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Gaygen nice thread edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 289
Thread images: 51

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Let's be nice to each other boys!

Boozers are losers.
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If we could actually go five minutes with no negative comments it would be amazing.
You can try, but it almost never works
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You had one job, anon.
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You are all fucking faggots and I hope to smash a hammer on all of you.
Your probably too far away form me to do anything
maki pls go
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>have super vivid dream
>won millions
>got a bf
>no responsibility
>got in a taxi and told my mom im buying her a house wherever she wants
>it was so happy
>got on the road to just enjoying a free life with a qt
>wake up
>i'm alone
>i'm broke

That one really hurt
Clowny no, I warned you not to, I can't stop posting!
I don't get it, are you roleplaying as a furry?
Apparently if you win the lottery you end up exactly as happy as you were before after a few months anyway though. That's what the internet tells me anyhow. So if you think about it, making a really nice sandwich and fapping for a few hours is basically the same as winning the lottery.

Sounds like a personal problem to me.
I just want the freedom to enjoy things rather than stressing out, and i want to give back to my family and friends
That's the thing though. Even with a bunch of money apparently you'd end up stressing out after a while anyway. Unless you're currently under abnormal pressure you'd just swing back to being stressed even with nothing to be worried about.

Turns out no one knows what they wantarino.
What up maki?

It must be some kind of personality disordered combined with horrendous attention disorder.
What gets me to stop doing anything to do with anyone else online tends to be remembering how everyone is a petty self-interested dick. You could try that.
Do you want me to report this again

Oh, if you only knew.

That's a name I haven't seen in a while.
I got exactly bored and lonely enough to post. It's not working, mang.
Maki is this you
>tfw not gay but want to be

Am I trans orientation?
Hey KR , what's up?
Well I do try my best not to be~

How comes, addicted to posting on here?

Not much, at my uncles shop today, already dying of tiredness and its not even 10 yet.

What are you doing anon?
You seem to be at your uncles shop almost all the time. whatcha do there?
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This place is good for wasting time, that's for sure.

HO MAN, how did I not notice you're the guy I got that email off of in that other thread...
are you that anon
hey there :3
Slow down, Im helping you get there maki
I dunno. I think I might've been better off just yanking it.

No, I mean, like, if you don't like anyone then it's a lot easier to go do other things, such as yanking it. Or other activities that normal people do, whatever those may be.
Oh fair enough, I'm watching a dnd podcast and chilling with my dog
Herro. Weird seeing your name pop up. But cool at the same time.

I got banned a month back because my IP got confused for someone on /tv/. It was weird.

Just post a FUCK TON of porn and you'll be set.

Well, "yankin" it passes time for a bit, but not like this place.
You underestimate my masturbatory ability.
Explain for the class.
Please do. Were all waiting for you
You're not the boss of me.

You know what secret I am willing to divulge though? The secret of how many tickles it takes to get an octopus to laugh. It takes tentickles.
I...I just cant
Oh I cover for him on random days, he's always here so he gets to go out, he gives me £50 for it so it's alright.

Pretty fun to be honest, I get to shit post all day and mingle with the locals here.

Nu-uh, getting permanently banned is easy. If you really want to do it use the trip ##ubermicro on /g/

That's years old though, I don't know if it will work.

Inb4 it's still a banword and I get fucked.

How comes you don't just try to stop posting though, or at least cut down, its not too bad. Once you start getting out in the real world you feel a lot better.

Yeah but at the same time, you can tank it so much and it gets sore, then toi have nothing to do because there's nobody around you to talk to! You're just left with a sore penis.

Haha, is it a podcast of a match game? I used to watch some channel on YouTube where they'd do like warhammer games, it was crazily fast paced.

To be fair today I'd rather be at home reading some more lord of the rings than here, I'm too tired.
How do I force myself to get turned on by the thought of touching wet slimy girl meat?
I went to the zoo the other day. It was terrible. All they had there was a single dog. It was a shihtzu.

Grinding your dick raw is far more preferable than having to be around people.
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How the hell do I interpret this? I'm the red guy BTW
Some days yes, when you get the baby oil out, but most other days I'd rather go out. I grind my dick raw far too often.
>not out of the closet
>get off the bus
>friend tells me "y'know you could totally pretend to be a gay dude, you would even fool me!"
>just laugh in response
Huh, wonder why.
Nope. Outside sucks. And 'going out' is even worse. People can go fuck themselves.
Should I cut my best friend out if my life?

I mean he's not really my best friend anymore.

I feel like cutting people who regress in life is good.
>tfw can't find a guy with a strong enough strain to poz me
Honestly you might want to try a tranny, MTFs are basically petri dishes built to aggressively build HIV superviruses.
Well that case we can stay in and play Worms again some time. You have to stop being good at it though.

Yes, go for it!

I'm 30 and have no friends anymore.
I cut everyone out of my life including family.

It's sometimes lonely around birthdays/holidays but honestly it's much better than having to hear about everyones stupid pathetic life over & over again.

99% of friendships & family-based relationships are fake.

Live your own life.
You can't regress in life when life isn't lineary. You can have ups and downs but you can't regress. What you're saying is that he has a down period and you dump people when they show weakness.

ask him, "do you want me to pretend to be gay so I suck your dick?"

Worms.. That weird team based game from like 5 years ago?
Yeah, we used to play Worms Armageddon back in the day.

We also tried to get a gaygen Mario party game going but the lag was super intense.

Really should get some form of games going, it would be a laugh.
Get a roll 20 dnd group going
I could dm !
anyone else have a out of control sex drive?

I can't help but wank off if I'm in the mood or else I get angry and hot tempered and quickly become a mega asshole and don't want to be bothered by others.

I just hate how much control the testosterone in my body has over me, it makes me want to wreck so much boipussy in the most haphazardly way.

I rather be pre-pubescent with a small cock than continually having to deal with my overbearing sex drive.
>been dumped for the first time last night, it came almost completely out of the blue
Not too proud of how I handled it. When does it stop hurting /gaygen/?

I used to play that with my ex.

I'd like to play Civ with Rugby.


I fear a Gaygen dnd group just devolve into furry sexual encounters

"Can I make love to the wolf that's attack us"

"... Sure, roll a romance check"

"I crit! I win"

Haha, you're like the 5th or 6th person who has talked about being dumped on here in the past 2-3 weeks.
Really? I guess people like to slut it up during summer.
>all they had was a single dog
are you trolling me
Also he fucking tickled me on the bus one day. This nigga TICKLED me.
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Hi there, fellas. What's going on here?
Early this morning for some reason 4chan was giving me a gateway error when I tried to post.

This is going to amuse KR more than anyone but today dad and I are going to work on his US spec 92 Civic.
Not in my dojo
Y'all niggas need pelor
Do people on gaygen do hookups ?
>tfw no qt short masc bf to top me


Fuck you bastard.

Yeah, summer is the worst time to have sex. STDS/HIV spreads more rapidly in the heat/sun.

Trump has secured enough unbound delegates to clinch the nomination!

Pol's about to have a meltdown.
please dont let them spill over here

Why does Trump scare you?
trumps not the problem, his supporters are

I wish I didn't already miss that dumb, fickle slut ;_;.
lmao cruz in 2nd lead
Why do i keep getting messages from guys on grindr who insist they're straight

Dude who are you trying to fool you're literally asking a skinny man to fuck
they think youre a female?
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>tfw no qt bf who still sleeps with his teddy bear.
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>yfw I do

Pic related, my teddy.
They LITERALLY don't want people to break the law OR export jobs to third world countries. How more racist can you get?
lmao i almost thought you were the same anon for a second. yes exactly. how silly to improve security at the border and keep jobs in the nation

qt - looks more like a monkey lol
>furry gaygen roleplay
Please god

Yeah we need a DND game of some sort.

Good luck with that, never worked on one but I've worked on enough Honda bikes to know it will have loads of silly shit going on.
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Have another pic of him.
I have this bastard since I was a baby, to be honest. My aunt gifted it to my mom in one of those pre-made baskets with fuckloads of stuff to eat, he came with it.

Also you know who the guy in >>6269356 is ?

Rotary anon here, Honda cars are great to work on. Can't speak for bikes though.
I think it'd be great or playing cards against humanity online or something
He's a radio Q interviewer , you can find him on YouTube
Too late. It already had silly stuff, like the speedometer making a 360 degree turn when it hits 80mph, some thing called "trizeta" right where the transmission is fitted on the engine, engine check/fuel pump moody to function especially on rainy days/mornings, etc.
No, I wouldn't know. But I can tell he's a good guy, he's got a teddy bear and he's not afraid to show it.
Yeah I love that game I play it every so often at my friends with his Skype mates, its soooo funny.


Damn, well, the bikes aren't hard to work on its just Honda *has* to do things differently from the norm just for the sake of it. Silly things too, when something is tried and tested and has worked fine for decades they'll do something completely experimental and ruin it.

Honda actually nearly went into liquidation in the early 80s, right after Mr Honda left, all the bikes the did after that were awful until they got their act together again.

Honda is a literal in joke in my circle of friends, literally everyone I know has owned one and worked on it, they'll never buy another Honda hahaha

I can't help but feel that you replied to the wrong guy bro

Huh, I've actually found the opposite on honda cars in regards to doing things different ways. The civics had distributors up until 2001 for instance before they went to coil on plug.


Look up videos on the fuel pump relay for your fuel pump problem, its a known fault with the soldering.
Yes, yes I did.
Meant it for rotaryanon

Those aren't too bad I guess, just little electrical issues.
Well I've no experience with the cars, just the bikes, they'd be totally different departments of Honda so I can see them being quite a bit different.

That's good news as I've liked a lot of Honda cars but always been put off due to the stuff I've seen on the bikes.

>tfw when all I want is a CRX but all of them have been riced to shit and cost a bomb

Sucks, the UK has probably the best car market out there, someone needs to import more cars for me to buy!
Yeah, actually these aren't much of an issue. Ah yeah, the cruise control won't work too.

I'll take a look at that. Only thing that was bugging me out was the fact it only acts like that on rainy days/humid days.

My dad's going to sell it however. Time to move on to something a bit newer than '92.
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For a meth head, he's pretty qt....
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>furry sexual encounters

You don't say...?


That's a cute sheep/lamb?
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>snowden-y blonde guy

Appearance-wise, that's quite the bf material.
That's a bear. A very cute one. Scroll down, I posted another pic of him.
did you go out with him?
So two people for dnd so far huh

I would totally sleep with him on the spot.

No, because he was looking for T on Grindr.
I don't think i look like a girl...

it's just repressed homosexuals
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they think that if they say no homo it doesn't count.
Get a message from a guy after midnight, is there a point to replying ? I mean it couldn't hurt right ?
context pls

Is he qt? Looking for a hook up or more?

What more context is there ?

It was a Wedsday night I got a message from (actually 2 guys) at night after 12pm.
hey since you guys are gay, do you guys get a hardon when you look at your own dick?

THhe messages was just stuff like hi

One of thier profiles says "right now" with also friends and chat.

The other just says friends, networking( what does that mean; do people give out their business cards on this thing)

They both look qt; one is a redhead and the other one seems like a redneck
maybe he was trying to hire you to get fucked in the boipucci on film for cash $$$

Networking is just a fancy term for looking for a dealer.

2 profiles though? Sketchy as fuck.


I get hard being naked...

>Networking is just a fancy term for looking for a dealer.

well... i'm noping out of that.

>2 profiles though? Sketchy as fuck.

it was two different people; sorry I didn't make that clear.
I would reply to them both, you've nothing to lose from it.

If one of then is trying to flog you drugs just say no thanks.

Well try it out. If you want your dick wet, go ahead. If you don't, block and move.


Hey KR. whata your opinion on a guy who sends only 1 text a day despite not doing anything else?
>I would reply to them both, you've nothing to lose from it.

Well if I am rejected I can always just go back to gaygen; the only place the truly accepts me.
Iunno, probably not that interested, I've known people who don't message much though and then in real life will ear your ear off.

When I was younger I wouldn't hardly ever make the move to message someone, I'd usually wait to be messaged.



I'm trying to talk to that guy who I went on a date with on Sunday. He texted me yesterday and I asked him if he wanted a follow up date this weekend. Nothing yet. I've gotten like 5 texts in total since the date
Yep, just carry on and message some other guys instead.

The chances of it going somewhere are decent however, they messaged you first didn't they?

Don't ever assume but like an 80 percent chance it's gonna be a one and done

Have you ever had a hookup and then started dating the guy.

Also I'm worried I'll 'run out of' gays in my smallish town.

I haven't personally but I'm sure some people can attest to it.
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>tfw no bf

Eh, who knows, they sent them for a reason! Really late they may have been looking for sex.

I don't know, I guess you gotta meet people somehow, I'm sure some stuff has come out of hookups for people. I guess its not exactly how you'd like to meet people.
how to get over a cute boy?
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You find another ti replace those feelings.
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i can't seem to find another one
Keep posting cartoon preteens and it'll stay that way
you don't need just another one, you even need a better one. It's called the twink-recompulsary-complex
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I got drunk and deleted them all my anime images.

But anon though preteen anime boys abd girls are cute...
The only thing in anime that's cute is Jiraiya's bara artwork. And that's anime.

I'm so glad I grew out of anime when I came out.
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I don't even watch anime tbqh...I've only watched two full seasons this year.

I like the colors though. I think im going to start smoking the green or something so I can live life.
It just triggers so its fun
Just quit. It'll be easy and you'll have many boyfriends
I play it now. I'm curious how a game with /gg/ would be.

Oh, cute.
I think it'd be a blast
"In the land of dicks, there were four men"
">tfw in the land of dicks"
I'd love a card against humanity /gaygen/ game.
And thanks. Teddy is really a cute bear.
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Biscum reporting in, just to spite you.
You're not living up to your name.
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No. Fuck off before the police comes, shitheel.
Tfw the guy I like is a repressed biscum who claims to like ass but not dick

fuckng disgusting...
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Am I gay gaygen?

I jerk off to twinks everyday and I love cock instead of vagina however I never see myself being with a man because i dont think in gay...i mean id take a cumload once in a while but i dont think im gay.
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Hey this is a nice thread buddy you need to chill.
You're probably gay. I'm sorry to break the news.
However it's okay, you can still work and live a mostly normal life.

You are whatever you want to be, boo.

pls show its butt, those thighs make me hard
i want to blow a load on some stuffed animals tbqh.
You seem pretty chill anon
How are you?
Im ok how are you?

I've always wondered why they give no dolls, stuffed animals, etc. a gender.

They never have private parts. Why is that? Barbie dolls aren't even women. They don't have vaginas. Ken Dolls aren't even men they don't have dicks. Stuffed toys are plush with no discernable gender.
I think this confuses young minds and causes them to think they can be a genderless cartoon or the opposite sex too....I bet all these trannies all had a lot of stuffed toys and genderless dolls. Perhaps LGB's did too. It confused our minds.
I'm pretty good
I played with my sisters barbies, now i'm gay.
there's a correlation
Are you cute?

I agree. I for one would love to see that doll with a giant penis.
I'm the same way. Ass is the only part of the male body I like.
idk, how do you feel about women? Do you want to have sex with them or do they actively turn you off? Do you want a relationship with a woman?
Depends on your standards, you?
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Here, just for you, anon. Lol.
I get lots of compliments and people say they wouldn't guess I'm gay
Just to beat you to the punch, post pic bby
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literally the hottest ass on gaygen, damn
why haven't you made it your cum dump yet?

Isn't it weird how dolls/stuffed toys are promoted as a certain gender when they don't have any private parts. Such an agenda right there that even straight people buy into.
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Are we posting plushies now?
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Probably because giving genders to plush animals would nearly be legalizing furry sex stuff imho.

Do you like that ass?

You've made my fucking day, anon.
I've had the temptation to cum on it but then I remembered washing plush animals is a pain in the ass.
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>Captain Phasma tiger plushie

My nigga.
Twinks need to leave.
I don't know what you look like ;-;
I don't know what you look like?

Are you a twink a bear a cub otter?

Im a cub otter thing.
I'm a twink that's slowly growing body hair

make a hole in it's ass and make him bottom for you

watch these..
Thanks senpai
I like all sorts of things :3
I don't want to p-p-post pic tho
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There is literally nothing wrong with being bi masterrace
Youre fine
Email me than and we can chat maybe exchange skypes...idk

[email protected]
>Hitler will never fuck your boipuccixx

Why live ;_;
That looks like a fake email ... ;-;
You're just being mean

So sad.
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>tfw will never fuck hitler's boipucci
Well I'm not giving email because they all have my name in them
Maybe if I'm back here, you can give me a proper Skype :3
I'm goign to fap to these later. T-thanks.

>mfw right now
I thought maki was straight?
Boipoochie? What's a boipoochie?
I know, them fucking hips man.

Yeah when I first saw it I assumed it was in relation to him.

He's so tiny, it's great.
Yeah I'd totally pound his ass for days :3
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>He keeps staring at the camera
I don't know why, but that was such a massive turn off.
So the hitler thirst is still real. Thats amusing.
Im going to have a field day with these summerfags. The high school boipuccy is ripe.
>tfw no barely legal bf
I hate to be "that guy," but can somebody help me out here?
I want to find a fag or trap around my agr in my area so I can have some fun, but I'm very inexperienced with this sort of thing and I'm not sure where to look. I've checked Craigslist and it's all gross 50 year old fuckers, so that's off the table. Could someone enlighten me what the best, most discreet way to find people who'd be DTF is?
gross @ all of u
Tinder, Grindr, OKC
Show dem cum gutters
Grindr is probably your best shot.

Maybe try clubs and bars too, plenty of twinks in there that are drooling for some poz cock.

He's pretty much exclusively a top though, or so he claims~
>tfw 16 is the age of consent in Michigan


Perhaps Grindr works in hell?
there's already a picture of me in the thread
>cum gutter

Haha oh my, I'm only referring to my butt as my cum gutter now.
For now !
Fair enough, are you a top really?
why do you care?
not like we would ever have sex
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>tfw 17 is age of consent in my state
>tfw no 16 year old bf
You like that KR? :3 ill call your butt that too when we meet :3
Never say never ;-;
Just curious Hitler.
Hey, KR. I had a idea and i'd like your opinion as a car/bike guy.
Would yo uever have sex while you bend over your car hood? Or over a bike, I dunno.
I think i'm porbably going to use a fancy car I might have in the future to add more points to my 'sex appeal' (aka 'look I got a BMW and I got a big ass too lol)

What do you think all of this faggotry I just told you? Plus my dad just fixed the door issue on it, he's going to need another door handle, nothing serious.

More like a cum man hole...
verse top
prefer topping though

Sounds uncomfortable, at least pure sex wise, perhaps a blow job.

Get a pick up truck and have sex on the bed of that... It's way better.
Drainage pipe
Usually backed up
Cool , I'm the same :3
>tfw no transgirl gf that makes fun of my 4 inch penis
Jesus god yes, I love dirty talk.
Yeah, I have a fetish for exhibitionism, always wanted to do it over a car hood.
Hahaha, cum gutter sounds so much more degenerate though.
>tfw no ftm who teases me about having a small penis
>will never date him for a year, have him go for surgery and come back with balls twice as big as mine and a giant cock.
>tfw no trans gf to use me for my money get their naughty parts snipped than run away for a man with a bigger than 4 inch penis
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Noted. I'll do it someday and think of you, buddy.
Plus, you love dirty talk? Fuck, I love that too, it's the best thing ever.

I'm also adopting the cum gutter thing.
Oh you're gonna get it then , buddy :3
And your both welcome about the cum gutter thing
>you're gonna get it then

Oh god, must not slut the place up.
T-thanks. Even though I like to think about my ass as a 'virgin slutty hole'. Yeah, i'm still a butt virgin.
Shut up or your cum gutter gets it too :3
Hug that teddy, bby and prepare your boipucci
I'm not going to s-shut up anon, oh no i'm not. Make me shut up, hmpf.
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>all these bottoms
Its pretty great. I guess that means its summer.
Nigga i'm a switch.
A switch on for dick.

It's weird when people say they hate dirty talk...

But I also love talking. Before, during, and after sex...
You wanna give it to me or what?

Same here. That shit is like steroids for sex, sex isn't as naughty as it is without you being called a faggot and other offensive words you deserve because you're letting someone fuck you.
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I remember you a while ago pretty gey man. Also only if niggas be in Hawaii kek.
Switch just means you're more fun to mess with to make you want the dick. If it's too easy, it's boring.

If you can't laugh during sex for stupid reasons, it's not the best kind.
I'll put a sock in your mouth
How'd you like that
Ez pickings
I'm the only top in /gaygen/
Man I giggle alot and its just a reaction. That and squirming.

I love calling guys faggots and bitches in bed, and just plainly tell them what I want them to do.

Only part of me that's dominant.


I try not to laugh because it makes me go soft
Maki I told you to stop giving me these feels already
Me too bb
W-well, you could do that to me.

Only if you fuck me.

Try me then. Make me want you, anon. Hmpf.

are there gay men in hawaii?
Oh don't do that! It would be so awful if you forced your way inside me! I don't think I defend myself from your giant cock!
jeez, you went from big strong tranny chaser to pretending to be a fem now?

shit, you're delusional
>tfw no qt ass to ravage
But I also want to cuddle and stuff.
I should have stayed in high school.
Yes but not very much qts. Alot of handsome rich men usually. ALOT of married couples out here too.
Some rainy weather and a comfy blanket fort. The best cuddle environment to never leave. Just the sound of rain and each other c:
Seems like gay paradise then.
If there's a guy out there who wants to move to the rural midwest with me and grow all our own food and marijuana and listen to rap music all day please respond. I'm starting to become convinced that I have literally nothing in common with anyone. I feel like I was made to be a subsistence farmer. I can't handle chaos.
Jesus I forgot how playing CS:GO can be painful. If you don't do some things right you end up dead, always. Plus even in Casual people just know how to aim, and I happen to take slightly more time to aim correctly. Gosh, dying in a vidya is such a bad feeling.
>rap music
fucking D R O P P E D
Its is paradise but its expensive with lack luster opportunity.
Sounds like some good shit man. I have to be able to build my comfy cabin though and I only grow dank weed.
>tfw the majority of gays aren't submissive bottoms
Really boring teebeeaych
stopped reading at midwest
fuck that flyover state shit

Play Overwatch instead
tis kinda useless if you aint cuddling each other. Would think you would want to actually care enough to do it back and not be a fagget.
My family already owns property outside of a small town in South Dakota. I've never built a house or anything really before but I could be down.

[email protected]
There's a simple rule

If the game isn't Capcom or Sega it's shit
Thats pretty awesome but I see why you gotta have alot of hobbies out there to stay sane. I am going riding in a little so sorry if I dotn respond fast.
I want to cut up makis penis and shove it down his throat.

Capcom and Sega haven't exactly had that much of a great track record lately.
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new shirt.jpg
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i bought a shirt with my husbandos name on it

i might wear it to pride next month, i think it looks pretty good
>going to pride
literally cancer
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its important to go out sometimes in order to inform your social development

its not neccessarily a universal condonement of everything within Pride, but I can see past that in order to have a fun time and so it doesn't bother me
Oh feel good
Have fun in pride
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>going to pride
you deserve aids if you go to pride
It's like you enjoy shitting on the people who fought for your right to be a faggot in public.
Haha, I was considering going to pride, i know what to look for. That is, if you're in London still.

I can grow you some banging skunk, I've still got some Cherry Bomb seeds, the strain is considered extinct.

I won't smoke it with you though, I'll just get drunk and sing along to the rap~
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Do wiius have achievements like 360 and ps3s do?

Can I chat with people on it?

I want to talk to my trans gf on there.
Pride is just an AIDS convention tbqh
It hasn't been out long and I'm already getting bored after an hour. It's fun but no variety in the types.

No on any of those.
they may as well throw out aids tainted condoms

It's a lot of fun with friends, but it could use another mode like CTF perhaps, I'm sure they'll add something like that in time. I feel like 12 maps isn't too bad for a start. Mercy 4 lyfe
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I forgot there's going to be a cat in my house now!

I'm not one those shitters that absolutely hates the game for no reason but I really think it isn't all that well designed

depends where you live

in San Francisco, sure. but in most places, its pretty tame.

That's fine, I can understand it's not for everyone. I've enjoyed it a lot because I find the supports a lot of fun and it's very much like TF2, which I have 3k hours in.
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Im gay
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Hows staying in that basement treating ya?
How's your antivirals working out?
>I'm better than you because I join in on some parade by breeders for breeders
Whatever floats your boat anon.
I-I made this for you Gaygen ;~;


you realise that Pride is literally just a normal carnival? You don't have to have sex unless you want to. Or have you never been to a street party before?
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man i wish scatsinging would make a comeback
You're the reason normal people hate gays
kys flamer
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I dont....


Your autism knows no bounds, feelgood.
>You're the reason normal people hate gays
>implying they need a reason
Anon can be a fag for all I care, it's not gonna affect their opinion for better or worse.

Ey play it at my wedding
To you
>sailor moon
no wonder you're gay, could've seen that coming a long time ago.
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