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/mtfg/ - Transwoman General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 696
Thread images: 149

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Programming edition

▶consent providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶ Trans Info Dump: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1d9KKqP9IHa5ZxU84a_Jf0vIoAh7e8nj_lCW27KbYBh0/edit?usp=sharing
▶ MtF Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV
▶ Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶ Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶ Male vs Female measurement data: https://www.bwc.ohio.gov/downloads/blankpdf/ErgoAnthropometricData.pdf
▶ Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶ Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge
▶ HRT info: https://web.archive.org/web/0000000000000/http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶ Cis women of all sizes to make you feel better about yourself: http://www.mybodygallery.com/
▶ Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶ IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
▶ Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968
not sure if any of you have seen this yet but
theres a national shortage of estrogen injections

you could have linked to the previous thread and fixed ▶consent providers to ▶ Informed consent providers
do i pass mtfg
ur totally beautiful bby
I wanna hear oddish talk mushmouth
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Goddamnit I'm crying again. I miss Kaylee so much
Here is your answer.
I do work in IT, but I don't work in porn so far. We'll see though. Oh and yeah, totally do speedruns and programming. I'm pretty much a walking stereotype with some extra quirks.
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Idk if i ever showed you guys this but Lou at this cricket with tha leg
im biased because I like you so much but i think you do
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i didnt realize that anyone here lliked me desu >.>
its ok red
you'll be with her soon

And that's a wonderful thing. Embrace your stereotypical qualities and love yourself for them.
shakira pls
That idea would only work well if the guys you hire are all slim twinks and not fat neckbeards, which might be a challenge when doing IT hiring.
Unless of course your goal is to make it awkward in a non-cute way.
Like fat Albert?
>How would you feel if you saw a stiff, black, throbbing member heading straight for your pucci?

Why didn't Phienchen answer me?
what about the trippy?
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>Women shopping
Nature sure is scarily close to home.
>Unless of course your goal is to make it awkward in a non-cute way.
That would be funny for a bit but annoying long term. I guess majority of the employees would be fellow trannies with some cute guys strewn about like lambs to the slaughter.
idk i've never seen that
is he the hat-face?
Aw :<

You'll see her soon <3
Does she have a skype? If so you can talk to her at least soon
You know, I really can't find black guys attractive myself. I don't know if that's racist or not. I don't really have an issue with black people or anything, but man, black is an instant turn off for me.

>inb4 torches & pitchforks
I had about a gram at first and then i haad another gram an hour later. They tasted like poopy. I saw some things when i closed my eyes but no open eye hallucinations. I would laugh so hard it would turn into crying OFTEN.
I'm gonna do shrooms like once a week now.
No he's the one with huge lips.
...fat albert was sorta racist wasnt it?
crickets make me feel uncomfortable
What does the code in the OP even do, though? And is that Basic?
>Family gathering
>"Anon why won't you take off your hoodie? It's so hot!"
What do I do? I was dripping with sweat the whole time, was real fucking awkward.
Has anything good ever been said about blacks on 4chan?
take off your hoodie
I don't fucking know, I just googled "fortran". It's just neckbeard language to me
That's so cool. Microdosing is really healthy too. If you take enough to trip that often it might make you a little unstable however.
iktf 2 much I'm ready for november
I can def sympathize. Since my breasts started growing I've been wearing exclusively hoodies and oversized shirts and my mom (I sitll live with my parents because Europe and poor) never misses a chance to yell at me for wearing something "so stupid in this heat".
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>ywn be fucked like this
>neckbeard language
Rude. I shave my neckbeard every day.
Why? They're nice friends.
I plan on 3ish grams any given trip. I want to feel the terror of tripping really hard.
Me and her, going to have a happy life!
I'm calling her soon
they're scary tho
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So a definite hon started working at my workplace not too long ago and it makes me feel weird. I transitioned right after starting at the place I work at, so people know I'm trans there, so it's kindof awkward because she is always talking about trans hon stories to everyone and is really cringy. Kinda wondering if people are going to start associated the two. Just dear god. My bf visited me at work the other day and saw her and was like "That guy's voice is super fem" (her voice is actually a 9/10 surprisingly) and I'm just kindof like "er... don't misgender..." and he was just like "Oooohhhhhh.... er.. her..." and it was really awkward. Not really sure what I'm getting at here outside of working with a very unpassable tranny at work makes me feel weird. Pretty sure I'm fucked up. Maybe I just take passing for granted. Should be more considerate.
I want to be that girl! So I'll get srs! Easy access!
Good <3
You two are gonna have a great life together <3
Well you mos def will. Psychs can break you through the measurement of time and you can spend an eternity living through a single second so idk if you want that but that feels like hell to me
I want to be that girl too but I have no money for srs and I'm not pretty
im a good girl
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Men are always the same!
Yes you are, you are a very good girl <3
Go to bed you underage little shit.
>>6571069 #
So what do you think now since Angie killed herself?
You two were arguing it seems
What a lewd, rude guy :0
Wait... Angie killed herself..?
Good girl!
she didn't kill herself
Whingie for fucks sake enough with the forced drama. People just don't care.
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>best girl calling me a good girl
I think its something like
sum = 0
sumsq = 0 (sumsquared)
print "enter the nuber blah blah"
n = read in from prompt
for (i=1, i<=N, i++){
v = read in value from something thats not the prompt, like a file
sum +=v
sumsq += V*V
print current values for loop
avg = sum/N
std = standard deviation calculations
print all the statistics it calculated

pls no bully I had to learn assembly for one of my classes im not a neckbeard ;_;
>im not a neckbeard
I passed away last night
RIP, anon-chan. <3
I am only attracted to white males (maybe a few asians as well). and I am not particularly interested in male genitals either. they just scare me unless attached to a a boy I love.
I love you
You're scary
Yea i actually really want that.
>tfw not a good girl
Asians are absolutely adorable <3
>pls no bully I had to learn assembly for one of my classes im not a neckbeard ;_;
Nonsense, code is beautiful and so are coders. And thanks for translating it, now I get it.
You are a bad man and you should be serving a life sentence in jail
>first chaser added me on skype
>he was creepy af
I remember in my beta male days I was mystified as to why girls never liked me but boy now I know thanks to him.
>Throwing hundreds of compliments at me just made him look real desperate
>Sent a grainy dark photo of himself not smiling
>He was out-of-shape
>Suggested he go to the gym, he whined he was too depressed
>Generally whined on about his depression from the get go
>Was over eager to send dick pics
>Talked about marrying me on the first day
So while he creeped me out I also saw myself five years ago.
Ofc you are Sheen, you are a very good girl <3
She hasn't been here since Monday
Left a depressing message on that day
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>tfw I have a horrible unpassable man-face, but I'm not sure how much longer my boobs will be concealable for
>tfw after I graduate uni, whatever place I get a job at probably won't want me wearing baggy hoodies to work every day, so my tits + manface combo would make me look like an unpassable tranny no matter how I try to present
>tfw I'm gonna end up like the hon in your post, making everyone she works with feel weird
okay angie
Ah, I see. Well regardless of context, I hope she is doing well. She's always been hard on herself. Granted, who of us isn't? Such is the life of the damned.
You might as well get a puddle, about as non-threatening and adorable.
Have you heard from her since then?
yr my kinda crazy, oddish
I wanna do fucked up shit with you
cut my balls off plox
She's been posting here non-stop. She's posting right now.
So why does Ling look like a 50 year old Asian man :/
Are you Ari? I swear you're only 2 months HRT?
>Don't care about someone killing themselves
I have absolutely no idea what this means. I'll stick to talking in calculus thanks.
I'm attracted to all races but I'm most attracted to blue eyes blonde hair combination. I think it's because I grew up in southern Europe where that's very very rare unless it's tourists coming down here.
B-But i'm not I promise I even made a C in that class and i never learned how to malloc or how to manage a stack the right way ;_;

Thanks anon ^_^
you just replied to her
Nope. I'm this chick
shes probably still shitposting here as we speak
shes an attentionseeking narcissist (yes, I know, pot kettle probably)
just ignore her shitposting

I dont like the adorable kind, only the manly kind. dont wanna date boys, just men

depends, pic related is kinda nice.
Yeah I know. I am about to start posting pics of Stephen King. You can't pop in here without that crazy redneck having a spergout.
Oh and my trip is just a weeb joke on "Allison" which is my real name. Asians can't pronounce "L"s, yo.
Wear a sports bra. But in general don't bother asking this board for advice, everyone is deluded into thinking hormones are magic, yeah for giving you gyno. A couple young twinks her took it and passed and now "zomg it totally works!" The only thing that makes the face female (yes female not "faggy freak") is surgery which most of us can't afford so this whole general is a meme really.
I'll do shrooms with you if you want
But i aint doin surgery
please don't do that
you're just encouraging her
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>reading new military code for trans people

>if you're still in 180 days of service, instant kick out if you want hrt
>if you're in the first four years it's up to your commander
>not identifying as trans upon enlistment, instant kick out
>no living as a woman until you get your birth certificate or passport changed and completely transition
>have to maintain male fitness until Doctor says you're transitioned
>legally forced to shower, use restroom, dorm, and wear female uniforms after transition
>tfw rachel is probably never going to come back

well done, guys. you chase all the good ones away
>Asians can't pronounce "L"s, yo.
Japanese can't pronounce l's. Chinese can pronounce l's but can't pronounce r's and Koreans can sort-of pronounce both.
>(yes, I know, pot kettle probably)

But you aren't narcissistic mummy :/
>just ignore her shitposting

How do we tell if its her :?
>Dying for Israel
Good riddens.
>legally forced to shower, use restroom, dorm, and wear female uniforms after transition

you say this like it's a bad thing? isn't that the point of transition? to live as a woman?
>good riddance
i think most of us would take rachel over you any day
Oh none of it was meant to be bad just the rules, in my opinion the bad part is maintaining male fitness levels and not being able to present female until a doctor says you're medically transitioned

And your commander being able to throw you out if it's in the first four years
I know but it's for superficial reasons so I'm not fussed.
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Guys I think I might be falling in love with Nim. I always ask her for her Skype but she keeps playing hard to get. How do I get her to like me?
faye likes going into boys shower rooms and showing off her body in the hopes that one of them throws her against the wall and rapes her
I don't even know who Rachel is. I've been gone from here for a good year and a half as far as consistency goes though, so perhaps I've just missed something.
Rachel is Jennifer/Anteater
Ah. We are caught up now then. Thanks, anon!
Jennifer anteater, she changes trips a lot, I've been here since month three and barely recognize her name

Is this about me changing my bra and washing up in the men's room at planet fitness while everyone stares?
>>no living as a woman until you get your birth certificate or passport changed and completely transition
>>legally forced to shower, use restroom, dorm, and wear female uniforms after transition
Good. It will prevent 34 year old assholes like you from pretending to be a girl just to hang around other transgirls.
show bp. nim luvs dat shit
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>Is this about me changing my bra and washing up in the men's room at planet fitness while everyone stares?
you want a fit boy to take you, so you tease
I'm already fully medically transitioned And have my gender changed in the military system, so jokes on them
Today is very weird. I'm feeling zero dysphoria today, and I don't feel the need to transition anymore lies I usually do. Yesterday and the day before was the same.

Maybe I'm not trans?
I don't think she's hard on herself.
Have you seen what she looks like lately?
My god, she looks a lot more masculine now because of ffs.
It'll come back. It always does. It feels fine now, then you look in a mirror or shower or something and feel shitty again.
Given that half the thread (and most likely the board) wants nothing to do with Gaye I wonder how people interact with her in real life.
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Rachel is this mentally ill trip, now most people are mentally ill but she's hardcore schizo or whatever. Also does heroin. Admittedly half the time she's alright but half the time she's a complete asshole probably due to an episode or whatever. It's not really this or even her which annoys me so much it's the constant "she din du nuffin" from /mtfg/ purely because she's one of the best looking trips. When other trips have meltdowns they just get attacked and never hear the end of it. But not Rachel, she has an army of whiteknights ready to defend her bullshit.

And then there's her new girlfriend Mercury. Also schizo and a junkie apparently. Thankfully never has meltdowns here but is generally an all round aloof arrogant POS.

The both of them are just so fucking odious I can't stand them.

I await the RIDF whiteknights.
>I'm going to be a girl on a paper through a loophole but still look like a dude with tits cause I'm too internally homophobic to actually transition
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>But you aren't narcissistic mummy :/

my psychs thought differently tho.

>How do we tell if its her :?
Idk, I usually have a pretty easy time to tell its her. ive known her since 2013 tho
dude I conjured satan out of my gf on mushrooms once. she literally vomited the most beautifully colored puke as I finished blessing her. I was blessing my house cuz ego boosts. Then I expressed sympathy for satan and we kept tormenting eachother. I sang taunting showtunes until 6 a.m. for satan. Now he's there everytime i trip on mush to try to fuck my shit up but sometimes I have holy experiences as well.
Most military females look like dudes with tits though!
Like that's going to fool anyone. Judging by those photos Derpface posted you still have a long way to go.
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>ywn be in a tank unit with the rest of /mtfg/
hey phien, fuck off and die. how u gonna pass as a girl when you can't even pass as human??
>Idk, I usually have a pretty easy time to tell its her. ive known her since 2013 tho

Any tips on how to tell :?
The competition is pretty fierce anon.
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Just because I'm ugly doesn't make me a man
elanna is always queen cunt
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its like they don't even want to be kawaii
at least ww3 will happen soon
Faye, by far.
I don't get why people hate Faye, she's been nothing but nice to me and I've never seen her cause drama
I bored you on Skype huh?
>over 2 years of hard work
>uses photoshop to pass but looks like a creep
:^) sure thing justin
Fuck off, fuck is wrong with you?
Qt <3
I can say I've a day once or twice in which I kinda just looked at myself and was like "Is this really what I want?" for what that's worth. Thinking of how I felt before transitioning though is a quick way to get me back in the mind of "No, this is right."

I'm not sure I'll ever 100% feel like a normal woman and it troubles me often, but at least I'm not as depressed and troubled as I was before. I think that if it's right for you, it'll be very clear upon giving it some proper thought and focus. If you spend time meditating on it and determine it isn't then you very well may be right. I think it's just important to think of the context. Think of what made you feel this way to begin with. Do you think that will still be an issue? Would you look back later in life and regret backing out of this? These are all important questions for us all to ponder. At the end of the day, if you give it enough though, you'll come to your conclusion, I'm confident in it.

Then again, I'm just some drunk tranny on 4chan, so what do I know?
do i remember you
Thats pretty crazy. Satan is a cool image, but i dont believe in anything.
My friend who gave me the shrooms told me i should experience ego death. I dont really believe in any spiritual side, i dont think i can do that.
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do you have autism?
I haven't seen Angie in probably a year at least.

Your opinion has been noted. I will take this into account upon developing my own ideas of them.
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I know that I am roughly on the level of talking furniture, but bf keeps insisting I am a woman and doesnt wanna throw me out, so I guess Ill have to pretend for a little longer

>and die

its not like I havent tried, angie, shit is hard, as you know by now (if youve ever actually tried, I dont know)
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Calm yourself down angie, no need to shit the thread up this much.
who the fuck are you getting into my business. you aint shit. back off
Just because she hasn't been mean to you specifically yet and has only given you (yous) on a image board doesn't mean she's good because you think so.
>never seen her cause drama
Ok, so you don't actually read the threads. Good to know.
trip on Angie
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*I* remember *you* for what that's worth. Perhaps an older picture will help.
if you were a piece of furniture, at best you'd be a bean bag chair. a do nothing lump. fuck that, a bean bag chair filled with shit instead of beans.
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yea i know that face

Who the fuck are you you little shit?

Now either back off or come here and speak your shit. Fucking pussy-ass Stephen King wannabe.
While Rachel is an annoying retard I don't understand how you of all people can say that anyone is "fucking odious"? Have you no shame? Or introspective?

That's because Gaye is a disturbing creep. I am sure that Dollface has an extensive collection of photos in which everyone looks like shit.
so like when do you start hrt?
She looks like she did a ton of drugs in person, like one of those meth warning posters
faye are you going to train us all how to be qt army girls?
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What? I'm serious how do I get Nim's attention?
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>underage b& kid acts tough and defends Faye like Adri 2.0
Stephen King? that doesn't even make any sense lmao. you do way too many drugs, hon. your brain is so wrecked even you'll never pass even in your deepest delusion.
She was like fully transitioned with a good voice before I took my first pill ._.;
What are you even talking about?

1. Rachel is bipolar, not schizo
2. she's been clean from heroin for a long time now
3. she actually is really sweet
4. mercury doesn't do drugs afaik

you literally have no clue
wow, that was creative, I chuckled a bit. I have no sense of selfworth tho, flames from anons on 4 chan dont do anything to me, nothing there you could destroy. I like your style tho, please carry on :3
Tone it down you little brat. This whole drama is annoying as it is. No need for your shitty input.
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Give me your skype and I'll message her it
>adults go anon and bully trannies on the internet
>I can say I've a day once or twice in which I kinda just looked at myself and was like "Is this really what I want?" for what that's worth. Thinking of how I felt before transitioning though is a quick way to get me back in the mind of "No, this is right."
IKTF so much. Sometimes I just stop and think "what am I doing with my life? This is crazy" Then I remember why I started.
Well just because you don't like someone doesn't mean no-one does. A lot of people here say they don't like me yet I get a fair few people adding me on Skype asking to chat. Everybody has different tastes. I have no problem with Faye.
true, true.

Being able to afford ffs one day is basically my primary life goal atm. It's p much the only thing still motivating me to study hard, finish uni, and look for a high-paying job.

If my face is still fucked after ffs, then at least I can kill myself knowing that I gave transition an honest try, instead of just giving up before I started.
Are you reading the right post? I'm replying to some asshole (probably you) attacking Sophie.
are you as deaf as you are manly? hope not...
you've already been told. post your bp. nim loves that
I've known rachel for years and can confirm that she does not look like a drug addict.

all these bitter anons jfc
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Seriously, just fuck off.
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Alright ladies enough talk drop and give me ten, if you can't do them you may proceed to the alternate push-up position on your knees
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I always said that I was spiritual not religious but my christian upraising is deep in my mind and spouts out when im trippin and nightmaring. Were you outside at all for the trip?
Thanks for your advice, tbqh I didn't expect such a thoughtful reply on here.

I have been meditating and thinking about whether I should transition for months now, but I'm still extremely conflicted. I've always had dysphoria, but it was only last year that I realised that I might actually be trans.

I'm not sure anymore, I'm also pretty tired so sorry if I sound stupid
all trannies deserve to be bullied. it's the only real motivation to stop them from becoming hons.

Uhhh... you realize that I have never drunken, smoked or otherwise taken any recreational substances, right?

Again, stop being a fucking shitter.
You mean when *did*? I started at 20.

Cheers, Sonic!

See? Further evidence.

Possibly. When did you start?
fuck no, you don't have a safe space you entitled bitch.
hey beepbeep if you are here there's a thread about you on r9k

Faye I'm going to meet you again
Mercury has and currently does drugs
Rachel isn't just bipolar
Rachel has been clean exactly one year
Rachel is terrible and constantly attacks people half the time and is sweet the other half
But the thing is by the time you finish uni get the job and save up for FFS you will be 30 and wasted your whole youth on being a man. Therefore if you need FFS to pass you shoud just sudoku. That's what I'm gonna do.
But that sounds even more creepy. Can you just give me her Skype?

What does she like? How can I win her over?
wait so if you're already fully transitioned, why do you look like a boy. you're like elanna part 2. are you also a transbian?
No. Mostly i was in a nice bed. Took a bath too. It was nice.
Is life only worthwhile before you turn 30? I hope not...
About the time you were dating Eevee/Nora/forget her og irl name, you used to be on tiny chat
Yes... I thought that was obvious Sonic. I'm sorry that I'm not going to hugbox everyone here but this place has really gotten out of hand in the last year.
You literally have no idea what you are talking about.
>Well just because you don't like someone doesn't mean no-one does.
The reason people attack Faye is because she has treated her friends that have gotten close to her like shit. It's happened for years.
>I have no problem with Faye.
>defending people you don't even know on the internet
You regularly defend Faye. Also that is not me.
Fuck you Rachel is great!
She looks like someone who has Down syndrome
>Mercury has and currently does drugs
what kind of drugs does mercury do? rachel told me mercury doesn't do drugs so maybe merc lied to her??

>Rachel isn't just bipolar
then what else is she?
Name a person I bullied
Oh right, you hate me for something else.
I can't do a single push up desu
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Is there even any particular reason why you're doing this? Or are you just bored? Starved of (you)s for too long?
Can you do the girl push-up? On your knees and do the push-up motion? That's how you build up to a real one
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I can't trust you
Do what I say or don't get her skype.
Or just wait for her to come on and keep asking her
Fuck, I'm never gonna get unbanned at this rate

It's not her fault she's bipolar or schizo, she has issues, and so does probably everybody else here, it's not an okay reason to attack her and talk shit about her because of her issues.
Consider suicide
It's not even that it's having to look at 20 year old women and see what you missed out on. I couldn't handle it that's why if I can't go girlmode by 27 I'm sudokuing. It's still late but at least I can say "yeah I was a girl in my 20s"
>please respond directly to my passive aggressiveness and watch me deny the fact that I've hurt people's feelings before
I don't hate you actually. You are underage though and shouldn't be here so I'll pick on you occasionally. I'm nice enough to admit it though and say I'm sorry. I just wish you would stop defending people like Faye but w\e
You don't sound stupid at all. You're simply asking questions, which is probably the most healthy thing you could be doing. If you weren't I think I'd be more concerned. I can't really tell you what is right for you sadly, but I can at least tell you that if you are unsure at the moment, that you have thinking to do, and that you must bear in mind that these choices will impact the rest of your life, but even if you keep at it, we're nothing without our past. Remember what made you this way and be a better person for it. If you come to a point in which you leave the past behind, you aren't really the same person anymore. This can be fine though if that's the choice you want to make. I think it's just important to be sure that regardless of the choice you make, it's the one YOU wanted. Without that, you will grow a self resentment that is nearly undoable. I hope the best for you though, anon. Truly.

I'm not a transbian to answer that part. As to looking like a boy, if that is indeed true, the world in which I live never seems to think so. Always get gendered female, even on the phone. You're more than welcome to have your own opinion. I drink enough, that it'll never really impact me anyways. Hell, doubt I'll even remember this conversation.

What..? I've never dated a trip. Closest that ever came to be was Melly, and even that didn't go very far. I need men, hence my boyfriend.

Hah, that doesn't really help anything xD
Everyone looks back at parts of their life and regrets what they missed out on. It's not worth killing yourself over.
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>I can't do a single push up desu
This got me curious so I tried and managed 3. Kind of a weird feel when deltoids are super weak compared to how I remember them being :P
mercury does cocaine
That's adorable, but I don't feel right sharing people's Skype usernames without their permission. I don't know sempai, just keep talking to her here until she feels comfortable with you I guess?
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>tfw eating like a fatass
>tfw ate too much and now feel bloated
>now i don't want to do anything
Don't you loose weight on cocaine? How come Mercury is fat?
pretend your food belly is a pregnancy belly
I mean the stuff That happened was sexual fallout 100% across the board, It spills into here, and people like you like to rehash it like any of it matters.
>you will be 30 and wasted your whole youth on being a man
Ha, jokes on you. I already wasted my youth on being a man when I chose to repress for as long as I did.

Also, I don't think it'll take me all that long to save up for ffs
I'm a math/CS dual-major, so finding a decent paying job shouldn't be hard, and my plan is to basically spend money on nothing but the bare essentials until I have enough saved for ffs.
What she looks like http://m.imgur.com/Nkjirw1
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I went from being ably to do 74 in a minute to.... 6
Like three years ago? Trans girl, she barelllllly tripped and was on tinychat a lot, I know you went straight a bit after that
I've seen her she's not fat at all. I've seen her snort lines she's a junkie for sure
She's pretty adorbz.
Fuck fine. willnj927.
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Sounds kinda weird famygdala. I just want it to go away, but I won't go over 105 lbs if I don't start eating more. Not like I was gonna do anything tonight anyway. It's all rainy and dreary out.
Hm... I'm struggling to recall such a thing. Are you certain that this was me? Not saying it isn't true, but man, I really can't seem to find this memory.
why do niggers lack empathy?
Oh. I think I can do that.
Not fat, not Mtfg skinny
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Wew I was never that fit, I could do maybe like 20 before with my skinny-ass arms. Now I've put on weight and lost muscle mass, good riddance upper body strength.
Can you do like 10 of them every time you come back into your room?

If you do that eventually you'll work yourself up
The young girls are out in skimpy clothing showing off their feminine figures and I'm some masculine fucker in a baggy hoodie with man jaw and cone tits. I'm running out of reasons not to overdose on my sleeping pills. Have you got any reasons?
I'm going to quit HRT, how stupid would it be to keep taking lupron but with no estrogen?
Why are you quitting?
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>still denying that I have fucked up with some people from this board and try to make them out to look like bad people but its okay because it was all sexual fallout and that vindicates me even though I was the one hitting on them so here is a scientific description to cover up my bullshit
>and people like you rehash
Don't even want to hear it, you are complete cancer.
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you're not planning on doing that indefinitely are you?
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This.. might be the biggest b8 I have ever seen... are you autistic anon?
Tfw your favorite hero becomes meta
Is there anything else I can do to win Nim's love? Anything!
I mean I worked out twice a day every day for an hour 8 years straight >.>
I don't want to post pictures or either of your names, it was pretty short lived but she's a good friend, we've actually talked about it before but it was a bit ago >.>
Hm... I'll just take your word for it, I suppose.
I don't hit on Anyone I'm just a loving person who lets people touch her to make them more comfortable and feel happier and good about themselves.
very. just dont.
either quit completely or take E
Because I really have no hopes of passing and I think therapy will help me with my gender dysphoria better than pretending to be a girl ever will.
That's the plan.
I'm not ready to quit completely but I'm never taking estrogen again. I don't care about living so I don't mind if my lack of sex hormones results in an early death or whatever.
Do you know what she likes? What can I do to bring up my chances?
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>I mean I worked out twice a day every day for an hour 8 years straight
All I did was some occasional push-ups to combat shoulder fatigue from spending too much time on the computer
what goin on?

i reckon u should b on estrogen
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fuck me that is the most retarded thing I've heard all day
Because stop fucking comparing yourself to others and make the best of what you have.
I'm not very smart.
Nope, I'm done.
I think you were probably the happier one of the two of us
I don't know much about Nim to be honest aside from her having a pretty low (in my opinion unjustified) opinion of herself, sorry. She seems pretty nice though. Not sure.
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>I don't hit on Anyone I'm just a loving person who lets people touch her to make them more comfortable and feel happier and good about themselves.
Did that line work for you in the court case against your rapist?
Shit just went from creepy to downright disturbing.
hey so im a pre-hrt trans lady (starting this month tho, thank god) and ive gotten alright at shaving my arms and chest, but i have yet to try my legs. so i have 20-ish years of hair growth on my legs and its gonna be the WORST to shave.

i bought some nair which was recommended to me, but do i just read the bottle and use it or is there some preliminary stuff i should do first? i only have a kinda shitty men's face razor and blades that ive been using for the rest of my body hair but i read that leg hair is different and will just fuck up the blades.

(also, whats a good way any of you have found to remove hair from testicles and behind them? I'd guess waxing or something, but maybe I'm wrong?)

thanks for any help you can offer!

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I highly doubt that but even if that's the case I'm fairly sure you're the happier one out of the two of us right now so it evens out.
wtf are u talking about nim posts her skype freely here all the time
Being without a sex hormone is pretty bad for your bones and mood, from what I've heard. You could maybe take just a bit of anti-androgen and keep a minimal amount of testosterone and be okay, I think.
>tfw you drive someone to suicide
>Because I really have no hopes of passing and I think therapy will help me with my gender dysphoria better than pretending to be a girl ever will.
This was literally me yesterday. I'll parrot what Korra kept trying to tell me which is to keep trying because hormones may make a difference after a few years. There's always FFS as well. Anyway as I told Joan I'm gonna keep trying till 27 (I'm 24 now)then if I still don't pass I'll commit suicide.
>Make the best of nothing
The trans suicide rate is 40% for a reason.
"Because it's a permenant solution" that takes away your agency to change your mind later

Because you have Internet and something to post on, which is more then most the world

Because younprobablymdomtnwant to kill yourself, but your brain is kind of evolutionarily programmed to make you want to when you feel like you have no value

Because you can literally do anything if you're a dead woman, but if you took advantage of that you wouldn't want to die
My luck with Nair has not been positive. That stuff burns pretty bad. If you have a ton of hair, I just recommend getting a cheap electric razor and going at it.
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my sides
Does she? Well, regardless, if she wants to post it again she can.
Then can you tell me her Skype?
Wait huh, I never pressed charges
>good riddance upper body strength

>tfw my upper body strength was always low by male standards
>tfw my lack of muscle doesn't actually help at all, because my upper body still looks manly from shoulders + ribcage
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>i only have a kinda shitty men's face razor and blades that ive been using for the rest of my body hair but i read that leg hair is different and will just fuck up the blades.
Never heard anything like that, then again I know next to nothing about razors. I just use disposables whenever it is I feel the need to shave.

>(also, whats a good way any of you have found to remove hair from testicles and behind them?
Just use a razor lol
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I caved and bought one of these. I like traveling and okay maybe I got it for Pokemon
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Thread reminder to watch Threads.
Tbh if she asked I would have Mad rout with her, but she broke into my room and fucked me while I was passed out drunk, and giving agency to rapists allows them to continue
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Same desu. I've always been skinny and weak, now I'm even weaker with no visible benefit. I guess I can ask people to lift things for me now or something? Idk.
Yeah that's totally not creepy at all.
>"Because it's a permenant solution"
Good, will never have to worry again
>Because you have Internet and something to post on, which is more then most the world
Starving kids in Africa-tier argument
>Because younprobablymdomtnwant to kill yourself
You're right I don't but there is no better alternative
>feel like you have no value
But I do have no value. I'm ugly, have no friends, never been in a relationship, if I died tomorrow no-one would care
your uncle is trans?
didnt like it desu
i used to type desu out instead of desu but desu is one less letter so im typing desu now and just letting it filter desu to desu
Faye is good and nice to touch and kiss <3 such a good girl
hmm yeah i did hear that could easily happen. im definitely gonna just put it on a small patch of leg and see how it is before anything else, but i'll definitely be wary of it either way.

and yeah lol an electric razor is probably my best bet in the end lol. any recommendations or just any should do?
He didn't rape me

A female soldier raped me

He sexually abused me in front of witnesses without consent, and they wouldn't prosecute because I was trans and that plays bad to juries.
I think any would do. If I were in your shoes, I'd just go to walmart and grab the cheapest one.
uh... that sounded kind of creepy desu
Don't talk to mistress that way!
>if I died tomorrow no-one would care

I mean, I'm a conservative twat who probably shouldn't be on 4chan so idk how much weight you consider me with, but I actually like you quite a bit. I'd be pretty upset if you did something like that.
Man. Add a standing ovation while you're at it... lol
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What's the best way to sudoku?
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I don't give a shit the time I spent with Faye was special
i like red
>Anyway as I told Joan I'm gonna keep trying till 27 (I'm 24 now)then if I still don't pass I'll commit suicide.
Hey, that's basically what I plan to do, except I didn't put an actual number on "I'll suicide if I don't pass by X time."
I'll probably wait until I've had ffs, or have been on hrt for ~5 years, whichever comes last.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that though.
Hopefully I'll surprise myself and end up passing and cute and happy.
Good girl
It doesn't play bad to juries, you just don't look like a woman in the slightest and lawyers knew it would have gone bad for them to take your case. Maybe because you can't admit to anything you do as wrong.

I'm filtering you both. Fucking christ.
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https://youtu.be/5wFDWP5JwSM Cirno is OG baka

What can I do to win your affection back
You're judging these things like everyone outside defines you and having these things would instantly make you feel better

But let me tell you, when I was suicidal knowing that they'd bury me in Arlington and shoot guns and fold a flag and hand it to my mother and 50 or so people would be there crying.... Didn't make it easier, because suicide is like a mood, you feel it, like a person feels happy, and feelings aren't rational, and this feeling won't let you see anything else until it's gone.

If you get better, you can have all those things.
that is definitely not the best way
It's kind of messed up that the likelihood of being able to get justice for being raped depends on who you are or what you look like. I don't see how that is okay.
Thanks :)
>The trans suicide rate is 40% for a reason.

its not.
try 0,1%
I love you!!!
No problem <3
You are a nice girl and a kind girl <3
Love us onichan...

Also I didn't have lawyers, the DA prosecutes based on evidence and if they can win to protect their career, most sex crimes are never persecuted, welcome to America.
Carol you're such a perfect sweet girl
>This was literally me yesterday. I'll parrot what Korra kept trying to tell me which is to keep trying because hormones may make a difference after a few years. There's always FFS as well. Anyway as I told Joan I'm gonna keep trying till 27 (I'm 24 now)then if I still don't pass I'll commit suicide.

I don't want to keep trying though. It's too difficult and I know it's not gonna work out, it'll just hurt me in the long run.
My anti-andro is lupron, which pretty much nukes my testosterone. It's okay though, because I don't really care about my bones.
0.1%? How'd you figure that?
Let's form a talking circle for trans sex violence survivors!
Carol is sweet

well which one is it?
I go to a cis woman's one now it's pretty ok
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no but its good
I'm really not Red, I have lots of stuff wrong with my personality and stuff.

Thank you for the nice words though <3
You are the sweet, perfect one bb <3
red and carol are the best
attempted suicide rate is 40%.

but i'm not sure how many actually succeed at sudoku
Flying to DFW
Love you all
Be nice
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I've made some very questionable choices in the past couple of days.

Dont do drugs kids.
Hugs <3
Ok suicide attempt but the number that succeed is not 0.1%
Post your jaw. FFS worked on even Caitlyn.
Using a comma instead of a full stop (period to you burgers) is a mainland European thing. It always weirds me out.
You will when they start breaking.
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its actually lower

its Reichstuff, you wouldnt understand.

attempted SELF reported suicide rate. obviously trannies massively overstate that number to get help faster and generally push our medical needs, which makes sense

>Ok suicide attempt but the number that succeed is not 0.1%

its even lower actually, there was a british study on this. I am too lazy to look for it, you can probably find it if you google though, it was reported as 20 times higher than cismale suicide rate, if you do the math, I think it was somewhere around 0,05% or something (for trannies).
The rate is 7% in trans kids with strong support in areas where there are no bathroom laws
what about the good ones
true. i'd probably count towards that statistic too, because i overdosed a few times intentionally. but i knew the amount i took wouldn't do any harm. it was more to get the doctors (and family) to realize that i wasn't just some tumblr teenager with a special snowflake identity, and that i wanted hrt immediately.

kinda stupid though. doctors aren't going to give an unstable kid hrt, so i wised up a bit.

that's good, i guess.
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>its Reichstuff, you wouldnt understand.
what does it mean then
>full stop (period to you burgers)
We say full stop here in murrica too.

I'm glad your life is shit and this is how you act, ayy lmao.
Who are the most lovable trips? The ones who are just sweethearts.
0,1 = 1.0
1.0 = 1,0
Huh. TIL.
>40 year olds can afford FFS
>15 year olds don't need FFS
>Us 20 year olds are in the grey zone where we need FFS but can't afford it
>tfw 20s is actually the worst time to transition
I should have listened to Susan's and waited for my bell to go off at 48.
Red is a beautiful nice girl

faye come here

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For my data peeps
>getting this mad over being called a burger
Accept your heritage.
>We say full stop here in murrica too.
It's really uncommon, at least everywhere I've lived. Some people will use it but plenty won't know what you're talking about if you are using it to mean the end of sentence mark; it's more frequently used as a way to say something halts completely.
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wait im confused that makes no sense

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>Post your jaw. FFS worked on even Caitlyn.
I don't know how well you can see it but here.
Europe : America
1.000.000,00 : 1,000,000.00

Just opposite uses of the comma and period in numeric place markers.
idk but kato and flannel are a bunch of insufferable cunts desu
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>I should have listened to Susan's and waited for my bell to go off at 48.
Well, that or try to transition at age ~16 when I first found out what trans is, instead of spend the next half decade repressing like the fucking moron I am.
Doesn't look bad from that angle.
>45% chance I'm gonna try and kill myself
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It's worse from the front imo.
Pretty cute <3
Jesus H Christ is that what you're crying about? Your jaw is fine, give the HRT another year. You have nice eyebrows too.
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>shotgun to head
>1.7 minutes

>1.6 minutes

Why are explosives 6 seconds faster and how can either of these take over a minute?

ffs doesn't fix whats wrong. it only fixes the appearance
.2% chance you'll die
>try to transition at age ~16 when I first found out what trans is, instead of spend the next half decade repressing like the fucking moron I am.
BDD confirmed.
It looks like that is in female range; not particularly feminine looking but you should be able to pass.
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Do I pass?
>Ffs fixes your appearance
Your jaw isn't bad at all. You just need to gain weight and give HRT more time. Maybe go to reddit skincareaddiction and find a routine to help get rid of acne.

How long have you been on HRT? You have a lot of potential to pass and be really really cute
young bill gates?
maybe it takes into account the hesitation before pulling the trigger/blowing up?

I expect better of you /mtfg/. I know y'all are bullshitting me. I'm not gonna waste my time trying to turning myself into some tranny freak monster, that shit's just gonna ruin my life.
>Your jaw isn't bad at all.
Not even my jaw that's my biggest problem. I hate my forehead more.
>How long have you been on HRT?
around seven months.
I'm really not. Like, I obviously can't make you happy about how you look but personally I think you look nice.
Forehead is fucking easy to deal with though, get bangs or a part that comes down in the front.
>tfw found out you could change your sex at 13 after seeing Nadia Almada on Big Brother in 2005
>Thought it was all mega expensive surgery so didn't bother researching more
>Probably couldn't have researched more because poor and no internet anyway.
If I had known all you needed was to pop some pills...
Uh I posted my jaw and only got 2 replies telling me to kill myself
saying you have BDD isn't hugboxing, I'm saying you're crazy as fuck and attention-whoring.
I didn't say you aren't a member of the yung-hons club breh

your forehead is worse than your jaw, also your hair is shit, buzz it.
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And the amount the train takes is due to the train being 17 minutes late? Top heh.

No. See >>6571686
Seek therapy for BDD.
>Whenever I shave, people think I'm a girl from a distance. Whenever I moved into my current town 2 years ago, people didn't know if I was male or female.
>I'm 6' biological male with no hormones and I think I'm masc af.
I want to kill myself
>I didn't say you aren't a member of the yung-hons club
Exactly, I'm not going to pass and no one is ever going to see me as a woman. That's why I'm giving up, because I don't want to be a human abomination.
Any National Conservative vegan ladies ITT?
Sounds like you're in pretty good shape to start transitioning if people are that confused. Don't trust your own judgement of yourself, you're clearly not as masculine as you think you are if that's happening.
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>tfw I found out I could change my sex at 13
>tfw I'm 14
Guess I should just kill myself...
There's no hope for me
alright then, fuck off and stop shitting up the thread with more attention seeking behavior you faggot.

go get a buzz cut and fuck off
I'm about 7 months too. And I would kill for your forehead. You have a feminine forehead with no brow bossing so i don't even want to hear it.

And as somebody who was underweight and has gained some weight on hormones, gaining weight will almost definitely make you pass.

Your cheeks are sunken right now which is what makes you think your jaw is bad, but when you gain some weight on estrogen your cheeks will fill out and and your jaw will be completely in feminine range, I promise.

I had and have the exact same problem. I haven't gained quite as much weight as I want yet, but my cheeks are already to the point where they aren't convex anymore and it makes a world of difference.

Also get a skincare routine and stick to it. A lot of cis girls do skin care, and it helps your skin look more glowing and smoother.
>tfw found out I could change my sex at age X
>tfw I'm age Y where Y >= X
Guess I should just kill myself.
tfw hormones gave me a feminine penis.
>tfw ur a girl

: )
You are a very good girl <3<3<3
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I'm too high to understand this x - y shit
explain it too me Joan
Can I ride your pussy pole?
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got an empty bottle of this and I'm kinda tempted to try and turn it into a bong

Tranny Bdd is a meme
How old were you when you started transition? Do you pass?
Apparently it isn't
i like cuddling and sleeping
29, no. I wasn't really talking about myself, just pointing out the general pattern of posts, no matter how young or old someone finds out it's possible and no matter how long after that they wait to start transition, the gut reaction always seems to be "it's too late, I should kill myself".
has anyone actually seen mercury do cocaine?

or is this just like an anon lying type deal
i like you
Why do you care?
Quick, everyone!;
Am I still gross!?
I hope I'm not lucid
u fucking moron, pls take ur estrogen
You were never gross Valq.
i want a cat
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>tfw you think you're extremely manly again
>tfw usually the only way to stop is look in the mirror until you feel cute
>tfw most of the time I will hate myself even more
I dunno what to do
Why is the thread so dead?
If the mirror thing works then try it. Or just stop caring so much about if you're a bit manly, you're probably pretty feminine.
The mirror says I'm qt but the camera doesn't. What's up with that?
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looking in the mirror though is risky, if I see myself as even worse than before (which is likely) I will fall into an even worse state of depression. And atm it's not that I feel a bit manly, it's that I feel extremely manly.

Angles or camera too close to face
Cameras, especially cheap ones in bad lighting conditions, don't typically do a great job of capturing what you'd actually see with your eyes.
It doesn't exist
Body dysmorphic disorder definitely exists, although probably it gets over-diagnosed on /mtfg/.
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Hi everyone !! I went to see a really cute movie with my family!! I hope you all are doing well!
hi hi cute, i just got back home as well
what did you see?
never mind im retarded i didnt look at your image at all
That's good to hear. I always thought it was the mirror that gave the delusional view. Fuck the camera.
is this grace or red?
>I always thought it was the mirror that gave the delusional view
hahaha I don't trust either view
If I use the camera I'm pretty sure it's just the angle
with the mirror I'm pretty sure I'm just being delisional
I'm gonna buy a high end camera and tripod, I'm tired of my phone camera selfies giving wildly different opinions on whether I can pass or not. I mean /mtfg/ saw it themselves, I posted two pics of my jaw, one people said needed FFS and the other people said was cute. It was the same damn jaw lol
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Hello, i guess I'm Sass and i want to say that i love this place

Pic related
Today was pretty good for me. I played a buncha fighting games with people at a vidya shop for most of the day.

I doubt I can pass if I ever transition, but it was nice to be the most feminine looking guy there in between all the neckbeards and stocky guys.
Escorting: Yay or nay?
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There ya go, you figured it out ~
Did you have fun doing whatever you were doing?
lol I got a new phone and it makes my face look really long even at a normal angle
guess I should keep my old phone as my camera desu
Seriously, like I'm not built super huge but my selfie camera on my phone is a wide angle lens and it distorts the absolute living fuck out of my body, I hate it
Out if curiosity, what happened to your trip, familia? You had it on the other day
It's dead right now...
My whole family is flying to the Caribbean tomorrow and leaving me behind :( What's the temperatures like out there now?
Yay for moneys
Nay for psych.
i went downtown with two of my friends, we just walked around and talked, then got some food
Do you do it?
Hit or miss, it's the beggining of rainy/hurricane season.

So it can be awesomeness sunny days or london 2.0
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Its too easy to get chasers to show you their dick. I need a challenge. Like a cis girl.
Ime HD webcams are pretty good about not giving too much distortion. Although they make your skin look better than it really is for some reason
It's really hard to get a cis girl to show you her dick
No honey, I'm too olds. You need to be psychologically strong for this
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I knew youd say it.
It should be noted that I've erped with every single person who's disagreed with me here, as far as I know.

That said.

In 7th grade, I took an COGIATI test without preparing for it at all, it was spur-of-the-moment, I knew about it about an hour ahead of time and didn't do any research or anything. I scored higher on it than the average person using it to apply for hrt in my area.

An blood test has shown me to be in the 99.9th percentile for estrogen levels. This is the highest result the test I was given reaches; anything further and they'd consider it to be within the margin of error for that test
Who here /had a relaxing Saturday and feeling OK about ur life and urself since the hard work you've put into ur transition over the past year has been paying off/
show me your dick cis girl
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>Tfw /b/ had a big clit thread today.
Eh kinda.
Me sans the whole transitioning I guess
you literally dont even have to try, chasers just send it right away pretty much

i like this meme, i might have to shitpost about how much beter i am because im in the top percentile for estrogen levels, clever

I just ordered pizza.
There is a 30 day insta ban when I enter my trip, not even gonna bother
no but I am /having a sad sunday with a migrane feeling upset because everything I work on never pays off/
How do you deal with the fact of looking absolutely disgusting during sex?
I don't have sex and anyone that wants to have it with me lives far away and never sees compromising pictures.
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Timed underwater escort mission.
I slept until 5:00 PM. Day well spent.
Trannies s M h

I'm watching the new Netflix show and I'm about to take my first progesterone dose
I'm a 30 year old virgin for a reason.
So you're never going to have sex for the rest of your life?

I mean if you're with a guy and the cock gets hard, that's by you and for you.

If You're getting sex, you're not disgusting, at least in that moment. Also stop looking at porn, it's unhealthy for your self image.
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>yfw pokemon go is a psyop designed to get the youth fit as they are about to be drafted to fight in WW3
Are you going to take it in your butt while wearing sexy lingerie so to make it extra AGP :p?
>Also stop looking at porn, it's unhealthy for your self image.
How is it unhealthy?
It just points out how disgusting it looks.

Pre-op sex pretty much looks exactly like gay sex.
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Ok then, it seems you've got everything figured out.

Enjoy your life anon!
holy shit
I just took it and already I've gotten an inch shorter and my hips have grown to child bearing proportions
more like designed to provide the government with location data on the entire population so they can more effectively oppress us
how do I make friends when I am a pathetic and generally uninteresting person
Holy shit! I need this.
Become interesting and not pathetic.
You make a new identity for yourself online of the person who you want to be, and then you become her.

Don't lie, though. Just like enhance your awesomeness.
I just started identifying as trans and already my penis feels a little smaller??
how am I supposed to do that when all I ever do is go to work and come home and sit in my room

I am terrible at talking to people though how can I make a new identity online when I can barely carry on a chat with someone
Get a hobby.
>tfw you post bulge and no one cares
OMG! So cute. The most awesomeness of trans women is that they have a feminine penis.

I'm like a sissy, so i can only fake my feminine penis by using concealer and makeup and using lace and bows on it.
that was supposed to be a bulge?
How disgusting isn't that?
You think your dick is hot?
It's not actually mine but
You're not old
> hard work you've put into ur transition
Are you trying to make me feel guilty??
>browsing /b/
But guys will fuck anything
What drugs do you do?
>tfw pathetic and generally uninteresting person
>tfw somehow made skype friends
If I cna do it anyoen can
AGP get out
٩(ε )۶
I should have just killed myself, trying to transition beyond 30 is a joke
Why haven't you lost weight? If you did you could probably pass for you seem to have a babyface
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This desu
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I want to be a cute girl and dont know what the fuck im doing hahahah...
I'm sorry for driving Kira away. When she got cancer I just wanted to be close to her and touch her feminine penis. She would still be here if it weren't for me.
>Average American woman
She got cancer? wut?
>edie will never buy you popeyes
I mean it's a dollar but god damn, I wanna be treated occasionally.. you know?
Don't talk to me, negress.
go away
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I'm putting a trip on because someone is impersonating me.
lol kek sheen whats gotten into you?
fuck off
someone is being a dick
>tfw they say "all you can eat" but they don't really mean it
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pic for proof
I'm going to bed
Just because you post my pictures doesn't make you me.
okay angie
Ok, seriously

>Be with a man
>Strip naked
>Bend over
>Showing your ass to him

>From his point of viw
>He sees an unbleached asshole
>A perineum
>A ball sec, even further away from the asshole, nothing this far away would exist on a woman
>Then a penis
>This is the exact same view he would get if the trans woman was replaced by a twink gay faggot.

How do you live with that?
How are you ever going to have sex, when you're just going to look like a faggot gay guy? And it's essentially going to be gay sex?
sheen-posting is still better than shakira-posting

this is terrible
At least there's no diaper jokes.

... yet
Can you guys please fuck off?
>tfw suddenly went from hopeless and suicidal for no reason to actually feeling kind of okay
>Not fucking missionary face to face.
Ugh go away degenerate fetishist.
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>he doesn't know about srs
>tfw you eat all of the burger shack burgers and all the burger shacks close down because they don't have any burgers left and now they went out of business because you ate them all (their burgers)
>I'm so mad
>I'm gonna misgender
I see you got butthurt and don't want to answer.

And rub your dick against his stomach?
How sexy...
Well meme'd
but you gave them money so they can stay in business?
I've just woken up from my nap, I accidentally shit my diapers agian :(
where did you get this picture from, stop impersonating me
>one boob bigger than the other
T-this is normal r-right??
That's a thing? Huh. Didn't know that.
why the fuck are people mean to sheen

whats wrong with you
Some people are just assholes
its only a thing because she is ban evading

just drop your trip and fuck off already
You've never had sex before.

Are you a minor?
A lot of posts are faye dropping trip...
I'll say this right now, I hate most of you but y'all are a good source of cute animu reaction pics
Yeah, apparently you have to be a pretty big troll for that to happen, I guess I should be proud
because it feels great to shit on hons, just ask edie
No, I haven't had sex before.
Are you one of those who have had sex pre-transition? I get that you don't feel the same disgust about being perceived male in some ways then.

But are you retarded?
Do you even know what missionary position is?
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>laughing at virgins
where do you think you are?
why's everyone saying this lately?

first quid, then rachel
hell, even my psychologist
everry tranny is bipolar
>You've never had sex before.
I'm 22 and never had sex. Don't bully :s
shh bb
*hugs u bipolarly*
I wasn't laughing at her because she's a virgin, just her bullshit.
I'm not bipolar
probably because you have such a shit attitude that rivals even oddish
that's just what you think
*hugs then gets depressed and walks away and cries then comes back feeling fine and hugs again*
I dunno when my girlfriend is riding me doggy style all she sees is my tits and cute face
So you really did have sex pre-transition?

I may as well go to gaygen to talk about trans feels, they're probably just as understanding. Meaning, not understanding at all.
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What do you mean? I think my attitude is fine most of the time... I just wish I knew how to cope with depression better.
Sorry cowgirl I'm tired

I think that's more of a bpd thing senpai
New Phone, new lock screen wallpaper. Still looking for a home screen, considering Team Mythic Logo

In related news, my feet hurt
In unrelated news, my soul hurts.
>riding me doggy style
i dont think you know what that means

oh lol nvm then
Either way PIV is AGP shit.
Good thing i'm a sissy
It feels good tho!
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idk desu senpai, all I know is I have quick and drastic mood swings a lot
My hair's finally getting past my shoulders. The feeling of my hair touching my back is so new to me
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>tfw Vietnamese food

Can I say that I'm low key worried about these park stampede videos that have been popping up.

Something about 100 adults stampeding after one yells "squirtle!!!"
I don't know about gaygen, I think rk9 could be more of a place to find people that empathize with you.

Thank you for implying I'm a gay man, I won't forget your kindness bb! :)
long hair is the best feeling on earth t b h
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hi i'm home from my date!! he was really nice and ghostbusters was really funny idk what u girls were talkin bout
I told youuuu

I was literally crying I was laughing so hard
don't let them get to you sheen, I love you
reeeee kill yourself my hair is an inch long and im so fucking upset
The only interesting thing I saw in this entire thread is that Mercury is on coke according to a few anons.
Butttt I'm a boy so
There's this anon that's angry that girls have sex pretransition. I think it's b8 tho.

So you'd recommend ghostbusters?
bipolar is episodes that last for like, weeks to months
also you should probs talk to a psychologist rather than 4chan
w88 isn't that SJW: the motion picture?
faye boys don't get giant boobs give them to me if you want to be a boy

date was fun
Why do you assume an unbleached asshole?
it can last a week or longer, it's pretty shit desu
anyways I probs should talk to a psych but I'm not trusting like that
is faye attention whoring with boob pics again
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>tfw black
the best I can hope for is an Afro
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i fucking love kristen wiig and i didn't even know she was in it, it made my night lmao
there were these ghostbusters fanatics sitting near us tho and they kept screaming and clapping during all the cameos. it was a lil weird.
also the boy brought me a pink rose. it was really cute lol


tf happened while i was gone lol
also yes, i thought the movie was really funny. but i loved bridesmaids and it is really similar to that.

Vietnamese food is heaven

I'm pretty sure that after a couple of weeks, they'll realize grinding is going to mean walking for kilometers every day, and get tired of it, and go back to their basements. Plus, once school's back in session they'll be worn out.
there's literally nothing they can do to you unless you're a danger to yourself or someone else
just throwing it out there
it's pretty risk free
is Ghostbusters actually good or are you all memeing me
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When do i get boobs pls help.
Because it's dangerous to bleach it.
when you stop being so mean
>not red

guess i'm just anxious about telling a complete stranger about this stuff
Join the club. I'm gonna spend 3 years trying to grow it and if I get nowhere I'm gonna just relax it.
How old are you and how long have you been on HRT again?
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It's like pg13 bridesmaids with a $150 million dollar budget
yes you are
When you believe in the boob god.
chara isn't mean. dont mistake edgy for meanness
shouldn't it be a boob goddess?
They were full grown adults, I saw one jump out of his car on the street and run too lol
it should be long after three years considering average healthy hair growth
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I'm 22, and 3 months hrt.

Not intentionally.

"Embrace your hunger, your lust, your desire. The universe is ours for the taking!"
i honestly know jack shit about hair
Are there any other good hair styles then an afro for black trans girls?
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Praise boobie Jesus
im sorry

please forgive me boob god I need megamilk
Give it a few more months. How much you will get is kind of unpredictable though.
faye seriously how do I get big boobs
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oh boy. here we go again...

Well, there will always be insane adults, but the college kids will go back to school.

>Finally get the last Eevee I need to evolve one
>It's a Flareon
>Dome Fossil why


Chara stop making me sad I want to be a girl.

Actually, I came up with a pretty nifty idea. I'm going to email therapists around here as a concerned parent, that my adult child might be one of those trans. Not be out and out hateful about it, but kind of subtely hint "can you fix them" and see what kind of responses I get
Yes praise the god of boob you mean qt.
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Follow me girls, to the promised land of progesterone!
Screw the boob god, I'd rather have the blessing of the goddess of flat but at least you pass.
I never like Kate McKinnon but in this movie she was perfect, when she started dancing with the blow torches and Kristen was like trying to get her to put the fire out


Also that's kind of cute, but I'm too horribly gay to appreciate flowers >.>
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I just want to be happy
At least I see a girl when I stare at phone all day
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I'm coming, what do I bring?
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Is that even a picture of boobs?

Yeah... it sucks.

Why am i making you sad?

Praise Slaneesh!
So happy for you Edie. :3
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This is like a year's effort.
Yeah loads. Ask Mercury, she's more knowledgeable than me due to having way more hair. It's a shame we don't get along. Korra is the other black trip but she just wears a weave.
i want prog but my endo won't give me it what do I do

im afraid of self medding it because it might show up in blood tests
I put a sports bra on my butt desu
is the boob god a repressed trans-goddess?
Either boobs or a butt, I can't really tell.
it's probably double that length if you straighten it right?
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Would not surprise me if you did that.
>tfw no boob butt
Praise the god and may the temptations of the world bring your enemies to there knees.
Boob god is a chaser.
I'm ok with being flat b/c bras suck
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>I just want to be happy
same ;_;
Your chest and $25.
You could keep taking it, what are they gonna do, SWAT your house and take the progesterone away?
A boob god is a straight man with a true love for tits that has transcended reality.
Is that not a normal hair style or length for a black woman to have? Or is the issue about the hair line or something? I don't quite get it.
are there lesbian boob goddesses
Triple. Straightening can damage your hair though which is why I haven't done it.
I'm not flat anymore but still small enough (relative to my frame; technically they're B-cup or something by now but they sure don't look like it) that I've never had to bother getting one.
>tfw at least you're not a lolcow
I can't find any physical cash on me
I need to call in one of my I.O.U.s
The boob god is the temptations of every desire that the people in this world chase. The infinite game of pleasure of mastery.
Hah if I was cis having hair that short would not be a problem because it's the one race where the women can get away with even a bald head. But obviously I'm not cis-tier so I need all the help I can get by covering my head in girly hair

Your desire to be a girl reminds me of mine
wow I want to be a girl too!
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Of course, that's me.
Well, I guess that works just fine!
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>Siri define shlyukha

you're such a hussy
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What if I were to bring, an American dollar?
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I'm well aware of what it means, silly.
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>tfw Lena Dunham gets you
To bad she sexually molestwd her sister
What? I didn't know that!
Did you molest your younger sibling for the sake of "experimentation", too?

I hope not
I'll take what cash I can get x.x
Thats pretty much it.
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But you already are a girl!
Where did you learn to speak English so fluently?
There's a solution to that problem.
Interesting Russian language fact: When railways were first developing in England the Russian government sent a delegation to the country to learn about the new technology. The English gave them a tour of Vauxhall station in London because it was nearby. The Russian delegation thought "Vauxhall" was the name of a train station in general so thereafter the Russian word for train station became "vokzal". This may be an apocryphal story however.
I'm perfectly ok with this view
boob goddess, how do I get megamilk
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What if we're already girls though?
She wrote about it in her book and didn't think it was wrong, but it's a little unsettling
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do i pass?
From what I remember she slept in the same bed as her and masturbated while her sister slept, that's not really molestation.
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Of course you didn't you stupid bitch.


English is my 3rd language, and i speak it more clearly than you do.

We're not.
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Massage your boobs plenty, eat lots every day, and make sure to have a good dose of E and progesterone! Also orchi helps
Girl, have you seen a movie called Tangerine? I highly suggest you do, ALL the way through because you just sound like a bitch compared to what those girls have been through. They put their shit out there and you hide like a coward. Own your shit and get it together already.
>She wrote about it in her book and didn't think it was wrong, but it's a little unsettling

That's her life in a nutshell.
Stop. I just want us to be nice to each other. Let's make up
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i can't stop looking at my skin lol it looks so nice tonight ;__;
i read a doujin like this.
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I feel like a girl, though. It's kind of a weird thing, you know? It's like, you expect to want to wear a bunch of dresses and put on makeup when you feel like a girl, and I do comb my hair more often and shave every day during those times, but it's like...you just want to be yourself, you know? You want to be you, but a girl.
Too much makeup for my taste but I know that's how you prefer it, so I guess good for you?
i love u boob goddess
She said she coerced her sister into kissing her using "anything a sexual predator might do"

That's using a position of trust and the little girls respect and tricks you've learned getting older to explore your sexuality with a minor
>Reply to my post giving someone advice is that I'm a "bitch"
Lol what?

And isn't Tangerine about two trans hookers? Are you saying I'm a coward because I'm not a hooker?
It wouldn't end with just that in an eromanga though.
It was an actual question
How did you learn to speak English?
tangerine is a good movie
fuck no you ugly cunt
That's such a stacey bedroom
Dont think I dont remember to fight you with cuddles.
So are you taking low dose hrt since you want to be more andro?
Jesus....I thought she was funny...this sounds bad
Settle down Mercury
>English is my 3rd language, and i speak it more clearly than you do.

Don't get me wrong, you're really good at English, but a lot of people who learn English say this.
Ah. Sure, that's not good. Any incestuous kissing should be consensual.
i want someone to nuzzle into my chest
And she goes on to talk about experimenting with her 6 year old sisters vagina

I literally can not read her now
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I don't think that will happen.
But it makes you feel better, i like you the most of the people i dislike.

I understand what you mean, but i don't really have dysphoria in the way everyone else does.

School, and video games mostly.

Fighting with cuddles is the only honorable way.

That is true.
I once made my big brother kiss me...we ended up feeling each other up
Me? I need affection
Depends on the age difference (dunno what it is), if it's not too large then that's honestly not particularly unusual. Kids do dumb stuff to each other when they're young.
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Is this a cute picture
yes pls come here
every picture of you is cute desu
Why can't we be friends, huh?
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>I once made my big brother kiss me...we ended up feeling each other up
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o boob goddess, hear my plea
i offer you this, for it is all i can give you

It was a "tickle game" and I was like... "Maybe let's kiss" cuz I was curious at 12 and stuff. We ended up with his hands on my butt
not the Goddess but my boobs could use a good succ desu
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it is not wtf


i'm switching back to pills, 4mg a day. i realized that's partially why i'm getting so fat, the injections i mean. take note of my belly full of popcorn and malaysian food.
If English is your third language
what are your first and second? Russian I'm guessing is first
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I'm more interested in seeing what you look like without your tongue out.

Cause you annoy me a lot of the time.

Fluent Russian, Fluent English, my 2nd language is Mandarin but im not fluent.
I shall lure with cooking and attack with the strong cuddle offense. Then you will be forced to eat with me.
I'm not even joking right now
If you don't have that smug, dumb smile in your next picture my night will be 2x better
no my succ is not for you

you are like a little baby
you are undeserving
dawww cute puffy cheeks and awesome languages,
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how's this do u feel better now
Meh, good enough
thank u bb
nice diaper
I love your diapers, they're like so in right now too

r u ok


they're the american apparel unisex boy shorts ;___; STOP BEING MEAN
Great minds
i love u
unisex boyshorts? i need this
Oh I know those were like there only undies I used to wear like a year before I realized I was trans

And the thigh high socks...
it honestly made me more happy
I'm utterly and completely depressed and nothing makes my depression worse then seeing somebody smiling, especially with that bitchy, smug smile of yours.
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Raiding target for more workout clothes to wear to the gym / the boys locker room
Oh, well, either I post a picture with my tongue out or people start complaining about me doing a smirk. There's no pleasing anon
Stop traumatizing those boys already.

Thanks ^^

I'm just curious what you look like without it.
Back to hot Texas summer nights
Who wants to cuddle me asleep
Maybe try and make a face like this. : (

ye i feel more comfy in them than anything idk c:


i wear those thigh highs so much for work when my legs get hairy lmao


if it makes you feel any better i've been clinically depressed for more than half of my life. this is just how i smile when i take photos idk.
Yes what ever is good bait for qt catching. No problem bb honest pretty cute would cuddle in blanket fort.
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Like this???? lmao
That's more of a:
: D
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oh hey there's already another thread
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