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Gay General: Make Gaygen Great Again

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Thread replies: 314
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last thread >>6034943

tinychat com/notgaygen
Btw John


Look at the post times. You got 3 SEPERATE people making fun of you in a matter of 5 seconds. Still think it's just Bryce?
Lay off John, OK? Obviously he's a troubled youth. Do you want him to end up like Freddie?
He couldn't even if he tried.
Freddie became a whore, and then fell in love with a way older man who didn't use him up, and finally fucked off this board.
All of these accomplishments are far beyond John's reach.
>tfw getting semi while brush the back of my tongue

How grimly familiar.
How do I find a guy?
Feels good knowing I'm a 7/10 and above the petty fucker that goes on in gg

Feels even better to know home work is almost done for the day, going to meet some friends a the bar to celebrate.

All in all, a pretty good day.
>boyfriend's nephew calls me 'uncle' too now
>it's unexpectedly heartwarming

I'm going to crush the moon with my bare hands.
Gaygen why is my hangover so horrible today? How do I fix it?
Freddie was a nigger roleplaying as a rich white twink. He stopped posting when he got doxxed
Take maddie
Don't be ugly

Alcohol, gambling and poor diet are the scourge of the working classes and should be avoided wholly.
I left before he did, so I never saw. Pics of the nig?
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>out with husbands parents for supper
>having a nice meal and chat with them
>we leave, heading out to our cars
>his mom says "Good night you two. Love you both"
>husband says yup
>I say love you too

Still taking some getting used to. It's a nice family feely feel though; sprinkle with awkward.
when i masturbate, the tip of my asshole tingles and twitches, am i gay?
Too bad you all didn't die in a car crash
Yes, In order to get rid of the gay you have to hot glue it shut


What you posted isn't an indicator, you just have a functioning prostate. Everybody's ass clenches up when they cum, this is a known thing. It's why many straight men like a cheeky finger up their bum during a bj.

But yes, you're gay.
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7-up, seriously.
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Damn, that's cute as all hell.
Wow, I'm so jealous of you. ¬¬
how much u wanna bet rugby made that image
i bet ten billion lindon
how could I be so immature
to think he could replace
the missing elements in me?
how extremely lazy of me

óll be the parlois
óll sur till all falt ellasila
and be there aftlall
how much you wanna bet that


I bet bets.
Does anyone else enjoy getting fucked more the older they get? It feels like my ass feels more pleasure.
I'm so sick of when they say that it's just a "phase" and that you'll be "okay". You're "fine".

But I know it's all lies.
you lose
gibe monry
Don't worry. Being sick of it is just a phase
It is just a phase. If you honestly believe that the way you are now is the way you're going to be for the rest of your life, you are very naive.

Five years ago other things were the most important aspects, in ten years time you won't care or even remember.
You are probably not ok or fine though, and once this too passes, you'll have some other thing you'll be hooked on that people will say is a phase.
I just betted a bet. So you won one of my bets.
fucking faggot pussy
Homosexuality is a phase anon. Most people experiment in school then grow up to get married.
nigger shit
I started getting "in heat" after I turned 25, never had very high sex drive, now I get phases when I keep humping everything and my body just craves for cock to fuck me. Almost came in my pants at work when I was watching the new section boss. They think I'm good and quiet guy but they don't know what goes in my mind.
He could always become a drag queen,
Suggested drag name: Pugface McGee
....dude wtf
did you make that? Dont you think its a little weird to have an obsession for one retarded shitposter?
John looks like a ginger and uglier judy garland
>Fat Pride
Wasn't even aware this was a thing. Bloody Americans.
British clay
>Jeremy Corbyn
Moronic socialist who knows nothing about politics or how the world works
>Turkroach meme
When is someone going to come up with something original about me?
>Jaffa cakes
I prefer Maryland cookies desu
Highly dangerous and only used by the pro bodybuilders, unless you are implying that I'm diabetic which is false.


Grade D-
See me after class.

>yfw the number of large fats and small fats keep growing in bongland and will soon replace Mexico for per capita fat people

ye vote UKIP lmao
>he doesn't vote ukip
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It took like 5 minutes, literally all you have to do is save a picture and click on some shit on TAAZ. It's what they use in mtfgen for trying out looks. If I'd put the effort in to make him look good, I might hear you, but I'm bored waiting for my pizza to cook. Here's two more for ya nerves
Unsettlingly accurate.
Well when we leave the EU and can implement the Great Cleansing of Albion then that will never happen.

>you will gun down Brum scum in the streets within the next 6 months
>being unironically gay and leftist
phew lad, live by the dick, die by the dick as they say
Why do people 50+ think it's okay to hit on someone Literally half their age.

If you're older than my parents...
post dick, rugbydaddy~~~
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I really don't want to, but Tories have for long time been everything it shouldn't be. Britain is fucked nevertheless.
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I think a Brexit would be a bad idea
because you're a globalist faggot
Liberty GB is the only party in the UK that I genuinely support but as realism dictates, UKIP is the only choice to vote for.

Tories are fucked. Labour are Labour. Lib Dems will never get in power for another 50 years at least. All other parties are irrelevant.

The Brexit referundum has already started a domino effect in Europe that will bring about its collapse. The EU was a good idea on paper but having it controlled by 1 nation is ridiculous. It infringes on sovereignty, either create a United States of Europe or just go back to the previous trade agreements that we had pre-EU. Schengen zone is fucked now that 80 million t*rkroaches are going to get access because the Germans have completely lost their minds.
I mean, yeah, I am...
I don't think rugby is fat
collapse the EU already
wow edgy much going against the status quo like that

Call me a fat t*rkish neonazi pedo right now or I'll have to report you for going against the site's rules.
You're not fat
ur retarded
just vote boris 4 tory leader if thats where ur opinions are bc thats as good as its gonna get for you.
UKIP is a loony party for loons. fucking one of their latest turds was banning political correctness fucking irony overdose ahahaha.
this t b h
the main establishment guys who want brexit just want to fuck over workers rights and environmental regulations further avoid tax etc etc etc. im not pro-EU but leaving the EU right now is a fucking terrible idea and just going to fuck over the british people.
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Stop bullying me.
Tories = Saudi dogs, no thank you
Can you please kill yourself ?
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>Had sex yesterday
>Guy was really into me and intense. Good kisser, sensitive nipples, the works. It was fun.
>Except when I asked him to get lotion to be a lube while fingering me, he grabbed shampoo by mistake and my ass was on fire. That wasn't fun.

I was so confused because my asshole was opening up while the burning happened. At first I thought he had long nails or something. Has anyone else done something like this/had it done to them?
I think you're attractive actually
I'm one of those lefty sjws but I'm secretly starting to want the UK to leave the EU. I don't understand how everyone I'm friends with is legitimately saying "LET EVERYONE WHO WANTS TO BE HERE INTO THE COUNTRY". I'm not even opposed to migrants in general but clearly you can't let a huge load of people into the country all at once because we don't have the infrastructure to deal with processing them, and the suggestion of "just let them come in and don't process them" is fucking insane. Plus if we have a shit tonne of people entering the country with few market relevant skills and a poor grasp of English, what's that going to do to the unemployment rate? Where's the money for social welfare schemes going to come from? Why are almost all the migrants and refugees young single men - if they're fleeing a warzone, are they leaving their women and children behind? Plus, if you give a large group of very socially conservative people citizenship en masse, they're eligible to run for parliament on very regressive stances and gain populist support amongst their communities and maybe even get seats... I don't want a bunch of far right loons sitting in parliament.
I can't say this to any of my friends because they'll jump on one part of what I'm saying and twist it to make it sound like I think all migrants are crazy homophobes or whatever, but I kinda want to draw up the drawbridge for a little while, but idk who to vote for because UKIP's other stances are stuff I really disagree with and none of the other parties take leaving the EU seriously
You need to stop with the self hate, mehmet
No because we're not retards
Same, I've always thought he was cute. Time for a rugby pic dump?
I second this notion.
>ur retarded

Also I don't live in the UK, I'm not a cuckold.

I'm just pointing out the irony of being leftist and gay.
Tories and Cameron are utterly pinkwashed, they pander for gay vote because it's easy, they even do stunts like condemn Uganda's homophobia. However they say nothing about Saudi Arabia which is getting more and more dangerous for gay people. How could they say anything about one of our biggest trading partners? They buy our weapons while we buy their oil, and what are those weapons used for? Terrorism and bombing one of the most poorest countries in the world. And dumbass gays wave their rainbow flags in Pride parades that have been bought with that same money, while Pride doesn't even let LGBT UKIP to participate.
easy for UKIP to chat about the saudis are when they have no power.
unless we go stop using fossil fuels which UKIP being climate change deniars are never going to do we are always going to need the saudis cheap ass and efficient oil.
tbqh what would the point of condemning saudi arabia be though? it's not going to get them to stop, and it would just damage our trade agreement, so all we would have achieved is loudly stating our moral stance.
pride didn't let ukip participate last year because they were concerned it'd kick off because there were so many people unhappy about it. london pride wasn't specifically agreeing with the unhappy people that ukip would be inappropriate (i personally think that ukip would be inappropriate), they just wanted to avoid the headache of their parade getting disrupted by protesters or descending into a fight
But dont you feel at least a little depressed about your life's direction if this is what you waste your time doing?
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I'm completely against importing any Muslims into the UK. They genuinely are a threat to civilisation in general. Some Muslims are fine, one of my best mates was a Sunni Muslim (cut him off after he became radicalised since moving to London), but we simply cannot take the risk. As a gay man, and someone raised in civilised society, it's only natural to be against such a barbaric religion.

There's nothing wrong with migrants when they work. I'm sick of hearing people hating on the Poles and other Eastern Europeans, that's one of the things that I dislike about Farage. However, non-Western migrants just don't integrate on a scale that makes them acceptable.

Our military is crumbling, we could use the money that we give to the EU and foreign aid to rebuild it. That will create a shitload more jobs in the military and the industry.


Well seeing as you said please...

best pic ever desu
ahahaha what
please explain why this will be funny
which is understandable considering they horde a bunch of nutty homophobes like roger helm and give them high level positions and only apologize when they something in public and the media reports on it and act like omg i had no idea he was a homophobe/racist/xenophobe which they should fucking know anyway.
>staying in the EU
Stop posting pictures of your greasy fat Turkish sausage fingers and nonexistent jawline
in what way?
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>As a gay man, and someone raised in civilised society, it's only natural to be against such a barbaric religion

I'm annoyed this isn't how all gays think
Muslims are fucking shit-tier
broken clock right once a day etc etc etc
You're posting on 4chan.
Hehehe reverse psychology won't work on me :3

He was never religious, he'd drink, eat pork, smoke weed and all that. Then when he moved to London, he cut out all haram stuff, started attending the mosque, he even started sometimes wearing the traditional Muslim robe thing. He was always okay with me being gay, he never even thought twice about it then one day he said it was "immoral" so I told him if I ever see him again then I'll fuck him up and cut off contact.

I know right? It baffles me how anyone raised in the civilised world can seriously say that Islam is a religion of peace or any of that bollocks.
lol omg thats hilarious. rude tho johns just a misunderstood qt
??? I don't get this reaction, Rugby is clearly an attractive man. Also I had no idea he met up with Swede
Hey you're not dead
Omg haii where have you been?

Yeah we met up late March/early April. I'm going back again in May.
you fucked swede? Does swede have ANY decency anymore?
Nah I just never come on here lol, I'm waiting for an eBay auction to finish so I thought I'd stick my head in
t b h everyone is shit tier
muslims arent as uniquely shitty as everyone makes out
just buying into dehumanising state propaganda that is covertly pumped out to justify the wests ongoing adventures in the middle east
fact is aggressively isolationist fingers-in-ears politics isnt going lead to global political stability. you see a problem and basically reach for the napalm fuck everything lets burn our entire modern 21st century political structure to the ground fuck the implications for my socioeconomic reality i just hate muzzies.
>you see a problem and basically reach for the napalm fuck everything lets burn our entire modern 21st century political structure

Literally never implied anything of the sort
>you fucked swede?

I don't get why people ask this question. The only trips who didn't fuck when they met up was Senpai & Buttslut and that's because Senpai was turned off when Buttslut ordered the wrong drink at Starbucks (seriously).

>dehumanising state propaganda
Hahahahahaha no Western state is anti-Muslim. They're the ones screaming RELIGION OF PEACE as ISIS genocides Christians & Yazidis, and 'refugees' massrape European women.

Even the fuckin Pope is pro-Mudslime now. Truly we are in the End Times.
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Been at uni so kinda busy mostly. I've got a big project coming up where I have to extract DNA from soil samples to categorise bacterial genes that metabolise inorganic phosphorous sources , and if I do well I might get published in a journal. But because that sounds really smart, I've also landed myself in debt again to compensate.
How's things?
bahahaha wtf senpai
was that ACTUALLY what turned him off or was it buttslut's appearance?
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>gaygen is now /brit/
calling 1.6 billion 22% of the population barbaric deffo implies extremist politics. how else would you approach what is in your own words an extreme problem???
How old are you and you're still in college?
empty words
if you analyse the media aka the states mouthpiece in this country and how they talk about islam its pretty obvious. thats why i said covertly. machiavellian politics 101.
It's a combination of both factors. Senpai said he was considering just fucking Buttslut for the sake of it, but after he ordered the wrong drink he said that it was clear their personalities didn't match. I'm not even memeing.

Doing pretty gr8 at uni myself, really enjoying my course besides having to write a 3000 word essay on feminism. The seminar nearly made me have an aneurysm.

Which fuckin media outlets are you listening to? BBC, The Guardian, Sky, CNN etc. have all been churning out pro-Muslim propaganda for months.
have you ever felt like you were going insane, gaygen?

...its a fucking starbucks drink wtf
>muslims arent as uniquely shitty as everyone makes out
Yeah but saying this won't solve any problems. Islam is a problem and there's definitely a problem with Islamic communities in Britain. Not only you're risking your own country, you're making things worse for those gay muslims who can't come out and have their voice be heard when people keep saying THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ISLAM.
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>What do you have against a religion which finds it acceptable to hang you in the majority of its countries stop being a bigot let them hang you
some clickbait piece about 'awh look at this ordinary british muslim family arent they not terrorists nadia hussain nadia hussain nadia hussain' means fuck all at the end of the day. it is just pandering. msm has conflicting messages constantly and its a lot more subtle than a singular opinion piece. its a narrative that is created over a long period of time by what they choose to write about and what they choose not to write about and the language they use.
>tfw don't live in a country that stones homosexuals
I wish shariah law would hurry up and take over our pitiful western countries so we can stone you to death
Let's just all agree that muslims are trash and idiots for believing trash, and Christians are also fairly trashy for believing trash, and all religion is trash and we should kill them all?
BBC has been pro-Muslim for years, so has the Guardian. CNN has been so leftist that they've dragged FOX towards the centre. All major media outlets have been pro-Muslim for around a decade.

You're talking out of your arse. You clearly know nothing about politics or the media so just stop. I'm assuming you're 5652 based upon writing style and lack of intelligence.

Can we kill those faggot atheist Pastafarian pricks too?
>killing atheists
Well, you'll kill off all advancement in society, but I'm fine with our species ending anyways.
didnt say that i just dont think 22% of the population are barbarians. not anymore than everywhere else outside of the boundaries of politically developed europe. and even then only for 50 years. just not a constructive or thoughtful thing to say. this culture wars shit is retarded.
Nothing wrong with atheists, I'm atheist myself. It's just when you get the pseudointellectual faggots who circlejerk each other mocking Christians that atheists can be annoying.

Basically don't make it a part of your personality, same with being gay.

> 22% of the population are barbarians
iirc over 50% of Muslims support extremist views like Shariah law, so it's more like 650 million barbarians.

Not that hard to believe given they live in countries like Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Somalia etc.
We need to get rid of the wahhabi funded mosques at least. They spread plain hate speech like cancer, I'm quite anti-PC and all for free speech myself but I don't want communities like that in Britain. It's far from our values and it's a disgrace one of the most gay-friendly nations in the world tolerates this.
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I live in Stockholm, ask me anything
what is it like being somali?
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Would fugg Jimmie
Yeah, that's the upside to living in burgerland. Muslims are hated so much here that we probably won't let many migrate into our country.
Europe is gonna be fucked for letting them come in like the plague.
say no
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>bf doesn't order right drink at Starbucks

kinda ridiculous, right?

I just blocked him, lol. I told security there's a pedo soliciting sex in the bathroom
Are there any pics of all the tripfags here?
Does anybody feel depressed here?
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every day.
(: medications help
I am really depressed. my bf will never love me like he should and I don't blame him. I am a terrible person.


did u get a reward
I don't really understand why I feel this way though? It just feels like I don't care about any of the stuff I have or where I'm going, like just a general dissatisfaction
What do gays?

Stopping a sexual deviant is reward enough
So much so that I've come out the other side and landed in tranquil indifference.
>like just a general dissatisfaction
go to gym. go running. always helps me. anything to distract from life
Maybe you're going through SAD
doesn't yhwh cure your depression? Baruch atah Adonai elohaynu melech ha'olam asher kidshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu l'hadlik ner shel Shabbat
thats what depression is.

u could have milked them more...
Find another path if you're dissatisfied with your current one. Or just surround yourself with distractions to keep your mind off the gnawing emptiness
What if I live in a village that doesnt breach the 8000 population mark and doesnt have a gym.
anderson cooper saying hey dont go out and murder muslims guyzz they r le people 2 isnt a pro-muslim media narrative. the media is obviously socially liberal in 2016. they have muslim friends. they are also pawns in the war game and themselves complicit in imperial foreign policy. when terrorist is used nearly exclusively when describing islamic extremism, when islamic extremism completely dominates media dialogue but 99% of terrorist attacks in the EU in the last year were non-muslim, the majority of coverage and manipulation of the facts surrounding the refugee crisis which you clearly believe. ffs just look at any big western countries foreign policy over the last 50 of years. the media has always been largely supportive and any criticism of government has been inconsequential to say the least. t b h im surprised you just accept everything at face value, thought you would know be more aware.
I guess you just don't like where you're heading, try something new, just go outside and see some of the world.

But yeah basically this is just what being depressed is like.
Calisthenics and cardio.
That looks like a lot of work
I think I'm just gonna keep getting fat and shoot myself later instead, it's not like I have a good personality anyway
>go to gym. go running. always helps me. anything to distract from life
This. Unless you fail a PR, then it's depression time.
If you've got good abs, you don't need a personality
Oh by the way. One of the Brussels suspects was in Swedish documentary about "successful integration" but radicalized anyway. Ronald Reagan and Lady Thatcher didn't try to hush people about communism(countries going through "Finlandization" did because they were in risk), why should we do it with Islam?
> 99% of terrorist attacks in the EU in the last year were non-muslim
Are you fucking kidding me?

The reason that Islamic extremism dominates the media is because they're the ones out killing people and blowing shit up. Terrorist is used for Islamic extremism because they use tactics to create terror. Mass shooters in the US aren't called terrorists because they're not terrorists, they're just mentally ill.

The media was supportive of the Western foreign policies during the Cold War because of anti-communist propaganda, the foreign policies back then were to contain communism. Nowadays the foreign policies is to curb terrorism aka islamic extremism and the Western media is pumping out #notallmuslims. Obviously back around 9/11 they were supportive because any media agency not supportive after 9/11 would have been torn apart.

You clearly don't know what you're talking about, blinded by your own ignorance.
I run most days
What's a PR?
>tfw no poz daddy bf
hey anny~
post your gains bb
>What's a PR?
Personal Record

Charlie Hebdo: Muslims
Porte de Vincennes hostage crisis: Muslims
2015 Copenhagen shootings: Muslims
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-32409253 Muslims
Saint-Quentin-Fallavier attack: Muslims
Zvornik police station terrorist attack: Muslims
2015 Thalys train attack: Muslims
Berlin September 17, 2015: Muslims
Metrojet_Flight_9268: Muslims
November 2015 Paris attacks: Muslims
Dagestan, Russia December 29, 2015: Muslims

Every single terrorist attack in Europe in 2015 was carried out by Muslims.
ye no majority of those attacks were done by left wing organisations
>Nowadays the foreign policies is to curb terrorism
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I'm beyond a meme. I'm an avatar.

>list of islamic terrorist attacks
>"Look theyre all muslims!!"

You had a good run but you went too far with the stupidity. Learn from this experience so you can do better next time.

Avatarfagging is against the rules.

Bought 2 tickets to see Civil War, and my best friend was going to go with me but his boyfriend interjected so now he doesn't want to go.

So now I'm 25 dollars down the drain because of his faggotry because I want going to spend money to cuck myself into buying a ticket for him (and the showing is sold out now)

Anyone wanna go with me?
Woops, wrong link kek

Imagine your ego being able to cum
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Any gay metalheads out there?
I'm sure there must be a few but I live in quite a conservative and remote area and seeing somebody else who is just openly gay or just really into metal is quite rare.
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>being this spiritually immature

An avatar is the manifestation of a deity. A soul who has reached the highest peak of growth and now can be everywhere at once, an incarnate divine teacher.

Perhaps if you spent more time in meditation than bullshitting on the computer about your retarded political beliefs you'd be using more than 2% of your brain chubbutt.

I've dated 2 gay metal heads, which is funny.

I kept the Amon Amarth shirt of my first ex (which my second ex stole)
Buy me plane tickets and I'll go.
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post you're husbandos
Ain't got no gains to post. I'm down about 5 pounds from the last time I posted pics, but the change isn't really noticeable.
The typical metalhead is nothing for me though.I'm not into long hair / beards / too manly.
Finding a cute guy that's into metal is never gonna happen.
>An avatar is the manifestation of a deity.

Idolatry. Burn in hell, heretic :^)

I used to be huge into metal when I was younger but then I grew out of it around 16. I still like the music, I just don't actively listen to it anymore besides some Sabaton.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trollh%C3%A4ttan_school_attack This is the only non-Muslim 'terrorist' attack that happened in the EU in 2015.
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Become home gym master race. Or start military pressing toddlers
What are you talking about? What active left wing terror groups are there in Europe?
I mean, historically Islamic fundementalist terror wasn't the issue in Europe, and the threat from terrorism is overstated (although in part that's due to continued vigilance from anti-terror organisations) but the majority of terror attacks in Europe are Islamic fundamentalists.
>military pressing toddlers
shoo shoo pedo jew


Not so.

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Do you mean into metal music? Or full on metalheads? Because gay guys, especially isolated ones, typically tend towards making themselves as mass market attractive as possible as they've got it that bit harder finding partners. Who do you think would get more dick, a metalhead or someone who styles themselves like Chad?
>muslim leftist anon automatically thinks of sex
I may be gay but I'm not an object that has to try to appeal to as many dicks as possible
>Greco Rai is dating a black guy

I'll never understand why white guys like being degraded so much. It's like Asian guys who date white guys with obvious fetishes. Never met a gay black guy without a gross "Imma dominate whitey huehuehue" fetish.
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We're all victims of terrorists everyday.

>the media
>people who believe everything the media says and only talk about what's on the media

Everyone's life would be so much better if they didn't watch TV or rely on any news/media source at all.

Fact is..many of us live in some of the countries that supposedly have gone downhill since "immigrants" were allowed in (Germany, UK, Sweden, etc.) and most of us don't have any problem at all with these so-called terrorist immigrants. We're still living life the same as before with no real issues. The U.S. media loves to exaggerate different happenings around the world for you all to take your focus off the important issues.

Immigrants aren't the problem. The problem is a few peoples stupid ideologies and lack of an open heart. We are all required to help the immigrants from their war-stricken countries. Cherish them and show them love. Do onto your neighbor has you want done onto you. Love thy neighbor. LOVE THY ENEMY and pray for those who mistreat you.
Even little children know this. Yet hard-headed adults who think they know what's best can't seem to embrace this. The angelic realm cries for you.
>Do onto your neighbor has you want done onto you. Love thy neighbor. LOVE THY ENEMY and pray for those who mistreat you.

Fuck all that gay shit fampai it lit smhtbh
pics pls
tfw kind of look like greco rai
tfw this gives me hope


all i read on 4chan is about how london is overrun with violeny immigrants and how "whites are afraid to walk in parts of the city"

its bullshit, and anyone who falls for that shit is a retarded child
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Not saying you should be. I'm just explaining why you're probably going to find relatively few gay metalheads, because that's how people approach this sort of thing
>dating a black guy is inherently degrading
>all black gay guys want to dominate whitey
It is total bollocks, there's people to be afraid of but its not muslims. Its just the usual scumbags that every city in every world has.
>>dating a black guy is inherently degrading

Didn't say that just that most gay black men have gross fetishes. It's no different than Asian guys who date white guys with gross fetishes.
You're wrong. Sweden is having major problems AND people don't even know the whole truth because of the massive media cover up(can't give up the votes to Sweden Democrats after all!). People are moving out more than ever. Malmö, the worst ghetto of them all, has biggest support for SD.

Worst are these elitist bastards who were voting for shitty parties and talking about "love and tolerance", now when there was decision that they will open asylum center next to a school in western Stockholm they suddenly don't want it in their backyard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0o0-MsYx8Y
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I mean, I agree with you in that we don't generally have any issue with "terrorist immigrants" and the media chats bullshit and really what the situation needs is more empathy, but could you not have found a less wanky way of saying that?
>not the libtard capital of the world
>implying you teafags wont be a 3rd world shit hole in the next few generations

Don't forget the NUS anon. You deserve it for your horrendous libfaggotry.
muhammad pls
Good riddance, I hope someone nukes us already.
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>tfw you went to, voted in and spoke at the NUS LGBT+ conference this year
Malmo has grenade attacks like every few months. GRENADE attacks. The place is fucked.
the fact that you think most black guys view whites degradingly implies that tho
Most do though lmao.
aren't those grenade attacks only targeting immigrants though? i thought it was either a gangs or neo nazis rather than an immigrants attacking swedes thing
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I am hoping saviour trump he will ban travel from EU also because caliphate of Europe terrifies me.
I hope Stockholm faggots get to taste their own medicine, they are SO intellectual and progressive with their liberal views. Let's see if multiculturalism is fun once you can't walk with your bf holding hands without some subhumans harassing you.
Funny how you're offended by that anon saying that a lot of gay black men have gross fetishes when it comes to whites but not white men having gross fetishes when it comes to asians. How's Jamal's dick in your mouth anons?

It's just immigrant gangs, mainly from the Balkans, having turf wars. There have been some cases of ethnic Swedes targeting immigrants in gun attacks but who can blame them?
Yes there are some far-right groups which are responding to violence with violence, and you get cycle of violence. This is the real face of multiculturalism.
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>tfw will never see nazi scum getting blown up by grenades and celebrate in the rain of blood of the wicked
that shit happens in manc or liverpool whenever theres a gang war going on
white british gangs just to be clear about it
citations pls
wouldnt say most white men have an asian fetish
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>tfw you will never take up arms with your white brothers and pulverize the middle east in Crusades vol.2
>It is the thirtieth explosive attack since the New Year

I can't think of anywhere in the UK where there have been 30 bombings in 6 months.

>“We [are witnessing] a raise of fascism and Nazism in Sweden
KEK. The moment someone uses the words 'fascism' and 'Nazism' is the moment you can disregard their opinion.
>wouldnt say most white men have an asian fetish

*nervous sweating*
>tfw get drunk with my roommate
>air con is broken so just chilling in our underwear
>noticed he's kinda cute, ignore the thought
>woke up cuddling each other

I'm not gay but why is this making feel so anxious and nervous? I haven't been able to look him in the eyes today.

What the hell do I do?
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not my thing. guys like kevin from game grumps make my heart melt though. look at this little dork.
>I'm not gay
Well he is and he drugged you and then fucked you while you were unconcious.
Jump his ass or confess each others feelings to each other
Just like in my cantonese moving pictures
Weren't there dozens of crusades?
it'd be like Crusades Vol. 22, Electric boogaloo.
Best crusade.

10/10 would bully for lunch money in a non-sexual way
Well yes but most people only know about the one in the middle east
>want ex back for a while now
>he starts contacting me again
>starts flirting again
>we meet a few times for coffee, talking etc.
>keeps touching me, flirting etc.
>tells me how sorry he is for everything later that night via text message
>feel like he's interested again
>next few days pretty much ignores me
>I ask him why he was flirting etc. if he just ignores me again now
>"i told you, just let me go!"

what the actual fuck
I didn't wake up with a sore ass or flaky face so I doubt it.

Those Mandarin cartoons are fake.
>tfw you will never go full rebel with nazi bf and protect what's left of your country
Wait that actually feels closer and closer to reality these days
Mind games, sir.
Don't sex with your ex


Malmo has turned into a ghetto of sorts since 1974, before syrian immigrants even were allowed to come there. In 2008... 86% of the Malmo population were immigrants from other countries with foreign ancestry according to Wikipedia. Why is Malmo suddenly a horrible place when it's always been a mecca for immigrants before any of us were even born? Has it ever not been shit? I don't think so.


>Malmo has grenade attacks like every few months.

Violence has always erupted in Malmo, long before syrian immigrants were welcomed there. They've had violent clashes and other things going on since the 90s because white Swedes have left the place for greener pastures and now immigrants make up the majority in Malo due to lazy swede who don't want to spend time out of their day showing immigrants love and educating them to be respectful members of society. The real issue isn't the immigrants it's the lack of CARING SWEDES who truly want to take time out of their day to help them rise out of the poverty mindset.

Yes, 86%+ of MALMO is immigrants. So yeah..they target each other.
You can't expect to give public housing to immigrants and expect them to find their way out of poverty or to not bring their poverty mindset with them. It doesn't work like that. They need caring individuals who're willing to educate them and treat them with respect and love.
merseyside has like 15 a year
manchester is worse apparently
idk there arent really any statistics police are pretty hush about it
not even mentioning NI which still has politically motivated bombings and shootings going on regularly.
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>tfw Bosnian-American drag queen

I'm half Serb, half turk, half trans, half burger
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>I'm polyamourous

>I'm loyal

Pick one, because you can't be both
me irl
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Slay a bit
>I'm not gay but why is this making feel so anxious and nervous?
It's making you anxious and nervous, and you're posting about it here, because you're a little bit gay. You thought you were straight so the fact you've experienced attraction to a man and been physically intimate with him is messing with your preconceived notions of identity, causing that confusing and angst. You're seeking to rationalise this away, but cannot.
No the point is these Stockholm/northern bastards have always forced immigration to south, and ignored the problems. And NOW they react negatively when it hits their area.
You could be in a trouple and loyal to them and only them
who else /doesnthavefeelings/ here
The media and political establishment has actually done a complete 180 concerning immigration and multiculturalism during recent months.

t. swede
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>Not saying you should be. I'm just explaining why you're probably going to find relatively few gay metalheads, because that's how people approach this sort of thing

You're pretty on point with that.
Nope, that only leads to murder suicide
Yeah because they heard that they would get asylum centers around their area. Hypocrites, all of them. They will call you a nazi and fascist til their own family is in danger.
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no the mainstream media loves muslims bc anti-white conspiracy da joos cultural marxism le le le regressive left
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leave britney alone
is it true Senpai & Buttslut have been together for 2+ years now, while pretending to not be. Two gay guys on here who can actually honor their relationship without becoming attention whores..imagine that.
i wanted to see pics with his black bf
no its not true or they would be shitposting about their relationship on here.

desu they both dont even come here anymore they are probally shitposting on reddit about their relationship
Also letting people drown themselves so they could get to Europe just to be disappointed. I don't blame them that this kind experience makes you just more bitter against western society, thanks to our so tolerant humanists who can't think of the consequences at all because they need to feel important on social media. Our governments should have done the same as Australia when they made clear from the beginning that the human traffickers are trying to steal their money and take advantage of them. A little kid could govern better than Stefan Löfven.
t b h I think it has more to do with avoiding a total political and economic crisis. The political establishment has always regarded multiculturalism as naive student politics (at least behind closed doors). Mass immigration has much more to do with local outsourcing imo.
prepare for incoming africans as the second migrant-wave, syrian route has been closed but afrcans are taking the libyan route now.
>tfw baba will never poz me up
Why even live
baba pls


cry moar
fuck off tranny
i just want a qt boy to cuddle with and watch qt animal documentaries together
why cabt i have dis
You should watch a documentary on ants, I saw one where they build a literal boat out of all the little worker ants to transport the queen downstream when it was monsoon season, really cool stuff.
did they die? D:
Nope, all of them lived, if I remember it right they all took it in turns being underwater.
a-are u qt
ants are fkn crazy
collectively as a colony they are probably like one of the most cognitively advanced organisms on the planet except not bc they are ants
i feel like they are going to organise against us one day if we start fucking up the environment too much
im watching something about baby spider monkeys right now tho its mega qt
>a-are u qt
I hope so
Ewww spiders are cool as hell but I can't watch a show on them, I get really fucked up when I see them.

Another cool thing I saw was a show about dung beetles, its hilarious, two of them had a fight over a piece of poop. In the end one of them literally picks the other one up and hurls him like a good four feet, then stole his ball of shit and ran away with it.
what the fuck
animals are crazy
That looks like Kimbra
me too ;-;
spider monkeys lol
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Humans are pretty crazy too
i thought spiders were gonna crawl out of his skirt sigh
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animals are great desu
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>That jump when the cameraman shits himself

Top lmao

legit tho Eurovision hype
>watching eurovision
anything non-germanic
>not watching eurovision
dont be picky thats the only pic i have fag
How do women always guess that I'm gay

I'm not flamboyant, i dont have a gay voice at ALL, i am kinda twinky and i dont talk about sports and cars and tits but otherwise there arent really any tells

women are all vile, sneaky witches
W-what does gaygen think of my bp?

pretty blurry but looks nice. how many times has a cock sized item been in your ass?
It's literally just a picture of an asshole. It's the same as those guys that post a picture of their dick expecting everyone to go weak at the knees.

It's a dick. Great.
Maybe you are more flamboyant then you think.
Women also pick up on little things, such as if you turn to look at other women as they pass by, your body language, if you look at their bodies, so on and so forth. If you are communicating no interest in women its pretty easy for them to add two and two together.
IMO the anus is the least arousing part of the body
They probably just sense you as a guy who's not potential partner
No, i'm pretty down to earth because i'm anxious, so i'm always pretty nervous about what people think of me so i stay pretty low key and try to act normal.

also I guess, yeah. I don't really pay much attention to women in that way, i just talk to them like anyone else. Frankly I find it weird that some straight guys don't, it's really gross and predatory.
There you have it. Instead of being the flamboyant stereotype you are more the nervous gay stereotype. They probably see you not checking out women and being anxious when guys come and talk to them.
There's a lot to being "straight acting" and "normal" than most gays think, if you want to be completely undetectable you have to study body language etc really fucking hard.
Sorry about the shitty potatocam but it's the only thing I got to camwhore with tbqh.
Umm zero times, actually.

What part on a man's body is the most arousing to you?
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pectoral muscles or forearms
I wasnt aware nervous gay stereotype was a thing.
does incompetency make your heart melt too?
>What part on a man's body is the most arousing to you?
Thighs benis or face
>no longer have a bf so stuck lurking grindr with the other ugly, lonely fags who i've seen on there for 4 years
w-where do y-you think writing like this came from?
I'm not going to lie, i thought that was just anime memes, MtFs or girls
probably from there as well, but I'm pretty sure theres a trope about nervous, gay, young men freezing up whenever guys talk to them and being a wallflower in general.
well, it's not like... all guys. Just like qts or sometimes openly gay guys that make me nervous


thats me tho
Maybe it was more of a 90s thing with skinny, nervous guys that dressed in oversized black sweaters and awkwardly didn't know where to place their hands that had to be "saved" by being led out of the closet by the female protagonist.

These days its just flamboyance and self-hating gays they use.
well that's your problem right there
had to look up. hes a faggy twink. what else is he supposed to date?
fat white neckbeards obviously
doesn't sound familiar but maybe its just me
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Does anyone know who the man in this gif is?
He's beautiful.
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i am a meme.jpg
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>look down
Are.... Are you watching me
just added jeremy corbyn on snapchat
yes 2016
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>What part on a man's body is the most arousing to you?

Calves for me.
What's happening here? I'm scared now.
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I posted my dick on here once just to prove a point against someone, and it got like 20 responses of people saying how hot it was, so... that's like, not true.
Just chillin in cedar rapids...
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Looks like an uncut dick sorta.
Less scary now, thank you.
is this hitler? you're imagining shit bro
No, it was like, a year ago.
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>being an impersonator of another drag queen
It's a Gorgonorhynchus, a type of ribbon worm. The white stuff is its proboscis, which is a specialised mouth part. Normally it shoots it out to grab a hold of snails, small fish, other worms etc. In this case it's throwing out its proboscis because it's freaking the fuck out because it has a hydrostatic skeleton that collapses when it is out of the water, so it's trying to do everything it can to get away from the current situation
Fuck you Baba, someone else already answered >>6040111
you AIDS whore.
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He barely counts as a twink. He's basically already a woman
>tfw post-short-haircut-depression

at least i wont get hair in my mouth at work though rite?
every boy needs a girl
every girl needs a boy
hold me
what about a gay couple? do they need to find a pair of lesbians to hang out with?
post new haircut
new thread:
no they just realize their love is fake and inherently meaningless split up and have a lot of slutty sex and then either die of aids or bc old celibates
duna dududud da da duna dududud da da GUNS OF BRIXTON
Gör du nåt ikväll? 8)

Also, are you into politics?
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