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Do I have to bluepill and tumblrfy myself to live a happy

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Do I have to bluepill and tumblrfy myself to live a happy lesbian life?
>Do I have to bluepill to live a happy life?
yes. rest is irelevant.
>everything about her style


>her chunky body

Fuck I'm too gay
Log cabin lesbians best lesbians desu
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Do I have to make bait to live a happy shitposter life?

this is how you sound
Ok, but really. I'm white, cisgendered, and hardly give a fuck about privilege or feminism. Every other lesbian I find online has some form of social justice in their profile. Should I get over it and keep up with the times?
I'm the same way. You can have different political views than your gf you know.
Well, since lesbians are about 5% of women, aka one in twenty, then you'd have to know the percentage of women on alt right/redpill movements, the fraction of individuals worldwide who are "redpilled", learn the probability of a LGBT person joining these movements, and you basically have the number worldwide.

Now just multiply that miniscule fraction by the population of your country, and you should be good to go.
not if you're willing to date a tranny ;^)

...I actually wouldn't mind, as long as it was a very feminine tranny
It's really easy to "bluepill" if you stop internalizing /pol/ memes. Hmu if interested to learn more. I'm the world's leading expert on Internet meme political socialization
Wouldn't matter if u straight af, this nasty

Actually, I'm quite interested. Care to make a quick post about it?
>5% of women are lesbians

Try less than 1%n you stupid dyke.
I am a real lady!

I wear dresses and makeup, and I have a very feminine 9 inch cock!
I'm currently finishing up some class discussions and have some meetings this afternoon, but I'll come by and post on it later
99% of lesbians are feminist trash so sure
>Do I have to bluepill and tumblrfy myself to live a happy lesbian life?

Yes. As a dyke those are your people just like hons and bearded trans "women" are my people as a tranny.
Ignorance is bliss because people assume the best. Blue pill is best pill.

>know nothing about computers
You can enjoy basically everything.
>know a little about computers
Now you're running Linux and only use FOSS please stop.
>know a lot about computers
TempleOS will never have networking to keep out CIA NIGGER FAGGOTS.

>know nothing about guns or gun laws
Haha yeah [whatever your political opinion is].
>know a little about guns
This ban makes no fucking sense, ban this instead/it shouldn't be banned.
>knows a lot about guns

>know nothing about biology or psychology
Whoa you're asexual/agender/bigender/trigender/demigender/tumblrgender that's cool.
>knows a little about biology or psychology
Oh, you're insane.
>knows a lot about biology or psychology
Tell me about your childhood. Or don't, I already know. God you disgust me.
>not being bluepilled means you're gonna become a cynical misanthrope

you're just doing it wrong m8

What if you're already mildly disgusted with Tumblrsexuals? Is there no going back?

I feel like I'm the racist uncle of this decade.
>What if you're already mildly disgusted with Tumblrsexuals? Is there no going back?
I went from being disgusted by them to becoming one of them. I thought transsexuals were the dead-end of Western civilization, and I sort of hated them. Chances are, a large part of the appeal of such an ideology was that it allowed me to be "normal," because it meant that transsexuality isn't valid.

I think they were saying they're a lesbian and still attracted to that woman despite knowing they shouldn't be.
Actually, studies show that the higher someone's IQ is, the smaller the chance of having depression, or an unhappy life.

Therefore, ignorance is not bliss, but a torture, and only knowledge and reason can give you a truly satisfying life.

Now stop peddling your high school level bullshit.
>Actually, studies show that the higher someone's IQ is
[citation needed]

>the smaller the chance of having depression
[citation needed]

>or an unhappy life
[citation needed]

>Therefore, ignorance is not bliss
[citation needed]

>but a torture
[citation needed]

>and only knowledge and reason can give you a truly satisfying life
[citation needed]

>Now stop peddling your high school level bullshit.
[citation needed]
Three things make up what one might call "smarts".
Intelligence is your basic logical reasoning and ability to understand complicated thoughts. This is dependant entirely on the functionality of your brain, mostly the prefrontal cortex and frontal cortex. IQ sort of works to measure this but doesn't really come all that close especially in regards to the prefrontal cortex (long term planning and big picture thinking). This is something you are for the most part either born with or not, and is not the red pill.
Education is your knowledge of this world's laws; everything to do with "Why?" This is not the red pill either, and does not effect IQ tests greatly.
Finally, information is everything you know about how things in this world are. Being intelligent and educated helps one connect the dots, but is by no means necessary. If you know that you, as a white person in the US, are most likely to be assaulted by a Latino than any other race, you are informed. (Yes blacks are more violent but they mostly hurt other blacks.) This is the red pill. The red pill manifests as unhappiness because the world is shown to be truly awful. Pick a thing, reasearch it, and it WILL be ruined for you unless you choose to ignore the facts (blue pill). A less political example is computer monitors. Look up panel types, input lag, GtG transitions (and the lack of a standard for them), frame tearing and never be happy with yours again.

Your study is also critically flawed in that red pilled people are unlikely to allow themselves to be diagnosed with depression. You have found a Texas marksman "study", one that find statistics that appear to prove a point by intentionally misrepresenting it. A perfect example is the gun control score card's gun control vs gun fatality comparison. By counting all gun deaths it pits judicious defensive shootings in favor of gun control and ignores the fact that people in these states just murder eachother with melee weaponry more frequently.
Is she supposed to look like CIA?
Hey OP, I just wanted to say something so you don't get too discouraged.

You said you'd be alright with a transgirl. We're definitely out there. I'm taken, but if I wasn't I'd make a pass. Not bluepill tumblr nor am I a /pol/tard. Don't give up hope.
B-but your conclusion does not logically follow from your premises... Do Americans really not have rhetoric as required education?
No. Becoming blue pilled requires giving up all happiness and replacing it with offense
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>redpill bullshit
>knowledge will make you misanthropic

fuck off /pol/, not everyone is an edgy retard like you
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