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Gaygen - qt nazi bf edition

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Thread replies: 317
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Why haven't you gotten a KKK BF who will ravage your bp and educate you on the real enemies of our society?

Last thread:
He would chase you back across the border, armyboi
meh body/10

That's fine as long as he teaches me a lesson on being on the wrong side of Trumps wall...
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Why don't you have a hairyfu?
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>KKK edition

Nigger please.
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>see qt guy on okc

>he's a ftm

Made me feel very insecure about my manliness... When a tranny can grow way better facial hair than me but still have a gash
>KKK bf
>not wanting an obviously superior neo-nazi bf
and when he gets a cock he can get one bigger than yours :)
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tfw haven't reached viking god level yet and probably never will :(

That's fine, both of my bfs were bigger than me so I'm used to it.
>viking god
>that dog
t b h size of dog has an inverse relationship to size of penis
>tfw no small dick bf
>never able to easily deep throat his entire cock.
>never get to gently tease him about it.
>never able to admire how cute it looks when he's soft
I want a german shepherd and my dick isn't small
>tfw no drag queen by
Why would you ever want a far right bf?

They cant suck dick for shit, I speak from experience
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My phone doesn't even register "bf'
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>I'm not like other gays xd
wtf is your point
congratulations mr i read everything literally
all I was saying is that it is only natural that someone who is insecure about their masculinity will get a big dog bc little dogs = unmasculine apparently
>tfw no racist white guy to hatefuck me

Post made me think of this

I would be happy having a SINGLE gay friend.

Alas, I have none. I have a reasonably large friend group (~12 people or so), but I guess i am just unlucky because I know for sure taht they are all heteros.

>Alas, I have none. I have a reasonably large friend group (~12 people or so)

>Having many friends
>complaining about being lonely
>tfw this is how I accepted my small dick size

Don't make friends based on their sexuality. You'll find it either very underwhelming or excruciatingly annoying. Nothing wrong with having all hetero friends assuming you all get a long well
If I met a random on grindr how likely is it that he'll be willing to use a condom while I give him head ?



Like 98% chance he'll look at you with confusion
What a non-problem.
Complain when you actually have 0 friends.
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I guess, and they are fine 90% of the time, but I just want someone I can talk about guys with sometimes.

My family are all hetero, my friends are all hetero, basically the only person I can talk to about this stuff is my cat. And she isn't very talkative.
>Oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex – but HIV still can enter through open cuts and sores, or possibly by infecting the lining of the mouth. There are some documented cases of people getting HIV through their mouth.

Talk to your hetero friends. If they can't deal with fag talk, they aren't worth talking to.

More like I don't want to make them uncomfortable because I am their friend and care about them.
if you feel like you need a condom to suck their dick, u shudnt b suckin dat dick
>>tfw this is how I accepted my small dick size

How small ? Also does your bf actually tease you about it ?

this; i wanna suck dick but not get aids.
I'm in the same position as you. I only have straight white male friends.

If they are uncomfortable, then that's their fault. Talk about guys, just don't go into visceral detail about getting your bp prolapsed

if it really makes them uncomfortable... Dear lord
>taking a risk of getting aids just cus "muh intution" says he's clean

Yeah I think I'll protect myself instead
Why even bother sucking dick then
I'm all for using protection during anal sex, but ora?
come on now
All my friends are straight and they get me to talk about my tastes in guys and other faggy shit all the time. Good friends are interested in you as a person and that includes who you're attracted to, so don't be afraid to talk about it!

>tfw never had a bf
What I meant was by fantasizing about a guy enjoying my dick in that way I could feel better about it. Porn really fucked me up about dick size too much.

And it's just under 5" at it's longest
>just under 5"
I'd be fine with that personally

>Why even bother sucking dick then

Flavored condoms; sucking dick feels good ? I doubt that it would affect my pleasure (never sucked a dick before :( ) just his
>And it's just under 5" at it's longest

That's not so bad; I doubt most people could tell; Porn just fucked up peoples opinions on dick size
Maybe I'm just the filthy degenerate in this situation but if a guy offered to suck my dick but I had to wear a condom, I'd say no thanks

Yeah I guess it is on the smaller side of average isn't it
It is but it's not that big of a deal
especially if you're a bottom
>tfw even though my dick is an average 5.6 inches in length, it has great girth and is extremely aesthetic to look at

>tfw my dick is average
>but I have a small penis humilation fetish

7.6 inch penis
small balls
Large dicks and little coin purse nutsacks are my favorite though
I also have small balls
but I don't anyone really cares about that kind of stuff though

this isn't really a problem
made a fire

gonna grill up some sausages
Same here, it wouldn't do it for me. I'd even prefer is he swallowed, while I wouldn't do that to a stranger myself.
pic related

small balls because body doesn't naturally make testosterone
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lookin good
>German shepherd
When are we getting married?
You lit a fire for 1 sausage?
you'd just fuck the dog tho

that's why I thought too
Who's /esc2016/ here?
never, because you are ugly.
Eh, you can take it in turns with him.
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I tell my friends all the horrid details of my actions because if I have to hear their straight nonsense all the time, then they have to suffer.

Sometimes you just want to feel that sweet, sweet man-meat. I don't suck dick often but damn, sometimes dick is just fucking great in your mouth.
I'll eat that one, then grill some more

I had plans to grill with friends tonight but the dude who was supposed to host is going to his gramps' funeral tomorrow so he wasnt in the mood to have a grill party

RIP grandpa
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pic related

>tfw sometimes i make up stories about being a degenerate just so I feel "cool"

i know, im a loser
True, I do however think the risk factor on thay is substantially low though. If you keep good oral hygiene and haven't eaten or brushed your teeth too long beforehand you should be fine. Very inflamed gums would probably we worrisom as when agitated they will often bleed.

As for receiving one, well, I'd suppose its all the same risk but you won't know his oral hygiene too well.
I never did that. If I had nothing, I'd shrug and just not add to any conversations.

If you have nothing, you're not a loser. Just tell them you've got nothing to add and move on.
You are so cool hitler, only niq is cooler than you

Hey bb
he's agreeing with you retard
hitler always 2nd best to niq pmsl
the young replace the old
it is only natural
I mean, you're pretty cool. And when you get swole you'll be cooler. But niq is all that and a bag of crisps.
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>when you get swole you'll be cooler.
but I'm already swole, babe
check it
lol theres probably only a few months inbetween you
^^^^ niq
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slow cooked Habanero flavored sausage with a stripe of Turku style mustard

This is the life my friends

not joking lad you really need to eat something

thats repulsive
he's two years younger than me
he's 19
He's not that skinny.
Dem hips tho.

Honestly, sit on my dick.



I can count his ribs individually even with a grainy washed out photo

its too skinny
This. I'm pretty high and for some reason that always gives me boners but I went from like 9 to a solid 12 so props to him I guess
Them cum gutters
I fucked a guy with like a 4 inch dick but huge balls like hung as low as his semi and were big. Gotta admit I liked sucking them and licking them.
You need to go on the scoobydiet. Your christmasribs are getting old news. You know you wanna gurl

Niq <3

He's so young you just want to pinch his cheeks and protect him like a little brother
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why do you have the satanic thingy on your arm?
Oh shut it, it's an alchemical symbol
that was taken in my kitchen as I was cooking food lol

that would be gay tho

I'm slightly dehydrated atm
they always show a little bit when I haven't been drinking as much water as I should be

it's not a satanic symbol, m8
Niq is 19?

My days man I'm so old now ;_;
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it is definitely a satanic symbol
I recognise it from Binding of Isaac
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ur a qt <3
I turned 19 like 8 days ago , (its Sean) sorry if I make you feel old :P

How old are you again KR?
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surely the only important thing is what people think when they see it?

like, I wouldnt get a tattoo of the sanskrit swastika - even if it does have a good meaning, the average person is just going to think im a nutcase.

surely employers or whatever will just think you're an edgelord and not bother to deeply research the subtle meaning behind the glyph like you did?
Sean are you freddie
The Buddhist swastika points to the east, the nazi swastika points to the west. Did you not research the symbols?
Nobody ever knows what it is
they don't even know what my triforce tattoo is, and out of the two I feel like you people would have more of an issue with that one than the brimstone tattoo

when people ask what it means I just say it's an alchemical symbol that represents the human soul

I know that. My point is that although there is a clear difference, if you put a sanskrit swastika on your forehead, 99% of people will still think you're a nazi.

What it means < What people think it means


or perhaps the people who think its the Crux Satanus just snigger quietly to themselves and don't confront you about it? I know I wouldn't bother enduring a conversation with some goth with a pentagram tattoo - id just judge them silently and move on.
No this is Patrick
he should also get the full description tattood on him so there is no confusion den
>I just say it's an alchemical symbol that represents the human soul
>my triforce tattoo
c o n f i r m e d
but you're acting like I am some goth with a pentagram tattoo
the average person does not know what the symbol is called, let alone what it means

but that's literally what it means?


I think probably more people know what it means than you realise

they just dont want to make a big deal about it

why the fuck did you even get the tattoo in the first place? and why is it so fucking huge? its just asking for trouble for no reward.
>but that's literally what it means?
ye i know you l i t e r a l l y just posted a description of it but that doesnt make it any less cringey

You should have just gotten an itty bitty one that you could cover up with a bandaid if you need to.

Yours is just obnoxiously large, I'm with >>6182180
it's not that big actually, I just have a small body
I got it because I like the symbol, and it has never caused me any problems, except people on here who overall hate my tattoos

It's not like I actually hold the symbols meaning at heart or believe that souls exist

I plan on filling the entire arm tho, m8

>It's not like I actually hold the symbols meaning at heart or believe that souls exist

So why did you get it?

Whats it going to look like when you're 45 or something? (answer: cringy as fuck)
Y r u so invested in this
all tattoos look like shit when you get old
just like people look like shit when they get old
weird, it's almost like things depreciate when they age...

>I got it because I like the symbol
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I just can't quite get my head around it. It just seems like such a retarded thing to do to brand yourself with an easily misunderstood symbol because you "like the shape".

Like, he will never be able to attend a job interview with his sleeves rolled up ever again. And for what??


Not really. Tattoos like regimental colours can serve as a nice reminder of your previous life and don't really depreciate with age as long as you don't get hideously obese or anything.

Similarly, geometric designs can be nice. But just not the fucking Satanic Cross, holy shit.
But y care so much? Y imagine him with his sleeves rolled up at a job interview. R u in love with him?
he's just disregarding all of the points I'm making
he's baiting at this point
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post lewd .gifs as chemo for this cancer
why do you care? why do you even post ITT? why even live? xddd
I suck balls all day just because I like it so much

Its the human condition to want to know more when you see a trainwreck.

Like I said, I just don't understand it and I want to. It seems to fly in the face of all reason and common sense. And where else can I find out except on an anonymous forum where I can be as rude and invasively questioning as I want?


okay, fine

>Its not really the satanic cross
Doesn't matter what it technically means, it matters what its generally thought to mean. see the sanskrit swastika example.

>Its not like I believe in its message or anything
That makes it even worse that you did this to yourself

>Its not that large, I have a small body
Its pretty much as big as it can be and still fit on your forearm. It really is "that big".

>its never caused me any problems
that you know of. People won't normally publically call you out on this, as that would be impolite. They'll just keep it to themselves and turn you down for the job/avoid hanging out with you/gossip about it with their friends later.

>I like the shape
this is why 3 year olds arent allowed to get tattoos

>people all look like shit when they get old, therefore it doesnt matter
Sure, why not just scar your face with an iron - youre gonna look slightly worse when youre older anyway, right???

I dont get it, at all.

>inb4 now im a tryhard for answering your points like you asked me too
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>tfw full of junkie tattoos but no one gives a single shit
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>Nobody messages you on grindr
23 now.
Don't worry haha, time only rolls on anyway! At least when I'm 24 I can do my full bike licence and start driving REAL bikes!
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>tfw you are too scared to reply to your hundreds of grindr messages
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gibe da sauce b0ss
You're 23 ? Oh you're still young man
Haha and I'll never ride a bike desu
I don't think you're a tryhard, I just think you care about it a bit too much

firstly, the swastika comparison isn't really valid as everybody knows what a swastika is, and sure you can say that still quite a few people may know the name of the symbol, it's nowhere near as well known as a swastika

and as for the job thing, if an employer isn't going to hire me for tattoos, it would be the fact that I have multiple visible, not just because of the one that you take issue with
as I said above, I plan on filling the arm, so one tattoo isn't really an issue in the grand scheme

I don't really get your point with the facial scar, I think a scar on my face would look pretty bad, but tattoos have become widely accepted by the average person and are nowhere near the taboo they used to be
I like my tattoos, but I wouldn't like a scar on my face
and they won't age to a point of looking shit before I age to a point of looking shit

lastly, not all tattoos have to have some personal deeper meaning
you mentioned geometric shapes being nice long lasting tattoos, but I don't see how a geometric shape is that much different from a symbol just in terms of aesthetics

James is thinning quite a bit on top tho

>complains about me disregarding his points
>then disregards mine when I oblige

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>educate you on the real enemies of our society
>implying we need education
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some youtube whore, i forget who
Oh please. You aren't old at all.
lol you were two seconds too slow
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>tfw this looks fun but you know irl it would just be sweaty and gross
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>tfw strippin got married to a breeder
Also, I'll admit to one thing
If it were my only tattoo, and I didn't plan on getting anymore ever then some of your points would have more weight
but the more tattoos you have, the less important they are individually
It's all relative.
You just need a big dicked bf.

>start driving REAL bikes!
Wow. That's a pretty shitty nanny state.
why do racists tell you that they are racist at every single available opportunity
like raw food vegans of 4chan or summin

ann pls teach me to get bf
he was straight?


theres always one poltard who just *has* to tell everyone about their uninteresting and dated ideaology


I guess. Bi, maybe.
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>criticising islam = racism
Oh boy here we go
its not opinions its a ~~~***lifestyle***~~~
That's an excellent point. I could understand if they waited to say something racist that was apropos, but they just sort of throw it out there.

Fuck if I know boss.
Almost all of my relationships happened accidentally.
I know, I'm just being a silly goose about it.
Hah I think you would if you got used to them... Well maybe, its pretty hectic tho~
ffs lol how did you even extrapolate that from my post
if you just wanted to talk about dutch nigel farrage then you shouldnt have linked to an entirely separate post
Yeah its shit, I could do a licence now and be allowed up to a 600, but I'd rather wait another year and just go for full licence.

Once that's done I'm getting an RGV250 off my uncle... ~80HP and 134kg wet means a lot of two stroke fun. Probably gonna die on that to be honest, if not then I will when I get a 1000.
Even if I was a passenger I wouldn't like it
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Homo is bad
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how long does it take to
a) meet new people
b) make new friends
c) make new bf

just a rough estimte is fine
>ffs lol how did you even extrapolate that from my post
I feel old as shit at 21 so I know what you mean
I think what did it is that I'm now 100% young adult in my 20's
the second I went from 19 being a teenager to being in my 20's it just got super real for me

I thought you were dead
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Only on the inside
Oh yeah the first time I rode on a motorcycle I was terrified
I literally was just saying the alphabet backwards in my head to distract myself

Where do you live?

Do you want to cuddle?



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It all takes just as long as you want it to

I've made the first two things on your list in 45 minutes when I moved to a new city, and got a bf two weeks later through those new friends

just be yourself bro
>Le pepe xD
For you, never.
>just be yourself bro
I've never cared for that sentiment all that much
while in most cases, yes. You should be yourself and just not give a fuck because you're happy being you.
But some people should definitely not be themselves lol
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please detail exactly what your activities where in those 45 minutes


no you
>meet new people
Step outside
>make new friends
Depends on how fast you can get the raw materials and whether you get the formula right.
>make new bf
Same as above.

I really wanna move to a new city but I'm scared that I'll fuck up and have no where to go.

I wanted to move more north like Chicago.
fuck you
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If I get muscular enough, is it easy to find a similarly built bf?
>be rocking in the free world
>wearing my Hawkwind tee and flared jeans
>go to city centre to see where it's at
>see a bunch of subculture losers just like me hanging out
>ask them if I may join them to drink up and smoke
>they say yes whatever
>have a blast and change phone #'s with them
>and hey presto, now i have a bunch of cool cats to hang out with
it ain't exactly hard
It'll be a lot easier at least.
If you're in a pretty metropolitan area, you should be able to.
>tfw I missed my chance to top a 270lbs bodybuilder.

But I mean, I already have a small dating pool. If I then restrict it even more to only date people at my physical level, it might shrink to nothing.
I thought you were primarily a chaser?
What did u do with the real ann?
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do you live in the 80s?


what is wrong with you? how could you pass that up?
How comes, aren't you with Ashley no more?

Yeah, you have to grow up pretty fast when you hit early to mid twenty's. I wouldn't say you feel older but you certainly become a lot more wise to the world and what you need to be doing in life.

Being young is fun as fuck, looking back I wish I'd done so much more with the time, but then everyone would say the same with hindsight.

Haha its not for some people, honestly though I hate riding as a passenger, its extremely scary because you have no control over it.
>mfw doing 150mph on the a roads

Its pretty fucked.
The dating pool is smaller, but being fit gives you access to more of the pool.

I like fit dudes too. Would have fugged Red if he were closer.

Because bf, and I'm not the cheating type.
>do you live in the 80s?
I thought I explicitly made it clear that I'm rocking in the free world

I got no problem using outdated lingo, as long as it sounds cool, nor should you

you have a bf??????

what the fuckkk, weren't you closeted like 5 months ago?

>looking back I wish I'd done so much more with the time
Yeah I definitely know that feel
I subscribe to the whole no ragrets mindset because those experiences and choices are what made me /me/
but I'm still "cleaning up" after my younger self
there was absolutely a lot of wasted potential and permanent things that I can undo or fix that set me back from early on
but I'm applying as much as I can to make up for my past missteps

What ever happened to RedDread?
I know you haven't really been around much recently either, but do you know where he's been?
I was closeted like 1 month ago.

get grindr, go on dates, instead of just fucking (you can fuck after the date)
Yeah Fuck that
I'm just gonna walk
I think he's just been busy. I haven't talked with him on skype much recently.
Me might be leaving gaygen behind, like a majestic butterfly.

I've just been to busy with bf to shitpost.

Describe your first grindr date pls

did you tell him you were inexperienced? what pics did you show him?
Are these fetish videos?
yeah that's understandable
if you could, can you relay a message to him for me?
just tell him to hit me up in the thread sometime or ask him if you can give me his skype
Haha don't worry, I've got a little Nissan Micra too :3

That's on the back of a friends bike, personally never done more than 130 and that was only once... Honestly the best high of my life though, no drug compares to that.

Yeah man, exactly how i look at it, there's no way you can change the past so just live in the now and look toward the future. If I hadn't done what I'd done yeah I wouldn't be me, for better or for worse. Could have gone two ways to be honest back then, washed up AIDS whore or genuinely successful if I got off my ass.

Unfortunately I'm still doing the whole drifter thing and coasting along. Got plans though, just laying the foundations for now.
do you finally want some of that wigger dick
Just want to tickle Euro boy
Ok that's grand then :3
I super clean btw, no drugs ever and want to keep it that way
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/gaygen/ i need help
i've only ever been with one guy, but i've been WAY too vigorous/ambitious with anal masturbation, and i douche daily (which i imagine has also exacerbated this issue)

my bp's fuggin shredded; just nasty and gross. pretty sure i gave myself like a subcutaneous anal tear at some point, and my hole just looks fucking disgusting, purpley, and torn-up.

has anyone managed to fix a beat-up bp, or am i just SOL?
Don't worry, that's all behind me, I'm done with drugs now. Been there, seen it, done it.

talk to a doctor or something

but most likely its all in your head desu
yeah that's the healthiest way to look at it, imo
things could have very easily ended up much worse for me
I choose to view it as, yeah I got myself into a bad spot, but as far as that specific hole that I dug myself into goes, it usually ends up much worse for others in the same situation.

reddread isn't a wigger though lol
I had a pretty lengthy chat with a male prostitue in another thread on here. He wound up like that after being raped and stuff....

Basically, it healed for him but took a considerable length of time. Once he got fucked and was bleeding out of his ass really badly... That took three weeks to heal.

So with luck it may get better, honestly though go see a doctor and get their opinion on the matter. Get a few different doctors opinions though.

The gius stories were really eye opening, its pretty messed up being a gay prostitute.
Cool just giving you a heads up and stuff
Yeah I've personally not heard much of your past, as you said you've been over it a dozen time on here, but I remember you said you had a pretty rough time with drugs at one point.

Honestly, anyone who had a huge problem with drugs and got through gets my respect. I've known quite a few people who got through it and the will power it takes is unbelievable.

My friend did cocaine for like ten years throuhout his teens... He was really bad on it, he was the biggest drug dealer in penge for a while... He would literally wake up in the middle of the night, do two lines and then go back to bed. Fucked up man.

I know if I was that bad, I'd already be dead.

I just wanna go to a lovely spot and enjoy the weather, it should be really sunny then too, it'll be lovely. Plus we can go metal detecting :D
Sounds awesome :3 I really can't wait , don't currently know how long I'll stay , obviously don't want to overstayed my welcome
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To you too mate, fight me
Well there's not any worry on how long you wanna stay... Basically I just gotta tell my mum to bugger off for a week haha
you could not take me bitch boy
Yeah but you have a dog dick so stfu
Yes i could
years of drug addiction definitely had a role in setting me back
but there are so many other large contributing factors involved that at a point it goes from sounding tragic to just being ridiculous and kinda funny

I could probably write a fairly successful book if a million little pieces didn't already beat me to it and then turn out to all be lies
>meet dude on grinder
>isn't really my type, but he seems like a bro
>almost abort date, but decide to go last second
>show up 15 min late
>get beer and food at irish pub
>go and see The Boss
>put my arm around him
>in the scene about sucking dicks, he lets me know he totally sucks dicks.
> go back to his place
>meet the dogs
>get a bj
>fug (had a bit of trouble staying hard with the condom)
>spend the night almost every night for a month
>Ask if I can introduce him as the 'bf" when I take him to meet friends

Will do.
Cool , I was thinking a week , so that's perfect :D
Anyone could, little fuccboi

What did your profile look like?
My dick isn't /that/ dog like
just gets a little pink when I've been edging for a bit

thx bby xoxo luv u <3 <3

>tfw will never have a dog dick
>Will never get to knot a guy
headless torso. lol

It's a shame. Simply was knot meant to be.
Just discovered Meghan Trainor is only a year older than I am
I honestly thought she was 27 at the youngest
Go check if your bf is pregnant, NOW
nuh uh
prove it
>everyone always blaming Russia for being anti-gay
>no one ever mentions what happens in muslim countries
Look in a mirror mate
What do you see?
For me I see the cutest guy to ever grace this earth,
You ... a wussbag
A crack in the sky
And a hand reaching down for me

a stompy T-rex with a disproportionately large lower body
If he was would be give birth through his butt? Or his penor?

>disproportionately large lower body
Post butt.
Russia is a more-or-less country with enough technological and cultural development, at least in the large cities. That's why it can be judged based on the norms of other countries that are at a similar level.

Sandniggers are still at the level of cavemen. They can't even be compared to slavs. Of course no one gives a shit that the countries there are falling apart in every possible way. Those countries could all be glassed and no one would give a single fuck.
lmao why are you so butthurt?
It's called the soft racism of lowered expectations. I realize Islam isn't a race but people treat it otherwise. People expect Russia to be more progressive and expect the Muslim world to be the backwards shit holes they are. Some will even go to lengths to ignore or outright excuse behavior by Muslims that is by orders of magnitude worse than the behavior condemn Russia by.

Personally I think gay Christians are just as self deluded and mislead as people who look the otherway when it comes to human rights abuses on gay people in The Muslim world. You can preform scriptural origami all you want but it's pretty clear God isn't inviting fags to his club in the sky. It's pretty clear "real" Muslims wish to kill gay people.

Poor guy. I hope he wises up and makes it out of there.

what if people get mad?
Kek, plenty of Arab countries have technology and internet. Where do you think those guys got those obvious western gay ideals? They're not like some sub-Saharan Africans who live in literal mudhuts.
Get mad about what?
Butt pics?
Seems unlikely senpai.
>no-one ever mentions what happens in muslim countries
>literally posts an article about a muslim country
to answer your point fucked up shit happens in nearly every country every single day day. gays getting executed in a war zone is just irrelevant.
russians (apparently) live in a democracy, relatively stable, white and european and they are just generally a lot more accountable for themselves from a western viewpoint. abd cold war revivalism of late obviously plays a massive massive massive part too.
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okey dokey

stompy trex reporting in
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>Finally started talking to the guy I like
>Still don't know if he's gay or not

Not that it matters honestly since I'm fat but hey at least I get to talk to a qt. That's good enough for me.
The actual reason is that Russia is seen as enemy(both economic and military) while countries like Saudi Arabia are business partners. Which is why Clinton also takes money from Saudi Arabia but shits on Russia all the time.
ahaha fg family you have the most fucked up body I have ever seen
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I fractured my spine a few months ago and havent been able to work out properly since ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

hopefully i can start squatting again in 7-10 weeks or so
Nice butt m8.
Don't forget to hit chest though.
Unless you're cutting for trap mode.
>D I E T
Lol feelgood you are so hot
If I were just your age
they like saudia arabia
but they hate iran and pakistan and palestine
there really isnt some shadowey illogically islam <3ing white cabal in the government like you seem to be asserting lol
Diet isn't the only problem mate. I've got bipolar disorder so it wouldn't be fair to anyone who'd be with me to have to deal with that. It'd be asking a lot of a person to have to deal with a partner who can have violent episodes or severe depression.
Iran is enemy too(they have their own bank)
>tfw you start really liking a guy you shouldn't like
exactly sooo its not about whether the country is muslim or not
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>guy I'm going out with mentions his kinks
>starts mentioning in detail the things he wants me to do to him
Terrible feel.
I'm going to stare him dead in the eyes soon and just blurt it out "I'm in love with you"

Then I'll run away because its all over.

I think it'd be a pretty interesting book Hitler, you seem like you've lead an interesting little life up to this point.

May I ask which drug(s) it was you had the issue with, and for how long? O know, I know, you've said it all before, but I haven't heard it and I'm special!

I need to get on Skype and actually set a date lol, I've not had any free evenings for ages so I'll try and do it during next week!
welcome to my world

let's complain about lakeshore traffic and how wrigleyville is full of retards together because apparently that's all there is to do here
You'd be surprised. A lot of people have dealt with bfs/gfs with mental disorders before. You just need to find someone who's problems compliment yours. lol

Why? Is he taken?

Good feel. Matching kinks is the best.
He's just incredibly submissive for a guy that's stronger than me. He'd let me fuck in a public bathroom if I wanted... it's pushing my buttons pretty well.
>You'd be surprised. A lot of people have dealt with bfs/gfs with mental disorders before. You just need to find someone who's problems compliment yours. lol

I dunno I just don't feel like it's right to ask someone to deal with that. To me just being able to talk to someone I find attractive is enough because I don't want to hurt them. I just feel like living the rest of my life with my action figure.
Damn man, don't be like that about it, Its not unfair in anyway to ask that of someone. You'd be surprised man, a lot of people will be fine to deal with it, especially if they're open minded and understanding of it.
>You'd be surprised. A lot of people have dealt with bfs/gfs with mental disorders before.

Anyone who has dealt with anyone who is LGBT has dealt with someone who has a mental disorder...

poor bb, let me give you a back massage :3
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epic mental illness maymay
That's pretty hot, not going to lie.
The body builder I was talking about earlier was the same way.
He had problems getting laid. I guess a 270lb bottom can be intimidating. lol

>You'd be surprised man, a lot of people will be fine to deal with it, especially if they're open minded and understanding of it.
There are even "fixers" who get off on helping people. lol
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Is that something people do regularly?
I feel like that would only be necessary if you had niche or out of the ordinary fetishes

Uhm it was for about 7 ish years
the degree of severity varied at different times though
I abused a lot of different drugs regularly, but I was/am addicted to opiates
in the later years of abuse, I used benzos heavily and that did some lasting damage

I did a lot of other stuff, but none of them really had any lasting issues apart from maybe a little damage to my sinuses/mucus membrane

but the biggest thing is that once you are heavily addicted to opiates, you're addicted forever, and the way that addiction effects you works a little differently than other addictive substances
I always forget old men post here.
I've got offspring, they're just made of metal and petrol. We have little machine babies, it hurts when they fall out of your ass man.

Wow man, so you've managed to stop it right?

I mean, I assume you're taking a substitute for the opiate withdrawal though? In what sense does it effect you differently? I've never studies the opiate family too much to be honest.

Also, what lead to all this addiction?

I realise I'm probably digging up a past you don't wanna talk about, so it's cool if you wish to leave it at that!
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Your percentage is undeniably wrong, considering there is no way to take a totally accurate census about subjects people are going to, in some cases, be both withholding, and internally unsure about. It also wildly varies geographically considering that you'll find more people who are open about it in western countries than repressed places like Russia or the middle east. That's fine that you pity me, though. I pity you for never coming hands-free.
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Hmm. I guess it depends on the person. I'm pretty sexual, so this guy came into things knowing that and it turns out that he is too.
Here's hoping we hump each other into a cuddly coma.

He's not a bodybuilder but he's a pretty regular gym goer. I think he's got a nice body, but if a person wants to improve on themselves, it's fine by me.

We're setting up to be the small top/big bottom cliche.
Well it's been 4 days since he stopped talking to me.

Either he broke his phone or found something else to occupy his time.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter if the two. Life has always been full of ups and downs like this.
>50 million
That'd be 0.694%.
Also iirc most estimates are closer to 2-3% or 200million+
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I want to kill myself

I don't even want a bf anymore 2bh

I'm too tired to do anything fun or productive
I prefer big top/little bottom.
But size differences are pretty hot to me.
Things happen, people get busy, he's ghosting you, he did lose his phone, he lost interest... a
Any of these things could be it.

I remember hearing somewhere how nobody owes you a response when you've met them online. If they choose to ignore you, it's on them and you have to just deal with it. It's shit but it's true.
Yeah, I've been off opiates for like 8 months maybe?
I'm not entirely sure when I stopped, a good portion of that time is kinda fuzzy

but no, I fully detoxed off of them so I don't have withdrawal anymore so I don't need replacement drugs
but the addiction is still there, and always will be
I've only come close to relapsing once though

and it's a really complex mess of shit that led up to it, so I won't get into it
I'm more of a small bottom guy myself, but I don't mind the difference in our heights or any of that. He's definitely a bear in more ways than one.
How do you post to the internet if you're homeless?
once I can get something foolproof where I won't be caught set up I will but doing something like that is more difficult than you think
>uni is making me upload a pic of myself for student id service
>i'm ugly as shit

ah fuck i can't believe this

stop smoking weed/drugs
cell phone and 4g is all you need.

cell phone is probably top 5 things that you would need as a homeless person with any hope of trying to get back into society. you need a job? nowhere else to keep your resume but on that phone. need to get to your bank account? no bank is gonna let your homeless ass in, go check your phone and get it from there. shelters? phone. people you can rely on for a couch to stay? go in the phone. so on and so on. not him just saying
Well you did well after seven years of abusing them man, like I said earlier I know for a fact if I was that into them I'd never have had the willpower to ever put the brakes on.

Good to hear you managed to ween off too and avoid having to keep using substitutes for them.

I van understand you not wanting to go into any great detail on it all though, thanks for sharing that Hitler!

Anywhoooo I'm off to sleep now, nighty night :3

everyone is going to see your photo and laugh at you :3
No it's not, yous a fucking bitch

Rope is not expensive and it's 100% foolproof

Face it, you're just a bitch
If you speak like that in person I know for a fact that you have no friends.
no problem
I figure at the very least someone might read my experience with drugs and give them some insight

night, gaylord
I don't ever post here, I just lurk. Good job on quitting, Hitler. Even if you one day relapse, you'll break it again. You're very strong.
I'm afraid of it hurting if I hang myself and I don't know of a location where I won't be caught
lol thanks for the words of encouragement
appreciate it, anon
photo intake people are gonna look at my pic like "Who slipped this pic of a walking dead extra in here"

that shit is no joke good on you for quitting
You shouldn't appreciate the words. You did an incredible thing. People struggle with just kicking coffee habits. Never forget what you did, because that alone will give you strength. Remembering what you're capable of.
Hanging yourself isn't foolproof by any means.
haha this is honestly the most positivity I think I have ever seen on 4chan

I'm waiting for a, "relapse and OD you fucking faggot piece of shit, kys" just to balance things out

Man I didn't realize that opiates were a permanent addiction, that sucks. Good to hear you're clean though, just gotta stick with it. As I've learned to really make a positive change in your life it takes effort, you've got to challenge yourself and work harder and don't let your past drag you down.
not him but i did that like 2 months ago and feel 0 difference in myself
nah i actually kind of like you since you're not rugby

plus i would touch your wiener
t b h making me feel pretty sick when did you become gay gens besty
youre a boring af anorexic mall goth
Not everyone who posts in 4chan has to act out like a faggot for the sake of ridiculing someone. I'm glad I and the other anon gave you some positive remarks, but really, you don't need them. You did something extraordinary. Two people typing "congratulations" to you seems pretty silly by comparison. Glad you appreciate them, though.
Yeah they permanently change the chemistry of your brain
and that change manifests in a few different ways
opiates and addiction have a complex working

plot twist: I actually am Rugby

there's the abuse I've learned love and depend on <3

it's just a rare sight, that's all
Yeah, it is rare. That is the internet after all. May I ask what the final straw was to make you quit?
fffffffssssss lol
hitler popped some pills occasionally big fucking woop
literally who cares
you got something more interesting to say?

Sucking dick does not feel good with a condom on, neither for the sucker and especially not the receiver. It also tastes gross and if someone offered to suck me with a condom on I'd be insulted
Well I knew for quite a while that I was dependant on them, but I was in denial about it being a problem or that I was addicted.
But for me the bulk of my actual drug addiction was a reactionary side effect of other things.
So once I got the other shit sorted I was able to come to terms with the fact that I was addicted and that I did have a problem
After that I guess I just had enough willpower to stop

That's definitely how you do it. Once you realize there's a problem with yourself, you fix it. People find it hard to accept there's things wrong with them.

You're an idiot who doesn't understand how the human body depends on substances. Kill yourself.
took heroin like twice
wheres my attention

Took me forever to realize something was wrong in my life, fucking delusions man, they're a bitch.
You either smoked heroin which isn't nearly as addictive as injection, or you're a lying cunt. If you actually went through heroin addiction you'd be empathizing with Hitler.
If you want attention you're going to have to atleast try to namefag.
youre an idiot who is white knighting a prescription pill popper on the internet. kill yourself.
..if hitler was shooting vicodin then that might be a ok comparison but not really
probably was really hard but this gay 'bb you are so le extraordinary nevar give up on yourself okay hun?' shit is gay.
everyone know how i do
At least you have attractive ftms in your area
Again, you're trying to act edgy because you did something that is technically "harder". Should I also not give him a congratulations because there are people born without limbs? Or people with schizophrenia? Stop being a nihilistic, edgy 13 year old and grow the fuck up. Also, I'm not white-knighting him because I don't know him nor care to. Addiction is hard, in any form, but opiates are long-lasting. Stop being so childish.
everybody messages me when I just throw up rando images. Andy Warhol's Elvis has gotten me a ton. maybe they think it's an actual photoshop of me or something.
Not even a pity message?
Even I got a few of those...
was clearly being satirical with the heroin comment. wasnt about me being hard core i was mocking the melodramatic tone of this shitty thread.
addiction i s hard but pls just stop tho its embarrassing. 'good 4 u m8' would have sufficed t b h.
You must be pretty jealous of Hitler to go this far out of your way to act this way because people are complimenting him.
well jealous
i wish i had my own harem of gg creeps licking my bum just bc i did a drug
You're pathetic, my man.
but im a girl
Even more pathetic then, my girl.
***m'lady tyvm
You must not browse gg very often
overall most people's opinion of me is neutral, but there are a few people who are very vocal on how much they dislike me
and I've never had an internet defence force backing me up when I get hate

I don't do drugs I used to smoke weed with friends but I don't have friends anymore
He's a qt
>tfw my butt has lots of ugly scarring
My dick isn't even all that nice to make up for it. :(
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