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Cis LesGen

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Thread replies: 379
Thread images: 138

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Cis Lesbian General: Girls kissing girls edition

Does anyone have a ginger gf? Want to trade?

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Recent News
>/OUR GAL/ had sex. Pester and pray for her to give us the deets
>No fatties
>JK Rowling pls
>Let a woman molest you because it's for a good cause
>Have you tried stalking her?

Previous: >>7851807
First for exemplary Aryan women
>>Have you tried stalking her?
Cisbians confirmed for AGP.
Tfw I will never be a cisles
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Pls kill me. I embrace death with open arms.
Pale Gingers are the superior gf.
>wanting to be lesbian
For what purpose?
No, wanting to be cis les
>tfw tranny shitposter
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is my shoulder cute y/n?
I would kiss those freckles
Why wouldn't you want to be a bi girl?
Penis in butt doesn't feel as good
>_> So goood. If I didn't already have a gf ......*Lipbite*
Yeah from that angle. But I worry about the face.
>sjw sociologists think homosexuality is a choice
>far right /pol/tards think homosexuality is a choice
Really makes you think huh.
Bi cis girls have vaginas for penis.
I mean she in mathematics or something.
>the white board
No bi cis girls have a butt
What I'm worried about is the
>not liking girls(male)
What are you even doing in 4chan?
Why do you even want to be a girl if you don't like vaginal!
tranny here
anyone okay describing themselves as a girl(male) is a disgusting fetishist
>it's a trannies give more evidence for their mass execution thread
I'm a boy(female). Am I disgusting?
well i mean, i find guys in general gross
so yeah
idk much about ftms though
but if you're okay calling yourself a male as an mtf your head's probably not in a good place
girl(male) here
anyone okay describing themselves as a tranny is a disgusting fetishist
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pls /our gal/
did you at least give her an orgasm?
We are male though.
>we are male
then get the fuck out of the lesbian general.
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>girls can't be in mathematics
fuck you.

I'm sorry? I don't know what you're talking about.

don't look at these pics then, stay true to your gf, anon

>tfw no gf to kiss these freckles ;-;
sorry >>7861826 I meant to quote >>7861833
>implying males can't be lesbian
Show us the nose. Fake women can't hide their enormous snoz.
>Yeah from that angle. But I worry about the face.
>But I worry about the face.
She's cute. CUTE!
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this thread went to shit rreally fast
why do tranys have to ruin everything?
even freaking furries are less cancerous than this
you got me! call off the witch hunt I'm right here. total tranny! yep you found me good job! I've been covertly posting in these threads for months! haha gotcha suckers!
>Terf shit
TIL that the "Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands" is a thing.

shut the fuck up please
this is why trannies are so cancerous
every time you come close to accepting them they make everything about themselves
and sometimes even if you don't accept them they still try to
at some point you're going to have to put on the big woman pants and start trying to actually pass, and that means SEEING YOURSELF AS FEMALE AND ACTING APPROPRIATELY
>throw shitfit
>blame shiftfit on other people
Being a cisbian is hard!
t. /pol/tard
Why aren't you dumping your gf in favor of some qt redheaded freckled action?
actually i'm trans
ditch the 'trans' label and start seeing yourself as female
you'll be doing yourself a favor
>people that aren't gay think being gay is a choice

No, that doesn't really make me think.
I spent the night clubbing with my sister and her straight friends.
>One of them told me if we were in high school together she would have liked it if I bullied her.
>grinded on me all night at the club
> drank my cheap beer even though she obviously didn't like it
>kissed me twice on the corner of my lips when I had to leave
She's such a qt. Why does she have to be straight?
Wow, who knew two words had so much power.
What part was about me?
Where in this thread are "trannies close to being accepted"?
If I was mtf, what makes you think my accusation would declare I would not try to pass? Isn't that the point of mTf?
Also, are we fucking puritans? Act appropriately? Goddamn I used a "mean" acronym in a sarcastic sense to stand up for something, I'm a fucking monster, sure hope my fellow villagers don't lynch me for that one
she's probably biscum but wants a rich hubby to carry her through life
Average people think gays are born like that though.
>implying trans people can't be transphobic too
if you're not trans, my bad
it's just usually trannies bitching about TERFs and trying to defend themselves here

if you're a fully realized mtf you shouldn't be associating with being 'trans'
so yeah, being transphobic is good.

My gf has freckles too, but isn't a red head. Now worries about me. I am staying true we are comfortable/trust with each other so checking out a beautiful shoulder is not too risque.

Point out other cute lesbians is public and fawning over them a little is a thing. At first I though it was building to foursomes or something, but I know it is just a thing now.
Every time I see her she does this to me, and after I always want to kill myself
This girl sounds like a tool
Grinding and kissing is just flirting fun
The drink thing is stupid and a shameless hope of winning your favor
Which she wants so you can "bully" her for a night and live a stupid fantasy that's all she remembers you by
I can't really judge honestly, my last gf and I got together by checking out girls at a renaissance fair. if it's fair game then go for it cutie

Political hipsters on both sides think believing something unpopular makes them smarter than everyone else. More shocking news at 11?
I am trans and there's nothing I can do about that, just like I can't change that I'm MAAB. "identifying as a cis girl" is nonsense.
grow up
at some point you're going to have to make an effort to pass as cis
i just matched with a fair-skinned black ginger on tindr today and she's so fucking gorgeous, I want her to be my GF
Okay, well I already know declaring any identity will land me in a shitstorm, I'm just saying it shouldn't matter, and I get your thought process, sorta I guess, about ditching the trans label, but if you want to leave it behind great! Never say anything about it, but going out of your way to invalid people who identify as trans is not the same idea, it's likely those don't understand your thoughts on how that label isn't doing them favors and you'll just discourage them.
That said it's too late for the label to disappear, and it has large connotations with the positive aspects of being aware of one's own identity, if you feel so strongly, just say so. Explain your thoughts rather than attacking people, it puts them on the defensive and if you really want to help let them decide the best label for themselves
is cofeeanon here?
its trolls, just ignore it
This isn't anything to do with passing. I'm still going to have the childhood of being treated male behind me, still going to be on HRT, still going to have transitioned, still going to be afraid of getting clocked, still going to need to tuck, still going to need to out myself to people I know.
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I'm not coffee anon but I like coffee. can I be substitute?
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Protip to all the lurking transbians... This is CIS lesbian general. if you don't see a "lesbian general" try and refrain from posting here, or create the lesbian general.

Alternatively if you can't handle the above just try and post without talking about being trans and obviously fucking with the theme of the thread. It is also just narcissistic.

Same goes to cis guys. You want to lurk and read the posts go to town. However, do post in the thread about being a cis man or start discussing them.

Honestly to both groups you are doing yourselves a disservice, and hurting the reputation of both groups.

This person doesn't need to call others cancerous but the truth is that you're all behaving like illiterate idiots. Please get your shit together.
Lol if this is your apartment you can sub for anyone. Please tell me you have a cat.

ALSO PLEASE! Take that shit off your stereo amp. They generate heat you know and you will ruin good hardware by leaving shit on top of it.
>Lol if this is your apartment you can sub for anyone. Please tell me you have a cat.
please pay attention
well, coffeeanon is /ourgal/ who spilled cofee on a 10/10 and then got a date with her
but we can give you a different name
how about apartmentanon?
No other general is hostile to other people posting in it.

No other general randomly excludes people. There not /gaygen but no blacks/.
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Put on filters. Hide and ignore the invaders. Makes a difference. You're left with actual women.

Not unless you get a woman out of your league. Which is what I encourage my fellow females to do.

Well see if she'll eat you. Might as well.
>want to fit in with the cis girls
>instead i just end up arguing and being part of the cancer i hate
yeah, sorry, i'll go now.
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It's not mine, I just like comfy pics,
Seriously, just get SRS work on your voice, and style etc. Then call yourself female. It is not rocket science.

If someone calls you out about being trans you can be honest and tell them sure, but please don't bring it up.
Instead of calling yourself a "tansbian" call yourself a lesbian. Why is this so hard.
>>want to fit in with the cis girls
Basically you're an Uncle Tom.
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I too am a lover of comfy. But I mean we have our own visions of comf.
A lot of replies are happening to the same person but this is (>terf shit)person,
All that stuff is a part of life, and embracing it is good! But you don't have to justify it, tucking and outing yourself? Tucking may be per your own wishes, but you don't have to have these types of fears, of thinking you have to do things to be who you are and transition, it seems like a sense of completion coming from dysphoria and overthinking to me. Needing closure is bullshit though, don't wanna out yourself? Don't. If you don't want to tuck? Don't. If you want to run from your childhood and burn old pictures instead of facing that, fucking do it. Realistically, who's stopping you? Appeasing those you're around is ingrained as essential but it's your fucking life and identity were talking about, do what you fucking want to be comfortable and happy. That's the point of like, life. Just consider how important those things really are compared to what you want.
um, no, that'd imply i'm betraying my own group?
i identify as female, not trans.
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outdoor comfy is really good too!
I do not get women out of my league. Or in my league. or under--Oh well.
That is fair. Comfy pictures are the best. Lets post more.


Stuff from facebook has random numbers like that sometimes. Although it usually has some '_' underscores and a letter at the end.

Besides who am I to judge anon's file management system.
outdoor comfy is nice but
Invokes vertigo for me. I fine the tent one better. To each their own.
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My file management is not the greatest. But I don't have facebook, I just snag stuff off of r9k and other places on here.
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You are weak. Your lineage is weak. Your offspring will not survive the winter.
I don't call myself a transbian unless it's a thread where it matters like a survey thread. I do work on my voice. I'm not getting SRS because I know it won't be worth it.

I don't think I've said TERF in this thread although I don't like them. I've come to terms with who I am, I don't burn old pictures or anything like that. I know it's part of me though, I have a different experience to cis girls, I am trans, I face the same issues as other trans girls as well as the issues of cis girls. There isn't a "not identifying as trans" like the one poster is saying. It's just a fact I have to deal with, I am trans not cis, no matter how much I'd change that if I could.
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time to kick the uggos out with real girls?
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Also, (not to reignite flames, and god forbid anyone delve into gender on the internet) but calling yourself: a slur (tranny), two identities (female(male)), or finding any reason to argue over why the trans label is needed or something to be purged is likely cause that you don't know what the fuck you're saying about yourself. Take a step back, maybe pick a label maybe don't, maybe think outside the gender binary, it doesn't fucking matter but it's not hard to just sit and think about it, maybe actually take time to realize who you are rather than digging for it and finding the perfect label.
Then guess what, after that part you figure out there's not actually a reason to give a shit what label people use.
And yes I realize that's a contradiction to myself but maybe I can help some of you lost kids some being so confused and starting shit trying to defend such arbitrary terms.
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i don't think anybody actually gets triggered by these lol
at best you're just killing the conversation so they get bored and wait for the next topic to come up
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How do you as a femanon survive r9k? Isn't that spineless beta anti feminist HQ?

My girlfriend and I climb mountains (small ones) but that picture >>7862500
just looks like teetering on the edge.

Pic related is from the last (Baby) mountain we climbed about a month ago. It is getting warmer and soonâ„¢ there will be many more! :D
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Whateva - I just want their nonsense pushed off the front page. Even if I can't see it here.
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>tfw no femme gf
>tfw not femme enough to not have self esteem issues about whether or not people view me as a gross dyke
>two identities (female(male))
Nobody does this, idiot.
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It is, but I'm also a whiney stupid incel with social problems so I can relate. I'm too nervous to post in this thread usually because of all the trans discourse and being scared of other lesbians.
>anti feminist
>be you
>get angry people not be you
>need a way to trigger anyone not like you
>better spam the lesbian gifs from some shitty Tumblr aesthetic sub site
>that'll teach em
>>>> /rk9/
Did you even read the fucking thread Jesus Christ people HERE did it dumbass
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The fact a triggered man said this...is irony of a new dimension.
No they don't. Stop being stupid.
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become more femme
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Stella Maxwell
>trannies give more evidence for their mass execution
t. cislesgen
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>tfw no blue eyed blonde gf to be in an interracial relationship with
why live /clg/?
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Would you an asian grill?
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I'm working on it. My hair is almost shoulder length, I wear femme clothes, I'm ok at makeup but don't usually wear it a lot...
I guess I just still see myself as I was a few years ago.
Wow your knowledge......wizardry
I am indeed a male foaming at the mouth screaming as I type this message, my worst trigger yet.
You've done it, found my one weakness, lesbians.
Dear god if I don't leave this thread right now I think my head might just explode.
Be careful with your power, or else gender Hitlers like you will exterminate every non-female creature on this planet.
It's gonna happen I'm convinced.
Dear lord someone get me a safe space.
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Well what feature is your most masculine?
Dude just stop.
How could they let a hopeless, illiterate fuck like you not get aborted when they had the chance.
ITT: cis girls admit to being scared of this thread due to trans discussion
if this doesn't trigger dysphoria you should really look into your priorities
Nice try Uncle Tom.
Good argument
London sure has a lot of them
Fuck. Off. Holy shit.
Just curious, why should dysphoria be a priority to a trans person?
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There's probably nothing that anyone else would care about I guess. I'm not masculine, just not like the girl in your pic I guess? I'm just insecure due to having looked masculine for a few years because I wanted other lesbians to notice me.
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yes. in theory anyway.
im tall, so i prefer people closer to my size, and alot of asian girls are short.
but i dont actually have any real ethnic preferences.
i saw a movie with this Japanese actress the other day and she was hot as fuck
sounds like you're on the right path. I'm not super femme myself, but you sound femme to me
None of those said what you claimed.

How could they let a hopeless, illiterate fuck like you not get aborted when they had the chance.
Well if you look like a woman now and everyone doesn't have to think or stare extra long you just need that boost of confidence I guess.
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megan fox sweater.jpg
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>fitted sweaters
Literally my fetish. Is this weird? Fuck, I could look at girls in sweaters all day.
Look, sorry, I don't hate you or anything.
Just read between the lines goddamn.
Maybe people that don't call themselves what you find appropriate aren't bad, or yknow, if you can't accept certain people for silly reasons just ignore it.
Arguments are made to get responses, if you want it gone, just get over it rather than shoot other people down that think they're doing the right thing and sticking up for themselves. Which is because of posts the hate to exclude them instead of ignore them.
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ribbed sweaters are my thing.
You should post a picture! Also if you just want other girls to know your into girls a super easy way to do that is online dating ;)

>Female seeking Female.

About sums it up.
You're talking to someone who just misgendered you out of spite.
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I'm considering getting tinder. Has it worked out well for any of you girls?
How so?
How does reusing my comment do anything for you?
This isn't an argument anymore it's you throwing a senseless tantrum after I cited text that supported my argument
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Hey do me a favor and make a "tranzlesgen" or whatever you want to call it. This is the thread for afab women to post and discuss things that are exclusive to women who are biologically female and attracted only to other females. By making a thread more tailored to what you're looking for - we can make these places more productive in a sense.
i like fitted sweaters too.
ive really been wanting some turtle necks lately
i've had several tindr dates
they've been okay
I met my gf on OKcupid. I also use it to make new queer fem friends after moving to a new province and so far the people I have met through it have been both quality and cute! haha

It was actually my girlfriend who told me to start using it to make friends. It felt ackward at first because that is how I met her. Once I got over that it was pretty good.

Still get the odd dude messaging me but no dick pics or anything, and I just ignore and move on.
I mean I obviously should have made my point more clear in the first place or something.
But I guess it doesn't matter sometimes if people are close minded enough
You are pretty cute.
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City 2.jpg
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Is it awkward? I look pretty ok so I don't think it would be impossible to get matches, but I barely socialize with other people so I wouldn't know how to do dating.
also I like turtlenecks too!
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that's whats up.
for me it's more about the cut, turtlenecks are so attractive.
>you are pretty cute
thats the girl i was talking about in>>7862690
i mean it's a little awkward, yes, but not enormously so.
usually i talk to people for a week or so before we meet up.
its all been pretty casual for me, but i'm a pretty chill person. i think for other people it might be different; but i'm not quick to hop in the sheets with someone
>after I cited text that supported my argument
Literally read what you claimed and what you cited you illiterate retard.
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Nice, more sweater-anons
Is that you? I bet you look great in a turtleneck...
If you had a point to make you would have made it by now
>Dude just stop.

I have, repeatedly. That you are wrong and a dumbass who can't read.
>Is that you?
;------; no i wish
i'm the black girl that /isnt/ a tomboy
not that this conversation should continue but she's arguing about 'girl(male)' and 'female(male)'.
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I hate tinnitus.
So then why are you continuing it. Let them make a different thread for it or something.
you can say mentally ill
we'll know what you mean
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the audacity of it.jpg
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Oh shit. You too?! Both ears or just one?

I have it in both and it is the worst. :(

Also how fucking cheeky of 4chan captcha.. Like that is actually insulting.
Plot twist, this is a tinnitus thread
I should've known
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I just finished drying my hair. The left ear. Man that sucked.
"If you don't like no blacks no Irish, why don't you make somewhere just for blacks and Irish?"
There's mascgen and femgen or w.e. Gaygen split themselves up because they exclude each other based on body type. Same goes for us. We're splitting ourselves up based on body type - biological body type. So why don't you harass them? Oh right you just want to consider yourself a victim here. Typical male entitlement.
Dude it is not even like that. This is a discussion thread. Just like if you go to an aquarium thread and only post about how great your dog is. No one is going to give a shit, and will ask you to kindly "fuck off". You are being obsessive.

If you have a dog, and want to post in the aquarium thread that is fine. Just don't talk about dog stuff. Especially don't try, and hijack the aquarium thread to be about dogs, and complain that it isn't inclusive.

It really isn't that hard.

Should people make a "Cis Les General" in the first place instead of a "Lesbian General"? Now that is a valid question, but doesn't belong here either. This thread currently exists.

The internet is a collection of interest groups. This is no different. How many more different ways does it need to be spelled out for you.

I have a lot of trans friends and your really not doing your community any favors acting like this right now.

Read, Learn, Move on.
how do I find a gf? are online dating things like okcupid a viable option? had anyone here had any success with those things and finding someone who they actually like?
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I got my girlfriend from 4chan.
Worked for me. >>7862729

Currently living together with her going on 2 years now.

Like anything though results will vary.
>dude it is not even like that
It's like a thread about what people imagine living in a perfect world would be like
But no Jews can participate
Is that discriminatory? Doesn't matter not related.
If I don't want fucking Jews in my thread they should make their own Jew thread for whatever a Jew talks about.
Not here though nothing here concerns them.
God they make their community look so bad.
I should know I have Jewish friends.
I'm actually in the process of dating a qt from tinder. She's awesome and we're getting along really well. Would not be surprised if we went official fairly soon at this rate.
>Typical male entitlement.
That wasn't needed...
Isn't that sort of like winning the lotto? Like how do you both happen to use 4 chan and live near each other? Or are you doing long distance?
I'm a terf and I wish I could be open about that in my daily life without transwo(men) threatening my safety
It's long distance but I've done larger distances. In this digital age keeping a ldr isn't difficult. At least not for me. She really likes physical interaction.
that's what CCW is for
>I've got this adorable .38 that fits just right in my inside coat pocket
>I'm a terf
Hey, Matt. I think this is pretty obvious. But women don't call themselves "terfs". That poster is a dude who wants to rile up tranners so that he can carry on his crusade here.
>She really likes physical interaction.
See that was me in my relationship. I did long distance with a 4 hour time difference for just about a year with about 3 visits during the time. I REALLY needed more physical interaction.

I feel so limited expressing myself/love over skype and text. I end up being overly needy because physical interactions are so much more potent for me.

Props to you if you can handle it though!
Because I think that 99% of transpolitics are fucking bullshit and infringe upon women's lives, I don't think feeling like a woman makes you a woman and a transwoman will never understand the struggles that I go through as a female because she wears heels and likes make up. I think it's ridiculous that there's so much effort dedicated to making transwomen feel safe when women are being raped and abused at much higher numbers. They want to forget all about that and just focus on the transwomen being beat up which just boils down to their male privilege, for starters
Nah I'm a terf, well I'm a radfem but I don't get butthurt over the term terf like many others do thanks tho
Yeah everyone's different. I hope your search leads you to a cutie nearby.

That's fine. Let's keep this thread from falling into their hands by calling them here with inflammatory statements.
>I don't think feeling like a woman makes you a woman and a transwoman will never understand the struggles that I go through as a female because she wears heels and likes make up.
do you think you understand the struggles that trans people go through?
Oh I am living with my gf! She is up studying hard, and then in an hour or so there is going to be so many snuggles! :3 haha
You realize this whole thread has been about them right? What's the point trying to silence it now
Cmon this thread went to shit before it started.
Rightfully so
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comparing race and ethnicity with mental illness
Seriously you guys know that the more you engage thread trolls (IN ANY WAY) the more they will post.

Don't directly respond to anything that is bait. Focus on cuties, and if somone is being shit tell them to prove who they are with a voice clip or something.

Honestly, it is getting to the point where you will soon have to use trips or something. It is usually bad but tonight is something else.

Like a bad grease fire.
I do and I think that it's all bullshit and done to fulfill societal gender roles and sexuality bullshit. I haven't encountered a single transwoman who can tell me what being a woman is like without using gender roles to do it. If you need to express yourself by wearing gnc clothing or typical "feminine" clothing or if you need to transition through surgery to feel comfortable in your body, do it. But don't expect either of those things to make you a woman because a woman isn't just something you can identify as
This whole thread wasn't a giant shitstorm what's the point in silencing ourselves if this is a discussion they want to have, it's not the end of the world it's just a fucking 4chan post
Did you mistake me for a transwoman
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>this post is sacred ciswoman ground
>be careful not to bring up gender equality
Don't want to switch sides here butttt
>I haven't encountered a single transwoman who can tell me what being a woman is like without using gender roles to do it.

I think this one point might be bullshit. The trans people in this thread have fucked up a lot of shit tonight, but this point is out there.

I don't think there is some sort of canned answer to this, that cis women know and transwomen don't. (or cis guys either)

If there was and you know it please share your authoritative definition/experience about what it is to be a woman with the class.

I am a woman because I am. I feel like a woman, I have female parts, I don't need to prove that to anyone.

Neither can anyone else invalidate me as a woman. I know what I am. Having some singular specifically female experience doesn't make me a woman.

This is all philosophy and name calling. Live your lives people.

We all know what this thread is for. We all know if we are really cis or not. Just post accordingly.
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>Don't want to switch sides here butttt
>transwoman will never understand the struggles that I go through as a female
So your monthly period which amounts to just stomach cramps and bleeding out your vagina, the pain from birthing a child the old fashion way which most women now a days don't even do anymore because they get a C-section, and low risk of getting raped by a man?

Yeah your "struggles" are so bad how can anyone born biologically male compare to such travesties?
My whole point of it is there's no way to be a woman, and when transwomen talk about being women they use very socially gendered words to talk about it. I don't feel like a woman, I feel like a human. I just happen to be a woman and suffer all the consequences and greatness that comes from it
nobody likes you but chasers and other trans
the more you try to force acceptance, the less you recieve
That it want to boil it down to cramps and rape really says a lot, do your research about all of this before getting into an argument because right now I'm just assuming you're a troll
It's usually like this on the weekends. Weekdays are better because the higher population of women forces the men out.
Fair points
Props to leaving your opinion open to interpretation and synthesis
Shame no one that matters will ever acknowledge this post
(Like for real the 4chan lgbt community is a joke)
And progressivism will continue just as it is now
And people will argue about this for a few centuries until they don't
None of this actually matters
None of what any of you think a woman is matters
Because you're just one short life melding yourself to a collective argument no conclusion can be drawn from
Live your own life or die in bitter spite of others that do
his is a CIS lebian thread go to your snowflake safe place where you belong
I need a chubby gf to snuggle, I wish I could order one from amazon or something
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I guess we are sort of saying the same thing then in a way. Except I do think and feel I can identify as a woman.

I Identify as a lesbian, and in order to do that I need to identify as a woman. I am certainly not a man so even if just by contrast I say it is something you can identify as.

Thanks. I don't like to get involved in online arguments (pic related) so when I do I want to keep everything as logical and open/accessible as possible.

I am but a meager agent of peace, awaiting my fair princesses studies to be finished, so I can have some snugs/go to bed. <3
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i never meet a trans""""""woman""""" in my entire life but from what i see here i glad for that
you guys are even bitchier than us which is a real accomplishment
this thread is simultaneously both slow enough and susceptible enough to being trolled by the mere mention of the word trans that i swear ive watched this same continuing discussion happen over the course of three days
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>implying I'm a special snowflake
Lol I don't even use the word cis as I said biological. You're the only snowflake here princess. :p
men never get tired of talking about themselves. I hate these guys irl too thanks to these trolls.
>ywn lick such a perfect specimen and bite the space between neck and shoulder
That post literally has nothing to do with men talking about themselves.
It's about everyone on this thread going ballistic whenever someone mentions the word trans
Must everything be spelled out
No one is as shit in real life as they are on 4chan as a general rule. Try not to let it spill over.
>tranner thinks he's the victim here
You invaded a afab thread, dude.

Naw. I really hate them now. If there ever is a way I can make sure tranners don't get rights or are thrown under the bus - better believe I'll advocate for it, vote for it, whatever. Thanks to these wonderful men showing me how reasonable they can be.
Keeping this in mind
I'm out
Hopefully some of you realize this before you waste any more time here

i said cis to talk in your language so you can understand me but i see you getting triggered even by this

i kind of happy you gonna castrate yourself like a dog still :)
This especially goes for you lmao
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suck on this terfs.jpg
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>the more you try to force acceptance, the less you recieve
>implying I want your acceptance
Lmao I'm not like these other desperate trans people trying to get your acceptance, honestly I could care less what you butch dyke weirdo's think.

I'm just here for the lol's. :D

>do your research about all of this before getting into an argument
Please educate me on your "struggles" then terf anon. Women have it pretty damn good now a days, although with Donald trump as president that might change soon.

>I'm just assuming you're a troll
Well I mean this is 4chan so everyone is kinda trolling each other, if you don't like that then leave. :p
It's my first girlfriends birthday today. She doesn't even live in the same country anymore and we never really talk but I still really care about her.
Should I give her a call?
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Here's a little something for reference since you seem to think you know what you're talking about
>i said cis to talk in your language
I don't even use the word cis in fact I hate when trans people do that, it's stupid.

>your triggerd
>so upset they replied back to me twice when they could've just ignored
Lol w/e you say princess.
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>Using 2009 memes
Wow just wow i'm sorry for you
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If you're on good terms I don't see why not.

Bye! Thank god he's gone.
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Time to cleanse.
I mean, we don't hate each other but we never really talk. Last time we texted was a month ago because it was my birthday.
I just don't want to seem like I'm not over her or something.
>using unpopular starcraft meme to counter troll
Wow you totally got me dude I should just pack up my meme's and go home.
>when that could have been any of 25 people
What's the point you are even trying to make?
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Then can you just message her a happy birthday? Doesn't have to be a call.

I'm just here to have fun and hear how my fellow uterus-havers are doing. The anger and bitterness of the male existence can't grasp living without screeching.
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This looks soo much like my little sister it is creepy!

Posting because she has her picture up on her band site anyway...

They look nothing alike.
I mean, I guess?
Idk it seems like any place but this thread would be better for that
& even that remark about men, not saying I don't support, but that's how shitstorms like this happen in the first place
Yeah I guess I could text her. I'm just not sure if it seems weird after having had basically no contact for a year.

Your sister is cute.
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Why are most lesbians ugly and dress and act more like men?

I always wondered why a group of people who hate men so much would want to model their personality and looks around them. It's so strange haha.
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Anon, why the pictures again?
My loneliness cannot handle a second round.
If you scroll up you'll see who started talking about themselves in this thread. Women only became annoyed when you guys didn't stop. So it's perfectly reasonable for us to dislike creeps like you.

It's not weird. You remembered her birthday. Just something simple like "hey, happy birthday. I hope you're doing well :)"
Then it is late and I am blind. *shrug*

I still see it in the face though minus eye color. haha.

Thanks I guess? haha She is straight though sorry. (Her loss I know)
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Sorry anon. Had to make the thread at least pretty.
>>using unpopular starcraft meme

the fuck you're talking about
that was a crop from gods among us

the fuck this was to do with starcraft
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You just hate people who aren't obsessed with women like you weirdo's and your fetish for women. :p
Well in the age of automatic reminders that's not an accomplishment anymore (though I'd remember her birthday no matter what).
But yeah I guess. I'll text her.

>She is straight though sorry
It's okay, I said she's cute, but that I want to bed and wed her.
Definitely her loss though yes.
Know your meme's dumbass.
Not really. I hate men - and they're so obsessed with women it's pathetic. Exhibit A: the bio males in this thread.
This picture gets posted every time lawl

Yeah no worries! I was just putting it out there in case. haha
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Doesn't take away from the fact it's attractive
I'm not sure what makes you think I'm a creep, or a man, I'm just a little confused is all sorry. By this thread and what you're saying, how are men related? What made you think the person that left was a man? What about trans women, isn't that the conflict? The op tried to exclude them without much reason so the fighting makes sense to me, I don't get why no one sticks up for them and wonders why they try so hard to be an equal part of conversation. Like, what's the reason that trans women can't participate in this thread?
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If you haven't noticed - I'm ignoring you.
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This is a blue board. No sex pics, please.
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i take the pic from this comic here's the full pic you silly
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>I hate men
Then why do you and your kind dress and act more like men? This makes no sense to me. I've come to the conclusion you and your kind are just mentally ill women with a fetish for the same sex.

I don't know why these transbians want to be accepted by the ugly butch dykes in this thread. You guys probably can't even get a gf and dis on trannys who get more action then you do haha.
Ok comic book nerd, are you male?
Fuck yea bro trannies get hella action

Bc if someone loves a tranny it means they aren't fucking trash human beings that hate people for shit like gender and standing up for someone besides themselves

If someone loves a tranny they won't leave them if they find out they have a dad instead of two moms, or cheat because pleasure comes from the ecstasy of satisfying a spite of manhood rather than not caring about people and focusing on who you love

Neat huh

Girls CAN like comic books folks. This is as bad as when guys call girls who play video games "fake gamer girls"

We're better than that.
This also seems like same-fagging.
Yea that was kinda pathetic
Let him keep going. I don't know what mental illness he has - but it's hilarious.
I'm making the best of someone bashing trans people, you and him both are dudes that could use the knowledge anyways
I meant you dipshit

What part of witch hunt doesn't make sense
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no but i surprised that not many girls like it i mean is a mixed /lesbo /yaoi/crime/mystery and action i mean that like fangirl formula if you ask me
This response is way to late to be taken seriously, cmon man
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i have 400 photos to search to find the cover give me a break
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I mean why even bother to find it in the first place. Even once you found it, should have just let the missed opportunity go.

Anyway my lovelies it's been a trip. gf is done studying so I am calling it a night.

Play nice everyone.
I was trying to respond to >>7863321
you dumb fag
Everyone here is a fag that's the point
Well that didn't go over too well, she totally lashed out at me for years-ago shit.
Well its good you don't talk then. Kek
I guess. She's just so petty, ugh.
Was she at least hot tho?
Yeah, really hot. I mean we were together from like 16 to 18 but she was always so beautiful. Ticks off all my boxes.
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guys ,guys does it really matter if you win an argument or not
i mean you're talking to strangers on the internet even if you win is not like you gonna annoy the next day that your right or change ther perspectiv on life

can we all just be calm and post cat pic just like in the old days
Why are faggots so annoying tho??
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Does anyone not just identify as a human first and the rest is just things and parts of what you are?

I think the only reason someone would answer differently is that you either use a leading question or circumstance to get it.
they look alike to me, but white people look pretty samey to me
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this thread is such trash
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so i'm killing it
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Your gifs are trash. Go back to tumblr.
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just because you said that, no
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is tumblr filled with really good looking lesbians?
really makes you think...
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Please stop.
It hurts too much to look at.
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i know ;---; i'm single and KV
but this thread is shit, so i'm trying to kill it
only a few more ok ;--;
it is, yes.
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They are a lovely couple desu
So uh...how do I get in on the action and acquire a qt internet gf?
I've hit rock bottom you see
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>i know ;---; i'm single and KV
Me too.

>only a few more ok ;--;
You have been torturing me for two nights now.
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>You have been torturing me for two nights now.
it wasn't me yesterday, i haven't been in the threads since wednesday ;---;

we're gonna make it somehow anon
>They are a lovely couple desu
yeah i agree
I think they're from toutube or something
>So uh...how do I get in on the action and acquire a qt internet gf?
if i knew the answer I'd have a gf and I wouldn't be KV
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Why don't you two be each other's gfs
I-I'm shy...
This anon seems very horny though and willing to handle me rough within seconds wew
im shy too....im not rough at all though. I think i'm a switch, but i couldn't really domme until i knew someone well, i'm very mellow and reserved
You sound like me.

We should have a threesome.
Actually I'm the same way, I like to domme but if a more dominant lady came along I'll gladly be her kitty heh
Lets make that a foursome, we just need to find one more lovely and completely willing anon
i just a wee virgin nearly wizard babe
can we keep it intimate
a foursome is just two duos anyway, right?
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>i just a wee virgin nearly wizard babe
As am I.
This is getting kind of weird.
Are deer the most lesbian animal?
I think so.
W-We could switch partners onee sama
Lets lose our KV titles and become real women tonight
That and I want something to brag about to my mommy and daddy :3
Where are you two from?

>tfw we all probably live in different countries.
To the anon that recommended the 100-1 challenge thing the other day, tyvm!
I'm that middle east anon unfortunately kek
I never get to meet other lesbians and it feels quite lonely ;___;
Oh, MiddleEastAnon! I told you last thread to get the fuck out of there to get gf. lel

I'm in the US.
>middle east
are you middle eastern? cause if so, HOT
i like arab girls
i'm in california
>W-We could switch partners onee sama
that'd be hot
you talk about your sex life to your parents?
i think my parents believe i'm asexual or straight
>i'm in california
You are too far away, anon. I'm in the south.

>i think my parents believe i'm asexual or straight
My parents think I'm straight since I'm femme. They think I'm too busy with school/work to be in a relationship. They have no idea I like pussy.
>State of lesbians aside from Massachusetts
>Girlfriendless KV

But there are so many qirls in CA anon...
Oh I know but as I said I still need to finish my degree
A gf can wait but its still fun to flirt with you girls every now and then so I don't succumb to the dread of exams
I am though I'm not one of those tanned arabs unfortunately
I came out really jewish looking and white
Also kek I was joking about telling my parents, they have no real clue
My brothers always made fun when I was a teenager that I'm gay because they have caught me watching questionable porn ahem
Yet when I mention it now like say a girl is hot or whatever they ignore me feelsbadman
They all think it was a phase I came out of because I've had long distance bfs before
Let me tell you though, all of them have been the most submissive feminine people I have ever met
Even more feminine and submissive than actual girls bless their hearts yet the parts didnt exactly match my preferences wew
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>I came out really jewish looking and white
I can deal with that.
>I came out really jewish looking and white
i like this too
what country in the middle east anon-? Syria?
they caught you watching porn?? are you safe if anyone finds out you're gay? idk how homophobic it actually is in the middle east, but the american media makes it seems like being a woman or any sort of LGBT is practically a death sentence
okay, I lied. I'm a virgin, but I've been kissed two times. but all the qts in california dont mean anything when i'm a shy nerd ok ;-;
how do you deal with that? I'd hate living in the south, everyone seems so stupid there
i dont like rednecks though idk
my dad thinks i'm asexual since I used to say "i dont like anyone" and i'm a terrible misanthrope, but my mother seems to think she's getting [biological] grandchildren from me
>how do you deal with that? I'd hate living in the south, everyone seems so stupid there
Depends where in the south you go. I live in a city, so it's not that bad. Stupid people are all over the world, bby.

>i dont like rednecks though idk
Nobody likes trashy rednecks.Thankfully they tend to stay within their own areas..
i'm watching neon demon because you all told me to, and jena malone trying to rape elle fanning is very hot
>Does anyone have a ginger gf? Want to trade?

Does that include fake gingers? Because dyed red hair a best.
Funny you post kirino when she was literally my first waifu...
Don't judge me for my shit taste ok?
My country may as well be Syria since we share the same culture and stuff
Yeah they caught me watching lesbian shit and playing hentai games like huniepop topkek kill me pls
My family is pretty liberal and my eldest brother is gay. My parents and brothers seem to accept him but its very taboo for him to have a bf for instance
I also have two cousins, one a lesbian and the other is gay and are in long term relationships
Something you should know about arabs is that reputation wins over morality every single time
In reality nobody has issue with gays and pre-marital sex but because its seen as promiscuous it is very frowned upon
Secret gay societies are rampant but nobody talks about it and they're very hard to find
>tfw when The Neon Demon got released, Crush asked me all enthusiastically to go and watch it with her

And yet I'm still waiting for that response on whether she's still up to come over next week.
Thanks for reminding me.
Is there a lesgen weight loss group? If so, I'd be interested in joining one. My town is small and I don't have any fit-minded buddies.
No lesgen is skelly centrally
>345 replies
>32 posters
This is the reason for the lesbian obesity epidemic.

you're reversing cause and effect, they become fat first then date each other due to lack of options and say they're "lesbians"
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Just go on /fit/.
/fit/ has been my home for the past 2 years. Lost 30 pounds with the help of some /fit/bros. Working out is my only enjoyment in life now.
>Check out craigslist w4w section for shits and giggles
>Barely half a page long, 3 requests for threesomes, and everyone is old af
>Never again
I know craigslist is terrible imo!
how old are we talking here?
I couldn't even find what I was originally looking for there, which was cheap miniatures for an upcoming tabletop game.

Youngest was 25, most were in their 30's and 40's.
Well who the hell is under 40 and trying to hook up on craigslist?
Lonely lesgen losers, most likely.
Some people go for it I guess, though searching for women wasn't my initial intent. A few of their descriptions make me picture white fat suburban moms, black fat suburban moms, or bsdm people.

The 25 year old had the most innocent description by far though. Something about cuddling and friendship, but I might be mistaken.
>The 25 year old had the most innocent description by far though. Something about cuddling and friendship, but I might be mistaken.
Did you message her?
Nope, barely have a clue on how craigslist works. It might not even be up still, it's been over a week since I looked.

Plus I'm frightened anons
Has it hit the cap yet?

Still not a bad thing to be right?

Also as a general question anyone else in here sort of flat /tall but with a cute butt? I feel really weird and self conscious all the time, because I feel like peeps get turned off by my lack of chest. (At least I am thin)

>Goddess tier.
I dyed my hair red too but wasn't brave enough for a color that deep. More like a strawberry blonde. I still like it though.
I've dyed my hair a few shades of red, some of them deeper and brighter. Recently I'm liking darker reds a lot, and my hair is currently that colour. The only downside is that it can look brown-ish fast.

>tfw re-dyed hair for a date but still haven't gotten around to go on date
This is my hair color. Not sure if pictures will work.
Guess it is time for a new thread. Rooting for better luck this time.
It's the weekend. And until Monday expect some trolls.

>still no full story from coffee gal
Here I stand, waiting.
She's probably busy having sex as we speak.
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>people on 4chan are having more sex than you
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The girl, I meet on a dating site, who we've had this weird on and off flirting thing going on for a while, just with just got with someone else, and you know what? I'm okay.

I've been stressed and worried for the past two weeks wondering if she likes me, angry at myself for not saying the right things, confused about what 'we' were, and depressed about not being good enough.

It hurts a little, I won't lie, but I can move on now. I'm at peace.
good for you, anon
My local w4w is mainly women with bfs/husbands looking for a side fwb, 18-22 year olds looking to experiment, couples looking for threesomes, and obese femmes who usually fit into one of the former categories.
>stressed over two weeks of flirting
Learn to take it easy pal.
Lesbianism is serious, anon. We can't afford to fool around.
It's just that we both said we liked each other, but then she suddently gets very distant/uninterested. Que me stressing the fuck out wondering what I did wrong until she announced she was in a relationship on social media today.
Just fyi new /clg/ thread will be up later. The "lesgen" you see is an effort by tranners to be all-inclusive. Post there for the disputes about female (male) and whatnot. Hopefully this brings a sense of easy organization.
The second week of flirting is when lesbians start planning the wedding, anon, go easy on her.
Oh that's too bad :(
I wish I could help you out with the miniatures, but I only have dice, no minis yet
Yeah I saw that thread and am posting there for now, and I guess here since it is active even if on it's way out. We sort of tanked our own thread trying to get rid of them.

My gf is cis and what not, so I am not really worry about getting contaminated or anything haha. There is comfy pictures there too so so far so good.

They also can't raid it if they are already allowed in. Still waiting for next /clg/ though.
Move over now
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Did anyone go through denial when they were still figuring out they were gay? I get crushes on girls, want to be affectionate with them, dream about kissing girls, and have never liked a guy as much as I've liked a girl (yet idk). But why do I feel like my girl crushes were fake and still expect to find That Perfect Guy one day? Compulsory heterosexuality and denial?
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