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So, what do my fellow trannies have in their dysphoria folders?

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Thread replies: 288
Thread images: 97

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So, what do my fellow trannies have in their dysphoria folders?
Dysphoria folder? Is that a thing? I'm intrigued.
Things that trigger your dysphoria.. you don't save them so you can look at them later and wallow in self-hatred?
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Pretty much every passing transgirl (or crossdresser) and successful transition timeline I see.
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Ooooooh. Yeah. I do that.
what the fuuuck
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>tfw 6'4" 280 built like a wall
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this one got me
honestly one of the best to ever spam reddit for 2 years
I always think half the before and afters I see are bs, but I want to believe.
What was she 32 when she transitioned? 34?
You look like CaptainSparklez.
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>was never able to grow a beard
>still will never pass this well
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Probably fake, but it really hits me. How can she be such a successful qt so young.
the horrible fashion sense gives it away
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They definitely look like the same person to me (I can't find a single incongruous feature), and if they're that young it wouldn't be at all surprising for them to turn out that well. There's a good chance they aren't even on HRT.
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delet this
>6'4" 280 built like a wall
Maybe you could fuck me to vent your negativity ?

Looked better before

I wish I could see what this qt looked like when his body was still in its natural state. What a shame.
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prepare the noose
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Too bad her voice sounds like Rick Ross
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man, the slightest shit will trigger my dysphoria. looking in a mirror, seeing pretty looking women and thinking how i wish i could pull off whatever they're wearing

i have to deliver food to a local school sometimes and seeing the young girls there just makes me wish i could go back in time as a girl and live it all as i wish it should have been
Where you at.
I hate you.
Probably considering she looks like a jenner tier hon kek
Same senpai, im 20 and passable but i wish i was 12 or younger again since I only started going out in girlmode at 18 and am just starting mones. also my voice is still complete shit
This is the only that really felt like a punch through the heart. And I've been thinking recently how awesome it would be to raise little kids, teach them stuff, talk to them, have them confide in me, play with them...
It didn't hit me until all of my old school friends started posting baby stuff constantly on their facebooks. It's all they ever post about anymore.
>looking in a mirror
This is so true for me too. It's better now that I'm passing more often than not but before it was just horrible. I literally went months, MONTHS, without seeing myself straight in the mirror. I'd at best look sideways and then look away because my hairy boyish body made me want to kill myself too badly.
I'm usually mixed when I go out in girlmode, and a woman approaches me and says "oh, I'm jealous, I could never pull that off" I have a nice trap/twink mode body. But It also makes me think they see through my disguise.

At 24, it's too late huh, I wish I could be strong enough to come out early in my life. Id need some ffs and a trache scrape at this point. Plus stopping hair growth.
omg she was so cuutttte

>tfw all the cute girls are transitioning now
>tfw they regret it and detransition but cant fully go back
i hate this feel i feel so powerless. its like watching someone about to trip but youre too far away to do anything. im glad got me early before i got much worse
i want the man in the suit to destroy me
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Me too, although eventually I got a lot better about it despite not passing, somehow; I think I managed to to it in a dissociative mood/state of mind enough that I got used to it to an extent.

I'd try to work myself up to doing it (though I'm not entirely sure why). Like, I'd keep telling myself that I was going to do it sometime that day, just for a little bit; then I'd try and not be able to, and I'd cry and I'd tell myself it was okay and that I could do it another time, and then pretty much the same thing would happen again. When I ended up looking at myself accidentally I'd either immediately look away and quite often have to comfort myself for a while, or get "stuck" starting at it and examining everything.

I worry that my aversion to looking at myself made me put off transition significantly longer because I didn't have to really accept what was happening to me as much. It was nice to realise that I had new facial hair growing that I'd left and had been visible for a while, because I hadn't noticed it and therefore my need to shave that area.
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> starting at it
*staring at it
same tbqh

End your life you fucking empty-headed faggot.
Anyone of even modest attractiveness tbqh. I'm so masculine that I'm not even a good looking man. I'm disgusting subhuman filth that was utterly wrecked by testosterone poisoning. The only thing that keeps me going is the hope that therapy will stop me from feeling dysphoric, or lobotomy will become an acceptable medical practice again.

>I wish I could be strong enough to come out early in my life

Not even a picture and this killed me. Fuck, I wish I had been a strong person back then too.
lmao hoco rep (I'm not the anon trying to fuck you)
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>not parenting scum
feels fucking good
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I haven't really looked at a mirror in like 6 months but occasionally, when I catch my reflection through the phone or monitor, my day is ruined. Last time I dropped acid I looked in the mirror and all I could see was some troll with a huge brow/nose trying his best to look like a girl

That fucked me up for the better part of a week
for wanting, and even liking children, you should feel bad
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This picture always triggered me since I was with this girl forever and I always wanted to be with her as my real self not my fake boy persona.
Got me
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Well, you are a bit far, but are you hot ?
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What gets me about this is, while I have a nice hourglass ratio on my measurements. I have a bit of an Adonis belt from working out, and a fit male body looks so much different than a fit female body. Especially from the hip difference.
>not coming out earlier

It's the worst. My 7th grade picture kills me. Even 8th grade was still salvageable. But after that? Shit.
yeah dude
Pictures like this make me want to give up on transitioning at all
You what?

If that's you in the pic, I would give you all of the cuddles.

Actually, you look quite similar to a girl which I quite like. That isn't flat chested.
Out of all of the possible pictures, this is the one that got me

running out of hormones
I'll go ahead and throw up two selfy pictures just cause they show off different things. Cept my natural hairline. It's receded some, so cheat to win.

I basically stay in cross dresser status cause I guess I look fine either way for different reasons. But I also work a blue collar technician job. So, imagine having a transitioning mtf show up to your house.
Fake tits test so I didn't even shave.
Isnt that Jennnifer, pretty sure its her. Regular here 2 years ago when I was a reg here too.
Why would i have a dysphoria folder when i have real life for that? What the fuck is wrong with you people? It's like you're emotional masochists or some shit.

I have my dad that thinks im a mentally ill sinner and will never accept me as a woman. I have my mom that only supports me getting hormones because she doesn't want me to commit suicide and never bothers to respect my name or pronouns because 'it'll confuse the chilluns'. I have my three fucking sisters who were all born female and have children. I can visit them and awkwardly try to make conversation with them while they give me condescending compliments about my clothes and makeup and refer to me as a man despite me being dressed up like a goddamned woman.

I can go outside and play the passing roulette and be paranoid as fuck all day while getting a view of cis girls who are all prettier than me because they were born with something I'll never really have. A handful of people might gender me as female but all it will take is ONE "sir" to ruin my day. I can even go here and read mean comments about how I'm a mentally ill man and will never be a real woman. I can go to mtfg and watch as even the passing and attractive trans girls get fed up and contemplate suicide.

This thread is pointless.
... I use sir for both men and women ._.

To me at least, using sir is a sign of respecting authority, and "madam" is just recognizing that authority on a woman.

I would call this thread emotional masochism either, unless they're doing it specifically to trigger their dysphoria. But it just seems to me, is that this thread is showing what people can be, rather what they cannot be.

At least, that is what I'm taking away from it.

Bloody hell, Jennifer, if you're reading this, I'm coming to cuddle you. Also I would still cuddle you >>6429225, just after Jennifer. Or maybe at the same time, if you wanna do that. I'm flexible.
>fucking fatties
You think it would be all muscle mass? At that height? Lol
I'm not picky. He's almost certainly stronger and more masculine than myself, and that turns me on.
>I would call this thread emotional masochism either, unless they're doing it specifically to trigger their dysphoria.

There are people in this thread literally saying that they use it to trigger their dysphoria and wallow in self-pity. That is what the OP intended by making this thread.

>But it just seems to me, is that this thread is showing what people can be, rather what they cannot be.

The majority of the pictures here are of either passing trans women who were simply lucky enough to transition early and/or had good genetics, or attractive cis women with very feminine bone structures. If they trigger your dysphoria they are things you can never really have. Female reproductive biology and bone structure are certainly things a trans girl can never feasibly attain.
Fuck, society's ideals for femininity is virtually impossible. If you try to look like these rare real-world exceptions you are bound to be in desperation. It's not how most people are. It's not how we should have to be in order to be fine with ourselves.
I misgender cis people all the time just cause I'm speaking too fast or without thinking.
I agree. I don't have such a folder, but I do think many of us suffer more with dysphoria than we have to. A good deal is self-inflicted, from my experience.
Fuck children, I never want the little bastards.

If I do ever end up wanting a child I would rather adopt anyway. I don't need to make my own, when there are children out there who need a home already.

And, well. If you said this thread has no reason to exist why the hell are you still here? I'm not here to wallow in self pity, nor to get into a pointless discussion.
I've seen real women with more masculine features than myself or other mtfs
Hell, societies ideals for masculinity is pretty damn tough as well.

And completely contradictory the moment you ask more than one source "How to be masculine".
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>Fuck, society's ideals for femininity is virtually impossible.
Wanting to not look like a man isn't wanting to fulfill some impossible societal standard.

>If you try to look like these rare real-world exceptions you are bound to be in desperation.
Most of the trans people who would be wallowing like this aren't going to be able to look like average women either. The pictures of extremely beautiful and feminine women provide more dramatic examples, as well as generally being easier to find on the internet since basically no-one saves and reposts pictures of unattractive women. It doesn't mean that being any less feminine than them is considered unacceptable. Also, unremarkable or even outright ugly women can cause some of the worst dysphoria; that's definitely true for me in real life but I have almost no pictures at all unless you count non-passing MtFs.
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oh god, this

I could have passed for a girl in 12th grade but it all came tumbling down only a short few years later where I hesitated to take HRT,
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excellent memeing, friend :^)
This gets me. I keep looking down in my underwear or swimsuit and wanting it gone. I want to be Smooth between the legs QQ
always this one
I don't think those look that good
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>ywn be a girl high school
why live familia?
*girl in high school
I don't get it. Why are so many of you getting triggered by successful transitions and passing? Shouldn't those *encourage* you instead? This sounds a lot less like dysphoria and a lot more like plain old envy...

It could be that I'm the odd one here (very likely) but I'm triggered by the exact opposite: FTMs and -even worse- borderline-ftm butch fujoshi crossplayers... I mean, ugh, being born as a female and rejecting such a blessing, that's truly infuriating...
That's it exactly. I'm jealous. These people are brave enough to do the one thing that would make me happy. I'm 19 and living at home. My parents would kick me out if they knew I wanted to transition. I have a job and stuff, so I'm saving up to move out.
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>this kills the sammy
>I'll never be a skatergirl in highschool and have a punk gf
why live family
holy shit

>tfw not playing with his cock


I feel the same about the 7th grade photo. The end of 8th grade photo I have was maybe a bit questionable depending on the shirt just made my shoulders super huge or whether they actually were huge.


That's how I feel when I remember what I look like, either because of the mirror or something else.


I'm surprised that's a tranny.


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I'm 50 days in HRT and get dysphoria lately it sucks really bad I didn't used to get it
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the guy has my ideal jawline
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I didn't want to post a (tumblr) gif but I didn't realise that that picture was so low quality, so I'll post this anyway.
I've seen FTMs giving birth and nursing children, there's nothing stopping MTFs fathering children.

So is she or isn't she trans? Also, if by transkid, you mean HSTS, I would be classified as AGP.
Emily Rudd is so pretty that it makes me cry.
you can, I'll still look down on you for being parentscum
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Uhhh, I don't have such a folder because I don't have any desire to curate things that upset the hell out of me?

My cure for addressing dysphoria is to try on the clothes I buy and force myself to accentuate features that typically put me off (i.e. broad shoulders, strong facial features). I've learned that some people admire those traits. I wear makeup everyday and make sure that my hair is always styled. I make sure my brows are full but arched. I look at my entire body in a full length mirror. Something about it puta me at ease, because I am focused on a full view of myself.
>Uhhh, I don't have such a folder because I don't have any desire to curate things that upset the hell out of me?
Why are you asking a question here?
Nice post, hun.

I've heard it's fake, but I've never been able to find the original source for this pic.
This happens when I drink loads of milk, but soon after I vomit and shit myself because I'm lactose intolerant :D
>mole in same position
>evidence of bad tooth alignment
>same color eyes
Could be a convincing shop. If she is real tho, good for her. I'm happy that she's happy.
it's not even unrealistic for a pre- or early pubertal transition
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>Want to experience high school as a girl
>Even tho the first time around it was the most miserable I've ever been
Holy shit I know the exact feeling. And man I miss skateboarding.
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What's stopping ya :c

I wanna learn but I'm too shy to do it without someone else who knows. My body's getting closer to what I want but I still feel like a big ogre and that makes it hard to go alone.
I haven't done it since, like, middle school, and my old board is trashed. There's a chunk out of one of the wheels. So yeah I'd probably feel too self conscious about it since I'd be bad after not having skated in so long. I'm super shy and stuff as well.
Totally understand all of that
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So much pain :/
Holy shit, I didn't know this was something common that people did, and not just me. I'd contribute, but I'm mobile right now. Maybe if the threads still active later.
I'd reconend longboarding anon. It's a lot easier to pick up as an adult
oh god no
I remember the first time I saw this, I got super red faced. Closed my laptop and half cried..
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That's eerily similar to me. Although I'm more of a stereotype as I was also bullied heavily throughout school (I was the weird boy with absolutely no friends so it was open season for years) and I think that lead to me developing dissociative perhaps even more than dysphpria. Otherwise,

>I'd try to work myself up to doing it (though I'm not entirely sure why). Like, I'd keep telling myself that I was going to do it sometime that day, just for a little bit; then I'd try and not be able to, and I'd cry and I'd tell myself it was okay and that I could do it another time, and then pretty much the same thing would happen again
This has crept into my daily life years ago to the point where I'm unable to even fully function. I've been neet for two years now and I've failed two years of college courses because I get a mini panic attack every time I try getting back on track and learning and studying. It's literally wrecked my life.

Oh, and I know this feel all too well as well.
>I worry that my aversion to looking at myself made me put off transition significantly longer because I didn't have to really accept what was happening to me as much. It was nice to realise that I had new facial hair growing that I'd left and had been visible for a while, because I hadn't noticed it and therefore my need to shave that area.

though I hated seeing myself so absolutely (because of some hormonal thing I am as hairy as a neanderthal because I didn't want to kill myself enough already) I didn't even want to wash myself so I'd be the weird, silent kid that also occasionally stank and had too much hair everywhere.
This just makes me cry
I probably will just dont have the money for one atm

Holy shit. I would destroy all the holes on this fine specimen, regardless of how they identify.


This makes me happy. Pretty soon you'll be able to fully abandon the ugly reality and live in perfect Virtual world.


Perfect body you can never have in real life and perfect gf that will never be interested in your ugly tranny ass in real life, both at the touch of a finger.
>being born as female
>such a blessing
>wanting to be poisoned by estrogen
>not wanting the alien, evolutionary copycat tumors known as breasts to be gone from yourself
>wanting to have le baby factory in your torso

>perfect gf

You grossed me out.
Sheeeiiit. Feelareenos
Not trans, reverse image searched, and I saw vag. Actually looks a lot like my ex.
>falling for the male meme
>being a failure of a man

do you program?
I have no interest in computers other than for using the internet or microsoft office. I don't work on cars. I've never been in the military. I've never watched anime. Not a goth either. I've never had a wife or fathered kids. And lastly, I'm going into a stereotypically female career.
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I gotchu senpai

Sounds like your fetishism for being female started young.
It did.
I'm a gothy programmer considering hrt. Can't tell if I'm dysphoric or just have a preference
How is this possible? I want to look like this
Go back in time and start hormones before test destroys your body

>you will never have a good night
My ass that person is trans.... she's too perfect ;_;

>mfw I'll never be that cute and desirable
Neither will 98% of cis girls.
Kys, hon.
more like 50% tops
You live in Milan or something? Go outside once in a while and look at reality.
I live in reality and I'm not a fag
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What career are you going into? I wonder if I should switch to pediatric nurse. I don't think I have the mental stamina to study to become a doctor anymore. I burnt out my second semester of my first year of undergrad.
Leafy to CaptainSparkelz
This. Trannies glorify the other sex too hard.
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>teenage boy lost a bet and now he has to wear girl clothes against his will.dll

If you believe everyone saying cis women judge themselves too harshly based on what they see in the media, this is just the same phenomenon occurring in trans women.
Maybe you should leave the house. Attractive girls aren't rare, not in the slightest.
who else
pics of every tranny that has ever posted on mtfg
>ywn be a 5' qt contributing to post-industrial music
? There are people there that should ease it tbqh
I doubt he regrets it lol
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Ultimate dysphoria trigger for me:

I am a musician. The voice makes me so sad, rip androgenized vocal system.
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Totori is so cute
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Fuck, pretty female voices alway Fucking get me ;___;
Quick somebedy give me voce dysphoria antidote!
What's her name?
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A picture of my way cuter ex, who is basically who I want to become.
I just look at my early-HRT photos. I looked so... unsettling. Michael Jackson-esque

A high school ex?
Why do you ask? M.?
Also, yes. And no I'm not underage ;m;
You look super young and quite fem, I know most people hate how they looked before but it could of been a hell of a lot worse

All women look like shit without makeup
>dysphoria folders
so pics of people without a mental disorder eh?
ie pale skin, pimples

they don't have huge manly forehead and a crimson chin
I look significantly better now without makeup than I did back then with makeup.
That's what hons believe.
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My new background. This is lovely.
U want mine? I'll trade it for your penis
Literally any pic of effeminate cis boys
>Tfw you are 5'2" and like cute clothing and long hair
>Never being able to dress how you want since you'll constantly be misgendered
>Will never have a functioning penis so in addition to the crippling dysphoria gay men will not want to bone me
I want to go back in time to my conception and replace my second X chromosome with a Y one so I can be the femboy I was always meant to be
Nah, she looks really good. She looks like a soccer mom that is usually nice but gets extremely angry and aggressive if you insult her husband or kids

Or fem yourself up so when brain transplants happen you can swap with a mtf transsexual.

I don't know, man, it just sucks.
you can have mine :(
I don't have a "dysphoria folder" cause why the fuck would I torment myself so?

Female Jazz Singers always help me alleviate voice dysphoria.

I am musician as well and had to play in he orchestra for an aria with a Coloratura Soprano (Those sopranos who go extreme ranges) I wanted to die entire rehearsals.

you asked for it
why do trannies always dress like life's an anime? you look like a 13 year old that just discovered hot topic, dress like an adult.
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Really masculine women trip mine. I'm so attracted to them, but they're more man than I will ever be. I'm so tiny and I have the biggest tits and the widest birthing hips, I want to fucking die.
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And shit like this. Look at him, just sitting around, being everything that I will never be. I know he works hard at it, but looking at him makes me want to kill myself. It's why we're not really friends anymore. He was a great bro and I miss him.
Assuming I understand your situation correctly, you sound amazing. Transmale, yes?
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I am indeed. Also, looking at my old pictures makes me really sad because I'm not on T yet and I know that this is how everyone else still sees me, even if I'm in a binder and dress like a tryhard teenage boy.
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Look at this bullshit. I should be happy. I should love the way I look. But I just want to die.

Pretty eyes. I'm sorry you're situation is like that. Though to be honest I'd still be honored to call you my boyfriend. I realize you wish to be more masculine, and that's awesome, but I find feminine males to be sexy as hell too. You don't need stonking big muscles to be a good looking guy.

(Coming from a Bisexual Male)
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>I will never be a cute muscular emo boy with wide shoulders and a sensitive side
Thanks, I just. I won't look like a feminine male. I'll look like a small deformed freak, with lumpy hips and a tall forehead. I need muscles to balance out my tiny lady frame, but I can't make myself get out of bed sometimes let alone work out.

I almost want to go for the twink look but they're so slender and cute, I'll never look like that either.
Oh hush you, I am certain you could pull off any look you wanted if you tried for it. It might be hard in some cases, but you could do it. Hell, with a body like that looking like a twink would be a cinch, but don't settle for something you don't truly want to be.
Not really. I think you really underestimate my hips. I wish there was surgery to make them slimmer, but as far as I can tell there isn't.

All I really want to be is not-female, anything other than that is ok with me.

Thanks for your vote of confidence, though. I could probably make a cute dude with my clothes on (I do look handsome sometimes) but my worry is mostly that I'll look terrible naked.
why can't i find anyone like you where i live?
You underestimate my fetish for cutebois with stupendously wide hips. Not lie, would totally date the shit out of you if I could.
Like who, anon?
I have a girlfriend but I'm always a slut for positive attention~
Too bad, I'd be happy to give you all the attention you needed then. (Fair warning once more, am a guy). Friends?
not passable
lol nice try
Of course! I'm always down for new friends. And yeah, I know, I'm bi anyways
if you've never felt dysphoria before, get ready to feel it now

I am a 22 "straight" male year old and I am jealous af literally everytime I see an attractive female. I never want to do something with them, I only wish I could become them. Emotionally I am a huge misandrist and I am actually an antifeminist just because in reality I fully understand how they feel, but they are illogical. I never connected to the male sex and it constantly baffles me how stupid and moronic it is. Their brain literally goes on hibernate everytime they see an attractive woman. Women have huge hypnotic power over the male sex. I want this power. I need this power. I find it magnificent and gorgeous. This power must be mine.

But it can't.

And I have decided that I will become the father I wish I had. I wish I could find a radical feminist gf and convert her to egalitarianism, make her listen to reason.

And then engage in gentle loving femdom where she pegs me while she strokes my hair and calls me by my female name. That would be the true ending of my life's visual novel.
Any time I see a tall guy... I'm 5'3"
I feel really good whenever I see cis guys older than me close to my height though.
biggaybear21 on kik, unless you have someother way you prefer to chat.
nope, i mean maybe for the profile picture

agp future tranny then?
Nothing :3
Accelerated Graphics Port
>agp future tranny then?

In this context?
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You know what fucking triggers my dysphoria?

>worked hard to be passable
>blood, sweat and tears
>3 years later
>finally get to a point in my life where I look cis and pass effortlessly

que trans community:

>"you don't feel dysphoria cuz you pass"
>"your problems are literally not important or real since you pass"
>"everything you complain about is for attention"


Dysphoria doesn't fucking go away. Fuck.

If you pass in the trans community ur hated and envied. If you don't pass ur hated and avoided.

I hate you all.
I hate you more because you're fucking passing scum
kill yourself
>worked hard to get an acceptable genetic roll
fuck you shithead
>If you pass in the trans community ur hated and envied.

Yo don't bitch about Kayla like that shit can't help it.
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I started out just as masc as anyone else I'm 5'10 and had to bust my ass for surgeries to save my face and body.

You are what's wrong with the trans community. I rest my damn case wew lad.
the existence of unpassable trannies proves you wrong asshole
>thinks 5'10 is tall
fuck you
also this was a nice dysphoria folder thread until you had to come in and brag about your passing
this is what you passing scum always fucking do. always. kill yourself and the rest of you. we would all be better off without you
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If you haven't noticed.... Most trans people here are early in transition. 3 years is plenty of time to get our busted faces semi presentable.

I'm not even a young transitioner I had a full beard and a massive brow bone.

If you haven't noticed but the ones who don't pass after 3 years arnt passing because they are hons, it's because they are effortless and think popping pills is te only step they need to take to be happy.

How often do you see someone post in boy clothes saying;

>woe is me I don't pass I've never worked on voice before it got my hair did or tried makeup but these pills are supposed to do everything what went wrong

Nice same fag.

Transition doesn't cute dysphoria it's just a treatment. Fuck all you dumb trannies are the same circle jerking bastards.
normal women pass as women in mens clothes without makeup. inb4 they don't - that's hon memes 101
if you want to brag about your passing, take it to mtfg where you all can claw at each other

yeah, i said "also" every time you dumbotron
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Mtfg is for Men who spam pictures drawn by men of sexulized females, no thanks bro.

>women can pass as men

Kek it's called voice, train he fucking voice you lazy faggot. You just proved you know nothing, good day to you sir I'm off to bed. Enjoy thinking my life is care free while I struggle with the same dysphoria as everyone else. <3
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Are you really MtF? Something seems off.
well yes, obviously voice is included dumbass
>I struggle with the same dysphoria as everyone else
no, you don't. by passing you suffer less dysphoria
I would kill a thousand men to have those feet

But anon, you only need to kill one woman and find one back alley surgeon.
yes please.......please...
this dysphoria thread worked clearly on you
sadly ya
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Up until you start using the enter key, that perfectly describes how I feel.
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Androgynous people trip mine really badly for some reason.
mtf or ftm?
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I'm the same ftm from earlier, I forgot I'd already posted about it because I'm an autistic retard.

I just look at pictures of androgynous people and my heart hurts.
oh god why
I know that feel on acid
She's pretty. What's your point?
I just avoid mirrors ;)
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There's always someone who's gonna find you beautiful you bunch of faggots. And you're gonna be super attractive someday but only if you put some fucking efforts (and unfortunately money) into it.
You shouldn't joke with stuff like that, anon. I would legit trade a lot of money and a penis for a female reproductive system.
>why do trannies always dress like life's an anime?
Real girls 1) get at least 5-ish years to experiment with fashion and dress like idiots in a relatively judgement free environment whereas trans girls, because of the MASSIVE stigma associated with men looking/dressing feminine don't get ANY time whatsoever before they're transitioning and 2) normal girls get to have their mother/their friends/their sisters/their relatives to help them dress and figure out their style. What do you think teenage trans girls have? Anime and that's it.
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Posts like this are why I have a hon folder.
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>mtf is taller than ftm

so true it hurts
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Not for the faint of heart.
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That is not gender dysphoria, that's a borderline personality disorder.
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I'm not sure it needs to be established that Chris Chan isn't really trans.
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Very little did I know, that this guy is a meme. Your comment motivated me to do a little research on him and... what I wish I could unsee, what I saw.

I know this was in your Dysphoria folder, but it kind of brought a smile to my face as someone who is going to start hormones in the next 2-3 months.

Kinda makes me feel like I'm just in my metapod stage and soon--well, soon everything will be better. So I just want to say thanks for sharing.
*girl *her

I want to die. Like goddamn why can't this be me.
s-stop ;___;

because we weren't born young enough to have internet from age 7 so you and everybody else knows about stuff

I had the internet at home from the age of 8, and in a secluded place too, so I was mostly alone when I was on the PC. Still didn't matter, I started HRT at 20.

But there were a bunch of reasons it didn't help me out in my case.
this is hard to look at even for a cis female

not even joking when I say this but go to /fa/ and look at the sticky, it'll show you the basics. If you can't learn from someone else, learn on your own. Start with basic colors and shapes to fit your body and then experiment with other ones and work your way up to the crazier fashions. I say hit the thrift stores in the beginning to get a better understanding, cheaper.
i would imagine most of it has to do with you being a complete fuckwit
Can we post hon pics instead?

Scaredy cat, actually.

But at least I'm not as bad as the trans girl who was asked by her scientist parents if she wanted to start HRT at 12, but she said no and started at 18. I feel bad as it is, I can't imagine what it must be like to have had the chance she got and have turned it down.
This thread is depressing, it keeps reminding me of the freak that I am
me too

i am big freak 4 u
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That's what the thread's for m8
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Seeing her reminds me I should have told my bastard father to go to hell all those years ago.
Thread posts: 288
Thread images: 97

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