic about things though.
Could I ask how you changed between those ages?
I'm this anon >>8011148
Ah, I see. I'm sorry, anon. :/ That's bad luck. I've seen plenty in their early/mid 20s who could pass as high school students.
Just seems you got a shitty deal. There's a really tight knit group of trans girls who started around the same time, 22+ and they all look great.

Personally I think you should probably live a life where you pursue your passions and dreams and fail trying, rather than keeping yourself up at night wondering what would have happened "if".

If you're afraid of being kicked out and being unable to support yourself, start looking at other employment opportunities. Learn a trade. Go to college. Try to find a higher paying job. Something.

And on the topic of being unable to tell your parents that, I get that, but listen friend. You can't live your life trying to appease everyone else and expect to be happy. You're going to be living in your body for the rest of your life. Your parents aren't gonna be with you forever.
Some of us were raised by hyper religious conservative fucktards that brainwashed us into thinking we were just sinful and our trans thoughts were SATAN'S INFLUENCE
>There's a really tight knit group of trans girls who started around the same time, 22+ and they all look great.
Wait what?

>I'm about to be 28 and wanna kill myself everyday I stopped at 23 from 18 for some girl

Nigga, you stupid. Ain't no pussy out there worth more than your own.
lots of porn girls and cool arty type girls all hang out as a friend group, mainly on twitter. Almost all pass, almost all started HRT into their 20's
Did you mean to reply to >>8011381?

What happened once you stopped? Did you revert and continue to masculinize? Did you pass before? Why haven't you gotten back on if you feel this way?
AGPs' realize much later than HSTSes.
... maybe...
that's not a thing
if you think about not transitioning because of possibility of being unpassable, you're just a transtrender
or they're just considering their safety. Unpassable girls are way more at risk of violence
I know but it's nicer than saying Trans people realize much later than faggy gays.
funny because it's agps who transition even if they won't pass and hstses ("trutrans") who care about passing.
There are plenty of other dynamics but basically I think I could fuck up my life ruin every relationship I have and still end up looking like a man.

We trutrans (tm) stay in eternal boymodes if we can't pass while ugly AGP honmonsters go out in ridiculous tacky dresses only to embarrass us all tbhon.
>"eternal boymodes"
So, you're a boy AND a quitter, what a fucking loser
To everyone talking about passing: it takes work to be an attractive woman! I'm a trans dude and before I transitioned to my current macho self I spent decades trying to be a hot chick. A lot of the 'not passing' in the mtf trans community has nothing to do with your biology and everything to do with the skill and work you out into your daily appearance. Learn to do your makeup bitch. That shit isn't easy! Also hair, clothes, perfume all contribute to your overall appearance. Even if you're 6'8 and have strong features there's a lot you can do to pass that someone who grew up as a guy doesn't know about. It isn't hopeless, its just a lot of work that all women have to do to look hot. Just saying.
I don't want to do makeup. I'll just be a guy like you!
I agree. I don't go out unless my nails, hair, and makeup are all on point and I've never been misgenderd in girlmode and im already 27
This. I mean, fuck it takes all women an hour to get ready if they're trying. Caking on eyeliner and wearing clothes that don't fit won't do you any favors.
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Spotted the man in a dress. Enjoying being the laughing stock and the reason why normal people hate transgender people so much?
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I only do eyeliner on my upper lids
>>8010134 >>8010386
Doesn't puberty end at like 16-18? That's a long way off 25. I can see it being more to do with your genes / if you are pretty already.
>We trutrans (tm)
>stay in eternal boymodes
makes sense if a person trutrans and knows they don't pass why make it harder for people that do
Usually, yes. However you aren't done developing until 25, truly. After 25 any changes in appearance are the result of aging, from 16-18 to 25 your body is still developing, just now as extreme as in puberty. Therefore if you're not a super masculine 18 year old you're still likely to pass after a few years of hrt.
This. Growth hormones are still active up to 25. One of the reasons why transitioning drops so sharply in effectiveness after this point.

While <25 hons do exist, there are still a great many passers in this age bracket. 25+, though, and basically 99% are hons.


She started at 29/30, and she honestly passes pretty well. 4chan fucks will say shit like muh bone structure, but she's really pretty, and is extremely late in transitioning.
Genes. The vast, vast majority of trans women who transition at that age will never even come close to passing.
If you're think you're gonna kill yourself anyways, you might as well take the chance at transitioning. That's a possibility of being happy/alive vs. not transitioning and guaranteeing yourself to be miserable and dead.
No, get on HRT asap. Are you into guys or girls?
Check out Trans Girl General >>8015917 to get started and passing threads if you want advice on how passable you might be. There's no telling for sure though but it might get your hopes up. Are your parents understanding? If you can't get HRT quickly, consider self-medding and get advice from HRT General.

Why do you want to be like a girl?
It's good you've got somebody on your side, especially when it comes to telling your parents. How easy it will be to transition will depend on them and the rest of your personal situation and how the system is for transition where you are. This board has lots of threads with resources to help get informed on whatever you need, like the ones I mentioned, and always ask questions when there's something you want to know.
Thanks. I feel like I'll be able to handle the situation a lot easier now that I've told at least someone. I might tell my mum later on but I'm not sure. My dad wouldn't hate me if I told him the truth but at the same I don't want to dissapoint him.
Don't feel you have to tell anyone if you don't want to or are unsure how they'll react. Especially since there's no taking it back once you've revealed how you feel and someone you tell might tell someone else.

Look into how to get HRT and how involved your parents would need to be.
What is this new, likely cancerous buzzword? I don't visit this shithole often, but remember how AGP used to be a dirty word tossed around by trolls and """trutrans""" shitposters.
So many weird terms here now a days I honestly don't even know what most of them mean anymore
Basically us trans people stopped being self hating faggot dividing ourselves into trutrans and agp camps, and instead become even more self hating faggot dividing ourselves into hsts and agp camps where neither is "legitimately" trans.

HSTS means homosexual transexual, by the way. Basically the idea is that any straight transpeople are just very femine gay boys/masculine lesbian girls, in contrast to AGP (or AAP), gay transpeopke who are supposedly just perverted straight men and women.

Basically /lgbt/ has turned into a tranny self-hate echo chamber, and anyone who actually spreads or even believes this vitriol is a fucking fool.
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