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Gay General: Vacation edition

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 78

last thread >>6040283

tinychat com/notgaygen

Where would you like to vacation, gaygen?
First for jews are master race and goyim are only good as sissy cumdumps
>Where would you like to vacation, gaygen?
Machu Picchu. They're closing it for 20 years soon for conservation purposes, so if I don't go soon I'll be in my 40s the next opportunity I get (unless I seduce an archaeologist or something). My mate's Peruvian and is all about us going on holiday there, but I doubt I'll have the money anytime soon.
That being said, if I *did* manage to scrape together some money, my friend has invited my to visit him in Lebanon (he's half Lebanese and going to go stay with his father for a year or so after uni) so maybe that.
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Fourth for life in a northern town
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Is there any fuuka/archive online that has /lgbt/ threads archived?
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>anywhere isolated from human involvement or development
Miami, I've read that over 50% of the gay population in Miami is HIV +

9th for good taste in music

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>gay baiting this hard
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you call that good taste?
neo nazi filth please go
what is gay baiting?
do those vibrating egg things work good on prostates.
you fags actually enjoy putting your penis in another man's butt, huh?
I mean guys are hot but that's pretty gross.
tfw obvious effeminate gay
tfw probably get gay bashed / murdered / raped if i travel anywhere outside of the west + e asia
>death grips
hello 2011
I'd like to vacation some nice, chilly, and comfy. Like a small town in BC or north western US.

http://4archive.org/board/lgbt/ is another one, but stopped archiving a few months ago
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you could put on a bee keeper costume and slut up in Dubai

Would not suggest Lebanon right now. I have family in Israel say Lebanon is bad now and very crowded like Jordan with refugees.
>jewish thinks jewish people are suprior to all over races
>calls me a nazi

You're just a living contradiction aren't you?
you must have no life

no wonder why you don't have a boyfriend
are you supposed to pull back your foreskin when you put on a condom?

do you really put a drop of lube in the tip?
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Oh joy. Here comes the aura and there goes the rest of the day.
it is funny bc i have had men from that part of the world hit on me before
there is a lot of double think when it comes to homosexuality in islamic culture
could probably go to iran and tranny it up burqas look pretty comfy t b h
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I won't play mindgames. I just want to hear he loves me as much as I love him. These days I feel jealous when I see him being happy even with his sister.

I am a sick person I probably should be single.
As an in-the-closet homosexual, how do I try and start relations with my friend that bisexual without making things weird if he is not interested?
get him drunk
blow him
then tomorrow ask for an apology
get drunk
flirt with him
>get him drunk
>"you know, I always wondered what penis tastes like"
Nobody in their right mind would date someone in the closet, because the emotional baggage that comes with that is too much (you're someone's dirty little secret) and closetfags always cause drama. You can fuck them, though, as long as you make sure to minimise the drama potential, so you might get a fuckbuddy out of this.
Normally what would happen in this situation is that you would preposition your friend in some way like "Hey, you want to fool around some time?" or something like that and if they're like no, you can just be like "Oh, fair enough. Got any single friends you could hook me up with?" and move on and it wouldn't be awkward, but obviously since you're in the closet you've overthought this. Also you're not going to be able to both stay in the closet to your friend and try it on with your friend, so swallow that bitter pill now. Any attempt at going "lol bro I'm straight I was just joking" is not going to work.
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heart to heart talk with him. Mention a hypothentical relationship with him if you two get too old and are still single, etc. if he wasn't a good friend he wouldn't be open to an altimatum
How old are you? Both optional...
No, you're not supposed to pull back your foreskin because then it can dislodge the condom during sex
its not gay if you top and the bottom is effeminate desu. it is common in all middle eastern culture
How many of you guys growing up had other gay guys in school with you? Did you both know about each other? How did you act around each other?

For me pretty much anyone I ever suspected was gay turned out to be gay, I didn't really come out to everyone. In high school the other gay guy was pretty loud and flamboyant and I'm sure that played a role in why I turned out to be so closeted for so long. But at least I'm cuter than he is

Only straight friends. Knew 1 gay guy in school. We made out a little but he was a huge queen so no
Condoms are usually prelubed inside them with spermacide at the tip. Do not put extra lube or else this >>6043462

will happen. Some dumb shit fag who fucked me once put lube on his dick then put a condom on. After he came he pulled out and looked around for the condom but couldn't find it. . I felt something like I had to poop. when I tried the condom came out into the toilet. The condom was inside my ass the whole time.
I assume you pull the skin back... I wouldn't know, I've never used a condom before.

I need the skin to move to get real pleasure from it but my frenulum is really tight when I get hard sometimes so I have to be careful and use extra lube, which is why I don't like condoms because I don't have finite control
>I assume you pull the skin back... I wouldn't know, I've never used a condom before.

Why are you giving advice about how to use a condom when you've never used one. Shut the fuck up you stupid fucking retard.
so should i pull the foreskin forward?
I've tried that. Although I wasn't being too direct, I was making unnecessary amounts of body contact that seemed to unnerve him. Perhaps if I had not been drinking with him I would have been more successful, but that seems morally gray, and that's my plausible deniability.
I mean, it's not like I want to stay in the closet, I just haven't come out yet. But I understand what you mean.
Is it really that normal to ask friends for casual sex? I'm okay with being rejected, but I don't want to make things insurmountably weird.
>Also you're not going to be able to both stay in the closet to your friend and try it on with your friend
Clearly, which is why I would prefer to try and get him to make the jump to homoeroticism.
>be in mid school school
>there were two popular guys who had tons of girlfriends and would regularly skip classes whatever, one of them even had it going on with my crush (a girl) at the time
>it was the time Twilight was a success, they were absolutely crazy about Twilight, would not shut up about Jacob or Edward
>years later, find out they both came out as gay

I was about 13 at the time and I was already calling it, no straight man likes Twilight, considering that they're gay now, they probably fucked in secret, though they're not friends anymore as far as I know.
They're also both fucking flamers now, really off putting if you ask me
No other gay guys until high school, but my high school is liberal almost to a fault so there's some awfully loud LGBT shit going on. That said the gay guys tend to be alright, but they're primarily drama students and therefore super fucking cliquey.
yes just put the condom on around your dick with the skin covering the glans.

This is an open topic, so he can take my opinion or take any other anons. No need to be a hot head over it.
It tastes like skin.
Interestingly enough none of the drama kids at my school turned out to be gay. Either that or they were really closeted. I remember being younger and liking the 'quirky' guys because I felt something was off and I thought they might just be gay, but they were just a little autistic
I am pretty sure that anon is on her period.
There is no bigger disappointment than finding out tits/dick taste like skin.
>How many of you guys growing up had other gay guys in school with you?
I knew about 7 or 8.
One lesbian and one supposed closet case.
Closet guy was the only qt one though.
Why are all twinks sluts

Why can't one just be my boyfriend and not be a slut all day


But the best part of sucking dick is when a guy has good Precum.
They just need to be tamed
Actually there are sweat and phermones in erotic zones of the bodies such as penis and nipples. You may think this might taste the same to licking someones arm or neck, etc. but it's not the same. They are quite different and for the most part these zones produce enough phermones for efficient arrousal
I knew a bunch of flamers in hs and regularly made fun of them for being fags.

Two of them were loud obnoxious and constantly talking about dick.

Now they're both trans.

I've pretty much always been in the closet. I've come out to a few friends, but I usually keep to myself. It's really infuriating that so many guys act flamboyant all the time. I know a lot of guys that aren't Queens all day so I know it's not impossible. Is it a genetic thing? Like I can definitely hear the "gay lisp" in my voice when I talk sometimes.

Am I just self loathing?
That's the precum that has flavor.
But how noticeable is that? I've heard many stories of disappointment at the indifferent taste of tits/dick.
Just don't be the one to do the taming. Twinks make for good sex, but are pain in the ass relationship-wise.
tfw born 2000 years too late
t b h tho it was da joos who really popularised sexual morality
>havins sex with a sack of bones
>good sex
oh i am lauffing
Precum generally tastes good. I can't tell if cum actually tastes different or if it's just the texture that's offputting. Cum can be pretty musky, but precum is delicious dicksyrup.
>gay lisp
mathc4mathc is over here >>6011609
How do I get a twink to choke me out?
>being a chubby chaser
pls leave, and no you're curves are not beautiful hambeast
>being a chubby chaser
>playing "find the hole" whilst shoving your dick in random folds
>Is it a genetic thing?
It's both to lure in other homos and it's to protect themselves from the privilege police.
You would know if you were self-loathing or not. Do you like yourself as a person? Do you feel like you would be a different person if you were more 'out'?

Self-loathing is the faggiest thing you could do
>only two body types are skinny and fat
Oh I am lauffing more
Careful not to jiggle
>unironically liking bears
fatty pls leave
I spot a German speaker
>When pushed further, they said it was “part of a campaign for the Tel Aviv Pride Parade 2016”
Jews trying to cover up their shit again with "gay rights"
Just jerked off to gay lizard porn. Where is the entrance to hell?
I jerked off to gay furry porn once. I'm already in hell.
Sometimes I jerk off to the thought of getting raped by giant insects. It's disgusting but so hot. They'd force their eggs in me.
That's fucked up
What kind of insects?
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10/10 for unique response
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I often look at guys on the bus and think "oh man i would definitely suck his dick".

I wonder how many strangers have looked at me in public and contemplated pumping me full of cum?
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>tfw i just saw how much it will cost per year to attend this university
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Usually when you get into a relationship this feeling/thoughts fade away. Instead you start thinking "I can't wait to get pumped full of cum by my bf after work tonight"
You know, flies, grasshoppers, roaches
I was expecting a sexy insect, like an ant or a wasp or something
I'm not sure if that's good or not
I guess ants and wasps are okay too, they'd force me to be their "queen" in their nest and make me give them new soldiers
>like sex
>watch porn without issue
>repulsed by the idea of me actually participating in sex
what do

yass qweeen
Best feeling on a bus is when there's a spot open between two beefy dudes and you squeeze your obvious little faggot ass in there

Public transportation is a generally favorable experience until you run into smelly crazy people
Between another man's cheeks
Not even. I can hear it in my voice and I know I'm not the only one.
Anon did snap at you, but if you don't know how to use a condom then pitching in your two cents is not going to be useful.
I thought that was Ethan from the thumbnail
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Just go on fetlife tbqh
>there are only bears and twinks
>what is pic related
Bahaha, they're trying to be like "Oh Tel Aviv Pride is so good, all the gays will leave London to go to it!" but instead made it sound like they're going to start gassing all the gays.
>All the gays will being going to Israel for Tel Aviv Pride!
>Unless they have stamps in their passport from any of the countries we don't like, because then we'll refuse entry!
>What do you mean there are Palestinian gays in London there are no gay Palestinians which is why we get away with what we do to them because gay rights gay rights ignore the white phosphorous
I used to be like that
and still kinda am
I basically refused to have sex because I didn't think I'd like it but recently I ended up taking the plunge and enjoyed quite a bit
doesn't hurt to just try it out
Well, you can go to a sex therapist and talk through your issues, or you get really drunk/high to get over your initial reservations, or you can get an ugly haircut, burn any fashionable clothes you own and start defining yourself as an asexual who likes porn but not sex
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>imagine the world without gays
truly a beautiful vision. one day when we kick all lefties out of israel we can finally outlaw homosexuals

>implying muslims are people
nice taqiyya mohammed
Asexuals just look like a bunch of people that nobody wants to have sex with anyway.
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Just realised I cant think of a single funny female human being.

can we just kill all women ASAP? they're clearly the inferior gender. They lose all strength and intelligence-based sports, have hardly ever achieved anything of note, and are ugly as sin.
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>from Palestine oops I mean Israel
Why am I not surprised.

Tina Fey? At least on tv.

Caitlyn Olson is too, and think she writes or comes up with more of Dees responses.
>cute guy on grindr adds me
>name is Metatron Azathoth

Humans all male reproducing together sounds heavenly to be quite fucking honest. No need for women when we finally perfect gay reproduction with the "male egg".

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I just punched some drunk in the face for harassing my boyfriend while we were on a date.
He got super excited I "defended his honor", his words, and let me do whatever I wanted in bed, and he kept saying he loved me over and over.
Best night of my life.

Who here good feels?
Your mum beat you, didn't she
Are all gay guys completely grossed out by vaginas? I consider myself gay but I don't find them that ugly looking. I'd be down to eat a girl out.

I'd even be down for pegging. Just no penis in vagina, I'm a total bottom.
bail out before it's too late
rugby plz go away
I'm not, I'd even be up for penis in vagina in a mmf threesome. But I could never be in e relationship with a woman.
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I'd toss pic related a bone, and he's David Jay, founder of Asexual Visibility and Education Network
>implying homophobes are people
nice shoah, Ruth
sorry, anon. not that degenerate
idk what it is about vaginas
I much rather eat ass over vagina
I don't even mind eating ass but I would never go down on a girl
yet I find plenty of women attractive
Solution: fuck trans women who like their dicks
I'd much rather stick with twinks
solution: fuck a trans woman who likes her dick
I know I am. I think it's the fact that they either look like an open, (sometimes) not bleeding machete wound or a badly made ham sandwich.
I'm actually interested in hearing what do straight guys find attractive about it, maybe a different perspective would help me understand.
I've asked my brother in law before and he legit couldn't come up with a single thing that made them appealing
but was grossed out by the idea of rimming

Well that's unexpected. And I wouldn't want to rim someone either if they hadn't cleaned first.
well yeah I'm not about to rim dirty ass
best to do in the shower or right after a shower
it's worth it tho
>well yeah I'm not about to rim dirty ass
who /scatgen/ here?
Noone, get that shit outta here
Literally, haha!
No but seriously, don't
We can admit poppers are degenerate right?
Only if drinking alcohol is, it's such a non drug
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what do you mean by degenerate though? against societal norms then yeah almost everything is though. Smoking tobacco, smoking weed, doing heroin are all degenerate acts stated by many societies. Morality is subjective
but I've never done poppers personally
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>against societal norms
Just like homosexuality
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I think in part the drama kids are gay in my school because the gay kids go into drama to be around more gays. I tried to do that but it didn't work with my schedule so now I get to just be lonely.
I want to wean my bf off them. He almost always needs to take a sniff when I duck him, but I never have to for him. To be fair, I have a bigger dick, but in the scene of things it's actually average.
and extra marital sex, and looking at naughty pictures of ladies on the internet
degenerate just means old church ladies don't like it
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>implying homophobia is real
being afraid of aids plague carriers is normal
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degenerate seems like some /pol/ buzzword that this nazi idiots use.

Have him practice with toys so he can take bigger things easier
Degenerate, or entartete was a term that got into popularity after Max Nordau published his book 'Degeneration' https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degeneration_%28Nordau%29

Nordau was part of the first zionist congress, the lobby that became the front players in securing a jewish state.

'Degeneration' is a really interesting read.
Where and when I was in high school, it wasn't okay to be out, but I suspected at least two guys in my class, and had a crush on one of them. Never went anywhere because I was so deep in the closet that I was shitting mothballs, but he was a nice guy, and pretty to boot. I almost came out to him. Wish I had, in retrospect.
This posting womyn and calling gays degenerates n nazis shit has been boring for months. Change the fucking record already jfc

If you're going to shitpost, at least mix it up a bit and make it interesting. Rabbi has just been doing exactly the same shit for the last year, it's just so fuckin boring.
At least it's not fredposting or frogposting
Yeah. Maybe, although he's more of a top. Also I suspect he just enjoys them as well.
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You know what's boring this da evil jooos meme. so this is what the thread deserves for bringing their /pol/ nazi shit here.
I bet the cunt is typing out something along the lines of Mudslime fat t*rk or w/e

No imagination or originality whatsoever, then again I can say the same for 90% of the fags here.
>Who here good feels?
>good feels

Where exactly do you think you are?
freddie has always been here in our hearts
She's got a crucifix/cross m8. Not very kosher of you.

Also if you don't like it, just ignore it. Just leave this place desu, why the fuck did you come back anyway?

Don't give me an answer like "hurr to cure gays of degeneracy" or any of that bollocks.
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no fun allowed in gaygen
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pretty fun desu. cure a few sodomites of their mental illness. win some good boy points with god
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i miss that aids negro.
ur continued existence as a fat paedo turk is whats unoriginal
change lele record already
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i'm having crackers with peanut butter for lunch
God wouldn't want you to look at sexy women on the internet, that's the deadly sin of lust
also I guess you're not Jewish if you call him "God"
Ok. Feel free to cure the inhabitants of Sodom, whatever that means.
Jews are still evil, especially the haridim ashkenazim plotting with the aristocracy.
I'd go camping. Not much of a beach person.
I know where you live. Your house looks shite. Once again assuming you're 5652 based upon retarded writing style.
What happened to him?
I'm having some good feels, anon
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>implying god is real name of god
only people that say g-d are secular evil liberal reform """"""""""jews""""""""" and their religion is marxism and not the laws of god
I want to take the time to go visit my mom. It's been too long since I actually spent a good amount of time with her.
>i'm having crackers with peanut butter for lunch
I don't understand.
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>upholding the laws of god
yes you have much evil in you that you think good is bad and bad is good. in end days people will think opposite of laws of god. they will think homosexuality is okay.
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freddie turned out to be a black guy pretending to be white, and when anons doxxed him he stopped posting here
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>be annoying as fuck to everyone for millenia
>complain when you apparently get genocided a bit

Oh you silly Jews.
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You know mothers day is coming up, anon. Did you do something nice for your mom?
I'm not a dersert dweller, so whatever laws you camelfuckers have doesn't really apply to me.
crackers and peanutbutter are delicious so i am happy

they're really good crackers, too (stoned wheat thins)
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not a m*dslime
that's a shame, i used to jerk off to pictures of whoever that twink he pretended to be was
Mothers day was in February you moron
Of course, I might be miles away but I've been putting in effort more lately to have her in my life. Hard to give gifts, but eh... do what I can.
You're all the children of abraham in my eyes, I don't care what differences you call one another.
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>mothers day
not in the greatest country in the world. it may be february in whatever third world shit hole you live in
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I'm pretty sure just showing up and visiting her will be more than enough gift for your mother, anon. Or you can take her to dinner when you visit her.
Rabbi-rugby murder suicide when?
when swede cheats on rugby again and when rabbi fucks a boy.
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This literally doesn't match, even in unflattering low light. Nice try though?
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you leave gatch alone she is stunning and brave
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don't be so buttmad that your mom drank alcohol when she was pregnant with you. It happens all the time. So what if your brain is underdeveloped and your face is fucked up.
>tfw all I've done this morning is read papers on thermodynamics and bioenergetics
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wicked burn
wow le intellekchual
>tfw epsilon will never read nerdy shit while pounding your bp

I'm only doing it because I needed something to do in research, some of it I don't even completely understand.
Yeah, Mothering Sunday is in Feb and that's basically just celebrating in the UK. Everywhere else, including the greatest country in the world and also the USA, celebrate it later.
It's funny when christians pretend they're gonna fight off the ebil muslim invader when it's partly their own christian fault they're even here to begin with.
>m-muh liberals
"Love thy neighbour" and "turn the other cheek" are christian ideals, not liberal ones.
Not everyone gets all the traits, but you do appear to have
>flat midface
>smooth philtrum
>thin upper lip
>small eye openings
and I can't see very well but it does look like you've got epicanthal folds as well
maybe your Mum didn't drink as much at the critical points, or maybe you were just more resilient
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>greatest country in the world
>not usa
bruh you disappoint me
why did you make all your videos private?
>tfw can't fap to epsi anymore
w/e it is you look fd up

Kind of lost interest in the whole exhibitionist thing
>Psalm 137:9
>Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.
If there is a greatest country in the world, it's not America. America's good, might even be top ten, but it's not the best.
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Wew lad. You can't even post something on facebook in those countries without getting hauled off to jail for hate speech
ewh vagina
Is the guy posting girls attempting to make us straight?

Because its so revolting its making me more gay, as in I'd happily get BLACKED gay.

Oh no Kingrice is gonna get BLACKED
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what are you some kind of faggot?
I'm genuinely curious, why are you posting here?
Is this just some shit-tier bait or do you actually believe this shit?
It's a turn off when I have a guy that thinks I'm really hot but he needs to sniff something to actually get in the mood.

I think you're hot and I can get hard, why do you have to use drugs to be into me?
It's bait, learn to ignore it
it's obviously shit tier bait mang,
In America, you have the freedom to die because there's no socialised healthcare. You have the freedom of getting shot in school. In many states, you have the freedom of getting fired because you're gay.
How about you accept that every country has its flaws and trying to pin a label on "best country" is a dumb thing to do because it hinges on subjective values...
...and you glossed over the main point of that video
>There is absolutely no evidence to support the statement we're the greatest country in the world. We're 7th in literacy, 27th in Math, 22nd in Science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labour force and number 4 in exports. We lead the world in only three categories; number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real, and defence spending - where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies.
Same reason heroin addicts can't function without their opioid fix. It's great that it's a turn off for you, but it's a turn on for others. Who cares
He just wants to enjoy the moment more man, I'm assuming this is a general hookup? Because there's no intimacy there he just wants to fuck, so he will get off his but to enjoy it more I suppose.

Speaking of drugs, why is method such an epidemic among the gay community? Or have I been reading too much of the daily mail?

The urge is oddly strong... I'm not sure what's going on. I think I'm turning into a cuck!
That clip is retarded, everyone else in the room has to wear a dunce cap and forget any facts to refute him.
America is hands down the single greatest nation on the planet. It's been the only super power in existence for nearly three decades. 8 out of 10 of the worlds best schools. 25% of the world's GDP. Unrivaled military supremacy etc.
If you have to sniff poppers to have sex then that's gross, but if you just like poppers idk what the big deal is
Also it's mostly bottoms who benefit from poppers cause they loosen up your butthole
Meth* fucking phone I swear down.
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>muh atheism may may
North Korea has one of the highest rates of atheism in the world. Also USA is just that much better at putting criminals behind bars
>Speaking of drugs, why is method such an epidemic among the gay community?

Week-long meth-fuelled orgies in London.

I don't know why meth is the drug of choice. It's overrated as fuck, the effects are mediocre at best. As for fucking, if you can get it up you still can't cum. Kinda pointless 2bh.
>8 out of 10 of the worlds best schools.
If you have the money to go to them. And what about the state of American education in general?
>25% of the world's GDP.
How much of the American public sees that money?
>Unrivaled military supremacy
Didn't you guys get beaten by a bunch of Vietnamese farmers, and then try and claim soldiers running away to get into helicopters wasn't a loss?
Even if you accept America has the best military, that's hardly the only relevant metric in deciding what the best country is.
America's a really good place, and if I needed to move countries it'd probably be in the top 5 of countries I'd consider moving to. But it's not the best. How jingoistic must you be to reject the statement "America is a good country, but not the best country"?
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because gay take drugs to forget the fact that they're suffering from homosexuality on a daily basis. It's quite sad to be honest, especially when they could choose to be normal.
Atheism is a throwaway point in relation to the fact that one of the only things America leads the world in is number of adults that believe angels are real. Religiosity is not a factor in any of those other very valid criticisms.
Americans really can't stand anyone suggesting their country isn't perfect, can they?
Because it's a sex drug. Makes them horny, degenerate fuck machines.
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>8 out of 10 of the best schools
>if you have the money to go to them
That what makes them THE BEST. Not because just anybody can get into them. That's why world leaders around the world attend Ivy league schools in USA

>How much of the American Public sees that money
ALLL American citizens benefit from defense spending, because defending our country benefits every citizen and when you are the number one country in the world everyone else wants to challenge your superiorty. success breeds jealousy
North Korea thinks their leaders are gods. Why don't you research things before you type out bullshit you know nothing about.
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I thoroughly recommend this documentary, "Chemsex". It's quite upsetting but very interesting.
(Also there's a bit of schadenfreude at the end where this guy who's all like "I've done the research, and HIV doesn't cause AIDS. It's a big myth. I know you're literally a healthcare worker but I don't want to have a row, but I will send you an email with loads of links if you want" in the epilogue is revealed to have capitulated and gone back on HIV medication because he got ill again)
Uh no, pretty sure you get executed if you're an atheist in NK.
They believe in Kim Il-Sung, he's their religion.
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>tips fedora
Even Richard "cocksucker" Dawkins regretted pushing atheism so hard. Seems that once you've spent a life time criticizing a tame religion like Christianity you open the flood gates for something else to replace it, in Britains case Islam which is Britains fastest growing religion. Fact is human beings always strive to believe in something higher and more than themselves, religions have existed since as long as humans have been on earth.
Oh honey, come on now, that was an awful attempt!

Tell me about yourself anon.
Hmm, I guess it goes hand in hand with your orgy point, if you can get it up but can't cum then you could pretty much go on indefinitely.

I can understand sex on most drugs, cannabis, MDMA, alcohol but meth seems way too potent to even enjoy it or know what you're doing.

Still, its pretty bad that its becoming so mainstream and curious that its generally only found in the gay world mainly.
tfw no qt black bf
is that supposed to be a nice ass?
that's all the more ass I have and my ass is p small t b h
He/she/it is baiting. Pay no attention.
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Female post has been proven to be a complete moron.
This feel... I know this feel all too well.
>If you have the money to go to them
A good education costs money.
>How much of the American public sees that money?
Who deserves to control what amount of money is a pretty subjective metric.
>Didn't you guys get beaten by a bunch of Vietnamese farmers,
No other nation could have won either. Especially without public support or a willingness to commit atrocities.

I wouldn't say that America is the best contry to live in, or even the "best" but I'd still support it being the Greatest. What other contenders are there for Greatest World Power? Maybe China in another five decades?
Speaking of chemsex, I've finally found a source of mandy that doesn't break my dick for 24 hours. Managed to get a semi on it. I reckon with viagra I could get a boner and then tick fucking on ecstasy off my list.

The comedown from meth is more fun than the high. The anger is amazing.
Oh ruggers, you're such a druggie~

When did you do meth?
How many times have you done it?
>That what makes them THE BEST. Not because just anybody can get into them. That's why world leaders around the world attend Ivy league schools in USA
Surely that should be based on intellect rather than money? It's not fair that a smart rich person has more of a chance of going to an Ivy League college than a poor smart person (yeah, I know, scholarships, but outside of scholarships it comes down to money).
14% of American adults can't read and 21% of American adults can't read above a fifth grade level. You might have some good private institutions, but the state of education in your country is lacking.
>ALLL American citizens benefit from defense spending, because defending our country benefits every citizen and when you are the number one country in the world everyone else wants to challenge your superiorty. success breeds jealousy
How exactly are you defending America? Most recent military actions have been Americans interfering in other countries - yeah, some terrorists attacked you, but killing a bunch of Iraqis at a wedding is hardly helping that situation.
Couldn't some of that defence budget go elsewhere? Over 15% of American citizens live below the poverty line, and 37% of households with a head-of-the-family below 30 are in poverty.
Nobody is saying that America is shit, we're just saying that America is THE BEST. It's not. No country is the best, really, as every country has its flaws
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>atheism continues to be the official position of the government of China, North Korea and Cuba
checkmate atheists
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>typing out a huge long rational argument in response to a baitful troll

dude, c'mon you're wasting your time.
Tried it twice back in January this year just to see how it is. I prefer speed over meth, managed to OD on amph and was ecstatic. I'm incredibly resistant to all stims so to finally get some negative side effects was a great achievement.
Kek, whatever you say m8. The come down is bad.
>Maybe China in another five decades?
I take that back. 2014 estimates but China's GDP exceeding the US's by 2021. They could be a major contender for Greatest a lot sooner then fifty years.
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No wonder your father is embarrassed by you.
>A good education costs money.
It doesn't have to. In that situation all you are doing is making it so rich people have a better education than poor people, regardless of potential ability. Kinda perpetuating the poverty trap a bit.
>Who deserves to control what amount of money is a pretty subjective metric.
It is a subjective metric, which is why discussing this sort of thing doesn't get very far. I think people struggling to survive in poverty while rich people swill champagne on private jets is bad, whereas you don't.
>I wouldn't say that America is the best contry to live in, or even the "best" but I'd still support it being the Greatest. What other contenders are there for Greatest World Power? Maybe China in another five decades?
If you're using "greatest" to mean "has most military power", then that's fair. However that is not typically how people tend to mean that. Greatest country usually means "the best country". The sense you're suggesting is usually associated with "mightiest" rather than "greatest".
*isn't THE BEST. >inb4 you take this as proof that we all secretly think America is the best.
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>14% of American adults can't read
>[citation needed]
Only countries in africa have illiteracy rates that high

>It's not fair that a smart rich person has more of a chance of going to an Ivy League college than a poor smart person
Welcome to being an adult LIFE is not fair. Also look at Sonia Sotomayor she was a poor latina living below poverty but because she was smart she got a scholarship to go to an ivy league school and eventually became supreme court judge. The fact is there are plenty of opportunities in this country for people to go to those best schools if you have the intelligence. Doesn't matter if you can't afford the tuition.
>Speaking of chemsex, I've finally found a source of mandy that doesn't break my dick for 24 hours. Managed to get a semi on it. I reckon with viagra I could get a boner and then tick fucking on ecstasy off my list.
Oh, good times! I don't really do drugs any more, but orgasms on MDMA are ~out of this world~
He's completely terrified of me now. It's hilarious.
Shit man, don't off yourself ODing on them.

Wait, so what drugs have you done, in a list? Seems like you've experimented with nearly all of them by now.
>tfw baba will never poz you up with his toxic load
;-; w-why even live
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>telling rugby to be careful with drugs
>preventing rugby from ODing
Its like you want him to keep shitposting and ruining gaygen
Rather be a faggot than straight and dumb as a rock like you. :^)
>[citation needed]
How's the US Department of Education and the National Institute of Literacy?
>Welcome to being an adult LIFE is not fair.
No, but it could be fairer. Higher taxation, especially on the rich, could fund better education programmes. An increased minimum wage could reduce poverty, reducing the amount of jobs and hours the poorest people have to work, freeing them up to feed their children nutritious meals and help them with homework. etc etc
The system can be tweaked to help the poorest. You can argue that such a tweak wouldn't be fair on the rich people, but if they loose out on buying another mansion so that millions of poor Americans have a better shot in life, that seems like a reasonable trade off. You may disagree, but that's because we hold different values.
MDMA just makes my dick tiny, like ridiculously tiny, me and all my friends just spent the night laughing at our cocks.

Really quite interesting how it effects the hypothalamus, the shivers are awful but the tiny penis is brilliantly funny.

Can't say I'd do it again now though, not unless a guy wanted to have sex on it I suppose, I'd very much like to experience and orgasm in that.

How tiny is tiny?
Before any dicks say, no this is not bragging.

Weed, LSD, MDMA, 2cb, 2ce, speed, meth, ketamine, crack, codeine, NOS, DXM, cocaine, diazepam, shrooms (not enough to trip though), some opiate painkiller I had to shove up my ass when I had kidneystones which was 10/10

Might have left a few out but those are all that I remember from the top of my head.

I thought it would have been impossible to cum on MDMA due to its relation to meth. Good to know.
Probably something like an inch long or less. Its really quite astonishing, you'd think it would pop inside you any second.

To be fair my dick is pretty small on a flop anyway, but even so it went exceptionally smaller still.

Rugby doesn't post nearly as often as he used to and its really pretty tame here now. It was more fun when he pissed everyone off. He has become jaded~
>It doesn't have to.
It does have to. It's just a question of who is paying for it.
>In that situation all you are doing is making it so rich people have a better education than poor people, regardless of potential ability. Kinda perpetuating the poverty trap a bit.
I will admit that it's incredibly difficult for people from poor backgrounds to make it into the worlds best schools. But if you manage to get accepted, you can find someone to finance your education.
>The sense you're suggesting is usually associated with "mightiest" rather than "greatest".
Good point. But when I think of Great, I tend to think in terms of "Great and Terrible".
post dick
>too much of a straight laced loser to ever do any hard drugs

Meh, I'm fine with tobacco.

Guess if a BF could be there to help me id consider it.
Shivers? I can't say I've ever really had those. Maybe you got MDA instead.
It's difficult, because it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system, which in turn directly inhibits the parasympathetic nervous system that most of the relevant bloke bits are tied to. A lot depends on the doses, relative purity and how long it's been since you've come up.
Never tried crack, was always wary of it. What's it like? Also
my man, it's not often I see other people who've tried that stuff.
you faggots get in the tinychat com/notgaygen
Damn, you are a true degenerate :3

Are you still looking try even more things?
Also, do you do it just to know what the effects are like? That's what I was doing when I was trying new things out, I'd read up an awful lot on them beforehand to know what I was getting into, drugs are really quite interesting as a subject.

I second this, post tiny MDMA dick
>It does have to. It's just a question of who is paying for it.
>you can find someone to finance your education.
What about if all citizens contributed some of their money towards a big pot, and then students could use the money in the pot to go to university? The citizens would the reap the benefits of qualified workers (>inb4 gender studies, there are different values for "qualified workers")
Epsilon so thirsty
I'd have to say if you don't want to try them willingly, don't, drugs are popular because they make life seem amazing but a lot of people wind up wanting that to last forever. Really varies from drug to drug of course, but basically its not uncommon for one drug to stem to another and so on.

Or something like that.
Nu-uh, I've not got any photos of tiny dick hahaha.

Nah I'm just joking with KR more than anything, though he does have a nice dick
>disembodied penis and butt pics
well this is no good is it
banned from tc for accidentally pressing the capture button
If you make degrees available to every citizens then you devalue the degrees in the job market place because you are flooding the market with graduates. Also we already have student loans and Federal Student loans that help poor people go to college.
Because it's a waste of resources.
You'd get society wasting money on things like art and gender studies.(instead of punishing those people's poor decisions with debt) Not to mention footing the bill for people who drop out/take 12 years for a 4 year degree.
Crack is the greatest drug I've ever done, nothing compares to it. It just fills you with energy. However when you don't have any left you feel like shit because you want more more more. The problem I have with stims is that I always want more stimulation, more energy so after crack it just felt horrific, as if a friend had died or something.

On the list is to trip properly on shrooms, try DMT and a few others like mescaline. I like seeing how I respond to them, I trip out incredibly easily on LSD which terrifies me, yet with stimulants I can remain in complete control until I let go.

I'd never inject anything intravenously, that's absolutely my limit.
That was me lol

I banned u cuz u said fite me and i was like OK

Unbanned because i know you are pure at heart though.
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Yeah well I don't really attentionwhore like I used to I'm afraid. Here's a face pic from years ago that you can Photoshop onto them.

It helps me feel wanted still though :(

I wouldn't mind fucking a vagina but I wouldn't put my face anywhere near it
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who dat lesbo?

Yeah. I haven't felt any need to go past drinking and cigs. They are enough for me to enjoy myself without blowing it into addiction (unlike my toy collecting...)

Who's at the bottom and why do they look so angry...
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I prefer eating pussy instead of putting my dick inside. It's too much pressure to cum and stay hard and it takes any kind of pleasurable feeling out of it
i love you doge anon pls be my bf
he's kinda ugly but i'd still let him wreck my bp
I think this suits you well rugby hahaha;
Yeah man, don't do smack, you won't go back.

Its all you need, you've already got two addictions!

How much do you generally smoke a day?
You're out of luck, cok is a bottom only.
he looks like a qt lawn service guy


1 cig on my drive home because it's an hour and half trapped in my car.

I drink once a month but I get absolutely shit faced when I do... I can't drink unless it's social
not lies. he's a bottom for twinks only. soz.
you got the real thing already? show
Stitches is king.

As for smack, I don't really like those lethargic downer kind of highs. Also I've known some people who have done it and it fucked them up. Opiates and benzos are types that I happily avoid.

Also ffs ricey now I need a cig brb

You'd let him service your lawn...
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Yeah he's a sub bottom for twink dom tops lol

>not even kidding
Ew gross no
I tried weed a few times with friends, but never really felt much of an effect. I decided not to mess around with weed or really any drugs just because I've read it can be bad for people with schizophrenia type symptoms.
You can't hold an erection inside a vagina?
...you sure you aint a fag?
Oh wow that's good man, honestly that's nothing bad at all.

I've started smoking like a train now I quit weed every damn day, it gave me a horrible nicotine addiction (in England generally most people mix up tobacco and weed in joints) and now I'll smoke like 3 a day if I'm on my own but if I'm out its just non-stop. Need to start vaping.

As for drinking I drink in the weekends but its usually wine over dinner with my friend so nothing too bad.

And again doing it once a month isn't too bad, I honestly thought you'd be more degenerate!
yeah cigarettes and alcohol aren't that addictive imo
especially compared to other things I've involved myself with in the past

I vowed I'd never drink alone because that leads to more depressive thoughts. Social drinking is fun! I can dance, not worry about my chronic loneliness, and I'm even funnier.

I sometimes do 2-3 cigs but only if work is stressful. And never in a row because it makes me nauseous... Which helps curb my appetite lol. Yay one vice for another.
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>who dat lesbo?
oh hey hon
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nope not a fag because I am not a leftist and never had sex with boy
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>Need to start vaping.

what u need 2 know senpai?
Well as long as you're not tempted to give them a go, its pretty much a one way street but who isn't already aware of that...

Haha yeah it's made me want one too.

I remember you went to that party to try it, I'm really glad it didn't effect you to be honest, I spent some time looking into it.

Not worth it man!

Yeah. My mom found out i was smoking and just was like "meh" but my step dad freaked out because he used to smoke like a train and his dad died of lung cancer.

Just a funny thing, but I know I'm not chemically addicted nor is it strong enough to worry about it.

That's why I worry about hard drugs because I would easily get addicted to any chance to leave my mind vacant or distracted
Social drinking gives me heavy anxieties the next day. Even when I've not done anything stupid, I just always feel like I did. Drinking alone suits me just fine.
I'm fully gay (no attraction to women) but I'm a top and I prefer fucking pussy to male ass, it just feels better and slides right in when she's wet. Is that weird? I'm only attracted to men but I have a huge dick so it literally takes an hour to get inside any bottom, it ruins the fun having to wait that long because they can't handle my dick and need a long time to open up, and it doesn't even feel as good when I can finally start thrusting

No I didn't go to a party, it was with some friends in Chicago.
>Implying you can't be a conservative who happens to be a fag at the same time

I can handle your dick bb
Pass better than most!
Haha, I've got the kangertech one you've got and imperial tobacco, I used them for months but packed it in because I kept buying all the silly flavours and I got bored of it.

I need to get back into it and just stick to tobacco flavours.
Yeah I think a big part of addiction for me was using drugs to feel better, then to feel normal as opposed to occasional recreational use for fun
You can get pic related at the tobacco counter in most supermarkets, it's like £10 and does the trick. A lot of corner shops sell a good range of ecig refills, you can get nice flavours too. I don't know what the difference between that and those fancy vapes you see around are, but when I was using it I managed to cut down to like 2 a day.
>tfw will never participate in an Epsilon sandwich
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These are great.

My favorites were SP&Jupp, and Nozzy's.
Yeah that's what I originally got, really good piece of kit for entry level stuff.

But yeah I soon got too into it and spent £££'s on loads of sub-ohm gear, filling my car up in one go at traffic lights is damn fun but I've made it into a toy not a habit!

Ohhhh right, my memory is -shit-!
Awesome, I'll have something new to complain about :DDD
>A 2014 publication found that diacetyl was present in samples of many sweet-flavored electronic cigarette liquids, though at levels 100 times lower than that of tobacco smoke
>litterally takes an hour
>how big is your cock

I've never blacked out or forgotten what I've done or lost control of myself. No matter how much I drink, I can always maintain some semblance of self control. No calling exes or fucking a stranger.

Exactly. It wouldn't be recreational at all. Dependencies would build up so fast
That's been proven to be insignificant countless times.
Its generally only found in certain flavours anyway.
Hmm, I was the same really, being stones was just me being sober. I swear if I was "sober" and had a drugs test my cannaboid level would have been off the charts.

I really only mainly quit because a new law came in England where they can catch you driving stoned now. The minimum sentence is like a year ban I believe.

All my friends stayed stoners and I just got so bores of weed when I realised how shit it is.

Still feels like I'm slowly coming back to reality though, I feel a lot more aware of the world but I can't string thoughts together for shit now, its really irritating.
I don't blackout or get shitty drink either. I'm quite pleasant, to tell you the truth. But I always feel bad the next day for whatever reason.
never cared for weed personally

I literally LOVE it. Also, I need to shave.
>tfw gatch will never pound your bp
Post a song that describes or has the same mood as your last sexual experience...

first steps towards trannyhood

I always try to convince my straight friends to experiment... Also never works when they're drunk lol

What were you absuing at the time?
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