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mtfg: girl general

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 639
Thread images: 140

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WALA edition

▶ Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVS3crqBzSA [Embed]
▶ Informed consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶ Trans Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
▶ Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶ Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶ Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
▶ Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶ Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶ HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/0000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Gallery full of cis women of all heights and weights and body shapes to make you feel better about yourself: http://www.mybodygallery.com/
▶ Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶ IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
▶ Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968

fine dining: >>6601301
(I made soup for the first time, I know how to feed my man!)
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>tfw you wish you grew up in a more accepting time
This is why im non-op.
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I'm sorry y'all
I'm so dysphoric and i don't think i'll ever be a girl until i get ffs and srs
I won't be a beautiful woman like pic until i get ffs and srs
I won't be stealth
I'm just a boy
I'm just a feminine male for now
red you're a weirdo.
Shut the fuck up Red.
You're a girl.
>we're only a few years away from high schools full of feminine boys in skimpy outfits
those were done by bad surgeons.
I got ffs and srs and I'm sill not a girl
i never be a real girl because I wasn't raised as a girl.
I'm not a girl
Ok so me and my gf (les gen) are planning to off ourselves today Romeo and Juliet Style
>as children copy friends
Well, that is just dumb.
Angie on a rampage again
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Same desu
America...this is the future you chose
>tfw you went to a uniformed private school and didn't get to wear the plaid skirt or the green summer jumper with a cap sleeved blouse
Brassard and suporn are bad? Because that's from them :^)
>tfw afraid to go to the doctor fpr anxiety because of your anxiety
>when you feel the sadposting deep in you
Were you? We're you really?

I had to learn to be a man, and it felt exactly like learning to be a girl

I was raised to be a little afraid person who saw the world through books an rose tinted glasses, left alone with my feelings which alternated between warming me up and ripping me apart inside
Isn't this the worst, I was 30 minutes late to my appointment yesterday that helps me talk about my anxiety issues... Because I was in the parking lot anxious
why did you all do this to red ;_;

i don't want red to be sad

i love you red
I mean, it's plausible, I'm still not convinced that I didn't become trans because of a crush I had on someone that turned out to be trans.
>coworkers holding doors open for me lately
>they smile and say good morning alot more
>accidentally bump my elbow and say ouch this morning and 2 of the other chefs come see if im ok

uhhhhhh. whats going on??
Hon stories

Are we fucking Susan's now?
you're a chef?
This is how normal humans interact. The fuck is wrong with you
Im sorry.
You probably are being more confident desu
Sounds like you're bitter sir
I took an estrogen pill and now strange men keep holding doors for me when I'm right behind them and when I walk into the office the administrative assistant says good morning. Wtf is happening
Kek 20 points to slytherin
holy shit my nipples fucking ache and I swear my areolae got bigger last night
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>took one hrt
>went out today
>a guy looked up at me and smiled

W..what's going on guys... am I turning into a girl
No need to mock Korra, man.
If you look happy people want to interact with you. Just saying if your shit no one will do shit for you.
Where did you get that pic of maddie?
That's enough angie
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Maybe you'll get to experience breast cancer also!
this isnt entirely a bad thing
i wish i knew this feel
That's enough maddie

who flipped your asshole inside out?
What's more womanly than that?
i wanna make beep's nipples ache
Yo maddie/pizzaslut and Faye are the only chicks in their thirties right?
no you don't ;___;
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That word doesn't mean what you seem to think it means.

I don't know what you mean.

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So Maddie, Faye, and Kayla are in their thirties?
you're acting like a cunt for no reason. There's obviously something else going on. I assume you have prolapsed anus, given the edginess.
everything but kill yourself
Smiles is 38 but she found the fountain of youth. Tuns out it's in Australia somewhere.
>tfw you have a gf but u also have a crush on faye, red, maddie, kayla, elanna, ufufu, and quid
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I'm bisexual so if you were to call me a faggot you would only be half right.
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>tfw getting released tomorrow
awww yeah

citation pls cause none of those vulvae look remotely like suporns work in regards to yissues used,aesteatics, clit size and vagina entrance
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>took estrogen for 2 years
>now i can't stop getting girls sucking my dick
what happened? i don't get it
lily how nice is it to have a vagina
+sydnie and CFH

The mid late twenties list is pretty big too
Maybe if you're a dog you can fuck half of them.
Faye is 43, kayla is 41 and Maddie is 50
Here we go.

Ever since since prom, ive liked being fucked by unprotected dongs. Well, sure enough I got crabs. I got one so big on my cunt that you could have boiled in and seasoned it in spice and had yourself a hell of a meal. I contracted those crabs from the prom king. He fucked me in the limo after he accepted his award. He told me he wanted to fill my slot with unprotected cock, that way he could give me his crabs. I thought he was goofing around, but he was dead serious and loving every minute of it. Within a week, crabs had infested my cunt. Every inch of my fluff bucket was covered with those nasty little vermin entitled crabs. Sometimes they would bite my clit and it would feel great, but most of the time it was horrible and made me feel inferior. I didnt know how to get rid of them and I didnt have health insurance so I lived with them for 10 years and 3 days. I tried sitting in tomato juice but I heard later that was used for getting rid of skunk stench, so I figured if you cant beat em, join em. I named every single crab that had moved onto the surface of my snatch. As far as I could feel, there was 20. Raymond, Lupe, Bobby, Ernest, Dixie, Lawrence, Sherly, Steve, Alahandro, and Niche. Eventually, after I had saved up some cash, I turned my attention to a doctor who helped me kill the crabs. At the time I was happy to be free from their constant biting, but then became suicidal because I had killed my friends that had been by my side for 10 years. Even when I would go out for a weekend of unprotected fucking, they wouldnt leave me. They believed in me. Not one of the peters that pulverized my pussy during my 10 years of crab infestation contracted them. They stuck by my poontang through thick and thin, and I feel deeply in love with them and they loved me...
idk maybe. these are the same ppl I've been working with for the past 7 months. it's just kinda weird that they're treating me so different now. I used to be like, invisible.
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I didn't realize how sensitive you are.
I hope you don't have an emotional breakdown again.
faye what's the secret to big boobs
forgot grace
Shit taste
are you a chaser or something wgat are you doing here
>>6602669 #
Considering it's not a real one, probably pretty bad. I myself am pmsing like a mofo but atleast I have a real vagina that isn't an inside out or is or ballsack.
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I'm still in my thirties for a couple years...
>tfw you have a gf but you have a crush on beeps, red, Kayla, Maddie, and anon
Genetics, my mom is a G cup or something after her reduction.

And dangerously high prolactin levels that cause you to spurt breast milk
xanax is good
goof one
cause you are warming up to them and same as them. Just normal stuff id you arent a total cunt.
It's /pol/.
Inside out penis or inside out ballsack*
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>coworkers casually spanking my ass lately
>they smile and flick my nipples alot more
>accidentally bend over sensually and moan this morning and 2 of the coworkers start jerking off
uhhhhhh... ok?? hrt is so weird
You look at least 49
They're probably a terf or a /pol/ack attempting to trigger people in this thread
>not having the superior genitals I.e. A penis
elaborate pls
maddie im currently highlighting your post in green do you have a color preference
I drink every night I don't have work
Wow you look like my moms gypsy friend who's in her fourties
This is basically what it was like for me in the military
Last I checked, you were the one that kicked me out of the skype group in a fit of rage.
It's angie having an autistic episode
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>tfw you can hear yourself getting better at guitar
it inspires me to practice more tbqf
Oh wow I didn't realize anyone actually cared about my shitposting >.<;;
Call me whatever you want but that doesn't change the fact that I am XX and my vagina isn't remnants of male genitalia. :p

Gud post
Shut up Faye. Everything has to be about you when you are around and it's really disgusting.
why do people hate when they can love
A shemale is superior in every way to a genetic woman, I'm sorry about your loss of being born cis
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We both know what im talking about.
I kicked you cause of your complaining.
you got kicked because you were invited to two separate groups and constantly attacked people and started huge arguments over nothing, not to mention telling us all to fuck off on a regular basis.

you made everyone uncomfortable.
KK whatever makes you happy, and I'll continue to do what makes me happy
With belladona extract?
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>tell dad you're trans
>he doesn't give a fuck
>attention drama whore in me wants a response

should I call him later and tell him his Exwife just picked out pic related as a name for his favorite son
pretty good
was a big confidence boost when the tests showed that even by natal standards my vaginal flora and lubrication are pretty good
only peeing is more annoying now
giving urine samples for tests especially
aww you seem bitter buddy
want some of my gfs meds ?
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Hey there, /mtfg/! I just came back from my daily four mile walk!

How do you keep in shape, girls?


Honestly it might be the angle but I think you look great. Not sure what's up with the fur scarf, but aside from that!
i thought your name was faye
c-can i be in the skype group
I had a bit of a reality check. Being a student is a lot better than being a sex slave and camwhore.
excuse count +1

Trip on maddie
Who are u again
You may have a pseudo vagina, but your face is still hon status.
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no wonder charlotte has next to no friends, amazing how the few she does manage to keep continue to put up with her shit.
My name is

Jay Justin Robin Faye Justice

It depends who I'm with, I have my preferred name, but people say they like one of the others normally so they just pick whatever and say they don't want to change.
tfw crush on faye..
I'm sorry about your saggy bulldog face, about your line backer shoulders, about your tree stump legs, about your lack of waist and hips, about your small gyno "boobs", about your British teeth, about your poop brown eyes, I'm sorry for your genetics.
cool I still like my face tho so who cares
and my vag is on par with a natal one
minus the whole pms and cramps stuff
I'm so devastated over not having those :^(
she's an angsty teenager who thinks being a miserable bitch and starting fights with everyone over nothing makes her a tsundere anime girl.
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can i call you frank
What is your preferred name?
Me too!
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Wow lol
Kayla is 27 iirc
Winter in Auvergne gets pretty cold. Fur is nice to keep warm.
Keep being deluded, your pseudo vagina will never be as good as a cis one, and I will enjoy my free flow of estrogen. :3
Sure pal
Robin, but literally 2 people call me that
I'm 30, although if I count as a chick at this point is debatable I guess.
I can't find the TinyChat/Discord info anywhere in the pastebins. Can one of you girls be a dame and post it~? Thanksies <3


It's kind of embarrassing to admit but I don't actually know how to ride a bike, at 23 years of age, none-the-less.

I've tried recently in the past - especially since I'm going to UC Davis, THE bike university - but I just can't get it down, for some gosh darn reason.

It's okay, though. I enjoy walking quite a bit, even if it is slower than biking. I get to take in the scenery more~
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Do you really want me to paste every single time you tried to argue about something for no reason.

Or those pictures that you didn't want people to see cause of being doxed.
wow faye we must have a deep connection hi
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and this, ladies and gentlemen, is how a hon meltdown looks like
hey that guy should take those thorns off his head

he might get hurt
faye can we be friends
Nah, I'ma call you Justin.
It's worth it in the name of fashion.
T. faye as anon
40s are the new 30's m8.

Chara is best Russian gril.

You're too young, miss! You should have crushes on pop singers and stuff.
sry but we already tested and it's as good as a natal one
but sure enjoy your cramps, bleeding and emotional instability for a limited amount of e
cya in 20 years at the pharmacy hon :*
Angie pls
Never change anon
Great memers think alike
Sure what's your name?
That's like an hour from me, it's a really nice campus, what are you studying?
Red, you don't have to be perfect to be a girl. Wanting every single thing about you to be prim and prop and feminine is fine but just because they aren't doesn't mean you're not a girl. Even with your imperfections you're still you and you can do anything you want to, including be a girl. Because you are a girl, you've admitted that 'being a femboy' is just a way to feel more comfortable with yourself. You see your body as being closer to that of a perfect femboy than a perfect girl but that doesn't matter. Wouldn't you rather be an imperfect girl than pretend to be a perfect femboy? Isn't transition at it's core about being who you actually want to be, not who other people think you can be? Chin up love.
>charlotte throwing edgy around as an insult
the ironing

I've only called myself a tsundere to two people, and I'm on good terms with one of them.
So that means you're coming up with this yourself, or you should turn your trip on, chaser.

Do it.
Show me that you're actually ok with stabbing people in the back, that way nobody'll trust you.
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>tfw meeting tonight canceled due to the heat.
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I'll enjoy my ability to start a real family and have children and have a vagina that isn't a science project. And nah I'm only 18, so maybe I'll visit you in the nursing home. <:
Lauren i get nervous and take my trip off a lot
And you can catch more pokemons!
It's not an insult, it's a description.
>posting coversations from outside 4chan

Sign of a shit person
I have lots of old friends that don't know. Some don't know how to swim. It's not embarrassing you just haven't been around it long enough.
I'm 23 lol I can do what I want mom
Don't make fun of Jesus.>:(

Lol, at least I'll never have a miscarriage.
Concert tonight cancelled because of thunderstorms. Summer open air events are great but it sucks when the weather gets too shitty.
idk anon a meltdown consisting of "your atupid nose your stupid haie your stupid eyes your stupid teeth" isn't BT nor F and sure as hell not O
>becoming a breeder
topkek have fun buddy
I'll might help ya getting the trolley out of the bus of tou ask nicely
>only 18
aww grandma it's ok
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How are you today Sass?

Oh no the known sociopath is not to be trusted?

Nice try though.
which one of you pieces of shit broke this poor little robot's heart?
You'll never carry period.
no one wants you here
I swear beep, ever since you started with your fancy transy phase, you've made life impossible for me and your father.
Stop shit posting, and you're a lot older than 18 so don't talk like a fool.
not like you ever will from the troll that you are :)

must suck being a hon and being a walking embarrassment everywhere you go, and spending all of your time on a 4chan board pretending to be friends with people that will pass infinitely better than you when you are really homophobic and hate them all and laugh at them behind their back
You realize a lot of cis women get vaginoplasty after childbirth because of how absolutely fucking destructive it can be, right? If you wanna keep flaunting that maybe make sure Jamal pulls out.
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<3 are you new here? Spill a little about yourself
sounds like Caddy
This thread is super nasty rn and not in a fun or good way so laters
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I mean, certain people seem to believe you can be their friend.

Your mental health status has no bearing on your public image.

This is me, calling your bluff.

Speak for yourself.
>as big of a loser as I am
>scored Chad
That's not how it works. He shot too high.
grangran pls
>what is a c section
Seriously even with natural birth is give my right arm to be able to have a baby ;.;
Lily is only 27 lol
>never able to wear a swimsuit again without a giant nasty scar
Freaky science project lmao.
who is that in the pic?
no i post here a lot i just usually post as anon because of anxiety

idk what to say about myself really

im plebs gf
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Now now dear, maybe if we don't give her attention she'll just grow out of it
I don't get this reference
Today is a fine day for shitposting! How about you.

Touché. But yeah I know I can't.

You want to have children and think you can but you'll never know if you can until you've tried it. It's a shame how stress, diet and pollution have made moder women less fertile. Good luck though.
I'm speaking for everyone you've run off because of your terrible shit eating attitude, which is all but a few people here.
lmao I wish
could drink legally in murrica then
That's very rare now days, most surgeons can do it with a very very small to no scar at all.
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Hello everyone! Got prescribed escitalopram and I'm not sure if I'm just imagining things but I feel weird just a few hours after taking the first pill.

>but I just can't get it down
It's one of those things that you 'get' at some point without even realizing and after that you got it :P
Keep at it and I'm sure you'll learn it!

>rushing into a relationship
>relationship based on mutual low social market value
>surprised that a loser girl is worth more than a guy
Yeah nah he aimed too high. At least she was nice enough to ask for an open relationship

I'm studying literature. I'm planning on getting my Master's in it and being an instructor at a community college, currently, although I'm also open to Ph.D work and being a professor at a UC.

I've actually studied both computer science and history as majors, previously, but then stuff happened and I ended up having to switch my major twice. I think my life is settled down enough that I can finally follow through with this and get my B.A., even if it will be at age 25...

And yeah, Davis is a wonderful campus. Not that I've seen too many 4-year university campuses, but I imagine that Davis is one of the better ones, even if it is filled with dirty, stinkin' hippies.
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So, how can we even call this a board on 4chan? We're basically reddit with the exception of the shitposting polack, er, totally legit cis girl.
Except it was a hon beating down a hon

Escitalopram/Lexapro is a really good SSRI - I've been on it, Neurontin, and Inderal for little over a year now, and it's really improved my mood. I still have depression/anxiety flares up occasionally - sometimes REALLY bad ones - but in general I feel like my mood has improved significantly since I've started that med combination.
ssri's don't work that fast but still even if you are aware of it placebo effect is a very powerful thing
No no no. All surgeons are total hack jobs. Surgical methods never improve and all good results are invalidated by bad ones. Don't you remember all the bad neovags being posted? That's literally all that exists, just like horribly cesarean scars that look like axe wounds.
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>tfw eating ice cream on a diet

It's David grohl and his mom
Oh hiiiiiiiiii, yeah, plebs really cute! you don't need to be nervous though, you seem pretty nice
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With a mug like this, I can see why you're so angry with life.
It's not that bad. At least We get more cock than you.

But she's behaving this way because you were never around the house and I was busy doing the wine and spa thing all the time.

I think we should go to church more.

As a family.
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youre right, this might help you understand better
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>All the negativity and fighting going-on right now.

Come on, girls! Cheer up! Love, love! <3
ho ho ho you think youre so fucking funny

fucking ass...
Nah, this is a hon beating down a hon.

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seriously maddie, I've only heard one person talk like this before.

Now fuck off.
I'm going to die alone.
Um do you have aspergers or something? I wasn't talking about vaginas...
>tfw off work finally

I'm feeling like Pokémon go today
fuck off

you're literally hugboxing people that deserve to be shot
I ate ice cream for breakfast today
Doesn't matter. All surgery ever is awful. You can't go to a surgeon without getting the worst possible results. Princess terfy proved it by spamming neovags.
Not to sound like an idiot, but where do you all find the motivation to argue? I don't think I could be assed.
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I never bluff.
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Well I sure hope I don't get any nasty side effects then. And I'm glad it works for you!

I didn't mean mood-wise but like I tried to sleep earlier and couldn't help but to move my legs it was weird. Also something funky with my eyes they took hours to wake up after the nap and I couldn't focus too close as if I had taken something to dilate my pupils.
But ye placebo stronk, I was having a good day before and now I feel even better :)
So maddie vs hulk hogan?
do you really think, with how shitty of a person you are, that only one or a few specific people could dislike you?

get fucking real, charlotte.
do you now? you must be one hell of a slut then

I don't even know who you are, what do you look like?
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not angry at all my sweet grandma
in fact I do feel quite happy
what makes you think I'm angr nana ?
Energy + Boredom
Okay that answered my question lol. Sorry about your aspergers. :(
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Don't think that way, anon! I'm sure love and companionship will find its way to you soon! Just be ~positive~ and good things will definitely come your way!


Now, now, anon, that's no way to act! If you spread happiness around, then happiness will definitely come back to you!
I just ate

and now I don't want what's in my gut anymore






It tells you where the pokemon are and how long they'll be there.
That's a fine Picasso piece you posted there.
/fit/izen here, I saw this off the main page.
You have a lot of potential with such broad shoulders. Mine are a bit narrow, so pretty jealous right now.
Why are you wearing a bra type thing though?
it's monet you pleb
lol I take an ssri too and my pupils are always dilated now. my doctor kept asking if I had taken any other drugs when she saw how big they were.
because it thinks it's a girl
meanwhile i got kicked from a skype group for a way better reason

>get into a friendly debate with a holocaust denier
>they do not understand basic thermodynamics
>i link them to a page "How Ovens Work"
>they call me a cunt and kick me

made my whole day t b h
>then happiness will definitely come back to you!
I'm just going to warn you now.

You're going to get hurt. Not by me, but by the people you think are "nice" on this board. Those people left a long time ago when they were disgusted by people like Edgar/Noelle and Faye.
Hey there. Wanna get fucked in the ass by a woman?
This thread is cute
>popular trip X
>X attacks my friends
>I fight back
>X gets angry

>few days later
>I post something random
>X posts some shitty thing about me
>new nemesis has been made
>all of X's friends hate me

It's formulaic really.
>Not knowing who Sass is

OMG! I literally can't even with you !

I mean I basically -b u i l t- this site from the ground up with Moot!

I give you guys daily fresh OC, funny cringe greentext, I dazzle you with dank memes and I always know when to use stale copypasta and somehow this is not enough for you.

The worst thing is like everybody is literally saying, who the fuck is Sass!

Please vote in mu strawpoll

I'm going to live a short, unhappy life that will end when I kill myself after exhausting all other options.

Thanks though.
Ok, the first two were obviously SRS but this one just looks like a normal vagina.

Looks like somebody's never seen one outside of porn before :^)

you're cute! you'd be cuter if u were bi master race tho
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Oh, I know there's not a lot of nice people in this thread, let alone on this board or on this website. I act this way in full knowledge of the absolutely vile, hurtful nature of a plurality or even majority of people in this thread.

But I do what I do regardless of this knowledge, because I truly believe that by acting positive and kind and nice, I can encourage a culture of happiness and joy, that will eventually overcome the inherently hurtful natures of many people in this thread.

I appreciate the warning, but believe me, I'm already aware.

Now, then, time for ~POSITIVITY~.
I don't like you. I didn't like you before this. This did not make me like you any less. Have you considered the possibility that people just don't like you?
that would make my whole day too what retards

Well, I won't force you to act in a way you would rather not, but I simply ask that you at least consider working on a joyful mindset. If not for yourself, then at least consider how your own mood can affect the people around you.

Anyways, happy happy~ <3
>suddenly a lot more drama
>no kayla post since drama started
weird huh
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>tfw gf wants to go Pokémon hunting with my friends

neat. that was a pleasant surprise
Oh holocaust deniers are just the absolute best cause there's even more evidence for it than anthropogenic global warming and LITERALLY every argument can be shut down in like ten seconds

so if you know your shit you can really make them FURIOUS with cognitive dissonance and just run away lmfao
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I don't get what you're trying to prove here, I'm a Femboy love
I'm not giving up my Sunday's just because she has a coping issue! Fuck it I don't even care! Take my wallet and go buy her whatever she needs at the mall, I'm going golfing!
W..wait so you're telling me we have like a smart dedicated transwoman in academia with plans for her future o.o

What are you doing here!

Joking aside, it took me a while to settle down and actually finish a degree, I started in engineering myself, and then moved on to get my first one in general studies, and then followed it up with an actual middle eastern studies degree to not be embarrassed when I tell people (I also have like an AA but it's w/e)

My favorite campus is Santa Clara, it's so beautiful and the church is very pretty, followed by University of Texas (which has a ton of statues) and then University of Michigan

I like your style. I once was a positive person such as yourself, but now I even shitpost without dropping my trip :3.
Most people on that side say the Holocaust occurred but that the numbers are wildly exaggerated.
Uh yeah, more than once. I have an abrasive personality and I'm a touch arrogant. I don't expect people to love me right away, since I rarely connect well with anyone, but what I just described is usually what gets people hateposting.

that's the thing though, people don't love you right away and they don't love you at all because you're a miserable cunt and you treat everyone like shit, your own friends don't even want to talk to you half the time.
Maybe they're just reminded they don't like you. This >>6602920 is a little weird though...
(inb4, if you do the math it's actually extremely obvious that you can burn 'em up within 2 years)

Yeah, but it doesn't really matter since those are easy as fuck to disprove too.

Unless millions of Jews just got abducted by ayy lmaos

>b-but u can't burn bodies that fast
well it's a whole lot easier than teleporting them to the moon, i tell you hwut
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True, this was a potluck at a open air shelter. I could easily have handled the heat, but others in the group, no.
You think money fixes everything, right?
You know that I know that your sunday golf games are nothing but degenerate lovemaking with your whore slut of secretary.

I'm almost sorry I gave you the best years of my life.

PharahXMercy is the best Overwatch pairing! It's so cute~!


Honestly, I get down quite a lot about how long it's taken me to complete a simple B.A. - I check up on people from my graduating class on Facebook (lol) quite often, and all of them have completed their education, have moved on to careers, are starting families, etc. etc., while I'm just getting ready to go back to my university, still only technically in my Junior year.

But, whenever I start to feel that way, I just try to remember what my psychiatrist in the second hospital I went to told me: Even if I'm finishing "later" than everybody else, all of this time has been spent gaining lots of life experience, going through hardships and such that, in the end, will make me a more rounded, deeper person than I would have been otherwise, even if I have to finish my degree "late".

It doesn't always work - finishing my degree four years after everybody else in my graduating class is depressing no matter what, especially when all it is is a B.A. in literature, which I should have gotten three years out of high school rather than eight - but I do try to think that way the best I can.


I can shitpost with the best of them, honestly, but I prefer positive, joking shitposting, rather than negative, bullying shitposting.
True, see

Literally not part of any group or chat, don't bother anyone, always there to skype with when people want, mostly go around and hang out with people and it's always been nice and fun, then relationship and sex drama happens and i get insanity for literally months.
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So cute! :3
Sir pls calm down
I prefer nonsensical shitposting which makes people cringe. Like sissification references or diaper references.
Junkrat X Roadhog is much more cute.
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While I'm not an expert and certainly not well enough educated on the subject to make a statement regarding it, the logistics of "processing" that many Jews and homos and gypsies and blacks and then disposing of all those corpses is staggering.
Phien probably knows the truth but isn't allowed to say because of the crazy German laws about it.
I wouldn't be so quick to brush it off.
omg lol you two are so funny. gotta go to work. see ya everyone.
I don't want a pet Chara but I do want to pet Chara!
And Edie...hmmmm
*incomprehensible babbling and Irish Brogue*
have a good day
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i agree :3
>Provoking Chara
Yeah I don't know why anyone would do this.
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Is it okay if I add some of you girls on Skype? I'd love to be able to talk to you outside of these threads!

Maybe we can play video games together and stuff?


They'll say they won't dox you but they will. Don't believe their lies.
You see, this is your fault.
Dropping skype as usual.

I don't talk though. Not until I get a voice that doesn't make me wanna stick my head in a wind turbine.

I've been doxxed multiple times in the past, so it should be fine. I'm used to it.
>that font rendering

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What, are you trying to put me in a paranoid spiral?

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. None of this makes people hate me more or less; my friends are well established at this point. Everyone else just kinda comes out of the woodworks.

What are this?

yes, yes, I know
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me on the right.png
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Super cute!
yeah sure l idc knock yourself out
Hons here should kill themselves
You first doublefaggot!
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I hate comparing myself to other, either by looking at what they've done and thinking it makes me worse, or looking at what I've done and thinking it makes me better

I can only find happiness when I'm zen about just being me and things just happening, the story is really what's important in the long wrong

But, maybe I'm just weird because I kind of had the bike problem too, being the last kid I knew to learn how to ride.
Lol @ Angie attention whoring on soc
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People told me it takes 3 years to know if you've made it so that's how long I'm going to wait. 23 months go go.
Why do you always take pictures like that, your chin is still huge whether you dont show your forehead or not

just show your whole head and face
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This image triggered me. :\

I hate my shoulders.
lol@autist stalking trips
Hahahaha awesome post my friend. I'm gonna print this out and hang it up on the fridge in the repressioncave. Bye.
>Being triggered by cartoons
calm down fisty
trip on chara

but anyway, i'm not an expert but i am quite well read on the subject, and that includes a few books by holocaust "revisionists" tho i pirated them for obvious reasons

i'd be happy to talk about it in private where people won't /pol/ out and start a big drama, i don't like proving people wrong (well maybe a little) but i do like intellectual conversations and once you plot it all out it's pretty clear, they could've "processed" three times that many bodies
Surprisingly the Arabic is correct and even gendered properly
She left before I could do the bit about the dad defending his trans secretary to his wife before admitting they are running off together
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa deets plz :3

I want both

petting my pet chara would make me so happy desu ^^

lmao right
kek why fisty ?
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My day is fine so far, Kinda sleepy though.

You never complain, huh?
You never started arguments for no reason huh?

I fucking wish I was Chara. I hate myself so much.

That's interesting though, and I'll take your word for it since you've done the research. I'm not in any position to argue it if I wanted to, which I really don't. There's enough arguing around here. What's weird is the Germans are a very industrious people and it doesn't make sense to me that they would underperform like this. 33% efficient in Germany is unheard of.
>tfw you have done mtfg a great service and you will never be recognised for it
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What's your skypes, sorry?
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uhh im going pokemon hunting today with my friends and my gf texted asking if she could come. so we're gunna leave in a bit and go do that at the city monument park
Well you clearly didn't kill yourself so what the fuck was it? You kill Edie?
That's actually a neat twist to the story.
Color me impressed.

She asked for it.
That's still not your whole head but it's close. You also photosopped the fuck out of that picture
I'm an idiot sometimes. It's Cpl_Punishm3nt
CFH1578 if you ever need it.

PharMercy posting~
>tfw fuck buddy corrupted me last night and we crazy sex on drugs and crazy culinary discoveries

Mdma, speed and weed infused everclear is GOAT.
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this is now a celery appreciation thread
Wow I never knew you were so AGP.
Awe She's like a little chibi dollface that doesn't try too hard

Lookit you doxing people like it matters
I can confirm what's happening in this screenshot was literally an every day thing with charlotte
Bloody Mary, anyone?
I like it in salad or with peanut butter on it
I don't like your attitude, it's scaring me...

you sound like the anon that fucking goes around attacking people
Celery is shit
If I say yes are you going to punch me in the nose and say you'll do it again if I don't change my name to Mary?


I'm sorry but I just cannot do stims for the life of me, they make me feel like such trash for the entire high, not to mention the crash afterwards.

MDMA is fine, but speed of any sort (Adderall, meth, whatever) I just cannot do.

Opiate cuddling is fucking 12/10 GOAT, though, like holy fuck. Just nodding off, holding each other closely and tightly and just letting the warmness seep through you...

Hnng, fuck, now I'm fiending
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Not a fan. Posting a superior plant
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allow me to assist!
Why would I photoshop a picture where I'm hiding my breasts and have beard shadow?

I know nurotic people that want to be a pretty girl do, but that's like a dead on shot in natural light.

My girlfriend is getting like all of these by the end of the day on whatsapp
Almost perfect. What cruel God would put fur in a delicious vegetable?
im sure youve heard that celery is a calorie negative food, that it actually burns more calories digesting in that you would gain from it, this is thrown around fairly commonly

this is however completely false
celery is so low in calories that following from that it is also very easy to digest
one stalk of celery would give you around 5 calories, while digesting it burns only a half of one

however celery is still a very low calorie food that is filling, which is good for dieting
it also tastes pretty okay in my opinion
fuck off, it's one of the foundations of western food. Do you also hate onions?
how am i agp again?
>Why would I photoshop a picture where I'm hiding my breasts and have beard shadow?
>I know nurotic people that want to be a pretty girl do, but that's like a dead on shot in natural light.
I don't know. Because you look nothing like that in real life.
chewing it burns some calories too though right
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They're just undeveloped petals. Pretty sure this yummy thing has no fur-like stuff in it.
>wearing thick winter socks when its 100 degrees out
I was too lazy to do laundry and this is my life now. ;--;
ok ok hush while adults are talking then *patpats*


NO nerd i didn't know you had a gf! elaborate! i'm too lazy to search the archive D:

also i just downloaded pokemon go last night and im kind of regretting it i may have ruined my life

p. much

i fuck with chara cause i can take it, and she's adorable when she's angry

uh wait wait wait

by "corrupted" do you mean you had never done illegal drugs before?

because if so holy shit that's kind of a rough introduction i would be a little mad if it was me lol


where is she doxxing people? she's just posting proof of what she was talking about

that's nothing to do with it, i love celery cause it tastes delicious

AND cause of my nausea issues and when my stomach is really fucked it's light enough to stay down, but even before that I would nosh down like a hundred celery stalks

shit is amazing with hummus also
Yes, I've heard that, but I know it's bullshit, I love it because it's an amazingly aromatic cooking vegetable.
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*angry Irish babbling*

Ná bí ag cur as mo chara!
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i know what to do
I'm a girl i think
but I'm going to get myself a therapist to talk about my sexual trauma and dysphoria
and im going to get electro
Don't abuse fennel and aniseed. They both contain anethole which can interfere with HRT.
b-but secretly she likes it tho
sounds like a good plan
who else glad charlotte is finally getting shit for for her angsty attitude and the way she treats everyone
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oh also
Kayla got banned for 6 days
according to her skyping me
What do I look like, descriptions, not weird angled photoshops from people that have kissed me
MDMA is by far the best snuggle drug ever
>no tree option
Shit poll.
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oh there isn't much to elaborate on. she's an irl normie from my area I met in okcupid lol. i like that she doesn't have anything to do with 4chan. Oh and she's cis too if that means anything
Shop more.

>I fucking wish I was Chara. I hate myself so much.
It's not that great when you think about it.

lol, omg you're right
added you on skype btw
Cad atá cearr leat? is í mo chara agus do chara! 'sé ort bheith chárdúil agus cothramach!
lets do mdma and snuggle!!!
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It's only attention whoring if it wasn't true
>shop more
>damage control
she is literally cropping your actual messages from the skype group
I'd be you too. Anyone but me really. Except like, Kayla maybe.
stop bullying me
hey bby lets be friends! im a strong tree
i don't know....
Im just so familiar with being a femboy
i really want to be girl
so much dysphoria when I call myself a girl
why are you a tree now
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i am boss.jpg
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BUT it is so cute tho

< actual rare picture of chara trying to look important
She looks older than usual in that picture
this lovely anon
this beautiful soul
gave me this absolute perfect way to think of myself
I may be tall, my arms (branches) might be long and lanky
but I'm a strong tree!
... how... are you understanding my mixed Irish?

I'm actually impressed.

Ach ní sin aon fá chun leanúint ar aighaidh ag cur as d'í!
your reminder its ok to be neither
i wish i was as cute as chara
Let's do mdma and take you to a rave all dressed up and throw you in a pit of boys, I'll bring you water
>posting her pictures without permission
Rude desu.
love that celery man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHWBEK8w_YY
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>light & comfy pants are all in the wash
>oh it's okay it's supposed to be a cloudy cold day
>put dark jeans on
>hottest day of the summer
>scorching sunlight

I haven't had fennel for over a year because I don't know how to make anything of it by myself at home. I've had some yummy fennel prepared by others in the past though. I do enjoy myself some marinated artichoke hearts hope those don't have anything that'd mess with HRT. I don't think they do.
i want boys on molly feeling and groping me and wanting to fuck me
i'll wear a little crop top and stockings....
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It's time everyone here admitted transgenderism is a fetish
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sweet shit

i dated someone on 4chan once and then they kind of went mental lol so i try to avoid that now

upside to our breakup is anons can see how i actually act during a breakup when someone isn't trying to assassinate my character kek

yeah she put on a lot of makeup trying to look a couple years older

ok that one i didn't get entirely but

it doesn't matter as long as chara gets bullied <3

same :(

I'm just trying to back up Charlotte here, an eye for an eye

Here's another pic of when she dyed her hair pink

who the fuck are you and why are you using quid's trip?
Artichoke is a good diuretic so it's not a good idea to eat too much while on spiro, but that's all.
I thought I was talking to dollface for a moment there
kayla passes now apparently

Is that why she drops trip? To look like an adult?
At one point you were just so familiar with being a good little boy. You've only got one chance, this single opportunity, to do everything you want to do in life. You will not get a second chance, nor a single extra second. Stop wasting time and start doing what you want to do.
I'm also glad you like being a tree.
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im a big sissy who likes wearing frilly panties, kitty/rainbow arm warmers and having boys fuck me
how is everyone
I ham AAP an proud of it fag
>kayla passes now apparently
Yeah and I'm the queen of Switzerland.
why do you do this?
you get all sad when people bully you and then you make shitty posts like this i just dont understand
I like you a whole lot quid
ffff i think chara went to sleep

no point in bully now

bye mtfg see you soon
Sup butt. You remember that you're always going to be one of us then or still soul searching?

Maybe she's joking. :o
well you were very pleasant to me before during and after we dated so I have no reason to say anything bad about you.

i mean instill have lingering feelings for you of course but that's just me being dumb you made it very clear you don't like me like that. Thanks for humoring me for so long ^^
im kidding.....

Adorable cute robots!
I want to be a girl
I'm working hard on being a girl
why are you redtree now?
awww i like you a whole lot too anon c:


no no it's not like that at all! i mean i would have basically just been leading you on then. i just wanted to give it a chance and make sure, but when you started feeling bad because i was ignoring you i realized it was time

and i feel really bad about that >< it's really just because i have an insane work schedule, my okcupid has been set to "New friends" only for ages now and i say in my profile that i'm too busy to date so i really should've just been more upfront from the start >< sorry
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I'm quid. Stop impersonating me. This is harassment.
Yeah kayla passes but she fell for the orchi meme
Only real men are man enough to admit it, bro.
But u r a girl
No. You're a girl right now. You're working hard on being a better girl.
i'm a tall tree
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I'm alright, I finally got some decent girl clothes and my family left for the weekend so I can't wait to try them though
quid, add me on skype
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Thank god I'm not on spiro that shit is so bad in and of itself. On cypro I can eat basically anything I want!
Yo I'm not the real quid but I think you'll all agree that I'm better than both of these quids.
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ancient history now no hard feelings im basically ready over it ^^
What dosage are you taking?
I'm back from stuff :3
Might be too much but can't really tell until they allow me to get bloodwork done.
i want to be stealth
Do we want to get an /mtfg/ Overwatch group set-up?

I'd love to play with some of you girls!
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I know you do. You're still a girl though.
we can just say they're voting for who the worst quid is in which case you are decisively the best quid and i am the worst

rip me

ok ^^ im really glad
girls dont play video games
>ywn be a chink
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Waking up early sucks...
>wake up at 1AM to do laundry before work
>gather shit up and try to bring it downstairs
>trip on my blanket near my bedroom door
>at least the clothes cushioned my fall
>start laundry then go back to bed

1 hour later:
>walking down stairs
>dark so can't see shit
>miss last step
>hand rail stabs me in the side
>nice bright fucking red scratch
>trip over slippers and fall on the floor
>assume fetal position because my side hurt a lot
>put laundry in dryer
>take 30 minute nap
>go to work at 4am...

This morning sucked. And yesterday sucked. Today still sucks...
I'm still butt blasted...
>MFW life is sour oneechan...
i want to do it but i still want to have kids

i literally can't start until i store sperm
>tfw ur a girl

Oh shit, here comes the retarded backwaters redneck.
hi there <3
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>Go to bed at 6 in the morning to sleep for work at 3:30 in the afternoon
>The fucking central calls me 30 minutes later to ask me to work 8 to 4
>Literally smoked a joint an hour ago and all fucking night meaning I'd have to go to work baked and without sleep
>lolno fuck that
>Make an excuse and go to sleep
>They call AGAIN at 9 and wake me up BEGGING me to come from 1 to 4 to cover for someone whos sick
>Alright jesus fine
>Have to wake up earlier than planned and work longer too covering two shifts
I hope everyone else had a better start to the Friday than I did.
feels so awful
die! die! die!
I don't wanna mic..
You can store as much as you like in my butt.
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You had a good day you fuck...
The fucking bullshit calls woke me up and fucked my sleep senpai.
im ugly anon sorry
Oh shit it's the retarded eutrotrash nordmidget!

With Cyba and Cartman, All we're missing is the chromosome hoarder from Arizona!
Yeah but I am too.
girls dont play video games
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Some do, you sperg
Anons right tho desu, and the few who do are primarily there for the attention and only use mic so hambeast redflags all over.
Faggots who pretendto be girls do!
Please be EU!

How have you been?
>My opinion is objectively correct.
they just pretend to play and are bad at them
I couldn't fall asleep for much longer than half hour increments the past 4 days because I keep thinking about how my gf is going to leave to go live with my other gf in Texas permanently and I'm not invited.
Not to mention a completely fucked sleep cycle anyways because I have to wake up at 3AM.
Noisy as all fuck in my house at 6PM when I want to sleep.
The 2 strains of weed that I have aren't good for sleep.
I've run out of gas money.
I've been eating 1 meal a day for a week and that meal is instant noodles.

You got woken up by a phone because someone wanted to give you money. Boo hoo...

I'm just being sour today.
i dont wanna do butts though
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>calls someone a sperg
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i played starbound with my friends for like 3 hours. which was fun/great at the time, but now that we're taking a break i feel like fucking shit because i didn't sleep last night and i'm on the brink of death. these are the days of our lives.
>caring about a tripcode
Anon pls
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>How have you been?
Working a lot, vidya and weed the rest of the time, OK id say.
Thanks for understanding.
>I keep thinking about how my gf is going to leave to go live with my other gf in Texas permanently and I'm not invited.
So what, you had a gf and a mistress and they hooked up, cause thats what im getting here.
And yeah fair enough you had a shittier day but dont fuck with a mans sleep, forreal, sergeants got fragged in vietnam by their own troops for waking them up early when theyve hadnt enough to sleep.
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>girls playing video games
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I like games and I'm bad at them tho.
>not having a nice trip
ppl bullied a girl out of a CSGO server so I took first place and said "oh btw im a girl"

then took first place next match

then took first place the match after that

then took first place again and said it was getting boring and left kek
i love you!!!
>Thinks bigotry and ignorance is "politics"
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Welcome to [insert current year here] shitlord :^)

Why wouldn't you want a custom trip?

desu i haven't even put that many hours into it. my ex bf played it in beta, and then after we broke up i didn't pick it back up. the patch just came out though (or i suppose 1.0?) so we all decided to play it together to take a break from overwatch lol
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someone pls talk to me
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Overwatch is fun :3

Is it finished yet, it played it like a year or two ago and thought it could be fun.
Hi qt
Hi nimmy.
Wish I could get my hands on some weed... I spent the week as part of the staff on a "space camp" for kids with ASL. It was rather stressful.
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sure, but i call genji.


yeah! it's finally in 1.0
it's bomb af. literally 2 1/2 hours had passed and we didn't even realize it had been that long because we were having so much fun desu
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Dunno what to say, so have this picture.
why would you go to the tranny thread on the faggot board on a weaboo image board to discuss politics
get a life, one that doesn't include an identity on 4chan

>girls playing video games
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I might give it another go then.

i thought we were just talkin bout vidya?


i'm a boy
what if i only play rpgs and puzzle games
I do have a life m80. Im just waiting for my bf to get off work.
>sure, but i call genji.
Fine, but I'm Mercy! :3
hi how are you

hello :)

why are you fighting!

hi i dont think we've talked before


ok ty for the picture
Living. Yourself?
I'd love to play with yall sometime! Hanzo/pharah most of the time.

>girls playing video games
Are you scared that girls invade and bully you in your safespace now?
i didnt get the internship i wanted and i cried in bed this morning
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Heroes never die...
f o r a p r i c e

I'm not fighting!
Wanna play more video game?
>Thinks Fox news "talking points" are arguments

Haha hahhahahahahahaha

It's so cute when white trash sheep think they're being maverick free thinkers.

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>Wish I could get my hands on some weed
You just need to ask someone shady, dont you live in USA? Literally just ask a fucking random black guy, but dont pick the odd one out wearing a suit or something just your regular shady looking black guy and you should be good.
And what the fuck is ASL? Isnt that the shit they say at omegle to ask for age sex and location.
it's absolutely hilarious that you find it necessary to damage control such trivial things
and somehow im the sperg

i dont play video games

okok. i know a lot of the girls play mercy though. the last time i played with grace she was the best healslut ever.
I literally don't give a shit? How is it damage control when i dont give a damn
Junkrat is the fucking shit though, can clear out any team solo if you know what you're doing. And his mine is practically a fucking 20 mile leapfrog ability.
>Picking mercy
Fucking pick that black DJ that gives the team the speed boosts it needs or someone fucking useful mercy's just fucking die anyways before healing shit.
I miss Grace :(
why the fuck you responding then lmfao
nothing better to do
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pilot guy asked me to get pho with him tonight, i told him that i didn't sleep and i have things to do today as well, and then he tells me this.
idu why he's so into me. like asking to bring me dinner just to see me........ should i spend a few days with him and go on a mini-vacation?
im okay

i came out to my therapist and it didnt go as planned but i dunno i think we'll talk about it in another session

yeah sure!
>American sign language. Its a set of gestures deaf people use to communicate.
Lol that sounds awesome, just put on some fucking headphones and listen to music without having to talk to the kids, peace and quiet.
>idu why he's so into me.
Guys are desperate and thirsty, breaking fucking news edie.
Nope, Ireland.

ASD sorry, Autism Spectrum Disorder. I've been running on caffeine and no sleep for 3 days, you'll have to forgive my lack of concentration.
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lucio is the only support i'm genuinely good at, but i have the valkyrie skin for mercy just in case i'm trying to take everyone to valhalla.
i play genji the most though. waaaaaaay too much actually. i suck with junkrat even tho he's easy af.


same ._.


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I have a date with a nice Korean boy tonight!
I hope he cuddles me and holds me and gives me wine
>Ask a random black guy
Says the ignorant eutrotrashshut in midget who has nevee spoken to a black man in his life.

LMAO good thing these moeons will mever have children
He gives you wine and you give him herpes and HIV kek.
>tfw you don't know how far to go with a boy on a second date
>tfw you gave up your slut ways so you can't outright let him bareback you
That mix of beta desperation and misogyny
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w h a t d o ?
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what are the chances of me finding a good wife that'll not only be a good life partner but a good mom as a tranny
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suck his dick!
show him your penis.
>drink from a different fountain
He's definitely asking multiple people the same thing, and really if you want a girl with a dick to fuck, they are somewhere around 330x rarer than a cis girl
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Just follow his lead.
You probably know better than anyone here lol, you get all these guys in the first place.

If you like him just go for it, let him treat you.
no that's boring
>pilot guy
>has to open the store

So he's basically a minimum wage worker with a pilots liscence at best
>Thinks facts are insults and insults are facts.

Please post more of your trump pics. I guess repetitive actions like posting images of "daddy" makes you feel like an accomplished person!

Good white trash girl!
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That sounds fucking terrible, why the fuck do you work at that shitty place. Autistic children are like what a person would be like if a dog posessed them.
Just by replying to him you've thrown a bone so hes clinging on like a tick now cause of invested time and feeling that it's going well, no dude wants to start over from scratch. Had you ignored him he would have moved on to the next girl, you aint his soulmate he fucking met you online lol.
And props for being good at Lucio, Ive pretty much had to learn overwatch baked so I usually just play junkrat or bastion.
Lol you know its true, I've spoken to plenty of them, mostly because of circumstances having led to my country and its major cities being swarmed with them, it's pretty much the reason I despise them, I've been so overexposed to them I think I've become allergic cause they make me sick just looking at them. They also know where to get weed but I dont really discriminate when it comes to dealers if I need it, its just business. I buy from a swede nowadays tho, hes a heroin addict but whatever, at least hes white.
I think that would be good for you, yeah.
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i've already done these things though!


i guess i'm just not sure if i want to go on a vacation right now with a boy. at the same time though i definitely need a vacation.


he used to be in the blue angels pilot group thingy, and he's retired now. he's a mega nerd and works at a comic book shop to give himself something to do desu. i like nerds ;_;


the level of satisfaction i receive from deflecting him to his death is unmatched by any other mortal pleasure in existence
"Moeon" I'm sorry, but i'm ignorant of your white trash mentally disabled lingo.

Oh so nice! You're collecting Baby Trumps now.

Cyba's such a good white trash girl! She's progressing in life!
>the level of satisfaction i receive from deflecting him to his death is unmatched by any other mortal pleasure in existence
If theres a fucking kenji or whatshisname on enemy I pay CLOSE attention to him and I usually dont shoot at him unless hes busy with someone else or not looking cause I expect deflect. As soon as I notice it I stop and repair but yeah hes a goddamn BITCH.
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>people actually think yume passes
Your image spam is nice and all, but there's a board for that.
It paid well. And it was only a week. Besides, I got a free SSD, and I deal well with kids like that. Also I got to spend a week with my biological family, as well as a batshit insane "Inventor" who tore apart a push cart to make a freaking electric buggy for fun. Oh and shoot rockets at things.

Worth it, even if the kids did need to be constantly watched.

see, but that's also my fav. having a bastion scared shitless to fire at me is the best because i just leap around him and slash at him while throwing a shuriken spray loool. i love playing genji so much. ;_;
anyone can "pass" in portland
Everyone must drop trip to reply to this:
Which trip do you want to leave the most?
The latter wouldnt happen if my shitty team could handle the one fucking character that can get through my bullethell other than that fucking dude with the shield.
But thats also why I pick junkrat when im up vs shits like that, just lob those nades str8 over their shield.
Sorry to hear it didn't go as well as you had wanted, but I'm glad that you were able to bring it up at all, that's pretty difficult the first time. How did it not go as planned?
you don't have to be mean....
Nerd Girl, Manly Man
Woman, Manly Man's Bitch Boy
>mfw people think red actually passes
So like I wanted to see if I could ballpark this, so I read some statistics

75% chance you'll be married
50% chance you'll divorce
Gay marriages divorce way less the straight marriages though (about half as often)

Really I don't know it doesn't seem that much different dating trans as it did cis, at least in California. And if you want someone to marry you, you need to show you have stability and that you love them.
Now smile looks sixteen

pls no drama.


clever girl...........er well, not girl. but w/e.
i hate junkrats, so. deflecting their bombs and killing them + their teammates with said bombs is also satisfying tho. same with deflecting farrah's rockets at her teammates lool
Nice hugboxing
>Everyone must drop trip to reply to this:
You dun goofed.

Also you need to calm down a little. Your hate boner is showing.
what should I cook for date mtfg?
he said he would provide the wine.
maybe a salad would be nice
i wish there were no trips
No hugs or boxes. Can't see Nerd Girl's chin though.

Fuck off
The mentally disabled trio is complete!

Wacky Amy is back!

Cyba "white trash" Cracker
Cartman "Nordmidget" 5.0
Amy "Wacky Tacky" Victoria

These three are certified cancer who contribute nothing to mtfg exceot their ignorance and idiocy.
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You're one to talk.

I like all trips.
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A nice steak would be nice.
Men love eating juicy red meat.
I like Chara!
i dunno i said it and i couldnt put anything to words when i was asked to elaborate so she moved on

maybe she's thinkng about making the next session about it, i dont know
Need to go downstairs and get another water bottle because I have to take fucking 9 pills in the morning


guess I'm just in one of those moods

I'm one of the best posters here

fite me
Don't ask don't tell
Meat and potatoes.
I like big black cock in my ass
I haven't cooked meat in years....
I can try though
Yeah, you should probably let her know that that's a (the?) major thing you want to talk about. Also try to figure out what to say, write stuff down maybe.
>when Red is the closest to passing in a group pic
>tfw 1000 kcal a day diet with 4 mile a day walks


i thought you were a vegetarian
Good girl.
I don't cook meat
>100000 calories a day
What are you?
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well i thought you wouldn't want to cook meat for someone.

idk im sorry red im not trying to judge you or anything i was just confused im sorry if i upset you at all.
yeah im gonna try to do that

but it makes me nervous just thinking about it

im usually pretty open with therapists but im clamming up when it comes to this
I'll cook meat for this boy
a nice big juicy steak!
I hope he doesn't make fun of my meat cooking skills
Why so beta? Red doesn't bully.
Chara is attractive and I'm shallow so I like Chara
i like red
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Here's a recent pic
Good girl
He'll reward you with his big meat in your mouth
Chara isn't mean to me so I like Chara.

Red is nice to me so I like Red too.
awww thank you! I like you too! let's be friends!
you are a good girl <3
I like Red as well
he's east asian tho
I'm sorry that was mean of me to say
Did you run out of spoons
No I'm an ugly boy who can't even get mones for a while.
>this post describes me last month

I'm too tired to explain why I like the people that I do anymore. I shouldn't have to explain it anyway.
Wow red I thought you were nice.
Fuck you. I hate you now for making fun of my race.
Seriously, if it's red wine he brings, not serving meat with it would be a faux pas. I know you're vegetarian, but with unspecified wine, a vegetarian main dish would be a dangerous gamble.
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>tfw people calling you out for not being on hormones already
Do u like me gold? :3
I genuinely don't know why I like Chara. She's weird but I'd totally hang out with her.
Red is friend. Anon like Red.
I'm just one months on whoremoans :3.
red its ok i love you so much you're a good girl and a good tree
hi there <3
you can call yourself a girl and I'll treat you like a girl!
I love you
it was just a crude joke! I didn't mean it!
I'm sure his cock is big and filling
I'll cook a steak for him and just have a salad
i love you!!
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i like dark souls for its compelling gameplay
People are? Who are these people and why are they giving you shit?
'Course I do Sassypants. You've made /MTFG/ shitposting great again.

Hiya Red!
Unless it's Ratatouille!




i love you so much
i'll do anything for you!
how are you?
I like Red but I don't like your poll >:(
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yes the gameplay and NOTHING else
I'm not a girl though I'm just a pathetic thing.
why not :(
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certainly not the yaoi
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I've been listening to Beach House for like 3 hours and I don't know what to feel anymore
Dawwwwwwww i try my best.

I'm kidding, I was trying to meangirl, but I can't. :3
>xanax wearing off
>anxiety coming back

: (
i-i-is this how I should cook a steak

If you're serving ratatouille alone, the only fitting wine would be a rosé from Provence. Not serving poultry with ratatouille, though... That's like serving a plate of fries alone. It's just a side dish...
Worn out. I've had a long week. It's good to be home honestly.

Now I just need to wait and hope my pils arrive soon.

What is known in common parlance as a regular "calorie" is actually one thousand calories in scientific terms, i.e. a kilocalorie.

So when the box your food is in says one serving is "100 calories", they actually mean that it's "100 kilocalories".
i asked for a riesling and he got a nice one!
now I have to plan a meal around that....
They did it in the cute movie with the rat chef fuck you.
i dunno it's some anon :(

i wanna go on hormones but i also dont wanna nuke my chances at having a kid

you have to plan and think these things over!
i still love you
Oh I guess I'm a retard. :f

LothricXLorian is the greatest ship in the history of From Software
does red love me
i love you and care about you!
lets hug
i'll talk to you on skype later
plrase help how do you stop being afraid of nothing
I'm not just some anon, I am the great Anonymous. I was also kidding you butt.
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anyways I need to go run and get ready for this date. maybe I'll wear something cute like pic related lmao
I love you all
be nice!
>People who say that Ana can't work as a main healer

My 25k average healing on her dares to disagree.
it makes me feel bad and want to do it more so pls keep doing it
Bye bye.
Well, your best bet would be sauerkraut with whatever garnish you'd like. Fits well with fish too. Or mussels and fries.
did they really make an overwatch fag named ana? fuck I wanted that to be my name now everyone will think I'm even more of a fag
Well by all means drop a load in a cup first. And then my butt. And then HRT. Or HRT and then my butt.
Tfw shaped like a man, 6 feet tall, and 10 months hrt.

I'm 230 pounds.

Is there any reason not to kill myself?
Well, my second name on my new birth certificate will be Anna. It was my grandmother's name...
None of those are reason enough to kill yourself.
Really? I think the dishes' complex flavors stand well on their own and aubergines are like the original meat substitute.

Something informl like ratatouille, cheese, warm crusty bread and a nice red burgundy would be like a light meal, enought to satisfy the hunger and leave room for sexual gymnastics.

Riesling goes well with everything.

Maybe some garlicky shrimp or baked grouper.....
I don't have any special reasons for choosing it, I just like the name.
Going to love watching trump lose
A cruel and a vengeful one
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yea it is.

>tfw unironic fujoshi
I don't get why people start transition when:
>They have linebacker shoulders
>They have huge skeletons
>They're 5'10"+
>They're over 25+ when they start HRT
>They have fucked facial features like square jaw
And then they complain about it.
HRT doesn't fix everything you fucking mongs, don't cry about it when you don't do your fucking research first. It pisses me the fuck off when people think HRT magically removes all of your unchangeable masculine features.
>Doesn't use quotes
Sure thing babe
Actually those are perfect reasons
pls respond
Age us just a meme
Look up Kayla ward
She started at 29 and is downright gorgeous
If you can't live as anything less than a perfect loli trap then yes. Otherwise get the fuck in shape and we'll talk.
The weight at least you can work on; get down to like 180 or something.
Because they have dysphoria you dim AGP cunt.
Don't! it only trggers her feeble brain into posting a barrage of Fox approved maverick free thinking angry white man with a gun libertarian memes
I think a combination of drugs and therapy until you improve your life to a point where you can mostly function and be happy
I guess I'm too old-fashioned. Whenever I had a cozy dinner date, it was a proper four course candlelight dinner and no sex.
I love how she sounds like a Muppet
I knew it wouldn't fix those things, I didn't expect it to, but it's better the alternative. I'd be complaining about those things whether or not I had started transitioning, anyways.
The 1760s are gone.
cool, thanks
Welcome back.
Yeah her voice isn't great but she passes extremely well visually
it doesn't work though
Barney deserved to win. Tramp better win. Shillary will win.
eyy i have those socks
No she isn't just the exception
The are plenty of older trans women that transitioned and pass
>tfw you're not going to be one of them
>tfw 19 and already FUBAR
Um new thread?
Been on hrt for many years, had srs, Fifa and still don't pass
Is it because Friday? Or summer?

Why does this place seem like a boys club today. Or worse, the reddit.com meme.
I do. I'm not stereotypically feminine, but I've spent enough time living full time to know I'd have no trouble going stealth if I ever had the silly idea of throwing all the people I know and love out of my life...
Delusional for real. You look good for starting so late but that's it.
Where's the new thread?

make one
What do you mean, its the same old crap.
I'm sorry I don't think I really know the solution but if you keep trying you might find something that really helps someday so please don't give up.
So, is this the last /mtfg/? Where do I go? ;_;
We can hang out with /femgen/ I guess, it'd bother them enough that they'd make us a new thread just so they could tell us to go there instead.
Someone make it so i can spam pictures again!!!!
Aren't those two brothers
This is the last /mtfg/. Once this falls off of page 10 everyone here will be free. Finally free.
I dunno I'm all these things and it worked for me

New thread
no freedom today :3
Definitely not /tlg/ right now, it's full of closeted gay chaser scum.
>by "corrupted" do you mean you had never done illegal drugs before?
No, I did weed and speed before (separately)
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