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There isn't anyone around me

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Thread replies: 82
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There isn't anyone around me
Iowa? Yeah, you're fucked
I'm in Wisconsin ţbh
Me too. I live in Little Chute.

It's that up north or west? I'm from Milwaukee and don't really leave the city
It's central Wisconsin. Why does everyone who is gay live in a big city instead of a moderate sized one? I just want to fuck someone...

Bigger cities in most states tend to be more liberal than small towns so it's common to head out off you're gay.
I'm not a liberal. I hate liberal ideologies.
I'm also not a rich middle class person who can just pack up and move somewhere like that. I have a job.
Liberal in that there's more gay people/gay bars. Not trying to yuck your yums. But I agree that Milwaukee is really pricy because parts of it are getting gentrified
Were you born there? How the fuck do people simply move?
I'm actually from a city called Greenfield that's about 10 minutes away from the city proper and its pretty cheap, I have a 1 bedroom loft style apartment for 630 a month. Comparatively, I looked for "affordable" housing downtown and found this building for young adults that's 810 PER PERSON for a crappy suite.
i'm on the indiana-michigan border
I'm getting a studio in Appleton soon for $400 a month. It'd be nice to move, but I'm not sure what I'd do about employment. My current job is too nice...

Studios look really comfy to me, but most times I've looked around they're only about 100 cheaper than a full one bedroom so they're not worth it.

How far would your work commute be if you stayed at your job?
And moved where, Milwaukee? Probably 4-6 hours a day
>tfw gay in Arkansas

Just fuck my life up senpai
Nah I'm from Greenfield. I just say I'm from they're because people don't know Greenfield.

So is your studio like a set and done deal? If your current job is decent you'll have no problem getting another one with similar pay. Some employers don't really care what you've done, as long as it was a job with sort of cachet.
I'm working class. I drive forklifts in a warehouse. The only places that would hire me would want more experience than I currently have.

There's companies like Quad Graphics and Uline that have large warehouses that often hire.

Good luck on your endeavors bro
Thanks. I don't think I'll be moving any time soon however.
Ayy fellow Arkansan.
who south dakota here
How did you get a job at a warehouse? I've applied before, but I always get rejected because the positions always require at least 1-2 years of experience plus a certification in being able to operate machinery.

I got forklift experience at my company a few years back, then a position opened up so I applied for it. Look for entry level positions or deal with temp agencies.
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At least you don't live in the lowest population density state like me, with two international borders between you and the rest of the states.
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There isn't anyone around me.....
AYYYY, where yall from?

Stuttgart here
fuck this heat

Conway anon here. I'm quite surprised that there's a Stuttgart anon on this board
Holy shit there are three of us.
Cabot. Fuck this heat indeed.
Any of you know where to get legit mones? I need to go legit 4 srs meme.
Yeah, sugar town is nice.

Never been to conway, actually. I think I have some friends going to college over there.

Born and raised in a little town called Clarendon, doubt you've heard of it
Arkansas confirmed gayest state next to cali
this state is shit
god damn those numbers sound good. a studio apartment in chicago is like $1000 a month
I'm from Cincinnati, the best midwestern city that starts with c.
Here in central Wisconsin I'm getting a studio for $390 with heat and water.
I have relatives in North Dakota (that are staying there illegally), we're from Eastern Europe.

One of them, a girl, said a lesbian approached her and asked her to marry her even accepting a green card and even said that she (the lesbian) would be ok with just marrying for green card. My cunt cousin rejected her and said she had to stop herself from beating her. Worst is I had to listen to the story and awkwardly laugh when the rest of the family laughed at the super homophobic parts.

They deserve to be deported, desu.
Alaska is the largest state in the union. Most people don't know this and assume Texas is, but Alaska is the largest state.
Really? And I thought that California was the largest state.
You know you're in the largest state of the union when you're anchored down in Anchorage.

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California is the largest Populated state.
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Living in the Midwest is equivalent to ordering a dish from a dinner menu that doesn't look appetizing from the get go, but you decide on something that seems to be remotely appealing based on the description presented to you, only to receive your order and upon tasting it you realize it's much worse than you previously thought it would be, but you're stuck with it because the kitchen is closing for the night and the cook won't make anything else for you. So, you end up eating it anyway because you're hungry and everyone else is done with their mediocre food they chose from the menu. Once done with your meal you sit there dissatisfied and stuck there in your seat waiting for the bill, but the waitress is on her smoke break and you're forced to look around at your surroundings ashamed that you didn't go somewhere with better food and better service.
holy shit the accuracy

also who Missouri here
Should I just kill myself then?
Holy shit I used to live there when I was really young haha
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No, just move.

>tfw saving up money with husband in hopes of leaving this shithole.
Not many people from Illinois around 4chan, least that I've met
I'm an Anon that talked with you in tlg, and I happen to have just moved up to Iowa with my wife. Loving it so far, but I haven't been here long enough to make any serious judgments.

I also met a super cute transgirl that lived in Illinois back when /cd/ was a thing, and drove from Texas to meet her. She used to go by the moniker Potatochan, and she really didn't like living there. Ended up moving to Oregon not long after I left her place.
How old are you? Did you go to Elm Dale or Edgewood perhaps?
I'm kind of close to that. If 40 minutes West of detroit can really be considered close.
Right in the middle of Indiana.

Not only are there very few open people around that aren't trash, nearly nobody seems to use the internet.
This thread should live.
How am I supposed to move when my job is here and I'm too socially stunted to find a new one?
I'm a passable tranny near duluth and i wanna top a twinkish guy. Thought this'd be the place to see if the 00000.1% is out there.
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I live in chicago and go to university of chicago bby :^)
thanks for the new wallpaper. And Chicago isn't midwest.
South Dakota reporting in
What side of the state?
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Illinois masterrace reporting.

Masculine, athletic, and muscular "straight guy". I would deffo hangout with anyone from the Midwest that met my criteria. Really only looking to meet passable trans girls, but an extremely fem femboy might be OK; at any rate feminine, exclusive bottoms only.

Misery here, especially with this heat/humidity.
passing trans guy suffering in southern minnesota
chicago, st louis or cincinnati are your only hope
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I'm in Indiana.

I know your pain.
missouri here
I'm in Nebraska. Fuck Nebraska.
314 here

Holy shit, I'm moving to Milwaukee.

t. New Jersey
Nebraska trap here. Shit sux.
WI here, alternate between Madison and Milwaukee

Downtown is outrageous, I feel you, I'll stick with my 500/month one bedroom in Tosa for as long as I can
passing trans girl, passing trans guy, lets do it up buddy.
o shit, im gay tho
that's basically free

t. san francisco
I'm in the Twin Cities and have family in Austin
[spoiler]I'm shedding weight before getting on titty skittles though[/spoiler]
im live in a small town near Rochester
lmao i waited to get on T before trying to work out or diet
I'm so sorry
I mean, it'd be nice to have all that land to go shooting on but aside from that there has to be nothing to do.
Last time I was down there my family dragged us to the fucking spam museum like it was disney world, but that may stem from my grandparents both working for hormel for like 30 years
I live in Sheboygan, Wisconsin.


Rochester has 3x more things to do than the town i live in,,,,, im so bored
all i ever do is drive around and sneak into cow pastures senpai

god damn spam museum, it makes everything in a 5 mile radius smell like spam
you poor soul
if I had any more room in my house I'd offer you space but we're already over capacity and illegally renting a room to a friend of ours
im moving away in a year anyway
Used to live in Bowling Green, OH. Moved the fuck away from that noise. Midwest is home, but I've had plenty
the fuck do you mean "chicago isn't midwest"?
Yeah, if you live in fucking Nebraska. Michigan master race, senpai.
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