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/mtfg/ Coffee edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 590
Thread images: 151

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Coffee will be a hon edition

Informed Consent Providers:https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Trans Info Dump:http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV (embed) (embed)
▶Beginner makeup resources:http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶Size charts:http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines:http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training:http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge (embed) (embed)
▶HRT info:https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help:http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Discord: https://discord.gg/0qFz5Shp1aVSTsTz
▶IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat#mtfg
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Post ur daddies
beat Dark Souls 3 yesterday. feels bretty guud
the first 5 months of hrt can be really hard on some people. it was on me. hang in there bb <3
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I would like to start off by saying I am not a fucking Nazi. Yes while there are some genetic and psychical differences between people everyone is still human. Now some culture is better than others. Islam is horrible and should put snuffed out.
your quotes are wrong. hitler did not speak english.
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pic related

I am pretty sure people here are only nazis ironically.
I am not actually one >___<
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you are right honestly
same desu, im not really feeling another run though. theres a lot of game to go through to play ng+, though im a little curious about whatll change
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I need a nose job.
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first for sadposting
>tfw you are too scared to transition
>tfw if you did you'd likely be too lazy to put any effort in
>tfw you went anonymous on here because people kept asking about progress that never happened and you ran out of excuses
>tfw you had to stop talking to the one friend you came out to because they ask as well
it's not so bad though, i rarely stand out as an individual, so i can vanish without being missed --which can be a blessing at times

>tfw scottish
It's... tough. I'm hoping I can look somewhat like a feminine boy if I can't pass as a girl.

simple landscape art hitler has found true peace and happiness
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I honestly don't think Trump is going to do half the stuff people are afraid he's going to do. I just don't like him because A: He's an idiot.
and B: He can't run a business, how can he run a America?
You're fired.
Transition is one of the main driving forces in my life right now, if I didn't have it I would probably collapse. The promise of good things can be a strong motivator.
You have a very classical beauty look.

Slightly longer hair and ear studs would look great.

its okay to be trans anon
its okay to be happy
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>Islam is horrible and should put snuffed out.
Hopefully we can snuff them out before a right wing backlash does and destroys the progressive West in the process
Better than the last four presidents did, that's for certain.
How is he an idiot though? His IQ is quite a bit higher than Obama's, and he has several extremely successful businesses.
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any brits here who have gone through nhs for transition who can share experiences?
>He can't run a business

hes a billonaire. by definition one of the most successful businessmen alive
atleast he isnt a chaser, amirite? :''))))
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>tfw pretty much everyone knows you're not going to do it.
looking froward to June. my gp understands and checks my blood
fuggg... the last boss was amazing. especially when the soundtrack changes. I might roll a new character to get a different ending.
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I'm waiting for my connection flight desu
wtf is going on with these threads lately tho lmao
From what I've heard around here, nhs is shit and slow.
>I honestly don't think Trump is going to do half the stuff people are afraid he's going to do.
People forget that Trump won't be king of the world.
It's the same with Obama and Sanders.
Electoral promises aren't legally binding, and they need to get past both a Senate, a House of Reps *and* internal party politics.
Thanks :3
Thank you :3 I'm pre HRT so I'm in normal boy mode atm
can i borrow it and your xbox
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Hitler was an a gay emo with a bowl cut.

Yeah, I am all for acceptance of other people's differences, but Islam is just toxic.

Hitler was a faggot, but he knew how to dress his people. A pretty gay trait I might add.

>He's an idiot.
I don't agree with him therefore he is an idiot.

An idiot wouldn't be winning the hearts and minds of many people and getting all that free media coverage.

>He can't run a business, how can he run a America?

He bankrupted a few business(for expoliting the laws) and a few of his ideas didn't pan out very well. Failure is part of life and those who can get past their failures are smart.

No, the regressive left is just as bad with all the safe space bullshit. The altright is pretty bad too, but they are a necessary evil. The whole idea of identity poetics is just dumb honestly.
come on now. trump's a genius.
im not saying i support him, but he's certaintly not an idiot. he knows exactly what he's doing and what people think of him.
Chasers, not even once
>tfw already past 5 months and not going to look inoffensive, let alone pass, without FFS
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Having known W through a friend, I can say he was smart but an extremely shitty speaker.
Obama tried to do too much too quickly; he wanted to go down in history as the fixer and wound up making a bigger mess.
Trump...he's a good speaker, he knows how to hit the hot topics, but he doesn't really have a plan for anything he wants to do.

Name one successful business of Trumps. Go on. Does anyone even know what he does?
le pc masterrace ;^)

Wish I had a PS4 to play Bloodborne, though.
give it time...
Who chased whom, regarding you and Edie.
this please. i'm tired of going to London whilst looking vaguely Persian sometimes and being tutted and spat at by middle aged muslim women because i don't wear a headscarf
>le african americans are immigrants maymay
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you're gonna make it girl
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yeah, heard similar, just looking for confirmation

you mean youre getting stuff in june or already on?
it is slow
get saving 'cause you're gonna want to do as much privately as possible
self-med now
>Having known W through a friend,

It always cracks me up when people use the "he can't run a business" and "was given all his wealth from the start" meme

Like the fact that he is still incredibly wealthy after running some of his assets through multiple bankruptcies only proves how good he is with his money
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who /chaser/ here?
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>itt minorities pretend they're any better than other minorities and call for ethnic cleansing in the same breath
have you seen my profile senpai
You are a kike
He does real estate and construction, doesn't he? And owns golf courses.
I don't know lol
desu when he cast crystal soul spear at me the first time i lost it realizing he changed every time. and then when the music changed and he ended up rolling through my attacks a few times was just perfect. i got the usurpation ending first time, im going to go with the dark ending if i play though again. i want to try and co-op the whole way though second playthrough for a fun build but the servers are shitting themselves and its hard to find summons.

thats a nice looking airport
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UM. Well. This is awkward.


I can't say, since, you know, security. I never met him directly, but my friend talked about him all the time.
World war III when
he doesnt flesh things out as much in speeches and debates as he does on his website. i think its strategic at this point. if you havent noticed his media team is one of the best out there

trump has had so many different ventures, you could honestly read about them on wikipedia. he's mainly a real estate developer and he has successful ventures around the globe. bankruptcies and things like casinos shutting down all turned out to be pretty strategic and he turned a profit in the end for most of them. all of this applies without taking a stance on his policies. i think that theres a lot of media disinfo hit pieces that people buy into and claim other people dont *truly* know trump's positions or anything like that but its really the detractors a lot of times who are misinformed
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How to hide c cup tits for a job?
birdy has some explaining to do
That's wrong though.
Most africans (like actually *from* africa, not brought over in 1249 BC) I've known are hella hard working.

You are thinking of Black Americans (who have probably been in America longer than your ancestors) as for the lazy ones.
real estate development, investing, brokerage, sales and marketing, and property management.

he also has a 90% successrate in stockmarket dealings. this is is incredibly high.

me desu

eyeeee meannnn...............tru. he seems nice tho other than the whole constantly getting baited thing.
but let's be honest if (s)he wants to vicariously live through a bunch of trannies to ease shim's dysphoria what's the harm?
What's awkward? :(
>He inherited a massive cushion of a few billions
>Somehow he managed to not completely squander it
>What a great business man
Man I wish I had a couple billion in family fortune to blow on pointless shit so I could have complete tools think I earned a single dime.
I got the typical ending, unfortunately :( I went in mostly blind the first playthrough, but I'm going to be hunting for achievements now. What system are you on btw?

If you have a Steam, add me!

See, the strategic bankrupt thing has always bugged me, since he's knowingly and willfully playing bankruptcy laws to advance his business. While shitty, I acknowledge that it's a viable approach...which you can not do with a country. He's very high risk/reward in his approach, which is okay when you have a business and a lot of capital, but if you play fast and loose with a country like that.

...well, ask about the British Empire.
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Which is the best???
the fact that you're ugly as shit? lmao
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what airport and where you going? If you are going to portland then grats. pdx is kind of weird though. It looks like a ocean when you flow over the columbia river then when you land you see all this carpet that looks funny. Then your bags are collected in a weird way. The whole baggage claim and stuff are in a split level. At least it has a nice max stop. Oh, the please do not bring weed into the tsa signs are pretty funny.
birdy was nice


yes.. =[
It depends, are you dressing up or are you going running? Are your legs smooth or do you have stubborn little hairs that won't fuck off?
i suppose you could think that way. im fairly indifferent about him honestly. he does openly acknowledge that to be successful you cant be perfect all the time. the maga hats arent made in america and he defends that decision because its just not as profitable. i think his mindset is interesting for a presidential candidate to have though the real debates are going to hopefully be in the primaries
Ankle is best, but I own all. The higher they get the worse I like them. However since this is 4shit I am going to say thigh high because weebs like their absolute territory.

Fun fact, last time I was in portland I went to sock dreams.
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ill let you say it
>tfw might be displaced next year.
pnw or bust tbqh.
how to be cute in pics?
Any height works in black, otherwise at most knee high if there's motifs, thigh high if solid color

Want to repress and just pretend I never had these thoughts. I don't want to lose my friends
the real maga hats are made in america, there are just a lot of companies making knockoffs that are made outside america

his ties are made outside of the U.S. though, so your point still stands though. i think his specific argument is that because other companies do the same thing, his business can't compete unless it does the same.
You would blow it like most people that inherit small fortunes
Looks like the face of a greedy scheming jew in my opinion.
I play with the superior power of the Xbox One console, the One console you need for Maximum Entertainment! i regret my purchase desu, but my pc cant run it.

depends onthe rest of your outfit and your body.
The Halakhah disagrees
It's not a problem for him, that seems like a smart move if heshe doesn't want to transition, but it's equally smart for a trans girl not to date someone who is repressing herhims true self, it's technically like dating a closeted republican senator

repression never works anon

repression is the path to the hon side
redpilled /pol/ tranny, I remember you, got kik?
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you're pretty cool, i wouldn't mind being not kikes with you, if you wanna you can come over and smoke a few not menorahs of some dank not bitter herbs
I was acknowledging =]
But what if hondom is guaranteed regardless :(
maybe i was thinking of something else then. i remember he admitted to something of that nature during the debates saying as evidence towards one of his proposed policies
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...fine. Some more fodder.


Which is fine. I don't want a perfect president. What bothers me is when it's like, someone pointedly wrong for the job. There's really not a lot of good candidates this time around.
>I'd be rich too if x y and z!!
people always do this. I think this response comes from insecurity tbqh. people don't like giving credit to successful people because doing that would be somehow admitting that that person is better than them.

>trump is rich? well who cares he didnt earn any of it! he's dumb! he's no better than me!!

same thing happens if you mention a successful pop artist or something.
>I'd be famous too if i had producers writing my songs and autotuning my voice!!!
roighty-o, this story is going to rattle your tits to the bone

>realise im not fooling anyone anymore and i'm a woman
>go to GP in 2012 to ask what i'm meant to do
>GP freaks and i get referred to mental health services
>see a psych who tries to assess me for delusions/psychosis
>decide to give up on the whole being trans thing

>Decide in June 2015 I can't keep putting transition off
>start laser and buying stuff to self med hormones
>see new GP
>refers me to local gender psych 40 miles away
>gender psych says 'you young man are a stereotypical transsexual'
>refers me to Nottingham, said their clinic has a 6 month waiting list
>start self medding
>tell GP, who says i'm a naughty boy and its dangerous so i shouldn't
>ask for a script, GP says no
>continue laser privately, self medding
>get my nosejob done privately
>at 6 months of self med, inhouse messes up my order and won't deal with me anymore
>approach GP asking for a script in February
>does nothing
>says i should chase up my gender clinic referral and hope i get my appointment soon
>they say they should be seeing me by the end of 2016, they haven't had a 6 month waiting list in 2 years, its 12-14 months now
>GP still does nothing
>ask to see a local endocrinologist, GP says no
>get new GP, ask for script, he tries but wants to get some safety things sorted
>spend a few weeks sending angry letters to my doctor's surgery on having my girl name but still getting letters addressed to 'Mr' until they change it
>get hormone levels checked for the first time, hormone levels say I'm pregnant
>GP contacts my clinic to try and get my appointment sped up and for advice on prescribing
>clinic says don't give the script because it doesn't fit their pathway of treatment
>GP can't give me a script yet, end up crying hysterically in the surgery toilets for 30 minutes
>GP attempts to contact local endocrinologist for advice
>8 months mones, still self medding

thats where i am now. its a nightmare.
>tfw actual old money
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>how to be cute in pics?
clearly i dont know
Is the /mtfg tier list/ up to date??
god I love Danny Boyle, he needs to make more films with John Hodge
My family's rich, we had that money since the 19th century, what we don't do is pretend we're great at business while blowing a massive safety cushion on dumb failures.
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what is with melly is a kike meme?

I am going to go do something productive.

This is why I seldom ever post here. You faggots are horrible.
i'm not on it as 'below terrible'

nice get, i guess
not at all
>i'm not on it as 'below terrible'
>tfw the doctor thought I was ftm
because your name is mellyowicz goldbergstein
I should really just kill myself
Don't come back kike
This is pretty fucking infuriating, why the hell should you have to jump through all of these stupid hoops? Fuck your shitty doctors they should all lose their licenses.
this desu, but importantly in my case:
luckily I go to a uni and asked the people I know w/ mental health problems about their experiences with our local surgery until I found a name who lots of people attached to very positive experiences, and asked to see that doctor. She gave me the disability diagnoses I had been seeking from 5 different GPs beforehand on the first appointment after I showed her my OT report, diagnosed me with asthma too and agreed to grant me blood tests whilst I wait for the gender clinic referral. It depends heavily on the GP you get.
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hello it i, me




I like you and youre one of the few mtfs Id hang out with irl.
I'm sorry the anons bully you, I don't think you're a kike <3
Heya, how are you today?
Not sure if that's good or bad desu anon, if bad sorry and if good congrats!
Please don't anon, it's hard to transition because of assholes, but it's worth it in the end to not hate your body.
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naw I was in San Fran sissifying Faye for the weekend and being a homo, which I mean literally not only because of the transbian action but the fact that we went to a drag show yesterday. and when I say drag show I mean a gay club filled to the brim with sweaty stereotypes and a few queens occasionally performing lmao


I can imagine that would be pretty tough... but shim must be pretty eligible of so many girls wants to date heshe
they prob have nice hair and smell of rupaul brand perfume. no greasy hair and plenty of showers I'm sure. not that it always matters... <-<
>tell doctor about trans feels
>immediately get referred to local gic
>wait 3 months for first appointment
>get prescription and blood tests after first appointment

Get fucked you sandnigger.
Oh, it's you again! Hi!
hi there
because if you think being called a jew is insulting
you deserve to be insulted

t. owner of successful accounting business :^)
Wow, so many trips just suddenly coming in! Hi!
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fucking hell i thought it was gonna be a hard road ahead of me but i didnt think socialist tranny healthcare was gonna be that bad.

tfw poor and cant shell out on mones so will have to wait until hon age to start transition.
Back to gaygen you aids infested faggot
>Transition is one of the main driving forces in my life right now, if I didn't have it I would probably collapse. The promise of good things can be a strong motivator.
Are you me? I've lost 30 pounds, quit smoking/chewing, and quit kratom since coming out to myself and my girlfriend a month or two ago. I'm going to start working on some home business/internet marketing ideas I've had for awhile next. It's like I discovered a fountain of willpower I never knew I had once I figured out what my major malfunction was.

give me your kik senpai
it's mainly the trans clinic, which is one of the shittiest/backwards/most arbitrary standards in the whole of the uk (except Belfast) who say they won't go along with NHS amended guidelines on prescriptions when faced with self medication and long waiting times, because it doesn't fit their ideology of being some sort of hon-factory where womanhood is earned by suffering. desu these places are so backwards and they retain staff forever so most therapists have severely outdated views and modus operandi.

i only went with Notts because i was told the waiting list was shortest in the country. I was conned.
Just don't let them refer you to Leeds, the waiting time is 3.5 years and rising
most others are anywhere from 3-18 months but Leeds is utterly fucked because their main therapist died of old age or something and nobody replaced them for ages so there's a huge backlog
i feel warm

I'm Scottish. I'd be murdered sooner or later.

May as well overdose and try heroin
this desu
it can also be applied to mental healthcare across the board here, archaic attitudes are to blame for a lot of the problems. our physical healthcare is absolutely top-notch and some of the best on the planet but for mental health inc. trans stuff we're shit shit shit. We still have educational psychologists who think autism is caused by maternal neglect in childhood and shit.

Hello, yes, who are you??? . 3.


go change your pants
Oh shit a fellow Scot. Where about are you?
>me in ~3 years
that's not good :O u don't have flu do u?
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im assuming they tell you how long the waiting list is and dont hide the fact that its likely fuckin awful?
either way if I end up with one that has a waiting list of over 6 months im just gonna probably start dumping any cash i can get my hands on into estradiol and cypro or w/e
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i'll fuck you until you're torn and bleeding and then crush your head with rocks for not wearing hijab, all while shrieking arabic. you decadent western boywhore
So did you end up performing edie?
Fucking disgusting. Why did you post that?
every time you make your situation clearer, it sounds worse. and i know you handed your GP all of those best practice guidelines.

but yeah
there are a myriad of reasons why i'm not even trying withing the NHS infrastructure:

1) past experience with general mental health. i was admitted to A&E last year with deep self inflicted wounds. it took 9 days to see a member of the crisis team. the senior house officer psychiatrist was dismissive and instantly discharged me, deferring my to a CPN who immediately deferred me to an occupational therapist. no assessments, nothing, so i'd spend weeks meeting up with this OT and neither of us had anything to go off. it took 8 months to get another referral to a psychiatrist. the first i saw, another SHO, would not listen to my concerns and again, discharged me having given me a referral to a service i didn't want which i later found out had a 1 year waiting list anyway. attempted to self harm again, crisis team referral, another SHO, couldn't speak english, i basically used him to get the psych meds i knew would work for me given my history with SSRIs, turns out i know more about meds than him. saw the consultant psych, who i basically immediately fell out with over their refusal to take the advice of a private psychologist in referring me to the correct services (still not gender related btw), and her refusal to rigorously assess me.
2) gastroenterology. first sought help in 2013. still ongoing. got a letter for a follow-up appointment from a doctor who, last year, lost my H. pylori test results. wanker.
3) my mum is a GP and coming out as trans to her had me kicked to the curb and acrimoniously cut off from family quicker than you could say boo.

so fuck the NHS i can self med.
ohi teddy
Wait, Northern Ireland is actually ahead of Britain in something?

I'm also curious because I may be moving to Belfast in the future.
not wearing any

maybe idk
What the fuck is that neckbeard?
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Oh cool. I didn't know Faye was in SF. I might have bad both of you a visit if I knew that lol. I have a car and we could have went somewhere cool. SF is pretty horrible though. People say they love the culture, but all I saw there was a bunch of rich pretentious libtards. The castro is pretty bad too.

awww thank you

same desu.

I tend to stay away from other trannies unless they are non sjws and shit like that.

Most trannies are into that sort of shit so I keep them at arms distance.

No it isn't

I will come back, I need to shit post some times and recruit people to go live in my bug out community once I get it set up.

I don't have a kike, want my discord id?


Anyone can add me really, but I only shit post in the true capitalist radio chat.
noo ;~~;

u must buy lots of chicken soup
>true capitalist radio

I thought ghost died?
you could just make a thread and then post in it later as an anon. the mods delete them even if theres one still alive thats about to die
some random neckbeard who joined from the tinychat front page. he was insufferable
people who are trans in NI go to clinics in the mainland because Belfast clinic is that bad. desu most trans in NI just leave anyway because the whole place is shitty.

thats me senpai
I'm self meddling as soon as I can afford it, and I've been referred to Notts GIC.
There's no way I could get transferred because l live about only 30 minutes from the clinic.

Am I really fucked? Will they really doom me to hon-status and ignore NHS guides??
> shittiest/backwards/most arbitrary standards in the whole of the uk (except Belfast)
Can you read? NI is a shithole, if you meant it ironically, well, that's nothing to be proud of.
Trips I would hang out with:

thats it
w-what about carol

carol is good to hang out with
Did he get his tiny penis out on cam?
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Aberdeen. Soon to be in Glasgow though for the next few years
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If you started hrt after 18 you don't pass.

thanks for playing.

pic is me. I started at 19 and don't pass.

he came back and is shilling for trump. He starts his shows around 4pm cst

anyways I have to go now

bye faggots
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what kind of question is that?? frog
like honestly....of course I performed
I'm a drag superstar. this was my look, the theme was daytime realness


it was ok I mean I like the city but it's so expensive to live there. I was really just there to see Faye yknow lol
I feel like it'll be way better when I'm in Portland cause Portland is more fun and chill.
no he wasnt that kind of autist unfortunately
That's probably a bad idea, I'm a bit of a whore and Edie gets very very jealous.
finally off work for the day ^_^
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Trips I'd hang with:
can those of you who are going to Nottingham pls tell me who your consultant is?
What the fuck. This is too spoopy I'm in Aberdeen too.
actually you can choose anywhere since they closed a lot of smaller clinics back in 2012, leaving 7 main ones in the uk, with the smaller ones reduced to psychs who diagnose and refer onwards. you can literally go anywhere. i know a friend who lives in the midlands but she goes up to Glasgow for appointments
oh sweet jesus

I can call in right?

what about me
I know good places to eat
yeah understandable

Portland is meh desu.

Tons of sjws, but weed is legal and and tons of craft beer.

Oh no sales tax. I might be moving to portland soon or at the very least going to go visit. Some time after mother's day but most likely after june 6th or so. Maybe we can hang out and smoke a bowl. I am not too into pot though

>implying I have a habit of sleeping with trannies

I don't, I like dudes and trannies who own guns.

Okay now I am really out.
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Yah I was just stressed the whole weekend trying to be your boyfriend while getting misgendered, and all the competition to get anything to eat meant my brain didn't test the entire time
so that IS the case? tried to tell my GP I wanted to choose but she said we have to wait to see which clinic the referral process spits me out into
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When will cat calling stop or do I have to put up with this forever?
I have sigsaur 50 cal with a rail
>now I am really out
>she'll spend all day flouncing instead
please shoot me
>put up with
Yes, unfortunate as it may be, other human beings have the right to make noises.
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>get into hotel room
>you slam me against the wall and make out with me, then flip me around
>feeling my body up and biting my earlobe and neck
>rubbing my GT and my ass, pulling my hair
>"I've been fucking chicks since before you even started transitioning"

but you're so pure and innocent. why would you call yourself something so deviant?
>t. beta chaser
You're not going to get pussy that way
so when will scheduling our make out session

shut up, this is business. If anyone is ballsy to own an illegal California gun in sf then we must make out at least.
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Seriously tho. You're right.

Just stop taking estrogen
I'm trans I just hate retards who think that you need consent before you can compliment someone.
Catcalling isn't complimenting. Is it just jealousy or something?
that's shitty attitude but i did start before 18
desu you pass regardless, id read you as cis female and not think twice if this wasnt mtfg lmfao
The name on the letter from the GIC is Dr Bouman
Whether the name on the letter and who I will actually see are the same person is anyone's guess, judging by the current situation.

idk I like it there lots. what makes you wanna move? jobs?


ur the one who called urself a straight man the whole weekend telling everyone we were a hetero couple!!! ur lucky I didn't actually go for the 666 spanks
can someone make me a cute trip? I don't have a computer to run the generator ;_;

ill even take old ones you don't want
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i hit a cactus going 50 mph, my fucking arm stings
I think I never want to ride dirt bikes again, i'm sooo over it
a lot depends on the relationship the psych has to the clinic, my psych was good buddies with Notts but he did mention i could be referred elsewhere but it'd take longer

GPs won't have the sort of specialism or even know where clinics are. my GP thought Norwich still had a full clinic instead of a lone gender psych working out of mental health services out there one day a week
The catcalling I know of is just whistling, maybe there's other kinds I don't know of. The basic meaning behind it is "you're attractive," and although it's somewhat teasing it's still a compliment.

Why? I've been so excited but as it gets closer, panic.
>If you started hrt after 18 you don't pass.
ha! ty based genetics
ouch :( i hope you get better
Jeez Kayla, be more careful okay? Also, I thought you couldn't ride your bike anymore, how'd this happen?
Did it bleed?

watcha freaking out about?
Dr Walter 'Genderfascist' Bouman the Honmaker
rip cactus ;_;
kk my connection flight is leaving now be back in an hour and a half

...what the hell. I need to get !Akemi back anyway.
What do you want?
>tfw the weight never goes to the butt
>tfw it just disappears
what generator :?
shit is it that bad? can you tell me anything about him???
I'm scared now :^(
I have a few friends who live there that I saw in January. they can get me a job there too and I really like one of the guys. There are a lot of other reasons too, but that is the jest of it.
He sounds delightful ;_;

I have an online appointment to talk to someone about gender shit.
no, but its all under the skin and hurts like fuck, I also stapled the glove to my hand with needles and had to pull them out with a pair of pliers

I went riding earlier, last ditch effort to see if I still liked riding
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>tfw I wanna hold Faye down
iirc when I got my first letter, I think it was from the person who ended up becoming my primary consultant
Is that who you got?
I've never met another trans person from here, don't even see any at my gic. Are you on mones?
what poor soul got cropped from that photo

i'm sure their arm isn't part of your ship
You are really gross
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I should clean my dishes..
I want to suck you.
pic is me in boymode, what can i do
You should kill yourself
Voice, skincare, light makeup
Tell people you're a girl instead of telling them you're a boy.
you look great! age/how long hrt? longer hair would look nice on you but your current hairstyle is qt too!
>just whistling
well, its usually *smacks lips* AYY DAMN GIRL U FINE AS FUCC GET WIT A REAL NIGGA
Around blacks, don't relax
all i can say is that he won't follow nhs guidelines brought in '14-15 saying long waiting times, extreme distress and self medication should be met with a bridging prescription. his god is a leathery 50 year old man in a dress holding a billboard depicting the NHS pathway for hormones and surgery. he doesn't like androgynous names because they indicate 'not putting enough effort into transition' even if you're fulltime and passing, and of you don't show up in ridiculously over the top feminine clothes and drag style hair and makeup, he judges you for it, because 'come dressed however you feel comfortable' is a loaded sentence which implies if you don't show up full femme, you're uncomfortable being a woman.

lmfao my phone flipped the pic, sry abt that
pls respond
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>trips dating each other
>thinking its a good idea
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I need to go through some NHS mental health clinic fuckery before i get a referral to """make sure""" im a tranny. do you think if i go along and just be really pushy that im not on the fence and pretty much try to bully for a referral it'll go better than sitting and smiling through dumb irrelevant questions but playing along?
I am pre mones but self medding come September and getting it all done in Glasgow during uni

Me neither. It's nice to know of the another mtfgr in the country.
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>tfw guns are illegal

part of me wonders what you're like in bed..
it worked out for
wiz and angie
swg and epi
adolf and me

pretty sure its a good idea

whatever you do youll probably have to wait years.
>kayla being logical
Genuinely surprised desu
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Goddammit I missed the fourth reich thread
did it once, would consider again, mtfg doesn't even know about it
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so sad
IDK, I'm stuck in a similar situation, just without any appointments for the last four months ;-;
me and Aife are a dream team of tempering each other's weak points, supporting each other and sickening cute love
all good things must pass

the white race included

the fourth reich is a spiritual reich

channel the nazi devas

we shall join them in the next realm
yeah lmfao my voice is my worst trait
im wearing some makeup in that pic tho
do i actually pass enough for that?
thank you!!
6 weeks hrt/18 yo
my hairs up in that pic, but im thinking about growing it out rn, ty!
something cute like cupcake or cutie? are those doable? ik the generator can be a bit wonky

tripcode generator!

I hope it goes well!
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>Tfw never be an adorable pet
Why live?
your boyf was not a trip here???
get out
You are a pair of disgusting T raging hons
>all good things must pass

that explains a lot about all the mean spirited bitches here then ayy
but he was...
read what I type
Flexible strong smart responsive passionate giving with excellent endurance
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oh boy
thanks for the info anyways
imma gonna go ice my arm, see ya later mtfg
its jesus and hes weeping
I did, I'm disagreeing with you because I'm a passive aggressive bitch

Did you honestly meet him here? And he tripped as Adolf???
you kids b cray
Mostly yes. Just work voice, it won't be perfect anyway before you've been ft with it for a bit.
sounds like a challenge ;]
CuTieBT.pc <= #6-+4Y)+$

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>told two weeks before letter comes about first appointment

wonder if theres potential in the alternate route for poor people in having rich cucks ship me drugs if they think im qute
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Straight transgirl hour
best hour
>tfw no bf
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Fell better Kalya! /^_u_^\
im in t b h
yeah, he came here to troll from /pol/ for a while. I trolled back and he liked that. he was unsure if he even wanted to date a tranny, but eventually we talked, met up a few times etc.
damn that was fast! What abt cupcake? (Also test)
why can't everyone just accept they like both sets of genitals

You know, end of the day I'm pretty sure I'm bi, may even be male-leaning.
>all good things must pass
I'm good. Why don't I pass?
Good, where's my free bf?
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desu couldn't be further from the truth, titch can't even naturally T levels and literally only needed to get rid of beard to pass. you couldn't call aife masculine either, even if she has a bit of a glam rock gollum vibe.

Sophie and cheska too
New trips?
Hope you feel better Kayla

Transbian thread now
Anyone else notice people treating you different after you get srs?
I have a friend who suddenly after having srs started to discredit all of my opinions and knowledge on any subject and openly scrutinises it. He just started going it when I got srs and its night and day
Best of luck to you. I'm a little sad that you're moving away from here, it's a lonely place for us.
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what if I'm bi but mostly into guys?
Tfw never bf
that's the most romantic thing I've ever heard
I hope you two last forever<3
Oh right, I was just going for boys

yes. people now see me way more like a girl even if they know I am just good at pretending
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this desu girls and guys are gr8
its ok, hrt will cure you soon enough
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sure, who else likes till?

Naw, I've been around


nCupcAKEYM <= #CU,v80j*

Still generating.
good girl
gross. Not just because that'll make her abs smelly. Also because those aren't shredded abs, and because women shouldn't strive for shredded abs
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no men must be eliminated desu
its kinda funny considering I was addicted to pills at the time, anorexic, terribly anxious and depressed. he basically pulled me out of that hole. he also moved in with me back then. suicide watch, I guess.
that was in fall 2013 :3
absolutely revolting, i hope the TERFs sort you out for being such a useful idiot.
I wish femgen was more active
tfw the only penises that ive touched are attached to the boys that molested me and my own
i generate secure trips
I would say lets meet up. Since it's only uni and I'll be back and forth throughout the year.

But me being dysphoric and paranoid in the closet now would make me far too scared to discuss the topic so close to home.

Maybe in a year I might be ok.

I'll add you on Skype if you want. It would be nice to stay in touch with other scots.
>tfw the only penis I've touched is my father's
>being indoctrinated by the patriarchy
but then there'd be no femboys ;~~;
i am new trip ya

>Caring that much.
who? his face is a bit long for me desu.
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Guten Abend Damen und "Damen"
sneezing is the only joy I have left in life.
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I'm still with him after 2 years and 4 months
Tfw no one will lovingly murder u and end ur suffering
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yeah. idk though the idea of being in a relationship with a girl feels kind of weird. But maybe im just projecting insecurities and forcing myself to be more into guys than I am?
tbqh its all one confusing clusterfuck

idk f a m I'm already overwhelmed by lewd feels,
I need a bf.
maybe dick will cure me of lesbo thoughts :^)
Hey coffe u r cool and Asian
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I wish they had won
oh? I thought you got together before we did?

its been 2 years and 7 months for us
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I will murder your negative feelings
grow up. you're like every other radfem or mgtow who didn't age mentally past the age of 7 to realise that moralising about how either men or women are unanimously evil and/or fundamentally flawed, or how either men or women are so much more repressed than the other in any given way, is absolute bs.

Rammstein frontman. i kinda like his longer face.

i had the misfortune of being brought down to england when my parents divorced. still trying to return but yeah if you wanted another skype contact?
>talk with someone about the mental health exercise the group did
>she goes on about the patriachy and capitalism

I fucking swear to god D____D
Maddie you are too perfect for me to kill, but if someone does kill you I would like to defile your corpse
Boys are smelly
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anti kokko 3.jpg
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Hi mtfg
Post musical artist crushes
I think Antti Kokko is cute

no you don't.
she needs some dick
That's as straight as most trannies get, so straight

>tfw his dick rubs against the small of your back
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Oh that kinda puts him up a few points, musicians are hot, especially angry/unfiltered ones.
shit, they're the other way I think I dunno I think they said non binary..?? .__.
Wow, who would have expected pol would have had a heart.
when you write your memoirs be sure to give us all the details
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I advocated gassing you all last year.

Now look where I am. Planning my own transformation into a dick sucking tranny degenerate.

I love you all.
sorry :(
I love you <3

most actually have. the outrage on /pol/ was real when refugees tried to stone 2 trannies a few months ago. they care more about us than leftists.

I have a couple more if you're interested
44 minutes remain...
Parker Faye please response
sophie im tired let me use your boobs as a pillow to rest upon
girls can have dicks
boys can have dicks
she needs some dick
he needs some dick
they need some dick
choose one from each well of knowledge
I pissed off some mgtows and they made a video at me using a strawman argument..
it was fun c:
Its okay anon.
You are loved.
I think
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No. Just an Anon from /pol/ who thought it would be fun to raid you and then it backfired on my psyche
I am actually I'm gunna save them all :3
np desu
actually the birth of capitalism was kinda to blame for one thing. the standardising of the monetary system as well as the division of labour, meant that the value of a person's work was more clearly quantified.
from the get-go, the capitalist system devalued the work of home-makers and child raisers and is in part responsible for the downfall of traditional family values, the increase in divorce rates and the devaluing of the institution of marriage, lower birthrates in more economically developed countries etc.


he's hella manly
(skip 3 mins in)
the rest of the band give off this "o-oh i'm just playing the guitar don't mind me" vibe, there's this raw energy that till gives off like he'd dom the living hell out of you.
>sophie im tired let me use your boobs as a pillow to rest upon

okay :3
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Yeah I don't think I could cope with meeting someone from here quite yet either, I'm awkward as fuck and have a shitty voice. Don't have a Skype but I guess I could make one.
its not abnormal though
ive wasted like 2500$ on this game over the course of 4ish years .-. b-but at least i have all the champions and at least 1 skin for them ;_;
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yo qt sup hiya
r u an isla related ur trips r the same
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if you're not going to kill me then at least come h-hold my hand o-ok...
Another one?
Wow you guys are pathetic.
yay <3
I've spent $4000 over since basically beta.
Hai <3
no we just share trips :3
>agp the image
Oh he is kinda hot. The picture you posted made me think he was a skinny hipstery type.
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B-but Jews are the most pathetic desu
how do u even have 4000 to spend o-o;;
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aww yee I got my therapist letter today, I've got everything I need for my appointment this week now. At least feeling good about that will distract me for the anger I'm feeling for my lab partner right now
i like the combination
"skinny hipster vibe" face with a built, muscle-bear body
by anon-kun~
I fucking love this image.
I cleaned golf clubs
Good luck!!!
\\\ -~ ^WxW^~- ///
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>spending money on video games
Im ultra pleb :3

>/pol/ AryanKnights
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I got gommunists too.
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Pretty much
I just text chat anyway. Because muh anxiety

Im trying to practice voice since its early days for me
>Friend rarely replies to me anymore
>Don't even think about starting conversations with me
>Would rather do things with anyone else than me

What did I do this time... it's the same thing every fucking time. I make a friend, we get along very well for some weeks, do a lot of things together, talk a lot, I start caring about them and wanting to know them and think I've got a lasting friendship ahead. Then out of nowhere, it happens.

They stop really having any enthusiasm when I talk to them. I can see that they're all funny and silly with their other friends but they're just uninterested with me and I can barely keep the conversation alive because I'm the only one trying to have one. They'd rather start conversations with anyone but me. Slowly but surely, they start leaving me aside like I was a mistake of a friend.

Am I really that fucking uninteresting? Should I start just being a dick to people? Because every time I actually give a shit about someone they just slowly stop caring about me until I'm just an annoyance they only put up with because they feel obliged.

I don't think I'm being paranoid either, I've seen this pattern happen to me over and over again.
>I cleaned golf clubs
Wanna clean my golf club bb?
I hate myself more than I hate you
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>"trans women are exactly the same as regular women"
false, my dick feels better in you than a strapon will
one time i saw a cis woman shaped like me but it didnt make me feel any better and in fact i just felt really bad for her
take me with you
Are you being tooneedy, anon?
what sort of things do you talk about?
are we talking irl or online conversations?
Idk how to say this anon
but like
you have bad luck in friends it seems.
ah its not fun
they can look the same.
but its on a rare occasion.
Please do not die tripfriend.
>look in mirror
>see Angie, pre-transition
>be ftm
w-well at least I pass, right?
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I actually would hang out with everyone on that list
>tfw anon wants to meet up with you too
That actually made me laugh.
You are way too harsh on yourself madds.
>ah its not fun
well to be fair I don't like people touching my golf club anyways..
So you look like Stephen King?
I wonder if all the Stephen King comments are what finally drove her to get ffs
so is that an app that guesses your age and gender?
are you a sixty two year old female?
an intersex cat was borned
if you are trans and live in that area pls adopt the cat :3
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>tfw your waifus arent posting
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Well, this it. The hour is at hand. Wish me luck...I think I'm going to throw up.
I certainly hope not. It really didn't help her all that much mentally speaking.
>Coffee will be a hon

Just online, but online friends are the only friends I have so welp. We usually talk about common interests, things we both know about, I try to ask them a bit about their lives when I can, sometimes I tell them some things about mine... regular stuff for friends I'd say.

I don't think I'm too needy, all I ask is to be treated like another friend, not like an annoyance. I'm not asking to be with them all day or something, I'm just asking that when we do talk/do things, they treat me like a friend, not like a chore. The problem might be that I care too much about them and I'm sort of a chameleon, I pick up things from them pretty easy. They might find that boring or something I dunno.

I think I'm just fucking done with people though. Every single time, every single fucking time. Why do I need friends if they're always going to leave me. Sure I'll be a bit miserable because being completely alone isn't good for mental health, but being left aside like a piece of trash isn't much better either.
who are your waifus?
oh now i get it, you'r a person
I was just straight up denied a bottle of wine because they didn't believe I was over 21. I guess I need a new drivers license photo, its not even humorous anymore. Hrt isn't just making me a girl, its making me younger.
good luck, get them skittles

you're waifus are probably shit
iktf I'm not even recognizable from my licences photo
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Man I have the best waifus
Top tier perfect

I am so far from Skittles. This is just a first appointment, getting to know each other, etc.
I'll be ur online friend anon :3

How often do you talk to them?
You might be imagining some of peoples lack of interest in you(or you might be genuinely annoying), I have a bit of the same problem. Even it should be entirely clear that someone enjoys my company I'm always worried they don't.
>Started HRT a 18y/o masculine balding male with slight gynecomastia
>six months later, became a 16y/0 masculine balding male with significant gynocomastia and erectile dysfunction

ayyy lmao
Well she couldn't get any worse in that department desu
im bad at names but theyre the most qt
I am not a normal person.
Even disregarding that I'm trans I'm still fucking weird.

I will be alone forever.
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I made the thing
>started hrt at 25 as a trained warrior of steel
>one year later I look like a 17 year old girl with stubble
post pics or gtfo
that doesn't tell us anything x~x
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>tfw will never meet Erin
Going in.
iktf. after the new id with name/gender/photo changed all is well. definitely do it asap
mtfg theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pehuGVkNihI
Pretty often, mostly when we're both online and we're both doing nothing. And save both of us the time, I don't want new friends and no one remains my friend anyways, I'm an expert in driving people away and I don't even know why.

I want to think that I'm imagining it, I really do. But it's happened 3 times already, all of them I thought "stop being silly just go talk to them and stop being paranoid". What happened all 3 times? They just left me or started hating me. Currently I'm in the middle of it happening for a 4th time but not if I leave first.
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Uh whaaaaaat?

It didn't

Are you sure or is this the BDD talking?

>started as a manly man
>ended as a manly man
She literally opens with just "hi."
This is okay.
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my waifus will know if theyre my waifu or not
lmao are you live posting during your therapy

>hang on doc
>does captcha
fuck off angie, you pass
same senpai, idk, just emphasise the things that you think are signs you fit the narrative they're looking for

like, people always bitch at me about how aspergers makes people have poor sense of identity and have discomfort with their bodies anyway, so apparently being a sperg makes me not really trans... but all the things I like about my body are feminine traits, and all the things I dislike are male traits, without exception. so I'mm gonna emphasise that when they bring it up. that kinda thing. that's what I'm gonna do, anyway.
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>october 2014
>posters had several full sentence conversations per post and and multiple (you)'s
>may 2015
>posters had several full sentence conversations per post and and multiple (you)'s
>april 2016
>yahoo messenger style memeversations with 0-1 (you)'s unless you are baiting, attacking or whoring yourself out
explain this
it doesnt take that many appointments, and every step is another towards the goal.

im a very strange person and manage anon. what makes you so weird?

that song is terrible. i was actually thinking that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o0WYiK52Dg would be a good song to represent the average mood here
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cutest fucking pokemon

She's an incredibly slow typist and I babble when I'm nervous so having an outlet is nice.
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You wanna fight?
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mfw we're all gonna make it

btw the first successful meeting of the mtfg bdd club was great and everyone had a lot of fun!
oh another comparison between physical and mental health care in the UK-

was referred to a physiotherapist (for dyspraxia) and a psychiatrist (for there clearly being something deeply wrong with me mentally) during the same appointment

got the physio letter in last Friday, about 3 weeks later. still no word on the psych appointment and it's possible I'll have finished my degree and moved elsewhere before I get an update.
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whale cum 2 hell bb grrl
itz only gettin worse ;^)))
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If you're talking to them pretty often that could be the thing, though. Trust me, it happens with people I know. Try spacing out the conversations, like leave it a few days and whatever and ask them whats up, then they should have more to talk about.
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this is a cute kitty

So, this is your new identity, Noelle.
just ordered a pizza
fuck yes
dae miss the old days xD

I'll say.
that is a cute kitty. i just have a cute puppy, i kind of miss having a cat.
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>tfw been lazy as fuck the weeks before my surgery
>3 days away from being an eunuch and im too lazy to do anything
explain this!

I ate a pizza today.
>tfw finally part of the tranny pizza party
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oh dear
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i want my (you)'s back right now
fuck you

seriously, fuck you and everything you represent. Jesus christ.

call the whole thing off
on the bright side youll probably be looking forward to moving more after a few days of enjoying pain pills
got kik?
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>my friend is still trying to convince me to wear a skirt
Why do you need a friend to convince you? What's wrong with wearing a skirt?
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im stocked up with snacks, weed, estrogen, pain pills, internet access, and xanax so its gonna be ok

>needing to be convinced to wear a skirt
I guess that anon who thinks I somehow raped kira despite her living on the other side of the world, being a virgin and the fact that I would never do that ever is back
I'm going to disappear for a while
you would look cute in one probably

set for life

good luck with the surgery flakes

Skirts are pretty damn awesome, IMO
Why should you have to leave on account of an anon? Anons are cowards, don't worry about us.
I don't have money
why dont you wear one? theyre really comfy

every time ive ever had surgery i ate a shit ton of pudding. you sound ready though, might want to make sure its close to the bed. walking sucks for a while. a jock strap and ice pack helps too

thats what goodwill is for
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In short;
Because people felt rewarded for carrying on conversations, knowing that they actually help someone with their posts and not just their words fade in to the 404 void.

Then the kayla syndrom kicked in and no one felt good about giving advice to people who ignored it or came back next week asking the same thing again or just being repetitively mean to others for no reason.

Now days mtfg is like shell, some of the old posters come in to give notice that they are still alive and trying but for the most part I see people turning in here not knowing where to go or what to do and the few who are left are too tired to help out.
Well that sucks :c Could you borrow one from your friend?
how's that repression treating ya?
>there are 15 year old cis girls listening to this rn
she's mine
who wants to give me hydro?
if you ever get the money for one
and you get one
pls get one
She doesn't live nearby
whats hydro

>more comfortable than pants
>qt af
>if you get a flowey kind you can spin around and feel like a Disney princess and make a nice circle

the benefits just keep coming
what surgery?
a form of opiate.
i liked adding cool people from here and the tinychat on skype and hanging out. this thread doesnt seem like its too helpful for that many people lately. it was way more comfy a while back though
yes! i spent forever driving around looking for one and i finally found a stupid jockstrap thingy for 10 year olds that fit @_@
>yes this is for my brother

im ready to weather the apocalypse at this point tho... for about a week...
Orchi I'd assume
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not anymore
>shit ton of hair comes out while shampooing
>Post shower hair brushing
>76 hairs lost in a single brushing

Will all this shit just fall out already so I can go ahead and kill myself
are they?

Ive honestly never worn one

oh nice

opiates sound nice
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i always thought this was the mood here desu...
addiction and rehab is also pretty nice i hear
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g'morning mtfg :D :D
How's everyone doing?

(btw reading through last thread and for the record, I never drop trip)
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what are good clothes every trutrans tranny should own/i need a decent wardrobe what kinda stuff should i get? i pretty much only buy cute jumpers and forget to get other stuff lmao
they are very nice
trip on pan

Why does anyone even wear pants desu
>Halfway through
Rainbow socks meme
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kitty dont care if u a man faced hon
>i never drop trip she says
I mean I believe you, but youre really not helping your case

probably dresses and accessories

Hydro is a really, really weak one, though.

I'm wearing pants right now because all my skirts are dirty
It's scary that I feel the same way sometimes
cheap too.
i prefer oxy.
kitty face is squish
kittys dont care about a lot of things

thats why they're the best
scarves, appropriate shoes (no 5" platform heels for daily wear), classy blouses/tops, age appropriate jeans (don't wear ripped shorts if you're 28)

literally laughing my ass off this is hilarious, i honestly don't drop trip though, i just genuinely forgot it that time.
;P it was kinda funny though, lol
>i liked adding cool people from here and the tinychat on skype and hanging out. this thread doesnt seem like its too helpful for that many people lately. it was way more comfy a while back though

I've been on this board since day one, I haven't really befriended anyone from /mtfg/, although I wished I had, but I did manage to meet one of my neighbors on /gayg/ somehow.

I miss the old days when all we had to care about was /pol/ raids and potc, and then the thread just started to die out on itself I guess.
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Believe me, you don't want to do this.

You'll go down.
It's true though. I really don't even know what to say but it just came to mind. A lot of posters l liked to talk to left because they couldn't handle how bad and boring it had gotten, and they were even used to occasional drama.
Do you have a Steam or Discord?
You on moans yet?
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pan always drops trip to back her own paranoid arguments it's really obvious and cringeworthy.
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i'm massively jealous
>>Post shower hair brushing
just run your hands through your hair, brushing your hair while wet is really bad for it, also try to turn heat down in the shower when you're washing.
you might consider taking a biotin suplement or hairfinity to give you healthier/stronger hair though.
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thanks for decent answer, chum
already on board that meme train
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plenty of people listen to advice, though plenty of people also completely ignore it to just self deprecate more. theres still nice conversation possibility thouh

it took me forever to find one too, eventually i managed to find one at some local sport supply store and they actually commented on how rare it is for anybody to buy one. and you should be up and about after a week, maybe you could even shower by then

what shampoo do you use? if you cant afford nicer stuff you could also try not shampooing, its pretty popular with a lot of girls.

if you really want to just feel bad than literally any crywank song is the way to go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAFk0cu6gJs

because sometimes pants look better with an outfit

you should buy a couple pairs of decent girl jeans and some female tops to start, then you can expand as you discover what fashions you like. making sure you have decent clothes that fit well and suit your body is a huge part of looking good. i wish i could find a better image to illustrate the point but this one will do
Yep. Started balding when I was around 14-16, it's been pretty slow, but I'm pretty sure I can't stop it, especially with how much hair I've been shedding lately. It's not all too big of a deal tho. I'll just kill myself whenever too much of it is gone.
Grace meet Birdy... =[
was at this wuterfall an hour ago

was so wet
Don't know why I quoted the word "jumpers" lol
literally, there's never been a single case that i've dropped trip and every single time someone claims that I do i've posted screenie showing i didn't >,< like EVERY SINGLE time.

The thing is that I don't need to drop trip or have anyone back me up to wreck some tranny chaser cuck. People just see what I say and agree, lol, so they back me up. You just can't accept that i'm actually correct.
You and your cancerous group of fat autistic friends are responsible for turning this thread to shit.
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sure thing Pan
>You just can't accept that i'm actually correct.
I think the only correct thing I've ever seen you say in the 4 months I've been here is "I'm a huge cunt"
i hope!
mwahaha its free with my insurance too (they just rolled out this crazy plan change this year for trannies) as is srs, ffs, and pretty much any tranny procedure you can think of. ty blue cross blue shield illinois thru boeing
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>tfw you'll never be a cis monster
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>not suggesting a wet hair comb
do you even girl?
>tfw muff will never help you do your makeup
>tfw she will never take you to buy hiking boots
>tfw ywn go /out/ with muff.
i was on the train today.
i was on 2 trains today
both times i sat across 2 women with more brow bossing than me

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>cis monster

thats a funny way of spelling "normal person"
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kill me
you really aren't fooling anyone, princess.

no one else here gets so mad they forget how to type, no one spams passive aggressive emojis when they're pissy like you do and no one else here throws around "beta" and "cuck" as much as you do.

Your screenshots mean literally nothing, a second in paint can remove any (you).

I get that you're a spoiled little brat from a rich family but come on, accept some responsibility for once in your miserable life.
Wigs exist silly, and there are plenty of girls that use them. There are also creams and gels to replace missing hair, although they each have their drawbacks. Good luck with your hair
do not take advice from an agp hon

i am surrounded by gambels quail and i am luring them towards me with thier calls
I was so happy the first time I got to see a waterfall after moving here, I really love mountainous areas now.

you shouldnt comb your hair at all after you wash it, regardless of the type of comb. after its dried enough to only be very mildly damp then you use a wet hair comb to help work in a light hair mask
Whatever you think of them, a lot of the people I hung out with changed the way this place went. It doesn't mean I agreed with a lot of their decisions. Also maki, booger, and a lot of others were changing this place well before that.

tl;dr I'll guess I'll just have to make it up to you anon.
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I wish I was cis and the only thing I could complain about my body is being pressured to shave
I guess pan is trying to cover her ass again? I have her filtered
Fuck you, a wet hair comb is something every one growing their hair out needs. You are a stuck up piece of shit fetishist.
Nah, I don't think I'm fit for living the life of a girl with severe male pattern baldness. I wasn't meant for the trans life, I'm just giving it a try so I don't die wandering if things could have turned out alright.
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>tfw you'll never be a normal person
>rich family
>single mom
>high school teacher
>disowned at 18 when I came out

>screenshots mean literally nothing
whatever, nothing else i can do to prove that it wasn't me, but say that it wasn't.

>gets so mad they forget how to type
i wasn't mad, haha. i get excited, for me it's just fun to shit talk chasers.
>It's true though. I really don't even know what to say but it just came to mind. A lot of posters l liked to talk to left because they couldn't handle how bad and boring it had gotten, and they were even used to occasional drama.

This place getting boring was inevitable though, trans discussions get repetitive and daily life stuff can be found elsewhere that doesn't involve a 80% neet population.

>theres still nice conversation possibility thouh

occasionally yes
Muff passes better than you and isn't even on hormones
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>when ur gf tries to feed u
my fave anon is here yay :3

I wish you were wearing a thong right now so i can spank your butt.
>come back
>thread is still a disaster
Let's not kid ourselves, you'd find something.
Hey Kayla, just wanted to say you're a cutie :3
It's not though
Muff is a jerk to me so fuck him and you.
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>I wish I was cis
i want to die lmao
thongs are gross and youd have to be near me irl to do that

also thats a lame excuse to not spank someone
Tfw male skeleton
It starts with one thing i dont know why it doesnt even matter how hard you try
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I'm in yume's discord
think ur in it too
get fat plz
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Save us Elanna. : (

Give her to me then.
You are a fucking loser elliot
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crywank is really good, but bunny the girl is really slept on desu. essential crycore
>I'm in yume's discord
post link or pm me invite on skype ty
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Eyyy derpanna.
I guess it's more interesting when you are actively involved in the disaster.
got kik?
trip on muff
don't you have a diaper to eat? you sick twisted fuck
And it's done.
That was actually pretty nice.
elanna hi
its for yumes friends only :v
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very good point

I always find something to complain about, apparently

I can just tell her to send it to you senpai
Poor baby, is that why you're such a bitter cunt? I think you need to learn not to take your own problems out on other people, maybe you'd be liked a little more.

And you're right, and your word regarding the matter is worthless because we all recognize your speech pattern.

It might be fun for you because you're an angry little girl, but all you're doing is inciting drama and stirring up shit.
Pls don't cry.
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ew diapers

also nice t rage up in here fgts
>its for yumes friends only :v
you have made a powerful enemy today
I'm glad it went well.
stfu you are a fucking hon

you try to be someone you are not by exaggerating and stereotyping

you are literal human filth

so beautiful here. check out vancouvertrails and hikingaddiction

so much places to see
okie ty
I'm not muff.

Kill yourself you fat piece of shit. You are the biggest hon in this general
Actually, I take that back, it's just back to baseline rumblings and shitposting

I'm not though ?__?
How's life, go on any good runs lately?

I don't know how ;~;

Nope, sorry ;~;

Sup isla?
Please stop fighting everyone, can we have a happy thread?
im just saying like she doesn't like adding people she isn't close to.
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fuck you

i'm leaving
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go outside everyone, lol X]
hi cutie
dont leave kayla you are a nicer person now and dont deserve this
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Honestly pan I don't like or dislike you but you have a very toxic and hateful attitude towards everyone who doesn't agree with you and I think it's something you need to work on.

we all need to love each other
I can't tell which one you are lol
Yeah and don't even think of coming back you slimy piece of SHIT
do you pronounce your name 'eye-la' ive been wondering that for a while actually
dont worry about anon missing their dose of spiro senpai its all just bants in the end
Did you draw that yourself?
I @ u ...
Sorry that people are treating you like shit for no justifiable reason right now Kayla. : \
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>tfw started hormones at 20
>tfw they didn't stop the development of my crimson chin and brow bossing even further
i thought you weren't supposed to age as a man if you are on hormones. was this a hon meme too?
wtf i dont know if you are friends
Eye-luh more like
but yuh ~
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4 years ago

>muh waifhu



do it for me cuz im a girl

Can i smell your butt?
>was this a hon meme too?
Nope. Just unlucky or wasting your time self-medding with fake meds.
get that once you can afford it
don't spoil it for me haha, spotting more masculine cis women is one of my fave pass-times!

also, /mtfg/ in a nutshell:

'andbags ladies!
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>tfw nobody is ever fooled by a poor man in drag anymore
i want off the manliness ride. ribcage reduction surgery when????????
It might depend on what levels of estrogen and testosterone you had, were you getting blood tests done? It might also just have been bad luck in terms of genetics unrelated to hormone levels. Either way, I'm sorry that that's been happening to you. : \
funny how no one gets onto muff for attacking kayla out of the blue
I really hope that's not true. like, i don't samefag, i dk, I'll try and work on it though, thanks.

I know I'm definetely brutally toxic to chasers, probably more than I should be. I try and be civil and kind to everyone else, but I'll do my best to improve.
I dont think i enjoy her voice very much, more than what would be usual for this sort of song. still nice though

thats very good. whens the next appointment?

I live in Maine, there's literally amazing scenery everywhere. We make it up to Canada on some hikes though, my gf really wants to hike the international Appalachian trail before we move, but this elevation shit kills me still so itll be a few years.

i voted succulent just because i dont know what those other things are.
Kayla is muh long lost childhood friend :^_)
Muff passes. Kayla doesn't.

Super simple stuff.
I wanna rawdog and cum inside bareback into a tranny's girlhole
*teleports behind u*
that's normal.
you shouldn't be, bird is actually a very nice guy and there are a lot more people that like him than hate him.

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who is that
they're cute
if u can tell me
whether this gpu will fit my mobo then yeah
GTX 970
Pegatron 2AC2
also my psu is kinda low 450 watts idk senpai
isn't that a pretty bad double standard though? you saying every one who doesn't pass needs to be picked on?
I think they were being ironic, pretty sure Kayla passes far better than muff.
Don't you dare
Kayler has been the go-to punching bag for the last, oh, six years or so (and for a good reason). Get with the program newfag.
Rude tdesubh
Molly from Star Racers
and to add to this, you should get to know him before you label him as just another chaser, I know there's been a lot of drama revolving around him lately but that isn't entirely his fault.
>neither are perfect
>both spend too much time online

no thank you =/
That is exactly what I'm saying
quail here are so funny, they just run down the path when thry see you.

calls fail to lure them

also watch this big ass bug gettjng mauled by ants. camera could not focus

yeah fuck off asshole
you dont pass if your voice or body doesnt pass
if u do u better clean that shit UP


I would drag my dick through a mile of broken glass just to smell your fart from a mile away.
pl don't get a 970........
but there are 970s that are made for small boards tho.
looks like ezreal desu
I would actually kill you
>bird is actually a very nice guy
i'm sure he is as a friend, but often outside of their public and social spheres people can change drastically in relationships and like, people prone to be abusive are often really good at making people like them so the victim doesn't have friends to turn to and ends up feeling isolated. also
I've been friends with Grace for month and knew exactly how the 'relationship' if you'll call it that evolved. Maybe I should get to know him, but i'm bias, cause Grace is my friend and I knew how he made her feel.
can't you leave kayla alone?

don't be gross anon
It's that time again...
why dont you fuck off
Uhm, honey, you do know that if you get on mones it will stop your MPB, right?So hurry up before you lose anymore.
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