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/mtfg/ - Trans Gril General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 458
Thread images: 151

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Sick fetishistic hand holders edition

▶Informed Consent Providers: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/932389/Trans/Stepping%20Forward%20-%20Informed%20Consent%20Clinics.pdf
▶Trans Info Dump: http://pastebin.com/h1vLPxyV (embed) (embed)
▶Beginner makeup resources: http://masterposter.tumblr.com/post/116605714860
▶Size charts: http://www.americanapparel.net/sizing/default.asp?chart=womens.pantse_conversion_chart.php
▶Transition timelines: http://imgur.com/a/qWpxv
▶Voice Training: http://pastebin.com/dgipdsge (embed) (embed)
▶HRT info: https://web.archive.rg/web/0000000000000http://taimapedia.org/index.php?title=Hormones
▶Voice Help: http://webjedi.net/projects/lgbtq/speech-therapy/
▶Discord: https://discord.gg/0qFz5Shp1aVSTsTz
▶IRC: https://www.rizon.net/chat #mtfg
▶Tinychat: therapedungeon
▶Zeemaps: https://www.zeemaps.com/map?group=1843968
Id hold your hand
n-no homo tho
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How do we bully /yume?
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;- )
>tfw scared to tell pleb you want to be her gf
tfw no bf

fuck transbians

would hold these hands tho
call her fat xD
>tfw billions of years of random space collisions somehow results in my shitty existence
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>>come into therapedungeon, no bans right now
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by trying to bully her she's already won
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>not believing in a higher power and believing something sprung from nothing
Christ. Teach me.
when the scat fetishist leaves
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This is basically my timeline in reverse.
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do this
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I-I'd hold yours too, in a completely non gay way.

you went from grown-ass man to loli?
ur fat and stupid

and gay lol
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yes. HRT hit me really hard.
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don't sweat it, we are only a product of electrical signals contained in brain tissue and when we die we are gone from every level of existence ever, not darkness either, total and utter non existence
>tfw you will never transition into the little girl
BAD feel
>there are people in this general who will chastise me for my *past* taste in fetishes coming out of repression yet will proudly post this shit
the fucking hypocrisy, omfg
post timeline senpai
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Anon, its not too late to fix biological fuckups.
edgar just grosses me out, sorry
I'll take "shit atheists say" for 500 Alex
that's not my name, thanks
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way ahead of you

[spoiler]no I'm not sharing[/spoiler]
i believe theres no such thing as nothing, i believe everything sprang from everything. and the condensed everythingness that decided to burst into everything could very well be called god. i dont claim to know what it is. and now its all just acting out an epic play that we are all a part of.

yes true but why did the universe gain a conciousness only to hate itself and wait or nonexistence?
>[spoiler]no I'm not sharing[/spoiler]
you monster
OMG, I LOVE THIS, hahahhaa,
>garlic bread too
GOAT taste

also we just had pizza so idgaf
Its 100% truth. Where do you think your conscious lives? In some space server somewhere controlled by a god? No, we are all contained inside out fucking skulls made of calcium rock. We are living stones formed by chemistry and have a finite life span, there is no after life, we become like any other inert rock when we die.
I dunno, I prefer staying anonymous. If the authorities find out I live on my own they might not believe me, so a low profile is key.

Moral of the story: Testosterone fucking sucks
wtf is this shit? im a femboy

fuck this stupid fucking site
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I want to feed you cherry tomatoes and rub and kiss your tummy
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> [spoiler]no I'm not sharing[/spoiler]
Our consciousness comes from the soul, not from some moon rocks bashed together.

Also bones do not become rock, they are broken down eventually and generally plants grow on top of shallow graves etc. because the result acts as a good fertilizer.

Lose some weight so I can cuddle with you.
How far off is it on age tho
just blur out your face
What do you want to know exactly? How to train yourself to fit more inside of you? What lube to use to make sure you really feel stuffed?

Basic eggplay is really simple, google j-lube, its like 20 bucks for enough material to make gallons of lube. Give yourself a normal enema, then give yourself an enema with the j-lube. Have a few eggs, hard boiled and peeled, on hand, and once you feel ready just start slipping in. If you want advice on where to get different insects and what kinds to use you can ask that too.

I'd never mock or chastise somebody for their fetishes, there's nothing wrong with being turned on by something.
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>tfw getting $1k back from tax return
aww ye looks like ive got money to put aside for laser & electrolysis down the road. Or I can blow it on other shit i dunno
>tfw got my room assignment for next year today
>tfw feel bad those poor guys are gonna have to put up with me
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I fixed 3's mouth
whats the point of cuddling me if i was a twig? everyone tells me i am very cuddly :3
ur being dogmatic rn but i agree with you irregardless
coral have you seeeen michonne?
hurray for dogmatism
No need to be sorry. He grosses everyone out.
teach me how to gain weight
Yeah, it was, I hadn't started HRT and was living with my parents for a start. I'm allowed to grow as a person, you know, something you seem to be struggling with.
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Are we really doing this? I'm not sure where the best place to debate the afterlife is, but its sure as not a tranny discussion thread on a Rwandan Archery forum.
eat 2 pizzas a day with soda
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i literally just think of llamas with hats when u say this shit and it makes me burst out fuckin laughing every time cus i read it in the voice
im actually losing weight and have zero apetite, ive lost like 10 pounds recently

just eat every time u have the opportunity to, its not hard
b-but she started it!
>Also bones do not become rock

>eating more than half a meal per day

I wish I food wouldnt gross me out
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Go to McDonalds every day d e s u
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>literally just think of llamas with hats when u say this shit and it makes me burst out fuckin laughing every time cus i read it in the voice
Not really, similar but not literal rock. Or do rocks contain bone marrow? And cells and shit?
>Go to McDonalds every day d e s u
did this for a month and grew a cup size
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It doesn't matter who started it, i'm finishing it.
I actually did that while I lived in the UK for an internship for 6 weeks because
>british food
ended up losing like 4 kgs regardless tho
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oh idk then

food has always been a vice of mine
My family came home today and instantly started being jerks to me ): It made me realize how much they stress me out x_x I miss the peacefulness of not having them around. Who lives near ohio and will let me move in with them?
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just cus space and time as we experience it may not have existed before the expansion doesn't mean there was nothing

yeah everyone knows ur RLLY gonna go to magical fairy land where everyone lives forever and is together and happy despite any issues with the logic or internal consistency of it :^)

y do u need bread if u already have pizza?

>Our consciousness comes from the soul, not from some moon rocks bashed together
so do u think that brain damage just mess with the reception of the soul-signal?
Yes calcium is a rock, carbon is a rock, we are living rocks and gasses controlled by chemistry, not some fucking made up god. Humans made the idea of god up because they were too fucking stupid to know what the sun was. Jesus christ this is getting on my nerves. Stop being religious.
Nah, you're still into scat and vomit, you're gross son
haha yeah fair enough, probably enough mtfg for the night, it's like 2 AM
What a handsome group of men all talking on tc.
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Suddenly, bullets!
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but why limit your mind by ascribing to a specific religion? it takes the wonder out of life. im not saying god isnt real but i could never claim to KNOW such a thing. not knowing is part of the fun of being human. wondering is what we're best at. its what separates us from every other creature and piece of matter we've ever encountered.

i cant think of a better place for it

>a month
step up yer game kid. i used to eat 2 mcdoubles a day for like a year
At least it doesn't think you're Asian.
Is transition really right for everyone? I feel like some people just really don't have the genes for it, and if you're not going to pass and be stuck as some inbetween thing, like will that really make people happier?

Idk, I guess I'm asking if we should really encourage everyone to transition? maybe you're a guy and you'd be happier as a girl, but would you be happier as a guy or a hon?
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wow anon you're not like the other girls at school, you're so real and honest uguu
Come to the south.
I gotta rent out a room and I'm not looking forward to trying to find a roommate who's actually both tranny friendly and not crazy.
Unless you're crazy. Then nvm.
u do look asian now that i think about it....like 1/4th mongoloid
you're not asian?
Calcium is a mineral, not a rock. They are not the same things. Just like how calcium monoxide and dioxide are similar but not the same.

>we are living rocks and gasses controlled by chemistry

And we just magically exist because of a giant implosion/explosion/expansion? Kek

>stupid to know what the sun was

Kek, a shitton of inventions and knowledge were discovered by Christians

>Stop being religious

Why? Because it upsets atheist fee-fees?
when u get down to it all the materials we're built out of come from non-living matter
life is more about the arrangement of stuff in a specific mechanical pattern of function
>tfw not getting both
im not going to go on tinychat much anymore. there should be another mod or two.
>come to a more religious anti-lgbt region of the country
dont move to the south roomie anon, its terrible.
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>2 mcdoubles a day for like a year
I ate 5jr bacon cheeseburgers a day, 3 monster energy drinks, and 3 bottles of ketchup a week for 2 years.
get on my level
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>And we just magically exist because of a giant implosion/explosion/expansion? Kek

my magic > your magic
0 :^)
t. Every hardcore religious person
I cant handle so much affection
unless you mean both of elannas hands, then Ill wait until youre done, if youre a boy ;~;
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I once at Ice cream for breakfast when I was ten
>edgar is the most fem face in that picture
whats a way to distract myself that isnt drug use or self harm
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that's a cute pic
squishy is best >//w//<''
mine's always asian too idgi
theyre both drugs and selfharm at the same time
idk but let me know if u find out
depends on the part of the south
like 90% of it is shit but there are cities where nobody gives a fuck (i.e. New Orleans, Atlanta, Charlotte, Austin)
some people miraculously pass somehow
but a bunch end up necking themselves anyways
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the south is the best place in the "union" desu

jefferson davis not abraham lincoln
Perfect gif
>Kek, a shitton of inventions and knowledge were discovered by Christians
And a lot were discovered by pagans, buddhists, shintoists, muslims, jews. You could even say disproportionately so for jews.

A lot of them are also actively classified this way because atheism wasn't an acceptable idea. Because atheism, until the 18th century, was punishable by death in most of Europe, like homosexuality.

A lot of these scientists also lost their faith (I don't give a shit about inventors, applied techniques aren't fundamental research) due to understanding more of the underpinnings of the world.

>Because it upsets atheist fee-fees
I'm not upset by the fact that a 16yo know-it-all turns out to be a tard, we've all been there.
Eh its meheecan south. Anyone gives you trouble just hold em back with one hand while they take their swings.
>3 bottles of ketchup a week
u win
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A family member I very much dislike and would rather not see or talk to is coming to visit for a family function in a couple days. She ruined my life and I still can't think about her to this day without getting angry and wanting to kick her in the throat.
What should I do?
>some people miraculously pass somehow
>but a bunch end up necking themselves anyways
well we'll see
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Jogging. Jogging is awesome. Or watch sports.
>I am afraid of the great big void that is the universe and can only see the beauty in it if I am kneeling to an unknowing and unloving creator figure

*tips zucchetto*
kick her in the throat or avoid her
>kick her in the throat
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Its the best type of gif, the ones that aren't even gifs
Aside from my haircut, I don't see it.
Almost entirely Dutch and Irish ancestry. I am neon white.
Drown in music or books. Or drug use.
Kick her square in the fuckin' throat.
Because the scene in my my mind.. yes..
>life is more about the arrangement of stuff in a specific mechanical pattern of function
more or less yeah, certain lucky conditions with a high methane environment made amino acids, enough amino acids over time let to dna and bacteria and then on and on. But simply put, life is all a natural event triggered by special planetary conditions not in anyway orchestrated by some bearded man in the sky that was made up by frightened barbarians.

You are a sun worshiper, you believe in the oldest lie ever told, wake the fuck up and realize its all a cosmic game of chance.
squinty eyed
what games

preferrably something free, i dont want to spend more money than i already have
Unfortunately those cities are still bound by their state's laws, which aren't friendly to trans people and probably won't be anytime soon. Moving north is the way to go, I wouldn't even vacation in the south after living in peace.
That is literally what most atheists want - the vast majority of the world are religious. What happens is that over time narcissism develops among prosperous middle-classes and they abandon God, morality and common sense to worship themselves.
Dropping trip again Kayla?

>Because atheism, until the 18th century, was punishable by death in most of Europe

And even past the 18th century Europe remained steadfastly religious and still does.

>A lot of these scientists also lost their faith

(citation needed)
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>tfw you will never feed kayla tomatos and tomato accessories

What did you do to Amy Victoria?
>sun worshiper

Sigh... is this myth seriously still going around? I think even plebbit debunked this a while back.

>wake the fuck up and realize its all a cosmic game of chance.

So what came before the BB then?
I'm being honest. I was in construction and also riding for Monster energy part time doing motocross demos so I had pallets of energy drinks and there was a Wendy's down the street I would get lunch at in between loading trucks. I ate a metric fuckton.
just get a cracked version and reclaim the hagia sophia
This is such a hack fraud movie.
just don't use food to distract yourself or you'll end up fat like me
>watch sports
this tbqh
>Unfortunately those cities are still bound by their state's laws
Yeah I had to watch that "religious liberty" bullshit fiasco here. But at least Atlanta is sort-of insulated until the bumblefuck county rednecks try to force Jesus on everyone to try and drag Atlanta down to their level. If I can get a job in Portland or Seattle after I graduate I'll probably take it over an offer from the south
>That is literally what most atheists want
No,most atheists just don't give a shit.

The vast majority of the world being religious is meaningless when in some countries it literally just means "I do it to make my mom happy".

>Europe is steadfastedly religious
No, it's a fucking fantasy. Most of continental Europe's so-called religious people don't believe in god. Literally the only reason catholic church numbers are so high is because they count baptisms rather than believers. My uncle was raised buddhist and still officially counts as a catholic because of baptism under pressure.
>what came before the BB then?
Nothing. Spacetime did not exist. "Before" didn't exist.
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If she calls me by the dead name I told her I wanted when I came out to her again I may just. Though her super double chin will probably just absorb my foot.
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yea im kinda hungry now
>Most of continental Europe's so-called religious people don't believe in god.


51% believe in God, 26% are spiritual
>So what came before the BB then?
You know the big bang was because the bulk touched during a ripple. There are a endless amount of universes and an endless amount of life but none of it is controlled. Our minds just think that way because animals like to categorize things. Don't tell me you don't think you are an animal?
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>I want a demiurge to exist so fucking hard because the notion of a beginning scares me
I find it funny considering the abrahamic religions are pretty much wholly fueled by fear of personal death. Pre-abrahamic religions largely considered the end of the world to not be a thing, while the idea that the world might carry on and not fall apart without you seems to be a concept that scares christians shitless based on how popular dispensationalism is.
marry me

lets meet and rub ourselves in ketchup
Oh my fucking God no one cares
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absolutely disgusting
>Spiritual counts as religious
My grandmother counts as spiritual because she's an atheist who believes in fucking fairies, moron.

You can be spiritual without having a divine component to it at all.

Also taking Europe as a whole means that you're counting shitholes in Eastern Europe.
well desu I'm an AGNOSTIC atheist and while I go by our current scientific understanding for facts of what actually is I'm open to potential aspects of the universe that we don't yet comprehend
I mean there have been those who theorized how our "universe" could be an artificial "basement-universe" and u can't categorically say that there was absolutely no orchestration

there's no reason to assume a supernatural cause just because u want it to be the case and a natural explanation is hard to find but likewise it's very difficult to completely disprove supernatural forces, that's kinda the whole idea of them being SUPER-natural
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>lets meet and rub ourselves in ketchup
this is everything I have dreamt about!

- Points Gun -

Get on tinychat meow!!!
but to believe that you were created by random chance is to believe that you are no more important than the dirt you step on.

to believe you were specifically created by an all-knowing being with a plan for you is to believe that your existence has meaning. this seems more narcissistic to me

anyway sorry i started all this :)
>98% fem
>closest is a guy
nice site lel
Kayla stop replying to yourself as anon.
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dont ask dont tell
idk why i love how you look but i really fucking do
How even do you not boymode fail??
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>tfw you will never invited to a slumbler party with all of /mtfg/ wearing kigurumi

I'm not kayla, look at the timestamps
>but to believe that you were created by random chance is to believe that you are no more important than the dirt you step on.

And to believe that man is on top.

>to believe you were specifically created by an all-knowing being with a plan for you is to believe that your existence has meaning

And to believe that we are inherently flawed and are servants of the all-mighty God
having belief in a specific religion and accepting it as truth is incredibly arrogant and narcisstic

are you honestly deluded enough to believe that you were born into the correct religion out of thousands and thousands that have existed since the dawn of humanity?
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are you asking me? i already gave my opinion on believing in a religion >>5942820

to answer your question, no. i agree with you
>And to believe that man is on top.
This is a core tenet of christianity. Humanity is on top of everything but god.

While I think humanity is a primate with a few unique traits, including language, but essentially a hairless bonobo otherwise. So nothing really on top.

In fact we're arguably nothing near an apex predator, since humans are considered prey by some large predators.
I think it's breddy funneh when religious people point to "the power of prayer" with sick people as evidence that their's is the correct and true religion then get quiet and change the subject if u point out that ANY faith has that effect regardless of which religion is followed

Cyba are you gonna go back to the mens restroom soon?

>tfw you were raised with too many religions to be convinced that any of them is true.
wow u r pretty
>And to believe that man is on top.
where'd that come from? i literally believe that i am no more important than dirt or anything. everything is the same as everything, there is no "top"
just quoting both of you to enter the conversation

i am open minded enough to believe in some sort of higher power, and consider myself a spiritual person somewhat, but its just incredibly naive to choose
WHEN WILL THEY STOP THIS SHIT? Telling people what bathrooms they can use is fucking stupid.
ah gotcha
I love y'all~
you are good trips~
I didn't hook up with the rando guy on tinder! Almost did but didt!@!!! yay! less sex with regret for Red!!!!!!

I love y'all! have a nice day~!!!!

b-b-but... vote republican!!! DAE trump?
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y-yes but I am a girl too
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Are fur costumes warm inside?
Your first sex addict meeting you go to is going to be hilarious. I wish I could be there to just watch as you come to terms with all this shit you've done.
well this shit officially convinced me to not vote republican.
Do they want us trannies to walk into a crowded mens room in heels and with our cleavage showing and expect to walk out un raped? How can they enforce this? Its fucking unconstitutional.
TFW cant smother kayla in ketchup and bathe her in tomao sauc
realluy cute and nice bussiness girl you look nice!!!!!!!!

also I used to be a little altarboy for my catholic chuh and played violin in ensemble but then I be came a pagan and thennn I don't know what I ammmmm
Knowing you Miss Cock thats something you fantasize about and wish would happen.
Kayla, would you let me cum inside your butt?
>implying anyone here even looks female enough to use le womens
If you get told by the mens to use the womens then make the move
Nobody in their right mind would rape someone as ugly as you.
>walk into a crowded mens room in heels and with our cleavage showing
I'm agp and stuff like this never crosses my mind
>you get told by the mens to use the womens then make the move
What if you get told by men to use women's and by women to use men's?
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your hairs pretty wild, I like it a lot desu
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yes~!!!! toasty!but you feel cuteand nice!!
I'm not an addict!! shut up!!!!!!!!!! I can be good and pure! Its not my falut i sucked so much COCK!!!!

Truth or dare with my soroity sisters is prety fun tho!
use the disabled toilet and get told off for being a freak by a midget with gigantism in a wheel chair
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i think i drink too much coffee. im starting to make a habit out of having a second cup

Buy a gun and unload on them?
kayla is the bruce jenner of mtfg
>TFW cant smother kayla in ketchup and bathe her in tomao sauc
it really is the worst feeling
>a second cup
>thinks it's to much coffee
if I could I would slap your face
my parents are mildly religious but were very hands-off with my sisters and I and let us develop our own beliefs beyond basic moral stuff of "respect other people", golden rule, etc
we all turned out varying degrees of spiritual rather than strictly atheist or following any one religion

but yeah like I feel like it's too late for me to get into any specific religion at this point cus they all seem pretty equally believable to me so it's hard to imagine why one should be the actual ultimate truth

the closet I've come to real belief in a higher power is when I was on psychedelics and I take that with a veritable mine's worth of salt, I'm open to the possibility tho
I think it's reasonable for everyone to develop their own personal idea and belief of existence but yeah it's kinda silly to just pick one of the organised religions since they're all so obviously effected by human cultural bs
Kayla please respond >>5943006
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Yes, getting creampied is a dream of mine.

>If you get told by the mens to use the womens then make the move
then by your own statement I should but I ain't because I don't want trouble

I was just trying to paint a mental picture
try walking into a rest room looking like this and not geting raped and murdered
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>tfw you started too late for hormones to have any effect on your body
Won't happen. If you're that inbetween then one side won't give a shit. You'll just have to deal with the same social awkwardness you would get in any other social interaction.
but so much caffeine every day cant be healthy!
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>come into da room
Or maybe better yet, unload them in self.

Also who else is a pinkfag on their phone?
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>ywn have a bf/gf sing (speak?) this to you
I know that feel, girl or bro
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i wish my phone was this cute

idk how though
is edgar gone?
>the closet
lol, the closest, been drinking
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>there's no other place you can find so many young attractive and passing transgirls
Get SwiftKey keyboard pack, and then I use kakao messenger since I'm in Korea and download strawberry bunny theme. =)
kayla could you please show me you butt?
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Where you gonna go? Leddit? Susan's? Laura's? Lmao, not saying there are a ton here, but is there anywhere else that is publicly open with better? Pretty sure if there was we'd be there.
t-thank you

ill post results
>sucked so much COCK!!!!

don't you mostly date girls?
[spoiler]they hang out on other boards like normal people[/spoiler]
it true tho
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great I burnt my fucking pizza
at least I got cutting pizza down to a science
Hate when i do this.. damn pic
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Giving a shit about where other people shit is like the most autistic thing you can do
how do you do this
I'm sure it will be fine but where's the gallon of marinara to dip it in?
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>tfw memeochrome fag
>cutting pizza
Gotta taco that shit like a true degenerate.
Themes on samsung for me

what is this swiftkey pack? why do i need this

what does it do better than default android keyboard with swype
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but 4chan is better for my more passive style of online conversation desu

ooh i like the flowery keyboard

its a 2deep kind of feel

where da toppings???
that tiny ass pizza, pizza on butt and post pics!
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this is how i look
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you're gay lmao
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Picture of me 294.png
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literally me desu
that bunny is 3 feet long for comparison

>where da toppings???
toppings take away from the essence of a pizza imo

Yeah but I tend to eat it too quick that way

out of it, I can't keep it long enough, I am so bad with it I eventually smear it on toast
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Are we twins?
Fuck you just say about me, wanker?
>“Please honor the wisdom of longstanding policies and traditions that have preserved personal privacy and have kept our girls and women safe.”
why are republitards such republicucks? why do they put women above all else when it comes to lawmaking?

who the fuck gives a shit about women?
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did i stutter?
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Pizza cutting game on point
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>bf takes me out to nice dinners every chance he can
>bf buys me a bunch of panties and stockings and stuff and constantly is asking me for nudes
>bf is taking me ot paris in the summer
>bf holds my hand and kisses me in public
>despite all this when bf says i would pass easily if i just dressed more girly i refuse to believe him

at what point do you stop believing that everyone is hugboxing you whenever they say something nice about you? does this fear of being hugboxed ever go away? how do i make this stop?

pink sucks, i try to keep everything but my wallpaper some kind of black, grey, white, or gold. my actual phone itself is gold.

>those awful icons

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>republicans caring about women
seems like it
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r00d af.
at least all the "this is the future u chose" pics of ftms in bathrooms is breddy lol
Because i change themes every couple days. It takes two minutes
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so how's your life ?

I'll go first:

Jonathan Auric Patel
i am sick and tired of republicunts always using women as an excuse to push whatever batshit insane bill into law "bawwww can somebody pls think of wimmin and dem chilluns"

1. give women guns and mandatory gun training
2. castrate all rapists
you fucking retards

that's how you want to solve the bathroom issue, not banning transgender bills jesus f. christ
H-hi Kelly
>posting your full birth name on the internet
No thank you' even my Facebook isn't my real name.
>that background
ive always loved that purpley pinkish sunset mountain color palette. one day i want to decorate a room using those colors
Hello qt pookie
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I feel like this is a huge dox risk, also if I post my deadname anyone who gets mad at me will call me it.

this is one of the guys who started this bathroom shit and just fucking look at what he said. Its like they want to make these laws for themselves, its fucking crazy.
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well you know you can download icon packs for free and it will change them all for you and its all consistent and looks nice right?

having more than one theme for your icons is the worst and just looks bad. imagine how disgusted someone would be if they picked up your phone and saw that.

hi pajeet, did you remember to poo in the loo today?

its mt fuji. its the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in person. very good shit.
jonathan is a pretty cute name desu
U guys all have cool themes mine's just the default IOS one :((((
H-how has ur day been o-o''
Ian Douglass Smith
Boop 2
I like this one
I cant be this serious about things i change constantly. Other things to be anal retentive about.
I know your old name, Pookie, it's Abrahamaham Rumboldt, you can't fool me
It's not a deadname yet bc I still have to use it ;_;
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Cuckabee is a fucking wackjob. Dudes legit insane. I don't follow politics at all, but I know who this weirdo is.
Why am I the best look trans girl here?
It's actually my current name bcus it's gender neutral heh......

u kno what tho u got me
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>tfw ur going to see yume and gem again
mike huckabee is a fucking faggot nigger retard

he would be the first one to be castrated
Eh, cleaning and watching ink master marathon because boredom.
Hi rawr.
can someone please give me one reason why I shouldn't kill myself on friday
>two creepy men and an effeminate fashionable elderly gentleman.exe
I ain't that ugly bald monster
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Is this a background thread?
Cause friday is the best day of the week? what a shitty day to kill yourself.
suicide is never an option
but he gets people all against us using flat out fucking lies, he should be sued for libel

You know taking a T blocker makes me pee like every 30 min so what the fuck am I going to do when I go full time around August? Am I going to piss my panties all because some fucking creepy ass old fat balding man thinks his wife is going to be raped by a tranny with a non functioning dick in the ladies room? Do all old men thing trannies are perverts? What the fuck.
>tfw conservitards don't realize there has never been laws enforcing bathrooms
>tfw conservitards still don't understand sexual harassment is a crime in and of itself.
dang that's pretty cool, when did you guys meet charlie sheen?
oohh sounds pretty relaxed, What's ink master?? Is it cute ??
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you try being called 'jonboy', 'little johnny', 'jizzpot', 'gayjay' and 'who are you?' when growing up u heartless cunt
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pan can i just text anyone with kakao on this or no? i cant seem to figure out how to text
cheska unban me i'll zuck ya dick i promise
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Dang the roasting in here is brutal tonight
*chuckles nervously and pulls at collar*
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I'm the pride of Roast Britain
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how do u guys even see your apps with those backgrounds

also why do you have an app folder button on the dock if you have like 40 different apps in groups on the home screen.

im a user experience design major and this is triggering me sorry
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The one good thing about Kathlynne Wynne (The leader of Ontario, where I live) is that she's pro-trans rights, so i'm lucky that all be able to shit in peace when I go full time this summer. Still, it fucking sucks what these crazy republicans are doing in the states, it really pisses me off.
not yet, I just got it and haven't finished fucking with everything
passers, check your easy-mode privilege
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Y'all better be nice to Yume.....OR I WiLL HURT YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Kaylee. Original girl name I chose but now its tarnished by life events and only pisses me off whenever I hear certain people still call me it.
I dont even care about my boy name because I've always hated it and I've never been that person anyway.
I want to rape Mike Huckabee in the men's bathroom
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at work atm
I have to wear a name tag with my boy name on it. If people don't see it I get gendered correctly.
nope, and our governor said he is going to veto it.
I screwed up so it hasn't been cooperating today.
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>wanting to suck that
fuck it would be so much easier to tuck if mine was like that
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I cant get over how adorable it is that Maddie puts her hand on the person next to her in every group pic I've seen her in. You're such a fucking girl Maddie.
Bunyard Coopin
>I used to be a little altarboy for my catholic chuh

Uh oh....
sup, nu-females?
I'm scared of penises, couldn't ever handle sophie's
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do i trigger you
Hello darkness my old friend
Will you wear a fake beard to do it? That's the important thing I think.
Didn't that album get like a light 4 from melonhead or something?
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Hello memes my old friend
okay one last confession brfore I go sleep off the drugs im on

I'm not sure of my place in life and seeing people succed much more at my age and not being a druggie degen whore like me is making me think of suicide. There's only a 50/50 chance at best i get into grad school....im so dum.....what am i even living for.
Yeah then I'll take it off and say "Hello Mike" and with that I am going to push him against the wall and start thrusting
I didn't mean to offend you, im sorry
my dog just died
>in the department store with a friend
>"do you ladies need any help?"

this is like the second time I've passed in public. granted, it was while looking at women's clothes, but I'll take it.

hope all of your days are as wonderful as mine!
>tfw no femboy bf with puffy nipples and a small boytinkler
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I feel really bad for you :'x
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That's awesome! Nothing feels better than when you pass.
now that doge is dead who on earth will have sex with you??
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i don't really watch antwon fantwon, sorry.

i only really want dead end hiphop
Jail break your phone
Lemme zuck ya dikk
Have fun at work though
The solution is death my friend.
Suicide pact?
hows that triggering
holy FUCK lol there is no way this is fucking real haahahaha
Your meltdown thats going to happen sooner than later is going to be glorious. A true thing to witness. Who in your life will still be by your side when its all over? Who will reveal themselves to be your actual friends and who will drop you without a second thought? Only time will tell.
I'm really bad at this sort of thing, sheen, but here goes.

Selfish: Don't kill yourself on Friday because I have testing for a really great job on Saturday and I'll be too depressed to perform.

Less selfish: I think you're getting better. I know it's not fast enough for you, and it's so fucking easy to backslide, but you're getting better, and you're just a moderate success from getting the confidence you need to leverage that into getting the rest of what you're after. You're a really tough girl; if you can take any more of it, try just a few more times to make your life better. I think you've got it in you.
its a messenger app, haha, you add other people that use kakao, nobody texts in my country like, korea leapfrogged texting for internet messaging app, kakao.
r.ip. kayle's doge
1432 - 2080

you will be yiffed
im not offended i just like to pretend i am, my dad wanted to call me Provastian Garibond Patel because he liked science fiction but my mom thought i was going to be a girl and was going to call me Brighty Patel, but i was born a herm freak so they settled on 'Jonathan'. it was the 80s idk
>t. neet who never tried anything
People try to do big things, they fail, they get back on their feet.
Anyone in LA want to get me weed?
*gives weed*
I'm not going to listen to whatever that link is but assuming you're not just making this up too then I feel for you. I've lost a couple pets and that shit hit me hard. Especially since I loved them so much and they're some of the only things to ever love me.
no weed 4 hons m8
literally just got my card renewed in venice senpai
Oh...I'm not going to look, but my condolences. They really help ward off loneliness. They make alone softer.
dogmeat is a shitty companion

No one needs weed more than a hon. I will be there Thursday.
one less thing tying you down in cali
i took bad care of my pets and i still feel guilty for it
more than i miss them really
makes me scared of having a pet
OMG I will be right there. I so need a hook up. I heard there was a place in Venice that would sell to non residence but it got raided.
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Hey everyone I'm a faggot
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top kek
hey hey cute

hows you been?
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b-but idk if Iwanna
how r u
sausage boy in panties, vol. 1
take that back, youre only queer
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transbian with high standards here

yume = ugly boy
maddie = ugly man
faye = qt 3.14 10/10 waifu

you know i'm right
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red found dead.png
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>anons are right
We know you're a tard
I guess
but she was my baby, she was 15 years old as of Sunday. I got the call from mom at the vet, I didn't get to say goodbye though and its eating me up inside. I'm going to go get black out drunk now and listen to freebird.
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Kek that was hailey
Heyy, I've been alrighttt. Life n stuffs
PPOOOOKKKIIIIEEEE!!! I've been alrigghhty about to leave so we can talk when I'm homeless!!
That is horrible. So sorry.
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Tinychat : therapedungeon

get in here
trip on edie O>o
You're an ass. They all look adorable in that pic. If all a bit camera shy in their own way.
Homeless?? What pls no. I hope you're okay Mado :((((
i wish.
>tfw a transbian insults
Top fucking kek
arent you staying at yumes?
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Well, i'm done shitposting for tonight. See y'all tommarow
kayler should follow the doge tbhonest
fayes is looking masc
but I'm a masc too, but in a dress :(
he was probably kicked out of the tranny house for not paying yumetaxes
>hon with a wrinkly old man's forehead has no rebuttal
Kek thanks autocorrect. Just home
i would fuck you if I wasn't afraid of people
>thinking that anon warrants a response or bothers me
S m h
Omg u scared me wtf.....
aaa glad you're not homeless l-lol
take care Mado !!
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Who here isn't?
well it should because you are starting to appear as another delusional hon from susans who got his "sisters" to tell him how anons are just jelly and how much he's pretty
Really inappropriate, Anon. We don't need more trans girl corpses - there are too many already.

I feel for your loss. I hope you're able to mourn as much, and as you need.
You're right but tripfags won't admit it
i'm a straight man desu
Hey I'm going toadopt you as an emotional companion. Like my dog.
can you post the actual purple version of that bg?
>tfw anon gets upset that ur not upset
so you had her since you were 10, I'm sorry Kay
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Got put on shots today.
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You, you...you STRAIGHT GIRL! Why don't you go have het sex with boys?
i will pay someone 5$ to help me rice my phone to be super kawaii desu
>being a straight man
>on estrogen
Nah, ur still a massive massive fagg0rt :^)
It's ok, we all are

Fuck yeah, I always wanted someone to treat me like their pet :D

Don't be silly, I'm just a confused gay man

i will pay you $5 to let me put my peepee in your butt
i want to be both... what does that mean...
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make it 20$ and let me see if ur cute and u have urself a deal
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i was born on estrogen, you merely adopted it
You're a lot lonely and a little horny.

Pfft. Yeah. You a man. Pull the other one.
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to build up my presence as riceanon I must blend in with the other trips. I shall post pics of anime girls.
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you're fucked in the head cyrus
you're fucked in the head.
Faye is the ugliest as a female out of the three but a hot dude

yume is a pretty girl and ugly boy

maddie is meh in either gender
yeah i guess...

forgot trip

Gem, let me fluff your butt.
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no wait>>5943419
Well now you've got it
>No yume to take turns flogging and choking a qt
Why choke a bitch at all
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Woof, it's so amazing here in heaven. Wish you were here.
We could be together again
You know what to do
how often did you do butt stuff with Jormy?
yume do you bite
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I'm curious as to what having me as your pet entails. What's feeding time? Do you use leashes?

>tfw an estrogen adopter

Pull what other one? o.o
I'm a manly man if there ever was one. Feel my guns.
i'm a tranny bane because i have a funny voice and im a big guy and i like abusing steroids that make me swole and stupid as fuc
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butts can't be fluffed silly

that doesnt even make any sense
This is maddies mom. She killed herself last night from all of ur bullying. Her last words were "see you in hell Kayla". Anyway I thought some of u might like to know
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in what context
did you want to choke me or choke someone with me
Finally tbhon
Man you hons should fuck off. Kayla annoys me as much as anybody else, but don't kick someone while they're down.
hi maddie's mom why dont you return my calls no-one else can fit their whole head inside my vaginal canal like u do, life feels empty without u, literally
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i am okay with this
everyone get in tinychat pls
lewd context
my mom is maddies mom and I can confirm that she said this
Might have to spread it out to several, only one might not make it.
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if the other person lets me and i'm really passionate with them, yes
let justice be done

people who dont like biting are weird
Uhh >.> last person who bit me got head butted in the face. I like causing pain, receiving just pisses me the hell off.
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You get the fuck back to life, Maddie. I'm relying on you to get your PhD in dicks to bring the light and the love of penis into this tinkler and vag-benighted land.

Would I did that your guns are smooth and hairless, with soft, silky skin? Could I follow them down to very manly, manicured hands free of calluses? If I closed one of my hands around one and gently rubbed my thumb along its back, how manful would be your fidgeting and blushing?
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smug anime girl (7).png
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i love biting and giving hickies and triggering asmr

ive become a lot less passionate over the years though
wowie what a domme
everyone get in tinychat
everyone get in tinychat
everyone get in tinychat
everyone get in tinychat
everyone get in tinychat
Lol not in Domme mode at that point. Pissed off bitch mode. Domme mode im pretty emotionless.
ooh i love asmr

whispering and gentle touching in tickly places is especially nice
mommy can't cum.
>making fun of someone who lost their dog

Wow, you are a price of fucking shit.
For someone who has a so-called PhD, you got like you're 10
domme bcus u like causing pain xd
:( do a better job for mommy then
yeah i love doing that to people. the only thing that makes me feel anything anymore is being on the receiving end of that affection and passion though desu
:'- (
i am mommy.
ew no never
o-ok mommy
being switch is the best
Its all about the control. Ive had non-masochistic subs and feel just as good.
>If I closed one of my hands around one and gently rubbed my thumb along its back, how manful would be your fidgeting and blushing?
S-stop that, I'm a boy I swear!
tfw you're not sure if your sorority sisters are fetishizing you or they're normally touchy feely and nice and asks weird questions to their sister
When i said companion i wasnt really thinking of pet play and fetishes...my thought was more i bring you everywhere i go to help myself cope with anxiety and i rub your tummy and give headpats and hugs and cuddles when I'm sad to cheer up...
Reds going to get gangbanged by bisex college girls now. Film or it didnt happen :p
Oohh that makes sense >u<

Please do not bully my [spoiler]gf[/spoiler]
they ask weird stuff like "have you done anal" when they know I'm the only sister to have done that...or always talk about my legs or compliment me on them and my body. Theres also times where I feel hands in unexpected places.
What the fuck is going on in here

and why are you all such huge sluts

i understand wanting attention but holy shit. show some fucking dignity and stop having sex piles and threesomes every week
>qt nerdy sorority girls will never feel you up and gangbang you and use you as a sex toy

Oh ok, well I'm also down for that, I may have misunderstood your intentions. I have it on good authority that I react very positively to belly rubs :3
Maybe if you went to school instead of mooching off people?
Are you really Maddie's gf???

I wish school was really like that desu
they're my sorority sisters....they always want to do nice things!!!! I like being a sister and partying with them and being happy~!
Way to casually drop that anon would be getting my headpat and belly rub sloppy seconds. That's a topic you should really bring up tactfully in private.
>implying it isn't
You missed out Gem.
Its okay I have enough purity to go around.
I wish I made friends in college ;~;
I will take those sloppy seconds. Gib bell.
That'd be interesting if it did actually occur
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