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Passing/not passing stories

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I feel like I'm always the one to start these threads

But they entertain me when I'm bored.
I don't pass, but my body is fem as fuck, so I've been getting weird stares from old ladies driving a lot.
I don't know. I've been transitioning for 3 years but I haven't ever left the house. My groceries and hormones are delivered and instructed to be put in my delivery chute, That I had installed in my door.
I exercise all within my own home and walk multiple km by pacing down my hallway and never answer the door. I practice voice, mannerism using YouTube clips. But I'm too afraid to leave and go outside
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>Be me
>Be 19 / MtF
>Work shitty retail hours
>At least I get to wear a cute apron
>Pass except for voice so extreme androfemme boimode
>Have to put the cardboard in the compactor late at night
>Struggle with the barrel a little
>Finally get it to the compactor
>Security pulls around
>10/10 guy gets out
>Muscles and his hair, ugghhh he looks perfect
>"Hey can I help you with that?"
>Nod yes
>(Inner monologue: DON'T FUCK THIS UP)
>"Here let me get the compactor door for you, I don't know why they make us lock these stupid things."
>"Need anything else?" with "that smile" everyone knows the one I mean
>Without thinking say, "No I'm good!"
>Expression leaves his face and he walks away back to the car.
>Get rid of the cardboard feeling even worse now.
>Go back inside, finish up my shift, go home, take a shower, lay in bed wondering why I can't find anyone.

Ended up crying for about a good hour that night. Good times.
How do you afford to live and such? I'm curious because that sounds like my dream life.
wearing a plaid fall jacket sold from a store catering to junior girls, with pants and canvas shoes, jacket zipped and buttoned up
flat with barely any boobs, hair down, taller than most girls in area, andro presenting
exited from underground train station, waiting to cross at curb at surface in downtown area
noticed 3 girls to the right talking to each other while waiting for the walk signal
suddenly one of the bigger girl approached me and asked "are you a girl?"
realized that i'm probably what they were discussing before she approached, quickly glanced at them
don't want to lie, yet don't want to tell the truth either since it's a crosswalk with quite a lot of people around
briefly smiled, and walked quickly to the other side of curb when walk signal came
never look back but can hear their reactionary voices

to be honest i still don't know how i should answer her question without either lying or hurting myself telling the brutal truth
I'm in a similar situation, I've actually been jobless for a while and mooching off of my partner because of the shit I'd get at work from customers and other employees and all sorts of shit. I was even harassed heavily at my last job, by the manager, who would always be calling me a faggot and all sorts of stuff, was always trying to get me fired and always giving me the shit end of the stick.

People can be real dicks when they're confused about your gender or think you're a girl and you wind up actually being a guy. I think they often lash out and act like dicks purely because they feel like they have to defend their straightness and prove they're not gay or something. I sometimes get a kick out of such things, or out of the look of disappointment or anger or loss of hope for humanity that I see in men's eyes when I open my mouth and they realize I'm not a girl.

I'm not trans though, I'm just a femboy who started taking hormones a couple years ago to not age into masculinity and to also enhance cuteness and femininity. The hormones took me a bit farther than I wanted but I'm okay with that, I'd rather be too feminine than too masculine, although my tits make me feel gross and stuff.
>casual Friday at work
>wearing flannel and a hoodie (boymode mtf)
>work in an area wear lots of other teams come to our floor so always seeing different people
>my sister also works there
>someone comes to floor and needed to ask me about something
>'Oh are you anonettes sister?'
>would've loved to say yes but say no I'm her brother
>looks very confused and goes about her business
So boobs give you dysphoria but being masculine would be more dysphoric?
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You did the right thing anon.
>So boobs give you dysphoria but being masculine would be more dysphoric?
Yeah basically. I just like being cute and boyish and effeminate and not manly at all. I'd rather be cute and a bit too girlish than be manly, because at least then I'm still cute and small and all that.

I wouldn't really be able to be me with a manly body, plus I'd feel like shit being all hairy as fuck, maybe balding, masculine, etc. It's easier to put up with being disgusted at my tits, even though objectively they look good.

>be me
>going out to store
>store greeter says "good morning sir"
>instantly turn and leave store.

>be me going out to doctor appointment
>finish up and leave
>building has multiple doctors with different room numbers in a small hallway
>kids and mother come by
>mother sees me and instantly turns to another hallway
>tfw am ugly tranny hon
>casually walk away from the door I'm assuming she wants to go in
>hide behind corner
>she comes back and enters that room I was next to.

wtf, I'm not even girlmode
I would have said "no I'm a guy"

>tfw manly man
hey thats hot anon

I like tit
Lottery win
I'll give one of each I guess.

>22, MTF
>1~ year on hrt
>Shortly after getting name changed
>Go to dmv
>Me: "Hey, I just need to get my license info changed"
>Clerk: "Alright. How so?"
>Me: "I moved a while back, and had my name changed at around the same time."
>Clerk: "Okay. May I see some documentation ma'am?"
>hide the smile and hand her my old ID and the name change stuff
>Clerk looks over the name change form first and looks taken aback by my old name
>"Why would your parents name their baby g-"
>Notices the Gender: Male on my license
>"Oh gosh, I'm sorry sir."
>"No, you had it right the first time, hence the new name."
>"Oh. Okay.... You look a lot better now then you did as a guy."

Now for the non-passing
>Visit my parents
>Never called she, girl-name, or daughter
>Mom:"Trannies are so gross, why are you doing this" and "Have you ever thought of just not being trans?"
>Dad: "Your adam's apple is too big for you to be a girl."
I've been asked by a few people as of recent because HRT is working at least apparently and so is my dress style. I usually smile and in my "raspy fem" voice say 'both'.
>"raspy fem"
A survey of my most honest friends reports that I have a somewhat androgynous voice that one described as a "crisp hum"
I have a mildly feminine haircut and a pretty androgynous frame as well as slightly visible breasts
But everywhere I go it's nothing but "sir" so the latest hypothesis is that it has to do with my tomboy fashion sense
Someone give me the strength or motivation to wear women's cut shirts or something
>raspy fem

so just raspy
>Imagine being 16
>DD cups, trying real hard to flatten it
>In my high school, we had a place where students could meet up to do whatever
>Talking shit with friends
>Suddenly a random group appears
>Starts talking about me
>Get up and try to talk to them
>Get really angry
>Punch them in the face in front of everyone
>Sent to the principal's office
>They say those guys were in the right for making fun of me
>Starts telling me how being trans is just a phase
>And that I will eventually grow out of it
>After all, it's no big deal
>*Rage internally*

My first not passing experience. After that I changed schools and it was for the better.
At least you pass in the "using violence to solve problems" way lol
You need to learn to give people a disgusted look. Every time anyone says anything rude or awkward you can just give them the look and maybe even look back with a smirk as you walk away as you pretend to text or call someone.
tfw "weak" "shy" "girly" "man" (exact words from my mom)
tfw "man" "sir" "bro" pierce through my flesh like a big sharp long needle

tfw have anxiety talking to strangers
tfw have faggy voice back then (resonance now slightly changed)
tfw cis-girls will know something's off since i was not socialized properly as a girl (and a boy)

>disgusted look
you mean my plain straight fugly face? the way i smile? i'm already disgusting to look at to begin with to the point people remember me in places by just seeing me once.

>tomboy fashion
are you wearing t-shirts and jeans cut for girls now?
Bumpity bump bump
>>walk to store with brother-in-law
>>get there, cute girl walking out
>>grab door for her, and think inappropriate thoughts
>>it speaks, "thanks!"
>>mfw her voice is at most a A2-B2 and has more timbre than a rain forest
>>smile through the shock and go inside
>>both brother-in-law and I go look at each other and say "that was a fucking lie".

The moral of the story is... PLEASE... FUCKING PLEASE... work on your voice. Holy shit.
Would you bang her if she did

Yep. See, I need to know that when she moans, a beautiful deep baritone sound won't come out.
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So update on this from literally 2 hours ago.
>Be me
>Be 19 / MtF
>Go outside again to put trash in the compactor
>Security pulls around again
>Same 10/10 guy gets out
>Looks over at me and gives the "your disgusting" face
> Just let it go cause meh
>Comes over to me say hi and smile
>He's not having it
>Helps some old guy with his compactor
>Tells me to move and then pushes me and my barrel and gets back in his car and drives off
>Just finished taking a shower
>I know what's next for tonight...
Call him a faggot for acting flirtatious to you on that first occasion. Literally just never address him as anything but "faggot"
why disgusting
I don't get it
he obviously thought you were cute
I can understand him not liking the idea of a feminine guy or transgirl or whatever.
but I don't get why it would be disgusting
Cause after figuring out I was a guy he basically wanted nothing to do with me. I don't really care about the whole looking cute thing anymore, like it was fun the first couple of times it happened, but now I want a bf and I honestly didn't think it would be this hard for me. I'm not some gorgeous model, but I'm not fugly either. Between being a social retard and having autism when it comes to relationships I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be alone for a while. I'm honestly hoping at this point to at least be picked up by some decent looking neckbeard so that I can be a wife and mom someday.
Don't worry, you're a beautiful human being. There are a lot of good singles out there and the more you go outside the more you increase the chance of meeting mr. Right.
Be it online or IRL don't be scared, be awesome.
>17 senior, started hormones over the previous summer
>doing dual enrollment at a local college
>no other dual enrollment kids in any of my classes
>plan to guy mode things until after I graduate to avoid awkwardness when I had to actually go into the highschool
>going to the bathroom between classes halfway through the first semester
>as I'm washing my hands a friend of a friend from my school walks in
>looks at me and then goes to check if he entered the right bathroom
>comes back in and calls me a faggot
>quickly leave having a panic attack and skip the rest of my classes for the day
>didn't use school bathrooms the rest of the year

And a really sad passing story:

>start working out and lifting weights with my old best friend when school starts
>he doesn't take the whole transition thing seriously but says he's okay with it
>our friendship always felt a little romantic underneath it all (spent a couple months with him at his dad's house one summer and his step mom kept implying there was something between us the whole time)
>prom is coming and he ask me if I have a girl to go with
>tell him I'm not really interested in anyone but really want to go because it's my last chance to finally go to a school dance
>says we can go as friends if I want since his girlfriend is at basic training but I have to wear a tux
>heart melts although I'm not super happy about the tux thing
>had been starting to crush on him pretty hard
>one our mutual friend joins us at the gym
>calls me she ect even though he knows I'm a guy
>best friend starts to realize that the transition thing is no joke
>starts acting odd but still friendly
>prom is coming up and I have my tux for the weekend
>super excited
>the Wednesday before he tells me that us going to prom together isn't going to happen
>"no one is going to by the tux thing anon and they're going to think I'm a fag if I show up there with you"
>spend prom night in bed crying off and on

I've never forgiven him for that.
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I'm sorry anon, you deserve better.
He is reacting so negatively because he views it as an assault on his straightness and his masculinity.
I remember him telling me that he loved me when we drank a couple times when he was going through some shit ;_;

Work on your voice. You got lucky with your looks. Stop being lazy. There are 1001 tutorials. Pick one. Practice 100% of the time. Literally could have a passable voice with effort in 1 day. Overtime it will be easy and eventually base. It will be difficult to man voice.

Even if the guy wasnt a homophobe, but a chaser instead, he would still be like wtf gross. Seeing a woman but hearing a man triggers all kinds of no feelings. You can't expect people to overcome biological and society conditioning just because it's somewhat accepted.
Clearly the major problem is your voice, which you can fix.
When they drink, especially after dealing with shit, never take it seriously. I had a friend that did something similar when he was in and out of his first relationship. He'd always end up snuggling with me half way through the night since we had one big couch/bed whenever all of our group would crash after drinking. Usually had to wake him up to get him off me. Joked about it once in our group cause I thought it was funny, we're not friends anymore...
This only furthers my hypothesis that everyone is bi
>dont trust people when they are at their most vulnerable and lacking most inhibitions
Anon its not nice to out your clearly in the closet friends
He came out as "bi" before any of this started.
I didn't really think this was a big deal since he came out before hand. If I really wanted to out him I could have told them how he kept grabbing my ass one night to the point where I ended up leaving and just lied that I didn't feel well. Instead I kept my mouth shut and drove home pretty drunk cause I didn't want to fuck up the relationship our group had. Never brought it up either even though the next morning when we all met for breakfast he wouldn't even look at me. Considering all the other stories I see on these threads of people taking advantage of the situation I'd like to think what I did was pretty mild.
Maybe he was just assmad you made a joke about the cuddle session, clearly it meant something to him, you cuddle slut
I wear cargo shorts and close fitting men's t-shirts and a light summer jacket to keep the sun off me
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>"Cuddle slut"

This has to be the most adorable insult I've ever received. xD
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>at gynecologist
>starts examination
>"does uterine cancer run in your family "
>"why would someone so young have their uterus removed"
>mfw she mixed up the files and spent a minute looking for my uterus
Well congratulations on having a passing vagina I guess
She was just trying to make you feel better about your pussy lol.
>"look mummy I did it again ! looooook !"
Jelly. I've been transitioning since my mid teens and im looking at finally being able to get SRS around 25 :(
i see.
well, you can try girl's cargo as they hug differently and sort of lift your butt. you can also try girl's t-shirts which usually accentuate the breast and waist area to give you a silouette similar to most girls when they wear such t-shirts.

when your silouette resemble what most girls have some people might become more inclined to gender you on the female side at first glance.
If you responded, then I hit home. I've seen too many SRS pussies to be anything but extremely skeptical that a professional confused it for the real deal.
Have you seen any that are actually that convincing?
There have been some but they are extremely rare. Even then, up close, the texture and coloration of the clit and other tissues is just different, and in this way you can also tell.
Welp, there's always suicide if my doesn't look right.
OK thank you
either you hit home
or I just enjoy following the rabbithole
But good for me that you thing srs vaginas look a certain way :)
Ok for real though, SRS vaginas are... "pretty" enough? (noob question no judgement google sucks)
Wow that is something.
well some are from my experience young people with good surgeon have pretty much every vaginal function natal females have (minus ovulation obviously)
Same goes for looks
personally mine and the ones I've seen irl on young peeps pass without a problem while old people have some age related problems with healing thus higher chance of none passing results
What would you consider you in this case?
Well yes since I got srs as teenager
But even a girl in her 30s I met had a passing vag imo
Would you say like under 25 or so would have the best results?
Regardless of age there are simply people who are going to get a shitty one no matter what, based off of loads of different factors, from starting material, to simply how their body heals. While I'd say they're right in that the younger you are the better your looks will likely be, it's still not a guarantee that you won't have some issues with it, and issues, minor or major, are certainly not unheard of.
depends highly on your health and your body's recovering capabilities, as I said I even saw a girl in her 30s who's srs went very well
but just in general : sooner = better
Not her but 40+ I'd say, maybe even thirties
I only ask because its looking like SRS is going to happen between 23-24 for me and I worry that the results won't meet my expectations.
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Does SRS really have a time stamp on it cause I've been debating it, but I'd like to hope that if I do it later on I won't die from it.
Well as your body ages it abilities to heal reduce
That simple rly
>be 15, highschool, male and trying to pretend not trans long enough for the feeling to go away
>long hair, wearing all black like the weird emo/not emo I was
>shave face really clean at start of new semester
>Just starting health class 6th period, don't really talk to anyone
>guy refers to me as her talking to his friend
>"I'm a guy"
>"oh um... sorry"
tfw only time I was ever gendered as female.
>be 20 and now waiting to be able to start hrt
Why couldn't I have accepted it and come out back then?
>working retail job cuz wage slave
>pushing cart down the aisle
>two old ladies walking towards me
>one of them goes to the other
>"watch out for the l-..."
>almost says lady
>get's closer
>"...the driver"

I guess she didn't know what the heck I was
Went through that same phase between middle and highschool, I told people at school I was growing my hair out for locks of Love so I didn't get picked on more than I already was.
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>Cashier job
>Young couple walks towards the counter, total frat jock guy and little qt.
>Guy scowls at me.
>"All set to check out?"
>*Glare* "Yes. Sir."
>*Retail Smile, slight glare* "Can I get your phone number?"
>*Glares at me* "###-###-####. Sir."
>Ring up his shit, finish transaction. Continue with Retail Smile.
>"Your total is ##.##, swipe your card over there."
>*Glares* "Thank you. Sir."
>Retail smile with I'll fucking cut you glare. "Have a good night."
>He continues to glare at me and then walks off, his girlfriend has been giving him a WTF is wrong with you look through the whole transaction.

First time I've been misgendered this month.
are you clockable?
You use 4chan

And you didn't post the number

What is wrong with you
My voice is a little shitty at times, but I otherwise pass without an issue.

Full time/Stealth for years.
I second this
I end up with around 100-200 transactions in a shift, I barely remember my time clock number by the end of the day.
Well clearly you don't pass without issue
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i for some reason also get the odd aggressive treatment from random guys whether they are clerks or random missionaries

like people are just overtly aggressive and hostile towards me despite the fact 1) i am in boymode 24/7 2) i don't do anything provocative

it's weird
wait why do you need a phone number?

ive never given my phone number while buying something
Face to rate passablility. We'll be the judge of that stealth mode.
A combination of customer tracking and direct mailing. The register makes me ask at the start of each transaction, and I get chewed out if I don't meet my quota.

Nah, I'm good.
K so not stealth then.
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>Passing/not passing stories

>went to new general doctor
>she didn't even look at my file
>asked me what meds I was one
>say estrogen
>asks me shit about when was my last period
>I was like wuhhh??
Kek like anyone believes that kayla
don't need to believe it, I don't care if you do because it happened.
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>be in boymode
>be taking MSF class to get a motorcycle endorsement
>second classroom session
>instructor starts talking
>"Okay now, guys..."
>he paused for a second and pointed his hands at this girl across the class and at me...
>"Ladies, when I say guys, I mean it as a general term, okay."
>then this guy at the front of class who I was talking about facial hair with the day prior...
>"Um... that's a guy..."
>MFW I had stubble and the instructor thought I was female...
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>be roller skating with this Russian dude
>he started getting used to the whole trans thing
>skated to the cafe he works at
>girl he works with is there
>she goes outside to chat with him
>he introduces me as Cordelia
>awkwardly waved at her but didn't say anything...

I wasn't prepared for that at all and I almost slipped off my wheels when he did that.
I am female and have some condition that makes me grow facial hair (not PCOS but something similar) and to be honest I make mistakes like this myself. If someone has stubble but otherwise looks female I will read them as female and not even notice that the stubble implies they're male.
Aww, you're so lucky to have such a supportive friend :3
Kek, guess you never want to go stealth huh?
>be in Australia
>everyone calls me 'mate' but apparently mate is a unisex
>never get called sir or miss or anything

At least my Australian friends have said mate isn't gender specific...
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This is why I'm getting voice surgery no matter what. If I accidentally reverted to boy voice at a time like that I think I'd kill myself on the spot.
i saw an awesome vid about a girl pre and post surgery and it was amazing. I've been practicing for like 2 days, but wouldn't a surgery just be better if you can afford it? How much does it cost anyways?
I left the stubble on purpose because I wanted them to think I'm a guy... it didn't work though.

I picked Cordelia because I don't know anyone with the same name and I can shorten it to Cory. I think it's a good name.
First result I found
All of the feminization procedures come packaged to include the cost of the surgery, pre-operative consultation, all post-operative visits, ALL hospital charges for outpatient surgery (see below regarding chaperones), all associated anesthesia fees, as well as MediCab transportation to and from the hotel and hospital on the day of surgery, 2-nights Marriott Hotel stay and appropriate taxes. Airport transfers, clinic transfers, meals, entertainment, special testing or additional rooms are not included. The package for the "triple" or "double" is currently $7,000. The package for the minimally-invasive glottoplasty alone ("single") is currently $5,250. The hospital requires payment of a 50% deposit to secure a confirmed surgery date. Unfortunately, we do not participate in Care Credit or have payment plans available.
>working in new office job for the last 2 weeks
>other girl in my area has been going back and forth from the bathroom all day
>she asks me "This is weird, but can you see anything on the back of my pants? Worst day to wear white"
>"Uh, no. You're good!"
>"Gahh it's so tough being a woman right?"

I thought they knew I was trans :|
>been stealth for a while
>work at a retail store
>always try to help out mtfs without outing myself
>a girl I work with is extremely transphobic
>one day, fairly obvious transgirl comes in
>I'm working with the transphobic girl today
>she's talking shit about the transgirl
>I'm trying to not do it, but have to play along otherwise it'd be suspicious
>transgirl comes up and asks me where she would get some semi-formal blouses
>point her in the right direction
>coworker pipes in and tells her that I was wrong and gives her directions to another part of the store
>it's the men's dress shirt section
>feel bad, but can't do anything
I'm going to hell, aren't I?
all trannies go to hell
You set you're course to hell the day you began mutilating your body with dangerous drugs
>on 4chan in general
>implying you won't go to hell no matter what you do
Grow some lady balls ffs.
I want you to know that they do this to everyone even if they don't pass. I don't honestly know if you pass or not, but I actually asked my doctor once, if nurses always ask people about periods and pregnancy and stuff, even if they're trans, and she says yes, because they want to be inclusive and not make anyone feel bad.
>pass without issue
>gets clocked
You may be stealth, but you probably don't pass as well as you think you do
yeah don't worry, mate is definitely gender neutral
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Yeah, you're an asshole senpai. Who gives a shit what the transphobic girl at work thinks? Report her to fucking management for shit talking/harassing customers, duh?
>Go into fast food place to get lunch one day
>Older woman and her 3 kids in line ahead of me
>She stares at me for a solid minute gets a really disgusted look on her face and ushers her kids out the door before ordering
A-at least I didn't have to wait as long to get my food.
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>dad's birthday
>bring him to mani/pedi shop as extra gift (he really likes getting manicures dunno why)
>in boymode, everyone in the shop is staring at me for some reason (I'm probably just being paranoid)
>decide to go to ice cream shop while dad gets mani
>come back, he's done and we leave,
>on the way back to car he says "my manicurist said I had a very pretty daughter"
> I cry a lil' on the inside but lmao IRL and tell him I think she only said that cuz' she felt bad for me, or some shit

And that's my story, homies.
>tfw most of the time don't get gendered at all
>the few times that I have I was gendered female
>always see people looking at me but can't tell if they've clocked me or not
I'd almost rather people gender me male if it meant confirming that I don't pass, my boyfriend tried to assure me that they just think I'm cute but that's probably just another one of his hugboxing tactics

Maybe your dad is a tranny as well anon. You know that stuff runs in the family.
> mtf
>working in same retail job for 5 years through uni (basically a toy shop)
>been there for 4 of those years before i started transition
>lots of regular customers and repeat business
>also Australia so most guys call everyone 'mate' and most women call everyone 'love' (especially over 30's)
> can only tell what im getting gendered as occasionally
> when i get gendered male i don't know if its because they have shopped here before and recognise me or if i'm not passing
> when i hear "thanks love" from a dude or "pay the lady" from a mother to their kid i get so excited though
> life is so confusing!
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Maybe ur face is a tranny
jesus that feels even worse. Why don't they just not bring it up?
Being quite and letting the bullying happen is still being apart of the bullying, grow a pair and tell that bitch you work with to shove her mean and unnecessary comments up her ass next time.

They mean it literally. They want to breed your boipussy.
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>'How can I help sir?'
>'Sure thing bro'
>'Hey buddy'
>'Mr, excuse me mr!'

1 year hormones. I've never been ma'am'd or miss'd once. Even when I try to pass.

Just kill me.
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>be me, 1 year on sugar pills

there's stuff like
>gets stopped in the city
>"hello sir, would you like to donate to [bullshit]. here are some cute plush keychains your girlfriend might like"
>"young man, where can i find [shit]"
>"sir, let me help you with that"
then outright weird
>ask someone where are the bathrooms
>"men's are [this way], women's [the other way]"
Am I the only one that never calls anyone by anything gender specific? Like I didn't even realize I did it until someone pointed out I never say shit like "He's over there" I say "anon's over there".
>A2-B2 and has more timbre than a rain forest

I straight up guffawed.
>how do you do, fellow acappella singer
question. does anyone else's voice pass as female when they are copulating but not so well other times? Also does anyone else have a better girl voice when others aren't around?
>mfw the last panel is my fetish

That doesn't necessarily mean you don't pass. I have plenty of FDAB friends who get mistaken for male in public when they wear a shirt and jeans or have a short haircut. Granted, they're butch, or ftm, but

I'm going to the Yeson clinic, they're pretty much the only ones that aren't complete shit.
>work at fast food
>on drive through
>lunch time and it's super busy
>not really trying to pass so I don't get mad when called a guy
>Old guy drives up to the speaker
>I take his order, and leaves with a "thank you miss"
>when he comes to the window he starts apologising profusely
>"i'm sorry I thought you were a girl"
I don't know how to feel about this, I think its a good thing.

Another fast food story
>Doing night shit
>finish before the people out the back.
>everyone finishes around 10:30pm
>we all hang out outside, a few start smoking
>suddenly one of the girls out back says "anon why do you have boobs"
>the shirts we wear for work are nearly skin tight
>I wasn't even on E yet, only spiro
>I don't know what to say
>begin to stammer...
>suddenly my coworker who I was out to spurts "He's fat, you cant really tell but he's fat"

So that was fun

The first and only time I'm happy about being called fat.
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Something like your first story happened to me pre-HRT except reversed.
>be getting BK for the grandma
>been dicking around with my voice all day
>get to the drive thru speaker
>"Hi, can I have a number blah blah blah..."
>"That'll be countless cocksucks, ma'am..."
>didn't realize that I said everything in a higher pitched voice
>get to the window to pay
>"OMG! I thought chu was a girl! Why didn't you correct me?!"

And then nothing like that happened again until I started HRT...
My best friend and I were doing some relationship experimentation because that's what best friends do when one of them begins to transition so we're fooling around and he's being really aggressively dominant and saying sweet things and I'm just melting and he's got me face down and he's kneeling over me with one hand grabbing my breast and the other pulling on my hair and he leans in and whispers in my ear "your voice is really cute when I do this" and I just had no idea what to do but it was fantastic
>My best friend and I
>relationship experimentation

>he's got me face down and he's kneeling over me with one hand grabbing my breast and the other pulling on my hair


explain this faggotry quickly, please
Holy shit you have great friends.

>tfw all your friends are in relationships and you're to beta to ask them to help you with sex
sex with friends is fucking amazing just ask. Dont even apologize if its weird just be like "your my friend you signed up for this shit"
My best friend is single
I am single
He proposes, what with me becoming outwardly more of a girl and all, that perhaps it would be right to take a chance on a more intimate relation, with the stipulation that it cannot and must not affect our friendship in any way
So for a few days we went at it with the making out and losing clothes across his bedroom and what could possibly happen when a dominant guy and a submissive girl are half naked in the same bed but sick wrestling holds and incoherent pleasure moans
Oh my fucking god that sounds so hot I really wish I had a cool friend like that. Fuck.
I mean I have one fantastic friend and a small number of more casual friendships
I could have lived that life forever but apparently the emotional dissonance got to him since he couldn't treat me like a girlfriend for some unclear reason
Question for folks who pass: how do you do disclosure with people you've recently met? I'm not even talking sexual/romantic relationships (already in one) but with like new friends and stuff, or in one case with a boy who was flirting hella hard and I didn't know how to deal with.

ok, well, hope the break up isn't too bad

can you not just fuck? most people do that
nah this was like weeks ago and we only did it for a few days before he called it quits on the lewd stuff
We're still best friends, we went book shopping and watched a movie today
>"men's are [this way], women's [the other way]"
I once went to the this clothing store and asked where the changing rooms is

>1st person the mens room is over there
>2nd person the mens room is over and the womens room is over there
>3rd person the women room is over there
>4th person the mens room is over there

hmmmm. safe to assume i am hon

In hindsight, this is probably 10000 times better at asking how you pass than any passing thread on 4chan.
>is probably 10000 times better at asking how you pass than any passing thread on 4chan.
hmm I guess thinking about it. There was a fifth one that said

>the mens or womens?

The only exception is if they would hugbox us because we are visible tranny
I just whip out my dick. Honestly tho I just assume they can tell, so I just don't mention being trans unless it comes up.

eh, If you're not trying to push it either way I bet it would be a pretty good indicator which way you're leaning
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>be at a Trump rally
>getting yelled at by a man who I can only describe to be like Skrillex, but if he had AIDS.
>he starts screaming at me
>actually FtM (and 1/64th Cherokee)

I can't assume that anymore is the thing. I'm pretty sure I basically pass in most all circumstances so it's weird now and I'm not used to people not knowing I'm trans. One of my new friends I came out to asked me if I felt obligated to tell people or something since she had no idea, and I really didn't have an answer to that and it's been sitting weird with me.
>be infamous hon surpassed on this board only by Chris-chan and the Beast of Cork
>in andro-mode (essentially meaning a bit of concealer covering my upper lip shadow) doing the weekly shopping
>go to Boots (popular cosmetics/pharmacy chain)
>dude at till asks if I want a loyalty card
>say sure
>give him surname, address, phone number etc.
>get given card
>Miss [blank]
>dude have the blankest fucking pokerface ever, can't tell if he put 'female' by accident, thinks I'm female or realised I was trans and put 'female' out of pity
>not even in girlmode, using retarded-sounding guyvoice etc.
wtf happened? could he see I had tits or something?
>tfw normally sound like a slightly less posh gay retarded Louis Theroux, slur and stuff because of mild verbal apraxia
>tfw extremely fem and faggy if not completely passing sex noises
how does this happen?
>trannies are so gross
Why is so much text in this chat green: It's like makeup on words... Envious words.
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ARE YOU A BOY?!?!?!?! A GIRL?!?!?!?!?!

Tiny Chinese ladies are my nemesis
You know the post is a story when every sentence is a statement in the narrative past or present tense in green text
Otherwise you're just saying it
>be just now
>hear "ma'am ma'am!" several times
>realize I'm being called
>get nervous and jelly legs
>do a 360 and run away
First time it happened, I guess I need to frequent dark places

I know it hurts, but you have to understand that many males will try to convince themselves that they are not "gay". That's why they start acting like pricks when they come across situations like this, because they're not familiar with trans people.

You obviously pass and look attractive since he tried to flirt with you and treated you like a girl.

I do understand that this must be extremely hurtful to you and I wish I could give you a hug. I'm sure you'll come across a guy who isn't superficial and is able to accept your past soon enough.
Wow this feel

>15 years old
>hanging out with friends at mall during lunch
>attempting to grow hair and hiding it in a beanie
>one of my friends gets startled when I walk up next to him
>"oh! I thought you were a girl"

Years later it's been nothing but sir...

I didn't even know transgender was a word back then :(
back when i was like 15, as i was getting off a bus with a friend two boys started arguing over whether i was a boy or girl
"he had facial hair, man. that was a guy"
"no im telling you. she had boobs. that was definitely girl"
i turned to my friend all excited and was like omg hahah did you hear those two on the bus?!
and he just goes "uhhhh.... yeah........" giving me a weird look and i realise normal people wouldn't be so happy about that

at like 18 or 19 i was walking down a road and some old guy shouts out from his door "excuse me, excuse me! would you mind closing my gate for me?" i say sure thing in total boy voice and close it for him "thank you, miss. have a nice day!" ....."th-thanks. you too!"
idk if he was just old and couldn't see and/or hear very well or what but it was nice anyway

most of the cashiers at my local shops seem to avoid gendering me nowadays except this one beardy fuck who loves the word sir. one older guy calls me fem pet names though (love/sweetheart/darling) despite constant boy mode.

oh and this one happened recently:
get in new dealers car
guy in the driver seat calls me love
guy in front passenger seat calls me mate and gives driver guy a weird look
make transaction with front seat guy who notices my painted nails
get out the car, front seat guy says thanks sweetheart, driver guy says cheers mate. they both look confused
maybe the second most awkward drug purchase of my life
>wearing a green shirt at a local supermarket when I was trying to sort out my gender issues some years ago
>old lady taps me on the shoulder
>"excuse me young man, can you help me"
>turn around
>"oh! I'm so sorry"
>she walks away embarrassed

I don't even know how I managed to come off as male since I had long hair and was not even trying to look male at that point.
Long haired guys on hrt become andro. That's What happened. Doesn't mean you pass
As a guy who really likes trans girls a lot of these stories make me sad. Im sorry life can be rough..
>gendered changing rooms
>when there is only ever one person in one at a time
I thought you were taking your drivers exam the whole time ._.
Meant for >>6202269
I don't know... lol They have different gender changing rooms in some stores with multiple stalls in them.

at least where i went.
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>that weird place where your body is very sexy and you look believably passable in a casual way and men love it but you cover it all up and boymode awkwardly irl
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I'm glad I'm not the only one. I definitely know that feel.
>4 months on E
>my best friend and I have been getting progressively more cuddly
>sense a bit of sexual tension as well. Things like his hand landing on my thigh after a stretch, or him rubbing my belly when my shirt would ride up
>one day we're hanging out and he proposes that I sit on his lap
>I'm down for it
>he grabs me by the sides and hoists me onto his lap, it's no effort for him
>i move around on his lap a bit to get comfy
>suddenly i feel something poking me in his pants. My face probably went beet red
>he's like "well, that'll happen when you're literally grinding on my lap"
>"o-oh sorry"
>he makes a face like "i didn't mind"
>I stop for a moment and say "well actually i kinda like it" and grind on him some more to tease him
>he's rock hard through his pants, and I'm so nervous I'm shaking
>I'm driven by simple desire at this point
>he just goes "well, there's lube by my bed" and gives me this shit-eating grin
>i have no face but i know what i must do
>i take him to the bed
>lose our clothes, I'm very awkward cause i know he's straight
>he basically shrugs and goes "meh, who cares if it's straight or not. I'm attracted to you is all i know."
>he gives me a big hug and suddenly I'm not shaking so bad
>we get on the bed, I lube him up, and I slowly try taking him
>took me a minute to adjust since ive never bottomed
>he was very kind and patient
>i tell him a bunch of my fetishes while i practice taking him
>turns out we're really compatible
>he flips me over and we have some of the hottest, kinkiest sex I've ever seen
>he chokes me, slaps me, calls me a good slut, pushes all of my buttons while he holds me down and rails me bareback
>I'm just in ecstasy
>by the time we're done we're just sitting there panting, mulling over what we've done
>i look at the clock, we'd been at it for TWO FUCKING HOURS
>we laugh, get up, and go to the couch to play some Halo
Tfw this will never happen to me because I'm an unpassable hon

My whole lower half went numb reading this. I hate you.
They were 4 months in, trust me, they looked pretty much like they did when they started hormones, just with a tiiiiiiiiiiiiiny bit of extra smootheness.
Yeah, it is a actually a question. Mate? Mate? Anyone want to mate?
Before reading these I never realized how jelly I people starting hormones before 20. I simultaneously feel so happy for you and want to wring your pretty little feminine necks. :)
bi guy here
being trans seems like a lot of hell.
Congrats to the youngins who make the most of the tolerant culture atm.
>be me, only a few months on hrt
>at the mall with my female friend
>kinda presenting female, wearing girls clothes but nothing overtly fem
>hearing "hello, ladies" from all the store employees
>friend and I go to the washrooms
>I enter boys rooms out of habit
>janitor looks at me and says "girls is that way"
>wait outside of washrooms nearly pissing myself
>friend comes out and asks how I was so fast
>she comes with me into the girls washroom and I end up having the happiest piss in my life.



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Yeah, I get that joke some times.
don't worry I've done similar things anon.. its natural.
when someone gives bad body language, pay attention to said bad body language. Otherwise, life is hard
aw thats cute
I couldn't have gone through having sex with him even if we tried
Too much has happened in my life to trust that it wouldn't have hurt our friendship
i hope this is bait :( ;(
>be outside in girlmode with boyfriend
>wearing big thin drapey shirt with black leggings
>get all sorts of looks, some 14 year old boy sticks his head out of the window of his car and stares at me
>people walking on the sidewalk stare at me
>panicing slightly due to shitty neighborhood
>oh god oh god everyone knows
>boyfriend holds my hand and says "well, they're looking at you because you're really pretty."
>i say in my unpassing voice "do you really think so?"
>everyone around us does a double-take when i speak
>awkwardly keep walking
hey at least i passed in looks
>Stealth for 4 years
>Nobody ever mentioned anything in that whole time
>Help GF move
>Meet some of her friends
>Later on she tells me her friend asked about her 'trans gf'
>Swears she never told him anything

Kill me. Nobody has said anything since. Why did he know?
This is my dream of all dreams.
This is an infinite regress of dreams within dreams.
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oh man

how do I find a gf like you
I want a boyfriend...
what do you look for in a bf?
Someone I can cuddle and watch anime with that enjoys my cooking and is sweet.
Chaser sense - no tranny is safe
because all male chasers are really transbians in denial.
He's a 100% gay male.
>took me a minute to adjust since ive never bottomed
ruined the story with one line, great job.
sounds like my boyfriend
>live in shitbag adelaide
>sjw's everywhere
>push that gender agenda
>when you order anything everyone says
>"hello what can i get you?"
I have no idea if i pass or not
That's my worst nightmare. Everyone tells me I worry for no reason but then I read about something like this happening.

I had a similar moment when I took a basic life support course, except it ended when I realized he was gay and was therefore attracted to me for my masculine features (for whatever delusional reason I thought I was looking kind of femme). I wanted to kill myself when I got back home and saw my five o'clock shadow, wide man chin in the mirror.

So that other girl was the only cis girl there? My MSF class was 6 guys and 4 girls (without counting me), so it gave me the impression motorcyles were a more unisex interest than I thought. The school was also founded and owned by a woman.

That sounds hot, senpai. I'm jelly.


>the Cherokee meme
Closest I've ever come to a healthy relationship
Considering my opinion on my voice, i was pleasently surprised by this earlier

>Walking dog
>old couple walking, hear them say 'why not ask that young lady'
>sure enough
>Excuse me miss, what's the best way to get to [place]
>give directions, talk about my dog for like a minute, eventually all continue walking
>last thing guy says it 'let's let the young lady and her dog past'

Pleasant surprise.
Especially with the clothes i tend to wear
>at work in andro mode
>serving old-ish lady
> refers to be as 'the lady' to her grandkids a few times
> store gets a call later after its closed, thinking its my bosses boss calling me back i answer in in my boy voice/name
> its the same lady as before
> "um...are you the lady who served me earlier?"
> swap voice "maybe? what time were you in"
> "like an hour ago with my grandkids"
> "i remeber you"
> she wants to return something
> comes in next day
> staring at me trying to figure me out
> at least i passed for a bit
Good on you. I am too scared to wear girl clothes even with my bf. I'm so self concscious:(
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Have you tried wearing girls clothes that could double as boys? I wore womens skinny jeans and some t-shirts and sweatshirts. It kinda helped blur the line a bit for me until eventually switching over completely.
>MtF, 19, total boymode
>Go to the pharmacy for a first dosage of HRT
>Hello miss, how can I help you?
>spontaneous bareback anal
Yeah I don't believe you
How fucking dumb do we look????
A) why the hell is a transgirl at the fucking gynocologist
B) a trained gynocologist, a specialist doctor who looks at vaginas all day,
couldn't tell yours wasn't real
Like fuck you dude
You go to the gyno if after you have SRS. And the surgery gives you really good results, it's been known to fool gynos before
holy shit that's hot
>really good results, it's been known to fool gynos before

Kek, no. Sometimes gynos are nice though and say such things to make trannies feel better about their axe wound.
Going to add on to this:

Think of how even hons on susan's say this shit "hehe the gyno asked me why i had no uterus"

Coming from someone who looks like a 50 year old man in a dress.

Trust me, they know it's not a real vagina. It's clear as day. I've never seen on that looked real, especially up close. The texture and coloration of the flesh is just flat out incorrect.
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went to the grocery store today!! nobody had a clue!
They ask routine questions. My old docs asked me every time about my last period even though they knew me before transition. I was like wtf you know me. They said they have to ask anyway. That's just how it is.
This looks like a fucking cartoon character what in the fuck
thats mean! she could be the crimson chin you never know!


Doesn't that person run a hardcore scat blog or something? I remember his face being posted in another passing thread where someone linked his blog with a picture of him with shit smeared around his face to look like a beard.
What? She passes flawlessly. Passing =/= conforming to 10/10 unrealistic beauty standards
even when they don´t have the shit beard, all i can see is the shit beard
Yeah, so chaser.
That is all I wear. Tight jeans and droopy sweatshirts and stuff. Yea I pass sometimes, sometimes I don't in those clothes?

I still can't bring myself to wear anything more feminine
You probably have long hair. Not impressive. Most dudes with long hair gendered F sometimes
yes lol... ughhh I wish I was normal
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>hair getting long
>family "teases" me by using female pronouns
yah, that's my fantasy too anon.
>go about my day in peace
>drinking with roommate
>"do you ever do drag"
>"I think you'd look pretty cute as a girl"
I came out as mtf to him afterwards.
Dat feel tho.
How did he take it?
I'm not lying..
It doesn't feel nice though because they're doing it to shame me
He's gay so he thought it was cool. We are pretty good friends.
Try living in WA where every bogan, tradie and their dog will just call you "cunt".
Story is not about me, but whatever:
>back in HS my class had only two girls, so girls in my class really attracted attention
>first day at school, everyone meets, we look at each other
>"so we have only three girls in class, huh?"
>one of them giggles
>"she" has a very high voice, long and curly blond hair, definitely more pretty and feminine than the other two (and is also very sensitive, as I discovered later)
>first period, teacher read the attendance list
>"Maximilian [Generic_Russian_Surname]?"
>It's the giggly cutie.
>teachers were confused for a week or two, some even longer

It was 10 years ago in eastern europe (not russia, he would have no life there), so he was definitely not a mtf, he was just born very girly.
I was an asshole back then. I was bullied in the middle school and my closest friend committed sudoku two weeks into HS, so I acted out by bulling others. The guy from the greentext was one of my victims. Eventually in the last year we become friends, but I never properly apologized to him.
You should look them up and properly apologize
Probably get some sweet tight bp if you're sincere enough
That's gayer than the trans shit.
How did you bully them?
My family used to do that to me as well, I didn't even have long hair. Just my baptist father wanting to raise a strong son. I'm 18 right now I just feel trapped you know? and
I still haven't said anything...
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>be me, about a month ago - 7 months hrt at the time
>for this bogus composition class I took last semester, the prof offered extra credit if you made an appointment with a tutor at the writing center in my college and have them critique your essay or help with your writing or whatever
>I go in for my appointment with a tutor I had never met before, an older black man
>I wasn't fully presenting feminine by any means, but I was wearing somewhat feminine or androgynous clothing - shorts that were previously 'boy shorts' but I had cut them much shorter, and a long sleeve shirt that didn't attempt to hide my boobs, but they are so small that most don't even notice
>I talk with this guy for 30 minutes and don't make any significant attempts to feminize my voice, but it's definitely not masculine sounding by any means
>At the end of the appointment, he has me write down my name on this sheet he had to document what students he met with
>"Does this say 'Lucas' (my birth name)"
>"hmmmm... that's a really interesting name. I have known boys to have that name but you are the first girl I've met with that name"
>I am schocked and so excited and happy that I was speechless and walked away with the biggest smile on my face.

This was such a surprise to me, because I wasn't even making much of an attempt to pass at all. What a confidence boost that was

Pic related is me, for reference.
fuck, why does this pic go sideways like that. This link should work if you want to see it flipped https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cib1ypVW0AAIz1V.jpg
Blacks are known to be unable to tell white men apart from white women tbqh.
Sort of related, but sort of not. We had a girl named Michael at our high school. She was like 6'1", and really cute, like really really cute, but sort of shy and flat/not-curvy and model like, almost like Karlie Kloss. I wonder if she was a tranny. At the time it didn't even cross my mind, I just thought it was an odd name.
>at a gay club
>off my face on ecstasy
>walk into the male bathroom
>hear a voice from behind
>"Hey you're not meant to be in here"
>turn around
>"oh my god hahaha sorry I didn't know"
I'm not even trans. I'm just a guy who apparently looks like a convincing girl from behind.

>be at friends house to pick them up
>waiting in driveway
>cute girl walks out of the house towards my car
>think who is that chick
>gets closer and I realize it is my friend

He wasn't even dressed up girly, it was just his long hair.
I work as security and a transgirl with a boymode ID came by once.
I didn't let him in.
No passing story btw.
Why not?
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Photo on ID didnt match the person.
>be mtf
>still have male name
>get call on my iphone 6s
>it's a telemarketer
>pick up phone "hello"
>"i am looking for -male name-
>"yes that is me"
>"okay then", proceeds to tell me about the shitty thing they want me to buy
>politely decling
>"okay, have a nice day miss"
Security where?
How important to the story is the fact that you have an iPhone?
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-- Sponsored message by Apple --
(your AdCocks didn't see THAT coming, did they)
I'm a writer for house of cards, it's hard to turn it off

Posted from my iPhone 6S
>be me 2 years ago
>was 17y.o
>going out with friends to watch a movie
>wear skinniest jeans I have (sorta like jeggings)
>very unisex jacket
>look somewhat girly not too much though
>get a couple of weird looks
>eventually some random guy in the theatre lobby with his other douchy friends laughs and asks
>"can you guys tell if it's a guy or a girl"
>feel like shit yet good cause I might of have looked androgynous that night

I just want a girlier body and no facial hair along with longer hair, don't wanna do HRT too scared :s

and maybe a qt bf who will hug me and let me shove my face in his chest :(
Should have stuck around. Made her walk past you.

I had a "gf" in hs who was expelled for beating up one to many boys. She eventually transitioned.
i fell for it desu
what does kek mean
>be in mental hospital
>find out its gender segregate
>me not starting transition but dont want to be with boys
>join girls
>confusion because i look like a girl but at least one knew that i was male because i was with the boys the other day
>after nearly two weeks one of them finally asks me if "im a guy"
>other chick chimes in "nah I can tell by anon's voice she's got a vagina"
>me: :+)
>be in other mental hospital
>its a weekend
>new doctor is in, doesn't know me
>he's asking routine questions, when suddenly he asks if i've started menstruating yet
>i have no idea how to answer
>"um........ no?"
>(its the truth)
>he doesn't even look up he just keeps going
does anyone else have a naturally feminine voice? its kinda weird like it just never changed.............. maybe I'm intersex??? also i never got facial hair and i started hormones a few months ago so i guess i never will!!
Y'know I was inclined to disagree but then I remembered I would go out in full boy mode pre hrt and was just slim with long hair and I'd get ma'am'd by black guys somewhat commonly

You have to be kidding mang, nobody is this shit at knowing things about life.
8 months HRT, mtf, 19, yes i know im overweight. Havent uploaded one of these in a while so roast me legbutts
oops, didnt see the word "story" sorry guys, my down syndrome has been acting up
I think I'm pretty fucking gay anyways so rollerblading fits in.
Nvm that I used to play hockey and that's why I know how to skate as well as I do.
You look like that dumpy bitch who's on the Nostalgia Critic videos.
My voice has a strange tonal quality
I don't know how to describe it really
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I like to fuck with her when she streams on twitch :^D
what do u mean
lol shes like 40 no shit someone clocked her
she seems desperate as fuck to try and make any last remaining shekels before she becomes jenner v2
Mental illness should not be tolerated. Transsexuals need to be shunned so they understand what they're doing is wrong.
In what day is it wrong. We do not hurt anyone and we have the freedom to do whatever we wish with our body. We have a genuine mental illness and we are simply doing things to allevate the symptoms. You do realize there is no other treatment for gender dysphoria?

Also, using these meds sterilizes us and makes sure the tranny gene eventually dies out. You should be glad, as we take care that in the future there will be less trannies.
My hormones doc is a OB-GYN. She specializes in reproductive hormone issues. Transgender hormones are simple in comparison.

Return the joke back to them. Come out by telling them to get used to calling you by female pronouns.

As a young teen I naturally catwalked. I got misgendered from behind all the time.

Talk to your doc. There are certain intersex conditions that can leave one without normal puberty. Some may require you take some additional hormones.
nah, never coming out
omg i just got a karyotype test yesterday! im scared. if im not intersex it kinda makes me feel bad because i really dont want to be male and i dont feel male at all. i know its silly..... but yeah lol
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thats actually a compliment, thanks bro
the quads lie, come out to someone or leave and come out there.
not gonna work, in reality i'm just a fetishist ruining his life. i just need to wait for this phase to pass over

>i just need to wait for this phase to pass over

Boy, you sure are deep in it.
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well, i only had few passing situations since obviously as a slavic person i can't walk around in a girl mode so i'm always in my boy mode except when i go out to party, thats the only time i wear make up and all black bitchy outfits (i'm super skinny i have a body of a skinny girl model without tits lol) so basically there were 3 situations and they all ended the same. A guy would hit on me, we'd have a great time but i don't even act like i'm a girl like my voice is really fucked bc of smoking and i don't have tities so after like an hour of chatting he kissed me and said he wants to marry me and have kids with me because we clicked sooo good and i realized he thinks i am a girl which im not so i told him that and he was like oh too bad and said he's only into girls and disappeared. so yeah it always ends like that.
well ok, i was being a bit facetious there. i don't ever expect to get over my fetishism. but yeah i just need to wait until i can stop taking the hormones
Yeah, that's painful. Pre first time on hormones I used to go out all the time in dresses, heals, and makeup. I had natural long hair, and wide hips. AAA bust. Because the clubs I went to were gender and sexuality uncaring, I had all sorts that would dance with me, then want to go out. Every so often I'd find somebody who couldn't deal with my being male bodied. Hurt every time.
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>be me last month
>hrt for years, girlmode, girl voice, etc
>hanging out with my mom and dad and brother at a local event
>run into distant extended family member
>hasnt seen me in years, way pre transition
>looks at my brother
>looks at me
>says to my brother "oh let me guess, this is your girlfriend, whats her name?"
>silence for a solid 15 seconds
>mom speaks up "no, thats (pretransition name)"
>his face just fucking drops
>eyeballs me up and down
>complete confusion
>we try to explain it to him
>tells us he doesnt understand it at all
>doesnt exactly storm off but pretty much avoids us for the most of the time there
>didnt say a single word to me the rest of the time
>whenever i run into him now he barely says hi to me
i mean im glad i passed but damn i feel like i broke his reality or something
are... are they like early days of linetrap tits?

Beep beep, Ritchie!
No I'm bigger than that for sure ;.;

It's been so long, I had to look it back up to remember. Those are tiny titties.
>everyone says I look androgynous
>told my voice is more female then it is male
>guys treat me weird, not like a man but more like a little kid or brother
>women think I'm cute but aren't attracted to me
>never get gendered in any way

Being in the androgynous phase is weird as fuck.
kek nice
I want to stay forever
I don't have to put any effort in and people psych themselves out about it and leave me alone
I have one trans friend that has naturally feminine 100% passing voice, she also has no visible Adam's apple.
I was very surprised when we called each other on Skype for the first few times, I even thought she only pretends to be not cis.
I don't know how is it in other countries, but in russia if you're intersex, it may be a reason for a doc to decline you getting prescription on hrt/surgery/etc.
You have to be physically and mentally normal (except gender dysphoria, of course)

One would think if a bigot were going to gatekeep physically normal trans people or intersex people from transition, that it would be the physically normal trans people you would prevent from obtaining treatment.
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What fucking magical fairy anime webcomic hentai world do you live in and where do I find the portal to it?

Let me in senpai, let me escape this existential hell. Masturbating to someone in pure jealousy as my life burns to pungent ashes around me is a special kind of experience.

If you tell me it's up Chris-Chan's ass I won't like it but I'll put on my bicycle helmet, grab a raincoat, and buy an exorcist's kit if I have to. I'm ready to brave the ninth circle friendo.
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>guys treat me weird, not like a man but more like a little kid
but it's not just guys but everyone

They're both not threatened by you (lack of masculinity) and not attracted to you (not perceived as female) It sucks. 1 year in and I'm still in the same situation.
This. It's like butterface but worse. Hopefully you'll be able to get FFS soon :(
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Same thing here. It's pretty weird. I like being androgynous though, this was my end-goal.

It's fun to confuse the shit out of people.
>tfw can't find the post on burgerchan
I deleted the pic after the thread lost main activity.
>not attracted to you (not perceived as female)
does this imply you are ugly as fuck or because you are failing boymode?
>posted on soc for a bit
>most replies are 'are you a boy or girl?'
>also have unisex name
>confusion intensifies in everyday situations
>haven't been gendered unless I force my voice in one direction

Being androgynous is great, I feel like I'm exempt from most gender roles and stereotypes and you just basically do what the fuck you want.
Not ugly just don't pass once I open my mouth. Seriously you can see their expressions change as soon as I introduce myself.
Fuck. I've had that happen too. At stores the clerks say "thanks man", probably because I seem like a hippie or something. I'm never sure what to make of it, so for now I stay in boymode.
I mean I'd rather look more female but androgynous is like, 3/4 there in all honesty

I think it's just they see you as a young boy.
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