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Trans girls acting like flaming homosexuals

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Why do all the MTFs I meet act like flamboyant feminine homos with an annoying fake voice?

I want a girl with a dick, not an obnoxious faggot playing a caricature of a bimbo chick.

It's really off putting, this needs to stop. Explain yourselves.
Fixing voice is pretty hard...
don't take the weak bait
because they are actually faggots with being girl feitsh

gays are girly and lesbians are boyish, nothing new during centuries.
and leftists create ideology to this, because they will support any sexual minority who exist
Tell that to masc gays and femme lesbians.
Sure, but i do not know any
>gays are girly and lesbians are boyish, nothing new during centuries.
That is new, though. Centuries ago gay men and women acted the same as straight men and women because there was no gay culture created from homophobia driving them undergound
>masc gays
AHAHAHAH you have to be joking
Most any one playing this stereotypical trope is just a bottom-gay, not trans at all. Not that being trans is any less degenerate or anything.

You'll notice that they never happen to be butch women, or even regular women, trapped in men's bodies. They believe that gender is something other than a social construct, and this causes them to play up to stereotypes
>Why do all the MTFs I meet act like flamboyant feminine homos with an annoying fake voice?

Most MtF I met try to act like highschool cheerleaders which is pretty cringey.
It is because there is lack of source about the habits of plebs.
but if you read about artists, kings, emperors, patricians, nobility, then it is visible
Sometimes people tell me it's a bit confusing that I act like a tomboy because it goes against their idea of trans people
I don't know if I've just completely internalized comfy chic or if it's actually what I want, but it makes it really awkward to come out
Describing your sexuality like it's a piece of furniture or home decor. O, tumblr, look what you've done.
"Tomboy" isn't a sexuality
It's a style or attitude
Styles and attitude are easily changed
Being trans isn't a sexuality
It's a medical condition of the brain
My sexuality has nothing to do with my being trans or being called a tomboy
mental illness in the brain*

at least we can agree on that part
because trans girls attracted to men are actually effeminate gay men presenting as female to attract "straight" men

trans girls attracted to girls are actually "straight" men who get off on crossdressing and shemale porn
>medical condition vs mental illness

Different anon, but literally what's the difference?
People always go on about various lgbt people being 'mentally ill' like it's something dismissive. How does it potentially being a mental illness invalidate anything at all?
What's the difference between a mental illness and medical condition?

wew lad

You realize people "accept" crackpot trans fairy tales about as much as that homeless guy's tinyfoil hat stories about black helicopters following us all around right?

You must take a schizo's worldview as literal truth as well, right? According to you, they're absolutely valid.
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Do you even know what edgy means or just post corny wannabe-memes when you can't formulate a response?
I like posting awful memes at any given opportunity, especially when I don't feel like continuing an argument because someone else has made a silly comparison
The difference between schizophrenia and gender dysphoria, at the very least, is that it isn't considered unethical to medicate schizophrenics out of their minds until the symptoms of the medication cover up the symptoms of schizophrenia
It is, however, currently considered unethical to attempt to "correct" a person's gender incongruity by treating the symptoms of dysphoria, so the other option is transition, which treats the body to align with the mind
Lol'ing at OP

Anyone have the original?
Never mind. Looked it up and it's boring
Go home, Blanchard
Or you just like posting corny dribble to give you an hour to google your position that you didn't even know existed until 30 minutes ago.

At the end of the day they're both still considered mental illnesses you just can't "forcibly" medicate one unless they're committed involuntarily in which case that all goes out the window anyway.
It doesn't, anon. Good on you for realizing that. What we call things doesn't change the reality of them anyway. If we call it a neurological intersex condition and if we call it a mental illness, it is still the same gender dysphoria.

In cases like this, the labels we give them simply reflect cultural attitudes. In a time when there is a movement to de-stigmatizing mental illness in general, it is interesting to see some think they can malign sufferers of these conditions by calling them mentally ill. Using it as an argument is intellectual illiteracy though. Saying "it's not normal, it's a mental illness," can be a fine way to express one's sentiments, but the moment one tries to offer it as an argument, they should be reminded that this is a self-reflexive tautology and not a valid logical form.
Bruh I'm at a doctors office for a chest infection
Not everyone can constantly be refreshing a webpage on a Sri Lankan canoe weaving forum just to make sure no one misunderstood a joke
TLDR; "B-but you're "victimizing" us again"

Fuck outta here.
The only thing you're a victim of is your parents and other enablers telling you you're normal. Don't expect the rest of the logical world to lie to you like they did.
And you're just here to vent cause unrelated things rustled your jimmies and somehow you ended up here. Cool story bro.
I didn't reference the word or the concept. What I did do is explain a simple principle of linguistic semiotics. Explain to me how you aren't just projecting.
>You must take a schizo's worldview as literal truth as well, right? According to you, they're absolutely valid.
>all mental illnesses are schizophrenia
"It is interesting to see some think they can malign sufferers of these conditions by calling them mentally ill"

Dress it up all you want, you're still crying about bullying. So either you've got a legit mental illness and you're being unjustly bullied because of it or you don't have a mental illness and you're just crying about not being accepted by generally normal people when you're a freak show. It's hard to tell because you keep flip-flopping trying to wiggle around the fact that trans people are complete fucking whackjobs that should be locked in the same hospitals as schizos and manic-depressives so they don't taint the rest of the population.
No one said all mental illnesses are schizophrenia. The topic was accepting a mentally ill person's worldview which would include but not be limited to schizophrenia. Nice attempt at putting words in my mouth though, the point that I made still stands.
For reference, other mental illnesses:

I think that you should re-read my original post two or three times, perhaps more slowly. Inferring emotional content is projection, and so far that's all you've done. The whole fucking point is that labels like "mentally ill" do not go beyond semantics, and only retards would try to make definitional arguments, as you're doing now
>The topic was accepting a mentally ill person's worldview which would include but not be limited to schizophrenia
Also depression, gambling addiction, chronic anxiety, etc etc

4chan should require literacy tests these days
No. Agp bullshit. Don't like CD or shemales. Just want to be in a warm cuddly girls arms and not wanna die when I look in the mirror.
Good way to interject yourself in a convo then sound like a complete idiot. Literally putting words in my mouth then using 4th grade insults to debunk what I never said. Why don't you just go argue with yourself in the corner over there, junior, adults are talking here.
This is the most childish and inane response I've seen in this thread, which is saying a lot.

I'll reiterate though, you have serious issues regarding trans people. Do you furiously beat your meat to feminine penis when you aren't working as a high-powered business executive?

We all know that if you're a manager then it's at a Starbucks or something. Someone as autistic and flustered as you could never make it in a real company. I'm sorry your one trans employee contacted HR. Now stop projecting.
First off I'm not flustered. Second, my response is childish but you making up these imaginary scenarios of masturbating to executives and "hur dur you're a starbucks manager" isn't childish at all? You're clearly outmatched here if you have to fall back on tired, corny bullshit because you have no real contribution to make here.

Get real, kiddo. You can see yourself out now.
Hahhh, actually I posted that in the wrong thread. I was responding to a different transphobe. But really it's easy to mistake you guys. You sound like broken records.

Of course there's no "real contribution" being made; it's impossible to contribute in your mind, because no matter what anyone says, we're mentally-ill faggots, so our points are invalid. I was the one who talked about "mental-illness" being used as a term to malign people though, and how that is an interesting cultural phenomenon.

You brilliantly retorted that I'm crying about bullies. But you're right, anon-san, I'm the childish one here.
The only interesting cultural phenomenon is the fact that we let loons like you actual wander around outside now instead of keeping you locked in asylums where you can't be a danger to society. Won't be long before we get back to our senses though, don't worry.
In your free time, do you write shitty copypasta for /pol/? Pathetic.

I'll humor you a bit. I have a graduate degree and work in community relations for a major tech company. I have a boyfriend and a dog, I go to the gym 2-3 times a week, and I spend weekends working in my garden and sometimes going boating... remind me why I am being locked up again?

Idiot. Wait, that's right. /pol/-tier posters can't construct good arguments because their opinions aren't backed by logic. It's just shitty reactive emotions. I've just scrolled through the thread again to double check (again, you transphobes all say the same tired shit), and it seems you haven't really made a single real point on the topic. I saw you accuse people of crying about bullying, I saw you criticize someone's definition of "edgy," and I saw you equivocate. Then you turn around and try to critique people's rhetoric?

Respond with something that isn't a deflection or a strawman. Otherwise, remove yourself from this board and come back once you've developed enough to make legitimate arguments. As is, you're wasting our time and stunting your intellectual and emotional development.
>Won't be long before we get back to our senses though, don't worry.
>m-muh day of rope though!
Kill yourself, autist.
Why do all 4chan posters have some vague sense of superiority over their fellow mentally ill compadres?

Aspies welcome.
Because a common way to deal with mental issues is to put oneself above another. You can spot a sane person within 2 posts at most, and I don't mean to say that this will be someone you agree with, but someone who objectively doesn't talk utter shit.
>people even responding to this bait
>hurr I like da bailey jay dickgirl porn
>me want an anime
>why do people act like faggots hurr
Could you project any harder with your dickgirl porn and anime fantasies? Is it possibe or have you reached the peak of desperation?
>accepting worldviews of people with some mental illnesses means you should accept worldviews of people with any mental illness
>all mental illnesses are exactly the same and should be treated the exact same way
No one is putting words in your mouth, you're just being an autistic fuckwit who clearly has no idea how psychology works.
Gas all trannies.
Just the succession of these two posts made me laugh. Thanks, anons.
Listening to a tranny try to throw armchair-psychology out is like asking a mental patient for stock advice. What's the point?
Picky chaser: The Post
I see this all the time. Interestingly, conservative Republican trannies are NEVER like this. Get yourself a redpilled qt tranny.
Just what we need, more /pol/tards bumping shit threads. Saged
saged your mom last night, she wailed like a cow
are you me?

fuck this 3d shit. ill just have to stick with futa
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butthurt lesbian feminist degenerate detected, both passable redpilled trannies and attractive women belong to redpilled men

you can go play scissors with an andrea dworkin-lookalike
>I want a girl with a dick
> not an obnoxious faggot playing a caricature of a bimbo chick

I guess words just don't even mean anything anymore
>24/7 pajamas
>thick jersey accent
>hoagie stains
People say shit like, "I look good for me." No you don't. That's a monumentally stupid lie. People dress to impress, or for occasions or work, or whatever. If you're showing midriff or side boob, you want dick in one of your holes. That's how it is.

I knew this tranny, some hooker from NY, and she insisted that clothes make the woman. You take off the clothes, what the hell is left--a LARPer? I'm comfortable with my naked ass. I've been fixed since 2006, and it shows. And what happened to her? She detransitioned because keeping up appearances was too stressful. Boohoo. That's what happens when you play Barbie and slurp cocks for a living.

The whole tutorial thing on how to dress/act/talk/shit like a woman always cracked me up. You could ask your mom, your cousins or anybody that isn't a clown faced attention whore on the internet, but no. Surely youtube and infographics are the path to success.
5% of gays are flamboyant fags
5% of gays are gym bunnies
90% are almost invisible to the naked eye (they might have stereotypes like liking Camp Music or fashion, but it's hidden enough only a good friend would notice it).
>tfw wobdeting if blaire would ever get surgery
You're trash.

Mental illness is not confined to delusion.
Depression is a mental illness. that doesn't mean there aren't medically observable reasons the person feels like shit, that they can't overcome by simply thinking "oh, that's okay, it's just a mental illness, I'm not REALLY sad". Likewise, a trans person's dysphoria can be accepted as real, along with it's dissipation after being treated with transition.
>Nice attempt at putting words in my mouth though,
Haha you fucking faggot, your entire post was nothing but putting words in my (>>6974630) mouth.

>The topic was accepting a mentally ill person's worldview
No it wasn't. At all.
That's not true at all. Vast majority have some gay voice. And act effeminate
I remember my first political ideology
>there once was a hooker hon from New York who detransitioned
Interesting, anon!
What's your point?
When your ideas on of how women act come mostly from anime and porn you tend to act like a gross caricature when trying to be one.
The point is that there's a difference between projecting and being something. OP can't find anyone down to earth, because they're all too caught up in the pageantry of an abstract identity, rather than letting identity flow from themselves and through their actions. He's absolutely justified in experiencing an uncanny valley feeling.
because they are all secretly gay boys

You're a fucking idiot, tons of different types of girls out there. One girl I know from group renovates houses and does landscaping. Another is an auto tech, you have to expand your mind, meet people in the real world. And never, with empathise never, make assumptions of the general public based on attention whores on a Vietnamese Crayaloa Factory
because they are men
>I want a girl with a dick
you are more of a faggot than them
source of your claims: your ass
of course the vast majority of those you notice will be effeminate and have the 'gay voice' that's called selection bias. and of course the gays you see in the media will fit that stereotype, because the media fucking loves stereotypes.
in conclusion don't make baseless claims please kthxbai
>still likes dick

Please tell me that comic is shooped.

It's a very obvious shoop, anon. Look at the fonts.
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